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TIME: 3 Hours M. M: 80

General Instruction:
i. This Question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Section-A: Question no. 1 to 20 are of 1 mark each. Answer them as directed.
iv. Section-B: Question no. 21 to 26 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
v. Section-C: Question no. 27 to 29 are Case Based questions. Answer them as
vi. Section-D: Question no. 30 to 34 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
vii. Section-E: Question no. 35 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 35.1
from History (2 mark) and 35.2from Geography (3 marks).
viii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has
been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have
to be attempted.
ix. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question,
wherever necessary.
Objective Type Questions(1x20=20)


Q1. What was the real name of founder of Buddhism ?

(a) Mahavira (b)Gautama Buddha

(c)Kalidas (d)None of these

Q2.What was the language used to compose vedas?

(a)Sanskriti (b) Hindi

(c)English (d)Tamil

Q3. Who was the son of Bimbisara ?

(a) Chandragupta (b)Cheras

(c)Ashoka (d)Cholas

Q4.Where is the most famous Ashokan pillar is located ?

(a)Varanasi (b)Delhi

(c)Agra (d)Sarnath

Q5. Who first invented technique of making silk ?

(a)China (b)Mumbai

(c)Nepal (d) Assam

Q6. Who was the most famous kushana ruler ?

(a) Aslivaghosa (b)Kanishka

(c) Ashoka (d) none of these

Q7. Who was known as the napoleon of india ?

(a) Kushana (b) Samudragupta

(a)Chandragupta (d)Bimbisara

Q8. Who was the most famous chalukya ruler ?

(a) Ravikiriti (b)Harishena

(c)Pulakeshin (d)Harshavardhana

Q9. The gaseous layers that surrounds the earth .

(a)Atmosphere (b)Hydrosphere

(c)Lithosphere (d)Biosphere

Q10. Which planet is called ‘blue planet’?

(a)Mercury (b)Venus

(c)Earth (d)Jupiter

Q11 . The oldest plateau in India ?

(a) Malwa Plateau (b)Chota Nagpur Plateau

(c)Malwar Plateau (d) Deccan Plateau

Q12. Mountains arrange in a line is known as

(a) Range (b)Erosion

(c) Axis (d)Orbit

Q13. Which island is called coral island ?

(a)Andaman and Nicobar (b)Lakshadweep

(c)Maldives (d) All of these

Q14. Which is the largest state of India ?

(a) Maharashtra (b) Rajasthan

(c)Uttar Pradesh (d)Madhya Pradesh

Q15. The world’s highest rainfall occurs in

(a)Mumbai (b) Bihar

(c) Mawsynram (d)Calcutta

Q16. Hot and dry winds blow during the day in the Summer ?

(a)Loo (b)Mansoon wind

(c)Trade wind (d)Cold winds

Q17. Who is the head of the gram Panchayat ?

(a) MLA (b) Tehsildar

(c) Collector (d) Sarpanch

Q18. The block Samiti is known as –

(a) Zilla parishad (b)Gram Sabha

(c) Panchayat (d) Municipal corporation

Q19. Who is responsible for measuring and keeping record ?

(a) Sarpanch (b) Collector

(c)Patwari (d) Commissioner of police

Q20. Who is the head of municipal Corporation ?

(a) Prime Minister (b) Mayor

(c)Tehsildar (d) None of these

Short Answer Type Questions(3x6=18)

Q21. Who founded Mauryan empire and when ?

Q22. What are the four major domains of the earth ?

Q23. What are the different types of Mountains ? Give one example of each .

Q24. Who is municipal Councilor ?

Case Based Questions (4x3=12)

Q25. Write any three teaching of Jainism Mahavria

Q26. Why did kings want to control the silk route ?

Q27. Name the different seasons in India .

Q28. What is the work of the police ?

Q29. How does the municipal corporation earn the money to do its work ?

Long Answer Type Questions (5x5=25)

Q30 What were the new administration arrangements during Gupta dynasty?


(a) Mention three authors who wrote about Harshavardhana .

(b)Mention the names of two main historical source of Harsha ?

Q31 (a) Name the major physical divisions of India .

(b) Why do a large number of people lives in the Northen plains ?


(a) India share its land boundaries with seven Countries . Name them .

(b)How many states and union territories are there in India ? which state have a common capital
Q32. What is the importance of the gram Sabha ? Do you Think all members should attend gram Sabha
meeting ? Why


(a)What are the three levels of Panchayati raj ? Explain them .

(b)Mention any two sources of funds for gram Panchayat ?

Q33. List five ways in which the work of the municipal corporation affect the life of a city – dweller .

Q34. Read the given text and answer the following question

Temple towns represent a very important pattern of urbanisation, the process by which cities develop.
Temples were often central to the economy and society. Rulers built temples to demonstrate their
devotion to various deities. They also endowed temples with grants of land and money to carry out
elaborate rituals, feed pilgrims and priests and celebrate festivals. Pilgrims who flocked to the temples
also made donations. Temple authorities used their wealth to finance trade and banking. Gradually a large
number of priests, workers, artisans, traders, etc. settled near the temple to cater to its needs and those of
the pilgrims. Thus grew temple towns Towns emerged around temples such as those of Bhillasvamin
(Bhilsa or Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh), and Somnath in Gujarat. Other important temple towns included
Kanchipuram and Madurai in Tamil Nadu, and Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh.

34.1 Why rulers built temple ?

34.2 How temple authorities used there wealth ?

34.3 Why large number of priests , workers , artisans , traders settle near temple ?

. Q35. Read the given text and answer the following question

These forests are also called tropical rainforests . These thick forests occur in the regions near the equator
and close to the tropics. These regions are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year. As there is
no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. This is the reason they are called
evergreen. The thick canopies of the closely spaced trees do not allow the sunlight to penetrate inside the
forest even in the day time. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany are common here.

35.1 Where do tropical evergreen forest occur ?

35.2 What these forest are called evergreen forest ?

35.3 What do thick canopies do not allow ?

Map Based Questions (1x5=5)

Q37 (a)State where Sanchi stupa is located

(b) State where Kalinga is located

Q37.2 On the same map locate and label the following

(1) National park – Gir

(2) Water body – Bay of Bengal

(3)Great Indian Desert .

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