Feyflower Grave

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A hollow in the earth,

overgrown with wildflowers.

From above, it doesn’t look so far


...once within, who can say how

deep it goes?

Adventure location

by Isaac Williams
part of Mayfield

flower d6

Why go to the grave?
Carrying a mouse witch’s ashes

2 To rescue a kidnapped mouse
3 Faerie’s tear is the only cure for your ails
4 To find the way into the fae lands
5 Finding a flower that grows only there
6 Stopping the Child before it’s too late
Locations within the Grave Encounters
Roll on an encounter table each time a new location is entered, instead of every three Turns.
T ravel within the Grave is not predictable. Each time the mice travel to a
new location, roll d8+Depth on the table below for the next location.
If a duplicate is rolled, use the next higher-numbered unvisited location.
d6 Encounters depth 1-3 d6 Encounters depth 4-6
1-3 Cool breeze 1-3 d6 ladybugs, hunting aphids

Depth: is equal to the number of locations already visited. When exploring, the mice 4 d6 bee scouts, searching for delicacies 4 d6 mouse farmers, very lost
can choose to return to a previous location, or proceed deeper into the Grave. 5 Centipede, guarding young 5 Praying mantis, meditating
6 Lone faerie mourner, planting a seed 6 d6 walking fungi, scavenging for dead
Rotting log, populated by 2d6
1 Clay urns, brightly painted. Half
buried in the soil, and arranged in 7 walking fungi. Roll two Treasures d6 Encounters depth 7-9 d6 Encounters depth 10+
a ring. in their trash pile.
1-3 Thick scented smoke 1-3 d6 faerie gardeners, tending to flowers

Grassy glade, ringed by bright Clump of d6 snake’s head 4 d6 faerie mourners, burning petals 4 d6 faerie young, birthing from flowers
2 yellow kingcups. Ancient statue of 8 flowers. A silver needle embedded 5 d6 faerie mourners, slowly dancing 5 d6 faerie nurses, carrying young
a Fae queen at the center. in a stem. Be careful, they bite! 6 Snake, scaled in multicoloured petals 6 Child of Thorns, waking from slumber

Wooden steeple, smoke wafting Archway of white marble, a foot

3 from the top. Inside, a sandy floor, 9 tall. Carved with vines. The
Walking fungi
incense sticks that never burn down. keystone is a block of silver (300p).
Spotted brown-and-grey mushroom cap wobbling Circlet of rest
Quiet pond, surrounded by lilies. on stubby little legs.
4 A frog named Greg is searching for 10 Crumbling tower, betony
growing through the broken ceiling. 6hp, STR 9, DEX 6, WIL 6 If worn for a long rest,
a Flower Sword. Inside, d6 fae and d6 beguiled mice. Attacks: d8 spear or d6 poison puff roll usage and clear
any one condition.
(area effect, damages DEX)
Bubbling stream, spanned by ground. 3-in-6 chance
11 Dueling On death: Poison puff
5 narrow bridge of woven daisies. two Faeries are fighting gracefully
Wants to collect the dead
Can carry a single mouse at a time. to the death with silver knives.

Mouse hermit’s wooden hut,

12 Huge sticky corpse flower, a
6 overgown with dogrose. She is foot across. The path continues on Child of Thorns
curious for news from outside. the far side. A rose, walking on thorns. The Child’s cruel face
leering from the centre, crowned with a silver ring.

16hp, STR 16, DEX 14, WIL 16

13+ Attacks: d8 slash, d8 thorn sling
Knows spell: Petal strike
Archway of blue marble. Special: Melee attackers take d4 damage
If entered while holding something
made of silver, you are transported Wants to rule all of Mayfield
to the Fae lands.

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