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Name : _________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________ Score:______________________

Test. Label the parts of a volcano

Test II. Fill in the blanks. Choose from word bank in the box.

ash clouds crater lava magma

main vent side vent
Molten rocks called ________ comes from the Earth's mantle. When it
reaches the surface of the earth, scientists call it __________ . Clouds
of tiny particles emitted from a volcanic eruption are called ____________. The largest tube through which magma travels to the
surface is the ________ _________ of a volcano. Sometimes, lava comes out of a smaller tube called ________ ________. The
___________ is the bowl-shaped opening at the top of the volcano.

Test III. Multiple Choice . Write the letter of the best answer.

1.Which is true about active volcano?

a. No record of eruption for at least 10,000 years & is not expected to erupt again in a comparable time scale of the future.
b. It's not expected to erupt again at some point, despite being dormant for thousands of years.
c. It's a volcano that has had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years.
d. It's a volcano that is not erupting , but supposed to erupt again.

2.Which of the following are active volcanoes? I.Mayon:Albay II. Taal:Batangas III. Vulcan:Camiguin IV. Kanlaon:Negros

a. I & II only b. II & III only c . I,II & III only d. I, II & IV only
3. Which of the following characteristics of a volcano depends on its magma emission
a. location b. shape c. size d. age

4. Several kilometers from a volcano , a geologist observes an old lava flow made up of dark-colored basalt rock. The
geologist infers that that lava had _______.
a. medium viscosity b. high silica content c. high viscosity d. low viscosity
5. An eruption resulting from the interaction of new magma or lava with water and can be explosive. The water can be
from underground , hydrothermal systems , surface runoff a lake or a sea.
a. phreatic b. phreatomagmatic c. strombolian d. vulcanian
6. Which best describes a dormant volcano?
a. It is currently erupting or shows sign of unrest activities.
b. It is also called sleeping volcano because it is presently inactive but could erupt again.
c. Not presently erupting but has erupted in the past and is likely to erupt again in the future.
d. A volcano that is presently not erupting and that is unlikely to do so for a very long time in the future.
7. Taal volcano erupted recently affecting more than 73, 600 people. How would you classify it?
a. active b. inactive c. explosive d. quiet
8. Mount Cabaluyan has no history of volcanic activity this is an example of _____. b. inactive c. explosive d. quiet
9. An opening in the earth's crust created when molten rock materials under the earth's crust is propelled upward
through the surface.
a. caldera b. lithosphere c. mountain d. volcano
10. It is formed from inward collapse of volcanic tops.
a. caldera b. chamber c. crater d. vent

* Choices for questions # 11-13

11. It is formed from cinders & ashes .
12. Mostly formed from less viscous lava.
13. It is made from alternate solidification of thick lava & ashes.
Test III. Enumeration
a. External parts of a volcano
1. ________________________ 2. _______________________ 3.__________________________
b. Types of volcanoes according to activity/eruptive history
1. _____________________ 2. __________________ 3.____________________ 4. _______________
c. Types of volcanoes according to eruptive styles
1. _________________ 2. __________________ 3. ____________ 4._______________5. ______________
D. Primary Factor affecting the volcanoes eruptive style
1. ________________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. __________________________

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