SRM Report Ares Mission Spacecraft v2210.20

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wrrwie >" REPORT: ARES MISSION SPACECRAFT Assasin SASvancrsnm Po anor DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 Forwarp My contribution te this project would not have been possibie without those who came before me. Mainly CaptShade. whose orignal drawings laid the foundation for my work by providing: me the figurative and itersi tools for my own creative output. Nichodo, who was 3 big help in Creating aft and ventral views of various components. FlevancheFM, whose ideas and drive Relped me get a ittle more creative and better et something I realy anioy And mast defintely Neale "Vance" Davidson. whose enormous volume of work got me interested in dong this in the first place, and for inspiring us el ~ Acrasi First as always. thanks to Adres Since partnering with him, Ive taken some great artwork and added some context to It Hels realy alowed ma to scratch my writing itch, to the pant it Sometimes bleeds, but stil feels On-So-Good Next up, of course, Ig Timo Sialoniemi, whos work Ie been folowing for eround two decades and | grestly respect. The ertwork in these "Starship Recognition Manuals” are 57% based upon ihe ones he describes textualy in his Grand onus, the "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet and ts Pstory and 3% derivad from What he has inspired in us. = RevencherM ‘Adaitional reports may be found at; stershiptrecker com/daltedynamice Creors ADRASL: Al imagery (unless otherwise credited) ‘www DevientArtcom/ Aras FE\ANCHERM, all writing (unless otherwise credited) ww DevientArtcom/RevencherM NEALE VANCE DA/IDSON/JAYNZ; Project & cover concepts ‘wwwDevientArtcom “TF Vanguard dlaynzFelshigeorg STAR TREK OESGN PROUECT; Source of sponsor icons: ‘www SterTrekDasignProject com TIVO SALONEME Author of "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet", the inspiration for these ‘GAM. A direct ink to his Google Drive may be found an most deviations in RevencheRMis gallery CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Fahadyen Sastrowsrdoyo ARES SERIES: “‘Gniginal ingpiration from: Ster Trek: Voyager (One Smal! Step’) = Incorporated perts from: CeptSnede Note FROM THE WAITING EDITOR ‘These ships do not sways exactly match the specifications Timo provides in his technical section for each ciass. as [ve adapted them in ways thet alowed them to fit bit better with the guidance provided by the starship construction rulas in Steven Longs "Spacedock” Ive iso changed some dates sround when | foun them in conflict with other Information Tima has provided: These two books grestly inform my ONN Bighe-canon end | urge you to look Up both cniine. a6 offered tree by their respective authors. (Links to bath are provided on the Delta Dynamics site) Lame teian ers enti 2 Deas ee aa SE ES SS” lps aber gis sod aera ot hurt bat Pea ha be ents fo rar we wibre ar Fame O ‘io DELTA DYNAMICS Pc coe AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 ConTeNTS ARES MISSION SPACECRAFT PG 0201 CLASS TIMELINE PG 0301 SHIP COMPARISON GUIDE PG 0303 GLDeSarY PG O304 SPONSORS: PG 0307 OTHER PUBLICATONS PG 0308 Po ozo DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 ARES CLASS ‘s > I i carecory OPERATIONAL: CONSTAUCTED: DIMENSIONS: LENGTH BEAM HEIGHT mass: PERFORMANCE: MAX ENOURANCE: COMPLEMENT CREW: MISSION SPACECRAFT 2o30 - 2032 5 TACTICAL: sseM = VARIABLE EM FIELD 785 (W/O LANDER) sasM 162 M [W/O PANELS) os0M 205 M (W/O PANELS/FOD) 1360 MT AUXUIARIES: ors = 1% MARTIAN LANDER 4. MONTHS = 1x ESCAPE POO = 1X MARTIAN ROVER (OPTIONAL) 3 DELTA DYNAMICS Po o2c2 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 ARES CLASS AUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING SHIPS OF THE ABOVE CLASS WERE AUTHORIZED @Y THE INTERNANONAL SPACE AGENCY. IN COLLABORATION WITH THE US. NANONAL AERONAUTICS ANO SPACE ADMINISTRATION, USNS ANKUR (ARES 1 USNS TOHIL (ARES IV} USNS MANGALA (ARES i) USNS COIN (ARES V) USNS GUAN YU (AFES tl) NOTE: THE SHIPS WERE NAMED AFTER THE EGYPTIAN, HINDU, CHINESE. MAYAN, AND NOASE GOODS OF WAR. RESPECTIVELY. GENERAL INFORMATION “Taking plece slongsice the ongoing Aphrosite and Aventeur programs, the Ares series of missions was ISA's inal (but long delayed) attempt to reassert humanity's presence upon Mars. While there was @ general consensus that the planet needed to be revisited. the “wher” wes Up for debate: the fal of the Great Khanate in 1555 certainly resulted in the complete loss of al fe fn the planet, but there was stil concern about (nen-evidert) automated defenses that might result in 8 mission loss. After @ number of fly-bys by probes reminiscent of the md- end lete-20y century, there was enough interest to finally tung an intecnationel effort, though limites in ecope. There was considerable concern in @pencing copious amounts of finite funding on a major effort just to Sse It fall to Khan's fel fils rom the afterlife. Instead. a more tracitorl explorative series of missions would be Conducted end then. if those demonstrated mission security, efforts would be re-evalusted. ‘The joint ISA/NASA Ares spacecraft were, ae with the Apolo program sik decades eartier, comprised of two primary vessels: one 8 cirect-ascent intresystem propulsion system end the other the planetary descent vehicle. The first. generally referred to ae the command mocuie, was in reality self defned by three spaciic modules: laboratory. habitat. and engineering. The Ia was the Smallest But rot Imited to Simply scientif Inquires. as ft hac the cocking/airlock: jSssembly. orbits! mission cockpit. and scienthic Compartment. with direct access to the ets from the externally-mounted LIOAR end trans-spectral imager. Connecting the habitat module to the forward one was the communications trunk. which comprised S59 of the mission's transceivers, fe well es the docking port wih the crafts sols escape pod A medium-sized communications Gish on & S60 /80-degree extendable gible was suspended on the ventral side. The habtst module Nad all of the expected amenities for supporting tne multiple weeks of round-tnp transits, including sleeping & dining arrangements, eerese and madical bays. and shower & toletry feciities Srnging up the rearmost secten wes the enginserng module, defined not simply by the two-nozze Ion drive. But eiso by the two prominent soier panels thet served 8s 8 Secondary means of recharging onboard battery systems. A manewerng thruster array ringed the Secton, cirectly aft of the habtet module, ‘The second component was @ direct relation to the Apolla lunar module, though fer sturdier and with the eblity to support excursions for up to S Gays (extendable to greater lengths when Paired with prepositioned life support hardware) This single-stage Merten Lander also included an undersiung cargo bay for a rover or other materials. Sleeping arrangements ware Fecognizabie to any User of hammocks on Earth, win rucimentery talatry {and ne shewer) tecilties, Extended stays would be predicated either on hardy explorers or adaitonel equipment pre-positioned to support the feciites expected, such as laboratory, habitat. and power functions Generally. he lander was not equipped to transport to orbit ary cargo other than the Wwe Grewmembers, unless refueled curing the surface leyaver. ‘The program went operational with Aras | the USNS Anhur commanded by Verna Mitrios in May 2030. Intending to have human boots on the ground for only two days, the mission was designed {o force-tast the relabilty of 2 remote crew and thelr vessel by launching and celwering them wen Earth end Mars were on nearly opposite sides of Sol. Though the risk wes nothing to dismiss, there wos litte concern for the mason. es the craft Gesign had decades of use behind it ‘communication beacons weuld enéure Uninterrupted signals, and the ion drive=while not Rerfected-was trusted Like all such-equipped vessels of the age, the engine's greatest attribute of spead was not in question: instead It was more of an Issus of acceleration The transit from Earth to Mars, at 3766 millon kilometers. could technically be echieved in just under two end & half hours. Since that would leave the Crew es a red paste wit thin consistency on the aft cockpit bukhead-the inertial dampening fed was stll 5 years away Irom operational releasa-the circuitous route Ps o203 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 around the system's star was planned with a transit of 235 days. This was for the purpose of steady increases in velocity. so es to not incapacitate the three crewmembers. The effort was fan indisputable success. with the femous first-step statement by Mitrios (in collaboration ang peace. Humankind conquers the God of War] broadcast from the surface of the Fed Pisnet to the entranced people of Earth ARES CLASS GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Four other missions were siresdy in the development phase when Ares | took off. USNS Mangala (Ares I) stayed for one week on the surface in early 2031, conducting additonal equement| function tests, Mid-2032 saw USNS Guan Yu [Ares ll staying for three waeks. presenting and testing base longevity hardware. Unfortunately. USNS Tohi-Ares IV, commanded from orbit by John Kelly-cid lead to @ major mmission falure, though fortunetely not of all Nands. USNS Odin (Ares V) was launched early to recover the two planet-side estroneuts end though no sign of the Tohifs commend capsule wes ‘ever found (before 2376), confidence was high that the Augments were not responsible. Following @ delay for a proper investigation of all data and telemetry. ISA reported the lass of Ares IV wes an “unknowable nadent end clearad the wore for furiner governmental arc ‘commercial exploration [The first colory=defined 6s & settlement with permanent migrants-would rot be founded unt 2103) DELTA DYNAMICS Po oe04 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 Ps aso! DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 CLASS TIMELINE 1595, ‘The Great Khanate begins construction of a mannad base on Mars. Khan scquires over 200 Soviet-era bio-reacy warheads, as part of a doomsday plan. Muroros Atoll is attacked by 8 combined Pussian-American strike and ie destroyed by fp rucieer weepon, 1598 ‘The leat of the Khanate’s twenty interplanetary missions ere launched from Earth mostly {2 Mare. Khanton falls, with Khan Singh and 84 followers escaping Undiscovered the next Gay ons BY=100 they had held in reserve. ‘The Great Khanate's Mars colony fails ‘The Eurasian Confederation, incorporating Russia ard former Soviet autelite nations Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajkiston and Lizbekistan, is founded, in orcer to combine natural and technical resources fend gat @ foot in the Goor of the enece-faning ations club, 1388 Gocdard Mocnbase is officially declared ready to begin commercial operations. The science staff expands to some 70 personnel Specializing in the fields of space research and industry, The bese itself has now grown well beyond its original three geodesic comes. So much that it.can now be spotted with telescopes from the surface of Earth. 1389 The Asteroid Belt Lancer program confirms what Human space scientists have long Suspectan: the inner astera belt of the Sol system Is rich in raw materials, making It @ ome source for mining in the near future to fue! Eertn’s rapid space incustrialization. 2002 South Korae sione assists the people of North Korea in recovery. ‘The United States of America and the European Union formalize an economic ant defense relationship with what wil be called the Western Alliance by media and opponents. ‘The Nomad MK~ISc space probe, designed by cyberneticist Jackson Roykirk. js launched by. Nasa Construction of Fersice Mconbase begins 2003 ‘The Kerean peninsula is formally reunifiec: under 8 constitutonsl monerchy established with North Korean expatriate and Kim Jung I eughter, Kim oun Now, ‘The first two Earth L-6 space colonies begin construction. > 2007 Teolkevekygrad, the first L-G “epace city,” ie completed and the first 250 residents move in lig informally nicknamed ‘New Russia” since the majonity of its populton consists of Fustiens end Sieve, 2008 ‘The space agencies of the Western Alisnce members agree to jointly conduct the Aventeur Space missions. 2008 ‘The Lewis ard Clark (averteur I) mission launches from Esrtn. with Christopher, Fontan: and GHertiny in deep cryosieep. ‘The democratic nations of Arabia, Palestine Syria. naa ang Iran form the Musim Bicc. New Constantingple, the sacond L-5 “space city. |s Completed end opens its doors: It wil become: 2 haven for cieaffectes Middle Eastern cultures. eon ‘The New United Nations convenes for the first time, ene ‘The New United Nations creates the International Space Agency (ISA) an effort intended to coordinate combnec nations) space exploration and safe operation end transit of commercial veseeis 2022 ‘The subspace dimension is discovered. though ae yat thera le no means to tap its potent 2024 ‘Several European nations. including France. become polticaly destabiized ‘The Ball Rts in the United States. the Neo-Troteky Moverent in Fussia, @ resurgent eugenics movement in Southeast Asia, and Ine Avignon Riots in Frence nerken the cestabiization. Ireland ig reuniied by force, anes Factone of eco-terroriste launch @ eeriae of attacks that ere responsible for es mary as 37 mnilion deaths, Astronomers detect @ series of asterocs on & Clear path for 8 near-Earth passage Multile analysis of the threatening astercics confirma 8 number of them will colic with Earth Over 8 period of three years (starting In 2031), threatening all ite, 2028 Fusion power technology Is achieved: work Immediately begins to make It space-capsble. 2030 ‘The Ares |i Eertt’s first manned mission beck to Mare, since the fall of the Great Khanate. DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 220730 Pc os02 > CLASS TIMELINE ‘The first euccesstul and controled matter-antimatter energy conversion is tested Under laboratory conditions. ost ‘The Ares Il marks another return to Mars, to test the viablity of equipment end structures: for a permanent base. ‘The Western Alliance, Pan-African Alliance, ‘Muslim Bloc. onc @ mx of nations from the Fer East and Middle East help divert the orbits of a number of asteroids due to impact the planet, threatening al life in Earth, The effort is able to capture Six of the fragments, eventually maving them to Eris L-S point, where they are eventually hollowed out and converted to ONel-styie space hebitats: Vanguard colony, Colony Foykirk, the Moss-Oifenhouse colony. the NicholConp feciity, the Brynner Asteroid and the Staring Habitat. Shorty after Earth's cooperative success in Gefencing the planet most Asian, end mary ear-Asien. nations formalize their relationship int the Eastern Coalition. 2032 Zafram Cochrane is born in St, Paul, Minnesota. ‘The Ares series spacecraft Guan Yu conducts the Ares ll mssion to Mars, the thirteenth SUCCeSsTU manned sortie to reach that planet. ‘The Ares IV mission to Mars fais when the commend capsule disappears. strending two ‘Setroneute on the surface ‘The Ares V launches early to perform the rescue of the stranded Ares IV astronauts. 2103 ‘The Mars Terratorming Project reaches the fend of its frst staye. The planet now hes & chain reaction system daveloned that wil lead to 8 breathable simosphere, sithough it will remain somewhst dry and cold. Work wil Continue aver the next eantury to make the Gimate of Mars more tolerate for humans. ‘The first permanent settlers of Mars errive, setting the date of Earths first off-wortd colory. 2376 ‘The Ares IV command capsule is discovered unit in the Date quadrant ‘Two Iconian gateways open up in the vicnity of Carran anc Dalta 1V, bath leading to en Gninhabted resource-rich word that both words desire. ‘The Linted Federation of Planets extends membership to Bajar. PG 0303 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 StarRsHiP COMPARISON GUIDE [ame MISSION Se MISSION SPACECRAFT (2001 MISSION SPACECRAFT (2008) MISSION SPACECRAFT (2030) DELTA DYNAMICS Po os04 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 220730 Array: Generally. 8 combination of identical sensors, weepons, or other equipment opersting in conjunction | GLossary ‘Augment: A type of Human genetically macified before birth (originally) in the mid-20th century, Audiery: a common name for email craft embarked aboard and utlized by starships for various ‘tasks. Craft types include work pod. shutlaped, shuttle, BUS various tactical craft and other ‘special-purpose craft. C/P/S: Centering /Port/Starboard (see P/S) (Chins: On Earth, 8 powerful pre-Listication state: joined the Eastern Cosition (ECON) in 2031, sna formally absorbed in 2055, NSA: Ching Netions! Spece Administration, the official Iaunch agency for the pre-Uiniicstion state (of Chine an Earth Deep space The region nesr or beyond the recognized borders of the Federation. often Uncherted in ary considereble detel Dames: one of two naturel satelites of the planet Mare. Dent 8 territory of the pre-Uniication state of india on Earth, Deuterium hydrogen-2. or heavy hyrogen: an isotope of hycragen often used as one of the primery ingredients for fue! in matter~entimetier reactors (the other being artideutertum) DY: Dinyan-Yoyodyre Conglomerate, a pre-Eugerics War technology and industry sector corporation on Gerth that Served a tha Great Khanete's agent in plans for planetary domination Collapsed into smaller. disparate companies in 1556. EC: Eurasion Confederation @ large pre-Uinifcstion nation-state on Earth, formed from the ‘smaller states of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Mongolia. Fussia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan IN TSS. It was absorbed inte the Eastern Coaltlon (ECON) in 2031 formally so In 2055. CSA: Eurasien Confederation Space Agency; formed in ISSG from the constituent agencies end ‘Sbsorbed Into the ECSN in 2031 ECEN. Eastern Costin Spece Nevy; formed in 2031 from the alisnce's constituent agencies, ELAS: Extreme Long Range Sensor ESA: European Space Agency, an intergovernmental pace exploration organization of 22 European member states on pre-Uinfication Earth, Eugenics Were Ite 20th century global confict on Earth in which the Augments established! themselves 8s super men and attemeted worid dominston, Great Khenate: an Historical designation for the tight but eelf-contentious organization of ‘Augments that scugrt to dominate Earth in the late 20th century, cumnating in thelr cefeat in the Eugenics Wars, GW: Gicawatt HED: High Earth Orbit: @ geocentric orbit with an altitude Ngher than 35.600 Kilometers. In the modern idiom, High Planetary Orbit (HPO) is above that of the geosynchroncus orbital range, with Grote! periods greater then that of the rotetion of the planet in question. Indie: en important pre-Linificstion state; subsumed into the Eastern Coalition (ECON) in 2055, IRC: ISA Rescue (or Reguistory] Cutter: Ship prefix for the names of vessels of the international Space Agency. ISA; Internationsl Space Agency. @ NUN agency on pre-Liniication Earth, formed in 2016 and Serving 88 8 Conduit for peacetL! end Cooperlive space activites by the major space-capable ations, and later for most space activiles of ary entity, including corporations, orgerizatons. and private individuals. Succeeded by both the UESAA and UESN in 2067 and 2058, respectively. ISRO. Indian Space Research Organization. the netionel spece agency for the pre-Uniicstion state of nia on Earth. Ps osos DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 GLossary (CONTINUED) KARI: Korea Aerospace Resserch Institute, the netionsl space agency for the pre-Linification state of South Korea on Earth, transitioned into the ARS in 2003, Kores: formally the Royal Republic of Korea on Earth, @ 2003 [pre-Unification) merger of the prominent nation of South Korea and the xenophobic and developmentally devastated state of Nocth Kore. Laser: Typically 8 secondary weapon on esrly space vessels. Current shielcing technology hes largely negated the threst posed by the coherent electromagnetic beam. LED. Low Earth Orbit, an alttuce of 2000 Kolometers or less. In the modern idiom, Low Planetary rb (LPO) is spproximately one-third or less of the radius of the plenet in question. in altitude. LIDAR: Acronym for Light Detection And Ranging: @ Sensor thet Uses Ieser pulses ta calcuiste the Size, speed, and distance of en object. Lunar: of or relating to Luna (see Moon). Me Meters Main Get: the designation for the Gol system's mejor asteroid belt. M/A Matter / Animator Mars: the fourth planet in the Sol system. Mission spacecraft: 8 catchall category for governmental spacecraft. though usually non-miltry, that Qperate independently and perform certain functions, such as search & rescue or regulatory enforcement, Moor: the pre-colenization name for Luna, the sole natural satelite of Earth, MT: Metric Tons NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, an indepencient agency of the Linted States government responsible for the civilan space program. as well es seronsuitics end space Feseeren, Navigation Light: Yellow in color, thess lights ere garerslly located on or near majo~ points of superstructure of 6 space vessel. They often provide Iow-emission positioning signels for specific Iccations on and within the vessel for the purposes of proximity maneuvering by sncther vessel land relalive destination positions for transporters. Net to be confused with Red or green running lights. NTR: nuclear thermal rocketry NUN: New United Netions. Farmed in 2011 first Gissoived in 2053 (during the Third Wortd Wer) re-formed in 2065 (two years folowing First Contact). then finslly dissolved in 2078. Authorized the formation of the ISA (201), UESPA (2057), UEDP and UESN (bot 2065), Succesded by the UEDP, (Qceanie: On Earth, a cistinct geographic region spanning the eastern end western hemispheres: of the northern and southern Paciie Ocean P/S. Port/Starbosrd: left & right side, respectively, in naval parlance, Phobos. one of two naturel satelites of the planet Mars. FICS: reaction control system: 8 spacecraft system that uses thrusters to provice attitude and Station-keeping control [and sometimes propulsion] FAKS: Royal Republic of Kores Spaceforce, the naw nation's space end regulstory agency, Merged with other internationsl agencies to form the ECSN in 2031 unning Light Red (port /left) end green (starboard /right] lights trecitionslly Genoting the cbserved side of a water vessel under low light conditions. Utlized for similar purposes by space Vessels of the UFP. though generally for rapt orientation by the pilots /heins of other vessels maneuvering in clos proximity. Net to be confused with yellow navigation bgt. Russia: an important pre-Uoitication state on Earthy it merged with eix other states in 135 to form the Eurasian Confederation (EC) DELTA DYNAMICS Po 0308 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 220730 GLossary (CONTINUED) ‘South Kores: an important pre-Unification state on Earth: it merged with the smaller, xenophobic fend developmentally-ceveststed state of North Keres to form the loyal Republic of Kores in 2003, ‘South Pacific Ocean Lininhabited Ares: a spacecraft “cemetery” on Earth @ target in [pre-Unifestion times for spacecraft that had reached the end of usefulness end destroyed by Be-ocbiting ‘Subclass: A significant variant of 2 given class of ship, usualy newbuilés, though sometimes including important modifications to existing ships. thet ere not intended to repiece the existing Ships of the orignal class. Often named for the first ship to reach that finel intended production standard. ‘Trensport: A Starship or ather vessel dedicated to transporting passengers or cargo. They range in size from small two- or thres-crew ships to huge starships and reighters, ‘Trens-spectrel Imager: A sensor that compares changes in perceived light to help determine the platforms location, a6 well as distance and aspect of 2 target TW, TerreWatt United States: On Earth. @ powerful pre-Uinification nation. An original signatory to the ‘Traite dLinifcation. which established the United Earth government in 2130. USAF: United States Air Force, the aerial and space warfare branch of the armed forces of the Pre-Lnifeation nation of the Linted States on Earth USNS: United Survey snd Navigation Ship. Prefix for jonnt missions of the ISA 6 NASA \Verus: the second planet in the Sol system, Western Alisnce: Originally @ NATO agency to oversee the 2002 pre-Linificston economic and Gefenive agreement between Gertie United States and European Union it became @ major force for the cooruinaten response to the Swarm medent of 2028 end = competitor to the rival Eastern Coalition. Work Foc: Tha general name for manned, sub-impulsa craft used for construction, maintenance, repair, and other service tasks in space. A variety of external tools and modules are attached to the work pods to feciltate @ multice of tasks. YRS. Yoyouyne Propulsion Systems. an offshoot end surviving entity of the post-Eugenics Wars Dinyan=“oyodyne Conglomerate on Earth: most essocisted with the United Stetes end Koresn atone, ae well ee the Western Alliance, PG0307 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 2207.30 Delta Dynamics apareciates the sponsorship of the following: =e “The Anbo-iyutsu Society Tigan Pergum Mining Federation News Network (FNN) ep) Litcpie Planitia Shipyards i ZEA » ‘THE FOLLOWING ARE OTHER STARSHP RECOGNITION MANUALS: PUBLISHED BY DELTA DYNAMICS: REPORTS: © APHRODITE mission spacecraft © ARES mission epacecrett © AVENTEUR mission spacecratt © BONAVENTURE survey cruiser © BONAVENTURE ailtium power testbed © BURKE (rigates © CAVALRY light destroyers: © CONSTITUTION heavy cruisers © DURANCE cargo tugs © DY subight interplanetary transports © GALILED expermental propulsion ship O HORIZON heavy cruisers © SYRACUSE destroyers 0 TRENT destroyers ‘Adgitional reports may be found at starshipirecker com/daltedyramics

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