Round Up 2

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their his
their its
her yours
girls' hats

their hats
hats is theirs

boys's bikes

their bikes
bikes is theirs

They're Youssef's cars

They're Elisha's flowers It's jenny's ice cream

It's Ben's ball They're Isabel's books

the wheels of
my bike
the door of my the hands
house of my clock

Whose Who's
Whose Whose
There're Quick street
there's Stafford street
there's Hallam street
there's Hallam street

Is there no, there isn't

Are there no,there aren't
Are there yes, there're
There are
There's There are
There are There is
There are There is

No, there isn't

Yes' there is No, there isn't

YEs, there's Yes, there's

Are there five glasses?
No, there aren't. There're 6

Is there a birthday cake? Are there 5 lolipops?

Yes, there's Yes, there're

Is there one bottle of cola? Is there one present?

No, there isn't. There're two bottle No, there isn't. there"re 4 presents.
of cola.
There are some pineapples
there is some meat
There aren't any potatoes
There isn't any cola
There is some cheese
There are some bananas
There isn't any flour

any any
some any
any any

Are there any eggs?

yes, there're
Is there any butter?
Yes, there's
Are there any tomatoes?
No, there isn't.
Is there any milk?
Yes, there is
Are there any oranges?
No, there aren't
Is there any meat?
Yes, there is
Are there any
no there isn't
Are there any
No there isn't
Is there Is there
No there isn't Yes there is
Are there any Is there
Yes there are Yes there is
giving telling
reading sitting going
swimming digging
eating closing finishing
We aren't watching TV

Bill isn't playing a computer game The boys aren't writing in their notebooks

The boy isn't running It isn;t snowing now

Your dad isn't driving his car Helen isn't laughing at the moment

4 6
5 3

Sally is crying Father is digging in the garden

Fatimah is listening Anna and Jose are Jane and Nora are dancing
to music cooking
You aren't listening to me

WE're going to school He is playing the guitar

They aren't playing in the park He isn't sleeping

Isabel and Maya aren't reading book. They are dancing.

Jean isn't listening to music. She is eating.
Stripes isn't walking. It is sleeping.
Peter and Ahmed aren't playing a game. They are watching TV.
yes she's no it isn't

yes i am no they aren't no he isn't

Are they playing with Is he driving a car?

a kite
No, they aren't.
no, he isn't.
They're playing with He's driving a lorry

Is she picking flowers Are they singing Is she cooking

No, she isn't. No, they aren't. No, she isn't.
She's picking apples. They're dancing. She's cooking eggs.
is shining
am wearing

are sitting
are eating

are listening

are having lovely weather today. The sun is shining.
am wearing blue T-shirt and purple trousers. I'm listening to music.
Also I'm gonna eat burger. And I am sitting.

love, Naz
plays carries
needs skates marches
works takes watches
helps goes washes

B go
D plays
C help
A drink
F wears

do not don't
do not don't
does not doesn't
do not don't

don't doesn't

Does live
she doesn't
Does get up Does live
he doesn't she does
Do Do eat
they do we do
Do Do eat
they don't we don't
Do your friends listen to pop music?
Yes, I do Yes, they do

Does your best friend like football? Do you watch TV every day
Yes, he does No, I don't

Do you live in a big house Do your friends play computer games?

No, I don't No, they don't.
Katie often helps...

The children sometimes eat ice cream The boys are sometimes funny

I often go to cinema Ivan and I always do...

We seldom have... Dad never washes...

You are always polite... Cara is usually..

in the afternoons, at noon, at rpesent, now, at the moment
today, often, always, on Mondays

at the moment
on Friday
every night
gets up

isn't swimming
is helping
are making loves

is drinking
are walking
is laughing
is playing
are sleeping
do you go
never eat
don't like
are you doing
is walking


watches a phone
is tik toker hehe
hate him

watches phone
makes a dessert
watch TV together

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