Quran Color Coded in 15 Lines With Rules of Tajweed

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IslamicAcademy Alhamdulilah, Islamic Academy was founded in 1421 Hijri/ 2001 in Texas, USA. This is a Deeni (religious), IImi (academic), and non-profit organiza- tion for the public which has no interest in the politics of today. Our aim is to teach and spread the universal teachings of Islam, publish books and pamphlets, provide Islamic literature, and to especially teach the new gen- eration Quran and Sunnat through the Darul Uloom. Our Plans and The Future 1) Islamic School: Along with keeping the curriculum of schools, provid- ing a curriculum filled with courses on [slam and Sunnah so that the stu- dents can benefit from the religious as well as worldly education. 2) Training Center; Where training is provided for Imamat and Khitabat so that Imams who know the language and culture can lead the Masajid and enlighten the people. 3) Building: A vast building which can handle all the plans of this organiza- tion 4) Darut Tasneef wa Tarjuma: This department will prepare a team of writ- ers, translators, and researchers who can write, translate, collect, and research over much needed literature. 3) Darul Ishaat: Where the composing, editing, proof-reading, and publish- ing of books and pamphlets can be done on a large scale Ways to Cooperate 1) Help us in purchasing land or a building for Darul Uloom Azizia 2) Cover the expenses for publishing some of the many books pending pub- lication 3) Purchase books for the Library for Essale Sawaab of your deceased and loved relatives 4) Start by becoming a member of our monthly check-o-matic system 5) Introduce and tell all your friends and the community about Darul Uloom Azizia, read its publications, and give us your valuable suggestions. 1251 Shiloh Rd.Plano TX 75074 - Phone 972-423-5786 www.islamicacademy.org A fel 5 me a nl ey 5 & RECITING 2% | se Ne ib 4% We 9 f NG 4 % Pee WwW 2 oe a rd Pad | I 2 * cs 2 5 ” WWW.HISLAMICACADEMY.ORG GREE RE GG GR NG EEE EGG GE REE THE AADAAB OF RECITING THE HOLY QUR’AN The reciter of the Holy Qur’an must perform the ritual ablution (wudhu). The intention when reciting the Holy Qur’an should be to gain the pleasure of Allah. The voice should not be raised to such an extent where your recital will disturb others who are also engaged in some form of worship. The reciter of the Holy Qur’an must sit in a dignified position facing the Ka’bah. When commencing with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an — Start by reciting: “I seek Allah s protection from Satan, the accursed.” prctlclattt eal Seti And thereafter recite: easleatyl a oe “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” din i i in din in in nn dg a Rn ea : } ] | ] | ] ] iH | | | | b 5 3 | Hi 4 § § 4 5 i y) y & : § § § § § 3 oF SUES OE GFF OF arar aaa a a a The place of origin (qalese le ee) Of the Arabic letters To know the origin of any letter of the Arabic Alphabets, place a Sukoon (7) on it and preceed it with an Alif (} ) with aFatha({ ). Example : oF will give us the origin of the letter o Place of Origin The Aerial letters. Originates from the 273 9 39g 27 eo “ (Ql aa sul emptiness of the mouth, The Guttural letters Originates from the back| Sas led apy ic Are ‘ of the throat (larynx). la a9 ul co) Originates from the centre of the throat. Originates from the upper portion of the throat. The back of the tongue rises and touches the soft palate. The centre of the tongue touches the upper palate. i i i i 4 Ey Ls Ey ky H H) F 2 E E| | Fi Ed Fl i 4 Es 4 Ed q H a i Ed Ed Ed Ed . i To a a et te ee a anes iL ry The gingieal letters oe 5s BU easel The dental letters ae 5 tae aa aad RO a a The upturned side of the tongue touches the gums of the upper back teeth. Originates when the tip of the tongue touches the upper hard palate. Originates when the tip of the tongue touches the gums of the upper two front teeth. Originates when the tip of the tongue touches the edge of the upper two front teeth. pope eu Caaseul Originates when the tip of the tongue rises towards the upper palate, touching the gums behind the upper two front teeth, The labial letters soapeee earch tied] Originates from the lips. Originates when the inner portion of the bottom lip meets the edge on the two upper front teeth. an ae Fes eS a a ae a a aN Brot ttt er Pa eT oe ee ee ee arnt rad Rrra era aad TAJWEED Reciting the Holy Qur’an with TAJWEED means to pronounce every letter with all its articulative qualities such as the correct prolongation, merging, conversion, distinctness, and pauses. Reciting the Qur’an with TAJWEED allows the reciter to emphasise the accent, phonetics, rhythm and temper of the Qur’anic recitation. QALQALA When the letters of QALQALA has a Sukoon ( 2) on it, it will be read with an echoing or jerking sound, 4 In the examples that follow, the QALQALA letter with a Sukoon appears in the red block. Care should be taken when “| reciting, not to jerk the letter to the extent where it will sound -) as if the letter has a FATHA onit. wae eek, as Bee é Gre bE Fae oT sos sides (j= ee eG a re a a ee ] I i 4 Fy a 4 Ed Ey Ld ie ‘ ld I a Ld H H The letters of QALQALA are: E, Ls E 4 I Z J H ? Ey ky kd ly a k L tii 7 rr TG 2 I FAA AIRF OG, A GR EE Ce Br een ea 4 When a stop is made at the end of the sentences below, the rule 4] of QALQALA will apply. The last letter becomes SAAKIN ‘| irrespective of the vowel sign, thus resulting in the i ) QALQALA letter being read with an echoing or jerking f sound. Surah Qalgala | [4 Number letter he yt Bs ruratatit ttt NOON and MEEM MUSHADDADAH When the letters @ and ? hasaSHADDAH ( » )onit ( oO ? ) it will be recited with Ghunna. The nasalization should not exceed the duration of two harakah. ( 2 - 3 second duration). Surah Mushaddadah) Number letter i i kd i H F E E H ld i i ll Ey E4 ; i i i i Lose orotate erst nt tana at noe aa an aaa EL LM LM LR OR ME. OF CO OTE OR, OR II CR RL PD i Seat a ad a ee ee a a a ad THE RULE OF THE LETTER LAAM When a letter with FATHA ( =a) or DHAMMA ( a ) appears before the name of ALLAH, it will be pronounced witha broad sound or full mouth. Extract from Verse Spl aie Ee NG St gate cll a When a letter with a KASRA (— ) appears before the name of ALLAH, it will be pronounced with a thin sound or an empty mouth. Surah Niimber Extract from Verse Sas 38 ss However, the LAAM MUSHADDADAH 3 is read witha thin sound or empty mouth. Surah | Verse ear aees Taam Number | Number eae mee Mushaddadah Sand (xl BS OIG OSS pol Stats ances oa SS WIGd WEEE lgdeecb aes Bes (eS Ss Ss Gs a ee a Sea a a a a a ad 4 4 f a 2 2 4 ‘| q 4 ‘ 4 i # | A° | 4 4 ‘| c| E| E| i Hy | y ‘] i f E eee et a Pare Pr ee re as See ar eu eee rr a ea as er ree PET a THE RULE OF MEEM SAAKIN ( " ) There are three rules regarding the MEEM SAAKIN t 1.1IKHFA SHAFAWI 2. IDGHAAM SHAFAWL 3. ITHAAR SHAFAWI 1.1IKHFA SHAFAWI-MEEM SAAKIN When the letter Ba( ©) appears aftera MEEM SAAKIN ( ¥ ) there will be IKHFA SHAFAWL. It will be pronounced with a light nasal sound in the nose for a duration of 2 harakah. (2-3 second duration). Surah Verse he Ikhfa Shafawi 34 8 Fe Waele 72.5 444, 26 leiters other 1 espghS EBON | nour Verse Extract fr Jerse ‘Mumber Extract from Verse Pap Seep Pe PT SE Prot Pe rt a ee eet ee septate teeta! a Ld H H ie La } i EH Fl FI a F Fy H Ed F H i GG A EI IKHFA — NOON SAAKIN AND TANWEEN H F} If any of the 15 letters of IKHFA below come after a Noon 5 EJ Saakin (@ ) or Tanween C4) the word must be read }! ; with a light nasal sound in the nose for a duration of two F) harakah. (2-3 second duration). The letters of IKHFA are... Ikhfa Letter MOS BSS 8 BLE 1s Geb Tey EG KES Glo esl oss Pee at aaa abe abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abt ake abt ant abt abt abt abt abt ab ae abt abe abe abt ant ae at! F ? i HI E H H H Hy 2 a } i A } a H H | es a Ta a a eS Ee Rk kik ok ak ok ok ane me wa Extract from Verse a pak pas 1h5stG SE Bos Cay ass Bile TSE os SE sol asta é 853 0S sedoads Gs a i sebllos Pap a eagal As ib Bas i oe CIE dse og S55 hagh bas BSS ue zie ad a Rasa BEE LY } i i H i Hy Eg 4 bs Ly L Ld H Zz ty } H Latta ttt ttt a at at tt i tt ot or Det Et aa eee ee Me Me ee OC a Me OP I IM LIMON LM PUT aC a ad a ITHAAR — NOON SAAKIN AND TANWEEN *| When after a NOON SAKIN ( @) )or TANWEEN (23-4) os 4 there appears any of the HUROOF HALQIYAH letters “| (throat letters) then it will be pronounced without GHUNNA (no nasalization.) The letters of HUROOF HALQIYAH are.... Leite Tet etetc Huroof Extract from Verse /Halgiyah| Letter hone yt OBS DIGS Leip ee t aS Cony Gls his ols Ce GB ait xe Sv aS ote Le a pauled Pays dete PROG As A yaulsiees Se BUOY CaS wpete £ - Ge Te oe 5 2 28 J3 dds Git Bester tare bts are er eres tae Pt ae Pea a ae ae ae rr sae ae TT ar ras rae ra aay FE a ke a a a a a re eg RE ER EE ES IDGHAAM — NOON SAAKIN AND TANWEEN IDGHAAM refers to the assimilation of one letter into the other. The rule of IDGHAAM will apply when the letters 3fQ ¢ is preceded by a NOON SAAKIN ( @ ) or TANWEEN ( 25% ). The emphasis will be on the succeeding letter because of the presence of a SHADDAH (+) and will be read with GHUNNA. The nasalization should not exceed the duration of two harakah. (2-3 second duration). mber | Number 5 With regard to the letters LAAM ((}) and RAA (2) the IDGHAAM will be without GHUNNA, but assimilation takes place. Surah ] Verse | Extract Verse] !dghaamy Extract from Verse | iiiber | Number | Extract from Verse) "Ste 47 | 4 J é a) In the examples below, assimilation will not take place due to alack ofa SHADDAH ( « )on the [DGHAAM letters. ah] Verse ; seve] Higham anber |_Number | EX! from Verse] ter oe anh Ganges Oye 18 cents E } } } } Ey E Ey Ey Ey i Hy Hy F 2 a 4 i i Hs Ls i i & 8 i HI Ey Ed 2 EJ Fd Fro a at a et at tt tot at at et tr or tt eed Pur aCe a ek kk RRR RR Ek Re Ee a IDGHAAM MITHLAYN (Assimilation of the same kind) 3 This rule applies when two letters following each other are the same. The first letter has a SAAKIN ( ? ) and the second letter is vocal and has a SHADDAH ( ) on it. When reciting the letters keep in mind that the SAAKIN letter becomes assimilated into the letter following it. Surah | Verse Extract from Verse | Surah | Verse Extract from Verse Number | Number Number | Number 4 | 78 | MK] 2 | 16 : is | 78 | tgessu] s | a pee g | 72 | eseSe ust] or | 87 IDGHAAM MUTAQAARIBAYN (Assimilation of letters with similar origin) This rule applies when a letter in a word is SAAKIN ( 7) and the letter following it has a SHADDAH ( » ), When pronounced it appears to be close to the same place of origin as the SAAKIN letter. The SAAKIN letter will assimilate with the vocal letter when recited. Surah ‘Verse 5 = Few examples to illustrate Number | Number Eaect om \eae Idghaam Mutaqaaribayn 42 GEE GHEE so | Lavglssied Js 49 CPO ES Rae ne ne a a a a eae a a 5 a Fy : 4 | 5 | | 3 | 5 i p| | | : 2 5 : 5 ® 5 | § 5 : ‘ § ‘ f IDGHAAM MUTAJAANISAYN (Assimilation of related kind) This rule applies when a letter in a word is SAAKIN ( 9) and the letter following it has a SHADDAH ( » ) and when pronounced has the same place of origin as the SAAKIN letter. The SAAKIN letter will assimilate with the vocal letter when recited. Verse Few examplesto illustrate 28 IQLAAB - The Alteration (Noon Saakin and Tanween) When after a NOON SAAKIN ( @ ) or Tanween ( $ Z £) the letter BA ( © ) appears then the NOON SAAKIN or TANWEEN will become substituted by a small MEEM SAAKIN( - )and will be recited with GHUNNA. - Surah Verse Number_| Number 2 27 pecan 2 | 181 2 18 2 | 282 Extract from Verse Sie ee ee a a a eo ee a a a na : § ; | ‘ | b ; , b bi i fs b i 5 ‘ i i b | b b I 5 : : § A § sail ee aaa § & i & b L ; 5 5 5 WAP AP At a a cA The letter RAA 1. ARAA(J) witha FATHA (—2-) or DHAMMA (2)onit should be pronounced with a full mouth. Extract from Verse The Letter Cie ama 2. ARAA( ) ) witha KASRA (——) should be pronounced with an empty mouth. Surah Number sesso oF alss 3. When a FATHA ( = ) or DHAMMA ( a ) appears before a RAA SAAKIN( 3 )the letter RAA SAAKIN( 3 )will be pronounced witha full mouth. The Letter Raa Saakin Surah | Verse oe qi Nucubar | -Nresbee Extract from Verse 7 Bae Gi ti 252 Sanh Sos 4 bs a a i LE i a 2 a H i H fd i 2 i | ld i 4 ld H i } i i i H 4, IfaKASRA(—z-)appears beforea RAA SAAKIN( 3 ) the RAA SAAKIN( 4 ) willbe read with an empty mouth. Surah Verse : = The Letter Number | Number Extract from Verse Raa Saakin TO OL LE nn nt at eT el a tae eee 2 6 oes as aaa cue 15 SSE FF GP PEE GEE CUE C18 COE COE EEE EE EE OE OEE ES, 5. Ifa SHADDAH ( » ) appears on the letter RAA (J) and } has either a FATHA (—*- ) or DHAMMA ( -2- ) it will be pronounced witha full mouth. 20) 17 ess HE] 9 | 18 | 36 bias] 5 | 2 @ Ed a Ed Ey Ed Ey Ey 6. Ifa SHADDAH ( “) appears on the letter RAA () ) and has aKASRA (7) it will be pronounced with an empty mouth. Surah Verse Raa with EE, ace ay, 2 5G Gzhy, @ 2 Ed i x 3 4 Ea ie ie 5 7. When a YAA SAAKIN ( Cc ) appears before a RAA MOUQUF and the letter preceding the YAA SAAKIN has aKASRA (—— ) then the RAA (__) ) will be recited with an empty mouth. he OSL Eat ot a ot aaa eet tr ort ra = & z & Surah Verse Number | Number . \ : x me |e 1G] -™" Gel s. = 53 g a Hi a of .] . & § § § & § € EEE ee ea ee ee AD Fy Se ae a a Ss Os 16 PRO gee eae ae ea a ae Ma LOE a aE 8. When a letter other than a YAA SAAKIN ( & ) appears before a RAA MAUQUF, and the letter has a SUKOON (? )onitand the letter preceding it has either a FATHA (—*) or DHAMMA (-*- ) onit then the Raa) will be recited witha full mouth, Surah Verse a Letter preceded by a Number | Number Extract from Verse Fatha Dhamma The MADD —- Elongation The HUROOFUL MADD letters are: os MADDUL ASLI — The Original Elongation of 2 Harakah (Qasr — shortness) ALIF ( } )is one of the letters of MADD when it is preceded bya FATHA(—~). WAW (9 )is one of the letters of MADD when it is preceded by aDHAMMA(-2-). YAA( ¢ )is one of the letters of MADD when it is preceded byaKASRA(-—-). Hurooful Madd Letter Verse Number | Extract from Verse US) Ua SIE ASNT OS SSG ogo ONE Ge BS Pe a a Pe a re a a ek a a Pee Te a PRP AY APM MRA RNY RY MR RAY MM NN Pe a a anna ae Ed Lt Ee Fk CR MADDUL MUTTASIL t= The joined madd ie ae an When a HUROOFUL MADD letter ( g 4 } )is followed by a HAMZA ( £ ) in the same word, the MADD is known as MADDUL MUTTASIL. The length of recitation of the MADDUL MUTTASIL will be TUL (lengthy). i.e. 4 to 6 HARAKAAT long. (4 - 6 second duration). Ft es Extract from Verse Heit ete osUe% Seeks Os ee Se ae MADDUL MUNFASIL ~* The detached Ifa word ends in one of the HUROOFUL MADD letters ( 9 })and the following word begins with a HAMZA (¢/}) then that MADD is known as MADDUL MUNFASIL. The length of recitation of the MADDUL MUNFASIL will be TAWASSUT (intermediate). i.e. 3 to5 HARAKAAT long. (3 -5 second duration). Surah | Verse Surah | Verse In Hurooful as Number] Number Extract from Verse | iiimitser | Number | Extract from Verse Lette 97 | 1 Ai) 108 au ft 5 as FSS Se, Sa PS Pe a eae Erbe tant an abr aban abtas tas ast ust abt abt abt abt abt abt abt abt ant ant ane aneaee ly is [4 ls Es Ey Ey ly E E E Ea Ld ly Ey id Ey ly ly Q i } H 2 Ey H E KE Ey e Mu SAE EE EE CE EE GE AEE OE AE GE ED MADDUL LAAZIM t= Compulsory Itis imperative to pronounce the HUROOF MUQATTA ¥) AAT letters which appear at the beginning ofa SURAH. This Sa ae recitation of MADDUL LAAZIM will be TUL (lengthy). i.e. 6 HARAKAAT long. (6 second duration). Huroof Mugatta Aat MADDUL AARIDH ‘The abrupt stop Ed Ifafter any HUROOFUL MADD letter ( 9 | ) there appears pja SAAKIN which is caused by a WAQAF (stop) then such a ¥] MADD is known as MADDUL AARIDH. The length of LE] recitation of the MADDUL AARIDH will be tawassut a (intermediate) i.e. 2 to 5 HARAKAAT long. (2-5 second Extract from Verse e ime @ G6F 4 ae og tb ETE a ay id } | i by 5 } i : 5 5 5 5 : : a y] } : | | 3 | : | | 5 ] , | X § § & § 3 & ada PN A A A A SO a a a a a re a aS pcan a a RR THE SUN LETTER When the definite article ( an ) is attached to an indefinite word, the TANWEEN ( 8 Z z ) changes into a short vowel es. "E28 bibl An indefinite word, eg. "ink beginning with a SUN LETTER and with the definite article( {jf ) attached to it, ( Sai )results inthe LAAM (<) ) not being pronounced. de ee a A a ek a i The ALIF ( } ) in the definite article ( J! ) is recited and merges with the SUN LETTER which now has a SHADDAH (#)onitwhenrecited. eg. $328 The SHADDAH (w#) sign is an indication that the pronunciation must be hardened. However, if the definite article ( i! )is preceded by a word or letter then it will not be pronounced. ex, WE a eah The sun letters are: ports fats te 2 O i oxo re ees a a ae ee EnDt ott ot ott ttt at tt et ttt tt tt bt re ee ee rr ee i 4 i i | i LS i 4 Ey # | 8 2 F] 2 ? je Ta aa eae a A a kee ea a ea Surah Definite article Definite article Number preceded by letter/word | attached to word ahs Fey ree eg oe oles Css Esounsty MGs ShzEN Ges 5 4 4 # H “4 4 4 i y A 4 4 4 i / 4 2 / / A a ‘J ‘| i i ; rd H | , H] H >| GE IE GIP EE OE EF Ot Ca? CF OF ae EEE POE OE OP OEE THE MOON LETTER When the definite article ( ah ) is attached to an indefinite word, the TANWEEN ( $s 7 2) changes into a short vowel eg. lek An indefinite word, (eg. elt beginning with a MOON LETTER and with the definite article ( at ) attached to it, ( Chay ) results in the LAAM ( ,) ) being pronounced as a LAAM SAAKIN( d ). The ALIF ( | ) inthe definite article becomes HAMZA TUL WASL i.e. the ALIF (|) is written, butis not pronounced when a word or letter precedes it eg. wet However, if the definite noun ( dae ) appears as the first word ina sentence then the ALIF will be pronounced. The MOON letters are: 3 | b | 5 bs & § bi § § & 4 5 | + ] | | | § } s i , F : ‘ 5 5 ‘ 1 SST ae ae SO 22 GE AE GIP BE EEE Watt a a d a aa Surah | Verse Definite article Definite article Number | Number} _ preceded by letter/word attached to word batch ag ash bai ONadl EEN Asi Pot eyes S er — segs PIT at oe ee ee at tt ae an an anon aa aaa a A Ay a AY MY MY PMY AY AF TY MY AAP YD AY YMA AY RY AY TT A Ne Ne Examen fos Pe a a eee ee ee ee eS ART A ak ek rata ata aa ee THE RULES OF STOPPING If any of these signs ( ae ¢ ae ) appears on the last letter ofa word when a stop is required, then the last letter is witha SAAKIN. Fl Fd ia Surah | Verse : Surah Number | Number} Extract from Verse | 4] Sauce 7 | 24 | egtedt Dee oe ra Fd a Es a ; es i IS | 6 | Gosia ob) 4 a kd kA AVeIEe | Extract from Verse However, if the last letter has a FATHATAAN or MADD then the last letter is read as if it has a FATHA onit. Fy a Fd 4 4 4 Extract from Verse | Surah TE te et et et ttt tt WW W.ISLAMICACADEMY.ORG L fee a a es ek eS ee a eae eee a A NS NN A DT Looe SA NE OE NG I GEE EOE OE EE SYMBOLS DENOTING PAUSES , Compulsory stop Extract from Verse ER ys BSI LGs | Necessary stop Extract from Verse Ole Oza ge top vocal sound for a moment without breaking the Ss breath. Extraet from Verse Saas RU ED obvele % Necessary to continue, do not pause. Surah Verse Nar bee: | Nainter: Extract from Verse Symbol Shines gist 4 | 3] q 1 5 5 ‘ | 5 i | ‘ | | 4 | | | | | | : + - | 4 f § & § 5 | ‘ Preaek a SYMBOLS DENOTING PAUSES Desirable to continue, do not pause. “1 1722 45 al 35519 aE 1S) esas ef Rela Ga a F a Salas CSS Oe Gb 2eh3)5 Recommended pause. Verse Number Extract from Verse sae 285 Optional to pause or to continue. Extract from Verse SHOWS a OY SI WTS ia Os sant: Blk Ae eta EUS CIB ack) ~ E Ed 4 4 4 4 a } é 4 Fd ) | a a Fd a a Z i a 4 1 i Ey F 2 3 1 a Pete es ce : Pt ot et eee ett ee oe tet et ete st ne ote serene PUTT aaa kk PROSTRATION IS TO BE MADE WHEN RECITING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING VERSES. Extract from Verse PMLA Cate ea SLAG IS Has roa er ENS lg o4 ded ahs U5 gin 6G i CP OBES OL LB #2 0 SEPI SS BS Bo a! 9a s TI DE po ee ad as Bink Gh avsegsr BES ene eB as bee SOUS OSES Wages lt spss S AES ab BARS O35 G3 tosh UF ash aS 2 a 2 2 i Es Ed 2 E i Z Ed Fd i 4 | a a a a 2 a a i Ly Hy i Ed H H ? 2 Le RIGA Aas Se pn a oo a a a at aaa aad cll a cd BY cae ne akc ce a a ea ch Nc hl le el td PQS a a a RR Ra COLOUR CODED TAJWEED RULES Tkhfa ifany one of these letters ats ; 4 = . AGE LPP YI JssT LS 2 6 suet appear after a Qy or a it will be pronounced with a light nasal sound. Ghuana ‘The sound emanates from the nose and is observed on the eee Ikhfa Meem Saakin . When the letter — appears after a @ it will be pronounced witha light sound in the nose. Idghaam Ifaftera ¢y or there appear any of these 7 letters (9 @ gy GS) it will become assimilated into the letter and will be read with Ghunna. Qalq The fivelettersofQalqalaae 2 T SM b G When any of these letters ina word has a Sukoon on it or if deciding on pausing on any of these letters which appear atthe end of a sentence it will appear to have an echaing or jerking sound. Qalb Ifaftera ¢3 or 4 the teter appears then the Noon Saakin or Tanween will be incorporated into the letter @ an will be recited with Ghunna. Idghaam Meem Saal Iaflera a there appear another a the two meems will become incorporated and will be read with Ghunna. Basan naa asad pt EE atl ot tor ee a Dt el eo ee er a eT Es a as < = = ae oe Idghaam pra Pe 72 Ta oe Soa , a2 aa a “3 ess SG ff Sse aA F afI4 AF @ ldghaam Meem Saakin Mlapze pba) st ory St yre- | Spia IHS AO) iInssinfp DI 4 99305? Oe O32 4972 79 g9 [uses WRC Oe 72 CMs OC sRH Ses Lee FaLAl] - edie owes IID wm, “iL, SEF TOO AIS Sls us al Bs Sage Reo D ikhfa @ lkhfa Meem Saakin @ Oalgala ‘al oh bs pa lia] purary r aii Y P=) MD oq sa siete mete gene fecn eta, 39% 458 OOPS HERTS OO AI Ab A S432 % SAE OIF" BSD 8 a mw My CSRS SSID I CAB oa Hen C4 hal 15 Fl GEIB G2 PUSS See CBee Gee ChiE ane So =A s NES ‘ SSRIS BEETS BE KAIST EBB JOE RAEI LUNG Byes AI ae Hew oo , y 4 BBGe Saee 38 ’ ES GEST ee CoH @ CHEE Ay EG arses mY ie 4 9909095270 oy r2t | Pe ante Sd, NOCH ef weseser eg BAM FEES ee "don | 102% a +y = x EP otor oro ott tor ro tert rt ori rar tora ar or ror oa ue Ge £ wu H OCA eT! abled CA veh se 1 eee | E E E E| F] F E] E E| E] KE = E E Ey E E EJ Ey Ey Ey Ed E E E Fi ia E E] ene ay 2 1% 1 ye @iighaam @ ldghaam Meem Saakin @Ghunna vanes “ed ead ‘a r Bai 4 Pe) Rtara a ak ad a ARR Aa a heh ae B 4 Eecfeenenare gerne ere: H lst OSL E55 OLB SAFE eds Soll ACB SHS G4 GBF oS AISI coelasls ers E35 SSM thts EIS B55 cs ede 183 [GaP RICOTTA YEE aise Bee 1 HB SG SEs Oph REI GO) @ Odd We? 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