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Chapter 12

1 Consider a small element of the circumference of the coil, as shown in figure A12.1,
whose length is 0/, and which is inclined at an angle, 1J, to the vertical. The Lorentz force
on this element is
oF = iol X B

where ol is directed along the tangent to the circumference in the direction of i. The
force's direction is given by the right-hand corkscrew rule. When the plane of the coil
makes no angle (0 = 0°) with B, the angle between ol and B is (90° - 1J) and the force's
magnitude is
oF = Bi0lsin(90o - 1J) = Bi0lcos1J

_ ,_e
view lool::ing down AD

Figure Al2.1

The moment of this force and the corresponding element on the other side of the
circumference is
oM = 2rcos 1JoF = 2Bircos2 1J Ol
since the separation between elements is 2rcos 1J. But Ol = ro1J making

And when the plane of the coil is inclines at () to B, the moment of the element is
oM cos(). Integrating oM from 1J = - 1r 12 to 1J = 1r 12 gives

M = IdMcos() = I 1<12

2Bir 2cos0cos2 1Jd1J


L. A. A. Warnes, Solutions to Problems

© L.A.A. Warnes 1994
126 Chapter twelve

Now = [q, + sin22q,] 1(

= 11"

Thus M = 11"Bir2 cos8 = 11"BAicos8

2 The induced e.m.f. is

d~ dA dx
dt dt dt

And in air B = pJl = 411" X 10-7 X 40 = 50.3 p.T, so that

E = Blv = 50.3 X 10-6 X 2.65 X 112000/3600 = 4.14 mV

The power dissipated is '1-!R, where

R = _l = __2_.6....,...5_
_,. = 5.3 mO
uA 50 X 106 X 10-s

... P = (4.14 X 10-3) 2 /5.3 X 10-3 = 3.23 mW

The force on the conductor is given by

F = il X B

and this has a magnitude of

F = ilBsin8 = ilBsin90° = ilB

where i = EIR and R = lluA, so that
F :::::: EuAB = 4.14 X 10-3 X 50 X 106 X 10-s X 50.3 X 10-6 = 104 p.N

3 This is an exercise in using Fleming's right-hand (generator) rule, with the thumb
indicating the motion of the conductor (the sea) into the N Sea and the first finger
indicating the direction of the earth's magnetic field (downwards) as in figure A12.3,
making the £Urrent flow from France to England as indicated by the Se£ond finger. If the
current flows from France to England, the channel acts as a generator and thus England
is at the higher potential.
The magnitude of the e.m.f. is given by

E = d~ldt = BdA/dt = Bldxldt = Blv

where l is the width of the Channel in m, v is the speed of its flow in m/s and B = pJl

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