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Good Morning everyone!

I am in favour of the motion

Throughout the course of history, disease outbreaks have ravaged humanity, sometimes changing the
course of history and, at times, signalling the end of entire civilizations A pandemic disease is an
epidemic that has spread across a large area such as multiple continents or worldwide. From Ancient
times to present days various pandemics effected the human lives. For Example, Circa as first one in
prehistorian period, Plague with different names in different places of world in different times as
plague of Athens, Plague of Justinian, The black death, and other diseases like Small Pox in 1430 in
America, HIV Aids in 1981 till present, Covid-19 since Nov 2019 in all over world.

During the Plague of Athens, absence of Guidelines made the situation worse and approx. a million of
people died.

The other Plagues were spread by rodents caused millions of casualties. Guidelines were to fill the
holes and gaps to block their entry and to use bug repellents. Also, the quarantines term came into
existence during these pandemics in the city of Caffa. People were forced either to remain in their
homes or to live in greater isolation.

Also, we need to know that bacterial diseases are not as harmful as virus diseases as we can see in
the case of the Novel Corona Virus

The world learnt many lessons from each and every pandemic like:

1 We should follow the Social Distancing formula to prevent the spread of disease.
2 One should be clear that virus can affect even young ones.
3 Vaccination is the best way to prevent from the disease.
4 We should not accuse the Sick people instead take care of them.
5 We should greet everyone with Namaste or Good Morning instead of handshakes.
6 Cover our faces with masks.
7 We should keep ourselves and surroundings clean and many more.

Although we get to know something new after each pandemic, there are various ways in which we
can improve ourselves by not forgetting the casualties and by following the guidelines to prevent
from upcoming diseases.

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