W01-2-Intro (Part II)

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Intro to this course

what is control & feedback?
❖ Block diagram of an elementary feedback control
◼ Figure 1.2

1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control of an inverted pendulum (4학년 비행제어실험)
◼ Q. What is the sensor?
◼ Q. What is the actuator?
◼ Q. What kind of controller is used?
◼ Q. What kind of model is used?

1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control in aerospace: Quadcopter


1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control surfaces in aerospace http://www.flyingfear.net/understanding-

1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control surfaces in aerospace (SU-30)

1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control in aerospace: Thrust control

1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control in aerospace: Thrust control

1. Intro to this course
what is control & feedback?
❖ Control in aerospace: Thrust control

1. Intro to this course
❖ Prerequisite
◼ Engineering Mathematics 1 (공학수학1)
◼ 1st/2nd order ODE, Systems of ODE, & Laplace Transform.

◼ As Laplace transform is essential to this course, it is

recommendable to review the related part in advance.

◼ However, this is not the reason to give up this course.

❖ Aims of this course

◼ After taking this course, you will be able to:
◼ explain what control is and where we can apply it.

◼ realize how the already-learned mathematical tools (characteristic

equation, Laplace transform, etc) are used for automatic control.
◼ use the tools (root locus, bode plot, etc) required to design a classical
◼ design a classical controller for a given SISO (Single Input Single

Output) system.
◼ get used to playing with MATLAB for automatic control.

1. Intro to this course
❖ Grading
◼ Mid(30%), Final(40%), Assignment(20%), Attendance(10%)

❖ Assignments
◼ 4-5 times of problem solving by hand or MATLAB programming

◼ Matters that require attention

◼ Penalty to both students who copy assignments each other.

◼ Assignment delay penalty: 5%/day

◼ Grade F:

◼ If not attend lower than 3/4 of total class hours

◼ If not attend mid or final exams.

◼ Course materials and etc will be open in ‘Cyber Campus’.

◼ http://e-learn.cnu.ac.kr

1. Intro to this course
❖ [Ch1] 1. Intro: what is control? & what is feedback?
❖ [Ch2] 2. Mathematical modeling of physical systems
❖ [Ch3] 3. Basics of mathematical tools: ODE, Laplace transform, etc
❖ [Ch3] 4. Transfer function & Block diagram
❖ [Ch3] 5. Effects of Pole locations & Time-domain specifications
❖ [Ch3] 6. Effects of zeros, additional poles, & Stability
❖ 7. Mid-exam

❖ [Ch4] 8. System type

❖ [Ch4] 9. Basic classical control: PID (1) – Definition & PID elements
❖ [Ch4] 10. Basic classical control: PID (2) – Examples
❖ [Ch5] 11. Root-locus design (1): Intro & how to draw RL
❖ [Ch5] 12. Root-locus design (2): Find a gain from RL & examples
❖ [Ch6] 13. Frequency-response design (1): Intro
❖ [Ch6] 14. Frequency-response design (2): Bode plot
❖ [Ch6] 15. Frequency-response design (3): GM/PM & Final-exam

1. Intro to this course
❖ Franklin and Powell
◼ Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 6th Edition International Version
◼ Pearson Education, Limited, 2009.

◼ This course will cover up to Chap.6.

◼ Note: The purchase is recommended.

12 https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000003155935
1. Introduction
❖ What is control & feedback?
◼ Open-loop vs. closed-loop
◼ Examples in everyday life:
◼ toilet, toaster, cruise control, and pendulum

◼ Examples in aerospace domain:

◼ Drones, airplane, and rockets

❖ Prerequisites and contents

Automatic Control


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