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Home Minecra" Modpacks Overgrown

By Rildmore Modpacks


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Descrip!on Comments (526) Files

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Welcome to Overgrown, a custom city-scape

apocalyp!c modpack.

This modpack is no longer under development,

and will remain as is, unfinished.

It's playable, but still has some bugs and

unfinished quests. ~80% done.

We are working on new modpacks now because

1.10.2 bugs are only being fixed in 1.12.2

Overgrown Cityscape with Shaders

Click these for more info on Singleplayer and/or

mul!player Overgrown:

Important Beta Information:

"/bq_admin default
default load"
load" will
will load
load the
the updated
quest list
list into
into older
older world
world files.
files. This
This is
is only
necessary forfor pre-existing
pre-existing worlds
worlds that
that get
get played
again with
with aa newer
newer version
version ofof the
the modpack,
modpack, so so
don't forget
forget itit when
when you
you update!

If you
you have
have cheats
cheats turned
turned offoff and
and can't
can't run
run said
command, open
open your
your world
world toto LAN
LAN in
in the
the options
menu with
with cheats
cheats on.
on. Run
Run the
the command
"/bq_admin default
default load"
load",, and
and then
then save
save && exit
exit to
turn cheats
cheats back
back off
off again.

Optifine Dynamic
Dynamic Lights
Lights are
are highly
recommended for for this
this modpack,
modpack, butbut ifif you
you don't
like optifine
optifine or
or can't
can't use
use it,
it, we
we have
have included
included ourour
own dynamic
dynamic lighting
lighting mod
mod (disabled
(disabled by
by default)
with the
the pack.

"Only a few years have passed since humanity became

endangered, and we are no closer to finding out what
happened all those years ago. Some people thought it was
simply nature striking back, maybe the zombies that once
stayed in the shadows became bold enough to wipe us
out, a new bio weapon fueled by political turmoil, or even
just some gods idea of a sick joke. No matter what wiped
us out in the end, one thing holds true. We are not the top
of the food chain anymore.

A few of us survived by hiding in bunkers to wait out the

chaos, but the world we returned too days later was
already like this. The smoke had not even cleared yet and
plants had already claimed the world. We travel alone or
in small groups to cover more ground, search for clues and
resources, and only regroup when necessary. Too many
people in one place will quickly draw out the undead.

So go, before we are noticed. There is an uncharted

section of the city a few miles from here, try to set up
something a bit more permanent there and keep looking
for answers."

Overgrown is a long term explora!on modpack that

takes place in an infinitely large proceduraly
generated ruined city that has been reclaimed by
nature. Plants and animals now live intertwined with
the ancient skyscrapers, crea!ng a unique jungle of
vines and concrete full of wild animals and the ruins
of long forgo#en human society. Mo'Creatures,
Biomes O'Plenty, and The Lost Ci!es populate the
world with diverse Flora and Fauna, While Tinkers
Construct, TIAGA, and Mekanism fill the caves below
with rich and varying ores to mine.

Mod list as of 0.9:

Show spoiler

BiblioCra" (by JDSinclair)

CompatLayer (by McJty)
Scavenge the derelict ruins and long abandoned
Up And Down And All Around (by Mysteryem)
subway systems for resources and start building up
The One Probe (by McJty)
from the rubble of your predecessors. Mys!cal
MS U!li!es (by MSandro)
Agriculture, Pam's harvest Cra", and Agricra" will
Minefactory Reloaded (by skyboy026)
give you plenty to farm with. Then start process your
Blocklings (by WillR273989372)
food and raw materials with Mekanism, Forestry, and
Mantle (by mDiyo)The mod count is
Minefactory Reloaded.
TAIGA (Tinkers
inten!onally low because alloying eachaddon)
one is(by Zkaface)
feature rich,
and will be used to(by the techbrew)
fullest as you go through the
long JurassiCra"2
ques!ng trees. (by Codyrex78000)
I built this with the inten!on of
beingQuark (by Vazkii)
considerably more lightweight so as many
peopleTheasLost Ci!escan
possible (byplay.
McJty) Currently we have been
able to Awarenessto(by
get Overgrown runCorosus)
on as li#le as 2gb of
on minimalist (by aidancbrady)
se$ngs and Op!fine, though 4gb
will allow
Moarfor Tinkers
much(by be#erBartz24)
graphics. (first !me world
gen isBe#er
always going to- be
Ques!ng slow) Expansion (by
Be#er Ques!ng (by Funwayguy)
Applied Energis!cs
This modpack 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
has also inten!onally excluded all mass
storage mods(by from iLexiconn)
the early game, instead relying on
Refined O' Plenty
Reloca!on, Iron(by Glitchfiend)
Chests, and various pipes /
conveyor Addons
belts (by oitsjustjose)
for a hands on storage approach.
this is far (by frombdew)
a gri#y hardcore modpack, it's
s!ll aForestry
survival Ques!ng
experience. (byPipetaotsetung)
based and intelligent
based systems have a certain
for Blockheads charm that tech
(by BlayTheNinth)
storage mods have
AutoRegLib (bydone
Vazkii)away with, and I think
Mys!calwill Agriculture
get some more enjoyment and
(by BlakeBr0)
More Bees out(by of their
Tencao) bases this way. Ender
storage is also available
Morpheus (by Quetzi) for any inter-dimensional
storage movementLib
CodeChicken you1.8.+may (byrequire, but we highly
Railcra"u!lizing the subway system for
(by CovertJaguar)
Overworld transporta!on.
Forestry (by SirSengir)
Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
The farthest
Hardcore reaches
Darkness of late
(by game content, along with
the custom ques!ng
Java Version experience,
Checker are under a bit of
(by chylex)
flux right
Natura now.
(byThe development team and I keep
finding numerous bugs
Rockhounding Mod: leading back
Core (by to the bigger
tech Iron
(most (by of which
progwml6) refuse to address their
own Tinkers
bugs) and so we have
Construct had to remove more mods
(by mDiyo)
than Ender
originally intended.
1.8.+ As (bysuch, any singleplayer
Storage covers1624)
worlds moving from one version to another will
[ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands Mod (by
almost certainly remove items you had previously
collected. Once these issues are ironed out and
CodeChicken Core 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
quests are completed we will release Overgrown 1.0,
Mekanism Generators (by aidancbrady)
but un!l then please be pa!ent with our beta
Mo' Creatures (by DrZhark)
Just Enough Resources (JER) (by
Mekanism Tools (by aidancbrady)
InfinityLib (by InfinityRaider)
Rockhounding Mod: Chemistry (by
GoG Skybox (by Vazkii)
Chisels & Bits (by AlgorithmX2)
Be#er Ques!ng Triggerer (by MrAmericanMike)
Iron Backpacks (by gr8pefish)
Pam's HarvestCra" (by MatrexsVigil)
Just Enough Forestry Bees (JEFB) (by apengu_)
Youtube GameRules (by Gory_Moon)
Chunk-Pregenerator (by Speiger)
spoiler (by InfinityRaider)
Custom Mob Spawner (by DrZhark)
Refined Reloca!on 2 (by BlayTheNinth)
TwitchChicken Chunks
Streamers: 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
HeyLookItsAlex, TrueDeviL
Mys!cal Agriculture - MFR Compa!bility (by
(You would think that since this is twitch I would be
able to link twitch
Mouse Tweaks streams more professionaly, but
(by YaLTeR97)
no. This
BdLibis why we can't have nice things.)
(by bdew)
MCMul!Part (by amadornes)
CoroU!l (by Corosus)
Dynamic Ligh!ng (by The1Silent)
Be#erFps (by Guichaguri)
We recommend the Unity texture pack by CyanideX,
Mys!cal Agraddi!ons (by BlakeBr0)
it converts both vanilla and modded textures to look
WMATM Vehicles (by Soggy_Mustache)
more unified with the Mekanism
InstantUnify (by MrRiegel)
look: h#ps://minecra"
More Overlays (by feldim2425)
If youFTBLib
already(by haveFTB)issues running Overgrown this
will not U!li!es (byaFTB)
it's just li#le something extra for
with(bygood Speiger)
PC's who prefer the modern vanilla
look Worldgenera!on
(1.13 ish) Profiler (by HyCra"HD)


Latest Java - Update your Java version for

best performance.
Singlepayer - Use world type "Lost Ci!es"
or "Lost Ci!es (BoP)" on world crea!on, Keep
Inventory is already on but you can s!ll turn
on cheats as well if you want (your game
your rules).
Mul!player - Use world type "lostci!es"
in your server.propor!es file. Copy and paste
the Config and Mods folder from the version
you want to host into the server, we test to
make sure each version doubles as server
Please use Op!fine with Dynamic Ligh!ng
enabled. Hardcore darkness while holding a
dynamic light source is possibly the coolest
thing ever.
Beta - This is s!ll a beta pack, so expect
some bumpy game play un!l we iron it all
out for full release. It's playable, just keep in
mind bugs do happen.

If your game crashes, please make sure you have

the latest version of Java installed before you report
it. Upda!ng Java fixes most bugs. If you have a crash
even with undated java, please post the crashlog on
Pastebin and link it in your comment bellow.

If you have any recommenda!ons, feedback,

comments, anything really, please let us know down
below and we can discuss it :)

Feedback is very important to us as this is s!ll in

development as a Beta pack.

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