International Summer School Recomandation Letter

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IMB International Summer School:

Reference Letter Form

Name of Referee: Rayimjon Aliev

Institution: Andijan state universtiy
Position: Full professor
Phone: +998 91 487 11 88

Name of candidate (surname, first name): Rakhmatullaev Ravshanbek

How well do you know the applicant?

Very well ☐ Well ☐ Quite well ☐ Little

For how long have you known the applicant?

More than 3 years ☐ Between 1 and 3 years ☐ Less than 1 year

In what capacity do you know the applicant?

They have worked in my lab I have taught them in the following: ☐ Other
Please specify:
☐ Practical course
☐ Tutorial

Outstanding Very good Good Okay

(top 5%) (top 10%) (top 20%) (top 50%)
Knowledge ☐ ☐  ☐

Lab skills ☐ ☐ ☐ 

Organisational skills ☐ ☐  ☐

Independence ☐ ☐ ☐ 

Communication skills ☐  ☐ ☐

Diligence ☐ ☐ ☐ 

Team work ☐ ☐ ☐ 

Enthusiasm for subject/ ☐ ☐  ☐

Overall assessment ☐ ☐ ☐ 

Please continue overleaf

Further comments: Please provide a brief assessment below regarding the candidate’s abilities and
their suitability for the International Summer School.
I am writing this reference letter in strong support of Ravshanbek Rakhmatulaev, who is applying to the
international summer school. As a Physics department teacher at Andijan State University, I have had the
privilege of knowing Ravshanbek for a year, and I am pleased to provide my insights regarding his character,
abilities, and academic performance.
The entire class was inspired by his presentation and research skills in the auditorium, where he
performed confidently, showcasing his leadership skills. I noticed that his fellow students learned from his
eloquence skills to confidently present to the audience. In one situation, I remember one of my foreign
colleagues visited my last lesson in his group and asked about the Study of silicon –based solar panels
parameters using EDIBON photoelectric device and its consequences in English from his group suddenly.
Even though the question was from the topic I taught his group at the beginning of the course, he calmly
gestured to other students and answered and explained to my foreign colleague in English accurately. Even
other students did not grasp the point at that time. This is proof that he stood out more with his activeness
and leadership than his fellow students.
In addition, Ravshanbek has a remarkable aptitude for computer-based simulation and
programming, which he demonstrated in his thesis research. Study of silicon –based solar panels
parameters using EDIBON photoelectric device. His ability to learn and self-study new researches
sets him apart from his peers. I emphasize that his proficiency in semiconductor physics and theory is
remarkable. He possesses great positive traits, which are of utmost significance for his behavior, including his
activeness and positivity toward teachers. He easily communicated and got along with teachers regarding
lessons and student attendance, suggesting changes to add value and productivity to lessons for the benefit of
other students. He is an extrovert, and even when other students or teachers join lessons, he could express
himself easily and participated actively. Besides, he played an important role in his group, showcasing his
potential knowledge to students by explaining global situations.
I highly recommend carefully considering Ravshanbek Rakhmatulaev, who is one of the most remarkable
young leaders. I am confident that he will be an asset as international summer school, pursuing his studies
to grow further in his career and personal development. Should you need any additional information about
Ravshanbek, please feel free to contact me!.
(Please print your name here)

(Place, date) (Please sign here) (Institution’s stamp)

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