Personal Narrative Text (PR)

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Once upon a time, there lived an invulnerable person named Prabu Aji Pamosa. He
was the King of Kediri kingdom. Because of that invulnerable he became an arrogant person
and didn't want somone be as invulnerable as him.
One day, he heard that there was a hermit named Resi Kano. He was the magical leader.
Prabu Aji Pamosa wanted to kill Resi Kano. But, when he went to Resi Kano's hermitage. He
was angry because there's no Resi Kano there. Then, Prabu Aji Pamosa asked to his guards to
find where Resi Kano was. Resi Kano was hiding in his seclusion, a place near Cilacap.
Know that, Prabu Aji Pramosa went there. And they met in a small island and doing magical
battle. Finally, Prabu Aji Pamosa could short Resi Kano by magical arrow and Resi Kano

Not for a long time, then there appeared in the sky a giant dragon. Prabu Aji Pamosa did the
same thing, he shot the dragon by magical arrow and made the dragon die. After that, Prabu
Aji Pamosa heard strength voice calling him.

"Prabu Aji Pamosa...." The voice from a beautiful girl named Dewi Wisawati.
"Thank you so much Prabu Aji Pamosa becaus you already safe me, I will give you Wijaya
Kusuma flower, it can make you will become the King of Java island"
"Thank you Dewi Wisawati" said Prabu
"Because I give Wijaya Kusuma flower to you in this island, I will give name "Nusa
Kambangan" said Dewi Wisawati.

After he got the flower, he wanted soon back to his kingdom, he rowed his boat hasty
and carelessly. Unfortunately, Wijaya Kusuma flower dropped into the sea and he lost it. He
was sad. Then, the people called this small island with Nusa Kambangan, Nusa means island
and Kambangan means kembang or flower

Answer the questions.

1. What the story about?
2. What is the type of narrative text from the story above?
3. What is the setting of the story?
4. Who are the characters involved in the story?
5. Why did Prabu Aji Pamosa kill Resi Kano?
6. What did Dewi Wisawati give to Prabu Aji Pamosa?
7. What happened to Prabu Aji Pamosa when he rowed his boat?
8. Why was the island thereafter named “Nusakambangan”?
9. What is/are the moral value(s) of the story?
10. Determine the generic structure in the story text above.

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