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Scenario: Melbourne Car World

Part 1 Revised Policy and Procedures for Customer Consultation

Revised Policy and Procedure for Customer Consultation

Melbourne Car World customer consultation policy and procedures

The main objective of the policy is to manage the contracts

Purpose of the clients continuously, honestly and clearly with
relevance to the guidelines of the organization.

Covering the contracts of the clients and managing them

Scope properly through the workers and staffs is the main scope
of Melbourne Car World policy.

All the particular methods of execution has been

mentioned in the following document.

The workers and staffs of the Melbourne Car World has

Responsibility the responsibility of executing the necessary policies and
client contract management.
 1988 - Privacy Act (Cwlth)

 2004 - Occupational Health and Safety Act (Vic)

 2010 - Equal Opportunity Act (Vic)

 2010 - Competition and Consumer Act (Cwlth)

Relevant  ICSS:2010-2014 - The International Customer Service

Legislation, etc. Standard

 Amendments for complaint management for the

Organization (ISO 10002:2004, MOD) - AS ISO
10002 - 2006 Customer Satisfaction

 Code of Practice - Victorian Automobile Chamber of

Commerce (VACC)

Cameron White CFO - 02/2012
Serving customers

1. All the clients taking up the dealership within the initial five seconds must be
accosted by the staff. All the telephonic needs must be replied to within the first five
seconds. Accosting a client while you are engaged with another client is a significant
action. Accosting can be done by the following actions:

 Grinning and nodding while looking at the client.

 Signaling them to wait and you will be there shortly.

2. Use appropriate methods to approach the client when you are free. The methods

 Grin

 Maintain a mutual gaze

 Acknowledge them with their names if you know it

 Greet them properly if you have already seen them before at Melbourne Car

 Always initiate a conversation by telling your name, if you have not seen them

 Always initiate a conversation, if the client is not asking for assistance

 Converse with an enthusiastic voice

 Be attentive while assisting the clients

3. Make sure that you are relevant while welcoming the clients:

 Accost the client's call/visit

 Welcome with a proper grin

 Keep a mutual gaze while conversing

 Initiate a friendly conversation

 Acknowledge the existing clients

 Initiate a discussion
 Be enthusiastic while conversing

 Always give your undivided attention

4. When a client visits the place along with their kid, discuss the kid-friendly store
principles briefly, and recommend the infant care service if they prefer. Give the kid a
toy car to play with.

5. While determining and complementing with the demands and needs of the client,
make sure that:

 You listen attentively

 Provide with a certain verbal cue

 Use rephrasing

 Make mutual gaze whenever needed

 Allow the client to speak

 Inquire about things that are relatable

 Write done the important details about the clients (for future use by the managers)

 You must have proper knowledge about the new characteristics, costs and so on
of the products

 You must a thorough knowledge about the client account report in relevance with
the market

 Mention the latest data about the products

6. After all the negotiations and learning about the client’s needs and demands,
provide them with an encapsulated offer package.

7. Make sure that the client has his full assent.

8. Briefly explain to the clients about their primary privileges and culpability which
consists of the guidelines of Melbourne Car World Privacy Policy.

9. Realize the order of the client as settled:

a. Discuss with the strategic managers to realize the orders as mentioned in the
Melbourne Car World Procurement and Referrals Policy

Adventure Supplies 03 7878 4334

Bars Are Us 07 6745 7890

Car Universe 03 8529 0643

Gorilla Bars 03 6549 8764

Universal Roof Racks 03 3456 7891

International Towing Equipment 03 9876 5430

XYZ Childcare 03 9996 7645

OZ Cars Customizers (non-standard modifications) 03 7865 3988

10. Request the client to take part in the client assistance response questionnaire.
Always help the client to complete the questionnaire form.

11. Cite the preferable non-standard improvisation and modification dealers to the

12. Apprise the clients about their organizational responsibilities.

13. Always discuss the procedures transparently.

14. Keep transparency while explaining the organization's policies.

Maintain proper storage of all important documents and reports of the clients and
submit them to the managers in relevance with the Privacy and Record-keeping

Part 2 Written Report (1-2 pages)

Written reflection on the below processes in addressing customer needs and

manage networks to satisfy customer needs:

a. Provide a brief explanation about the process that you might implement as a
manager to motivate the employees to take part in the data collection and networking

 Firstly, I would create connection both external and internal through using
professional the expertise of the organization and help in increasing the
information required to perform the functional activities of the organization.
 Secondly, I would like to encourage my subordinates and other employees to
create a strong network of information to collect relevant knowledge about the
organization. I would also provide them with networking classes so that they
could learn from the best.

 Thirdly, any employee or subordinate who performs the best networking

management functions will be appraised for his or her innovative skills.

b. Enlist any two professional organizations and any two information sources which is
relevant with car sector.


J.D. POWER Website.

For almost about 50 years, it has been the

leading benchmark in the car industry. It
has been the most entrusted and
acknowledged entity to find solutions
related to automobiles and satisfy the
client’s demands by fulfilling the highest

CAR CRAFT Magazine

It is a leading magazine for the cars, their

features, drag racing and such other
topics. It is published by the TEN, which
has created a sensation among the car

c. Enlist to Australian car modifiers for the clients to contact, negotiate and conclude
accordingly (perform a thorough study over the internet and briefly describe to such
example of the modifiers)

 Car Mods Australia (CMA)

CMA popularly known as Car Mods Australia is a phenomenal car modifier.

They are recognized global dealers and retailers and work for 200 brands
approximately and have more than 250,000 products for the Melbourne Car
World. they also provide full client service for any kind of automotive parts.

 Auto Extras
Auto extras are the leading experts in the modification of all kinds of
vehicles whether family cars, individual cars, and others. they provide
customized modifications for every individual and also strive to fulfill their
personal requirements. They take the responsibility for the full installment of
the modified parts.

d. A brief description of why the above-mentioned examples are priceless for the
Melbourne Car World.

The above-mentioned modification entities are priceless for the Melbourne Car
World, as they could be potential partners for their clients. They could help and
suggest their clients about personal preferences about modifying the already bought
vehicles from Melbourne Car World. They believe in prioritizing the client's safety of
privacy as well as their satisfaction. Some of the clients feel reliable on the listed
partners of the car company. Therefore, to maintain such confidence of their clients,
the above-mentioned examples are significant for our company.

e. Mention any two virtual methods to build, reserve, and recover client's data.

Google Drive

Google drive is the most beneficial virtual storage platform for digital
information. It stores data in the web or cloud platform which can be easily
retrieved from anywhere through any device whether it works on Android or iOS.

CRM or Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management can be used as a tool to manage the client

contract and relationship with the company. It helps in maintaining personal
contact with the client as well.

f. A brief description of the ways to maintain efficient communication with the

consumers on a regular interval.

Social platforms
To advertise and promote important details like offers, personalized tips for the
client tale, lucky draws, discount coupons, and others can be easily shared on
social platforms to create communicative network with the client.

Post-sales service like text or messaging the client through the service phone
numbers is the a most convenient method of communicating with them.

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