SRM Bonaventure (Testbed) v2208.02

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STAR FLEET Et am UT REPORT: BONAVENTURE TESTBED AeEaAan, SASS ata Po anor DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTIO1 Forwarp My contribution te this project would not have been possibie without those who came before me. Mainly CaptShade. whose orignal drawings laid the foundation for my work by providing: me the figurative and itersi tools for my own creative output. Nichodo, who was 3 big help in Creating aft and ventral views of various components. FlevancheFM, whose ideas and drive Relped me get a ittle more creative and better et something I realy anioy And mast defintely Neale "Vance" Davidson. whose enormous volume of work got me interested in dong this in the first place, and for inspiring us el ~ Acrasi First as always. thanks to Adres Since partnering with him, Ive taken some great artwork and added some context to It Hels realy alowed ma to scratch my writing itch, to the pant it Sometimes bleeds, but stil feels On-So-Good Next up, of course, Ig Timo Sialoniemi, whos work Ie been folowing for eround two decades and | grestly respect. The ertwork in these "Starship Recognition Manuals” are 57% based upon ihe ones he describes textualy in his Grand onus, the "Hobbyists Guide to the UFP Starfleet and ts Pstory and 3% derivad from What he has inspired in us. = RevencherM ‘Adaitional reports may be found at; stershiptrecker com/daltedynamice Creors ADRASL: Al imagery (unless otherwise credited) ‘www DevientArtcom/ Aras FE\ANCHERM, all writing (unless otherwise credited) ww DevientArtcom/RevencherM NEALE VANCE DA/IDSON/JAYNZ; Project & cover concepts ‘wwwDevientArtcom “TF Vanguard dlayne Feleshpeorg TIVO SALONEME Author of "Hobbyist Guide to the UFP Starfleet’, the inspiration for these ‘GAM. A direct ink to his Google Drive may be found an most deviations in RevencherMis gallery VIPERAVIATOR Source of adepted cover starburst ‘wwwDevientArtcom/ Viper Aviator BONAVENTURE TESTEED. = Orginal inspiration from Star Trek: The Animated Series = Incorporated parts from: CapiShade Note FROM THE WAITING EDITOR ‘These ships do not sways exactly match the specifications Timo provides in his technical section for each ciass. as [ve adapted them in ways thet alowed them to fit bit better with the guidance provided by the starship construction rulas in Steven Longs "Spacedock” Ive iso changed some dates sround when | foun them in conflict with other Information Tima has provided: These two books grestly inform my ONN Bighe-canon end | urge you to look Up both cniine. a6 offered tree by their respective authors. (Links to bath are provided on the Delta Dynamics site) Lead en te eS Se ate ea AS RSS A aS eS Eesramrareceonis human Scaeet ir Cama rae a toaae ie ee DELTA DYNAMICS Pc coe AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISO ConTeNTS BONAVENTURE DILITHIUM POWER TESTBED PG 0201 CLASS TIMELINE PG 0301 HISTORICAL ESSAYS PG 0302 GLOSSARY PG 0308 OTHER PUBLICATIONS PG 0308 PG a201 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTIO1 BONAVENTURE TESTBED: = CATEGORY DUTHIUM POWER TESTBED OPERATIONAL, —_2230~ 2231 CONSTRUCTED «1 DIMENSIONS. TACTICAL: LENGTH: 372M A\-LAVER CONFORMAL FORCEFIELD BEAM s20M = NAVIGANONAL DEFLECTOR, HEIGHT saam = AUXILIARY DEFLECTOR ARRAY Mass: 334.200 MT PERFORMANCE: CRUISE: WARP 30 (OCU) Max. WARP 52 (OCU) ENOURANCE, 1'YEAR COMPLEMENT AUXILIARIES. CREW: a “ex SHUTTLEFODS PASSENGERS, 6 DELTA DYNAMICS Po a2c2 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISO BONAVENTURE TESTBED: AUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING SHPS OF THE ABOVE CLASS WERE AUTHORIZED AS FART OF THE FEDERATION STAR FLEET BY FEDERATION COUNCIL APPROPRIATION. USS BONAVENTURE = NX-BI GENERAL INFORMATION “The second famous Bonaventure wes @ commissioned Star Reet ship for less than nine months before she was lost, but she was Critcal in the development of the Constitution class heavy cruiser| Sgro the modern Star Fest, Known even here by the fll label of "USS Bonaventure Dilthium Power Testbed’ tis often misunderstood that she was Not tasting the vabilty of dllthium as an annihilation moderatcr. I was fully comprehended thet nothing excelled at reducing the fuel load of antimatter than the perfect conversion thet occurred within 8 warp reactor moderated by cilthium, Nor was it 8 test of conducting high-reliabilty cilthium focusing (of that matter /antimatter stream) The capacity was rot there yal the Guctronic computer wasr’t evan in the test phase yet, just past the well-supported peer review stage cf = paper by the impossbly young Richard Osysirom. No. the Computer necessery {0 safely regulete the cithium wes not installed onboard the Bonaventure’ [and containment was very much @ concern of the mixed Star Fleet ‘contracted FSD engineering ‘Staff (end her commancing officer no Goubt). ‘No, whet the “alithium' in “olithium testbed’ referred to was thet this was the first heavy cruiser Of the third-generation of warp-capable space vessels to utlize dillhium: “testbed” instwad Preferred not to the tasting of the red corel crystals but the study of multciobed warp fiaids to ‘Surpass the lshakew=-Uel werp 6 barrier and ultmately break through the Tyme Warp 7 berner. While the Bonaventure was never going to hit up against those berriers in 2231, the Intention was to study the effects of ships ulizing two hulls and two nacelles to achieve the Nigher ‘speeds without the prohibiive energy requirements previous test platforms had faled against ‘The ship had leas than heroic ines. She was not intercied to be @ heroic ship of the line. Instess. ‘she was intended to test the capecity for ® future heavy cruiser production class to travel at Nigh) warp speeds and at a great distance. Strange locking. seemingly idieeyncratic protuberances Qulged from her hula ard her elmensions were. off At Mer commissioning ceremony in January 2031 many of the select observers remarked upon the impression they were watching s “baby ‘starship" being honored. cue to her rounded features. She was 8 scala madel of whst progressive heavy cruiser designs suggested was the proper path to research, She never had the crew of @ ship-cf-thevine, Aside from a few mecical staff, she was insteod heavy on the operstions end engneening specialists, with more than a few warp physicists thrown in. Not all of hem were Star Fleet either, as she was an experimental craft. The primary Null Rousad the tast mount fer impulse engine candidates. while the secondary hull proviced the eraineering Spaces for the advanced power systems. The nacelle pylons, over her operational life. verted from smell ere! out=fung to long end overhesd, through each of the pre-commissioning nacelle placement test phases. All ther mission spaces that would be considered secondary on any other ship were omitted O- stunted (such as the medical bay] and quarters for the crew were spread throughout the ship's two hulls The she was equiped with & very small shuttlsbay. Rowever, So that hull Inspections could be conducted while downrange, “The final configuration. with the PE-I4~102 off-axis fieli-controlied nacelles, was 1372 meters in length. G2 meters wide. S49 meters high. and messed 334 200 metric tons. In her first fight in {his final configuration test, she achieved her warp 3 cruise speed in a very respectable 1S seconds, and maintained warp 52 for sidteen hours. Over the next three, prolonged. performance evaluation cruises, she would test her range, speed Veriebles, and mansuverebiity in Mubple WEYS. ut none sisted to stress the cilthium-focused warp reactor. Therefore, It wes 8 complete surprise when. in September of 2231, she simply vanished. No indications of distress were Feceivad nor found, and no evidence existed of any fauit within the containment resulting in Compicte craft cisintegration. Three years of searches end investigaton were concluded without Saistection: all 89 souls were Geciared dead. It was only SB yeers later that USS Enterprise INCE=1701, Constitution cless) observed USS Bonaventure, wholly undamaged, elongesse hundreds of cher spacecraft trapped within an interspatial and temporal anomaly. No contact with the vessel Could be mace, and no rescue attemst was possible before the rift into the anomaly departed! Po az03 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTIO1 Despite her loss. cruiser and power tastings contnued-at full pace with the production of the: Mark Idustrone computer—ard Quickly led to the conversion of older vessels, such as Eaton loupe, Syrecuse. and Hermes classes. to the new powerplant type. And, shortly thereafter, the Great Leap Forward revealed the favored child, the Constitution tisss heavy cruser. BONAVENTURE TESTBED: GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) PREVIOUS TEST CONFIGURATIONS Peioc to the test configuration USS Bonaventure had whan she dissopeaned in 223! [designated 5 PE-I4-I02-E] the lestben! wes subjected fo four tests of nacelle placements varying I both pylon length enc locaton relative to the two nulls. The intent of the tests wos to eocertan the Vabilty of mult-icbed warp bubbles in penetrating the Ishskawa-Dell and Tyme barriers (warp & end 7, respectively] by crealing differering asymmetric fight envelopes. All ive configurations Bre Gapicted Below and en the fellowing pages, for CONPEMEON PUTPOSES. to Pe4-o9s-A DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISO BONAVENTURE TESTBED: GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Po azos >» DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTIO1 BONAVENTURE TESTBED: GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Pe14-oss-c DELTA DYNAMICS Ps 0208 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISO BONAVENTURE TESTBED: GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Poa207 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTIO1 BONAVENTURE TESTBED: GENERAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Peta-102-£ DELTA DYNAMICS P0208 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISIIOt DELTA DYNAMICS ROATE ISTO AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 131 Ps az03 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 11101 Ps oso CLASS TIMELINE 2229 Iran emergency meeting. the Chiokis (Corporation announces Project Starship would be delayed by at laust five more years moving the projected delivery Gate to 2239 or leter “They offer (slong with fellow Ancorian shipyard, ‘Selazer Flest ulcers) to build @ stop-gap run Of 12 light crusers (of @ new design) to help fil the defense requirements. USS Whorfin [NOC-024, Whorfin subclass) survives @ Kshatriyan embush with light casualties Star Mest begins constructing USS Bonaventure (NX-BI) the ailthium power testbed. ‘There Is an escalation of threats from Klingon long-range raiders. A minor reid by three Klingon Raptor corvettes easily cripples USS Hercules (NOC-454). 8 Titan carrier, conducting maneuvers near (Donate, with more then TSO ives lost. The ship wall be motnbailed 2230 ‘The Chiokis Corporetion has promised this year for the delivery of the finst manned fulrscela testbed for the starship drive system, Design work is completed on a new heavy Survey cruiser design: construction en USS Richard Evelyn Byrd [NCC-I36I) begins, Star Feet informe Salazar Fest Sulider to cease construction of the fral 2 [ef six) Amechitke ight cruisers, The Ancorians protest. ‘The Bonaventure dilthium power tastbed begns| fight teats wih the first of four planned configurations, ‘Star lest ennounces en order fer forty ships Of 8 variant of the Amchitks light cruiser trom Terran and Martian yards. Mass protests, erupt on Ander, as a result 2231 Two Hermes class ecoute are lost to light Hingon shine while on long-range 8010 missions, in two seperste mocents ‘Star Fleet decives to never deploy the Hermes SCOLIS Cutside protective fects, and instead use| them solely 85 Sensor platforms in conjunction with destroyers and crusers. USS Bonaventure (NX-BI) is commissioned. Star Fleet Division announces that It lecke the capacity to pracuce all the Amchitta variant light crigeers for which It wes contracted. ‘Selezaer Fleet Guiders obtains two of tye Fequired 40 keels, easing tensions on Ander. In Celebration of the earty design success, Ster| leet Mold another. more public, commissioning ceremony for USS Bonaventure. > USS Bonaventure deperts on the lest (of three] long performance eveiustion cruises. Contact, with the ship is lost just outside Gettan space, ‘Subsequent searches for USS Boneventure by cruiser USS Savanneh reveal no Gebris or ion rails nor tha antimatter residue cherecterialic of the vented pisoma of the experimental Ship, All 89 persons sbosrd ere declared missing zeae Star Flest unleashes its designing anc fengingering teams on the production of @ new wave of spaceships. powered by m/am reactors {wth natura cithium Peacton contra peas Upon commissioning. the USS Byrd [first of her less) begins preparations for her mssicn towards the galactic core, with six tarpats of Interest end 8 quarter of 8 century to vist them ‘The crew of USS Bonaventure (NX-B1) are declared! loet USS Byrd departs on her galactic mission. eee As it nears formal completion, the Memory Alpha ‘complex is heavily lsrupted. snd ail personne! kaled, during an seeautt by the Zetarians Altair rejoins the LEP. Star Flest hunts down and forces the surrender| Of the Onion murderers of four of the craw of the Honor subclass trensport USS Huron (Nco-Fists) USS Enterprise (NCC~1701, Constitution class) sccdentally enters an interspatal anomaly in the Delta Triangle region and locates the derelict USS Bonaventure [NX-BI) among hundreds of coher lost spacecraft of varying origin. Enterprise is unable to contact nor rascue the test vessel Ps asc2 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTO As an extra feature, Delta Dynamics presents the folowing historically relevant articies: DIUTHIUM AND THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN STAR FLEET ‘The young Ster Pest was struggling Ouiwardly. It was @ repicly growing, enthusiastic. anc successful merging of the founcing states’ space-gong assets, Visbly Gaveloping and shaping the ‘scagemic. martel and economic avenue for the United Federation of Plants: interests in Sxplorstion defense, trace, ard technology. However, @ critical decison mace fifty years previcusy| was impacting the ablity of Stor Fleet to defend the Federstion es It added new members end Settled virgin worlds with enthusiastic colonists. ‘This challenge. an extents! concern, was kent tightly internal (with the exception of the President and the Security Council), beceuse It was 8 problem of Star Fleet's awn making. in 2168. the United Eart’s reluctance to continue with dilthium-regulated reactors heaviy influenced the Gesign of Star Fleet's second-pereration starshine. Lilthium hed proved erfecal to tne: fchievement of warp & for the pre-Feceration Eertn, but at great cost: the reactors were fragile ‘8nd often reaulted in the foes of the entire vessel when etresses-combat Or neturs-reauited H the focus of the ailthium being cierupted. Adaitionally, the cilihium crystals were beyond rare, wth fo naturel ceposttory found they tended to work ther way into the tracing sectors of larger States haphazardly end In @ nesriy perfectly refined state. es if removed trom previous vessels: {rom outside the gaopoltcal knowledge of the Federation. For the nawly-completed starships entrusted with such reactors, tha workup cycles were extremely prolonged, as focusing the Crystals was 50 very crnitcal to achieving the high warp speaus Cenabie by the expensive Feectors, This wes @ Considerable setback for getting combet-capable ships out into the warzones beng contested wit the Romulan Empire and that learning experience influenced the defensive doctrines of the nascent UFP Star Feet Insteed, the reduction of nesrly @ full warp factor was the sacrifice for sate snd dependable starship development for over a generation. But, in the 2220s, the costs of that decision were Becoming apparent The adoption of the more complex and larger peristallic forcefield animator feed consincters~in lieu of gllthium reguiation-also meant that more space was needed to carry fuel since antimatter (antideuterium) was now required at & 11 ratio with matter (deuterium). This larger space, slong with the reduced warp capabilty, meant that Star Fleet was simply unable to Project Its defensive might as fer as the Federation required It Sirategists racognized thet warp 9 was fer too incapable of cefending the further afield member words end colonies and so. {Uietly. defense coctrines bul to respond to 8 potential massive invasion were precicated upon the abandonment of those Gistant territories and the encircled-albat last-ditch-detenae of the core planets. However, within 8 few years of the aciontion of this fataistc strategy, hope emerged. While new technologies were always being hyped and promised as leaps forward, three such promises seemed fo stand cut from all the others: continuing development of phased particia beams and the merging with coherent electromagnetic technology promised 8 wespon system flexble enough to Challenge Klingon superiority in ths field, @ published mathematical study on the relationship between subatomic structure and dats processing-by @ ten-year old human bay. ool erough-incicated fentastic advances in computing technology, with the abilty to quickly and Consistently manntain cilthium focusing wes on the horwzony and @ soures of unrefined clithium was Giscovered. proving the crystal Gid cccur naturally and only needed refineries to be established. ‘The overlapping of these three scientific developments shone Ike @ beacon on those same Star Feet clratapsts, whe colectvaly corralad the leaderstip inte the immaciite cavaiopment of @ Starship-preferably of the cruiser type-thet would incorporete all three of these potential Giscoveries into @ Pisiform of speed. strength. flexbilty. end independence. From this, Project Starship was given new and promising lite DEA DYNAMICS Po 0303 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191101 A (VERY) BRIEF HISTORY OF OILITHILIM USE IN THE FEDERATION In 2008. the historic ineugurel mission of the Grand Tours was begun. when the Lewis end Clark: {an Aventeur exploration crefteublight in propuision—wes launched fram Eartn in @ joint mission of wo of the planet's space agencies. The ship was crewed by tha [now] famous Commander Shaun Geotirey Christopher, Or. Marcus OHeriny. Mission Specialst flies Fontana ard 2 scientists of varying specialties. Their mission was to visit and explore the planetary systems of both Jupiter and Saturn. lancing and mapping the moons and rings of both, where suitable. It was one of sx planed missions to the cuter worlds intencing to put Human explorers where only rabote nas ed gone before. However, unrevealed (by mission commancer decres) untl the mission's return to Earth in 2038, the teams discovered something thet changed tne heliocentric view of Humanity. at least within the scientiic community: at landing sites on the Seturréan moons of Enceladus and Dione ested clear fd unmistakable Sgne of mining operations. And these were not the remains of Khare Augments, '85 the equipment and other detritus recovered by Lewis end Clark were clearly not of Earth righ. There were even examples of compounds and traces of elements seen never before. Including numercus samples of something later identified (on Earth) as ununenrsum, with the atomic umber IIS and sn stomc waht of 67, @ previcusly theoretical element. However, to the crew of the explorer. the samples were simply referred to as “the red corel crystals” ‘The existence of gn alien presence-even if in the past-was not released to the general public However, calect scientists both inciviguale anc teem of labe. were brought in en the diecaveries, in creer to best uncerstand whet Christopher and his team had retrieved. In 2045, an extremely young (but post-Coctore) Zetram Cochrane Ned the opportunity to exsmine one of the red coral Crystals at length. whereupon he realized this ample of ununennium was exnibitng attributes of the [extremely) theoretical hypersonic series. After a number of open and then covert expenments, he cecided his hypothesis wes correct end began researching applications of the flement, leading to he now femaue invention of the corinuum distortion propulsion engine. or warp Grive. The histone tasting of tha drive in 2083 of course, lad ta first contact by a Valean galas survey expacition, ‘The Vulcans had been using the coleopteric (ake, ring) warp crive since the 1Sth century (upon their post~Time of Awakening return to space). achieving warp 7 [on the OCU scala) by the mic-22ne century. However: ther drive wes Bult for the speeds necessary to traverse lenge Gistences-curing 's time with fer less aggressive space-going species-end were less: maneuverable as @ result. They, also, Nad not found @ reliable. natural source for cilithium, Concluding ft wae of artificial manufacture, and had restricted the use of the imtac procured Samples to their few combat cruisers. ‘Ther slower vessels, including the explorers. utlized Dulkler end slower fusion reactors. When the Humans and the Tellarites simultaneously met each other in their respective systems in 2073. the alien traders were very open (with reasonably “bartered exchanges. of course) with their technology, though far less advanced than that of the Vulcans. Pissma Gerived from fusion power was the preferred energy source for ther warp colle and the porcine fests mace Up for the slow attnibules of ther cnves with sheer quantities of smaller trade ships fiting about known spece. “The territorial Andorians were less open with their technological prowess. Forcefully introoucing themseves to Humanity in 216I, they Clearly hed the abilty to stand face-to-face with Vulesn Combat cruisers, with their own battle cruisers of simlar size. They. too. used only fusion reactors, but were able to increase the efficency through the Use of variable compression nazzie technology, which ullzad paristelic forcefaide to increase the energy oueut of the plese Determined to stand on their own collective fest, Humarity sought to break free of the Vulcans! technologies! and sociological restrictions by going further out than ther present fleet was. capable, and to do thst they needed velocity. To break tha warp 5 barrier. the United Earth Starfleet worked to develop their own non-Vulean dilthiumfocus annihilation core, which was the Primary and Key component of the Archer Warp Five engine, However, the equipment was Complex. prone to mis-aignment wih any significent josting of the vessel. and maintenance Intensive, The UESS Enterprise. the first vessel to go forin Outside the radius of Eart’s colonies, Spprecisted the speed. when it was available, but Captain Archer would not be the last to describe: ites temperemental ‘The origina! althium moderators came from the Geturian samples, but mare had to be procured. Using te gleaned trom their Vulean everseers, United Earth diplomatic agents bought anc bartered with the Tellartes (who dlc not use the crystals themssives, but Undersicod ther value) nd any other race-most notably Orions=that would make them avaiable, All however. prociaimed Ignorance as to the ultimate source. Dilthium crystals were thus acquired at considerable Sxpense to moderate the Earth fest, both within the Enterprise Columbia class, and in the classes that folowed shortly therestter. Ps os04 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE ISTO Yet, Stortiest was soon to realize another cost associated with the dilthium-focuses annihilation core Despite the range ard speed the engine allowed, the time needed in werkups for ships following construction was extremely prolonged. Withn a few years, when Earth wes embroiled in confi with the enigmatic Romulan, gatting combat-eaippad vessels within the warzone was critcal Be that as itmay. the admiralty was realizing newly constructed ships were being dalayed By months, Just in order to enable the Warp 5 drives to gat them to the batllespace. Once there, the seme ships were being lost at 8 higher’ rete then siower vessels and vith less damage. and there was more than enough evidence that failure of the antimatter containment within the Chamber was the Cause. The flat soidiered on, finally persevered, and then tock stock: cilthium was too ciffcut to keep focused In @ way that made It mare viable than typcel fusion-denveo Plasma or the Andorien method of using complex forcefields to enable greater plasms pressure. In 2168. folowing the full consolidation of the founding flests into the UFP's Star Plest, the Collaborative leadership team decided to shut down the dllthium reactors. Newer” classes, such as the Almeida cruisers, were given 8 grace penicd-to exire in 2ISG-while other ships, such as the: Columbies. were Used 8s testbeds for the Andorisn fusion-driven peristaltic warp drives. unt War-era ehype too were stood down in ZIG, Star Mest struggled with patrol ranges anc Fesponsa tines, while desperately reviewing any and all research areas for anawars to regain the soventages thet Come with warp 5 canebiltes. “The self-protective Andorins hag opened themselves to the grester eltruistic philosophy of the Federation and were provicing greater Insight into their forcefield advancements. Propulsion experts throughout te Federation began Spioring the Use of antimatter fed into tote! conversion warp reactors. by the same large snd Complex peristaltic forcefisids previcusty Used on Anconian fusion Warp ReBctors. Repesteble warp miestones were being met egein. end even broken. with warp 6 9 reliable achievement no later than 2194, at corverson rates that moved steadily Gown to 10H, then 1, and finally H. after 2207. Antimatter wae now the standard “tual for the entire fleet and rapidly being adopted by the lerger shipping lines. 3s wel ‘Then in 2222, the discovery of dllthium es @ naturel resource was mede, end the first source proved to be extremely convenient: the Federation colony word of Deneva. The Federation Fealized now how the unrefined element presented as: all that had to be done was to set up Infrastructure for mining. refining. and surveys for ciscovenng additonal scurces. White the lode (on Deneve was relatively substantial when compared to dllhium’s presence within Federation territory prior to the ciscovery. It was well understood thst one source was not enough. A completa Pevoluion of spacefight was about to Occur and it would not be limited to the UFP. DEA DYNAMICS PG Osos: AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191101 THE WARP NACELLES OF THE BONAVENTURE TEST PROGRAM ‘The immeciate jumpstart of the oiltium-focueed annibilaton core testing came about for three Feasone: I) clthium was proven to be @ naturally occurring element ang the Federation ha source. 2) 8 new type of computer (custronc) Capable of the precise caiculstions to ensure safe 5 consistent cilthium focusing was on the nesr-norizon, 3) Star Fleet wes keenly aware of its inebilty to ward off & massive invasion, Ag to the third reason, the key to solving this was the ability to proect firepower fer beyond the core worlds and the Sooner @ viable cruser could sip the ways in mesningful numbers. the better: “That was the main reason for the Goneventure's design. Never intended to become @ production Gloss feet the intent of the test was to resolve not the ability to enniniste dlithium focusing for” all of Star Fieet, es the felth in Guctronics wes soli it was to skip sireight to the expensive Spaceframes of & cilthium-powered fleet and get the crulsers going By focusing on the interections of warp flelcs and hull geometries needed by a long-ranging cruiser design. the ‘Sooner those cruisers would be cut there procieming the Federation's endurence, The smaller sships-of-the-ine and auvdlaries would follow, of that there was no concern. Go. the intent was to get the date necessary to develop a potent dasign for ae heavy @ cruiser a8 posable and do it Fight the fret time, The taetbed ahip-egain not intended for: production woul therefore be unconventonal in its dimensions, a= it would be testing the fluences of the nulls, the Bylons. and the nacelle shapes themselves on the potential warp fieids the avaliable nacelles WoUlc provide. The best Cancidate nacelle for the test program would be the adaptable PE-14, most often| Ublized by the Venture and Caracal ight cruisers. A number of acvances had been mada in bath warp coll producten metheds and ther layouts within 6 nacelle as the PB-I4s were largely mace Svalabie with the older cesses retring. this gave the machining labs plenty of candidates with which to Work, ‘The nacelle thet was used to establish the ultimste pyion configuration to best test the concept ot ‘mult-lobed warp bubbles around a general heavy Cruiser design was designated es PE-I4-055, S minmally modified maining PEI. Seneore were added directly te the nacelie to determina Sot Beseine field results end tevistions from the ciffenng pylon lengths ard placements. At least 5 Such nacelles were altered to the same specications. different only in the weld locations for the external connections to the pylon. “The PE~14-100 never actually entered the workshon's doors, remaining conjectural, Gasad on the inital fight teste of the Bonaventure in her baseline Configuration t was realized that the Interspersed nature of the ~IO0's cols would be siower to achieve the multiple werp field lobes ‘and was cropped ‘The PB-14-10] was seen es promising, with two examples completed and ready for mounting. The warp fields in the labs were strong and. most importantly, stable Every step of the way of design {and production development indicated this warp nacelle Would move the test stp steactly through eect of the warp factors with nery @ shudder providing = moderately safe, macerstely Performing warp experience. But they would never be mounted: ‘The ultimate nacell to be tested. the PE~I4-I02 was seen as a high-risk nacelle, but t provided! something the ~I01 could not: an in-fight capacity to adapt the emulations of the possible heavy Cruiser design permutations. as well es the heavier feld loads and stress patterns such 3 sip might be expactad to encounter. This came about because of the accion of an oversized off-apds fie controler, Because of the importance of ceveloping = pracuction heavy erulser sooner than later: it was Gecded to recognize the pyion lengths had been fully explored and instead focus on aling down these multple meson factors. This Ig the nacelle pair wih which the il-fated Bonaventure fs most aeaociated, Po oss DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 11101 Array: Generally 8 combinstion of identicsl sensors, wespons. or other equipment operating in conjunction. Borge: one of several ailfering typee of vessels, Including 1) @ low-warp bulk carrier designed to ransport unpackaged bulk cargo: 2) an orbitei—to-atmasphere combat lander, usually nesviy armored and lightly armed, to trensport large troop formations into cefended surface sreas, ©/P/S. Centerine/Port/Starboard (see P/S) less: 8 procuction run of vessels ail to Identical [or neeriy Identical standards. Ex: the Constituton clase GLossary Corvette: Small warp-capable ship dedicated to locel patrol, lew enforcement and community Service miasions, Sometmes landing-capable, not dependant on starbase faciitiss for support Cruiser: A mecsum multi-purpose starship. The largest exploration vessels untl the early 24th century when relagated to other duties with the introduction of lerge Exporer starships. Deep space: The region nesr or beyond the recognized borders of the Federation, often uncharted in any considerable detail Destroyer: A medium offense starship intended for destroying enemy capital ships and installations. ae well as conducting fiest escorts, ECS: Earth Cargo Ship, pretix for vessels flagged under the governing authority of the Earth Cargo Service ELAS: Extreme Long Range Sensor Flight: A modification to @ class of ship intended to be incorporsted by most or all members of that clase. Fitter: an extremely low-aittuce planetary personnel and freight vehicle, utiizing anti-grav hover fenuiement Langer vehicles might resemble vnesiiees trucks with the smallest analogues to one~ (or two-person motorcyies. Frigate: Untl the late 2nd century @ dedicated medium defense and escort starship, larger than corvette but smaller than destroyer often capable of trane~almaspharic operations: In the 25rd century and into the early 24th century often used to designate defense and escort starshios ranging from small petrol and escort ships typically lecking torpedo armament to versatile multipurpose ships simlar ta ight cruisers. FTL: abbrevietion for Faster Than Light GW Gigawatt Hopper: @ small vehicle designed for atmospheric fight. While some may have limited aerospace capabilites, they are generally utlized for inire- and intercity transport of personnel ISA. Internationel Space Agency Formed by the NUN in 2018 in en effort to coordinate: international space exploration miesions. Gucceaded by bath the UEGPA and UEGN in 2087 and 2085. respectively Ighalewe-Dell Barrier: The exnonential growth in the power requirad by early warp nacelles ae FTL speeds spprosched warp factor & (on the OCU scale) Laser: Typicslly @ secondery weapon on esrly space vessels. Current shielding technology hes largely negated the threat poised by the coherent electromagnetic beam. M: Meters M/AM: Matter Antimatter MT Matric Tene Navigation Light: Yellow in color these lights are generally located on or near major points of Superstructure of a space Vessel They often provide low-emission positioning signals for Specie locetions on end within the vessel for the purposes of proximity maneuvering by another vassel and relative destination positions for transporters. Not to be confused with red oF green running ight, NCC: Letter prefix in LFP Sterfiest vessel registries. snecdotelly ssid to come from the term Naval Construction Contract. Current usage hes letter N signifying UFP registry and CC. signifying active Star Fleet forces. Neerspace: The region of the Federation cansiderad ta be internal fully charted, and Uncontested, NUN: New United Nations. Farmed in 201 first dissolved in 2063 (during the Third World War). re-formed in 2085 (two years folowing First Contact). then finaly dissolved in 2078. ‘Authorized the formation of the ISA (2018), UESPA (2087), UEOP nd UESN (bath 2058) Succesded by the UEDE DELTA DYNAMICS P0307 AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 11101 (OCU Original Cochrane Units. representing the original werp scale. where the warp tector Cubed was the velocity inc, the speed of ight. (Operations! Standard: the description and designstion for @ previous testbed or prototype vessel that hes been made operational, though nat necessarily to the starcerde of the official Claas, x: USS Constellation (operations! standard) P/S Port/Starboardt lett & right side, respectively in navel parience. Particle Cannon: A primary or secondary wespon on some early space vessels. though generally replaced by phaser technology The weapon accelerated cherged or neutral matter (Gr antimatter) particles to relativistic speeds Also commonly known as phase cannons. GLossary (CONTINUED) Phase Cannon: (see Particle Cannon) Phaser: A cirected-eneray /particie weapon in common use aboard Ster Flest vessels. as wel 88 other UEP end foreign fleets, Besed upon rapid nacion effect. It generates 8 wide-band Particle beam utilzing both electromagnetic and subspace components. Plasma Cannon: A projectile weapon in common use abosrd early space vessels. A sublight weapon, the cannon generates, contains, and directs the release of ionized matter The weapon 's often complemented by particle and/or laser weapon systems. Prototype 8 vessel constructed (or modified) to perform tests end trials of & potential new cles (or subciess) of ship, unning Light: Red (port /ieft) and green (starboard/right) ights traditionally denoting the gbserved side of a water vessel under low sght coneitions, Litized for ssnlar purposes by space vesse's of the UFPthough generally for rapid orientation by the plots /neins of other vessels maneuvering in close proximity Not to be confused with yelow navigation lights. SCE: (see Star Fleet Corps of Engineers) Scout: A small to medium, fast research and/or reconnaissance space vessel, equipped with extensive sensor and research equipment. Though protected by defensive energy weapons, most substitute probe leunchers for torpedoes, Series: 8 succession of vessels ail deriving from one standard, comprisad of the originel cisss. Subclasses, flights, and types. Ex: the Constitution series Shuttle An ausdlary craft carried by larger vessels for arbit-to-graund transportation or Getached operations. Also Used for Starbase lisison cute. Shuttiepod: Very small auxiliary craft used for ship-to-ship or orbit-to-ground transportation, free-space mantenance. and repair work. snd detached operations of 8 very imited nature Usually not equipped with @ warp drive. ter Fleet: The primary exploration and defense organization of the UFPFarmed in 2161 te protect the integrity of the Federation and the safaty of te members and to expand the knowledge of the member cultures. ‘Star Rest Corps of Engineers: the specie! construction. maintenance, repeir. and public engineering management agency (en echelon of Star Fleet Engineering) for both Star Fleet anc the Faderaton. The SCE is often tasked with bulking ard maintaining feciities both standard and @:0tc. es well 6s providing repd response to engineering problems that cour fer from Feveraton resources. Sterfiaet: Shorthand name for the United Earth Starfleet (UESF), the primary exploration and defense organization of Linited Earth 2023-216], Not to be confused with the UFP Star Fleet Flenamed Earth Fleet Upon the formation of the United Federation of Planets. ‘STL: abbreviation for Stower Than Light. Subciess: A significant variant of @ given class of ship. usualy newbuls, though sometimes including important macifications to existing ships, that are not intended to replace the existing Ships of the original cles. Often named for the first ship to reach thet final intended praduction Stenderd. “ender: An auxiliary vessel specifically designed for deep space replenishment and support of starshis and other vessels. Whie often equipped with a tractor davica, the inabilly to efficiently tow another vessel in warp distinguishes the tender from @ tug Testbed @ vessel constructed (or matified) as 3 platform to test new technologies. with the vessel not necessary transitioning to en operational status TING TErrence-Neltorr Graduated scale where upon each full warp factor is achieved when & certain number of cachranes were met in output resulting in mare efficient enging plateaus. In this scale, Warp IO is unattanatie, Tbrpedo: The general designation for warp-capable guided projectia weapons. in contrast to subight-only guided missies. Ps 0308 DELTA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 11101 TFansport: A Starship or other vessel dedicsted to transporting passengers or cargo. They range in size trom small two- or three-crew ships to huge stsrships and freighters, ‘Transwerp Drive: The common name for drive systems capable of higher speeds and efficiences than the warp drive currenily in use throughout the Federation Promising venues of research Include Geep subspace immersion. new power reguistion methods. dimensional rift techniques, and time menpulation. No practical drives of these types ere yet avaiable at the tne, Tug 1) A warp-powered ship speciticaly designed to extend her warp field around objects that can thereafter be towed at warp speeds. Primarily used for the carriage of traneport pede hd fowng of cissblad starahips or other equipment lacking appropriate motive canabalties 2) cratt designed to propel ships or equipment lacking mative power about s limited area of operation, euch ae # space dock or construction site. May also refer to auch a vessel Intended to asst ships maneuvering within and in the vierity of docking feciltiss, GLossary (CONTINUED) TW ErreWatt Tyme Berrien: The exponential growth in the power required by eerty warp nacelles es FTL. speeds epprosched warp factor 7 (on the OCU sce). ‘Type: 8 variant to @ class, subclass, oF fight that is extremely linted in numbers and not Intended to supplant the origin estegory. Oftentimes used to explore potential variation for ture Upgrades, Ex the Bonhomme Picherd subclass (Type 2) UEDP: United Earth Defense Pact, Formed by the NUN in 2068 te put the "Earth's ascendancy nd safety shesd of nationel goals’. esked with the combined command snd control of the planets variaue armed forces. it became the de facto works government upon the NUNS Second dissolution in 2078. unti superseded by the United Earth government in 2130, UES: United Earth Ship, Ship prefix for the names of vessels of the ESN, UESF: (see Startieet) UESN: United Earth Stellar Nevy Predecessor to the UESF Formed under the authority of the United Earth Defense Pact in 20S, UESPA: United Earth Space Probe Agency Formed by the NUN in 2067, reliving the ISA of the coordination and development of human presence in interstellar space Fl-purpased as the exploration arm of the NUN in 2 ESS: United Earth Space Ship. Ship prefix for the names of vessels of the Linited Eerth Starfleet, LEP: United Federation of Planets. Formed in 2161 by a coalition of United Egrth. the Andorian Empire, Tec Alpha Centauri and the Confederacy of Vulcan, folowing the Romulan War UEP SF: (see Star Feet) USS: LFP Star Fleet Starship. Ship prefix for the names of Ster Flest vessels, emblazed on ship hulls (slong with the ships registry number). Commonly ebbrevisted es “United Starship" in verbal communication, although the expressions "United Spaceship and ‘Federation Starship’ are also frequently used. Work Pott The general name for manned, sub~impulse craft used for construction, maintenance, Peper and other service tasks in space. A variety of external tools end modules ere attached to the work pods to feciltste & multitude of tasks. DEA DYNAMICS AUTHENTICATED STAROATE 191101 Ps osos RePoaTs (© BONAVENTURE survey cruiser © BONAVENTURE lithium power testbed © BURKE frigates © CONSTITUTION heavy crusers (© DURANCE cargo tugs O HORIZON heavy cruisers © SYRACUSE destroyers © TRENT dagtrayers >» THE FOLLOWING ARE OTHER STARSHIP RECOGNITION MANUALS: PUBLISHED BY DELTA DYNAMCS: ‘Adaiianal reports may be found at stershipiracker com/daltadynemics Brrmuyic>D

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