Review Chapter 1

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mgmt 300 ch 1 collier

HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i

1. How might capacity decisions affect a business Capacity should match

that is reliant on speed of service? Select the the maximum demand
best answer. for the service so overall
there is no shortage at
the end of the time peri-

2. Building a high-performing organization with a Economic

capable leadership and workforce is an example
of _____ sustainability.

3. North Zone Bank gives all its customers a Peripheral Goods

complimentary credit card along with a cus-
tom-made wallet when they open an account
with the bank. The credit card and the wallet are
examples of _____ offered by the bank

4. A high end car dealership wants to offer cus- A nail Manicure Service
tomers a variant as part of their customer ben-
efit package. What type of service would mostly
likely be considered a variant?

5. Which is a similarity between goods and ser- Both can be standard-

vices? ized for the mass market
or customized to individ-
ual needs.

6. Conducting disaster training for hurricanes, Economic

earthquakes and other environmental disas-
ters is an example of a business following
__________ sustainability practices?

7. A __________ good is one that lasts for less Nondurable

than three years or is no longer useful once it's

8. __________ refers to an organization's ability Sustainability

to strategically address current business needs
and successfully develop a long-term strategy
that embraces opportunities and manages risk
mgmt 300 ch 1 collier
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
for all products, systems, supply chains, and
processes to preserve resources for future gen-

9. __________ sustainability is an organization's Social

commitment to maintain healthy communities
and improve the quality of life.

10. A __________ good is one that does not quickly Durable

wear out and typically lasts at least three years.

11. Purchasing is a key activity performed by oper- Coordinating the acquisi-

ations managers that involves: tions, supplies and ser-

12. In the context of the pre- and post production They focus on gaining a
services perspective of a value chain, which customer.
statement is true of pre production services?

13. Which statement is true of service facilities? They need to be in close

proximity to customers.

14. Which statement is true of sustainability? Sustainability practices

lead to better public per-

15. Training your employees to work safely is an Social

example of _____ sustainability.

16. A __________ is a network of facilities and Value Chain

processes that describes the flow of materi-
als, finished goods, services, information, and
financial transactions from suppliers, through
the facilities and processes that create goods
and services, and those that deliver them to the

17. Jason and his friend went to a coffee shop. They Peripheral goods
ordered two cappuccinos and received a com-
plimentary chocolate waffle and cookie along
mgmt 300 ch 1 collier
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
with their order. In the context of a customer
benefit package (CBP), the chocolate waffle and
the cookie are:

18. Service encounter design is a key activity per- Determining how to re-
formed by operations managers that involves: cover from service up-

19. In order to increase value, an organization must: Decrease price or cost

while holding perceived
benefits constant

20. Which statement identifies a difference between Goods can be stored

goods and services? as physical inventory,
whereas services cannot
be stored as physical in-

21. In the context of the pre- and postproduction Recycling and remanu-
services perspective of a value chain, which are facturing initiatives
postproduction services of a value chain?

22. __________ are warehouses that act as interme- Distribution Centers

diaries between factories and customers, ship-
ping directly to customers or to retail stores
where products are made available to cus-

23. Which statement is true of a value chain? The pre- and postser-
vice framework of a
value chain emphasizes
that service is a critical
component of traditional
manufacturing process-

24. _____ is defined as the perception of the bene- Value

fits associated with a good, service, or bundle
of goods and services in relation to what buyers
are willing to pay for them.
mgmt 300 ch 1 collier
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i

25. _____ management is defined as the science Operations

and art of ensuring that goods and services
are created and delivered successfully to cus-

26. __________ is a key activity performed by op- Job Design

erations managers that involves deciding the
best way to assign people to work tasks and

27. When business analytics is used to understand Descriptive Analysis

past and current performance, it is called _____.

28. Which can be classified as a support process in Technology Acquisition

a business?

29. A _____ is a sequence of activities that is intend- Process

ed to create a certain result, such as a physical
good, a service, or information.

30. Which statement is true of operations manage- OM is the only function

ment (OM)? by which managers can
directly affect the value
provided to all stakehold-

31. A __________ is a customer benefit package Variant

(CBP) feature that departs from the standard
CBP and is normally location specific or firm

32. Ensuring consumer safety in using goods and Social

services is an example of _____ sustainability.

33. In the context of the pre- and postproduction They focus on keeping
services perspective of a value chain, which existing customers.
statement is true of postproduction services?

34. Which statement is true of goods?

mgmt 300 ch 1 collier
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
Goods-producing indus-
tries rely on machines
and hard technology to
perform work.

35. Predictive analytics are used by organizations envisage the future by

to: detecting patterns and
relationships in data.

36. Which is an example of a general management HR Management

process in a business?

37. Which is an example of a primary service? The cooling provided by

an air conditioner

38. Which statement is true of service employees? They require good hu-
man interaction skills
and strong cross-selling

39. A gracious welcome by an employee at the hotel A moment of truth

check-in counter is an example of:

40. In the context of customer benefit packages, Peripheral

__________ services are those that are not es-
sential to the primary service, but enhance it.

41. __________ s an example of a nondurable good. Software

42. Jane is planning to go on a camping trip. She Nondurable

purchases a bottle of mineral water, a pack of
biscuits, a small tube of toothpaste, and a tooth-
brush from the supermarket near her house. The
items that Jane has purchased from the super-
market are _____ goods.

43. Which statement best explains why employee because the customers
scheduling in a fast food restaurant is impor- expect a short wait time
tant? and food is not usually

mgmt 300 ch 1 collier
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made until the customer

44. Which statement is true of goods-producing They are mechanistic

processes? and controllable because
of the lack of customer

45. __________ refers to raw materials, Inventory

works-in-process, or finished goods that are
maintained to support production or satisfy
customer demand.


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