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Draupadi- 2/5 MARKS

1.When was Draupadi first published?

Mahasweta Devi's story 'Draupadi' was first published in 1978 in Bengali in her collection, Agnigarbha. The
English translation, by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, came out in the Critical Inquiry journal in 1981 and later in
her collection Breast Stories in 1997.
2. What is the setting of the story, 'Draupadi'?
Mahasweta Devi’s “Draupadi” is set against the backdrop of the Naxalite movement (1967–71), the
Bangladesh Liberation War (1971) of West Bengal, in Birbhum, Bankura, and the forrest of Jharkhani. The story
follows a tribal uprising against wealthy landlords.
3.Who is Surja Sahu?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Surja Sahu was the feudal kingpin of Bakuli. He, with the help of
“Biddibabu” (BDO), establishes two tubewells and three wells in his house. His wells were the only source of
water in the village during a drought in Birbhum. Dopdi and other Naxalite members killed him when he
refused to share water with others.
4.Who was Dopdi's husband? How did he die?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," the protagonist Dopdi’s husband is Dulna Majhi.
In Operation Forrest Jharkhani, the army surrounded the water-source areas in search of Dopdi and Dulna.
Dukhiram Gharari, an army informant, found in one such search a Santal drinking water laying on his stomach.
The soldiers shot him at the spot with a.303 rifile. Later, it was revealed that the guy they shot was Dulna
5.Which historical character does Dopdi in 'Draupadi' signify?
Mahasweta Devi’s protagonist, Dopdi, in “Draupadi” does not signify any historical character. However, the
character of Dopdi does paradoxically resemble the mythical character Draupadi from the Indian epic
Mahabharata. Draupadi, also referred to as Panchali, is the wife of the five Pandava brothers in the
Mahabharata. Devi in this story subverts the mythical episode “Vastraharan of Draupadi,” where Draupadi
was helped by Lord Krishna, through the character of Dopdi, who is gang raped but no one came in aid of her.
6.Who is Arjan Singh in “Draupadi”?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Captain Arjan Singh was the architect of Operation Bakuli, in
which Dopdi and Dulna lay among the corpses, faking dead. Dopdi and Dulna's escape caused increased
diabetes in Arjan Singh's health. Due to which he had a "premature and forced retirement." Later, Mr.
Senanayak came to take his place.
7.“Still, accidents like this do happen”- What is referred here as accidents? Why accidents happen?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," accidents refer to the killing of Santals by the army in various
districts of west Bengal while searching for Dopdi and Dulna. Because of two reasons accidents like this
happen: first, the couple is highly skilled in self-concealment, due to which the army in search of them ran into
other Santals and killed them, mistaking for the couple; and second, all tribals of Austro-Asiatic Munda tribes
look the same to the army. These two reasons are responsible for “accidents.”
8. “Is it only the opposition that should find power at the end of the barrel of a gun?”- Who is the Speaker?
What is meant by this line?
The mentioned line is spoken by Mr. Senanayak in Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi.”
The reference here is to the Chinese Communist leader, Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong stated, "Every Communist
must grasp the truth: 'Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Senanayak, who is a specialist in
'extreme-Left' politics, cites Mao Zedong to justify the state's use of force in counter-insurgency efforts.
9.What is meant by “five Ks”?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Senanayak mentioned the name "five Ks." The five Ks are five
articles of faith that Guru Gobind Singh asked the Khalsa Sikhs to wear at all times in 1699. They are: kesh,
kangha, kara, kachera, and kirpan. The five Ks together stand for the external identity of a Sikh as well as serve
as a Khalsa's commitment to the 'Sikh way of life. Here, Senanayak is referring to the five Ks to point out Arjan
Singh's faith and the martial valour associated with the Sikh community, while highlighting the importance of
guns in modern warfare.
10.Who is Dukhiram?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Dukhiram Gharari is the informer or spy for the soldiers who
want to nab the naxalite group involved in the killing of Surja Sahu at Bakuli and many more like him. In the
story, Dukhiram is killed by one of the Santals with a knife, or hesho.
11. “He is Prospero as well”- Who is referred here?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Mr. Senanayak is referred to as Prospero. Prospero is the
protagonist of William Shakespeare's “The Tempest." At the end of the play, Prospero surrenders his powers
to display his commitment to the youth, a future led by his new son-in-law, Ferdinand, and his daughter,
Miranda. In "Draupadi," Senanayak, like Prospero, wants to hand over his legacy into the youth’s hands. Which
is why he is referred to as Prospero.
12.What is the primary source of water in the village in “Draupadi”?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," the primary source of water in the village of Bakuli are the two
tubewells and three wells in the house of Surja Sahu, the landlord of the area, who refuses to share water with
the untouchables during a drought in Birbhum.
13.“he slaps his anti-Fascist paperback copy of The Deputy and shouts, "What?"”- Who is refered here?
What is The Deputy? Why does he slap?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Mr. Senanayak slaps his anti-Fascist paperback copy of The
Deputy and shouts, "What?" “The Deputy: A Christian Tragedy” is a 1963 play written by the German
playwright Rolf Hochhuth. When Senanayak heard that no one had come to take the body of Dulna, which he
used as bait, he slapped his copy of “The Deputy” in anger.
14.“Is it justifiable to maintain a large battalion in that wild area at the taxpayer's expense? Answer:
Objection. "Wild area" is incorrect”- Why the answer "Wild area" is incorrect?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," the answer "Wild area" is incorrect to the mentioned question
because in the area the army is placed, they are provided proper nutrition, arrangements for worshipping, the
opportunity to listen to Bibidha Bharati, and the opportunity to watch the film "This Is Life.” Which is why the
terrain cannot be termed a wild area, as they are getting all the needed facilities from the government.
15.What is Bibidha Bharati and This Is Life?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," “Bibidha Bharati” was the name of The Vividh Bharati Service
(VBS) of the All India Radio. The Vividh Bharati radio channel was launched on October 3, 1957. “This Is Life” is
the English name of the film “Yehi Hain Zindgi” (1977), starring Sanjeev Kumar and Utpal Dutt.
In the story, the battalion in search of Dopdi and Dulna was given the facility to listen to “Bibidha Bharati” and
watch “This Is Life.”

16. “Otherwise, crow would eat crow's flesh before Santal would betray Santal.”- Who is the speaker?
About whom this is said?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," the mentioned line is spoken by Dopdi. She said this about
Shomai and Budhna, who betrayed Dopdi’s gang. Dopdi referred to them as "half-breeds,” as if they had
American blood in their veins. Because they were born in Radhabhumi or some other place in India where
American soldiers were placed during World War II. That is why Dopdi believes they betrayed them, as a real
Santal would never betray another Santal.

17.What were Dopdi and Dulna’s code name after Bakuli incident?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," after the Bakuli incident, Dopdi and Dulna’s names were Upi
Mejhen and Matang Majhi. No one except Mushai Tudu, his wife, and previous batch members knew their real
18. What medicine did Dopdi carry with her for scorpion bites?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Dopdi carried with her tobacco leaves and limestone powder, as
it was the best medicine for scorpion bites.
19.” he has read First Blood”- Who has read First Blood?
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Mr. Senanayak has read First Blood. First Blood is a 1972
American action-thriller novel by David Morrell about a troubled homeless Vietnam War veteran, known only
by his last name of Rambo, who wages a brutal one-man war against local and state police in Kentucky. It was
adapted into the 1982 film First Blood starring Sylvester Stallone, which ended up spawning an entire media
franchise around Rambo.
20.” Make her. Do the needful,"- Who is the speaker and whom this is said? What is the aftermath of this
In Mahasweta Devi’s short story "Draupadi," Mr. Senanayak spoke the mention line. It was said about Dopdi,
who was arrested and captured by Senanayak’s men. Dopdi was tied to four posts where she was gang raped
by Senanayak’s men.

21.Comment on the ending of the story.

“Draupadi” is a short story by Mahasweta Devi about Dopdi Mehjen, a Santal woman of West Bengal.
At the end of the story, she was captured and tied to four posts, where Senanayak’s men raped her. When she
woke, she was incredibly thirsty, feeling something sticky in her ass and waist, and her vagina was bleeding.
She passed out, and again, she was raped. In the morning, she was brought to a tent, where she was given a
piece of cloth to wear and water to drink. She tore the cloth and poured water on the ground. When
Senanayak came out of the tent to see the commotion, he was surprised to see Dopdi walking towards him
naked. She pushed her “mangled breasts” on Senanayak, and for the first time, Senanayak was afraid to stand
before an unarmed target, terribly afraid.
In conclusion, Dopdi's naked walk towards Senanayak, after enduring brutality, symbolizes resistance. Her
refusal to wear the cloth offered to her signifies her rejection of attempts to cover up or mitigate the severity
of her suffering. Her nakedness becomes a powerful statement of defiance, turning the act intended to shame
and dehumanize her into an assertion of her strength and agency.

22.What is 'Operation Bakuli'? What is Guenilla Warfare?

“Draupadi” is a short story by Mahasweta Devi about Dopdi Mehjen.
In the story, 'Operation Bakuli' was the name of the mission led by Arjan Singh to annihilate the murderers of
Surja Sahu and his son. Dopdi, Dulna, and other Naxalite killed Surja Sahu, the feudal kingpin of the area, and
his son, who, with the help of the government, established two tube wells and three wells. During a drought in
Birbhum, when the whole area was suffering from famine, Surja Sahu refused to share his unlimited source of
water with others except for the higher classes. In rage, Dopdi and Dulna killed him and his son and laid faking
dead among the corpses, when, due to Operation Bakuli, three villages were cordoned off and machine
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary
personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics, including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty
warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. In the story,
tribals like Dopdi and Dulna use this fighting style. Mr. Senanayak, the antagonist of the story, used this
method to kill Dulna and capture Dopdi.

23.Who is Senanayak in “Draupadi”?

“Draupadi” is a short story by Mahasweta Devi about Dopdi Mehjen, a Santal woman of West Bengal. In the
story, Senanayak is an elderly Bengali specialist in combat and extreme left politics.
Initially, it was revealed that Mr. Senanayak, the antagonist of the story, is well-aware of the tribal fighting
tactics and claims to respect them because they could be neither understood nor demolished. However, he is
utmost ready to kill them, hence proving himself as a hypocrite. He adopts precisely the guerrilla warfare style
of fighting against them. He wants to write about “harvest workers” in the future, in which he will highlight
their struggles and villainize the so-called "gentlemen." Devi also compares him to Prospero, the hero of
Shakespeare’s “The Tempest," who wants to hand over his legacy to youth. Under his leadership, soilders
killed Dulna Majhi in Operation Forrest Jharkhani. He orders his men to rape Dopdi after her arrest for
information. Dopdi, despite her brutal violation, stands naked and refuses to wear clothes, causing him great
Devi, through the character of Mr. Senanayak, portrays how the subalterns suffered, were oppressed, and
were killed by the government only because they were fighting for their rights.

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