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Name : Fawad

Subject: English writing

Teacher: Estmat

Impact of video games on brain:

To day, we live in the age of technology that everyone have easier access to computers,
phones, and the mobile, computers is an accessory with out which we can’t do our work
quickly, and easily.
So these things are very important for people especially for young generation, and
students that they can have access to study materials, and they can get a lot of
information from online, it’s great things for students, if they use it correctly for studying,
finding information and something like that, but it’s very dangerous for children and
young people.
Why phone, computer are dangerous for these people?
It’s dangerous for them because they misuse computer, phone they have to pay attention
to their education to their lessons and, they should pay attention to their real lives, but
computer, phone keep them away from real life and their studies, and it keeps them a way
from society.
Children play games instead of reading books, studying, and they stay away from
physical activities, social activities, and they will not play sport they want to play games
every time.
These games are not affected only to their life, to their education, these games facing
them to health problems.
For example they are losing the game, they are losing their moneys, some times they
have to find some money so it’s very stressful for them.
They should have some money to play games once again so imagine it will be very
dangerous for young people.
Parents are responsible to their children, parents shouldn’t allow them to be busy in their
computer, or phone after 3 hours, parents should find out who have connection to their
children, and avoiding their children from phone, computer, parents should tell to their
children about impact of video games.

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