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5. Write short notes on self induction and mutual induction

Self Inductance:
According to Faradays law, whenever the flux linking with a coil changes, the
voltage is induced in it. The magnitude of this induced voltage is proportional to the rate
of change of flux linkage.

 V  d(N)/dt = - N d/dt ------------------(1)

In terms of current we can write,

V = - N (d/dt) (di/di) = - N (d/di) (di/dt) ------------------(2)

But, (d/di) = L = Self inductance

 V = - NL(di/dt) volts -------------------(3)


V = Number of turns of the coil

L = Self inductance
V = Voltage of Self inductance
(di/dt) = Rate of change of current

Mutual Inductance:

Considering two coils A and B, placed very close to each other. Let N 1 be the
number of turns of coil A and let N 2 be the number of turns of coil B. All the flux
produced by coil A will link with coil B. If the flux through coil A changed then this will
induce voltage in coil A. This is called self inductance. The change in flux also induces
voltage in coil B which is called as mutual inductance.
The voltage induced in coil B is given by,
V2 = -N2d12/dt -----------------------(1)

The inductance is defined as the ratio of flux linkage to the current (N/I). The voltage of
mutual inductance in coil B is given by,
M12 = N212/I1 -----------------------(2)
N2 = Numbers of turns of coil B
12 = Magnetic flux induced in coil B, due to current in I1 coil A
I1 = Current passing through coil A

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