Bordellos & Basilisks - Shorefall 1.0

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Adventure Module

By Amabet Kinksey
Adventure Module for Bordellos & Basilisks
Created by Amabet Kinksey

This book contains explicit sexual content. This game is not
intended for minors.

Bordellos & Basilisks and Shorefall are © 2024 Amabet Kinksey. All rights reserved.
What is an Adventure Module? The Se�ng
An adventure module is a guided adventure Shorefall takes place in the world of Zor from
that includes information for a Mystic Escort the base game of Bordellos & Basilisks. Player
to lead players through it. Shorefall is characters may be from any area in Zor.
designed to use the Bordellos & Basilisk Wherever their stories began, they have now
Playtest 1.0 rule system. This book is designed lead to the island of Iliochrysos. This island is
for the Mystic Escort’s eyes so that players a tropical island dominated by a dormant
will be surprised by the story. volcano at the far end of the island. Most of
Iliochrysos is covered in thick jungles but
As with the rule system this adventure uses, beneath the vegetation lies the ruins of a long
the content in this book is intended for adult lost empire.
audiences and features sexually explicit
content. This adventure is intended for two The discovery of these ruins has lead to an
players, a Mystic Escort and one other player adventuring gold rush, bringing many new
to take on the role of an adventurer. All faces to the island. The only town,
players should discuss whether they are Adventure’s Retreat, has quickly bloomed into
comfortable with introducing sexually a make-shift city. Adventure’s Retreat rests in
explicit content to their role-playing a cove on the opposite side of the island from
gameplay before starting this adventure. the volcano. The port is always busy as more
treasure seekers arrive each day.
Live Ac�on Role-Playing A local expedition guild has formed to control
Bordellos & Basilisks features light live action access to the ruins. They imprison any
role-playing (LARP) elements. Shorefall may adventurers that attempt to explore the ruins
additionally include unique live action role- without one of their permits. The guild has
playing elements throughout the module. spent plenty of gold sending flyers far and
Going forward, these elements will be marked wide across Zor.
by the word LARP. Players are encouraged to
skip or modify any content that they are not The player’s character found one of these
comfortable for or in the mood for at time of fliers and booked a trip with a merchant ship.
play. After several weeks on the high seas, their
character is about to arrive at Adventure’s
What You Will Need
You will need all the requirements for playing Star�ng Out
a game of Bordellos & Basilisks as well as a
copy of the Playtest 1.0 rule book for the same To begin Shorefall, the players should create a
game. brand new character or use a pre-generated
character with 15 Deeds to begin.

Part One - Adventure’s Retreat
Arrival as much of the day has already gone by. Most
people in Adventure’s Retreat can point out
Once players have finished creating or the direction to the guild. If the player asks
choosing their characters, read the following them about a place to stay, most would
passage: suggest the city’s largest tavern called ‘The
Deep Swig before the Plunge.’
“It has been several weeks since you left the
mainland aboard ‘The Lonely Swallow.’ The Expedi�on Guild
Finally, a glittering green jewel on the
horizon signals your arrival at Iliochrysos. It Finding the expedition guild on your own is
takes the better part of a day for the jong that easy enough as well. The guild is easily the
has been your home these past couple of largest building in the city and is a grand,
weeks to pull up to port. As the vessel slowly manor-esque structure. When the player
slides up to the nearest dock, you glance enters the expedition guild for the first time,
down at the faded flyer that brought you read the following passage to the players:
here. ‘Fame and Fortune awaits, at
Adventure’s Retreat on Iliochrysos!’ The “You step into a grand opening hall, filled
imagery seems a very… loose and far more with all kinds of people. The din in here is
generous depiction of the make-shift city that raucous as adventurers advertise their
appears before you. The flyer includes services to those with permits and other
instructions to visit the city’s expedition guild groups brag loudly about their
to acquire a permit for exploring the island’s accomplishments. You can see every walk of
ruins. Eventually, the jong shudders against fortune seeker from trembling first timers to
the dock and the crew leaps to action, the most seasoned fighters. The room is lined
shouting orders and moving cargo. As you with long tables but across from the door you
jump ashore, you can feel the wooden see several wooden booths. Most of the booths
platform spring under your step. Now in the are occupied by people in tapered navy
loud bustle of the city shore, you ponder what uniforms talking with adventurers. These
your first steps should be.” booths are busy as well but it looks like you
could find an open attendant without waiting
The player is now free to explore Adventure’s too long.”
Retreat. Without a permit, the player is able
to explore the city and the surrounding island The expedition guild’s employees wear navy
so long as they don’t go inside any of the blue uniforms and the front-facing workers
many ruins. man these booths. The booths are joined
together with a small locked gate at one end
Adventure’s Retreat practices a classic leading to behind the counters. This area also
democracy where all landowners in the city features a staircase leading up to the higher
may vote on laws and the government. The floors that mark the employee only part of
citizens meet once a month at the city's the building. These booths are operated
amphitheater to decide on proposed changes through all hours of the day although there
to the laws. A city guard exists and are hired are fewer attendants over night.
or removed during these sessions as well.
These attendants are responsible for selling
Currently, the city has fairly lax laws that permits to adventurers. If the player speaks
favor personal freedom over governmental with one about acquiring a permit, the
control. Stealing and murder are against the attendant will present them the following
law, as well as enter ruins without the correct options:
permit. There are no laws against public
indecency. Outskirts Permit for 25 gc. This type of
permit covers any of the ruins found on the
The player has been given a clear objective of same side of the island as the city but only
reaching the expedition guild, but an equally those ruins that are less than a mile from the
reasonable start may be to seek out lodgings shore.

Jungle Permit for 50 gc. This permit covers into the room. At one table, you can see a
the all the ruins on Iliochrysos that are more sour dwarf dealing cards to a handful of
than half a mile away from the Volcano. scarred adventurers. At another table, a burly
human and a tall elf argue over whose weapon
All-Access Permit for 80 gc. This permit gives is more battle scarred while a fiendblood
a character and their companions the right to woman tries her best to appear as bored as
explore any ruin on the island, regardless of possible.
The room is so packed that you quickly
The player likely cannot afford any of these struggle to focus on any particular table or
permits at this point. If they mention this to group for long until your eyes find the bar at
the attendant or ask them if there is another the far side of the tavern. A hulking, red
way to get a permit, the attendant will offer to wyrmling man scowls behind the bar while
give them a tip regarding a lost outskirts polishing a mug. A kitsune barmaid leans into
permit that may have ended up in the wrong the bar, visibly making an effort to force a
hands. If the player asks where to earn smile out of him. Next to the bar, you can see
money, the attendant will suggest visiting a rickety staircase spiral up around the walls
‘The Deep Swig before the Plunge’ where until it vanishes into the floor above. Even at
sometimes requests are left with the a glance, it is clear that you’ve found the
proprietor or to visit ‘Devilishly Merry heart of the city.”
Bordello’ to see if they are offering any work.
The swig is the largest tavern in the city and
If the player offers any type of sexual favors offers rooms and meals. They have many
to the attendant, then they will offer to cut cheap rooms available as well as a couple of
the price of an outskirts permit down to 10 gc medium quality rooms that they refer to as
in exchange for oral sex from the player. If ‘Captain Quarters.’ The tavern also has plenty
the player agrees, the attendant will meet of ale, water, coffee, and tea available to
them at the locked gate at the side of the purchase. They do not sell any wine until
booth and expect them to perform it there. someone sorts out their basement problem,
Nearby adventurers will watch and make see below.
jeering cheers to both of them.
The swig is run by the large red wyrmling
If the player asks for the tip about the missing named Zorold. He is accompanied by a white
permit, go to Part Two - Missing Permit on furred kitsune named Felicity. The two put on
page 12 and follow the instructions there. quite an act of harassing and disapproving of
each other. However, it is a public face as
The expedition guild is also the best location privately the two have feelings for each other
in the city to hire escorts. The player should and share a mostly secret romance.
be able to find any kind of escort available in
the guild hall except for unique escorts. A trapdoor behind the bar leads to the
tavern’s cellar. This is where they keep bottles
The Deep Swig before the Plunge of wine and other valuables. Recently, a giant
rat and several smaller rats have overtaken it.
The largest tavern in town is also known as A recent arrival offered to help but never
‘The Deep Swig,’ ‘Deep Swig,’ and ‘The Swig.’ returned. If asked about why wine isn’t
The building is a large, patchwork-looking available or if asked about ways to make
wooden structure at the corner of the city money, Zorold will offer 6 gc to clear out the
market. Upon entering the swig for the first rats. If pressed for more of a reward, he’ll
time, read the following passage: mention the previous adventurer and tell the
player they can have whatever is left on their
“The extreme contrast between the bright, body. If the player clears out the cellar
tropical sun outside and the dark interior of without pressing Zorold or while having made
the tavern makes it difficult for your eyes to a positive impression on him, he will give
adjust at first. Even before your vision them a bottle of wine for free. Once the cellar
focuses, the stiff smell of ale fills your nose is cleared, the swig will start selling wine
and you are deafened by the shouting and again as well.
laughter of countless people. You find
yourself in a surprisingly large, round room
filled with tables at odd angles. The floor is
terraced, leading down the further you go

The Swig’s Cellar Several people are leisurely reclining on the
chairs in their underwear. A male fiendblood
If player’s take up Zorold’s offer or find with burgundy skin sits in one chair, wearing
themselves inside the cellar for other reasons, nothing but a leather bolero and jock-strap.
they will find that the trapdoor opens to a He is lazily flipping through a small black
ladder down to a small landing. The floor and book. An elf women in satin lingerie is laying
walls are made of rough stone and the air is across another chair, feigning a nap.
packed with dust. The cellar smells vaguely of
wet dog. A small staircase leads down from Behind a counter, a human with short ginger
the landing and around a corner into the hair is writing in a ledger. Unlike the rest of
cellar proper. the room, they are dressed in a tight leather
doublet and equally tight leather pants. While
The cellar is a somewhat small, square room. you take in the sights, the far door opens and
There are several racks full of wine lining the a female wyrmling with cerulean scales leads
walls of the room. In the far corner of the out a gruff looking dwarf still fastening his
room is a small oak desk. A lock box sits on belt. The wyrmling bows to him before
the top of the desk and requires thieves’ tools heading back inside, pulling the door closed
and a Dexterity check of 20 to open. Inside is behind her. The dwarf gives her a curt nod
56 gc, 21 sc, and another 18 bc. Standing next before she goes and then proceeds to shoulder
to the desk is a locked case containing a bottle past you and back into the city.”
of fine wine. This lock requires a check of 14
to open. The bordello is run by a fiendblood maid
named Mary Mee Amore. Unbeknownst to all
Under the desk, a partially collapsed rat hole but her most tenured and trusted employees,
is clearly visible. If cleared, the hole leads Mary is actually a succubus in disguise. As
back out to under the docks and this is where such, Mary avoids being out in public or at the
the rats originally entered from. A large stone front of the house as much as possible. She is
block is pushed out from the hole. also only available to her most VIP clients and
is carefully selective about who she will
One giant rat sits in the center of the room service. Instead, she typically feeds her lust by
while three rats prowl around the outskirts of choosing one of the other prostitutes to sleep
the basement. Next to the giant rat there is with each night. These nights often result in
the corpse of a half-elf sailor that is partially that prostitute being too exhausted and
eaten. Looting this body will give the player 3 drained to work the following day.
gc, a pair of leather boots, and a jersey jock-
strap. The corpse also holds a bottle of wine in The front of the house is run by a human
its hand that clearly came from one of the named Quinn, described in the intro as the
nearby racks. person behind the counter. Quinn only
services clients at their discretion as well, and
will refuse service to any rude or abrasive
Devilishly Merry Bordello customers. Quinn handles any payments and
when a prostitute is requested, they flip a
The city’s sole bordello is also often referred board on the back wall behind the counter.
to as ‘Mary’s,’ ‘The Devils,’ or simply ‘DMB.’ The other side of these boards face into the
The bordello rests towards the edge of the employee lounge, alerting the escorts when
city near the guild. While not nearly as they have a customer.
impressive as the guild, Mary’s is still a large
and good looking manor. When the players If a player requests a prostitute, it will cost
enter the bordello for the first time, read the them at least 12 gc per session. It should be
following: assumed that they can find a courtesan of
whatever type they request so long as they
“Your nose is immediately hit with the strong would like an ancestry from the core book.
scents of lavender and fruity rosé. You find Mary’s is a large establishment and one of the
yourself in a posh lounge with thick wealthiest businesses in town, as such they
cushioned chairs and dark oak coffee tables have a wide variety of talent available. Should
on either side of the door. The room is the player pay for one, they will arrive shortly
relatively small, with a counter at the far end and lead the player’s character through the
next to a heavy ebony wood door without ebony door and down a short hall that leads
windows. to the lounge. The employee lounge is well
decorated and furnished. From there, they

will take them up a flight of stairs and into a Victor’s Secret Boudoir
private room with a fancy bed.
One of the more posh storefronts at the
If the player asks about earning money, Quinn market is the city’s lingerie shop. Victor’s
will tell them that Mary is not taking on new Secret Boudoir is hardly a secret and often
talent at this time. They will tell the player referred to instead as ‘Victor’s’ or ‘The
that Mary’s does operate a glory hole and Boudoir.’ When players enter for the first
they offer to pay people for every customer time, read the following:
they satisfy there. The player can agree to this
once per day and if they do, they must make a “As you step into the well lit store, you are
Constitution check. For every 5 points in their met with the scent of cinnamon and fresh
check, the player is considered to have linens. Rolls of colorful fabric line one wall
satisfied one customer. Quinn will pay them 1 while the floor is crowded with lingerie
gc for per satisfied customer. If the player displays. Sprinkled throughout the store are
partakes in this enough time to please at least tables laden with undergarments. You can see
ten customers, Quinn will recognize their two people working away at sewing wheels in
hard work and start offering 2 gc for every the far corner. Next to them sits a well-kempt
satisfied customer instead. Should the player dwarf in a colorful blue doublet. He works at
ask to be services at the glory hole, it costs 4 sewing up a hole in a jersey thong, all the
gc each time. while puffing on a pipe.”

The Market The Boudoir is the only shop dedicated to

lingerie and underwear in Adventure’s
While there are a number of storefronts in Retreat. The proprietor is the dwarf Victor
Adventure’s Retreat, most business is done in who can always be found in extravagant
the open air market outside the city’s clothes. He also spends considerable time
amphitheater. If the player looks for the maintaining his goatee and handlebar
market they will easily find it by following the mustache.
loudest chatter. When they arrive at the
market the first time, read the following: The boudoir sells any kind of underwear out
of linen, jersey, or satin. For a small mark-up,
“You come to a large square and the clatter he’ll under lace for custom pieces as well. It
reaches a crescendo. The streets are clogged typically takes a couple of weeks for any lace
with various stalls and throngs of would-be deliveries to arrive, and another day or two
customers. Merchants of all shapes and sizes for him to make anything with it. If he doesn’t
shout out advertisements. A small elven boy have a particular style in stock either, he can
in patchy green clothes flits between the make it within a day.
crowds and yelling out the news and
upcoming events. The smells here are both Victor is all business but will break his
delicious and chaotic. You imagine that you professional demeanor to make a pass at
could find pretty much any type of product if flirting with particularly alluring male
you looked long enough.” patrons. He’ll offer a discount on the first
custom order from a male character that
The open air market is full of stalls of all makes sexual advances on him but Victor will
kinds. Players can find plenty of food and not offer this unless asked. He is business man
adventuring gear here. They can also find after all.
equipment stalls although if they ask around
about equipment, most people will point them
towards the row of buildings at the edge of
the square. This is where the most successful
shops and the largest inventories can be

Lucky Lucy’s Knicks & Knacks “The lights of the city are immediately lost in
the dark, smoky interior. The smell of iron,
The largest shop on the market row is also the coal and oil assails your nostrils. It takes your
one with the most adventurers crowded ears a moment to adjust to the sounds of
around it. To them, the shop is simply known hammer on metal but once they do, you hear
as ‘Lucy’s,’ ‘Knacks,’ or ‘The Pawn.’ Upon boisterous laughter. As your eyes adjust to the
entering the store, read the following: lighting, you quickly find the source. A pair of
sapphire-scaled wyrmling women work away
“You are greeted in the door by a mass of at the forge, chattering away as if they hadn’t
random items and gear. It takes you more a care in the world. Glittering armor and
than a moment to figure out how to even weapons line the walls, disorganized but
push further into the store. You tip-toe showcasing a level of metal working that
around piles of odds and ends, as careful as rivals the best smiths you’ve seen. A couple of
you can, not to knock over anything. You adventurers mill about, examining various
imagine the store would feel quite large if tools of war.”
empty, but instead you can’t shake the slight
feeling of claustrophobia in here. The store Sapphire Studs is owned by the two female
smells heavily of oil and smoke. Finally, you sapphire wyrmlings, Jelia and Zeus. They are
discover the counter where a dwarf woman outgoing and friendly, quick to joke with
sits atop a pile of boxes with her boots up on anyone that enters their smith.
the counter. A pipe sticks out from the curls
of her disheveled auburn hair. As you Thanks to all the salvage from the ruins, there
approach, she squints at you through her is no shortage of metal to be worked here. As
half-moon glasses. ‘Welcome to Lucky Lucy’s such, players can find pretty much any type of
Knicks & Knacks, my new friend!’” metal weapon or armor at the Studs. Should
players make an effort to befriend the two
Lucky Lucy’s is the largest pawn shop in owners, they may even get a small discount.
Adventure’s Retreat. As such, she is both But romantic advances will make no progress
loved and hated by the many adventurers that here as the two wyrmlings only have eyes for
pass through. She is the primary buyer of each other.
relics and loot from the ruins. She deals tough
because her margins are slim, especially when Tanner’s Tanning
she has to cover costs for shipping most of the
stuff she buys to markets abroad. Not a shop, but a stall that never moves. Close
by the Sapphire Studs, players will come
Lucy is a middle-aged female dwarf with across a small covered wagon. Walking up to
perpetually messy hair. Maintaining her the stall, present the players with this:
collection takes so much time that she has
little to spend on herself. She wears stained “At the edge of the market, you spot a wagon
overalls over fairly plain clothes. She has a covered in heavy tanned leathers. It looks like
thing for boots though. Her boots are in the same kind of wagon you’d see in a caravan
excellent condition and made from leather but there are no signs of any draft animals to
with ornate designs. pull it. What is more is that many of the
leathers look fresh, some still drying in the
Little known to her regulars, she also has a sun. At the front of the wagon, a make-shift
refurbished clockwork archer buried behind counter has been propped up. Behind the
her desk. It will spring to defend her should counter leans an uncommonly short and stout
any patrons be foolish enough to resort to elf. He has a barrel of water between his legs
force. Lucy has little interest in romance and and appears to be dunking large chunks of
won’t offer discounts for practically anything. leather into it. After only a moment, he looks
up and catches your eyes. ‘Aye, need some
Sapphire Studs hide?’”

Thick black chimney smoke is the dead Tanner is an unusual elf amongst his kind, but
giveaway for the market’s smith. A squat he also cares little of it. He relies on his wagon
brick building, it is relatively plain except for being too heavy to move to ensure he keeps
a beautifully hand-painted sign. This is the his spot in the market. But he never leaves his
number one stop for metal weapons and wagon anyways so it would be near impossible
armor. The following passage should be read to do so regardless. He has a leather bedroll
to players at their first visit: set up in the back for the few winks he gets.
Tanner is the most prolific leather worker in
the market, relying on adventurers or other
merchants for his supply of fresh hides. But
his constant working and little sleep means he
can outwork his competition with ease. It
doesn’t hurt that his work also showcases the
highest quality in the city.

Players can find all types of leather supplies

here and even some wood-based gear like
shields and arrows. He’s not talkative, but
appreciates repeat customers and
unproblematic ones.

Public Baths
A short walk from the market will take
players to the public bath house. A large stone
building with magnificent pillars, the bath
house is another popular location and hard to
miss. Should players choose to enter, read
the following:

“The public bath house is hard to miss. A

towering stone structure lined with majestic
pillars. Even from the street you can see into
one of the two large baths. You can see a
handful of naked people relaxing in the
cerulean waters within. You almost feel
jealous, standing out in the heat and sweat of
the crowded street.”

The public bath is operated and cleaned by a

couple of people. Much like the guard, these
positions are filled by city vote. The bath
house is free to use although players must
bring their own towels if they want to dry
themselves off after.

Resting within the public bath house will

restore 1d4 health per hour spent.

Part Two - Missing Permit
The Tip flee towards the shore once they are slain.

The expedition guild attendant tells the In addition to the standard bandit loot, the
player that some headstrong noble’s daughter player can find some additional gear that
arrived a couple of days ago and purchased an once belonged to the noble. These include 6
outskirts permit. The woman refused any gc, a lump of crab meat, an ornate longsword,
advice or direction and soon left town, a linen tanga, linen halter bra, a black jersey
heading the wrong direction. No one has seen choker, and the lost outskirts permit.
or heard from her since then.
Returning to the City
There are a handful of bandit troupes that
operate on that side of the island and the On the trip back to the city, if the player has
guild is concerned that they may have gotten not run into any random encounters then you
their hands on the permit. This could lead to should roll on the jungle encounter chart
counterfeits being produced so they would be below once they are about an hour from town.
happy to re-issue the permit for whoever
recovers it. Dice
Roll Enemy
The attendant tells them that the noble left to 1 Giant Rat
the east, following the jungle’s edge further
around the island. 2 Pit Viper
3 Crabfolk Hunter
Into the Jungle 4 Two Bandits
The noble did not make a good run of it. A 5 A Crabfolk Hunter and Swellslinger
simple Intelligence 8 check can allow the
player to easily follow her tracks and simply 6 Two Bandits & a Bandit Leader
following a straight path along the jungle’s
edge will eventually bring the player to their If the player returns to the expedition guild
body regardless of following the tracks or not. to report the permit’s retrieval, the
attendant will alter the permit to feature the
She strode off into the jungle and ultimately player character’s name instead. They will
met her fate at the claws of a crabfolk hunter. also pass along the location of a recently
It should only take a couple of hours walk to uncovered entrance to the ruins near the
reach their corpse, although if the player has coast to the west. The attendant will also
not slept since arriving on the island then the advise the player that the ruins nearest the
sun should be setting at this point. coast have also frequently proved to be
Periodically while traveling in the jungle, you easier going. They will also warn the player
should roll 1d20 and if a 16 or higher is rolled that should they encounter a hulking beast
then you should also roll on the random made of clockwork that they should run as
encounter chart on the next page. fast as they can. These monsters are slow but
pack a wallop and recently took out a fresh
The noble’s daughter was a half-elf and her group of would-be adventurers in a different
body has been stripped. A successful search part of the island.
check (intelligence, difficulty of 10) of the
body will reveal that it has been looted and
deep boot prints lead deeper into the jungle.

Should the player follow these tracks, they

will find a small camp with two bandits and a
bandit leader. Also in a bamboo cage at the
center of the camp lies a wounded crabfolk
hunter. The hunter is bloodied and at half
health. If freed, it will fight the bandits and
Part Three - Shoreside Tunnels
To the West The South Path
Once players are ready, they should set off to If players take the south path, they find
the west to reach the ruins the attendant themselves in a small room with a destroyed
tipped them off on, known as the Shoreside and long desiccated corpse in the far corner.
Tunnels. The ruins are about a three hour Looting the body will reward players with a
trek through the jungle. chainmail shirt and chainmail pants.

Every hour of the journey, you should roll If they travel through the path to the east,
1d20 and each time you roll at least a 15 or they are immediately attacked by the
higher, roll for a random encounter on the Clockwork Sentry waiting on the other side.
chart on the previous page. Against the far side of the room is a small
chest fitted with a dust-caked lock.
Mouth of the Tunnel Attempting to remove or grab the lock in any
way will result in it crumbling to dust.
Once players reach the ruins, read the Opening the chest reveals 22 gc.
following passage to set the scene:
The North Path
“Finally, after hours in the humid jungle, you
arrive at your destination. Here the Passing through the north opening reveals a
vegetation has been roughly hewn away to large room with many doorways. Before the
reveal a gaping tunnel into the earth. The players can relax too much, an arrow whizzes
hole is dark and you can’t see more than a few by as the Clockwork Sentry and Clockwork
feet in, but even still you can make out the Archer in this room spring to action.
ancient tan stone walls common to these
ruins. You can’t hear anything but the faint The doorway at the north end of this room is
sound of tropical birds. You take a deep blocked by a collapsed roof. Each of the four
breath and steel yourself for the unknown.” rooms to the west and east reveal rubble and
damaged stone beds. In the room with two
The tunnels are pitch black and will require a beds, the players can find 15 ft of chain.
light source to see into. If the player enters
without a light source, they gain the blinded The only path forward here is to move to the
condition until they leave the tunnels. This far side and travel east before moving north.
condition is continually applied so the This brings them into a large chamber
condition can only be removed by carrying a overgrown with strange fern-like vegetation
light source. that has somehow thrived in this darkness. As
players step into this room, something large
See page 14 for a map of the Shoreside stirs at the far end. A hulking Clockwork
Tunnels. Golem stands up and begins to move towards
the players. Roll for initiative.
The Rats
After following the tunnel for several
hundred feet, the players will find themselves
in a large chamber with the similar stone
walls, only collapsed in a couple of places.
They won’t have long to take in the sights
however as they are attacked by two Giant
Rats and a Rat.

After dealing with the rats, players can see

one path to the south and another to the


The Golem Fight
The golem is a tricky fight and likely too
strong for the player to overcome. They are
slow and ponderous so players should be able
to escape or attempt to dance around the
golem instead. If the player struggles to either
escape or attempts to fight the golem head-
on, then the golem should malfunction every
other turn and lose an action.

The Eastern Rooms

The small eastern rooms hold little loot aside
from a metal shovel head and a brass sickle.
The garden itself is empty of any loot. The
remains of a couple of long dead people can
be found amongst the ferns, mostly ground to
bone dust.

The Loot
If the player makes it to the farthest room to
the north, they find a room with tattered
linen banners lining the wall. The designs on
them are heavily faded by an Intelligence
check of 18 identifies that they seem to
feature the image of a dragon or basilisk on
them. At the center of the room there is a
massive stone bed with eaten away linen
scraps still stuck to it.

Against the western wall lies a collapsed

skeleton, still wearing a scalemail helmet and
a destroyed chainmail shirt. Next to the
corpse lies a gleaming greatsword that deals
+1 damage. The corpse also clutches a small
metal box containing 18 gc.

What’s Next?
Your players will likely wish to return to the
city to rest. Afterwards, the island is free to
explore and players can work towards buying
an all-access permit to reach the volcanic

For exploring further ruins, the Solo Play Rule

Book can be used to generate new ruins to
explore or feel free to create your own.

Adventure’s Retreat will continue to serve as

a base of operations for players but should
they wish to leave the cursed island, ships
come and go every day. The rest of the world
is only a boat ride away!

What is Shorefall?

Shorefall is an adventure module meant

to be used with the Bordellos & Basilisks
Playtest 1.0 rules. This adventure is
designed for two players using a new

Inside this book you will find all the

information necessary for a Mystic Escort
to guide their player through an early
adventure on the island of Iliochrysos.
Explore the tropical city of Adventure’s
Retreat and the surrounding ruins of an
ancient civilization.

© 2024 Amabet Kinksey. All rights reserved.

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