Business October Exam

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Marks: 40 Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Case study 1

Jazz owns a phone network and provides phone network services to many consumers. The business
does not manufacture phones and it does not own retail stores selling them. Senior managers at jazz are
considering a takeover of either a phone manufacturer or a chain of phone shops. Jazz employs 5000
workers and, last year, recorded total sales of $300 million. In contrast, the largest manufacturer of
mobile phones, samsung, has 450 workers and recorded total sales last year of $1300 million

Q1a) Define the term Acquisition?/2

b)state 2 ways to increase added value?/2

c) Identify and explain 2 advantages of conglomerate integration for jazz? /4

d) Identify and explain one advantage and one disadvantage to jazz if they had a joint venture?/ 6

e) Do you think internal Growth is more important than external Growth for a jazz for exansion? Expain
your answer./6

Case study 2

Amina was bored with her job in a clothing factory. Her main passion was fashion and she had always
been good at selling since helping her father on his market stall. She encouraged her parents and some
friends to invest in her idea for opening a shop selling good quality women’s clothes. Amina, as the
entrepreneur behind the idea, was prepared to risk her own savings too. She had some exciting ideas for
the shop layout and presentation of clothes.

a) Define ‘Business’. [2]

b) Identify two opportunity costs to Amima of starting her own business. [2]

c) Outline two characteristics that Amina seems to have that might lead

to the success of her business. [4]

d) Explain two benefits to Amina of keeping her business small. [6]

e) Do you agree that public sector business are more efficient than private sector businesses?/6

Time: 1 hour

Q1) state 2 causes of shifts of each in the PPC of the following;/8

a) Quality


2) labour

b) Quantity


2) enterprenuer

Q2)Explain using diagram about the points below the PPC, on the PPC and beyond the PPC./6

Q3)Explain using diagram about the change in demand causes movement along the same curve and

Q4)Explain using diagram that how a surplus and shortage is occured in a market?/6

Q5)Explain 3 types of goods whose market and prices are interdependent?/6

Q6) Explain with the help of diagrams the 2 cause price changes and it's consequences on the market?/6

Q7) state 3 non price factors of demand and 3 non price factors of demand?/6
Marks:57 Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Q1)Define follwing; (8)


b)Automatic vending machines

c)Unit reatilers

d)Speciality shops

Q2)what are the characteristics of hypermarkets?(6)

Q3)what are the advantages and disadvantages to producer of Departmental stores?/6

Q4) Explain 3 sellinng techniques of E-commerce?/6

Q5)Explain 3 things in which computer as aid retailing?/6

Q6) state 3 services of retailers to wholesalers and 3 services to consumers?/6

Q7) state 3 changes in consumer behaviour?/3

Q8) what are the differences between super markets and multiple chain stores?/3

Q9) state 3 reasons why small scale retailers are dependant on wholesalers?/3

Q10)what are the different stages of production?Explain using its further types.(6)

Q11) state 2 advantages and 2 dis advantages of specialisation to workers and consumers?/4
Marks:50 Time: 1 hour

Q1a) What was the faraizi movement?/4

b)Why did EIC become involved in the sub continent suring 17th century?/7

c)How successful was indian resistance against british between 1750 and 1850?/14

Q2a) Who was Titu Mir?/ (4)

b) Why was sindh and punjab annexed/occupied by the british?/ (7)

c) was the work of Christian missionaries the main reason for indian resistance against britishto
westernize them between 1750-1850? /(14)
MARKS: 66 TIME: 1 hour 15 mintes

Q1) state 4 relief features of each;/16


b)waziristan hills

c) hindukush

d)safed koh

Q2)state 1 drainage features (rivers) of all 6 mountains?/6

Q3)state 3 importances of northeren mountains?/3

Q4)state 3 glaciers of Northern mountains?/3

Q5)Explain 3 features of western basin and mountain ranges of balochistan plateau?/6

Q6) Explain the life style and economic activities of potwar plateau?/4

Q7) state 3 important passes of northern mountains and its uses?/3

Q8)state 3 differences between active flood plains and old flood plains?/3

Q9)Define the following terms; /8

a)piedmont plains

b) oxbow lakes

c) cuesta

d) Alluvial terraces

Q10) State 5 importances of location of pakistan?/5

Q11) state 3 importances of each;/9



c) Political

MARKS: 66 TIME: 1 hour 30 mintes

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