Raul Rodriguez - The Thesis Statement

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The Thesis Statement

A good thesis statement should be accurate, clear and make a claim. The goal of the thesis
should be to articulate the author’s main point. The thesis statement can directly state what the
essay will be about, but a good thesis statement usually implies this rather than directly stating

Below are examples of thesis statements grouped in pairs. While both examples are
grammatically sound, one of the two is a better thesis statement because it is more accurate,
more clear and/or a better indicator of what the paper will be about. Try to determine the best
thesis based on the examples provided.

1a. In his autobiographical narrative, Frederick Douglass draws on techniques used in popular
texts of his day - sentimental literature, the Bible, and rip-roaring oratory - to persuade his
audience to reject slavery.

1b. Frederick Douglass’s autobiographical narrative is a significant exploration of the issue of


2a. This paper presents the results of my investigation into electronic surveillance in the

2b. Though employers currently have a legal right to monitor workers’ email and voicemail
messages, this practice can have serious effects on employee morale.

3a. Computers and the digital footprint they leave behind raise some significant questions for us

3b. Computerized records have turned our private lives into public property sold to the highest

4a. Because it has become outdated, the electoral college should be replaced by a system that
allows the U.S. President to be elected by direct popular vote.

4b. Rather than voting for a presidential candidate, voters choose their state’s Electoral College
representatives, who actually vote for the president; in most states, all of the electoral votes go
to the candidate that wins the popular vote in that state.

5a Because air pollution is a serious concern to people in the world today, many countries have
implemented a variety of plans to begin solving the problem.
5b. So far, research suggests that “zero - emissions” vehicles are not a sensible solution to the
problem of steadily rising air pollution.

6a Research on the recent trend in law enforcement known as “community policing” shows little
effect, if any, in deterring or reducing crime.

6b. “Community policing” is a recent trend in law enforcement used in many cities across the

7a. Love continues after death; love is perhaps the only thing death cannot destroy.

7b. Throughout the poem, we see reminders of the speaker’s continuing love for his dead wife,
even as he deals with his profound grief.

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