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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Political Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the political frame
2. Apply the political frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The organization that I will be sharing about is the Bluegrass Army Depot in Richmond,
KY. This organization as a whole is a storage depot for both conventional and chemical
weapons. My role in this was an explosives inspector and the struggle involved to destroy
the chemical weapons in the time frame given.

2) Describe how the politics of the organization influenced the situation.

I think in regards to my situation the politics involved were rather a good thing. In my
understanding, politics are all about the power involved in an organization. Power in
organizations is basically the capacity to make things happen and effect outcomes.
(Ocasio, Pozner, and Milner, 2020). Since our tasking was part of a bigger plan pushed
by NATO there was so shortage of power. Luckily, the power was used to get rid of
stockpiles of chemical weapons in several countries throughout NATO.

Politics directly affected the situation because in the end all countries involved just want
peace amongst and agreed that these weapons were inhumane even in times of war. I
have my own theories on if all of them are destroyed, but in the public and world eye, all
the chemical weapons from the WWII era have been destroyed. I think without the
politics involved; this would have never been able to be completed.

Recommend how you would use organizational politics for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

I do not really see a way to use organizational politics any differently in this case because
I think overall the US and other countries did what they could to ensure they did their
part in the project. When it came to power involving this project, no one country was

over another because of the treaty signed within NATO. I think it is a good thing that we
came together and decided to put an end to the chemical weapons that were being

I guess my only recommendation would be to use this type of treaty to do other things
within NATO. At the same time, we still must be cognizant of countries not involved in
NATO and what they are doing in regards to weapons and war tactics. I think this
situation shows that too much power can be determinantal not only to an organization but
possibly to mankind.

Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.
For me specifically there is not much that I would do differently on an individual level. I
think I would have tried to pay closer attention to the things going on within or individual
organization outside of what I was a part of and also what the other countries involved
were doing and how their timeline was going. I think if the US would have been more
involved in policing other countries with this, the timeline could have shrunk
substantially in regards to how long it took.

1. Ocasio, W.J-E Pozner, and D. Milner. 2020. Varieties of Political Capital and Power in
Organizations: A Review and Integrative Framework. Academy of Management Annuals,
14, no. I.

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