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Aimee Wetenkamp

Production and Design

Professor Teague
Assessment Plan
Costume Design

Goal #1: The students will be able to analyze text and research characters
to develop a concept statement that will explain their design choices.

- SLO #1: Analyze text to justify decisions that are made while creating
the costume design for your production.

- SLO #2: Examine the location, date and time of the play to provide
historical and geographical accuracy to the costume pieces.

- SLO #3: Investigate the characters and their evolution throughout the
play to allow their fashion to evolve if and when needed.

Goal #2: The students will be able to articulate costume designs through
oral and visual presentations which they will present to the class.

SLO #1: Articulate costume design ideas both orally and visually
through sketching.

SLO #2: Read and implement costume sketches.

SLO #3: Exemplify understanding of the costume design process.

Goal #3: The students will display understanding of basic concepts involving
fabric, color, texture and shape by presenting a portfolio featuring their
costume design to the class.

SLO #1: Breaking down the work they have done for this course.
SLO #2: Selecting examples that they think best show what they have
learned this semester.

SLO #3: Clarify what they have chosen to include in their portfolios,
and expound upon why they chose those items.

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