JLPT N3 Kanji List

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2/9/24, 2:40 AM JLPT N3 kanji list

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Hiragana As of 2010, there is no official JLPT kanji list. This list is compiled
Katakana from the pre-2010 official JLPT 2 list.
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愛 暗 位
Vocabulary love, affection darkness, disappear rank, grade
kanji of the day
偉 易 違

admirable, greatness easy, ready to difference, differ

育 因 引
bring up, grow up cause, factor pull, tug

泳 越 園
swim surpass, cross over park, garden

演 煙 遠
performance, act smoke distant, far

押 横 王
push, stop sideways, side king, rule


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化 加 科
change, take the form of add, addition department, course

果 過 解
fruit, reward overdo, exceed unravel, notes

回 皆 絵
-times, round all, everything picture, drawing

害 格 確
harm, injury status, rank assurance, firm

覚 掛 割
memorize, learn hang, suspend proportion, comparatively

活 寒 完
lively, resuscitation cold perfect, completion

官 感 慣
bureaucrat, the emotion, feeling accustomed, get used to

観 関 顔
outlook, look connection, barrier face, expression

願 危 喜
petition, request dangerous, fear rejoice, take pleasure in

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寄 幾 期
draw near, stop in how many, how much period, time

機 規 記
loom, mechanism standard, measure scribe, account

疑 議 客
doubt, distrust deliberation, consultation guest, visitor

吸 求 球
suck, imbibe request, want ball, sphere

給 居 許
salary, wage reside, to be permit, approve

供 共 恐
submit, offer together, both fear, dread

局 曲 勤
bureau, board bend, music diligence, become

苦 具 偶
suffering, trial tool, utensil accidentally, even

靴 君 係
shoes mister, you person in charge,

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形 景 経
shape, form scenery, view sutra, longitude

警 迎 欠
admonish, welcome, meet lack, gap

決 件 権
decide, fix affair, case authority, power

険 原 現
precipitous, inaccessible meadow, original present, existing

限 呼 互
limit, restrict call, call out to mutually, reciprocally

御 誤 交
honorable, manipulate mistake, err mingle, mixing

候 光 向
climate, season ray, light yonder, facing

好 幸 更
fond, pleasing happiness, blessing grow late, night watch

構 港 降
posture, build harbor descend, precipitate

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号 合 刻
nickname, number fit, suit engrave, cut fine

告 込 困
revelation, tell crowded, mixture quandary, become

婚 差 座
marriage distinction, difference squat, seat

最 妻 才
utmost, most wife, spouse genius, years old

歳 済 際
year-end, age finish, come to an end occasion, side

在 罪 財
exist, outskirts guilt, sin property, money

昨 察 殺
yesterday, previous guess, presume kill, murder

雑 参 散
miscellaneous nonplussed, three (in scatter, disperse

産 賛 残
products, bear approve, praise remainder, leftover

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市 師 指
market, city expert, teacher finger, point to

支 資 歯
branch, support assets, resources tooth, cog

似 次 治
becoming, resemble next, order reign, be at peace

示 耳 辞
show, indicate ear (radical 128) resign, word

式 識 失
style, ceremony discriminating, know lose, error

実 若 取
reality, truth young, if take, fetch

守 種 酒
guard, protect species, kind sake, alcohol

首 受 収
neck (radical 185) accept, undergo income, obtain

宿 術 処
inn, lodging art, technique dispose, manage

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初 所 緒
first time, beginning place thong, beginning

助 除 勝
help, rescue exclude, division (x/3) victory, win

商 招 消
make a deal, selling beckon, invite extinguish, blow out

笑 乗 常
laugh ride, power usual, ordinary

情 状 職
feelings, emotion status quo, conditions post, employment

信 寝 深
faith, truth lie down, sleep deep, heighten

申 神 進
have the honor to, sign of gods, mind advance, proceed
the monkey

吹 数 制
blow, breathe number, strength system, law

性 成 政
sex, gender turn into, become politics, government

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晴 精 声
clear up refined, ghost voice

静 席 昔
quiet seat, mat once upon a time,

石 積 責
stone (radical 112) volume, product (x*y) blame, condemn

折 説 雪
fold, break opinion, theory snow

絶 戦 洗
discontinue, beyond war, battle wash, inquire into

船 選 然
ship, boat elect, select sort of thing, so

全 祖 組
whole, entire ancestor, pioneer association, braid

想 争 相
concept, think contend, dispute inter-, mutual

窓 草 増
window, pane grass, weeds increase, add

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側 息 束
side, lean breath, respiration bundle, sheaf

速 続 存
quick, fast continue, series exist, suppose

他 太 打
other, another plump, thick strike, hit

対 退 宅
vis-a-vis, opposite retreat, withdraw home, house

達 単 探
accomplished, reach simple, one grope, search

断 段 談
severance, decline grade, steps discuss, talk

値 恥 置
price, cost shame, dishonor placement, put

遅 調 頂
slow, late tune, tone place on the head,

直 追 痛
straightaway, honesty chase, drive away pain, hurt

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定 庭 程
determine, fix courtyard, garden extent, degree

適 点 伝
suitable, occasional spot, point transmit, go along

徒 渡 登
on foot, junior transit, ford ascend, climb up

途 都 努
route, way metropolis, capital toil, diligent

怒 倒 投
angry, be offended overthrow, fall throw, discard

盗 当 等
steal, rob hit, right etc., and so forth

到 逃 頭
arrival, proceed escape, flee head, counter for large

働 得 突
work, (kokuji) gain, get stab, protruding

内 難 任
inside, within difficult, impossible responsibility, duty

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認 猫 熱
acknowledge, witness cat heat, temperature

念 能 破
wish, sense ability, talent rend, rip

馬 敗 杯
horse (radical 187) failure, defeat counter for cupfuls, wine

背 配 箱
stature, height distribute, spouse box, chest

髪 抜 判
hair of the head slip out, extract judgement, signature

反 犯 晩
anti- crime, sin nightfall, night

番 否 彼
turn, number in a series negate, no he, that

悲 疲 費
grieve, sad exhausted, tire expense, cost

非 飛 備
mistake, negative fly (radical 183) equip, provision

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美 必 表
beauty, beautiful invariably, certain surface, table

貧 付 夫
poverty, poor adhere, attach husband, man

婦 富 怖
lady, woman wealth, enrich dreadful, be frightened

浮 負 舞
floating, float defeat, negative dance, flit

部 福 腹
section, bureau blessing, fortune abdomen, belly

払 平 閉
pay, clear out even, flat closed, shut

米 変 返
rice (radical 119) unusual, change return, answer

便 捕 報
convenience, facility catch, capture report, news

抱 放 法
embrace, hug set free, release method, law

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訪 亡 忘
call on, visit deceased, the late forget

忙 望 末
busy, occupied ambition, full moon end, close

満 未 民
full, fullness un-, not yet people, nation

眠 務 夢
sleep, die task, duties dream, vision

娘 命 迷
daughter, girl fate, command astray, be perplexed

鳴 面 戻
chirp, cry mask, face (radical 176) re-, return

役 約 薬
duty, war promise, approximately medicine, chemical

優 由 遊
tenderness, excel wherefore, a reason play

予 余 与
beforehand, previous too much, myself bestow, participate in

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容 様 葉
contain, form Esq., way leaf, plane

要 陽 欲
need, main point sunshine, yang principle longing, covetousness

頼 落 利
trust, request fall, drop profit, advantage

流 留 両
current, a sink detain, fasten both, old Japanese coin

良 類 例
good, pleasing sort, kind example, custom

冷 礼 列
cool, cold (beer salute, bow file, row

連 路 労
take along, lead path, route labor, thank for

老 論 和
old age, grow old argument, discourse harmony, Japanese style

殺 類 神
kill, slaughter class, group spirit

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