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Docudrama Notes and Script

Docudrama is due Tuesday, May 23rd at 7 AM

Names of everyone in group: Alicia Her, Caitlyn McCorkell, Zitlalic Barragan, and
Katie Diaz

Answer the following questions:

What is the name of your docudrama The 19th Amendment (women's suffrage)

What were the causes of your topic? While women were not always united in their goals, and the
fight for women's suffrage was complex and interwoven with
issues of civil and political rights for all Americans, the efforts
of women like Ida B. Wells and Alice Paul led to the passage
of the 19th Amendment.

Describe your topic (What happened?) Women back then couldn’t vote or work but on August 18,
1920 the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.

What were the results of your topic? Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18,
1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.

Who will write your script? Caitlyn

When will you film? Friday and Monday

What device will you be filming with? Iphone on imovie

Describe your 3 scenes: Scene 1: couldn’t own land/property

Scene 2: husbands controlled them
Scene 3: voting

At what specific locations will you be School and home


What specific music will you include?

Include links if possible.

What sound effects will you need? N/A

Include links if possible.

How will you create those sound N/A


Will you have costumes? What will We’ll have props not costumes
they be?
Will you include a Youtube clip? If so,
what specific clip? Include links. Only part of it for the intro

Who is your narrator? Alicia

Who will your experts be? Expert 1: Caitlyn’s mom

Expert 2: Mrs. Spurlock

What questions will your experts be Expert 1 Questions: Why is it important for women to
answering? have the ability to vote? *moms response* What
would society be like now if women still didn't have
the right to vote? *moms response*

Expert 2 Questions: How does it feel to be in charge of a

classroom as a female teacher? Do you encourage women to
continue pushing for their rights, if yes, why?

Who are your actors? Alicia, Caitlyn, Katie, Zitlalic, Teng, and Caitlyn’s brother

Who will do the creating/editing of Alicia

your film?

Introduction Narration (year, cause, description of event/topic):
While women were not always united in their goals, and the fight for women's suffrage was
complex and interwoven with issues of civil and political rights for all Americans, the efforts of
women like Ida B. Wells and Alice Paul led to the passage of the 19th Amendment. Passed by
Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the
right to vote. The women's suffrage movement was founded by women who had become
politically active through their work in the abolitionist and temperance movements.

Narration During Acting

Scene 1: ¨couldn't own land/property¨ Single women could own property under certain
circumstances, but married women in the U.S. couldn't buy or own property in their own
name until the mid-1800s

Scene 2: ¨husbands controlled them¨ Women would be controlled by their husbands at

home, since they did not work. The men made the money, while women cleaned the
house, or took care of the kids.

Scene 3: ¨voting” On August 18, 1920 the 19th amendment granted women the right to
vote. In the video, the women are now allowed to vote, dropping their votes in the box.
Expert Interview 1: Caits mom
Expert Interview 2: Mrs Spurlock

Conclusion Narration (effects of the event):

Since the 19th amendment passes, we can now own property, vote, and have jobs.

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