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3/6/24, 8:41 AM Platform | Study Fetch

Protein Structure and Function

Amino Acids and Peptide Bonds (Fig. 2.17b,c)

- Amino acids contain an amino group, a carboxyl group, and an R group that determines the amino acid type

- At physiological pH, the amino group is positively charged (NH3+) and the carboxyl group is negatively
charged (COO-)

- Amino acids link together through peptide bonds between the carboxyl carbon and amino nitrogen of adjacent
amino acids

- Peptide bond formation involves the loss of a water molecule from the carboxyl oxygen and amino hydrogens

Amino Acid Properties

- There are 20 standard amino acids that make up cellular proteins

- Amino acids can be classified based on properties of their R groups

Protein Structure Determines Function

- The sequence of amino acids in a protein determines its 3D structure through folding

- A protein's 3D structure dictates its specific function in the cell

Nucleic Acid Structure and Function

Nucleotide Composition

- Nucleic acids are made of nucleotides containing phosphate, sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), and nitrogenous
base groups

Genetic Information Storage

- The sequence of nucleotides in nucleic acids encodes genetic information much like letters in an alphabet (Fig.

- Nucleic acids are informational molecules that carry chemical information in their nucleotide sequence


- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are two major classes of nucleic acids

- DNA stores and transmits genetic information to guide synthesis of RNA and proteins

- RNA has several roles in protein synthesis including mRNA, tRNA, rRNA 1/1

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