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Research Form

Name __Corinne Keller______________________________________________________

What is the topic your team will be exploring?


What are the 4 concepts (the smaller ideas) you will be connecting to
the broader topic (the big idea)?




List the key materials you would provide for the children to
explore/construct their own learning. (at least 10 items)
1. Magnetic blocks
2. Wooden Blocks
3. Legos
4. Toy vehicles
5. Dolls/ toy people
6. Toy animals
7. Recycled materials
8. Popsicle sticks
9. Playdoh
10. Connection toys
What are the key vocabulary terms the children will be using/developing
over the course of this investigation? Provide at least 4 key words and
their functional definitions for this investigation
1. Construction: the method of building something.

2. Destruction: the process of causing damage to something.

3. Forces: gravity, tension, and compression.

4. Home: a place to live with our families.

What websites or resources will you use? List at least 4. Include at least
2 with scientific background for the teacher (possibly where you found
the key terms or concepts) and at least 1 you could use with the
children. Provide the name of the website, the URL, and a brief



Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc.

This article explains how to incorporate building lessons in the classroom and the importance of

a building exploration. It includes many learning experiences and investigations.


Brain Building in Progress Resources for Early Learning.

This resource explains how to create a unit where children explore different tools and materials

used in commercial building as they learn about how structures and houses are built.



Teaching Strategies

This resource plans out 5 different investigations regarding building in detail. It breaks down

each investigation into a week, and then details the specific activities for each day.


Hands-On learning with Life Over C’s

This article explains different building lesson plans and how a building exploration for students is

important because of the use of dramatic play. Gross and fine motor skills and integration of

different academic units.

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