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Have/has + participio passato (per verbi regolari = forma base + ED)

(per verbi irregolari = 3° colonna paradigma)

Affermativa. I have gone  I’ve gone
Negativa I have not gone  I haven’t gone
Interrogativa Have I gone?
Interr. Neg. Have I not gone?  Haven’t I gone?

Short answer. Yes, I have

No, I haven’t

Quando si usa?

- Per azioni concluse nel passato (senza alcuna precisa collocazione temporale)
- Per azioni appena accadute  the teacher has just arrived
N.B. uso Just, recently per far capire che l’azione è accaduta da poco.
- Per azioni accadute nel passato di cui vedo gli effetti adesso nel presente  she has grown her hair
- Per azioni iniziate nel passato e ancora in corso di svolgimento
Mary has lived in Germany for 4 years = Mary vive in Germania da 4 anni
Mary lived in Germany for 4 years = Mary ha vissuto in Germanio per 4 anni
Mary has lived in Germany dal 2019 = Mary vive in Germania dal 2019

N.B. uso For, Since per far capire che l’azione è ancora in corso
For = da/per - indica l’arco di tempo dell’azione
Since= da – indica da un momento preciso in poi


Ever si usa nelle interrogative
Never si una nelle negative

Have you ever played tennis?

I have never played tennis

- Con YET/BEFORE che vanno posti a fine frase

I have eaten the food before
Have you finished yet?
I haven’t finished yet

Uso yet solo nella frase:

INT = Già
NEG = Non ancora

- Se l’azione può essere ripetuta uso present perfect, altrimenti past simple
Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”
Stephen King has written “The Shining”

N.B. se scrivo l’anno o il momento preciso in cui si è svolta l’azione devo usare per forza il past


1- Have you ever ridden a horse?

I have never ridden a horse
2- Have you ever spoken to a famous person?
I have never spoken to a famous person
3- Have you ever run a marathon?
I have never run a marathon
4- Have you ever swum in the ocean?
I have never swum in the ocean


1- We have studied for 4 hours

2- It has rained since lunchtime
3- Tom’s father has done the same job for 20 years
4- Mary has lived in London since 1980
5- Since Xmas, the weather has been good
6- Kevin has looked for a job since he left school


1- Hai mai composto un brano musicale? Have you ever written a music piece?
2- Mike ha perso le chiavi della macchina Mike has lost his car keys
3- Non ho ancora letto il libro I haven’t read the book yet
4- Hai mai suonato una forma sonata? Have you ever played a sonata form.
5- Questo mese ho mangiato troppa cioccolata This month I’ve eaten too much chocolate
6- Avete già studiato matematica? Have you studied maths yet?

Ascolto n.2:

1- T
2- T
3- F
4- F
5- F
6- F

1. Immediate
2. Remarried
3. 20 to 50
4. Short for
5. The head
6. Matriarch
7. Marriage
8. Single / remarried
1- As a matter of fact actually
2- Isn’t so big is not particulary big
3- Loads ands loads of a large number of
4- Don’t get me wrong please dont’t misunderstand me
5- Pretty famous for well known for
6- That’s how we look at it that is our view
7- A really good guy a well-respected man

1. funny
2. gathering
3. matriarch
4. period
5. dare question
6. huge

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