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Hyderabad, Telengana
„„I +91 9381462762 JJ

IIT (BHU), Varanasi June 2019 — May 2023
Bachelor of Technology(B-Tech)'GIPA-8.01 Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi

Relevant Coursework
• Data Structures • Web development • Algorithms Analysis • Database Management
Skill Vertex May 2022 — July 2022
Sof.warr. Engineer Intern Banglore, Karnataka
• Developed an e-commerce platform. managing the client side and integrating server data on the web app.
• Implemented checkout and cart functionalities where the user can add and edit the quantity of the products in their cart
• Implemented code splitting and lazy loading which improved website performance by up to 50%
• TechStack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React.js
LWB Pvt limited Jan 2021 — July 2021
Software Engineer Intern Uttar Priidesh, varun‹isi
• Developed an intuitive user interface for a food delivery app using React.js, providing customers with a seamless
browsing experience, menu exploration
• Designed and implemented a robust SQL database schema to efficiently store and retrieve data related to menus, orders,
and user information.
• Created RESTful APIS using Express.js, enabling user authentication using .JWT, streamlined order processing, and
seamless payment transactions through integration with Stripe.
• TechStack: React.js, Node.js,express.js , MySQL , Stripe
Memories July 2021 — September 2021
• Developed a social media application from scratch using React, Redux, and Material UI components in the front-end, and
Node.js, Express, and MongoDB in the back-end to enable users to post content and interact with each other's posts.
• Utilized Node.js and Express for server-side rendering and building RESTful APU, respectively, and MongoDB as the
database to store user information and posts.
• Implemented user authentication using C•oogle OAuth and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to provide a secure and reliable
user authentication system.
• Designed and developed a user-friendly interfnce using Material UI components, resulting in a visually appealing and
intuitive user experience.
• TechStack: React.js , Redux, Material UI ,Node.js ,express , MongoDB

Crypto Tracker Feb 2023 — April 2023

• Built a web app to track the prices and market caps of cryptocurrencies, Utilized Coin Cecko API and Chart.js to
provide real-time data visualizntion for different time stamps rnnging from 24 hours to 1 year.
• Enabled users to create a personalized portfolio and add or remove cryptocurrencies from their watchlist using email ID
• Implemented Firebase to store all types of changes made by the user in his/her portfolio
• TeckStack: React.js, Material UI, Coin Gecko API, Chart.js, firebase.

Technical Skills
Languages: Python, Java, C, C++ ,HTML,CSS, JavaScript, SQL
Developer Tools: VS Code, Eclipse, Google Cloud Platform, Android Studio
Technologies/F'rameworks: Clit, C’itHub, React.js, Node.js, Express, Springboot
DataBases : MySQL, Firebase, MongoDB,PostgreSQL
• Secured C’•lobal Rank 107 in Leetcode Biweekly Contest 97 among 24K participants respectively
• Secured C’•lobal Rank 2G9 in Leetcode Biweekly Contest 101 among 23K participants respectively
• Secured C'•lobal Rank 918 in Coogle farewell round 2023
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