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Helmholtz’s Theorem:
A vector field is determined if both its divergence and its curl are specified

dT = [ i¶T/ ¶x +j¶ T/¶y + k¶T/ ¶z] . [idx +jdy +kdz]
= (ÑT) . (dL)
Where ÑT = i¶T/ ¶x +j¶ T/¶y + k¶T/ ¶z = Vector
ÑT is the gradient of T, maximum change in T
dT = ÑT . dL = |ÑT| . |dL| cos q
Maximum change when q = 0
Maximum change of T occurs when we move in the same direction as ÑT
When ÑT = 0 at (x,y,z), it is stationary point
= It may be a Maximum or Minimum Point

Ñ ( Del) Operator : NOT a Vector

ÑT = [ i¶ / ¶x +j¶ /¶y + k¶ / ¶z] T
Del = Ñ = [ i¶ / ¶x +j¶ /¶y + k¶ / ¶z]
Del is not a vector in the usual sense. Indeed it is without specific meaning until we
provide it with a function to act upon.It does not multiply T , rather it is an instruction
to differentiate what follows.
 is vector Operator that acts upon T, not multiplies T
 Mimics the behaviour of ordinary vector
On a scalar T = ÑT
On a vector function, D via dot product = Ñ . D
On a vector function, H via cross product = Ñ X H
Divergence of a vector field - Flow Source
Flux lines are used to represent field variations graphically. The flux of vector field is
analogous to the flow of an incompressible fluid such as water. For a volume with an
enclosed surface there will an excess of outward or inward flow through the surface only
when the volume contains a source or a sink respectively.
That is a net positive divergence indicates a source of fluid inside the volume, and a
net negative divergence indicates the presence of a sink. The net outward flow of the fluid
per volume is therefore a measure of the strength of the enclosed source.
In the uniform field there is an equal amount of inward and outward flux going
through any closed volume containing no sources or sinks, resulting in a zero divergence.
A net output flux of a vector A through a surface bounding a volume indicates a
presence of a source. This source will be called a flow source and divA is a measure of
strength of flow source.

. D = [ i / x +j /y + k / z]. [ iDx +j Dy + k Dz]

. D = [ Dx / x +Dy /y + Dz / z]
Curl of a Vector Field – Vortex Source
The vortex source causes acirculation of a vector field around it .The net circulation
of a vector field around a closed path is defined as the scalar line integral of a vector over the
If A is a force acting on an object, its circulation will be the work done by the force in
moving the object once around the contour, if A represents an electric field intensity, the
driving force , then the circulation will be an electromotive force around the closed path.

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Suppose f(x) is a function of one variable.The fundamental Theorem of Calculus
ò (df/dx) dx = f(b) – f (a) = ò F(x) dx
Where F(x) = df/dx
df = (df/dx) dx is the infinitesimal change in f when you go from x to x+dx. The theorem
says that if you chop the interval from a to b into many tiny pieces dx and add up the
increments df from each little pieces, the result is equal to the total change in f : f(b) – f(a).
The integral of a derivative over an interval is given by the value of the function at the end
Fundamental Theorem for Gradient
Consider a scalar function T (x,y,z)
dT = ÑT . dL
 ÑT . dL = T (b) – T (a)
The integral( line integral) of the derivative (gradient)Is given by the values of the function at
the boundaries ( a and b)

Fundamental Theorem for Divergence

The fundamental theorem for divergence states:
ò ò ò Ñ. D dv = ò ò D.ds
This has 3 special names:
Gauss’s theorem, Green’s Theorem, Divergence Theorem
The integral of the derivative ( divergence) over a region ( volume ) is equal to the value of
the function at the boundary ( surface that bounds the volume )

Geometrical interpretation – Divergence

If D represents the flow of an incompressible fluid, then flux of D is the total amount
of fluid passing out thro’ the surface,per unit time.Divergence is a measures the “spreading
out” of the Vectors from a point- a place of high divergence is like a “faucet” pouring out
liquid. If we have a lots of “faucets” in a region filled with incompressible fluid, an equal
amount of fluid will be forced out through the boundaries of the region.
In fact , there are two ways we could determine how much is being produced : a)we could
count up all the faucets,recording how much each puts out , or (b)we could go around the
boundary measuring the flow at each point, add it all up.. You get the same answer either
ò(faucets within the volume) = ò(flow out through the surface)

Geometrical Interpretation of Gradient

Suppose you want to determine the height of the Eiffel Tower. You could climb the
stairs, using a ruler to measure the rise at each step, and adding them all up, or you could
place altimeters at the top and the bottom, and subtract the two readings. You should get the
same answer either way.
Line integral ordinarily depend on the path taken from a to b. This is made equal to
difference values at end points without referring to any path.
Evidently, gradient,have the special property that their line integrals are path independent.

Geometrical interpretation for Curl

ò ò Ñ X H ds = ò H .dl
The integral of a derivative (Curl) over a region (surface) is equal to the value of the function
at the boundary ( perimeter of the patch).
Curl measures the “twist” of the vector H, a region of high curl is a whirlpool – if you put
tiny paddle wheel there, it will rotate. Now the integral of the curl over some surface ( flux
of the curl through that surface) represents the total amount of swirl and we can determine
that swirl just as well by going around the edge and finding how much the flow is following
the boundary
Divergence theorem.
Surface integral of normal component of any vector field is equal to volume integral
of divergence of that vector field over the volume V enclosed by the surface S.

Stoke’s Theorem
Line integral of any vector field over the contour ‘C’ is equal to the surface integral of
curl of that vector field over the surface ‘S’ having the contour ‘C’.

Important vector identies:

a). Div Curl F = 0
b). Curl Grad φ = 0
c). φ
d). F
f). Div (u x v) = v. curl u – u curl v.

Coloumb’s Law
Coloumb found that electric charges exert a mechanical force on each other. This force
has the following characteristics.

|F2| = Newtons

(i) Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other
(ii) The force is proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the charges q1,q2
(iii) The force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two
(iv) The force depends upon the medium in which the charges are located
(v) The force always acts along the straight line joining the two point charges.
Charges q1 and q2 are separated by a distance |R12|. F2 is the force experienced by

|F2| α Newtons

The constant in S.I unit is 1/4пε

|F2| =

|F2| =
Where unit vector.

 Coloumbs law is also called inverse square law
 Coloumbs law is also called static force law
 Coloumbs law obeys superposition theorem
 Electric field intensity E = Force/ Charge

E = F/q (N/C)

= F/q2 (N/C)

E = (N/C)

 In general E= N/C


 Flux Density D = = E Wb/m2

Also D=
 Potential V = Work Done / Charge

= w / q = Force x Distance / q

dV= F. dr / q = -E. dr

dV / dr = Grad V =

Electric Field:
If a test charge kept in a medium experiences a force then an electric field is said to exist in
that medium.
Consider electric field due to a point charge as shown in figure. A probe charge Δq is kept at
a distance ‘r’ m from the point charge’q’. The force experienced by the charge Δq is ΔF. a r is
unit vector along the direction of ‘r’ or ΔF. Electric field intensity is mathematically

Find the Electric Field Due to n – charges?

Gauss’s Law
The net flux coming out of a closed surface is equal to the amount of charge enclosed.
Ψnet = Qenclosed

Consider a point charge ‘Q’ kept at the origin as shown in figure. Let us consider an
infinitesimal area ‘ds’ at a distance ‘r’ meters from the origin. The displacement
density vector and area vector are normal to the surface ‘ds’. Let the flux crossing the
surface ds be dψ.


ds D
Flux density D=
= |D| |ds| cos θ = |D||ds|

Total flux leaving the entire surface can be obtained by surface integration.
From the concept of electric displacement D is defined as follows
D= --------(2)

Substitute equation (2) in (1)

. ds = => . Area

We know that surface area of spherical surface of radius r is 4πr2

Ψ= . 4πr2


If the body is uniformly charged with the charge density pC/m3

Total charge is given as follows
Q = ρ volume =
By Gauss’s law =
According to divergence theorem surface integral of normal component of flux
density is equal to volume integral of Div of D

= substitute this in the above equation,

= - Integral form of Gauss’s law

Div D = ------- >Maxwell’s Equation

This equation is called Point form of Gauss’s law or Vector form of Gauss’s law or
Differential form of Gauss’s law

Gaussian Surface

Gauss’s law is very useful to find out electric field intensity. To find E, we contruct an
imaginary surface called “Gaussian Surface”. The electric field must be uniform at every
point on this surface. The electric field must be normal to the surface considered.
For a cylindrical charged conductor, a cylindrical surface is considered.
For a spherical charged body, a spherical surface is considered.
Line charge density = c/m

Surface charge density  = c/m2

Volume charge density c/m3

Applications of Gauss’s Law

Electric Field due to infinite long straight line

Construct an imaginary cylinder of radius ‘r’ and height ‘l’ meters. The cylindrical box has
three surfaces ie (1), (2) and (3). The infinite wire is uniformly charged with the charge
density  C/m. If we draw the electric field vectors due to the line charge, the normal
components get added and the components in parallel with the line charge gets cancelled.

Wire with charge density  c/m


11 D

l D

2 D


Therefore the duration of E or D is normal to the line charge. In the above figure, the flux
leaving the surface (1) and (2) is zero, since electric flux is normal D.ds in area (1) and (2) is
zero. The total flux leaving the Gaussian surface is equal to the flux leaving the lateral
surface ie (3).

Apply Gauss’s law

D. Area = Charge enclosed
D. 2rl = l
Wkt D = E,

Electric field due to the line charge is inversely proportional to the distance. Where r is the
distance between the source point and field point. ( Field point id the point where we are
interested to find out electric field.)

Electric Field due to charged infinite disc or sheet or plane

Construct a pill box (small cylinder) such that it encloses a small area ds of the disc. The disc
is uniformly charged with a charge density  c/m2. The charged disc is assumed to be having
several annular rings of increasing radius Each ring is assumed to be formed by several point
charges. If the electric field vectors are resolved, the radial components get cancelled and
normal components get added. Therefore the direction of resultant electric field vector or D
vector is normal to the plane or the disc.

Let d be the flux leaving the pill box and dQ be the charge enclosed by the pill box. Apply
Gauss’s law to the pill box

dQ = d
dQ = d top + d lateral + d bottom
Flux through the lateral surface is zero
dQ = d top + d bottom
dQ = D.ds + D.ds
.ds = 2D.ds

Therefore E =
From the above expression, it can be seen that electric field due to an infinite sheet is
independent of the distance between source point and field point.

Electric Field due to finite charged wire

Let us determine the electric field at a point ‘p’ which is at a distance ‘d’meters from the
point ‘o’. The wire AB is uniformly charged with a charge density λ c/m. Length OA is not
equal to OB. O is not the mid point. The wire is assumed to be formed by several point
Consider a point charge ‘dq’ at a distance ‘d’ meters from the origin. The value of the dq =
λdx. Let dE be the electric field at point ‘p’ due to charge ‘dq’. ‘r’ is the distance between the
charge ‘dq’ and the point ‘p’.
Electric field due to a charged disc

A disc of radius ‘a’ meters is uniformly charged with a charge density σ c/m2. It is required to
determine the electric field at ‘p’ which is at a distance ‘d’ meters from the centre of the disc.
The disc is assumed to be formed by several annular rings of increasing radius. Consider one
ring of radius ‘x’ meters. This ring is assumed to be having several point charges. Let dE1,
dE2, dE3, ……..dEn be the electric field vectors due to these point charges. When these
vectors are resolved the components normal to the ring get added and the components along
the radial directions get cancelled. Therefore direction of resultant electric field is normal to
the plane of the disc.

Let the area of hatched ring is ds

Charge contained by ring is σ ds
Let dE be the electric field intensity due to the hatched ring.
dE = dE1cosθ1+ dE2cosθ2+ dE3 cosθ3 + ...........+ dEncosθn

= (dE1+ dE2+ dE3 + ...........+ dEn ) cosθ

Electric field due to charged ring

A wire of negligible cross section is bent in the form of a circular ring. The wire is uniformly
charged with charge density λ c/m. It is required to determine the electric field at point ‘p’
which is at a distance h meters from the centre of the ring. The ring is assumed to be formed
by several point charges. Let dE be the electric field at point ‘p’ due to a point charge dQ. Let
the charge contained by the element dl be dQ.
When electric field vectors are resolved, radial components get cancelled and normal
components gets added. Normal component of resultant electric field intensity can be
obtained by integration

Electric Potential
Absolute potential is defined as the workdone in moving a unit positive charge from infinity
to the field point.

Potential difference
The potential difference V as the work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point
to another in an electric field.
Vab =

Potential due to a charged disc

Let us determine the potential at p which is at a distance h meters from the centre of the disc.
Consider an annular ring of thickness dx at a radius ‘x’ meters. This ring is assumed be
formed by several point charges
Let dv be the potential due to this ring at point P
Potential due to a charging ring

A thin wire is bent in the form of a circular ring. It is uniformly charge with a charge density
λ c/m. it is required to determine the potential at height h meters from the centre of the ring.
The ring is assumed to be formed by several point charges. Let the charge contained by the
segment shown in figure be dQ.

The potential due to this segment is dv, potential due to the entire ring can be obtained by
Relation between E and V?
A point charge ‘Q’ is kept at the origin of spherical coordinate system. Consider a point ‘P’
at a distance r unit from the orgin. We know that electric field due to a point charge is purely

Combination of two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance is called
Dipole moment
It is defined as the product of charge (q) and the distance between the charges. The direction
of dipole moment vector is directed from negative charge to the positive charge.

Types of dielectrics
Dielectrics are classified into two; a) polar dielectric and b) non-polar dielectric

Potential due to dipole

To determine the potential at ‘p’ which is distance ‘r’ m from the midpoint of the dipole
1. A total charge of 40/3 nc is uniformly distributed around a circular ring of radius
2m. Find the potential at a point on the axis 5m from the plane of the ring. Compare
with the result where all the charge is at the origin in the form of a point charge. Find
also the potential with the total charge distributed uniformly over a circular disk of
radius 2m.

V= = 22.3v R= =

dl = (2m)(dφ)
If the charge is concentrated at origin as point charge
V= = 24v

= R=

= 23.1v

2. Find D at (2,0,0) if there is a 2C point charge at (1,0,0) a line charge with =3c/m on
the Z axis and a surface charge with  s =5c/m2 in the plane y=6.5

Due to point charge D1 = =

Due to line charge D2 =

Due to sheet D3 =
1.The volume in spherical co-ordinates is described by r ≤a contains uniform charge
density ρ c/m3. Use Gauss’s law to determine D and E.

Case(i) Construct imaginary sphere of r ≤ a

Apply Gauss’s law

D. Area = ρ Volume enclosed by the dotted lined sphere
D. 4πr2 = ρ r3

E = ρ

Electric field inside varies linearly with the radius.

Case(ii) Construct an imaginary surface with r ≥ a

Apply Gauss’s law
D. Area = ρ Volume enclosed by the dotted lined sphere
D. 4πr2 = ρ a3

D r2 = ρ

D = ρ

E = ρ

E= ρ
Electric field outside is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

2. Find the force on a point charge of 50μc at (0,0,5)m due to a charge of 500π μc that is
uniformly distributed over the circular disc r≤5m, z=0m.

The charge density ρs = =

ρs = 0.2 x 10-4 c/m 2

= -r +5
|R| =

The force due to differential charge F =

dF = x


Because of symmetry in Z = 0 plane the radial components mutually cancel. Therefore,


= 16.56 N.

3. Four charges of 1μc each are located in air at (±1, ±1,0). a) Find E at (4,0,0). b) How
does this answer compare to the value of E produced by a single 4 μc charge at origin.
From charge ┴ to P
R1 = 3 +
R2 = 3 -
R3 = 5 -
R4 = 5 +
Due to symmetry of charges, except the force component along x, other components
mutually cancel each other.

a) E at P =

= 2387 v/m
b) Force due to a charge 4μc at origin
E =

= 2250

1. Determine the variation of electric field intensity from point to point

Q1 for a single
spherical shell of charge with radius R1.
r 1r
Spherical shell has charge only on its surface,Q1
Q/ 4πr
Construct a Gaussian spherical surface with r < R1

Apply Gauss’s law


D . 4πr2 = 0
E =D/ε
E =0
Electric field inside spherical shell is zero.

Construct an imaginary surface with r > R1

Apply Gauss’s law
Let the total charge of the spherical surface be Q1
D. Area = Charge enclosed
D . 4πr2 = Q1
D = Q1 / 4πr2
E = Q1 / 4πr2 ε

2. Define curl of a vector

Ans:- Curl is defined as circulation per unit area.

3. State the conditions for a field to be (a) Solenoidal (b) Irrotational.

Ans:- (a) Divergence of the field has to be zero
(b) Curl of the field has to be zero.

4. Define Divergence of a vector

Ans:- Divergence of vector field is the net out flow per unit volume. Surface
integral of normal component of any vector field is equal to the volume integral
of divergence of that vector field over the volume V enclosed by the surface.

5. State Divergence theorem.

Ans:- Surface integral of normal component of any vector field is equal to
volume integral of divergence of that vector field over the volume V enclosed by
the surface S.
6. State Stoke’s Theorem
Line integral of any vector field over the contour ‘C’ is equal to the surface
integral of curl of that vector field over the surface ‘S’ having the contour ‘C’.

6. Important vector identies:

a). Div Curl F = 0
b). Curl Grad φ = 0
c). φ
d). F
f). Div (u x v) = v. curl u – u curl v.
g). i.i = j.j = k.k = 1 & i.j = j.k = k.i = 0
h) i x j = k; j x k = i; k x i = j; & i x i = j x j = k x k = 0.

7. Define stoke’s theorem

Ans:- Line integral of any vector field over the contour ‘C’ is equal to the surface
integral of that vector field over the surface ‘S’ having the contour ‘C’.

; where A is vector field.

8. What is Displacement Density?
D is a vector quantity. The magnitude of D is the displacement per unit area. Its
direction is normal to the surface area having maximum displacement. For an isolated
point charge, D at any point on a spherical surface of radius r centered at the isolated
charge is

E depends upon the dielectric constant of the medium, but D is independent of the
dielectric constant. The number of flux lines per unit area indicade the magnitude of
D is proportional to E.
D = εE

9.. What is Gauss’s Law? Derive the point form of Gauss’s Law
Ans: Flux coming out of a charged body is equal to the amount of charge enclosed.

Consider a point charge ‘Q’ kept at the origin as shown in figure. Let us consider an
infinitesimal area ‘ds’ at a distance ‘r’ meters from the origin. The displacement
density vector and area vector are normal to the surface ‘ds’. Let the flux crossing the
surface ds be dψ.


ds D
dψ = -->D.-->ds
= |D| |ds| cos θ = |D||ds|
Total flux leaving the entire surface can be obtained by surface integration.
From the concept of electric displacement D is defined as follows
D= --------(2)
Substitute equation (2) in (1)
. ds = => . Area
We know that surface area of spherical surface of radius r is 4πr2
Ψ= . 4πr2

If the body is uniformly charged with the charge density pC/m3
Total charge is given as follows
Q = ρ volume =
By Gauss’s law =
According to divergence theorem surface integral of normal component of flux
density is equal to volume integral of Div of D
= substitute this in the above equation,

= - Integral form of Gauss’s law

Div D = ------- >Maxwell’s Equation
This equation is called Point form of Gauss’s law or Vector form of Gauss’s law or
Differential form of Gauss’s law

Gaussian Surface

Gauss’s law is very useful to find out electric field intensity. To find E, we contruct an
imaginary surface called “Gaussian Surface”. The electric field must be uniform at every
point on this surface. The electric field must be normal to the surface considered.
For a cylindrical charged conductor, a cylindrical surface is considered.
For a spherical charged body, a spherical surface is considered.

Line charge density = c/m

Surface charge density  = c/m2

Volume charge density c/m3

Applications of Gauss’s Law

1. Find the Electric Field due to infinite long straight line?

Construct an imaginary cylinder of radius ‘r’ and height ‘l’ meters. The cylindrical box has
three surfaces ie (1), (2) and (3). The infinite wire is uniformly charged with the charge
density  C/m. If we draw the electric field vectors due to the line charge, the normal
components get added and the components in parallel with the line charge gets cancelled.

Wire with charge density  c/m

1 D

l D

2 D

Therefore the duration of E or D is normal to the line charge. In the above figure, the flux
leaving the surface (1) and (2) is zero, since electric flux is normal D.ds in area (1) and (2) is
zero. The total flux leaving the Gaussian surface is equal to the flux leaving the lateral
surface ie (3).

Apply Gauss’s law

D. Area = Charge enclosed
D. 2rl = l
Wkt D = E,

Electric field due to the line charge is inversely proportional to the distance. Where r is the
distance between the source point and field point. ( Field point id the point where we are
interested to find out electric field.)

2. Find Electric Field due to charged infinite disc or sheet or plane?

Construct a pill box (small cylinder) such that it encloses a small area ds of the disc. The disc
is uniformly charged with a charge density  c/m2. The charged disc is assumed to be having
several annular rings of increasing radius Each ring is assumed to be formed by several point
charges. If the electric field vectors are resolved, the radial components get cancelled and
normal components get added. Therefore the direction of resultant electric field vector or D
vector is normal to the plane or the disc.
Let d be the flux leaving the pill box and dQ be the charge enclosed by the pill box. Apply
Gauss’s law to the pill box

dQ = d
dQ = d top + d lateral + d bottom

Flux through the lateral surface is zero

dQ = d top + d bottom
dQ = D.ds + D.ds
.ds = 2D.ds

Therefore E =
From the above expression, it can be seen that electric field due to an infinite sheet is
independent of the distance between source point and field point.

3.The volume in spherical co-ordinates is described by r ≤a contains uniform charge

density ρ c/m3. Use Gauss’s law to determine D and E.

Case(i) Construct imaginary sphere of r ≤ a

Apply Gauss’s law
D. Area = ρ Volume enclosed by the dotted lined sphere
D. 4πr2 = ρ r3


E = ρ

Electric field inside varies linearly with the radius.

Case(ii) Construct an imaginary surface with r ≥ a

Apply Gauss’s law
D. Area = ρ Volume enclosed by the dotted lined sphere
D. 4πr2 = ρ a3

D r2 = ρ

D = ρ

E = ρ

E= ρ
Electric field outside is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

Find the Electric Field due to finite charged wire?

Let us determine the electric field at a point ‘p’ which is at a distance ‘d’meters from the
point ‘o’. The wire AB is uniformly charged with a charge density λ c/m. Length OA is not
equal to OB. O is not the mid point. The wire is assumed to be formed by several point
Consider a point charge ‘dq’ at a distance ‘d’ meters from the origin. The value of the dq =
λdx. Let dE be the electric field at point ‘p’ due to charge ‘dq’. ‘r’ is the distance between the
charge ‘dq’ and the point ‘p’.
4. Find the force on a point charge of 50μc at (0,0,5)m due to a charge of 500π μc that is
uniformly distributed over the circular disc r≤5m, z=0m.

The charge density ρs = =

ρs = 0.2 x 10-4 c/m 2

= -r +5
|R| =

The force due to differential charge F =

dF = x


Because of symmetry in Z = 0 plane the radial components mutually cancel. Therefore,


= 16.56 N.
5. Four charges of 1μc each are located in air at (±1, ±1,0). a) Find E at (4,0,0). b) How
does this answer compare to the value of E produced by a single 4 μc charge at origin.

From charge ┴ to P
R1 = 3 +
R2 = 3 -
R3 = 5 -
R4 = 5 +
Due to symmetry of charges, except the force component along x, other components
mutually cancel each other.

a) E at P =

= 2387 v/m
b) Force due to a charge 4μc at origin
E =

= 2250
Electric Field:
If a test charge kept in a medium experiences a force then an electric field is said to exist in
that medium.

Consider electric field due to a point charge as shown in figure. A probe charge Δq is kept at
a distance ‘r’ m from the point charge’q’. The force experienced by the charge Δq is ΔF. a r is
unit vector along the direction of ‘r’ or ΔF. Electric field intensity is mathematically

Find the Electric Field Due to n – charges?

Find the Electric Field due to finite charged wire?

Let determine the electric field at point ‘p’ which is at a distance ‘d’ meters from the point
‘o’. The wire AB is uniformly charged with a charge density λ c/m. Length OA is not equal
to OB. O is not the mid point. The wire is assumed to be formed by several point charges.

Consider a point charge ‘dq’ at a distance ‘d’ meters from the origin. The value of dq = λdx.
Let dE be the electric field at point ‘p’ due to charge ‘dq’. ‘r’ is the distance between the
charge ‘dq’ and the point ‘p’.

We know that dE =
If ‘O’ is the midpoint, β = (180 – α). Vertical component EV gets cancelled. Resultant electric
field will be normal to the line charge.
As length tends to infinity, α  0, βπ, substitute α, β in the expressions of EV and EH
Gauss’s law can not be applied to the finite wire problem since the electric field due to finite
wire is not uniform and it is normal to the cylindrical surface considered.

Find the Electric field due to a charged disc?

A disc of radius ‘a’ meters is uniformly charged with a charge density σ c/m2. It is required to
determine the electric field at ‘p’ which is at a distance ‘d’ meters from the centre of the disc.
The disc is assumed to be formed by several annular rings of increasing radius. Consider one
ring of radius ‘x’ meters. This ring is assumed to be having several point charges. Let dE1,
dE2, dE3, ……..dEn be the electric field vectors due to these point charges. When these
vectors are resolved the components normal to the ring get added and the components along
the radial directions get cancelled. Therefore direction of resultant electric field is normal to
the plane of the disc.

Let the area of hatched ring is ds

Charge contained by ring is σ ds
Let dE be the electric field intensity due to the hatched ring.
dE = dE1cosθ1+ dE2cosθ2+ dE3 cosθ3 + ...........+ dEncosθn

= (dE1+ dE2+ dE3 + ...........+ dEn ) cosθ

Find the electric field due to charged ring?

A wire of negligible cross section is bent in the form of a circular ring. The wire is uniformly
charged with charge density λ c/m. It is required to determine the electric field at point ‘p’
which is at a distance h meters from the centre of the ring. The ring is assumed to be formed
by several point charges. Let dE be the electric field at point ‘p’ due to a point charge dQ. Let
the charge contained by the element dl be dQ.
When electric field vectors are resolved, radial components get cancelled and normal
components gets added. Normal component of resultant electric field intensity can be
obtained by integration

Define Electric Potential

Absolute potential is defined as the workdone in moving a unit positive charge from infinity
to the field point.

Define Potential difference

The potential difference V as the work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point
to another in an electric field.
Vab =
Obtain the potential due to a charged disc

Let us determine the potential at p which is at a distance h meters from the centre of the disc.
Consider an annular ring of thickness dx at a radius ‘x’ meters. This ring is assumed be
formed by several point charges
Let dv be the potential due to this ring at point P
Obtain the potential due to a charging ring

A thin wire is bent in the form of a circular ring. It is uniformly charge with a charge density
λ c/m. it is required to determine the potential at height h meters from the centre of the ring.
The ring is assumed to be formed by several point charges. Let the charge contained by the
segment shown in figure be dQ.

The potential due to this segment is dv, potential due to the entire ring can be obtained by
Obtain the relation between E and V?
A point charge ‘Q’ is kept at the origin of spherical coordinate system. Consider a point ‘P’
at a distance r unit from the orgin. We know that electric field due to a point charge is purely

Define dipole
Combination of two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance is called
What is dipole moment?
It is defined as the product of charge (q) and the distance between the charges. The direction
of dipole moment vector is directed from negative charge to the positive charge.
What are the types of dielectrics?
Dielectrics are classified into two; a) polar dielectric and b) non-polar dielectric

Derive the expression for potential due to dipole?

To determine the potential at ‘p’ which is distance ‘r’ m from the midpoint of the dipole
6. A total charge of 40/3 nc is uniformly distributed around a circular ring of radius
2m. Find the potential at a point on the axis 5m from the plane of the ring. Compare
with the result where all the charge is at the origin in the form of a point charge. Find
also the potential with the total charge distributed uniformly over a circular disk of
radius 2m.

V= = 22.3v R= =

dl = (2m)(dφ)
If the charge is concentrated at origin as point charge
V= = 24v

= R=

= 23.1v

7. Find D at (2,0,0) if there is a 2C point charge at (1,0,0) a line charge with =3c/m on
the Z axis and a surface charge with  s =5c/m2 in the plane y=6.5

Due to point charge D1 = =

Due to line charge D2 =

Due to sheet D3 =

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