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1) Find a Person demonstrating the emotion and

2) Write one sentence as to why you believe that image demonstrates that emotion.
Emotioin Picture Justification

Happy These people are happy

because they are not worried
in life and have there time of
there life.

Sad She is sad because maybe

something about in her life
that she in sad.

Mad He is mad because someone

did something that he didn't

Fear These people have fear

because they are scared.

Love These people are in love

because they like eachother.
Guilt He is feeling guilt because he
lied to someone and they
believe him.

Shame She is shamed because she

did something wrong and
people make fun of her.

nervous He is nervous because

something is going to

gateful These people are grateful for

family and friends.

selfish She is selfish because she

just care about herself.

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