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Chat Bot Telegram 1

Project Title:

Chat Boot via Telegram to Check Viruses on Links or Pics, Whether

They Are Real or Fake, with Awareness.

Chat Bot Telegram 2

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 Prevalence of Cyber Threats

Opportunities of the present-day digital world are enormous in relation to communication and

information sharing. However, it is a world in a web in which there are those that act maliciously

exploiting this interconnected structure. Cyber threats including malware, phishing attempts, and

the spread of fake content are always a danger for naive users. Phishing

Phishing is one of the most convenient cybercrimes, which allows attackers to trick people and

abscond with critical data. We have seen the first reported phishing attack in 1990 and since then,

it has become a more developed attack vector (Alkhalil, 2021). Currently, phishing is one of the

typical demonstrations of fraudulent behavior over the internet. Based on the APWG Phishing

Activity Trends Report for Q2 2023, the evolution of phishing attacks seems to be changing, as

they grow but slowly. Nevertheless, 300,000 phishing attacks are still observed quarter after

quarter (Cook, 2024). In this year, 83% of organizations experienced phishing attacks. It is

anticipated that an extra six billion attacks will occur in 2022 (INTERPOL, 2020). Malware

Malware is also one of the common cyber threats. All of these are supported by these malicious

websites, among other areas: C2 servers, malware deployment, and phishing (CyberTalk, 2022).

A private sector partner detected and reported to INTERPOL a 56.9% surge in malicious
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registrations (including malware and phishing) and a 78.8% surge in high-risk registrations in

February and March 2020 (INTERPOL, 2020). Fake Content

Fake content is also a major cyber threat. Cybercriminals frequently utilize fake content to

deceive the users and make them give their personal information or download malware. The

digital world is growing too fast and quickly and just like that, cybercriminals are growing up

who have been illegally using digital assets, particularly personal information, to harm

individuals (Alkhalil, 2021).

1.1.2 Impact of Cyber Threats Data Breaches

Damage that data breaches may cause includes severe financial losses, legal repercussions, and

reputation hits (Huang, 2023). Trust of the customers and partners may get lost, and recovery is

possible but most of the times it is very lengthy and expensive. In 2022, an alarming 83% of the

organizations faced multiple incidents of data breaches. The seriousness of the situation is shown

by the public awareness of more than 310 cyber incidents that happened in the last three months

only. Financial Loss

The financial losses in the case of malicious cyber activities include IT security, digital assets

recovery costs, liability for identity theft and data breach, reputation/brand damage, legal

liability, cyber extortion, regulatory defense, and penalties coverage, and business interruption.

Serious and institutional cyber threats are growing. As Sanna (2023) noted, the immediate effects
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of a cyber-attack on an organization are quite severe, but the longer-term effects can be

beneficial, as well, e.g., the loss of competitive edge, decrease in credit rating, and rise in cyber

insurance premiums. Identity Theft

In businesses, identity theft may occur in several ways, but the most obvious ones include

attackers attempting to impersonate a legitimately recognized business to mislead clients while

gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data or financial resources. The personal details of

workers are being stolen and abused, which causes loss of finance to the individual and the

business (LoginRadius, 2023). Identity theft is a serious issue from 2023 for businesses, with

severe threats and consequences.

1.1.3 Importance of Cybersecurity Education

In the digital era of today, cybersecurity education is the key. It is, thus, an essential weapon in

the fight against the cyber threats that are becoming more complex and widespread

(Cybersecurity for Me, 2023). Teaching Students about Cyber Threats

The major aim of cyber security education is to make students know how to defend themselves

from various types of cyber threats, including phishing scams, malware, ransomware, and other

computer threats. In the modern digital world, information is vital to know as people are being

endangered all the time by potential cyber-attacks (Cybersecurity for Me, 2023). Reducing Network Vulnerabilities

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Cybersecurity training can also be beneficial in eliminating potential weaknesses or gaps in the

network by involving the employees in some of the specific practices and measures. Through

knowledge about the types of threats and how they can be eliminated, employees can contribute

greatly to the improvement of the organization’s cyber security posture. Training Employees to Identify Attack Vectors

Another significant part of cybersecurity education is teaching employees to recognize attack

vectors including phishing and teaching them to be alert about software updates and password

security tips. This training can reduce the number of successful cyber- attacks and keep valuable

data free from harm. Strengthening Democracy

Education on the issue of cybersecurity also plays a role in strengthening democracy. In

information warfare and election interference age, public education on cybersecurity can defend

the democratic process. Protecting Students from Harm.

In conclusion, cyber education is also important for safety, and even more so for the protection of

applications and systems. As e-learning grows in popularity, students are exposed to cyber

threats, which is why cybersecurity education becomes even more essential (Cisco, 2024).

1.1.4 Limitations of Traditional Security Measures

Although traditional security controls are effective in most cases, there are some challenges

which render them ineffective leaving a system exposed to advanced cyber threats (The

Instillery, 2023).
Chat Bot Telegram 6 Insufficient Protection Against Advanced Threats

The traditional security models do not help in fighting against advanced persistent threats (APTs)

that are highly sophisticated attacks and go through perimeter-based defenses. Such attacks

typically come in multiple waves and can last for long periods, which makes them hard to detect

and to stop by traditional security means (EITCA, 2023). Lack of Granularity in Access Permissions

Access permissions are usually not granular(detailed) enough with the traditional security

approaches. This implies that dynamic access control policies may not be enforced and thus,

complex relationships between users and resources may not be expressed. As consequences, they

may fail to deliver enough protection against insider threats or advanced attacks using these

restrictions (EITCA, 2023). Inability to Tackle New Security Challenges

The traditional security solutions were not designed to address the new security challenges that

have arisen with digitalization. For example, traditional security solutions turned out to be

“heavy” and resource-hungry because the virtual workload has a finite number of resources

denying any of the benefits that virtualization should have brought (TechRadar, 2018). Limited Visibility and Control

Some systems may provide limited visibility or control over their security configurations, for

example, host and cloud security systems that are controlled via insecure communication media,

or host and network security systems that are accessed through insecure communication media.

Centralization was never a part of original traditional security solutions to be managed by IT and
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security departments (TechRadar, 2018). They were just created in an install-and-forget concept

and experts were clueless regarding how effective they really are in the infrastructure. This

implied that data breach or infection would easily happen on one or more endpoints within the

enterprise and IT and security teams would know nothing about it, unless it became disruptive or

affected systems would become wholly inoperable.

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1.2 Purpose of Project

The proposed chat bot is designed to be the first line of defense for Telegram users to protect

them from cyber-attacks. It will offer a shareable content analysis in real time, that will allow

users to differentiate between legitimate and dangerous content. This is useful not just for the

protection of the users’ devices from malware but also for the enhancement of the users’

cybersecurity awareness. The Chat Bot is set out to empower the users with the tools and

knowledge required to safely navigate the virtual world, and as such, it will redefine the way

people perceive and utilize online content.

Many features will be given to the chat bot which includes link verification, image analysis, file

checking and user education. It will check the URLs to find out whether they are legitimate, scan

the images for dangerous content, scan files for viruses, and make users aware of cyber threats.

The aim is to allow the users to decide what they want to see on the internet and hence, make the

internet a safer place to check. The Chat Bot, via sophisticated algorithms and by connecting to

external APIs, will make it possible for users to obtain instant answers about any potential threat

from the online content. Additionally, it will serve as a learning resource that will give practical

information on the most common cyber threats and ways of maintaining digital hygiene.
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1.3 Scope of the Project

In the rapidly changing world with the increasing globalization of industries, the cyber security

issue gains its burning importance as never before. Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly

sophisticated and frequent, and people are easy victims of deceit and exploitation. This project

will provide the objectives, methodology, projected outcomes, and possible effects of the project.

It will outline the process of creating the Telegram bot, linking it to a website API for live

analysis, offering commands for user interaction, and managing the user input. The project will

also include communication settings, user friendly messages, prompts, and ways of handling the

errors of invalid URLs and unsupported files. This chat bot has been developed to increase the

cyber security awareness of the users of telegram, check the authenticity of files, images, and

links etc. and finally make the online world a safer place. If people work in unison and come up

with innovative measures, they can produce a safer cyber world where users can carry out their

daily tasks without the fear of being exposed to cyber-attacks that could threaten their existence.
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Alkhalil, Z., Hewage, C., Nawaf, L., & Khan, I. (2021). Phishing Attacks: A Recent

Comprehensive Study and a New Anatomy. Frontiers in Computer Science.

Cook, S. (2024). Top Phishing Statistics and Facts for 2019–2024. Comparitech.

INTERPOL. (2020). INTERPOL report shows alarming rate of cyberattacks during COVID-194

CyberTalk. (2022). Phishing attack statistics 2022.

Huang, K., Wang, X., Wei, W., & Madnick, S. (2023). The Devastating Business Impacts of a

Cyber Breach. Harvard Business Review.

Sanna, N. (2023). Financial loss exposure of cyber risks across industries. World Economic


LoginRadius. (2023). Understanding the Impact of Identity Theft on Businesses.

Cybersecurity for Me. (2023). Importance of Cybersecurity in the Education.

Cisco. (2024). Securing the future of education: focusing on cybersecurity.

The Instillery. (2023). Zero Trust vs Traditional Security Models: How Do They Compare?

TechRadar. (2018). When traditional security doesn’t cut it anymore.

EITCA. (2023). What are the limitations of the traditional access control model in certain


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