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Construction Project Feasibility Study

MODULE CODE - 575/23/M01


1. Answer all questions

2. Do not copy another student's work
3. Due date is Wednesday 27 March @ 08:00am
4. No late submissions will be accepted


1. With the aid of a diagram describe the following;

a) Good Received Note [5marks]
b) Stock Control Cards [5marks]
c) Tools register [5marks]
d) Tools inventory [5marks]
e) Site instruction [5marks]

2. Identify any 5 contract documents and explain in detail their use in construction [25marks]
3. Discuss factors to consider in a feasibility study before capital is expended on construction
projects [25marks]
4. a)Describe in detail method of calculating depreciation of plant in construction [10marks]
b)Explain any 5 sources of finance for construction of commercial office blocks or housing
development projects [10marks]
c)Describe the following methods of estimating construction projects:
i)Cube method [2marks]
. ii)Superficial floor area method[2marks]
iii)Elemental method[1mark]


Construction Project Feasibility Study

MODULE CODE - 575/23/M01


1. Answer all questions

2. Do not copy another student's work
3. Due date is Wednesday 27 March @ 08:00am
4. No late submissions will be accepted


1. Write brief notes on the following terms used in quantity surveying

a) Specification [5marks]
b) Preambles [5marks]
c) Architectural drawings [5marks]
d) Civil engineering drawings [5marks]
e) System of measurement [5marks]
2. You are a quantity surveyor working for Malebogo and Associates Quantity Surveyors. Mrs
Noga has approached your practice to advice her on the feasibility study for establishing a
primary school in Mbizo 9. Explain in detail the factors that will be considered in your
feasibility report. [25marks]
3. Mr. Mhlanga requires advice on a housing development that he intends undertaking in
Gwanda. He has approached you for cost advice regarding items listed below. Indicate at
least 5 items under each of the following headings that Mr Mhlanga will have to consider for
the housing development;
a) i)Heating, Ventilation and Airconditioning [5marks]
ii)Electrical services [5marks]
iii)Lifts and other equipment [5marks]
iv)Plumbing services [5marks]
b) State any 5 duties of an estimator in a building contracting firm [5marks]
4. Define the following terms;
a) Preliminaries and general
b) Time related preliminaries
c) Fixed preliminaries
d) Value related preliminaries
e) Waste calculation

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