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Midjourney, Dall-E (Fake videos/images)

The artificial intelligence model triggered such alarm with some OpenAI researchers that they wrote
to the board of directors before Altman’s dismissal warning it could threaten humanity, Reuters

The model, called Q* – and pronounced as “Q-Star” – was able to solve basic maths problems it had
not seen before, according to the tech news site the Information, which added that the pace of
development behind the system had alarmed some safety researchers. The ability to solve maths
problems would be viewed as a significant development in AI.

OpenAI ‘was working on advanced model so powerful it alarmed staff’ | Technology sector | The

How Argentina’s new president-elect used AI to target his opponents during the campaign (

In the final weeks of campaigning, Argentine President-elect Javier

Milei published a fabricated image depicting his Peronist rival Sergio
Massa as an old-fashioned communist in military garb, his hand
raised aloft in salute.

The apparently AI-generated image drew some 3 million views when

Milei posted it on a social media account, highlighting how the rival
campaign teams used artificial intelligence technology to catch voters’
attention in a bid to sway the race.

“Campaigners used AI to deliver deceptive messages to voters, and

this is a risk for any election process,” he told Context.

Right-wing libertarian Milei won Sunday’s run-off with 56% of the

vote as he tapped into voter anger with the political mainstream –
including Massa’s dominant Peronist party, but both sides turned to
AI during the fractious election campaign.

A slew of new “generative AI” tools such as Midjourney are making it

cheap and easy to create fabricated pictures and videos.

With few legal safeguards in many countries, there is growing unease

about how such material could be used to mislead or confuse voters
in the run-up to elections.

As campaigning heated up ahead of the October election, a series of AI-generated

political advertisements were published by the centre-right New Zealand National
Party on its Instagram account in May.

A party spokesperson confirmed the images were faked, saying it was "an innovative
way to drive our social media".

In Turkey's recent presidential election, the main rival of President Tayyip

Erdogan accused Russia of releasing deepfake content in a bid to sway the result.

And in the United States, DeSantis' video is far from the only example as the 2024
election draws closer. Clips of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and CNN reports have been
edited to endorse right-wing politicians.

Watching prisoners

In mainland China, the government is finishing up construction on a new "smart"

surveillance system in Yancheng Prison that aims to monitor every one of their
high-profile inmates in real time via networked hidden cameras and sensors
placed in every cell. According to a report in the South China Morning Post, the
network will stream the data it collects to "a fast, AI-powered computer that is
able to recognize, track, and monitor every inmate around the clock" and, "At the
end of each day, generate a comprehensive report, including behavioral analysis,
on each prisoner using different AI functions such as facial identification and
movement analysis." Like in Hong Kong, these systems are also designed to flag
suspicious behavior and alert human guards when it finds any activity it registers
as abnormal. An employee at Tiandy Technologies, the surveillance tech company
that helped develop the surveillance system, claimed that with the new technology,
"prison breaks will be history," and suggested that unethical behavior from
guards, such as taking bribes, might become a thing of the past.

Watching guards

It could also be used to help watch the guards. For example, researchers have
already started exploring ways to use machine learning to help identify and reduce
police violence by training systems to look through staff records and learn to spot
and flag signs that an officer may be at a high risk of initiating an "adverse event."
This might include identifying officers that have a history of certain kinds of
misconduct or may be under a lot of stress. A smart prison could use the data it
collects on guards to provide a similar service. Additionally, a system designed to
flag abnormal inmate behavior could likewise be programmed to spot and report
potentially abusive behavior by guards.

The use and future of artificial intelligence monitoring in prisons - Reason Foundation

These Prisoners Are Training AI | WIRED

Saudi arabia grants citizenship to a robot called Sophia

Artificial intelligence can run world ‘better than humans’ - Tech - DAWN.COM

Robot dogs have unnerved and angered the public. So why is this artist teaching them to paint? | Art
| The Guardian

Understanding the four types of AI, from reactive robots to self-aware beings (

10 Powerful Examples Of Artificial Intelligence In Use Today (

What Is Artificial Intelligence? Definition, Uses, and Types | Coursera

Wha Is Artificial Intelligence?


It took less than six hours for drug-developing AI to invent 40,000

potentially lethal molecules. Researchers put AI normally used to search for
helpful drugs into a kind of “bad actor” mode to show how easily it could be
abused at a biological arms control conference.
We had previously designed a commercial de novo molecule generator
which we called MegaSyn2 which is guided by machine learning model
predictions of bioactivity for the purpose of finding new therapeutic
inhibitors of targets for human diseases. This generative model
normally penalizes predicted toxicity and rewards predicted target
activity. We simply proposed to invert this logic using the same
approach to design molecules de novo, but now guiding the model to
reward both toxicity and bioactivity instead. We trained the AI with
molecules from a public database using a collection of primarily drug-
like molecules (that are synthesizable and likely to be absorbed) and
their bioactivities

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