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Lost (Beautiful Beast #1)

Chapter 1 - Prologue

My eyelids are fluttering closed as I breathe in the briny aroma. I wait as I feel
the soft sand under my feet that's damp from the retreating tide. Pitter patting my
feet on the moist sand, I slowly open my eyes to the sky that's painted red and
orange, with the sun sinking to the horizon. The clouds above are spread out and
looks like white smokes emitting from the engines. I watched the lacy waves come
back with the sound like drumbeats that echo my heartbeats as the cool breeze blew
the tension right out of my bones. I smiled when the water splashed my bare feet
and went back from where it came.

This beauty is situated deep inside the creek and I bet anyone knows about it. The
creek is wild and creepy and has become off limits to everyone. Tales revolve about
the creek to be haunted and such, but they were just tales, good enough to make you
get the chills.

I didn't try to explore the creek to prove the stories to be wrong like bunch of
teenagers did in the past and came out running wild like maniacs, adding additional
fittings to the tales and proving their point, or actually expect the 'haunted'
experience. I accidentally ended up running into the creek and by the time I
realised, I was deep inside. I didn't believe the stories when I heard it from Aunt
May and the others but when I landed up in the creek around midnight with dark tall
trees staring down at me with darkness all around, I couldn't think of anything but
the stories and at some point I started to believe them

I never thought that one day I might end up running into a scary creek for safety,
from my father.

Working as an event coordinator, My father Gabriel Ferrari is not a man of many

words. His wife's death might've caused him more pain that he distanced himself
even from his own daughter. I won't blame him for he was never really there for
even when my mother was alive. Work and money has been his main priority but as a
father he fulfilled all the responsibilities.

One night I witnessed a whole new different personality in my father. He was very
late than usual and when he arrived he was totally drunk, something I've never seen
him do before. It was strange to me but things became even more stranger when he
started throwing tantrums in Italian (I don't speak or understand Italian) and
behave violently. I tried to calm him down and talk to him but his subconsciousness
was far from listening to me. His behavior caused me to panic and when he became
uncontrollable and started screaming, shouting in agony and started to throw every
thing that found his hand, I had no other option but to ran away from that man. I
thought I was safe from him on the streets but he followed me out.

My father looked like a killer under the dim streetlights which only showed me his
shadow as he came out of the home after me, screaming in Italian. I didn't know
what to do but run like my life is at stake. His drunk situation didn't help him to
catch up with me and my marathon run without any care in the world made me stumble
deep into this creek. For some reason the creek looked a little less dangerous than
my father at that moment and maybe that's what prevented me from going back to
search for a better place to hide. As I stayed in the calm creek watching
everywhere with terror, I heard the relaxing sound of the waves. The sound pulled
me further into the creek, and passing all the trees and bushes I stopped right
here. That night I saw the most beautiful sight ever. The moon was high up in the
sky and the sea looked like diamonds, glittering gracefully under the full moon.
The sand here made it look like a beach and mesmerizing was an understatement.
I sat here and watched the waves fight beautifully to come to the shore only to go
back. I don't know when I fell asleep, the next morning I woke up to birds chirping
and the waves lapping.

When I confronted father about his drunk night, he swore he had no recollection of
it and that he was sorry because he meant none of the things he did and I believed
him but that didn't change my mind from locking my room every night thereafter.

I earned enough from the Russian Community of Dance and Music but it wasn't enough
to get me an affordable home for rent and meet my other demands every month without
facing grave financial troubles that would end me up back on my father's doorstep.
On the other hand, I don't believe I'm ready to move out and leave my father alone.

I left my work early today as all the students insisted to leave early due to their
coming exams and Marie had no problem in understanding their crisis. Working in the
Russian Community of Dance and Music wasn't really why I went there. I wanted to
master in piano but when the former pianist left and they had no other for that
work, I volunteered. It was difficult to handle my part time work as a waiter in a
small restaurant with bad customers who would comment shit about your good service
and leave bad tips, and to master as a pianist. So when Marie gave me an option
that I can work as well learn I knew I can't let it go and grabbed the

Soon I quit the job at the restaurant and started working full time, much to
Marie's contentment.

It felt good to see the kids dance as elegantly as my hands flowed freely and
rhythmically on the keys. I enjoyed this work more than the other. Living in a two-
storey house with dad earning good money is worth it, but I want to earn my own.
Father was against it in the beginning. It took me hours to explain my father about
my self-esteem and finally he agreed, reluctantly. It's been 6 years working there
and I'm not planning on leaving it.

I turned away from the beautiful sight and wore my black bellies. It's six now, and
by the time I reach home it'll be dark.

Chapter 2 - Chapter-1

Knock; knock 'Aunt May?' knock; knock 'Aunt May, you in there?'

'Aye, aye I'm here! Come behind the house darlin' Leia, I'm here' she called out. I
approached the voice coming behind the house and there I saw my lady. She stood
there holding a trowel, giving me her full-length sheepy smile. The white apron has
turned brown due to the dirt and mud and her white silvery bun is so messed up
which made me chuckle.

'Aye, what's so funny, huh?' she asked.

'Hello to you too, mud-cake,' I said and gave her the small bag 'Here, the
medicines you asked for. You shouldn't have done this without me' I frowned.

'Oh, that's nothing darling I almost finished planting it, come I've done some
cupcakes' she said.

Aunt May, 65 year old lady who lives right next to my house. Her son is an
architect who settled in America with his family, while the younger one is a police
officer who has gone there due to a case. He hardly makes it home due to his
posting. The old lady is been living her life all alone, though her sons requested
her to come with them many times.

She declined their requests saying that she lived here with the love of her life,
the house is filled with many memories which cannot be forgotten. Aunt May's
husband died 6 years ago. I still remember the day, like it happened yesterday. Her
face can never be erased from my brain; I've never ever seen her so broken, so

I shudder at the thought. Looking at her gives me hope that true love exists.

'You go clean yourself, I'll go arrange the table.' I said her. She nodded and went
to her room while I went to the kitchen and took the cupcakes from the oven.
Cooking and gardening are her favorite hobby. She thought me how to cook, not the
cookery channels, mind you.

I heard her approaching the table when I was set the table, her soft flats tapping
the tiles. 'How was your day Leia?' she asked, as she sat on the chair.

'Good. The kids have exams coming up so Marie left us soon. I spent time watching
the sunset in the creek, what about you?' I asked.

'The creek is not a good place, Leia' She frowned.

'There's nothing to fear about. I didn't find any monsters that'll eat me up.' I
said with a grin 'Time for some cupcakes' I said and gave her the plate and sat in
my chair.

We chatted as usual, she filled my cup with all the 90's soap opera she watched
today while I spoke about my day. You may think that a 65-year-old lady is fragile
and quiet nature, but Aunt May is nothing like that. She's way too sassy for her
age, brave enough and healthy as a horse.

'The inspector asked "did you catch any thief?" so the watchman replied "No sir,
but I found some trace of him" the police becomes curious and asks him what are the
trace and he replies "fingerprints." The police inspector asks him in a hurry now
"where" and he says "on my ass cheeks'' she finished her little lame joke Aldrich
Crapper said in Funny Little Things, one of her favorite soap opera because she
found Aldrich cute and funny and started laughing, and so did I.

I am never telling her that Aldrich was way too annoying on the set and that's why
he gets syphilis and died on the show. The director and the whole set were happy to
get rid of him, even the audience, except Aunt May; who whines and complains about
it all times.

'Didn't you get anything else other than his cheeks?' I asked her.

'Darling its ass cheeks, not just cheeks' she said.

'That's what I meant' I rolled my eyes.

'I still can't believe he died! Due to syphilis! Poor Aldrich'

'Okay, I need to go. Don't forget to take the medicines before sleep' I said to her
after washing my plate.

'Sure darling, see you' she waved as I left the dining room. I waved back and
reached the door. Pulling the door open, I closed it behind after getting out. The
warm air kissed me. I hate summer.

I opened my main door and locked it. Father will be late as always. I've got plenty
of time so that means I can watch my Vampire Diaries after dinner. Yeah, I'm
obsessed with vampires and werewolf. Sometimes I even wish I was one of the
supernatural being instead of human. Funny how non-existence influence us.

I chopped the vegetables as the spaghetti boiled. As I was frying the vegetables I
heard the doorbell. Father is here. I quickly reached the door and opened it.

'Hey dad, you look tired,' I said as soon as I saw him. His huge body moved slowly
and entered inside. 'You alright, dad?' I asked when he didn't reply. He slumped on
the couch, beads of perspiration trickled down his cheeks.

'Is dinner ready?' he asked, his voice too throaty and breathless as if he ran
miles to reach home.

'Yeah...almost done, go freshen up.' I said, looking at him curiously.

He got up and went to stairs. I watched him for a while and then went back to the
kitchen. Maybe the bride ran away from the alter and the grooms parents blamed him
for not arranging everything properly and he had to run from those psychos. Being
an event coordinator sounds easy, but not when you're working.

I drained the spaghetti and mixed it well with the fried vegetables. As it was
frying, I did the salad.

I could hear the television being switched on; he's either watching Jockey or the
news. He watches nothing other than these two. Horse racing is his favourite, and
lays his bets once or twice a year. He's never lost a horse race, that's what he
says to me proudly but I've never watched a single race till now.

'Dad dinner is ready' I called him out and set the dining.

'Please bring it here Leia' He called back.

I took everything to the living room and placed them on the table and served him
his share. I sat on the couch adjacent to him and we ate and watched the race in

* * *

I looked at my closet, contemplating what to wear. Today is Sunday which means no

work day and Marie asked me to help her with shopping for tonight is her niece
birthday party and she is more than excited for the event. I sighed and took a
black full sleeve top and a black jean.

I left my home at 10 in the morning.

Marie asked me to wait at the Bessey Park that's situation near the main road. I've
always loved to walk so I didn't mind taking a cab. Dad never spoke about buying me
a two-wheeler or a car and neither did I ask him to. I wasn't interested. I had a
bicycle when I was 12; I named it as Saffron. Marie found it stupid to name my
bicycle but she cut it when I reminded that she named her car as Butter Cherry.
Cycling was an addiction in my early and late teenage. I use to ride it on the
sloppy roads that were so narrow with limited vehicles. I use to take Marie on
doubles but she use to complain I'm too fast and it scares the shit out of her. I
never fell down with her. After few years, I cultivated the habit of walking,
another addiction, and sold out Saffron. I didn't want to, but dad said he can't
have 'useless items in the attic' and that shut me up. After work, I use to walk
down to the store I sold it and stand outside, looking at Saffron, leaning on the
glass door, waiting for someone to buy it. I even decided to buy it back, since
it's a huge bicycle for adult which I started riding from a young age, but dad said
that it's not my age anymore. I was pissed off but didn't argue with him, never
has. After a month, Saffron was not in its usual place and I stopped going by that
road. I wouldn't deny that I secretly wished no one to buy it.

Walking was no better than Saffron but it was a different kind of addiction
altogether and I liked it. While riding, the gush of cool wind would splash on my
face like cool water, my long hair would be flying behind me and my legs would
paddle even faster to embrace the moment, but while walking, I'd have to wait for
the fast breeze to mess up my hair. Unlike the brakes I use to apply to get my
cycle under control, I'd just slow down the speed of my legs. Sometimes I even love
to walk till my legs give out.

Once reaching Bessey Park, I looked for Marie and then walked inside when I saw no
sign of her. I texted her and she replied instantly that she'll be there in another
10 or 15 minutes.

The park is filled since it's Sunday. I don't come here often but when I do, it's
only on evenings so I was surprised when I saw the place pretty much crowded. I was
even surprised when I saw Mr. Hat, an old man whom I see here often. He doesn't
talk to anyone nor comes along with anyone. He sits there, at the corner in his
usual seat near the banyan tree and watches the kids play or just looks at his lap
for hours. He wears this brown suit (even now) that's fading and a huge hat that
covers his face when he looks down. He's thin and aged, probably older than Aunt
May. I'm sure he doesn't know anyone who comes here frequently but the others do
know him and I belong to the non-frequent visitors.

I looked away from him and to a baby. She must be 7 to 8 months I guess. She's
crawling all over the mat which her mother has displayed on the grass. She's
playing with her toys; the saliva dripping from the corner of her tiny lips. Adam,
Aunt May's younger son has a daughter named Lily and I use to bring her here often
when she was little. She was cute and all baby coco love until she poops or won't
stop crying for her mother or random things. I watched the baby's spread out due to
the breeze and saw her trying to catch the butterfly that's not willing to leave
the baby.

The sight made me smile. Her mother is too busy with her phone that she didn't see
her child crossing the mat, following the butterfly. I turned myself so I could see
her clearly as she crawled on all fours following the colorful insect. She tried
pulling her up, trying to reach the insect. A little up, yes a little more, grip
yourself a little and you will stand. A little more baby-

'Ah!' A harsh push on my back knocked the breath out of me.

'Leia!' I heard a shrill voice in my ears causing my eardrums to burst.

'You could have just called me!' I turned around to see Marie grinning like an

'Well, what's the fun in that?'

'Yeah right. What took you so long?' I asked, rubbing my back.

'A girl needs to dress up. But you looked pretty occupied when I saw you' she said,
looking back at where I was seeing few seconds ago. The baby is now on her mother's

'I had no other work. Can we go now?'

'Let's leave. I came across this new shop a day before while returning from dinner
with Zach' She said 'They had the discount sign hung on top. We're going there'

Zach is her husband, and both got married a year before. He's that sweet type of
guy with blonde hair and blue warm eyes. They both met in metro and began meeting
often. It's love at first sight. He runs his own café and both are happy with the
little living.

Chapter 3 - Chapter-2

Closing the car door behind, I walked towards the warehouse with Boris following
me. The building is situated deep into the woods like some sort of mental asylum
that does its inhuman experiments on the sick crazy patients without the
government's knowledge. The building belonged to a local businessman in the 90s,
who exported pallets that were warehoused. With no successor left after his death,
the business was wiped out and the building was left to rot. I didn't need it for
any good reason other than stock up my enemies and do other inhuman activities for
my advantage and then kill them.

No sooner did I get inside when Aron came out.

'Did you get anything out of him?' I asked.

'No. He'll die if I lay another solid rock hard punch on his fuckface' Aron

'He's going to die anyway' I murmured.

The smell of metallic rotten blood and damp made me scrunch my nose. The metal
ceiling of the building is broken and rusted, allowing sun rays to penetrate inside
the dark and rotten warehouse. My eyes immediately fell on Zoran, one of my
trustworthy men, or that's what we all thought.

Aron was right. He'll die if he's given another dose of beating.

The creaking of chair made him lift his head up. As soon as his eyes locked with
mine, I saw rage in them. The same eyes that had love and affection on us.

'Zoran, what have they done to you?' I asked softly as I settled down on the chair.

He's bloody and dirty. His shirt is ripped at places and looks like nothing but
rags. There were nails chipped off from his fingers and a layer of dirty black
wound covered the area. His ankle is swollen and his elbows too. There were bruises
all over his body and burnt marks on his chest which were visible through the holes
in the shirt. The lobule of his left ear was cut off and it looked pretty awkward
to look at that area. He was seated down like a defeated man with all his energy
worn out, thought his eyes said otherwise.
Any other man in his place would've died and spit out everything he's asked for.
Zoran knows the in and out of the Bratva and most of the times he was the one who
brought the word out a man who is thrown in the warehouse. He knows exactly how it
all goes down. He also knows the consequences of breaking the silence of the pledge
and betrayal.

Out of all my men, Zoran is the least one who would go against us, or that's what
we all thought. He's been working from my father's time, he was the right hand.

'What did you inform them, Zoran?' I asked calmly. The same question we've been
asking him from the past 48 hours since he was caught.

'Suck a dick' he said in a voice that was similar to a mouse squeaking. His throat
gave out due to all the screams and cries.

I am tired playing this cat and mouse game. Though it's been two days since he came
out in light, I can't see this or go through this. Even though I am the Pakhan, I
need to answer when my old man questions me.

'Boris get her in'

At my command, Boris left the room and came in with a woman screaming and thrashing
in his arms. Zoran's eyes immediately fell on her and there was a knowing look of
shock and fear before his angry eyes melted into a puddle of ocean as he stared at
his loved one being dragged by her hair by Boris. His wife should've been in Italy
by now. He arranged it all before going against me and running away from the

'She doesn't know anything' He pleaded as Boris threw her on my feet. My hand
immediately went to hair, keeping her head bent down on the floor.

'I trusted you, Zoran,' I took a deep breathe 'You were one of trustworthy men.
Look what you made me do. Well, now you know the rules and you know me. I suggest
you talk' I starred into his bloodshot eyes and waited. The woman is still crying
and whimpering. Her voice is the only thing that disturbed the silence in the room.

'I only informed them about the fighting club. Before I could go on, Aron caught
me' he confessed. I immediately pushed the woman towards him and he wasted no time
in wrapping his bloody arms around her.

'Spare her, please' He begged me.

'I forgive you, Zoran,' I stated and stood up. I took out the pistol from my
holster and looked down at him. 'As friends and family we all forgive you for what
you did, we truly do. But as the Pakhan of the Bratva, it's my duty to eliminate
you and your wife. You don't break the Code, Zoran. You know it'

His eyes widened and without any hesitation I pulled the trigger on his wife.


I turned around and walked out of the warehouse with Boris and Aron following me.
Another gun shot went off when I slipped into the car.

'Burn them both' I said to Aron, who nodded in return and went to inform the men. I
pushed aside the pang of pain that tugged my cold heart. After Aron slipped in,
Boris took off from the woods.
Zoran tried to get me arrested by informing the Cops about my business. Aron caught
him, who looked suspicious and secretive as he spoke in his phone. He refused to
tell us the truth and I asked my men working in the department to trail his voice
call. He informed the Cops about my fighting club, Backyard Brawls. The club was
opened twenty years ago and was raided by the Cops only once, they got lucky,
nonetheless. Lots of money were lost and many of my men were arrested. The old
Pakhan, my father kept it low for one month before it was reopened. The Cops did
come to know but they didn't know where it is until twenty years later, Zoran
turned out to inform them. Though I knew what he said, I wanted to hear from him.
The man who betrayed me.

With men working for me in almost all the fields, especially the ones that are
closer to the Cops, I came to know that the club is being raided in another two
days and I need to formulate a plan to protect what's mine.

I was brought out from my thoughts when the car came to an abrupt stop.

'Why did you stop?' I asked Boris. He murmured traffic.

I looked out of the window to the bright day of Moscow. Sundays are exceptionally
busy making my shipment transport much easier.

I watched the people outside who lived a boring yet a peaceful life. They don't
need to constantly look over their shoulders for any life threatening dangers at
unexpected times. Their huge problems in life would be work, finance, cheating
partner, drug addicted teenage children (Drugs which are mostly sold out by Stark),
and cheesy love problems. I don't envy them nor I expected to dream of being in
their shoes and living this kind of life even for a day. From the time I was born
or anyone in the Underground for that matter, is being tattooed in their mind that
we pledge and sacrifice for Bratva. Women can too if they meet the demands or they
marry one from the familia. The advantage they get and what we don't is education.
They can get educated till a certain period of time but can't work outside. Most of
the men from the familia don't let the women get educated, they educate them to
become a wife for the Made Men.

I looked into the Bessey park when the traffic light still remained red. Couples,
families, and kids and my eyes landed on a lonely girl who was watching a baby. Her
back is to me, and her jet black hair touching her perfect ass, and her wide waist
and slender legs wrapped in a tight jean. When the baby shifted, she shifted too
and I released a deep sigh when I saw her.


Her face glowed under the bright sun rays as she watched the baby curiously. My
eyes travelled to her full lips, and her perky tits; her exotic figure unearthing
the desire inside of me. She was oblivious to her surrounding, to the young men who
were gawking at her like pervert, just like me.

'Nick, you alright there man?' Aron nudged my side. His eyes traveled to where mine
was a few seconds before. His face turned alert.

'Is there a problem?' his fingers gracing the pistol at his holster.

'None' I replied. He glanced at the park for the last time before going back to his

I turned back to the park but she was gone from that place. The baby which was
reaching for a butterfly earlier is now sitting on her mother's lap. The car
started to move and my eyes searched for that lady frantically till the park was
out of my sight.

Chapter 4 - Chapter-3

'Can you join us tonight?' Marie asked without lifting her head up from the plate.

After shopping for the evening's event, we dashed into a near by restaurant to have
lunch. Zach's been calling her for a while now, waiting for her to return so that
they can reach their niece home to help them for the preparation.

'No. I can't' I replied before shoving a spoon of pasta inside my mouth.

'May I know the reason?'

'Got plenty of work' I replied nonchalantly.

She put her spoon down and leveled her eyes at me. I know that look. It's the
don't-bullshit-me look, you-need-to-live-your-life look.

'And what exactly is the work?' she raised her perfect eyebrow at me.

'Well, I have to help Aunt May with gardening, and do my laundry, and clean the
attic. It's not touched for years I guess' I can't go with you, you know that.

'We rarely hang out together, Leia,' She sighed 'It's not that you don't want to
come, you can't come I know that but you need to work on it. You're 22 year old
adult who's completely capable of handling herself in any situation and has
complete right to enjoy her life'

'I do enjoy my life' I defended.

'No you don't. The only places you've known in your whole life is work, home and

'I'm here in a restaurant with you' I pointed my fork at her.

'That's irrelevant and not the answer to my question' She said in an agitated tone.

I sighed heavily, losing my appetite all of a sudden.

'Dad won't let me, Marie.'

I said the same sentence I've been telling her every time she asks me out.

'You always worry about your Dad and you worry a lot. You do everything you can to
be the best daughter while he does nothing to even acknowledge your presence,' her
voice held such determination and truth, I couldn't deny. 'I'm sorry to say this
but sometimes I feel like he' He doesn't mingle with people, doesn't make
friends, doesn't even smile and talk much. It bothers me and I'm worried about you,

'He changed drastically after Mom died. You can't blame the man' I shrugged.
'Don't pull your mother into this! Your mother died 21 years ago, there is no way
he's still weeping for her' She cut me off with her hard look.

'He loved her Marie. You can't expect him to be the way he was back then. That man
died with his wife' I argued.

'That's exactly what I mean. The man who loved his wife died. What happened to the
father who still has his daughter? Life has to move on Leia, weeping for the past
will only haunt us, taking us far away from the reality'

I stared at her, hoping to see her give up and drop this but she's far from
dropping the topic.

'Everytime we have this conversation and every time when it's over, I always ought
to think we're passed over it but clearly we've not' I murmured.

'That's because I see the same Leia I saw four years back'

'What do you want me to do? Go to clubs, get hooked up with random guys, take
reckless decisions and regret later?' I said gruffly.

'That's not what I mean, but the club part, yeah. I just want you to be happy and
live your life' She looked genuinely concerned for me. She always is.

'I know, Marie and I want you to know that I do live my life —

'You rejected the offer you got from the world wide best musical institute from US.
I know how much you wanted it. You threw it because of your Dad' She cut me off
with a stern look.

'It was too far. Dad didn't permit and I didn't want to go either'

'Then why did you apply in the first place?' She asked.

'Can we drop this?' I hesitated. I never really told her what happened when I told
my dad about getting selected in that institute. He didn't even know that I applied
in the first place.

'Leia, your Dad is caging you, why don't you see it?' She said softly.

'My Dad loves me. He works hard for us and always wants the best for me. He's
just...scared of losing me too' I reasoned, pushing away my insecurities.

Maybe he's caging me but for how long? Once I find a man for myself, I need to
leave. I thought once I start working, I can use that as a reason and live my life
the way I wanted to but since that was not possible, I'm hoping for the other.

'Leia ‒

'I think we're done' I stood up, letting her drop the topic unwillingly.

* * *

House chores are the most annoying work.

After reaching home I helped Aunt May with gardening, did the laundry and ended up
cleaning the attic, which was the biggest mistake in my life. I hardly go the
attic, mainly because everything present their is rubbish which Dad says is
important and should be left untouched. His meaning of untouch is not even bother
to the ample of dust that decided to make home on everything.

I listened to him like I always have but curiosity seemed to be building inside me
slowly and now stood like a mountain. I know there must be mother's belongings. He
didn't throw her clothes, her photos and everything that belonged to her once. I
miss her a lot. I was one year when she died in a car accident and I hardly
remember any memories of her. I've got few cd's which were given by my nanny Agatha
and I watch the video when I am close to forgetting her face. Dad didn't allow me
to even have a picture of her at the night stand.

The vast attic which is equal to my bedroom but the height is lowered, was the same
when I stepped in. It was dusty. Thankfully I didn't find any rats or cockroaches
but spiders were a terror to drive me crazy. Dad hasn't come here for a long time
and might as well as not come today or tomorrow or for another few months or years
and won't even know that I cleaned the place.

They were boxes full of my mother's memories and her belongings. The others were
old and used kitchen items and furniture which Dad refused to throw as some
contained past connections while some were costly when bought and the others, he
thought would become an antique piece in future.

I was lifting up the boxes and keeping it back in their places when a last heavy
one slipped out of my fingers and fell down with a loud thud, splattering all its
content on the wooden floor.


I sat down on my toes and put back the heavy files, photos and papers back in the
box. My eyes locked with the photos that I didn't mind looking into the files and
papers. They were pictures of my mother and me. None of the photos are familiar to
me, it's taken from the time I was born; hospital, the little me all bloody and
crying in her arms, first month, second, third, till my first birthday. Father
never showed me these and here they are locked up in a box in attic when they are
supposed to be hung on walls as beautiful memories. I don't remember anything about
my mother and my time with her. Sometimes I get dreams of her and me but I don't
know whether they are true or my subconscious mind is making it up as I think of
her awfully a lot.

My father is no where in these pictures. Not even in a single one, not even in my
first birthday party. My nanny, Agatha must been the one who took all these
pictures and they are pictures of her too. She was the next thing close to me after
mother died. She spoke about my mother a lot and was with me like a shadow, but
then when I turned ten, she just...disappeared, without any goodbye. I never got to
hear about my mother ever again. When I grew up, I tried searching for Agatha but
all in vain and finally gave up.

Not seeing anymore pictures, I threw them back in the box hastily. Dad will be
coming any time now and I don't want him to see these.

While filling up the box haphazardly my eyes landed on one particular picture which
is different than any other. The picture has two young men smiling widely at the
photo with their arms residing on each other, and one of them is my father. I
looked at the picture curiously, I've never seen him smile like that before.
The man next to him is unknown to me.

Strange because my father doesn't look like my father in this picture.

* * *

I prepared Dad's favorite Italian dish, Saltimbocca, and he hasn't arrived yet. His
phone keeps on ringing but no one attends it. It's not unusual for Dad to not to
attend the calls and definitely not unusual coming home late so I finished my
dinner without him and ended up watching The Vampire Diaries and fell asleep on the

The next morning I expected him to be sleeping in his room he usually after
finishing his dinner, but the food was untouched and his room showed no sign of him
coming the previous night. His phone was switched off when I tried to reach him.
Sometimes, sometimes he stays out if his work's been taking up all his time but
always informs me. I convinced myself that he'll come to my work place to get the
house key and left home tensed.

I tried to reach his call several times but no use. I called his work place but
they said he never came to work since yesterday morning. I was distracted
throughout the day and couldn't play my piano. Marie who noticed my concern, sent
me home soon and promised to come at my place when her work is over to lodge a
complain at the station.

As I waited for Marie in the evening, the screeching of tires made me take my purse
and walk towards the main door only to stand rooted to the spot.

As much as I remember Marie's Butter Cherry is a small red car, not black, and
definitely not a black Benz. While I stood in my porch contemplating what to do, a
man walked out of the car and relief washed over me.

'Dad' my voice was soft but I'm sure he heard me. I smiled at him.

He didn't reply, just stared at me. He's wearing a black tux with a black tie and
black boots.

'Dad, is everything alright?' I asked and started taking steps towards him but he
didn't reply me. His eyes are empty and I stopped walking.

The air was thick and tensed and I couldn't help the feeling of nausea creeping up
to me. You know the feeling when your gut tells you that something awful is going
to take place so you better run for your life but your consciousness is shut down
and some unknown force keeps you rooted to the spot and lets you face the damn
trouble even though you know you can't get out of it? That's my situation at the
moment. I could hear my heart beats beating in my chest and it's echo sounding in
my ears.

The car door opened again and three men got down. I shuddered instantly and gripped
my purse in a deadly grip. They were dressed just like my father. One of the men
walked forward and lifted his head up, letting me see his face under that black
bowler hat. His face is wrinkled and aged and when he gave me a smile, his eyes
twinkled nastily under the street lights that was shattering in the lawn.
'So this is your daughter Gabriele?' The man asked my father and he nodded curtly.

'Dad, what's going?' I asked him and felt a bit relieved when my voice didn't sound
so vulnerable.

The old man chuckled as if it was the most funniest thing he heard anyone say and
shook his head towards Dad.

'You didn't tell her, did you?' his question was directed to my dad but his eyes
were fixed upon me.

The guards stood watching me like a hawk, like they know what's going to happen
while I stood here clueless.

'Get in the car, Leia darling' the man ordered me. I stared at my father who seemed
unfazed to what the man just said to me and then to the man, who stood there
irritated when I didn't obey.

'Dad ‒

'You heard the man' Dad stressed.

Before I could comprehend anything, the two guards walked over me and grabbed my

'Hey! What are you doing? Leave me! Let go of me' I screamed at them but when they
didn't listen, my hand flung forward and the purse hit the guy's head hard. He
immediately left my arm. I bit the other ones hand as hard as I can which made him
groan in pain and clutch my hair, instead. Before I could do anything, the other
man threw the purse down and held my arm in a deadly grip before they both started
to drag me to the car.

'Dad! Dad, what's happening? Tell them to leave me!' I pleaded my dad as I
struggled in the hands of these stupid men. He watched the scene unfold with a
blank stare.

'Dad ‒

'Stop calling me that! I'm not your fucking dad and you're not my daughter! Just
get in the damn car, Leia!' he shouted. I stopped my movements and stared at him.

'Dad, why are you doing this to me?' I felt my eyes burn with tears.

The men started dragging me towards the car.

'I should have done this long ago' he said softly.

'What mistake have I done?' I asked.

'Mistake? You asking me what mistake you have done?' He chuckled 'You! You are the
bloody mistake to me. I always asked for a son, not a fucking whore!'


'This is not you. This is not my father' My voice was a mere whisper.
'You should've gone with your mother,' He spat 'You should thank me, Leia, that I'm
finally sending you to a place where you belong, you filthy whore' He said softly.

My eyes watered and I stopped screaming and struggling in the men's arms. Something
just clicked and it seems to make sense. Why he wasn't there for me and my mother,
why he didn't want her pictures on the walls, why he never was a part of my
childhood, why he caged me and why, why did he pent up all these hatred for so many
years when he could've got ridden of me a while ago and I wouldn't have been able
to see this day and hear him say those things to me.

I watched my father from the window. He stared at me blankly before walking towards
the house. Tears fell down my cheeks and I closed my mouth with my hand,
controlling my sob. That wasn't my father, he just can't be...


The car moved out of the lawn, into the streets. I should push these thought away
for the moment and think of escaping these people but I can't. My irrational mind
seems to be hanging onto the pain and I cried quietly.

When the car came to a stop, the men got down and I woke up from my haze, my
adrenaline rushing when I was again being dragged out by the man who got hit by my
purse. His grip was too tight and painful that I whimpered and I tried to get free
but he only tightened his hold. I didn't get to see where that old man and the
other guard went. He dragged me to a huge building and I immediately recognized
that its a club. It was dark with just disco lights shattering in beams and it was
crowded. We walked through the crowd and when the guard saw that I was being pushed
and crushed by the crowd, he put me in the front, his hands holding my shoulders in
a firm grip and we walked further in without much crisis.

We reached a narrow stair case that was dimly lit in orange hue. He gave me a push
and I started walking up.

'Please, let me go' I pleaded him.

'Now where's the fun in that little bitch' He snapped.

We reached a floor that was brightly lit and we walked in the hallway, his hand
holding my wrist, preventing me from running away.

'Please, just let me go' I pleaded, trashed, shouted and even punched his rock arm
but he didn't budge. He was looking straight.

Stopping abruptly in front of a door, he knocked thrice and waited. A yellow hair
lady opened it. As soon as her eyes landed on me, she gave the man a knowing smile.

'Get her ready' he told her gruffly and pushed me inside. The lady steadied me, her
eyes ranking over my body.

'Oh worry not Rob. She's too clean. I'll make sure she'll be the best tonight' She
replied in a high pitch. Rob just nodded and left without a second glance. The lady
pulled me inside the room and closed the door behind.

'Don't worry, babe. You'll be the highest bid tonight' She smirked and walked to
the closet.

Vote, comment and share.

Chapter 5 - Chapter-4

The night air was chilly when I stepped out of my car and walked towards the Vertex

The bar is run by my father's old pal, Stark. Situated at the north of Moscow, it
has seen and witnessed many generations of mafia bloodline. Any problem, any work
to be done, Stark is always there to get his hands dirty for the sake of my father.

The guards at the entrance nodded in respect and one of them decided to come along
with me inside. My eyes took few seconds to adapt to the bar lights. The place is
crowded with people, making me suffocate and the guard made way for me to walk.
Young blood grinding each other and drinking, getting their lives wasted. Most of
them should be high on drugs too. I ignored the women who tried to get their hands
on me and literally slapped a girl's hand when she tried to grab my crotch. I
followed the guard to the backyard and released a deep breath when I finally was
out of the messy crowd.

I dismissed the guard and walked further, my eyes scanning the yard. The fashion
parade towards my right side is lit. The women and young girls wearing nothing but
two pieces that barely covers their secluded area, bore a price tag on their
shoulder like it's the greatest award they have ever received. Men in clean suits
but dirtiest minds were putting forward their highest price to get the woman they
need and thus, the auction went on.

I felt disgust seep through me as I passed that area and walked towards Stark who's
currently busy with his friends with a drink in his hand and a smile on his lips.

His eyes lit up when he saw me. He stood up and his friends followed his motion.

'Nick,' he kept his glass down before engulfing me in his hug and gave a strong pat
on my back 'Knew you would come to meet me tonight'

'You always know' I replied.

The rest of his friends went away quietly, giving us the privacy.

'Aron told me what happened,' he said while pouring me a drink and handing it over
to me.

'I don't understand what made him do that' I shook my head in annoyance.

The Rhenish tasted sour in my tongue and suddenly I didn't like the taste of it.

'The cops, of course' he replied nonchalantly,which made me raise an eyebrow at


'It's we who threaten, Stark, not them'

'Trust me, son, the cops can turn worst then us. Their threatening doesn't just end
with a man's life and his family. You should know that'
My hold on the glass tightened and I looked away, towards the auction. Stark's
right, maybe he is but Zoran's not a person who would cower due to a cop. He's
killed cops. He's been working for years, from the time father was in throne. He
has two sons who are now orphan due to his fault.

I made sure his sons are still in dark and their parents death was nothing but a
mere tragedy. They believed the doctors and what my cops had to say them. His
disloyalty made me reluctant to even go to his funeral. I may forgive anything,
anything but disloyalty.

I felt even more disappointed when I came to know that his wife, Andrea, was also
the part of all this. I would have definitely spared her but after confirming that
even she had a hand in his little operation, I knew I can't let her live on this
earth. The bastard lied to me that she knows nothing.

'What about his kids?' Stark's voice pulled me out of my reverie.

'They never knew their parents were part of mafia and that'll remain. The older one
is doing his final year in business, the younger is in his graduation year. I've
taken complete responsibility of them. They won't know it's me behind everything' I

'That's good. Children shouldn't pay for their parents actions' Stark said 'So,
tell me what you're going to do about Backyard Brawls?'

I sighed.

'I heard you're exporting Cheornaya to US this weekend' he nodded 'I want you to do
it on the day they come to cease my boxing club'

'Think it's done' he said finishing the rest of his drink in one go and went for

'It's two days from now. I'm sure the cops would want to stop you more than finding
my boxing club. They'll make sure it doesn't leave the country, and let them do
their job. I'll get more time to do something and make sure they don't cross my way
again' I said.

'Anything else?' he asked.

I shook my head, stood up and shook his hand.

'Make sure you have a look at the collections I'm selling' He nodded towards the

'Your collections are as old as you are, Stark' I smiled.

'Not at all. Drugs and women are always fresh'

'Sure enough' I replied and parted my way.

I gave a quick glance at the auction. Another new set of women have taken the
stage, the old set sold and most probably being fucked right now, because the men
who bought them couldn't hold onto their pants.

Drugs and women are Stark's business. The business is ever blooming and men from
all states and countries approach him for both, although he sells women at a higher
rate than drugs. All the bars he owns is actually a whoredom. This is no exception.
I never spent money on women, never bought them too. I've always had other
important matters at hand. One night or few hours of pleasure is what I've always
seeked for and most of the time with work demanding all my time, I never got lost
in dirty pleasure of sex.

I was almost out when suddenly my eyes landed on a familiar woman and my feet came
to a halt. The same woman I saw in the Bessey park a day ago.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I saw her standing their with teary eyes,
watching the men down with fear. She's dressed in lacy black; black bra and panty
molding her secluded parts perfectly. I saw the price tag on her shoulder. Among
all the women on stage, her starting price is higher. I wouldn't blame it. She's
indeed worth millions.

With sadness in her eyes and uneasiness in her body language, it's pretty sure
she's being kidnapped. I never liked the fact that Stark kidnaps beautiful girls
and sells them for his own business even though he has girls willingly ready to do
the job. He says he can't help himself if he finds a rare beauty and I never
interfered much in his business.

The auction went on as the men kept rising up money for a woman beside her. She
started to cry, knowing it's her turn next. I took a deep breath and stared at her
pathetic self. I tried to pull my shit together and walk out the damn door I came
from, but my legs wouldn't move. I can't take my eyes of the beauty on the stage.

I don't buy women and keep them as slaves.

I kept reminding myself the line but I can't find the courage to see her on the
stage in front of those womanizers. Tears kept flowing down her cheeks silently. I
can buy her. No ones there to question me and I can keep her too. It wouldn't
matter to spend some money on her, I can imagine myself walking over there shouting
the bid till everyone goes silent, hell I can fucking climb on stage and drag her
out without even paying a penny, no one would dare to question me, but do I want
to? Is she worth it? Doesn't matter if she's worth it or not, the question didn't
even pop up in my mind until I thought about it now. It's not her, it's me. Am I
worth it, to buy her and keep her?

If her fate is to be sold to some old businessman, no can change it. Except her.

This time with much difficulty I turned away from her and walked towards the exit.

Chapter 6 - Chapter-5
~He set fire to the world around him and never let a flame touch her~


I've always imagined how I will look wearing rich gowns that wrap your petite frame
like second skin.

Having no relations (since father never mentioned any before) and no many friends
with us, I never got a chance to visit functions and parties where people wear
suits and gowns with Rolex and makeup to adorn themselves. Marie was never able to
convince me to go her family parties or clubs with her friends, so imagination and
tv was all I got.

In all my imaginations, I looked comfortable with my hair high up in a bun with

curls at the sides, the soft silky cloth hugging me perfectly as I stood under the
party lights, but never I imagined myself wearing a red gown and hiding under a
huge table in a random room of a prostitute club. And the gown I got from the
closet is nothing like I imagined it to be. It's tight, uncomfortable, revealing
and long. And not to forget my hair, which is totally fit for any bird to lay its

As soon as Rob handed me over to the yellow haired lady, she started to dress me up
like a child who dresses up her favorite doll. I couldn't move, couldn't speak,
couldn't even cry because she tied me up to a chair and kept a pistol on the table
in front me and threatened to put a bullet in my head if I tried anything.

The room was big and around twenty girls were present. They all looked like call
girls, which I later confirmed when they started to dress up on their own and
talked about auction wherein which they'll be the highest bid. Fear ran through my
veins when I listened to them. They spoke about auction where girls were sold, not
things. The yellow head lady forced me to wear a black lingerie and clipped a tag
on my shoulder before presenting me on a stage with the others.

The auction took place in the backyard. People were everywhere and it looked like a
party. Wearing nothing but two pieces, I felt ashamed, degraded. The men sitting in
auction were looking at us all with furious lust and I felt so disgusted.

I could have run, run wherever my legs took me, but I knew that there's no chance I
could do that in an open area in front of so many people.

The rest of the men and women who were not in the auction were indulged in drinks,
talks and laughter. They didn't even look at this side, maybe because they got used
to it or they never really cared.

As soon as the auction started, my mind was totally out of state. 5 million
dollars, 10 million dollars, 12 million dollars, it went on and on for each girl
and finally came to me.

I had to try so hard to stop my cries and fall deaf to all the talks and bidding
and form a plan in my head to escape this place. When I was finally sold, they took
me back to the same room with the rest of the girls to dress up. The girls were
jumping in joy and I had to try my hardest not to give them a disgusting look.

The yellow head lady left us in the room to dress up and that's the time I sneaked
out and ran into a random room. Seeing a closet in the room, I ripped open and took
the most least revealing gown and put it on. It is sleeveless with a long slit at
the right and a cleavage. It looked least reveling compared to the others in the
closet but to me it's just not.

When I heard the guards running around, I quickly hid under the table. I don't how
long it's been here, but the loud footsteps and shouting outside doesn't seem to

My mind is in total chaos and I could hear my own heart beating so fast. I waited
for a very long time under the table on my hands and knees. I know they would've
tightened the security by now and the man with the bowler hat who came to house
with his guards and Dad would be shit pissed by now. When I finally heard no noise
outside, I came out rubbing my elbows and knees. I kept my ear to the door to
listen and there was silence. Unlocking the door slowly and softly I peeked out to
see a clear hallway with not a single soul loitering around.

As soon as I stepped out, I took a ran towards the same way Rob brought me. Joining
the crowded club where people are dancing and drinking, I didn't dare to look back
as I walked to the main entrance. The two guards at the entrance were not present
and that made me speed up.

The moment I reached the main door, I sighed in relief to see the main gate. I'm
free once I get out of that gate.

People were busy talking and didn't mind me passing by and I hoped none of them
recognised me from the stage display. I could see, feel my freedom outside those
huge gate and I kept walking. Two guards came into view and a man with his back
facing me. I could hear the man screaming at the guards, I slowed down but stood
rooted to my spot when the man turned around.

It's Rob.

I didn't have time to think, my feet took me towards a random direction before he
could see me. I ran till the gate disappeared from my view and I was left panting.
I quickly scanned the area to see it's an open parking lot.

What do I do? I took deep breaths trying to formulate a way but I found nothing. I
can't get caught to them and escaping this place is not so easy; I was lucky enough
to reach this far. With Rob shouting at the guards and they all knowing that I've
escaped, it must have alerted them. It's just a matter of time till they come here
to search.

Footfalls and laughter of a woman and man made me hide behind one of the cars. I
quickly recognised the lady when she came in view, she was one of the girls in the
auction. I can't hear what he's talking but her fake laugh to everything he said is
evident. I watched them til they got into a luxury car and took off towards the
main gate.

The same thing would have happened to me now if I didn't escape. I don't know who
has bought me but whoever it is, is not a good man and I'm not an item to by

'What are you doing?'

The sudden voice made me jump out of bones and turn around to the source. My heart
was beating in my ribcage and my stomach was churning in discomfort.

A man stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his phone. His
scrunched eyebrows found its release as soon as his eyes laid on me. He looked at
me surprised and I feared he might've recognised me from the auction.

My eyes traveled from his intoxicating dark eyes to his neat suit and his black
shinny shoes.

'I believe you've not answered my question yet' his voice was deep and calm this

My eyes went to his. He didn't look anywhere else but my eyes. The light made his
dark eyes shine and they looked beautiful. I processed his question before replying

'I-I seem to forget my way' I said.

He stood still with his eyes boring into mine.

His jet black hair is resting neatly on his head and the rise and fall of his chest
being the only movements didn't go unnoticed by me.
'I'll show you the way' Was his reply after a while.

Before I could think, I spoke — no, blabbered.

'I came here with my boyfriend to the club but I didn't seem to find him so I
decided to come here and check for his car where he parked earlier but it's gone,
which only means he has left me' I took a breathe when I was done.

He raised a single eyebrow at me, as if he found this as an ridiculous excuse.

'Again. He left me again. It's his tendency, you see. He seems to...forget things'
the lie flowed easily out of my mouth.

This time a side of his mouth twitched and his eyes twinkled. The little action
made him look handsome.

'So what are you going to do?' he asked casually, slipping his phone into the
pocket before folding his arms in front. The impact making the muscles of his arms
to bulge out of his suit.

'I don't know. My purse is in his car, and I don't know what to do' I replied.

He started to walk forward without saying anything. My breath hitched up to my

throat as he took each step forward and stopped until there was a decent distance
between us.

He stretched his hand out.


I reached out my sweating palm and he took it. His hand was warm and big.

'Rose' I replied. I don't find it right to tell my real name to him.

When he let my hand go, I instantly found myself missing the warmth.

His eyes moved from mine to his watch on his wrist.

'Its going to be one. With no phone, no money, a lonely girl loitering on the roads
is not safe' he said.

'I —

'I'll drop you off to your place. Follow me' Without waiting for my reply, he
turned around and walked towards his black sleek car. I contemplated the situation;
he could be a killer, he could be worst than that but I had to take a risk if I
need to escape this place. I followed him.

Slipping into the passenger seat, I was instantly met with his cologne in the car.
I felt him closer next to me. His huge body fit the driver seat perfectly while I
looked sunken in the passenger seat. Without wasting time, he started the engine
and took off to the main gate. My heart was beating out of my chest when I saw the
guards at the gate. A big part of me thinks they are going to stop every car and
check for me but miracles happen. The guards opened the gate wide enough and let us

I felt relief wash through me as soon as we stepped out.

I felt him chuckle next to me.

'What?' I asked.

'Nothing. Tell me where to go'

The first place that came to my mind was Marie's but since we were out of the
gates, I thought off it. I'll make up a reason and get down here.

I was about to speak but the car came to the side of the lonely road and stopped.
He killed the engine and turned his head to me.

My eyes were wide open, watching his every move and I felt my adrenaline rushing.

'I'm not going to hurt you, relax. I just want to talk' he said.

And I did relax, surprisingly.

'Back there, I came to meet the owner of the club, Stark' he said.

The name reminded me of the man with a bowler hat.

'He was in the backyard,' he continued 'One side of the backyard was normal with
people drinking and enjoying their party, while the other side had an auction' he
gave me a knowing look.

My breath hitched and I already know what he's going to say.

'You don't know anything about that now, do you? You were busy with your boyfriend
in the club' He said softly.

I nodded my head desperately. He ran his hand through his thick locks before
removing his seat belt and placing his arm on my head rest, moving close to me.

'Well, I saw a woman on that stage, Rose. She was wearing a black lingerie, her
eyes were puffy and her cheeks were strained with dry tears. Why does she look
exactly like you. Now by any chance, you don't have a twin now, do you? Or you did
and your boyfriend took her instead?' he chuckled without any humor and terror ran
through my veins.

'Nicholas' Was all I was able to say. He closed his eyes and released a sigh.

I shifted in my seat, moving closer to my door. When he opened his eyes, I saw a
kind of emotion swirling in them, I couldn't decipher.

'Say my name again, Rose' His voice was husky and an involuntary shock hit between
my legs, making my grasp in surprise. For the first time his eyes traveled away
from eyes and landed between my legs. He closed his eyes again.

My hand is incredibly closer to the door handle and he hasn't notice nor he'll, due
to the mild street light evading the dark car which is clearly not enough.

'Say my name again, Rose' His velvet voice turned hard. His eyes are still closed.

My hand worked with the handle, slowly. When the door opened without any noise, I
was about to push it wide when a hand clutched my wrist, making me snap my head
towards his direction. He was just an inch away from me. Just an inch.

He opened his eyes slowly and this time they held a hint of anger.
'You heard me' He stressed on each word softly, making sure I understood the
seriousness. The cologne was mild and I could feel his warmth radiating through me
though there's an inch of gap between us.

'Nicholas' My voice was a mere whisper. His stern eyes were still on me but the
grip on my wrist tightened. The hold was strong and warm.

'Let me go, please' I said. I even feared to breathe as it may break the dead
silence between us.

He released my wrist and shut the door. His hand went to my side and pulled the
seat belt before locking it in his place, all the while his eyes never tearing away
from mine.

I want to look away, I really do, but his eyes, those dark eyes are

He moved away from me, tearing his eyes from and settling in his seat before
starting the engine and taking off.

I didn't find my voice to speak, I just sat processing everything that happened. By
the time, I made my mind and heart, he killed the engine and got out of the car. I
followed his motion and saw myself standing in front of a mansion. That's it! He's
going to lock me up here forever for his sick satisfaction. Without waiting for me,
he walked towards the mansion. After punching some codes at the side of the door,
clever to hide me from seeing it, he opened the door and walked into darkness.

He switched on the lights and soon the area was lit.

A huge chandelier hung in the center above and, couches, TV and bookshelves were
situated in the den with a small fire place. Photos on walls, white curtains to the
huge windows. The entire place is clean that I can see my reflection on the white
granite floor.

My eyes fell upon Nicholas who was watching me intensely. When he caught me looking
back at him, he averted his eyes and walked to the staircase. I followed him

When we reached the upper floor, he stopped in front a room and opened the door for
me to get in. I hesitated before getting in.

'You can stay the night. We'll talk tomorrow, you don't have to fear being here' He
said and walked away. I watched him get into a room and lock himself.

The room is bigger than the one I had at my home. The bed is big enough to fit
three people and there is a huge curtain covering the a glass window, probably.
There is one door at the corner of the room which I assume is the bathroom.

I walked towards the curtain and pushed them aside. Opening the huge glass door, I
stepped out to the chilly air.

They was a coffee table and couches and I sat in one them. Pulling my legs on top
and wrapping my hands around, I thought about everything that happened today, how
in just few hours, my whole life took a drastic turn.
Chapter 7 - Chapter-6
~Until we have seen someone's darkness we don't really know who they are. Until we
have forgiven someone's darkness, we don't really know what love is~

- Marianne Williamson


I was beyond exhausted but sleep was the last thing in my head.

I stayed in the balcony for an hour or two, then laid on the bed till the first ray
of sun penetrated through the open window. I had a hot shower and wore back the
black lingerie before wrapping a bathrobe on my body and stepping out of the room.
The room he entered in last night is shut and while I contemplated whether to go
knock on it or just ran out of the house, he called me from behind.

'Looking for me?'

I turned around to see him standing with clothes in his hand. He's dressed up just
like last night, in a two piece suit.

'Good morning' He said with a polite smile on his face before stretching out his
hand to me to take the clothes from him.

'Thanks' I murmured, taking it from him and went back to my room.

I expected the cloth to be his huge shirt that covers my knees and boxers that
won't stay on my hips but it was a simple baby pink A-line, sleeveless dress that
reached just below my knees.

It must be his girlfriend's or not, or he bought a new one for me or he gave me the
maids cloth which actually doesn't look like a maid's cloth or I should just stop
thinking so much about a damn dress, be glad that I got one and get the hell out of

I slipped into the dress and stepped out again. The hallway was empty. I walked
through the same way he brought me last night and when I reached the staircase, I
heard music coming from the living room. Descending down the stairs, I saw the den
to be empty but the TV switched on, Barry Manilow playing softly.

The moment I got down the last stair, a young girl jogged inside the house in her
jogging clothes. She smiled at me before removing her earphones.

'My dress fits you' She said. Removing her brunette hair from the tight bun, she
let it flow freely before kicking her shoes out and walking towards me.

'I'm Sophia' She stretched her hand.

'Rose' I replied and shook her hand, giving her a small smile.

'Nicholas told us about last night. How did you even end up there?' she asked and
moved towards the kitchen.

I don't want to tell them that my own father sold me to brothel.

'I was kidnapped' I said instead, watching her take a bottle from the refrigerator
and drink.

'Not a surprise. Stark runs this business. Women and drugs are his life' she said
closing the refrigerator and wiping her mouth at the back of her hand.

'Don't you think the Police should know about this? There were so many girls and
those men in suits were not gentlemen at all' I spat in disgust.

For my surprise Sophia chuckled.

'In which Era are you living in, Rose? Come on, Irina is eager to meet you'

I didn't ask who Irina is, instead followed her out towards the huge glass windows
and to the backyard.

A woman with shoulder length black hair, stood with her back facing us. Below her
were some men ploughing while she kept throwing orders to them. I just kept
watching the woman and the men doing their work and didn't realize that we are
walking straight towards the woman.


The woman turned around at Sophia's call and her eyes landed on me. A warm smile
spread across her lips.

'Rose, isn't it?'

I nodded. She stretched her hand and I reached to take it.

'I'm Irina, Nicholas mother'

The man is definitely not a serial killer, after all. I can't believe he just
brought me to his home where he lives with his family. Moreover, Nicholas is
nothing like Irina; he has this dark cloud that surrounds him, while his mother
looked like a lovely woman.

'Nicholas told us what happened last night' Irina's kind voice pulled me out of my
never ending thoughts.

'It was a nightmare to me' I heard myself telling the truth.

'I'm glad Nick found you' She replied and went back ordering the men.

'What are they doing?' I asked Sophia, motioning towards the two men in dirt.

'Ploughing. Irina loves plantation' Sophia replied.

Aunt May loves plantation too. I wonder if she realised that I haven't come
knocking at her door, reminding her to take blood pressure pills after breakfast
and kissing her goodbye before leaving for work. She will call me up or ask Marie
and then finally question father about me and all it will happen by evening when I
don't show up as she waited for me.

'I thought so. I mean, it's a beautiful garden' I said looking around 'I can't
imagine the hard work you put in'
'It surely was difficult but I'm happy to see this result every time I wake up in
the morning' she pointed towards the window above which I'm sure gives a beautiful
view of the whole garden below.

'I have a little more work to finish. You girls finish your breakfast by then'
Irina said politely.

We left the garden and walked back into the house. The house takes my breath away
every time. A villa like this will belong only to rich people. I'm sure Nicholas
must be a businessman.

We had bread, steak and milk. Sophia was too keen in knowing about me and asked
multiple questions which had no multiple choices. Having no choices, I ended up
lying to her partially. I told her I live alone, which was a lie but me working as
a waitress was partially true, because I did work as a waitress before. I didn't
find it right to tell her the complete truth though.

I decided to leave this place once I was done with the breakfast. It's not
appropriate to stay here, it'll look like I took advantage. When I told Irina that
I want to leave right away, she insisted on having a word with Nicholas when he
returns because the place from where he saved me is no ordinary and those men will
definitely be searching for me. When I said I'll go to the cops, she gave me a
ridiculous look and said most of the cops work for him and I'll be making things
easy for them by presenting myself in a golden platter in the police station. I
couldn't actually believe, not because it's impossible, because it's all kind of

But either way I decided to stay the day and talk to Nicholas cause as much as
ridiculous it all sounds to me, I still must believe that my father sold to me to
brothel, which is also filmy. So, I better not take a chance.

I spent the rest of the day with Sophia who loved talking. She's studying law in
London and is here on her holidays. She's not Nicholas's biological sister and I
realised that when she called Irina by her name. She's got an older brother too,
Aron and they have lived here with Nicholas and his family due to their
irresponsible father who was left heart broken after losing his younger sister and
his wife. He settled in Texas, isolating himself from the world and no matter how
many times they persuaded him to come back, he stood on his guard and refused to be
with them. All he does the whole day is drink and sleep.

I didn't quit feel right about her father and his decision to waste his life for
himself as well as for his children but I didn't judge her on that and neither did
I give my opinion, because my father basically sold me out and called me a whore
and if that didn't knock some sense into me, I don't know what will.

Sophia gave me some space after lunch and the rest of the day went by in vain and I
found myself thinking of the life I had till yesterday before shit hit the fan. I
didn't know what to do about the whole situation I am in. I can't get back to the
man I loved unconditionally and looked up to no matter how ignorant he has been to
me throughout his life. Marie was always right, he caged me. He didn't let me get
educated even though I wanted to, didn't even accept me working anywhere and after
so much talking and speeches, he agreed to let me get a job.

I don't understand where it all went wrong from my side, what made me blind to
actually look into my father and understand what he really is. I was naïve to look
at the monster whom I called a father and an irresponsible coward who wanted a damn
son. In spite of what he did to me, I can't find myself to hate him so fast, it's
so hard and the more I think about it, the more emotional I get and the water work

I stayed in the balcony of my room as dusk feel upon and Nicholas didn't return
from his work. Sophia brought me dinner to my room when I refused to have anything,
saying I was not hungry. She's kind and polite, which made me finish the dinner for
her sake. Time lapsed, all the lights went off and Irina and Sophia went to sleep
while I remained awake, waiting for him to come.

When I finally gave up and was about to close the door, head lights appeared behind
the main gates. The car entered in and the engine went off. Three vague silhouettes
got down and walked towards the main door.

Leaving my bedroom, I quickly walked down the stairs. The lights in the den
switched on and I came face to face with a brown eyed, brown haired man. They are
two other men behind him with their back facing us.

The man's eyebrows scrunched in confusion before realization dawned upon him.

'Rose, right?' His deep voice made the other two men turn around.

My eyes instantly went to Nicholas, who stood their in his muscular glory. When I
saw the man beside him, I almost stopped breathing.

The man is tall and aging but his physical strength and penetrating cold eyes are
strong enough to destroy anyone in front of him. He's vaguely a familiar man, a man
I've never met before, but seen him in on the television at the new section.

Every headlines and front page of the newspaper is filled with his images, tucked
in the crime section every single day. His name is a death bell and his mere
presence anywhere is death itself. There are monsters in this world, many monsters
and he happens to be the king of all.

Lantsov Vladimir Antonovich

His cold gaze was on me and I couldn't look anywhere else, the fear in me was so
intense which made me clutch the newel tight inspite of my palms being sweaty.

'What are you doing up so late?' Nicholas rough voice shook me. The men just stared
at me intensely, waiting for me to reply while I tried to comprehend something and
stop the trembling in my body.

'I'm perfectly sure I was loud enough' He stepped forward, slipping his hands at
the side pockets of his trouser.

Holding myself together and trying my best to ignore those cold eyes, I replied.

'I-I was waiting for y-you'

Both the men chuckled listening to me. Nicholas released a sigh.

'Go back to your room. I'll meet to you there'

As soon as I heard him, I just sprinted up the stairs to my room and locked the
door behind. I took deep breaths, calming my nerves.

That man down there is a criminal and that's all I was able to think about. None of
my problems mattered, none of it and even though I want to sleep away from my
problems due to exhaustion, I wanted answers from Nicholas.

I kept convincing myself that Nicholas was in that dreadful club that night because
he's a cruel businessman, just like the others who were buying those girls to
fulfill their sick pleasure. But after seeing that man downstairs, I don't know how
to convince myself and moreover, I'm afraid to know the truth.

The sudden knock on the door startled me.

I turned around and opened to the door to reveal Nicholas standing out, his stern
eyes on me. I opened the door wide and let him step in. Though the room is pretty
big enough, he seem to shrink it with his huge dominant frame.

'What made you wait for me till this hour? I hope it's something important' He

The first thought came into my head was to ask what that man was he doing in his
house. But considering the fact that I am in no right to question him under his
roof, I pushed the thought at the back of my head and proceeded with what really I
wanted to talk.

'I wanted to leave this morning but your mother told me to have a word with you' I

He remained quiet. Dead silence occupied the room and I breathed as softly as

I looked up to see him staring at me. It didn't scare me, instead it was like he's
trying to show me something through his eyes.

'I don't mind if you want to leave,' his voice as soft as feather 'but let me
remind you that you were the highest bid that night, and because of you Stark lost
the money. Stark doesn't like unfinished business, Rose. His men are searching for
you and they will not stop until they find you. I'm your only hope. This is the
last place they will expect you to be'

His words crushed my hope. I already didn't have any idea on how I'll manage myself
out there and with men searching for me, I wonder I will last even for a day.

I thought about the ways I would manage to escape this situation and the only way I
got was Adam Wilson. Aunt May's younger son, who is a cop. Maybe, Sophia was right
about the cops working for Stark but I don't think everyone are, and I definitely
don't think Adam is one of those corrupted ones but with Adam out of states, I let
the thought slip away.

Nicholas cleared his throat, gaining my attention.

'I-I can find a way' I replied.

'You can't go back to your house or even enter your colony. Men will be there,
waiting for you. So, humor me, please'

They will be near the colony? 24/7 waiting for me to return?

I stood awkwardly without any idea or thought in my head. I can't stay here, not
after seeing that man, at the same time, I can't seem to find a safe place than his
'Look at me, Rose'

I obeyed.

His eyes turned soft and he stepped forward, not close but not far either.

'I know this is all new to you. You found yourself in a place you shouldn't even
think about and I'm truly sorry for whatever happened to you there. I didn't come
there to save you but I'm glad I did. You're safe here, under my roof, among my
family. It will take some time for Stark to let go off you, until then, you have
all the liberty to be here' He said.


'Think about it. I'll be leaving for work around six in the morning. If you want to
leave, I'll drop you to your place. Else I suggest you to have a good sleep,
considering it's two in the morning and your eyes are red'

He walked out of the room without waiting for my reply.

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Chapter 8 - Chapter-7

I woke up before the first ray of sun occupied the dark sky.

After taking a hot shower and spending some time watching the sunrise, I went down
to the living room and waited for Nicholas.

No one were up except the maids, who were already in the kitchen, cooking
breakfast. I randomly took a magazine I found in the shelf that's situated in the
den and started to waste time with my eyes constantly wavering between the
staircase and the clock.

Nicholas came down right when the clock struck six. I remember him saying that
he'll leave at six. He was busy cuffing the buttons and walked straight to the
dining hall, without noticing me. Coffee came to his place as soon as he took his

I walked towards him.

'Good morning, Rose' he said without lifting his head up.

'Morning' my voice was soft.

'Take a seat' He said.

I took the seat opposite to him and he continued buttoning up. I took the chance to
watch him. His dark hair resting neatly as ever on his head, his thick lips formed
into a think line and his eyebrows scrunched as he fidgeted with the buttons. His
muscularity didn't seem to hide behind his expensive suit and his dominant power
doesn't seem to waver.
'I'd like to hear your decision'

He took his coffee and looked me in the eye.

'Well, you didn't give me much of a choice last night, did you? You made it clear
that I can't step out of this home' I shrugged.

'I don't intend on having a stranger under my roof, Rose. The only reason I'm
helping you is because I know Stark and how he runs his business. What you saw last
night is just a flicker of hopelessness'

'Why did you come there anyway?' I asked the question before I could think. He
raised one of his eyebrows and looked me with interest.

'Business' Was his reply.

'That was not a place to have any business'

He looked at me for a long moment, his stare immediately making the heat creep to
my neck and cheeks.

'You don't want to know, Rose. Now tell me, what have you decided?'

'I'm truly grateful for your help. I don't know what would I've done that night if
you didn't come to help. I-I'll stay here...for a while, you know, until they stop
searching for me but I fear I might be intruding' I tugged the hair behind my ear.

'You are not intruding. In fact, mom and Sophia seem to like you'

I didn't ask when they spoke about me to him, considering that he came too late
last night and they were all asleep.

'You are a guest here. I'll inform you when Stark's men finally leave your trail
and you can go back to your normal life' He continued.

'Yeah, that sounds better'

'Is there anything else?'

Oh, yes, I was wondering what a criminal like Lanstov Vladimir Antonovich was doing
at your home last night?

I didn't ask him that, of course.

'Nothing' I said instead.

He gave a curt nod placing his empty tea cup of the table and stood up before
looking at his watch 'I need to get going. Take care, Rose'

With that, he left.

I saw the clock on the wall. 6:10 a.m. Took me ten minutes to talk very little.

Irina and Sophia came down after an hour. We had breakfast together and Irina went
off to attend an important meeting, leaving behind me and Sophia.

I was totally bored doing nothing. At the noon time, Sophia locked her up to finish
her assignment while I roamed about in the empty halls when the maids left.
I killed some time in the gym, mainly because I've never visited one and never
tried any. I did try on some of them, the least heavier ones (which was actually
not) and soon got bored.

I didn't dare to enter into other rooms but I couldn't help but enter into one
which was situated in the living room, farthest to the kitchen and den. I never saw
anyone going in there and the rooms on the top floor are the only ones been

The door opened when I accepted it to be locked. The room was big enough to park
two trucks. There was a large desk with a chair behind it and two in front. One of
the sides had shelves with books and documents while the other side had lockers.
The floor, unlike being marble like in other rooms and hall, it was wood. Every
step I took made noise on the wooden surface and clearly the room is an office.
There were newspapers and a document on the table which took my interest and the
moment I opened the document, the first thing I saw was a picture. The image in it
is a restaurant. The name on the restaurant read Dell Amore Food, written
beautifully. The entrance had glass doors and looks like a five-star hotel.

I flipped the picture and went to see the papers in it.

'What are you doing here?'

I jolted and turned around to see Sophia watching me with an irritated expression.

'I was —

'You are not supposed to enter this room' she walked swiftly towards me, gripped my
elbow before walking both of us out of the room and locking it behind.

'You can't enter there' Her voice was stern.

'I'm sorry to intrude. I was just —

'It's alright. Don't do it next time' She gave an uneasy smile which didn't help
the situation.

'Come on, I have something to show you' she said and walked up the stairs with me
right behind her.

'Are you done with your assignment?' I asked.

'Yeah, almost. I can't wait for the holidays to get over. I remember dreading for
these holidays but now I'm so bored and can't wait to get over it'

'Here, come' she opened a room with a key, a room that's right beside Nicholas's

We entered in to complete darkness before Sophia switched on the lights. The large
room instantly lit up with orange glow, not only because of the chandelier on top,
but the other lights too. It had a large item in the center with a cloth covered on
it. It wouldn't need a genius to know that it's a piano. My lips curved into a wide
smile and I saw Sophia from my peripheral view, watching me.

The rest of the room is barren. There's a couch which is also covered and there's
no shelves and racks, and just a single small photo on the wall at the corner of
the room.

'Go on' Sophia encouraged.

I walked slowly, me eyes solely on what's there in the middle of the room.
Clutching the cloth in a tight grip, I pulled it away, letting it land on the floor
beside me. The instrument was black and shinny I was able to see my own reflection
in it. It's the same type of piano I learned to play in Russian Community Of Dance
and Music but it was medium in size, also this piano was so massive and the texture
was nothing like the ones used at current times. I removed the cloth from the bench
too and watched the piano on with great desire. I always Dad to buy me this Grand
Piano but he didn't. I always had to use it in the class, nowhere else.

'It's beautiful' Sophia said.

'Yes, indeed' Was all I could say.

'It's one of the best. My grandfather bought traded this with a landlord in the 90s
for an antique jewelry, it'll cost worth millions now but h

'Belongs to my dead Aunt, whom I never knew. Dad loved her so much that when she
died, a part of him died with her. He use to play it every night after her death,
mom was alive then and tried to bring him out but she later died due to sickness,
which was another impact on him. He couldn't handle the pain, he was not able to
cope up and move on, so he left us'

'Do you hate him?' I asked 'You father, do you hate him for what he did?'

'I wish I could' She said.

'Well, do you play?' I asked lightly.

'Oh, no. I don't' she waved her hand 'This may remain abandoned in this house but
it's the most precious thing for all of us here' She gave a soft smile.

'No one played after —

'No, no one knows to play in this house. Aron, my brother never enters this room,
he loathes it. I come here because this is the closet thing to my father. I don't
get to see him often, you see' she chuckled dryly.

When she was out of the room, her eyes were sparkling in excitement to show me this
but after she entered in and saw the piano, all the excitement got replaced with
past events and she still didn't realize she's talking all this to me, a mere

'I was one year old when my mother died in a car accident. She was behind the
wheel, alone in the car driving back home to us, to me. The accident was brutal,
the car burned to flames and by the time help arrived, it was just ashes remaining'
I said when the silence became overwhelming.

'Oh...Rose, I'm so sorry' she said, walking towards me and placed her hand on mine
which was on the piano table.

Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears and concern took over her features.

'It was twenty one years ago. I was too little and...guess it didn't effect me much
until I grew up and understood that my mom was gone' I said.

I felt her pat my back before taking a step from me.

'I'm glad you shared this to me' I heard her say.

'I'm glad you showed me this room and gave a piece of you' I said, smiling at her.

'Do you play?' she asked the question I was dreading to hear.

'Yes' I replied, my smile brighter than the room.

'I'm your guest, then' she said.

She's removed the sheet covering the couch and sat down.

I sat down on the bench and gave a smile to Sophia before my fingers touched the

My heart is content and I don't know whether it's because I finally got to play or
because I made a friend.

Chapter 9 - Chapter-8
~I want you, and the thought of anyone else having you is a knife twisting in my
dark soul~
Christian Grey or E. L. James


Later in the evening, Irina returned from her meeting, too tired to do anything but
finish her dinner and hit the bed. Meanwhile, Sophia and I spent the rest of time
talking about her education and how she wants to became a best lawyer. Around half
past ten, Nicholas arrived with a man whom I saw last night but didn't officially

'You were too busy eyeing Lantsov so I didn't want to interrupt' He said, smirking
at me.

The name sent a shiver down my spine. Couldn't he say He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? I'd
gladly prefer that.

'I'm sorry' I replied.

'No harm done. I'm Aron, Sophia's older brother' He shook my hand firmly.

'He meant Aron The Milk Lover' Sophia said, standing beside me..

Aron groaned and rolled his eyes at his sister who had a mischievous smile dancing
on her lips.

'Milk lover?' I asked.

'Don't listen to her, she's a meanie' Aron said, giving her a mock stare.

'Let's see what she got to say once she hears the story behind that title of yours'
Sophia said.

'You can save my embarrassment for tonight as it's the first time I'm meeting since
she came here and I want the first impression to be best' Aron said reluctantly
with embarrassment in his eyes.
'Yeah, another day for that story' I said, saving Aron from whatever that was all

Sophia stuck out her tongue to her brother before leaving us.

'Nicholas told about how he helped you and everything' Aron stared with a nervous
look on his face 'I'm truly sorry'

'I'm glad Nicholas helped me' I said.

'You see, Stark business is-

'Women and drugs, got it' I too shed his sentences. He ran his hand through his
locks and didn't look me in the eye.

'I see you know better than I thought' He said 'But the story you built up to get
Nick's help, well, that shit was fat' He chuckled.

I couldn't help but giggle at that.

'I'm truly sorry. I feared he might hand me over to them' I said.

'Yeah, I get it. Nick got it too. Anyone in your shoes would have done that' he
said 'But truly speaking in a good manner, if I was your boyfriend, I would have
feared anyone kidnapping such a beauty like you'

I blushed at his words, though it shouldn't have had that effect on me.

A smile and Aron returned the smile before walking to the dinning hall. I gave a
quick glance at them. Nick already eating as Sophia filled his plate more and Aron
settled in his seat.

I walked back to my room with the memory of my Dad and I watching golf as we ate
dinner together as a family almost every night.

* * *

Another boring day came by with me and Sophia doing nothing in the huge house.

It's the third day being here in an unknown house and it just seems to get awkward
day by day. The maids look at me as if I shouldn't be here, it ain't my place to
be, and whenever Sophia and Irina talk something or anything, I sit like a dumb
doll, not knowing.

Sophia shared some of her clothes and even bought me two pairs of undergarments
without even consulting me! To say, I was embarrassed is an understatement.

Sophia, who is mannerly in everything that she does didn't think it was something
to be embarrassed of. When I asked her to imagine the plates to be reversed, she
just laughed on it.

From the time Sophia showed me the piano, I can't stop myself from walking towards
the room. It takes everything in me not to enter in there and play again and again
and again. I would even spend the whole day in there and wouldn't be bored.

I was desperately waiting for her to ask me play again since she really loved it
yesterday but my bad, she didn't.
Irina spent some time with me in noon, mostly questioning how I manage to live
alone. It was too difficult for me to keep up the lie and as I answered all her
questions, the lies just kept piling up and stood like a mountain in my mind. When
I saw her not stopping with her questioning round, I had to come up with another
lie that I have a headache and excused myself.

I truly feel bad about lying but what can I do? I can't tell these people that my
father dear sold me to that dreadful place and after seeing He-I-Don't-Want-To-
Name, I don't think it's better a idea to tell the facts and lay my guard down.

The sudden shouting and laughing made me jump out of the bed and run down.

The voice was Aaron's and some other men. When I reached down, I saw three men
wearing black suits, their attention driven my Irina who was smiling and talking to

Sophia is no where to be seen. One of the men is Aron, for sure and while I was
waiting for the other two men to turn around, the car came to stop at the entrance
of the door.

'That must be Nick' Aron said and excused himself.

He gave a soft smile when he saw me standing on the last stair.

'You don't want those two men to look at you, trust me' He said, and went away to
Nick, who didn't even look at me and walked straight to the men.

Curiosity is pricking aside but I also don't want to intrude and embarrass myself.
I walked up the stairs, till I was sure they can't see and heard the conversation.
It was mostly bullshit, so walked back to my room.

The talks and laughter continued for another few more minutes and I finally heard
none. I decided to look through the balcony and what I saw, took my breath away.

The two men are none other than Stark and Rob.

I watched dumbfounded as Nick hugged Stark. Irina got into the backseat with Stark
and Rob behind the wheel before he took off.

I felt anger rising up and I don't even know why. I rushed out of my room, to the
den and both of them stopped talking at the sight of me.

Nicholas eyes are glued to me just like mine are to his.

'What was that?' my voice came out to ruder than I expected.

Nicholas eyebrows scrunched in disappointment but he remained standing without

answering me.

'I did tell you' Aron chuckled 'that you don't want them to see you'

I ignored Aron 'I believe you've not answered my question yet' I spoke in the same
way he spoke to me when he first saw in that parking lot.

I saw his expression turn into anger but nevertheless, he remained quiet.

'I don't think you should be the one questioning here' Aron said as a matter of
fact, gaining my attention this time.
'And why's that?' I folded my arms in front 'Those two men are nothing but
horrible. If I'm in this situation it's totally because of them' I fired at Aron,
my fury unleashing.

'Stark is family, Rose' Aron said, taking a step forward to me.

'Family?' I scoffed 'That man who sells women for a living is family to you?' I
asked, truly ridiculed about it.

'What he does is not your problem. Stay out of it' Aron defended.

I looked at him with utmost shook. Is this guy even serious?


'This is my house and I get to decide who comes and goes' Nicholas spoke for the
first time.

'Of, course. Of, course you do but that scoundrel-

'I've heard enough, Rose' Nicholas spoke with authority which made me shut up at
once but the dagger like stare of mine remained penetrating into his eyes.

'You live under my roof, eat my food and sleep on my bed until they stop looking
for you. That was the deal. I don't see where you added that you have the authority
to question about anything in this family' Nicholas voice was rude and it did hurt
to hear those words from him.

I tried to talk but words didn't seem to come out as I stood rooted to my spot and
watched him taking small strides towards me.

'You are in this situation, not because of them, because of your stupid father' he
said, making my eyes go wider than soccer ball. I felt my courage lowering and took
a step back. He took another step forward.

'My family people sell other women for a living, not their own' his voice was soft
but it was so loud to my ears.

I kept taking steps back while he covered them all, slowly. His dark eyes were so
dominating and I felt my throat constricting, not letting the words come out.

'Cat caught your tongue, Rose?' His voice was mocking but his expression is still
hard and cold as ice.

'Do you want me to remind why your father sold you?' He asked, taking another step

'N-No, don't, please' my voice was a mere whisper and I desperately begged him with
my eyes to not to say those words.

I don't want to listen to them again.

Before I could another step back, Nicholas gripped my upper arm and pulled me to
his hard chest. I gasped at the sudden action and my hands automatically landed on

His deep, light cologne hit my nostrils. He bent lower until his minty breath was
fanning my ear.
'Stark told me everything. Tell me, do you want to hear your father's final words

I gasped in horror and looked at him in utter lost of words. His lips twitched
slightly and he gave me his signature smirk.

'Leia, such a beautiful name' He said too softly 'You thought you can cook up
stories and I'll believe every word you say? They saw you sitting next to me in the
passenger seat and opened the gate for me to leave because they knew better than to
stop me. Stark called me when we reached home and filled my cup about you'

His every word left me breathless and surprised. My shoulders slumped and I felt
his other hand snaking my waist, making my body go rigid all over again.

Even through the layers of cloth, I felt his heat radiating into me. With his
mesmerizing eyes focused solely on me, I found it extremely hard to look away.

'Talk, Leia. I want to hear your voice' He said, which took my breathe. Again.

'N-Nicholas, I'm sorry' I said.

'You must be'

'I was...I was not thinking straight and I just wanted to get away from there,
that's why I lied. And then after coming here, I knew it was temporary and I feared
you might send me back there again which made me lie again. You were in that place
that night and I just wanted to get far from there' I said.

'Any girl in my place would have done that' I added when he didn't reply.

'Any girl in your place would have been caught. There's no chance she would have
escaped that place. It's highly impossible' he said.

'Not if you would have helped her just like you helped me' I said, staring into his
dark eyes that is sparkling with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

He smiled gently, something he never did before. The hand holding my upper arm came
to my flushed cheek and he started to caress it with his calloused knuckles.

'Sweetheart, I only helped because it was you and not anyone else' He said.

I felt the heat creep from my neck to my flushed face. I don't know what he's doing
to me and why my body is reacting to his every word.

I swear Nicholas is just...ARG!!I need a Nicholas for myself!

Chapter 10 - Chapter-9

'Are they still behind me?' my voice came out steady 'Since they know I'm here at
your place'

Whatever emotion swirled in those dark eyes seems to vanish in a splash, leaving
behind the coldness.

Clearing of throat made both of us come out of out trance.

'No, they don't' Came Aron's voice. I totally forgot that he's here.
Nicholas removed his arm from my waist and stepped back till there was a decent
distance between us. Guess even he seems to have been forgotten that Aron is still

I wrapped my arms around my petite frame, missing his warmth. My eyes shifted from
him to Aron.

'How's that?' I asked.

'Nicholas lied that he dropped you off at your place. That's exactly why they are
searching for you' Aron said 'They know're father will not take you' his
voice softened at the end, and he refused to look me in the eye.

I looked away, feeling ashamed. All the while they knew about me.

'Only me, Nick and his Dad know about this, Irina and my sister know the lie you
fed' Aron said as if he just read my mind but it still didn't do any good to me.

'When will they stop searching for me?' I asked, my eyes focused on my vague
reflection on the floor tile.

'Soon enough' Nicholas replied.

Without further talk, I turned around and walked back to my room.

I'm leaving this place as soon as I can.

* * *

Two more days passed by where I didn't get to see Nicholas. I didn't after all,
wanted to see him again, not after our last conversation. Whenever his car
approached or I hear him anywhere close by, I sprint away to my room and stay till
he's gone. I just avoided him at all cost.

Whereas for Aron, he remained unaffected like the conversation never took place and
that I wasn't actually sold by my father. He also noticed how I ignored Nicholas to
great lengths but didn't question me.

Irina and Sophia, who were the only ones who believed my lies were as casual and
normal they were from the beginning.

I've met everyone of Nicholas family except one person, his father. From the time
Aron mentioned that only him, Nicholas and his father know about me, curiosity has
got the best of me. I've never seen him coming home with Nicholas or Aron. I've
never seen Irina talking about him too. I tried looking at the pictures on the
walls, but no where I got to see Nicholas or his father. The pictures were all
Sophia, Irina and another man whom Sophia mentioned is her father.

I was surprised at first, to see a man so strong and happily smiling at the camera
is now somewhere living a life of nothingness. I couldn't even imagine the
situation he's currently in. Sophia even showed me her mother's picture. I saw that
she and Aron got their brown hair from their mother. Sophia looks more like her
mother and Aron like his father.

Such a pretty family got destroyed when her aunt died and further got destroyed
when her mom died.

Life is so cunning at times.

I was sitting in the den with a novel open in my hands but thoughts wandering my
mind when I heard the car's engine, on the door step, ceasing. Irina entered with
bags in her hands.

'Hello, dear' she said in a cheerfully voice.

'You need some help?' I asked, placing the book on the table and approaching her.

'Sure, please. Keep them all - oops, sorry, I'll take them' she took the bags she
dropped down 'Keep them all in my room' she handed over the bags to me.

They were heavy and many as I tried to take them all in both my arms.

'What's all this, may I ask?'

'Oh, it's for the coming ball' she replied with a wide smile on her face.

'Ball?' I asked, clutching the one that was about to out of my hand.

'Yes. I'll tell you everything. Off you go now, loads of work to be done' She
shooed me and went further in towards the back door and to the backyard.

She looks too excited and cheerful. I walked to her room, the bags weighing on my

'Let me take those' Sophia came in view and took some of them from me.

'Thank you so much' I released a breath.

'Irina loves party, you see' She said, opening Irina's room.

'I see that'

The room was bigger than mine and it's one of the beautiful rooms I've ever seen.
The huge king size bed was oval in shape, just the way the kings use to have. The
orange lights wrapped the whole room giving a glow of golden. Huge, massive
bookshelves were on one side. They were two doors, one of for bathroom, I'm sure
and the other must be the dresser.

There was also a liquor cabinet and out the glass door of the balcony, I could see
a swimming pool, not small but not big too.

'We'll just leave them here' Sophia said, and kept the bags on the bed, which I

'Now, come on, we've got work' She said and headed to the door.

I tried to see the pictures on the wall but couldn't make it up because we already
reached the door and were out.

'So, why's the ball?' I asked.

'Please say party. Nicholas father has decided to make the Crawford as their
business partner and thus, hosting a party for their union' Sophia said.

'Where is the party?' I asked.

'At one their hotels, tonight' She replied.

An awkward thought came to my mind. Everyone will be attending the party and I'm
sure Irina and Sophia will not leave me here. As far as I'm concerned, parties
ain't me thing and going with them like a stranger, how am I going to face the
people who know them and not me? Things will definitely get awkward once people
start talking to me or even eyeing me.

'The Crawfords were dying to join hands with Nicholas father and became their
business partner but Nicholas never agreed' she explained 'Don't know what changed
his mind now. Complicated, Nicholas is. Anyway, since my dresses fit you, I have
the perfect gown for you that you'll love'

'But Sophia-

'I know what you're thinking, Rose. Don't, worry Nicholas got it all handled' she

Nicholas handling things makes my stomach churn in discomfort. However, he's

handling it, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like it.

Sophia left for a quick shopping and Irina made herself busy preparing herself for
tonight and making sure all the requirements and met even though the party is being
hosted by the Crawfords.

The Crawfords run a number of hotels all around the globe. They are known world
wide and are epitome business magnets. If people like them are so desperate to make
business with Nicholas and their family, I can't understand what business they do.

While walking towards to my room, Irina gave me some of the bags she had bought,
even though I said they were all too much. She insisted I come to the party with
them, after all it's a happy ball for her.

When Sophia returned back from her quick shopping, she came in with a gown in her
hand but after seeing a gown, makeup set and a pair shoes on my bed and me sitting
on the chair with arms around my knees and eyeing them like predators, she kept
back the one she brought from her room and rubbed her hands in excitement.

'Time for party' she said, giving me a nasty smile which said me to run away from
her, at least for tonight.

Sophia, whom I never knew was into makeup, loved to make my hair and face done. She
spent hours together, working on my hair while I sat like a stone, not even allowed
to move an inch. By the time she was done with my hair, my bum felt numb and my
neck was giving me hard time. She took another hour caking up my face, ignoring all
my pleas to not to apply mascara, lipstick, eyeliner - basically everything.

She finally left me gasping at my own reflection in the mirror, wondering who this
bloody woman is.

I changed into a golden glittering gown that Irina bought for me. The gown was
simple, sleeveless and long. I was happy there were no slits in between.

Irina looked younger in her black gown and Sophia was wearing a blue one. When we
were ready, Boris, one the drivers, came to pick us up.

Throughout the ride, Irina and Sophia were busy talking and I was glad when they
left me alone. My palms are sweating and by the time we reached our destination, I
was curled into a ball of nervousness.
The huge building was bright and beautiful. The long tower had a huge C in the
center and a small f on it with a leaf at its tip. The letters and the leaf were
bright white. It's the symbol of the Crawfords hotels.

People in suits and rich gowns were getting down from rich cars and making their
way to the hotel, letting the wallet to the parking.

Aron came out of the hotel and walked straight to us. He looks handsome in his
black suit and black tie with a blue cloth in his square pocket.

'Finally, it's time to meet the Crawfords' Aron hooked his arm in sister's and
winked at me after checking me out.

'Has Nicholas come already?' Irina asked Aron.

'Yeah, we reached here half an hour ago' Aron replied.

'And his Dad?' Irina asked.

'He said he'll be coming with Oscar Crawford and his son Turner' Aron replied, as
we entered into a room ball room.

People indulged in talking, drinking and laughing. The walls were so high that the
chandelier looks small even though it's a huge one. They were round tables and
chairs around them and a small dias at the end. Long red satin covers were covering
the windows and the whole room did look like a party.

My eyes fell on Nicholas who stood apart among these people. He dud the notice me
yet and I took the liberty to watch him. He's wearing a black suit and a black tie
too but the cloth in his square pocket was golden.

His eyebrows were scrunched in concentration as he listened to the man keenly,

nodding his head. His black hair is neatly resting on one side of his head and his
muscles seems to constrict whenever he lifts his arm up.

I've never seen a man as handsome as him.

As if feeling my stare on him, his eyes immediately turned towards my direction and
froze me on spot. He excused himself and started to walk towards me, his eyes once
not blinking or averting from me.

'Son' came Irina's voice, making Nicholas to turn away from me.

'Mom' He hugged his mom and placed a kiss on her cheek.

'How's its going till now?' Irina asked.

'Better than expected. The Crawfords are worst than we thought' Nicholas voice
tightened 'If it wasn't for the advantage, I wouldn't have let Dad partner up with

'It'll be fine. The Crawfords know better than to mess with our business, I'm sure
they will be loyal' Irina's eyes darkened and for the first time I saw totally a
different lady.

'Mrs. Antonovich' Came a hoarse voice, making us all turn towards a man who must be
in late 50s. He's eyes were ocean blue, so beautiful yet I saw the dangerous hint
in them.
'Crawford' Irina acknowledged in a kind voice.

'Call me Oscar, it's a pleasure to finally meet you and your family' Oscar smiled
at us all, his eyes staining on each one of us for a whole second. His smile,
however, didn't reach his eyes.

'Pleasure's all mine' Irina said, in a sweet way.

'This way, please' He said.

We all followed him quietly. Everyone around turned to have a look at us and
instantly started to whisper at each. Oscar, sometimes, stops at some tables and
introduces us to his friends and business partners which I found it real boring
because they were all fake to us. Oscar was constantly talking to Irina and
sometimes to us in general but it was Irina who was willingly replying to him and
showed genuine interest while the rest of us were quiet.

When we finally reached our table, he pulled the chair for Irina and we settled
down with Nicholas towards my right and Sophia towards my left.

All the while I was so busy looking around or at Oscar and listening to his
ridiculous comments on his hotels, that I forgot about Nicholas. Now that he's so
closely seated next to me, I felt myself shrinking in his huge dominating presence.

'Madam Sophia, I heard shashlik is your favorite. I've specially asked my best
cooks to prepare it for dinner' Oscar said, smiling at her.

'That's very kind of you, Mr. Crawford' Sophia replied politely.

He nodded at her and his eyes landed on me. His smile didn't vanish but a confusion
settled in his eyes. I smiled back, not wanting to be rude.

'I'm sorry, but I never knew Aron had another sister' He said to me.

Aron chuckled at him and so did Sophia while I looked at him like he's the most
dumbest person I've ever met in the world.

'Sophia is the only sister for Aron, Oscar' Irina replied 'She is Rose'

'Oh, I'm sorry for the misconception, she just resembles these two of them. Well,
is a she a relative?' Oscar asked which made Irina quiet uncomfortable.

I could clearly see her struggling to come up with an answer. I don't blame her.

'Well, she...she's -

'She's my date' Nicholas answered.

My eyes widened but I sat as unaffected as possible. I hear Aron cough, mock cough
and reach for a glass of water while Sophia put her head down, constantly tugging
her hair behind the ear.

'Beautiful date, just like her name' Oscar said, giving me a nod.

The atmosphere turned awkward, if that was even possible. I saw Aron giving me the
look and a sly smile playing on his lips. It was hard to ignore him, since that
smile was sinister and made me feel exposed. I, however didn't dare to look at
The clinking of glass interrupted the atmosphere. The hall suddenly fell silent and
all pair of eyes landed on the dias.

When I saw the source of the short noise, my eyes widened a fraction.

Standing on the dias was familiar man. Lantsov Vladimir Antonovich.

He looks young from here though he must be in his late 50s. Those cruel dark eyes
were warm and he looks like a gentleman in his suit.

He started to talk and the entire attention fell upon him. I could hardly
concentrate on his speech, because all I can think of is the news I read about him
endlessly that covered the entire front page of the newspaper.

When he was done with his speech, everyone applauded and he started to walk down.
People were shaking his hand and talking to him like he's their neighbor. The
entire hall is cheering while I seem to be the only one who's dead serious.

When he started to come closer, my eyes started to widen. I saw Irina walking
towards him which made me gulp in anxiousness. Lantsov is now smiling widely at
Irina and when he just a step away from her, he snaked his arm around her waist and
kissed her forehead, tenderly.

I found myself standing alone in my place while Aron, Sophia, Irina and even
Nicholas are surrounding him with the people. Oscar was tapping him in the
shoulder, pretending to be indulged in the conversation.

Irina is glued to his side and they made their way towards me. My breathe hitched
up and tried hard not to look afraid.

'Hello, Rose, I'm afraid we haven't met before. I'm-

'Lantsov' I whispered before I could stop myself. Lantsov chuckled, humor gleaming
in his eyes.

'That's right' he said, stretching his hand.

My hand shook as I lifted it up and wrapped it in his warm large hand.

'My son, Nicholas has told me about you. I'm finally glad to meet you'

My eyes fell out of my sockets.

I looked at Nicholas whose eyes are twinkling and his lips are forced to remain in
thin line even though I saw him smirking. Aron on the other hand, turned his head
around, finding a woman's wig more interesting.

'Rose are you okay?' Irina's concern voice made me snap my head back to the couple
in front of me.

'Y-Yeah, I'm fine' I said 'It's a pleasure meeting you Mr. Lantsov'

Lantsov smiled, wrinkles visible near his eyes.

'He's been wanting to see you from day one. Work has kept him away from us for the
past these days' Irina said, lightening the attention in me.

'I see' I replied.

'It's not usual for my son to bring a woman home and I was totally surprised when
he told me about you' Lantsov said. His eyes were totally penetrating into like he
can see my soul.

I smiled in reply and they got carried away when Oscar started to talk. I excused
myself and sat in my seat, my eyes not leaving Lantsov.

This man, the most fearful man on earth is Nicholas father. I feel my thoughts
jumbling in my head, all the dots connecting and forming a clear picture in my

Surely a man like him will have a family like Stark. No wonder Nicholas found out
everything about me.

I can't believe a criminal's son saved me.

Vote. Comment. Share.

Chapter 11 - Chapter-10
Long chapter.


The rest of the night was spent by me as far as possible from Lantsov but my eyes
didn't leave him even for a second. It astonished me that a man like him is loved
by so many people in this room. Even women and children were jovial with him and I
had hard time not to roll my eyes at them.

Nicholas made himself busy with other gentlemen in the room or should I dare they
they kept him busy. Aron being a charm, was surrounded by women and Sophia spend
her entire time with one man in particular, named, Turner Crawford, son of Oscar

Anyone in this room can make out that he's just trying to keep up his family status
at top and don't want to ruin the deal faster than his father has got. Sophia, for
the first time seems to be blinded.

With Lantsov being the center of attraction, hardly anyone noticed me being the
newbie and that gave me a chance to breath normally at this abnormal place. My
stomach is grumbling for food and no where I seem find anything to eat. There's
only drinks being served and the bartender gave me a second look when I asked for

I was sitting on a stool and sipping my water when all of a sudden my eyes fell on
a familiar person.

My first instinct was to hide but then I saw the man walking away. I placed the
bottle on the table and started to follow him with a decent distance between us.

I'm not surprised to see Rob here, not after Nicholas mentioning them as family but
I'm just curious as what he's doing when he's supposed to meet Nicholas and his
family. Nicholas said that he they kidnap women and sell them and parties like
these seem to be the perfect place.

As I kept following him I noticed that he's walking alone, no sign of Stark around
him. I turned around to see Irina and Lantsov busy with some woman and Rob just
crossed them. I followed him quietly and soon, he was out of the hotel.
I tried to walk softly but the heels clicking on the padlocks caught his attention.
I swiftly hid behind the duvet in I found nearby and breathe in softly praying he
didn't catch a sign of me. After several seconds, I peeked from the top of the bin
to see him already pacing faster than before.

Removing my heels and clutching them in one of hands and my gown on the other hand,
I ran after him. The area is deserted and hardly any light around. I saw him taking
out his phone that was buzzing and started to talk to the person on the other side.
I was close to him and with the silence around, I was able to hear some of the

Words like "I'm almost there, Boss" "No, Lantsov is busy" "He won't know if we do
it now" "This is the perfect time. The cops won't know too"

I almost fainted when I listened to him. The conversation seems to be like a

mission to kill Lantsov and my heart skipped a beat at it.

Images of tomorrow's news with — The mass murderer and the dangerous criminal of
all times is finally dead — as headline is running in my head with Lantsov bleeding
on the floor and Irina holding her dead husband close to him.

I've heard somethings I shouldn't have and followed him when I shouldn't have. Now
that I've done both of these I feel conflicted. What should I do? I feel like
returning the favor to Nicholas by informing him that the person whom he thought to
be his family is going to kill his father tonight. Irina and Sophia were so long
good to me and were happy to have me at their place and it'll be cruel if I don't
help them, but what they are doing is surely bad but Lantsov is an incarnation of
bad. So many innocent blood has been split because of him and the man is supposed
to be locked up in a cell for life.

My legs are still walking towards Rob, who's now in a totally different part of the
hotel. I hid behind a wall and watched him closely. He turned around to check
whether anyone's around — I immediately hid myself — before making his way through
the bushes. When I saw him disappearing in the darkness. I slowly stepped out and
made through the bushes softly so he wouldn't hear me behind. I saw Rob talking to
two bartenders. He took two guns from his side pockets gave one for each. They hid
them inside their clothes before turning around and making way towards the back
door of the party hall while Rob walked the other way.

Not wasting anymore time, I made a quick decision and ran back to the party. My
eyes were in the crowd, searching for those two bartenders and I immediately found
them having drinks in their hands and making their way towards Lantsov. I panicked
and searched everywhere for Nicholas and when I found him talking to Oscar and his
wife, I took a quick ran towards him.

Nicholas eyes drifted to me when I came closer.

'Nicholas, I need to talk to you now' I said, trying to keep my voice calm and my
former relaxed and professional which I was failing miserably.

Nicholas saw the heels in my hands and then at the Crawfords who were eyeing me

'Excuse me' Nicholas said politely and clutched my free hand, pulling me away from
the crowd, to a secluded area.

'I would very much like to hear the explanation behind your current state' He said.
'Nicholas there's no time to waste, we need to save your father! Rob appointed two
men to kill your father, we need to act now!' I said in a hurry and pulled him by
his arm but he was strong and instead pulled me back to the place and closed the
gap between us.

'What are you saying?' He spoke densely. Both his hands are on either side of my
arms, holding me firmly.

'I followed Rob and-

'Why would you even do that?' He asked, ridiculed.

'Because I thought he's going to kidnap someone to sell later. And moreover, he was
acting weird, Nick! I followed him and I heard him talking to the person on the
other side of the phone. He was talking to about killing your father and then he
met those two men who were in bartender clothes and handed them a gun each' I
explained him calmly while he listened to me carefully.

His eyebrows and scrunched in confusion and I realized how close he is to me. Our
clothes are touching and his rich cologne is faintly alluring. His breathing is
calm and fanning my cheek and his dark eyes are stained on me.

He chuckled softly and released me from his firm grip, stepping back. I frowned at
his reaction, clearly not expecting this attitude.

'Nicholas' I called out.

'Yes' he said, smiling at me.

'What are you smiling for. We must save your father' I said.

'My father needs no safety, trust me' he said softly.

'They have guns' I replied.

'Where your shoes first' He said, seeing me holding them still.


'Go on' He folded his arms in front and waited. I scoffed in annoyance and wore my
shoes before facing him with hard eyes.

'You saved me, Nicholas, and that's why I'm returning the favor back even though
your father doesn't deserve it. If you're not doing anything, then fine. My work
was to inform you and it's done' I said firmly and walked away him.

'You do not understand' Came his voice.

'It's you who don't understand' I said, looking at those two bartenders who are
still with Lantsov.

Nicholas came forward and stood beside me, watching his father and the men.

'Let me show you something, Leia' he said and stretched his hand 'May I?'

He asked so politely that I can't put down. I placed my hand in his and wrapped his
on mine. They were warm and soft.

I followed him out of the hall and found us walking the same way Rob walked few
minutes ago. We took a left instead of entering bush and found ourselves in a more
secluded area. None of us has spoken a word yet and the only source of noise is our
shoe heels clicking.

Soon I heard grunts, muttering and a loud thud followed by shouting. When we
approached closer, I saw a huge truck and a lot of men loading something in it.
Aron walked from the front of the truck and immediately saw us.

He looked at me and then at Nicholas in confusion.

'How many more?' Nicholas asked, indicating the truck.

'Two are off already, this is the last one' Aron replied and soon we heard trucks
reviving at far and soon was off.

'Good' Nicholas replied.

'What is she doing here?' Aron finally asked.

'She followed Rob and has come to a conclusion before knowing the whole scenario'
said Nicholas.

Aron didn't reply, didn't ask further questions too. He gave me a smile and
returned back.

Nicholas moved towards the truck and so did I. As we came closer, I smelled a bad
air. It's like rotten chicken.

I saw the content that's been loaded. They were hotdogs, rotten hotdogs with fungi
formed on them.

I coughed and Nicholas left my hand, only to take a tissue from one the workers and
took one hotdog from it.

'What is this, Nicholas?' I asked.

He tore the hotdog until a fresh shinny golden item surfaced on top. I looked at it
closely and saw its a bad of gold. Nicholas took the gold out that is shinning
brightly in the dim light and they have some engravings on them.

'Pure ones, 500 grams each. Totally three trucks, worth millions' He said before
keeping it back in the hotdog, closing and throwing it in the truck.

Alright, this doesn't say why we're are here. Nicholas wiped his hand with the same
tissue on the back and threw it in the bin before facing me.

'This is what Rob was talking about' Nicholas said.

'No, he wasn't. I'm positive' I replied instantly.

'Leia' he sighed. The way my name came out of his mouth was so beautiful 'My father
told Oscar that he will show this before they are being taken from here but Rob got
information from his men that the cops have sniffed about the gold that's being
smuggled tonight and thus, he hurried everything without consulting my father. The
cops can be distracted for a while and these will get away to the airport on time.
Did you get me?'

All the while my eyes were on his gorgeous face and it took me a very long second
to possess all that he told.
'But he could have put a word to your father, it wasn't hard' I said.

'I don't think it's possible when the Crawfords are always around him' he said.

'Then...then why did he give guns to those bartenders? Are they even bartenders?' I

'No, they are not bartenders. You see, Leia, whenever you are going to an unknown
place, you always need to be careful and armed. He gave them guns and asked them to
be around my parents and Sophia. They are five more men of ours in this estate and
they will leave only after us'

'But you said your father doesn't need any protection' I reasoned.

'But my mother and Sophia do'


'Enough of your buts, Leia. I've answered quiet more questions than I should have.
Come on, the dance must have started' He started walking towards to the party and I
didn't have a choice but to follow him.

I still find it hard to wrap around the things he said. Smuggling? The first
thought that came to my head was, P-O-L-I-C-E but then what? Get a bullet in my
head as an award from Lantsov? And get thrown up in Stark's hand who's in search of

I'd rather shut my mouth and wait for my chance to finally leave Nicholas and
family or I open my mouth and fall into some deep trouble than I already was.

The hall which was once lit brightly is now darker with just purple low lights at
the corners and at the pillars of the room. You can only see outline of the people
and need to get closer to get an actual image of their faces. Couples were dancing
slowly to the music by Yiruma - River Flows In You.

I smiled as I heard the music. It's one of favorites. Yiruma is one of my

inspiration and I've learned to play almost all his music. In many competition I've
played his songs and the kids have danced and won many prizes.

I was so indulged in the music that was so soothing, I didn't notice Nicholas who
is now looking at me. Without any words, he stretched his hand.

'I-I'm bad at dancing' I chuckled nervously.

'I'll catch you if you fall. No matter how many times, Leia' his voice was soft and

I placed my hand in his and he led us to the dance floor. He lifted up our hands
and slowly intertwined his fingers. I felt his each finger sliding down smoothly
and settling in the gaps. He closed the gap between us and I felt his other sliding
from my waist and settling at my back. All the while his eyes were on me, watching
my every action. I nervously lifted my hand and placed on his shoulder. The suit
was silky smooth under my palm and fingers.

He gave a curt nod and moved ever so lightly with me. I felt the blush creeping to
my neck and my cheeks and it feels so great full that the hall is darkly lit. I
felt myself losing to the music and soon I became comfortable on the dance floor.
My eyes never left his even for a second so did his.
My brown ones on his black ones.

Brown to black.

I inched closer, giving myself to him as he guided us accordingly to the tune. The
fear of stamping his foot long gone. At the middle of the song, the music became
faster and so did our steps. I totally didn't care that we are among so many people
and all their eyes are on us. I just gave into the music and let my body move
according to it.

Nicholas turned me around all of a sudden catching my guard, making me squeal. I

grasped for breathe and watched his eyes filled with amusement.

When he made me dip, I thought I lost control and clutched his arm. He bent low
until our nose was almost touching and flung me up with force. The crowd cheered
and I looked around to see that we were the only ones remaining on the dance floor.
My clutch on Nicholas shoulder tightened and I felt him giving my back a firm

'I didn't notice when everyone stopped dancing and went away' I said, sounding so

Nicholas shrugged in response and didn't stop moving. When my eyes never left the
crowd who were constantly cheering and giving us those lovely cute noises, Nicholas
pulled me even closer.

'Eyes on me, Leia' he spoke softly.

I looked back at him.

'Concentrate on the music and us' he said and felt myself nodding.

Nicholas made me swirl, dip and made me move beautifully with him. I feel
butterflies in my stomach and the crowd seems to disappear to me again, letting me
lose myself in these dark eyes.

When Nicholas finally stopped, I was panting real hard and felt my cheeks paining.
I didn't realize I was smiling so widely at him. The crowd started clapping and I
heard a clink of glass.

'You were beautiful, Leia' Nicholas said.

'This is my first dance. I never danced before' I confessed, smiling at him.

'Well, for your first time you seemed to be pretty great' said Nicholas.

I heard another clink of glass and soon another. Clinking of glassew is all I can
hear in the room now. I blushed harder and felt nervous.

I couldn't meet Nicholas eye but felt his eyes burning my face. I felt him
disentangling our fingers and placed the hand on my back with the other.

I saw his eyes flicker to my parted lips and then my wide eyes. The clinking didn't
stop, if only, it increased. I felt him bend even lower, closing our distance
slowly. My hold on his shoulder tightened and my other hand was placed on his left
side, above his hip region.

'Nicholas, they are not stopping' my voice was a whisper.

'There's only one way to stop them and you know it' he replied in a husky tone.

I felt his warm breath fanning my face as he leaned in. The clinking was furious
now and felt myself leaning close to him.


'It's so hard for me to stand this close to you and not kiss you. So, don't tell me
to back down' He said, thinking I was going to tell him not to kiss me.

'I was going to ask' I took a deep breath, staring into his eyes 'I was going to
ask what's taking you so long to kiss me already'

My eyes shit automatically when his lips landed on mine. My ears felt deaf to the
crowd and my hand moved from his shoulder to his silky hair. I opened my lips,
letting him kiss me and I mimicked his action, since this is the first time I'm
kissing. It was like drug, letting lost in his delicious kiss. He bit my lower lip,
and opened my mouth. His tongue invaded my mouth and pushed my body even more to
him, feeling his hard abs and the warmth of his body.

When I was out of breathe, Nicholas slowly released my lips and my eyes quickly
found his. I saw desire pooling in his eyes and I felt the urge to lock my lips
again on his wet ones.

The kiss was beautiful.

The lights were turned on which blinded my vision. I took time adjusting to the
brightness and looked at Nicholas who hadn't turned a word yet. His hair is messed
up and my fingers are still in those locks. When I saw both his arms at his sides,
no longer holding me, I quickly removed my hands from him and stepped back.

The crowd seemed to finally stop ogling at us and continued to whatever they were
doing before. I hugged my petite frame and looked everywhere but him. When he
turned his back to me, my eyes were immediately strained on his back as he walked
away from.

I felt disappointment wash over my features.

* * *

When the party was over and the hall cleared up, we were taken into a private
dining hall for dinner. The dishes that were already placed on the huge table were
enough to serve more than nine people.

It contained Spaghetti, Mushroom Lasagna, Taco rice with chicken, Fried Rice,
Cornflakes Chicken with potatoes and peas, Pan Parmesan Tuscan, Chicken rice
Mexican, shashlik and some other dishes I didn't know.

The two men, Oscar and Lantsov sat at the head of the table with Turner and Amanda
(Oscar's wife) at Oscar's side and Irina at Lantsov side. I chose a place next to
Sophia and just when Nicholas was going to place himself on the other side, next to
me, Irina motioned him sit next to her and sent Aron at my side. I looked at Irina
but she diverted her eyes from immediately.

'I've been wanting to have this time with your family for a long time now, Lantsov.
I'm so happy that we're finally business partners' Said Oscar.

'Me too, Oscar. It's a pity we couldn't meet your daughter' Said Lantsov.
'We did request her to attend this party but work calls' Said Amanda with a smile.

'Duty always calls. Lantsov barely makes back home' Said Irina, letting out a

We helped ourselves with the food while letting the elders chat.

'Bacon, Rose?' Sophia asked.

'No, please'

I had very little though the food was too delicious. I lost my appetite.

Nicholas is right in front of me and I tried hard not to lift my head up and look
at him.

I observed Irina's eyes wandering towards me often and the moments I catch her
staring at me, she turns away. It wouldn't require a genius to find why she's
acting weird to me. Clearly, she didn't like his son kissing me in front of so many
rich people. After all, to her I'm nothing but a mere orphan girl who was abducted
by her family member. I can't imagine what sorts of wild imagination will be
running in her pretty head now.

After dinner, desserts were brought which consists of Affogato, varieties of cakes
and not to forgot, ice cream of different flavors. I suited myself with a vanilla
cream with chocolate toppings and excused myself towards a huge veranda.

The night air was chilly and with the ice cream in my hand, I felt my body going

My mind went back to the kiss I had on the dance floor. I don't know what came into
me, I just kissed him back. I remember telling Marie how disgusting it is to kiss
someone on their lips, sharing each other saliva and loving the moment. Now that I
think about it, I feel the urge to have that kiss again with him. I don't know
whether it's his kiss that was so good or it's just that kissing on lips are
usually good.

'Hey' Came Sophia's voice, which pulled me from my trance.

'Hey' I said back. She had a affogato in her hand.

'I'll take it that your not a party person' she said

'Yes, never went to a party before' I said, taking a scoop of my ice cream.

'I've attended many like these and not be mistaken that all parties are like this.
I'll definitely show you what a real party is one day' she said in a cheerfully

'Thanks but I doubt I will like it'

'Oh, you'll love it, Rose' Seth assured.

'So, how did you enjoy your shashlik?' I asked in a say tone for which Sophia
laughed out loud.

'It was better than I expected' she replied.

We finished our dessert and sat in a long seat we found in the veranda.

'I saw you and Turner' I said out of blue. Her ears turned pink.

'I didn't mean to intrude but he doesn't seem good to me' I quickly added, watching
her ears go darker shade of pink.

'Well, this is the first time I've met' she chuckled nervously 'I've seen him in
magazines, news and such. After meeting him finally, I think he's fascinating'

'Is it because of his looks?' I asked because clearly the guy has only that
quality. His eyes are blue, just like his father which is enough to attract the
whole female population and with the help of gym or steroids, the boy got some
muscles to show off.

'It's not just that. You know the the feeling where you see a person and
immediately feel attracted to them?' she asked, I nodded 'Yeah, that's how it is.
Nothing more'

'Nothing more?' I asked, raising my brow.

'Nothing more' she chuckled, slapping my arm 'The Crawfords are stupid and selfish.
I can never fall for Turner. Aron will kill him' She said, her voice going low as
she said the last line.

A pregnant silence fell upon us. I watched the cloudy night sky with no stars and
moon in them.

'Nice dance, by the way' Said Sophia.

This time it was my turn to go pink.

I turned to see her giving me a knowing smile.

'I didn't mean to kiss him. They were all clinking their glasses and Nicholas said—

'It was romantic. Truly romantic' she said.


'Listen, Rose, I don't know what he said to you and what you both were feeling that
moment. All I know is if you both wouldn't have kissed, I would have banged my head
on a nearby wall and died' She said seriously.

I looked at her for a second, and her lips turned up into a smile and soon we were

Oh my God, they finally had their first kiss!

Chapter 12 - Chapter-11

It's been five days. Five days and six nights since Nicholas helped me and I still
haven't got a word from him whether they are still behind me or not. Last night
after returning from the party, everyone hit the bed, too tired to even utter a
word while I stayed awake.

I was drowned into my memory lane, 20 years of living my father alone. Once I step
out of this house, I'm going straight to my father. I have a lot of questions that
needs to be answered by him whether he likes it or not. And if he really, really
has any kind of emotion to me other than hatred, he will not inform Stark, but if
he confirms that there's no strings attached and tears down the remaining love and
respect I have on him, I'm never seeing that man ever again.

I cried the night, thinking of the times with my father and soon it was morning. I
took a shower, dressed up and went down to the kitchen. To my surprise, Irina was
there, preparing toast.

There were no maids around. It's just me and Irina.

I was about to turn around without making any noise.

'Come in, Rose' came Irina's voice.

I turned around to see her back still facing me. How did she know?

I walked quietly inside and she turned around with toast in a plate.

'Here' She shoved the plate in my hand and turned around, preparing some more.

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously looking at the plate. The silence between us is
becoming heavy and intensifying.

'I spoke to Stark last night' said Irina.

I quickly placed my plate on the dining table and made my way to her.

'And?' I asked.

'I asked him about you' she said.

I turned cold. I felt my heart beat increasing as I stared down at her. Noticing my
silence, she placed the knife down and looked up. Her eyes are empty.

'You lied' She said.

My voice seem to be forgotten to help me out as I tried to talk. Her expression was
hurt and I know I screwed it up.

'Leia, right? Or should I call you Rose?' She snorted 'My son saved you, I let you
live in my house and this is how you repay us?'

I head hung low shamefully. I didn't mean for her to find out. I just wanted to go
away from here.

'Tell me, Leia, what was the necessity to lie?' she asked softly.

'I didn't mean to, Irina. I was just worried and...and scared that you might send
me back. Also, how can I tell you that my own father...' I couldn't say it. I just
couldn't. My eyes filled with unshed tears making my sight blurry. Irina's eyes
softened but her stare remained intact.

'Whatever it might be, you shouldn't have lied to me, to us. What will my son think
if he comes to know what you've done?' she asked sternly.

'Irina...Nicholas knows everything' I said, making her eyes go wide 'And...not just
Nicholas. A-Aron and even Nicholas's father knew about this right from the

Irina looked at me with a shock filled expression. She let out a angry sigh and ran
her hand through her face.

'So, it was just Sophia and me who didn't know about this?'

'Yes' I said.

'Stark told me you were the highest bidding that night and you ran away. He
searched you for two days and then finally let it go' she said.

I was speechless. Two days! While I stayed her for five days without knowing about
this. Why didn't Nicholas tell me?

'It's very rare that women escape Stark's place, it's not very easy. You were the
second girl who succeeded. He's not after you and you are totally out of danger'
She said, folding her arms in front and giving me her stern look.

'Well, I must go then' I said.

'Very well. Boris will be here in any minute, be ready' she said and went back to
her work.

I'm leaving. Literally and figuratively. I felt happiness swelling in me but also

'Irina I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of this to happen. I'm sorry that I lied—

'No, Leia, I'm sorry that I let you live under my roof. Stark is our family and yet
I let you to be here, and all the while you were lying!' she raised her voice, her
hands trembling aside.

'But I have my reasons' I shot back.

'What reasons? That your filthy, inhumane father sold you to a prostitution?' She
spit out.

I looked at her devastated. My tears started to fall down my cheek and I didn't
dare to stop them.

'How dare you?' my voice was a mere whisper.

'How dare you? You escape Stark's place, making him lose millions of dollars he
would have got if you were given to the man who bought you and then you somehow
managed to use my son to get away from there and live under my roof, eating my food
for these many days and then go around manipulating my son and kiss him in front of
everyone!' She screamed.

I looked aghast. Pulling myself up, I looked at her with so much rage.

'What Stark is doing for a living is illegal. You should be glad that I didn't go
to the cops. And about your son, I don't see why I need to manipulate him. I'm not
interested in any such thing' I said as calmly as possible.

We both stared at each other with intense anger. If looks could kill, I'd be dead
by now.

'What's happening here?' Sophia's voice made us both look away from each other.
Her hair is in a messy bun and she's in her night wear.

'Nothing, Sophia. She's just leaving now' Irina said.

'Leaving where?' asked Sophia as she entered the kitchen, confusion settling in her
eyes as she saw my tear strained face and Irina's trembling self.

'Stark is no longer after her. She's free now' Irina said.

Sophia passed me a knowing look and a soft smile.

'Can you please check whether Boris has arrived, darling?' Irina asked sweetly.
Sophia nodded her head and left the kitchen.

'I didn't mean any of this to happen, Irina. I'm sorry for everything I've done,
forgive me if you can' With that I walked out of the kitchen, not waiting for her

I was about to climb the stairs and go back the room I was provided but then again,
what's the use? I have nothing to pack because I had nothing with me when I came
here. I came in wearing a dress that exposed me so much and I'm not wearing it

I turned around and walked out of the home. I saw Sophia talking to Boris, the

'Hey' I said when I reached them.

'You're leaving without saying goodbye to Nicholas and the others? That's rude' she
accused harshly.

'Well, they are asleep. Tell them I said goodbye' I said, not having the courage to
look her in the eye. She was about to speak, but Boris interrupted.

'I'll go start the car' Boris said and left us alone.


'Leia. My name is Leia' I said and walked passed her.

Once I got into the car, I saw Sophia still in the same spot looking at me with
hurtful eyes and confusion. Just when Boris revived the engine, Irina walked out
and stood near the door. We were out of the gate within no time, my eyes never
leaving Irina until she left my sight.

Boris asked me where to go and I gave him my house address. I can't believe I'm
finally out of that house. In the past five days, a lot of things has happened in
that house and I got used to the new place. Now that I'm on my own, I think about
my father and a list of dreadful thoughts consume my mind. He's the only family I
got. I don't want to lose him too. I'm so angry at him for putting me in such a
mess but what hurts me is his last words he spoke before handing me over to Stark.

The car came to a sudden stop before Boris killed the engine. I looked out of the
window to see we've arrived at the right place. I felt my heart constrict as I saw
the house I lived in with my father for so many years now. The morning fog hasn't
cleared up and the air was quiet chilly when I got down from the car. The street is
silent, and calm. I saw the house next to mine. The newspaper is still lying
outside, guess Aunt May hasn't woken up yet. I saw her garden blooming with
colorful flowers.

'Shall I leave, ma'am?' Boris voice made me look away from Aunt May's home and turn
towards Boris.

I reconsidered his permission. I don't know how my father is going to react and I
definitely don't want him to sell me again. Boris looks strong enough, and well
capable to tackle my father. After what my father did, I don't think it's the best
to trust him, at least not before knowing his intentions behind the action.

'Can you please wait here for a minute?' I asked. Boris nodded and walked towards
my house.

The grass has not mowed and the plants are all gone. The couch and pots in the
porch is also not there. The whole area looks barren. When I reached the door, I
quickly saw Boris leaning of the car watching me with his arms folded in front.

'Boris is here and I can handle my father'

I took a deep breath and rang the bell. I waited for a second listening for any
noise from inside, but none. I rang the bell again. Again. And again.

I didn't hear dad's voice, I heard nothing. I was greeted with absolute silence.

I ran towards Aunt May's house ignoring Boris curious look.

I rang the bell twice and I heard Aunt May's voice. The door opened and my I smiled
widely at the woman in her night dress with sleepy eyes. Aunt May's eyes widened in
shock and then she burst out in happiness.

'Oh, my. Leia!' she hugged me. God, I missed her so much.

'Aunt May, I missed you so much' I kissed her cheek.

'Me too, darling. Me too. Come on in'

'Aunt May, dad is not at home' I asked.

She looked at me nervously.

'He sold the house' she said softly.

The shock was evident on my face. He sold the house?

'I understand if your father hasn't told you about this' she said, her voice full
of concern 'He didn't want you to know, you see. He did everything he can to save
money but couldn't and that's why he had to sell the house. I don't know what he
told you but I can't lie to you, Leia. Just don't be harsh on your father, he did
this only to pay your fee. I'm so happy that your finally living your dreams' she
said with a smile on her face.

I was about to reply but then she spotted Boris.

'Is that man your boyfriend?' she asked.

'No, no, Aunt May. He just came to drop me off' I said quickly, my mind still
registering on what she told before about fee and dreams.

'That doesn't look like a taxi. Was it provided by the institute you're working
in?' she asked.

I tried to act normal and understand the whole situation but I was failing

'Yeah, it is, Aunt May' I replied.

'I'm so happy for you. I did some browsing on the musical institute your father
told me about and I dare say I was not impressed. I'm so glad you didn't decline
their offer'

Okay, that explains a little on what my father has fed her when I was not here.

'Aunt May I will just be back, okay? I need to send him off' I said.

Once she was out of sight, I jogged back to Boris.

'Is there any problem?' He asked.

'No, you can go. Thank you'

He gave a curt nod and left.

* * *


'Lee can you take table four? I've already got three on my list' Said Bella as she
took two trays in her hands.

'Sure, Bells' I replied and she left the kitchen after taking spoons in the trays.

Beetle Bee Cafe is situated at the heart Moscow, owned by Laura, a single mother of
two boys, George and Jordan. George in his high school whereas Jordan in primary.

The Cafe becomes busy at the evenings and I decided to have my shift at the
evenings while I worked in the Russian Community of Dance and Music at the day

When I visited Marie, she told me the same story as Aunt May. Apparently, Dad has
told them that he sent a letter to one of the finest musical art institutes in
Texas about my fine work with a CD of my work attached and they immediately
selected me. Dad sold the house in order to pay the humongous fee.

I had to applaud for such a convincing lie, because I had to work hard in making
them believe that it wasn't good in Texas and that father who already got the job
there, didn't want leave yet. So, I decided to come back and live my life while he
decided to work there.

Marie believed me because she has known me throughout my life. She has seen how I
never crossed my father's words and lived the life I dreamed of. Now she's so happy
that I'm finally doing it.

Convincing Aunt May was even more easier. All she wishes is for me to be happy.

I brought a small apartment which is close to both my work place with the help of
Marie. I need to pay back her money even if she said it's fine.

Two weeks went by too fast in finding an apartment, and a Cafe. I checked at
father's work place, Rings & Roses where he use to work as an event coordinator.
The manager said he left his job a week ago, the day he sold me.

It looks like he has totally planned up. Sell me, sell the house and leave the job.
It feels like something is definitely missing or something that I'm not able to
understand or see.

What is he thinking or doing? And where is he now?

I had no time to weep since doubts and curiosity takes most of time while the rest
of time I spend in making myself busy at work. But every night when I hit my bed, I
can't push away the lonely feeling that starts creeping my way, eating the little
peace I have.

'Lee?' Came Bella's voice, her head peering inside.

'Table four?'

'Right. I'm on it'

I quickly took the notepad and left the kitchen. The Cafe is totally filled with
talks, laugher and noise. The Cafe has a vintage taste with dim lights, and wooden
chairs. After taking the order, I quickly informed Sara to prepare casserole as
she's the best in it and prepared the rest of the order.

It went like this for another hour and I was totally tired. When the closing hour
arrived, Bella initiated to close up the Cafe while the rest of us left. My
apartment is just few minutes walk, so when I entered my home, I hit the bed.

Chapter 13 - Chapter-12

When I was around twelve years old, a weird couple bought a house opposite to ours.
I call them weird because they were indeed weird. The man was two inch shorter than
his wife and they had a son who was round as a pumpkin. Unfortunately, he was of my
age and we shared the same school, same class. He made sure to finish his lunch as
well as mine and most frequently I didn't have a problem because my father's a bad
cook. The boy, Liam and his father had a habit of jogging in their yard around five
in the evening with nothing but undies and the woman would make them carrot juice
everyday after their jogging. It's really difficult to believe but I had seen it
for the three years.

Liam use to take away my homework and that would make me visit their home. Liam's
mother, a peculiar woman, with a really long nose gave me coffee with peanuts in
it. She also offered me peanut cookies and there was a peanut painting on the wall
and a golden peanut on the shelf. I've never seen a person with so much love for
peanuts. Liam's father was a plumber and in the beginning if there was any pipe
problem in the houses, people use to come to him which was the great mistake. I
remember in one the houses there was a problem in the toilet shower and Liam's
father was called and he made the problem worst. I don't know what he did but the
person who went to shower, after the work was done, came out screaming that the
shower head fell on him and the whole toilet was flooded. There were two more
incidents like that and everyone in the street stopped asking him for help.
They sold the house and went away to their native after three years.

When I thought I would never ever meet the Pumpkin Liam in my life again, there he
sat in table four with his friends. But he doesn't look anything like the Liam I
knew. He's not like a pumpkin and definitely not shorter than me.

His eyes caught me offguard and confusion was replaced with realisation and

'LEIA!' He screamed making all heads turn towards our direction while I glared at


Can't this man stop screaming?

I quickly covered the distance with long strides ignoring everyone, including his

'It's my bubbly bunny bear, isn't it?' He said and in a swift move I was crushed
into his body.

'Cool-that-you-remember-that name' I struggled for words as he was crushing me with

his hug.

'Liam' I patted his back and released he me from his grip but still had his arms at
my sides.

Seeing him in this closeup, me eyes wondered over his face, memorizing his
features. His blue orbs are twinkling with happiness and his thick lips are curved
into a wide smile.

'Oh, look at you' he said 'you've grown into a beautiful woman'

I felt my face heating up.

'It's good to see you too, pumpkin' I said, making him smirk.

'That's rude, doll face. I worked on this for ten years just to impress you' he
just, gesturing him manly body.

'Well, I must say I'm impressed' Sarcasm became my best friend when he came into my
life, so he can't blame me.

'Well, come on, sit' he said.

'No, I'm on duty' I said.

'Just few minutes, Leia'

'No, I-' I heard my name being called from the counter 'Shift ends at ten, okay?' I
said and sprinted even before listening to his answer.

Sara raised her eyebrows at me.

'Who's that hot stuff?' She asked.

'He's an old friend. I'm seeing him after years' I replied.

'Is he single?'


'Oh, come on, he's hot' she said.

'Believe me, you haven't seen the twelve year him' I chuckled.

'I thought I'll become a twevele year in his bed' she wiggled her hair, trying to
be sexy but I just gave her a weird look.

'You had a breakup last week' I said.

'He was shit' her face turned serious for a second 'I gave everything of me but he
was being a dick. I realised he doesn't deserve the great Sara Susan' she said in a
sassy way.

I continued my work, pushing Liam out of head my.

I thought he must have gone, because after a while I saw his table empty. I did
feel disappointed. I saw him after ten years and I had loads to talk about to him
and also ask him a lot of questions.

But when my shift was over, he was waiting outside the cafe with a long coat on
with his hands in the coat pockets.

He looked dashing with his six foot height and charming smile on his face.

Still Nicholas was the to take my breath away.

I quickly pushed Nicholas out of mind and smiled at Liam.

'I thought you went' I said.

'I would have, if you hadn't told me when your shift ends'

'God, you''re charming me' I said.

'Anndd, it's working'

I chuckled.

'Where do you stay, Leia?'

'Just a few streets far' I said as he walked together in lonely road.

'Dinner?' He asked.

'I've to go prepare'

'Come on, I'll take you to a restaurant'

'What? No. No, it's alright' I said.

'Oh come on, Leia. I know a restaurant that's open till 12 and it's just by the end
of this road'

'Sandwiches and Bacons?' I asked.

'Yeah, that's the name of the restaurant. You've gone there?' He asked.

'Yeah, the food there is-

'Awesome' he finished it for me.

'Yeah. Looks like you've been here for a long time. When did you return from
London?' I asked.

'Not so long. It's been a month now. I finished my degree in computers and decided
to finish masters here' he said.

'Why here?' I asked.

'It was friends idea. We wanted to earn as well as study all by ourselves. Being at
home might feel a little edgy, you know. Enough of me, tell me what are you doing?'
He asked.

'I got two jobs. A piano master by day, and worker in cafe by night. Nothing
interesting to tell'

'That's great. I remember how you've always wanted to master in piano. You'll have
a great opportunity in London, you must apply'

'Nah, I'm good. I'm happy with whatever I have'

He nodded in reply.

'Hey, how's your father? Gabriel, right?'

I felt my smile dropping.

'We've reached' I said and walked towards Sandwiches and Bacons 'Lamb sandwich is
the best here'

'I know'

* * *

Liam and I became like the same twelve year old best friends. Apart from Marie, I
got Liam who calls me often to talk.

He took me to his place where he lives with his four other friends and introduced
me to them. They were sweet, just like him.

He even came to my work place in the morning and all girls were trying to impress
him with their dance moves. Marie had a difficult time in chasing him out when
girls and boys wouldn't stop talking to him, forgetting for what they have come. I
must say, Marie and Liam went along too well.

Being with Liam made me forget my problems momentarily. And as the day passed, the
pain and problems became lesser and lesser until it stayed in my heart as a scar.

I didn't see Nicholas or his family again. It feels like they don't even exist.
Dad, although I searched him in all the possible places, the possibilities of
finding his whereabouts were zero for one.

As I got both my salaries I decided to do some home shopping as they lack very
badly at my home. When Liam visited my home, he was shocked to see it barren which
hardly had few vessels, a couch, an old tv and a bed that I got from Marie. She
gave whatever she had in her guest room and her old stove and few vessels.

Liam didn't say anything rude and made himself home, which washed away all my

I bought kitchen items and groceries before Liam complained like a baby that's he's
hungry. It's around noon and even my stomach growled in response.

We found a cozy restaurant to feed ourselves.

'It was fun with you, Leia' said Liam. I swallowed my food before responding.

'The day hasn't ended yet'

'Yeah, right. So, where after lunch?'

'Home. I think these are enough for now. Kitchen items were essential, I couldn't
even make a damn toast without the toaster. I need the rest of money to run other
errands of the month. Next month will be furniture shopping, hopefully' I said.

'Do call me anytime. I'm here to help you' he said.

'Thank you so much for coming today. I would have asked Marie to come along but she
had other plans with her husband and I didn't want her to leave that behind'

'Well, I'm glad you called me and not her.. She's pain in the ass, I pity her

'That's rude, Liam. Marie is good. You just happen to hate her' I narrowed my eyes
at him.

'I don't hate her. It's just that she's too commanding and loud and damn annoying'
he exaggerated 'I don't even understand how you're friends with her'

'I know her for the past six years. She's truly a good friend, so stop judging her'
I said.

'Alright, cool'

We continued eating our lunch, talking about anything and everything. Most of them
were about our childhood, how he use to eat his friends lunch and he use prank

'And remember I puked on Mrs. Linda?' He said.

'I do! I really that teacher so much. It was so disgusting'

'You can't blame me, I was sick and she was questioning me lot' he retorted.

'That's because all your absent records have the same reason and she once caught
you playing in a park with your friends while the absent record said you were on
bed rest due to severe fever' I giggled.

'And she didn't believe when I really fell sick and was questioning so much and I
couldn't even talk much. Ended up puking her at last'

I laughed so much throughout the lunch and had to apologise when I was loud and
some of them looked at us.
'We should be going. All your items will be delivered by evening, should be at

Liam paid the bill even when I insisted to at least share the bill and left the

I looking was looking around when my eyes fell on a particular building, more like
a familiar building with Dell Amore Food written I'm fancy. It's the same hotel
image I saw at Nicholas home when I entered into a room and opened a document I
found on a table. Before I could go through it, Sophia entered and told me never to
enter that room. I didn't know at that time that Nicholas and his family were
Mafia, so the image of the hotel was nothing but a hotel. Now that I'm lively
looking at it, I can't help but wonder what connection does Nicholas have with his
Hotel. Surely, it's not something legal.

I still can't believe that a criminal saved me and I made it out of his home alive.

And I still can't believe that criminals and Mafia can be so decent, professional
and high class. I should stop believing in movies much.

'What you looking at?' Liam's voice me tear my eyes from the hotel.

'Oh, Dell Amore' he said looking at what I was seeing.

'I went there once. Shitty food, high price. Bloody five star hotels. Road side
food and cozy restaurants are much better' he said 'Come on, hop in now'

I gave the hotel a final glance and was about to hop in his bike when my eyes fell
on someone.

I stood rooted to spot when I saw that it was none other than my father. He was
wearing a black suit, just like the one he was wearing on the day he sold me to
Stark. He looks so different. He was marching swiftly towards Dell Amore Foods.

'Liam, want here. I'll be back' I said and sprinted towards the hotel.

'Leia, wait!'

I didn't stop, I didn't even turn around. I ran towards the hotel and slowed down
when I reached. I don't want these people to think that I'm a suicide bomb that has
come to blast their five star hotel because they don't cook good food.

My palms became sweaty and my breathing became heavier as I followed my father

carefully into the hotel.

The interior was vast of rich bit my eyes immediately cake back to my father. He
passed the dinning area and took a lift. I stood far and hidden. Once he got inside
the elevator and the doors closed, I made a ran for the stairs. I checked each
floor's number and saw the people getting down before making a run for another
floor when I saw my dad not coming out of the elevator.

Finally, after running floors after floors, he finally got out of the elevator. I
hid myself near the staircase and watched him till he was out of my sight.

I came out and saw the hallway empty. Damn, I lost him!

I quickly checked in every direction searching for him but the hall is just empty.
All the rooms are closed and there's no one around.
I ran the other side, which showed a long hall way with just rooms. Either he must
be in one of these rooms or in the other hallway rooms I lost him.

When I came back to the same spot where I lost him, I waited for few seconds,
waiting for him to show up magically. When the hallway remained deserted, I finally
decided to leave. I was about to make a move when I saw a man coming out of a room.
His head is bent low to his phone but I could easily recognise it's Nicholas. I
quickly hid myself. The footsteps became louder as he came closer and finally
crossed my side.

I don't want to face him. His mother insulted me enough, I can only image how he
might look at me and I'm not ready to face that shame. I watched his back till he
disappeared from my sight.

I came out and found myself walking the same way Nicholas came. The elevator is
right in the end of the hallway. I don't know which floor this is but I'm very much
sure that it must be more than five and I'm clearly not ready for another marathon.

I passed the room Nicholas came out from and saw it open. I know it ain't good to
intrude but curiosity takes the best of everyone.

I seeped through the little space and pushed the door open.

My breathe hitched and my hand flung to my mouth, muffling my screams. I took

several steps back and slipped and fell on the floor. Tears strung my tears and I
started to cry.

Inside was a man lying on the bed with a hole on his forehead. Blood was leaking
through the hole and his eyes were wide open in terror.

I wiped my tears away and stumbled back to my feet. After looking everywhere, I
made a run to the stairs.

My tears wouldn't stop and my hands were constantly wiping the tears as I walked
fast and ran out the hotel, ultimately.

Nicholas killed him!

'Leia' a hand came to my right shoulder.

I shuddered in fear and removed the hand that touched my shoulder, turning around.

'Hey, it's alright, it's me, Leia, Liam'

He looked aghast and kept his hands in front in a surrender manner.

'Oh, Liam' I crushed myself on him and he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

'Hey, it's alright. It's alright. Wanna talk about it?' He asked. I shook my head
as a no in his chest and he didn't stress the matter.

I followed Liam and without further question he rode the bike to my home.

'You want me to stay?' He asked.

'Yes, please'

I locked myself in the bathroom and opened the shower. The cold water did nothing
in calming and diverting my mind from what I saw.

I choked back a sob, my hot tears immersing with the cold water. I don't know wht
was that man and why Nicholas killed him but what I know is our death isn't in
someone else's hand.

The loud knock jolted me in fear. I switched off the shower and waited. I heard
shuffling and Liam's talks. Quickly slipping removing my wet clothes and wrapping a
bathrobe around my frame, I walked out.

I saw two ken bring package after package. Liam smiled at me.

'All your kitchen items' he said. I nodded in return and went back to put some

Liam helped me in freestanding all the items which made me relax and be at ease. He
didn't talk about it and I was grateful for that. I had a strong urge to call up
the police but then what?

Nicholas is a part of mafia. His father is the Capo and things will take an ugly
turn if I interfere in something I shouldn't. The man should either be his enemy of
a victim to his malicious act. I haven't seen the worst side of Nicholas and I'd
like to keep it that way by staying far, very far from him and his family.

'Looks good, right?'

'Hm? Oh, yeah. Perfect' I said looking at the kitchen. It finally looks like a
kitchen with all the kitchenware.

'Anything else?' Liam asked.

'No, that's it. Thank you for today' I hugged him.

'Anytime, bunny' he tapped my back.

After Liam was gone, I locked the door and closed the windows. The home looks
suddenly scary and I felt like calling Liam to come back and stay the night.

I switched on the tv, kept some melody music and started cooking dinner, trying the
hardest to not over imagine unrealistic events around me.

Filling my bowl with spaghetti and chopped onions, I took the ketchup and walked
over the couch.

I kept changing the channels, searching for news that said anything about the
murder but there was none. I felt confusion settle over my features. Keeping some
random channel, I went on eating my food.

* * *

I felt the air leaving my lungs as I tried hard to take in breaths. My hand is
scratching my throat and in a spilt second I started feeling the numbness of the
body washing away and jolted awake on the bed.

I took volumes of air through my mouth, calming myself.

It was dream. A bad dream, that's all.

I kept repeating those words in my head like a mantra.

I had a dream of that dead man walking over me and choking my throat. What more
horrible was that, puddles of blood was leaking through his bullet hole.

Switching on the bed side lamp, I went for the water but the bottle was empty.
Taking the bottle in my hand, I slowly walked to the kitchen. I felt chill air hit
the side of my face while I was filling water and I quickly turned towards that

The wind was blowing through the open window that made the curtains to fly.

I remember closing all the doors and windows. My blood went cold.

I quickly closed the tap and took a knife in my hand. It's totally dark and all I
can see is vague outlines with the help of the moonlight coming from the window.

I had the knife held high as I approached the window, taking seach step cautiously.
My hand is trembling and beads of perspiration are tingling down the side of my
face. When I was just feet away from the window, the doorbell ran loudly.

The knife dropped and fell on the ground with a loud crack. My eyes went to the
main that looks like dangerous door to me.

The bell rang again and again and I closed my mouth with both my hands. Then all of
a sudden someone started to bang on the door. I quickly ran to my bedroom and
locked the door.

My eyes searched everywhere for my phone and I saw it vibrating under the blanket.
There's an unknown number calling and I realised that the banging had stopped. I
didn't pick up.

The number started to ring again and I held it tight, waiting for it to go off

Once the call ended, I got a message notification.

I quickly unlocked the phone and saw it's the message from the same unknown number
that called me just now.

Open the door, Leia. It's me Nicholas.


Hope your Christmas is going awesome till now! Mine is good too!

Chapter 14 - Chapter-13
There are all types of love in this world but never the same love twice.

F. Scott Fitzgerald.


Alright, so some of my lovely readers asked for an update as my new year gift to
you'll and I couldn't ignore. So enjoy lovelies!

I felt the blood drain out of my face.

A part of me is glad that it's Nicholas but a major part me is trembling with fear.
How does he even know that I live here?

He didn't even see me in the hotel. His head was cast down to his phone. The only
way is the cctv of the hotel.

The banging started again and this time it was furiously loud. My phone vibrated
with a message again.

"I can get through the window I opened. Open the door right away, Leia"

The banging didn't stop. With a deep breath, I walked to the door.

Keeping in mind the image of the kiss we shared, I unlocked the door.

He stopped banging.

I opened the door slowly.

I only saw the silhouette of his before he pushed me in, trapping me to the wall
and covered my mouth with his hand.

It was so quick that it took my breath away. His face is incredibly close. His
locks are falling in front of his face and his eyes are hard as he stared down at

'What were you doing in that hotel today?' His voice was hard.

My eyes widened in fear. He knows!

Damn the cctv!

'Don't you dare make a sound' he warned before removing his hand from my mouth.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm down but it was of no use when I looked back
into his eyes.

They were empty.

I pushed him hard and ran towards my bedroom. He stumbled back at the surprised
blow but steadied himself before coming after me.

He was so fast and within no time his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me

'Let me go!' I screamed.

Nicholas lifted me up and threw on the bed.

The next thing I know is he's laying on me with a knife pressed to my throat.

'Make one move and I'll slit your throat, that's a promise, Leia' he said.

My eyes watered and I chocked back a sob. He doesn't look like the Nicholas I saw
and definitely not the Nicholas I had my first kiss with.
'Tell me what you were doing in that hotel and I'll leave right away' he said.

'M-Murderer! You murdered him' I said. I didn't stop my tears as the started pool
around my sides.

Nicholas eyebrows scrunched together. He removed the knife from my throat and got
up from me. He pulled my arm roughly to make me sit.

He got up the bed and started to pace.

I cried quietly, wiping my tears continuously.

'What were you doing there, Leia?' The impatient in his voice didn't go unnoticed.

'I was after my father' I said softly. When I looked at him, he was staring at me
with his arms folded in front.

'Your father?'

'Yes, my father. When I came back from your place, I went directly to the house I
lived in with my father but he had sold it and disappeared after feeding lies about
me to my neighbour and friend' I said with much ease this time.

He stared hard at me. I don't know whether he's confused or just thinking.

'The cctv is wiped out for eight minutes. That's the exact timing the murder took
place and later it's all blank' said Nicholas.

'Nicholas, I swear I will not open my mouth when the Cops arrive. I know what you
are and what you do for living. I'm not going to judge and I'm definitely not going
to complain on you' I said desperately.

'Will you shut it? I didn't kill him. I had a meeting with him' he said.

I looked surprised at him.

'You...didn't kill him?' I asked.

'No. He's one of the main business partners. We had a meeting. When I entered the
room, he was shot dead' said Nicholas.

I felt guilt wash over my features. He didn't kill him.

'Why should I believe you?' I looked accusingly.

'Why wouldn't you, Rose?' He smirked. For the first time I saw his eyes holding

'Then why did you come here?' I asked.

His expression changed harder than before and the smirk vanished faster than it
arrived. He took a step forward and my hands clutched the duvet.

He started walking towards me, slowly. His eyes were like a predator.

When he reached me, he sat down on one knee, his eyes leveling mine.

His hand came up, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I released a breathe when
his . hand touched my skin.

'Look at you. Messy hair, sleepy eyes and yet you look pretty' his voice was soft.

I felt my cheeks burning up and my hands automatically wiped my chin. He chuckled

before facing me with his cruel look.

'His name was Benjamin Dell' he said.

'The owner of-

'Dell hotels and a great rivalry of Crawfords? Yeah, it was him' he finished.

It was the Benjamin Dell. How didn't I recognize him? Of course, he's the great
rivalry to the Crawfords and has hotels all around the globe.

'One thing you should know about businessmen, Leia, is that they are not gentlemen.
When it comes to business they are worst than anyone in this planet. They are the
ones who rule. Hotels weren't just his business, they wear many illegal ones. He
called me to talk about one of those illegal business he shares with me' he said,
all the while looking at me.

It's so intimidating to have him this close that I even took my breath slowly.

'You think Crawford must have killed him?' I asked softly.

Nicholas chuckled, shaking his head as no.

'He didn't but the bastard will be happy that he's gone now'

'Then why are you here, Nicholas?' I asked the question again.

He took a deep breathe before looking at me back.

'He was just a business partner to me. But do you know who he was to you?' He

I looked alarm, already knowing something is wrong.

'He was the man who paid 20 million dollars and bought you at Stark's place' he

My eyes widened in utter shock and disappointment. That man had a wife and children
who are older than me! I've seen him in the magazines and newspaper, he didn't seem
to look like a man Nicholas is describing. He was nothing but a gentleman. I
reclaimed my composure and looked Nicholas who was watching me curiously.

'What does that got to do now?' I asked sternly.

He gave a crooked smile before getting up and setting his tux.

'You see Leia, the footage is gone for eight minutes, that is it shows whatever
happened eight minutes ago and then skips the time to footage for whatever that
took place after eight minutes, but be with me, it again goes blank after few
seconds and never cokea back. The footage contains me walking out and you coming
out of the hiding and interuppting a dead man's privacy and having a breakdown in
the hallway before sprinting out of the hotel. The footage stays for few seconds
and them everything goes blank again. And it's not yet found whether he used a
jammer or he stole the footage. If he had stolen the footage, it's evident that he
must have seen you. If he has seen you, that means he'll come for you because it
might be possible that you've seen him'

I felt the color drain out of my face. Never I'm giving into my curiosity again.

'But I have no hand in this' my voice sounded so desperate and I didn't care at

I didn't ask for any of this.

'I know. The moment I saw the footage, I came to your place' he said 'Did you by
any chance see the killer?'

'No. I saw no one'

'What about your father? Did you find him?' He asked.

'Well, no...' I said, awkwardly.

'What's his name?'

'Gabriele. Gabriele Ferrari'

'Why did he sell you, Leia?'

That made me narrow my eyes at him.

'You're under my roof and you got no right to ask any personal questions' I

I expected him to rage out but he remained calm and collected which only made me
nervous under his exotic eyes.

'You don't look like a spoilt brat who brings trouble home every night. You don't
even look like a woman that gets laid every night with zillion number of men just
for money or personal pleasure. So, kindly humor me why your father sold you' there
he hit me back for my backfire.

Words with words.

My face frowned at his choice was words that came out of his mouth with ease. None
of them are true and yet I found it disgusting to hear to those.

'I don't know. I don't know why he put me in so much trouble. He was screaming that
he wanted a son,' I controlled my tears and said the truth to him. I heard
him take a deep breath before replying.

'I will come back in the morning and I want you to be ready by then. I'll take you
to the hotel to see the footage and you will identify your father and let me know,
understood?' he said.

'But why? Are you doubting him?' I looked agast 'I swear he's not capable of
killing anyone, Nicholas'

'You even thought he's not capable of selling you, Leia' he spit back which made me
flinch at his tone.

'Just be ready' he said and walked out of the room with my following close.
When he stepped out of the door, he turned around.

'Save my number. Call me if there's any problem' he said.

'Wait' he stopped mad turned back.

'What?' He asked.

'Why didn't you enter through the window?' I asked.

'I did. You just didn't know'

With that said, he turned hot on his heels and disappeared in the staircase.

I didn't sleep the rest of the night. I just couldn't. I locked the windows and
switched on all the lights and sat with the tv on and my phone right next to me.
The conversation with Nicholas was occupied in my mind.

I couldn't help but think that it wouldn have been romantic if he came at this
hour, totally for a different purpose.

I don't understand what excuse I'm going to come up with for not going to work this
morning. Marie will definitely call me a million times and also crash at my place
when I don't apear at work. I don't know what I'm going to tell her.

When the dawn appeared, I quickly had a hot bath and got ready before preparing
breakfast. Right wine the bread popped up from the toaster, the doorbell rang.
Removing the bread and putting it in a plate, I went to get the door.

I stared the hot man in front of me for a long second before opening the door wide
for hiking to get in. He had worn a black suit, just like today morning's. His eyes
wandered to my tiny apartment before facing me.

'Ready?' He asked with straight eyes.

I can't believe I had my first kiss with this bastard.

'Yes. Just one sec' I walked to the kitchen.

'I'll be in the parking lot' he said and went away without even waiting for my

Will it hurt to sit for a second? Does he have so much pride over his filth money?

I quickly applied butter and jam in four slices of bread before pairing them as two
and wrapping with some tissue.

Grabbing my phone and handbag, I locked the home and took the stairs to reach the

Nicholas was leaning on his car with a phone in his hand. He looked up when he
heard my footsteps.

I might usually look dumb with mouth of bread but I didn't find it odd.

He slipped the phone in his pocket before opening the door for me. Such a
gentleman. The same gentleman who had a knife on my throat this morning.

I murmured a thanks and buckled up. He quickly took off to the hotel while I t
eating my toast. The silent was calm and no one disturbed it.

When we reached the hotel, I got down quickly and followed Nicholas close behind.
My hands started to tremble I saw the same path I followed my father only to
witness a murdered man. Nicholas took a sharp right and my eyes were looking top at
the hallway.

The man in white suit wished Nicholas mad me before taking us into the footage
room. Nicholas made me sit down next to a man who was searching for the footage.
When he got what he was searching for, he turned to the man in white suit and

'I want you to see it completely, Leia and identify who your father is, alright?'
He said. I nodded and the footage started to play.

There were just people walking and all of a sudden it changed to the time when I
came into picture and hid when I saw Nicholas. I felt like shrinking myself in the
seat when the worst of part of me crying and backing down came.

'Look close from here' said Nicholas and I did. I was walking so fast with my head
down mad didn't look around. Now that I'm seeing around myself, searching for my
father, I don't seem to find him. When I was out of the hotel, the video played for
few seconds and then I was able to see on the screen was darkness.

'No, he's not in this' said Nicholas.

'Try again' he said.

And I did before replying the same. He made me watch the video more than five
times. It starts with normal people walking around, then my scenes. It's just blank
for the eight minutes and that eight minutes includes me getting in and having a
marathon with the elevator as I checked in each floor to see whether my father got
out and till I stood in the middle of the hallway, when I lost him. All of it is

'No, Nicholas. My father is not in this video' I said with a hint annoyance.
Nicholas seemed to notice that as he asked the man to close the footage and made
his way out of the room.

I quickly followed him.

'How's that possible? Everything goes blank later' I said.

'Even I don't know, Leia. If he had used a jammer, it must be blank from the
beginning. But it just skipped eight minutes which means the footage was stolen,
but then it goes blank after few seconds and never comes back until tomorrow. If my
theory is correct, he must have forgotten to use the jammer from the begining and
that's why he stole the part where he's in it. The only way it became blank is he
must have switched on the jammer and stayed the night in the hotel and left in the
morning with the jammer' he said which totally did make sense.

'My father would never-

'I don't think it's your father. There were so many people around while this
occurred. It would have been easy if only that particular hallway's cctv was gone,
but the huge problem is all the cctv is blank. All of them. I don't know what
highly classified device he used. I just thought you might have sensed someone,
anyone to be the murderer and seeing the footage might help you'
I felt better when he didn't accuse my father to the murderer anymore. I know it
was hard to believe when my father sold me but murder? Never. I've known him
throughout my life and he's just an event coordinator. I've seen the way he talks
to people. He had more acquaintance than enemies, I'm sure about that.

'I'm sorry for your loss' my voice was mere whisper.

He chuckled without any humor.

'No shit. He was a fucking bastard' I flinched at his tone 'Fit for nothing, always
wanted my empire, always jealous of my father and my family. If Crawford is a son
of a bitch, Dell is the bitch' he cursed.

'Then why did you make him your business partner?' I asked in an accusing way.

'Because he was good in the field' was all he answered.

'Wasn't he a threat your family?' I asked.

'He knew better than to fuck with my family' he was so rude.

'So, his death means nothing to you?' I asked.

Nicholas narrowed his eyes at me.

'He was no friend, no family, why would it affect me? In fact, I'm happy he's dead.
He was the regular customer to Stark. Bought hundreds of girls, made them his
slaves. The old man's dick was every ready for a young pussy. He use to gift girls
to his guards. He was a horrible man, Leia. You must be happy he's gone, but you
shed tears and even now you feel sorry for that bastard. I can see it in your eyes'
he said, staring into my eyes.

'Maybe you're right but every human deserves their respect-

'He respected no woman' he grit his teeth.


'Tell me one thing, Leia. If I wouldn't have helped you that night, they would have
definitely found you, then what you would have done when he finally got you?' He
turned around to face me as he asked with such determination.

'Well, I...I would have escaped him' I said truthfully.

'By then he would have raped you, tortured you, insulted you and even would have
gifted you to one his guards' he said harshly.

'How could you say that?!' I had my hands curled into fist as I felt my anger

'Because, I've seen it with my own fucking eyes' he stepped closer, daring me to do
anything foolish due to my rising anger.

'You are no less' I need to shut up 'You kill people. You're father is the most
wanted criminal and not a businessman. You run the Mafia, people fear you'll
because of your illegal and inhuman activites. So, you and him are the same to my

Nicholas just stared at me with his soulless eyes. When he spoke, his voice was
tremendously slow and soft.

'I told you that Stark is part of my family and we hide nothing with our family.
You honestly thought that I wouldn't have mentioned about you to Stark? Stark knew
everything from the night the guards saw you next to me in my car as they opened
the gates. They told their boss, I had a talk with him that night' he said.

I looked at him in disbelief. Stark knew!

'You bastard, you lied to me and kept me at your place for five days and six
nights! All along Stark knew I was at your place! You're mother accused me of
taking you for granted!' I shouted at him while he stayed calm.

I wanted to punch his handsome face, break his nose and do everything I can to hurt

'And you're mother felt offended when I lied to her! Well, she surely did teach
manners to her son, right?' I spit the words with rage.

'Shut up' he grit his teeth and pulled my arm, caging me in his warm arms. I
started wiggling which only made him tighten his hold.

'I was saving you from Benjamin' he spoke that made me stop and look at him.

'I didn't tell you the truth because the truth would've scared you. Tell me which
girl would like to here that she'll be tortured and raped, huh? I kept you in my
house and asked Stark to tell him that I took you away. By this Benjamin became
alarmed and waited for you to be thrown out so that he can take you back but when
he came to know that you were my date in Crawford's party and my family likes you,
he stopped his men from chasing you because he knew better than to mess with me. I
was about to tell you that you may go but then mother came to know everything
through Stark and things went out of my hand and you were gone'

My shoulders slumped in defeat and I felt guilt wash over me.


'I'll you drop you off' he roughly pulled me along with him and opened his car door
before pushing me in.

When he started the engine and hit the accelerator, I had to grip the sides for
support as he drove carelessly.

He looked furious and I feared to utter a word.

Within no time, we reached my place and the car came to an abrupt stop, making me
jerk forward and feel the seatbelt hold me tight. When I turned to him, he was
sitting stiffly with his knuckles white on the steering wheel. I got down and the
moment I closed the door, he took off swiftly.

I sighed and looked at the time. It's 8:30 which means I still got half another to
make it to my work.

I had to wait for ten minutes for the bus to arrive and then when I got down at my
stop and reached my work, the clock on the wall struck nine.

I quickly went towards my piano. I saw the students already waiting. They all
greeted me and I took my place in front of the keyboard and they tool their
position. The moment my fingers touched the keys, I seemed to forget whatever
happened this morning.

During lunch, Marie accompanied me to a small restaurant that's close by. Due to
Nicholas, I didn't have time to pack my tiffin.

'So, there's this event on Friday. Some rich man throwing a party for his wife,
who's turning 50' Marie started.

'Okay' I already know what's she gonna say.

'His wife love's piano music, so the man came to us asking for our best pianist. I
told you, of course. I've spoken everything, the payment is truly good and you've
got 30 to 45 minutes of playing time' she said.

'Yeah, I'll do it' I said without even lifting my head from food.

Hey lovely people! How was the chapter?

The coming chapters are going to twist your mind, so be ready!

Also, I put forward a question on my board that how my readers came across my
works, Lost or HP. Many replied that it was in their recommendation list and some
said that their friend recommended. So, tell me how did you'll come across my

Chapter 15 - Chapter-14
Okay, this is more like a filler chapter but trust me, it had to be done before we
get into real deep shit.


Later in the evening, I was preoccupied in the cafe that I hardly had time to
breathe. The cafe was housefull and some of the customers had to wait for a table.

'I've spoken to Laura several times to build another floor' complained Isabella.

'Another floor means extra furniture, extra items, extra work' said Janet, one of
the girls working here.

'Plus extra income' said Sara.

'She's thinking about it, don't wanna make a hasty decision' said another girl,

I do agree with Natasha. Laura has a lot of commitments and being a single mother
makes it harder. George is doing some online work which earns him some money and
working hard for a scholarship. Whereas Jordan, he's the only one who seems to be
enjoying his childhood life.

We didn't get anymore time for chitchat and were engrossed in work.

Everything went hectic for half an hour, taking orders and preparing and

George came by to check all the monthly stock that came around afternoon. He was
busy checking them and informing his mother through phone while we were busy with
our work.

I was taking order from table three when my name was called out from inside.

I quickly took the order and went in.

My eyes fell upon two officers who were talking to Isabella. I felt a shiver run
down my spine.

When they looked at me, one of the officers spoke.

'Are you Miss. Leia Ferrari?' He asked politely.

'Yes' I said softly, looking really aghast at them.

'You need to come with us, please' he said.

I don't want a genius to tell me that it's about the murder.

'Yeah, I'll just change' I said, refereeing to my work cloths.

'We'll be waiting out for you' he said and went away.

Isabella pulled me through my arm and brought us away from everyone's peering eyes,
especially from George.

'What is all this?' She asked hastily.

'I'll tell you everything when I return. Can you please tell where were you
yesterday?' I asked.

'Yesterday was Sunday. I was at home, why?' She asked curiously.

'Have you ever gone to Dell Amore Food?' I asked ignoring her question.

'Yes, several times with my boyfriend' she said.

'And I've asked several times to make me meet him, right?' I said.

She gave a cute smile.

'Why are you even asking that?'

'Nothing. Thanks' I said and went away to change.

Isabella is kind of shy to introduce her boyfriend to us. She loves him, it's clear
by the way her twinkle whenever she talks about him. Sara followed him in insta and
showed his pictures to everyone in the cafe which made Isabella to go all red. She
doesn't even let him come to the cafe. She's just so shy when it comes to him and
public affection is too much for her handle.

I quickly took my purse and went out to see the two officers waiting near the car.

The one who spoke to me got behind the well while the other opened the back door
for me to get in. Once we all buckled up, the officer started the engine and we
were soon driving under the steers lights towards the police station.

I've never visited a police station and that makes me nervous. I started to think
whatever I saw yesterday and whatever Nicholas showed me in the footage. The cops
don't know that I've already seen the video, so I need to be very careful when I'm

I was rattling my mind to all the possible questions they might ask me and
answering them all but one particular question seems to put me in whole lot of
trouble and that question is where is my father?

Once we reached our destination, I got down and followed the officers.

The office was small and they were tables at sides behind which an officer sat.
They were people crying and some lodging complains. All of them in the room glanced
at us before getting back to their work. The officer who held the door for me went

'The other officer walked further in and opened a door. There were two people, a
woman and a man sitting in front and talking to the Sheriff. My eyes widened and my
lips curved into a huge smile.

He Sheriff still didn't look up but simply motioned his hand to us to wait. Once
the woman and man got up, the Sheriff's eyes fell upon us, fell upon me. His eyes
widened in shock and happiness just like mine.

'Leia' he came out of his seat.

'Adam' I said and quickly ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him.

His huge strong strong arms wrapped my tiny frame and he stroked my hair.

'I missed you so much, Adam' I said, pressing my head even further in his chest.

'So did I' he kissed my head before retreating.

'Aunt May didn't inform me that you returned from America. How did the case go?' I

'It was all good. I returned two days ago, mother wanted to inform you. Maybe she
forgot, you know she forgets things and I became busy as soon as I came here' he

'That's fine' I heard myself say.

'So, what are you doing here? Rocco why did you bring her?' He asked the officer
who was still standing at the door.

'Sir, she's the one on the footage' he replied.

Adam looked at me before talking to Rocco.

'Get me the file and the footage' he said. Rocco went away.

'Leia do you know why you are here?' He asked seriously.

'I do, Adam. It's about the murder' I said softly.

'Damn, I'm so sorry you had to see that. I didn't see the footage yet, else I
would've known. I just asked them bring the witness' he said.

Just then Rocco entered with a tape. Adam took it from him and dismissed him.
'Please sit' he said.

I took a seat in front of him while he started to work in his system. I was
watching around and saw shelves filled with files.

'Here' Adam turned the laptop in such a way that both were able to see it.

The footage was me getting inside the room and freaking out before running away.
Everything was the same except, there's a small portion missing.

I don't see Nicholas here and me coming out of my hiding once he was gone. I
scrunched my eyes in confusion.I remember very well the footage played from the
part where Nicholas came out of the room.

'What were you doing there, Leia?' Adam's question pulled me out of the reverie.

'I...I was shopping with my friend, Liam and I thought I saw one of my colleague
entering the hotel with her boyfriend' I said.

'Liam? That pumpkin boy?' Adam asked making me giggle.

'Yeah. I met him few days ago' I said.

'Alright. Which friend you thought you saw?' Adam turned serious again.

'Isabella. We work together in a cafe. I thought I saw her with her boyfriend and I
went after her' I said.

Adam was quiet for a second.

'Why did you enter that room?' He asked.

'I lost them in that floor. Since that door was open I thought it must've been
them' I said.

'So you didn't find them?' He asked

'No. I was so...petrified when I saw that m-man dead, Adam. I don't know what
happened, I just wanted to get out of there' I said, recalling the dead man's
horrible state and the dream I had.

'What did you do after you left the hotel?' He asked.

'Liam was there. He saw my state and quickly took me home. I didn't tell him what I
saw and he didn't push the matter' I said.

'Did you ever find out whether Isabella and her boyfriend were there in that
hotel?' He asked.

'Yes. I asked her today, she said she was at home'

Adam closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his locks.

'I just came here two days back and I already got a big case to solve' he said.

I nodded my head in understandment.

'It's already late' he said glancing at his watch 'Come on, Leia. I'll drop you
He got up from his seat and we walked out of the station. I was taking deep, calm
breaths throughout. I'm so glad it was Adam and not anyone else. I can't even
imagine how it must've been if there was someone else investigating, he probably
wouldn't have cared about the like and would've scared me with his questions.

'Mother told me about everything. I'm so glad you're finally living your life' Adam
said, glancing at me with a smile before focusing on the road.

'Yeah, I am' I replied.

'So, how are you doing all by yourself? Excluding this murder you witnessed' he

'Great. I've got two jobs that keeps me busy all the time. I'm doing fine till now,
Adam' I said.

Our conversation didn't prolong as we reached my place.

'Leia' I heard Adam call out when I was about to get out of the car.

'I know this is all too much for you. Just don't be scared, alright? You are no
where connected to this murder and I will definitely make sure you're not called
again' he said, his eyes filled with concern.

'Thanks, Adam. You have no idea how better I feel now' I said.

'You're welcome' he smiled before taking off.

Once I reached home, I locked the door and made sure the windows are closed as they
were and hopped into a hot shower.

I felt my stress and tension draining off due to Adam.

Damn, today was a tiring day for me. When I hit my bed after shower and dinner,
sleep was tgede last thing in my mind. My mind kept thinking about the time I spent
with Nicholas and our heated argument.

I couldn't help but smile that he was protecting me from Benjamin. I don't know how
I'll going to replay his gratitude.

I took my phone and scrolled down my contacts to his number.

After staring at his number for a long time, I typed a message.

"I'm sorry for today, Nicholas"

I hit the button Send.

He saw as soon as it reached him. I felt nervous all of a sudden and waited for his

Which never came.

* * *

Adam as promised made sure that I never step into the police station again. He
didn't even question me personally because he knew I was no where connected to the
Aunt May called me over dinner and I decided to take Liam along with me. Aunt May
couldn't believe it's the same Liam who lived across her home.

Charlotte, Adam's wife is a teacher. She's a sweet woman who is always ready to
help me whenever required. Their only daughter Lily is a ten years old. Me and lily
were best buds, I've known her from the time she was born. I didn't realise how
much I missed them until I saw them all together.

'So Leia, how's your love life going?' Asked Charlotte, making me look at her

'Oh dear, the poor lass hardly makes any male friends' Aunt May said.

'Well, am a male here' said Liam.

Aunt May narrowed her eyes at him before speaking 'You are a pumpkin'

We couldn't help but chuckle at that and Liam gave a nasty look.

'I'm happy that you're working and living your life but it's also time to settle
down soon' Said Charlotte.

'She'll find the right guy before she can realise' said Adam.

Charlotte gave a disproving look at her husband which shut him up.

'Charlotte I've not thought about letting another person in my life' I said, hoping
that might make her drop the topic.

'But you must soon, Leia. Trust me, I was like you at your age until I met Adam'
Charlotte smiled at the frightened Adam.

'Aww, would you look at that lovey dovey eyes of Adam' said Liam in his must hoarse
voice. Adam just looked even more frightened.

'I clearly remember on our first night you saying that you'll kick my ding-dong if
I come closer. So, I wouldn't say you felt good when you met me, darling' said

'I'm gonna write your life story and name the title as Ding-Dong, Adam. I'm gonna
make you proud, dada' commented Liam, truly enjoying this.

'Of course, son. But don't blame me when I tie you upside down with your underwear
and smack that ass with my cop stick' Adam replied smiling sweetly.

'Come on, Adam, don't be so harsh on me. I'm trying to make you proud here' said

Just then a soft voice called Adam.

'Daddy' Lily stood near the stairs with sleepy eyes and messy hair.

'What is it honey?' Adam got up.

'I can't sleep again' she said.

Adam said nothing but lifted up his daughter and walked up the stairs. She was fine
when we arrived during dinner. She was full of joy when she saw me and Liam and
after her dinner, she fell asleep in Liam's arms so Liam tucked her in her bed and
came back.

'Does she get nightmares?' Asked Liam to Charlotte.

Charlotte remained silent, her good mood gone sad.

I looked at Aunt May and she released a sigh.

'She saw Adam shoot a man' she said.

'What?' Liam looked as surprised as me.

'Men surrounded their house and were going to attack Adam. Adam was defending them
and ended up shooting one of the men, Lily saw that' Aunt May's voice was soft.

There were few incidents which even I've witnessed when I was little. Adam's work
is truly trouble, mainly because he's sincere to his duty.

'When did it happen?' I asked.

'Last week. Sometimes Adam's work comes knocking at our door' Charlotte said, her
eyes deep in thoughts 'He was close at ending the case, so close. We would've
returned by the end of last week if the house we stayed in wasn't surrounded by men
in the middle of the night. Of course, it wasn't new to me but for Lily it was.
Adam tried to fight them all. I called up his colleagues too, but they were late.
Adam had no choice but to use his pistol. Lily saw that'

I can't understand as a mother how much this effects her but I do realise it had a
huge impact on her. Sometimes, actually most of times things don't turn out the way
we want.

Charlotte always feared that Adam's work might be a great treat to Lily and her
future but at the same time she was always proud of her husband and his duty.

'She'll be fine. I'm sure the Sheriff's daughter is stronger than this' Said Liam.

When Adam arrived after putting Lily to sleep, no one spoke about it and the rest
of the night went normal, but the nagging feeling that I actually know what's going
on with Lily made me uneasy, afterall she wasn't the only one who witnessed a

'Tonight was great. Thank you for calling me' Liam said as soon as I hoped out of
his bike.

'I needed a company and since you haven't met Aunt May and the other for years, I
thought of calling you' I said.

'And I'm glad you did. By the way, me and my friends are going to club this Friday,
you wanna join?' Asked Liam.

'Oh, so you're free this Friday?'

'Yep' he answered.

'I got work that day. Some rich man throwing party for his wife's birthday, I
thought of inviting you' I said giving a tight smile.

Liam's eyes lit up.

'I finally get to see you play for more than few minutes. Damn, I'm cancelling my
plans, just text me the time and place, I'll be there, okay?'

'Sure. I'll see you on Friday' I bid goodbye.

'Goodnight, bunny'

'Goodnight, pumpkin'

Before going to sleep, I couldn't help but check my phone to see whether I got any
reply from Nicholas but didn't.

Chapter 16 - Chapter-15
She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a beautiful adventure.

- Steve Maraboli


On the day of my evening work at the birthday party, I borrowed one of Marie's
gowns and dressed up pretty simple as well decent to the function. Since it's a
rich man's function, it'll be inappropriate if I go in jeans and not in gown,
though I'm nothing but a pianist.

Liam insisted me to go with him and that made Marie agitated as I am supposed with
our group. Nevertheless, not wanting to disappoint both my dear friends, I agreed
on going with Liam on the way back.

I picked up my purse and locked the home before getting down to the parking lot
when I heard our vehicle's horn. It's a black van with the name of institute
written on it. I hoped on carefully, avoiding the piano and sat in my seat. We have
pianos of varying size and it all depends on how big the stage is to make sure it
looks perfect.

I watched out of the window, enjoying the cool night breeze. I remember when I
played for the first time in a function. I was a nervous bundle and if it wasn't
for Marie standing at the end of the room and cheering me up every time I lifted my
head, I doubt I would've ever done it. After that, Marie started offering many
opportunities to me and soon I got the courage and enjoyed it when the audience
enjoyed with me. It's something about playing piano that makes me feel so
different. My fingers don't stop once my mind registers what I need to play and the
rhythmic music filling my ears is so pure, so soothing. I do not know how I've
acquired this talent because father never knew a syllabus of piano. As far as I
remember, mother wasn't a pianist either and for me to master in this is truly
surprising. It's like it's in my DNA and yet not.

When the vehicle came to a stop, the piano was carried right behind the building
through the back and then to the stage. The party was full on that no one seemed to
notice. The party reminds me so much of the one in the Crawford's hotel and brings
back the memories which I've tried hard to push back.

I walked out and stayed under the night sky while my team mates decided to get
something to feed themselves. After this is over, I need to shop for clothes with
the I payment I receive from this. I've borrowed some of Marie's clothes and she
bought me some too. I need to repay a lot to Marie. If it wasn't for her, I don't
think all this would've been possible. I can't even imagine how my life would've
turned if Nicholas didn't save me and Marie didn't help me with everything.
It's so unreal how my life changed with just a blink of an eye. The world is big
and they are so many people and yet it feels like I'm alone. The only family I had
was my father and now I don't even know where he is. Sometimes I wonder whether it
was really my father I saw in Dell.

'Leia' A familiar voice interrupted me from my trance.

'You're too early, Liam' I said while checking him out. He's wearing a black suit
'And not to mention you look incredibly handsome in suit' I said.

He came forward, his hands at the back.

'Thanks' he grinned 'You look beautiful and I...truly believe this will look good
in your hair' he brought his hands in front that had a red rose.

I smiled wide and took the rose from his hand. It's big and beautiful shade of dark

'Thank you' I smiled and tucked it in my bun.

'Is it correct?' I asked him.

'Perfect' he replied. 'So, what are you going to play?' He asked me a question for
which I didn't have an answer.

'Well, the client didn't demand for a specific category, so I guess whatever comes
to my mind at that moment' I replied.

'What?' He gave me a confused look ' You didn't even decide what you're going to

'I will, once I'm going to play' I shrugged.

'Well, I'm ready to listen even if it makes no sense' he replied, amusement in his

I couldn't help but scoff 'My music makes sense even if I play something that I
created or if I play another artist's'

We were interrupted when one of my team mates called me out and said it's time.

'I'll go grab myself a seat. Goodluck, Leia' With a warm smile on his face, Liam
left and I made my way through the back door.

I could hear the man talking in a microphone about his wife and how much he loves
her and how great she is. I smiled at the choice of his words. Years have passed
and yet their love seems to be young. Finally he finished by saying that he's
arranged the best pianist for his love and left the stage for me.

I took a deep breathe and walked to the stage. The crowd went silent once I reached
and I saw them all sitting around their respective tables. I don't feel nervous,
not even a bit. Once I took my seat behind the piano, the lights went off, with
just the white light focusing on me and the instrument.

I pressed one of the keys, letting the tune fill the room and echo back. I took a
few second to register what to play and then my fingers started to flow on the keys
easily as I indulged myself to the rhythm. At first all I could hear is pure
ecstasy of the music filling the air and then as I sped up, I heard the crowd

My eyes were shut and my fingers were flowing as they knew every key correctly. My
mind was wondering to places and memories that I tried hard to push back. I've
played this music several times and yet it seems to be more mesmerizing and
beautiful at this moment.

The same music everyone danced for in the Crawford's party. The same music I danced
for with Nicholas and the same music after which I had my first kiss.

River Flows In You by Yiruma.

I couldn't help the blush that adorned my cheeks and the smile on my lips as I
thought about the dance and the kiss. My head is cast down staring at the keys as
my fingers rapidly pressed them all accurately. It's so bad, truly bad to feel this
way for Nicholas but at this moment I didn't seem to care, my mind was wondering
over the times with Nicholas. The first time I saw him, the way he saved me, the
way he treated me. His charm, his power, his behavior, his attitude, his dominance
- they attract me so much.

Maybe it was fate to get saved by a Mafia Lord, maybe it was fate to meet him,
maybe maybe, just maybe I wish I had more time in his house so that I would've had
more memories of him. Maybe...

The loud applause shook me up abruptly and I looked around see the crowd cheering
and applauding for me. My music has stopped, my fingers still on the keys. I
quickly got up, bowed my head, flashing a kind smile and left the stage.

I ran out through the back door once I was the stage. I don't want my team mates
looking at me smiling like an idiot. Well, I'm a total idiot I guess, because of

'Bunny!' I heard Liam's enthusiastic scream and the moment I turned around, Liam
crushed his body on mine, giving me a massive hug.

I laughed at him, patting his back. His grip tightened on my waist as he dipped
incredibly lower to my neck.

'You were amazing' he said, holding my shoulders and looking right into my eyes.

'Thank you' I said, smiling wide.

'It was just so beautiful, Leia. I was awestruck. I swear I was teleported to
another world, I couldn't take eyes off you and I couldn't stop the feeling of the
awesome music' he looked utterly surprised and so happy.

'Enough of your comments. Come on, take the lady to a good restaurant, I'm not
interested in rich people's food here' I said, hooking my arm in his and we made
our way to the front.

I asked Liam to wait as I need to bid goodbye to the birthday woman and his
husband. He went to take the car by then.

The man was happy with my performance and I was happy for that. His wife was so
excited to meet me in person and kissed my cheek before leaving. I thanked the
couple for calling us and I bid goodbye and left the party.

I was waiting for Liam, my mood bright as the stars above when the phone in my
purse vibrated before the notifying ringtone.
It must be Marie, with that thought I took out my phone and saw it was a message.
My smile lit up even more when I saw that it was Nicholas and not Marie.

I quickly opened and my eyes fell on the message.

'The rose just intensified your beauty, Rosy Leia'

I was smiling crazy when I read the messsage, my hand quickly going to the rose on
my hair. I'm a mess right now. I quickly turned in every direction searching him
when another notifying ringtone made me look at the phone.

'I'm right here, Leia'

I smiled even wide as I read the message. When I lifted my head up, there he stood,
just a few steps away from me with the phone in his hand, his expression soft and
eyes filled with amusement.

I didn't stop the smile. I walked forward, covering the distance between us. He
just stood there with his eyes solely on me.

'Hi' I said sheepishly.

He didn't smile back, he didn't react too.

'You played the same song we danced for at the Crawford's' his voice was soft as

'Yep.'s one my favorites' I tugged the hair my ear and licked my lips. His
eyes fell on my lips for a spilt second and before I could blink, his eyes stared
back into mine.

He didn't reply and the silence wasn't awkward because of my pretty mood.

'I didn't expect to see you here' I said.

'Thompson is one of my business partners' he replied, referring the man who threw
this party for his wife.

'Oh, well, I'm glad you're here. I...I wanted apologise' I started. His eyebrows
furrowed in confusion 'For that day. I shouldn't have spoken all that to you. It
was my fault, I-

'It's alright' he cut me off.

'No, Nicholas-

'I said it's alright, Leia' he repeated and I sealed my mouth shut.

A horn interrupted us and I turned around to see it was Liam waiting in the car.

'Okay, Nicholas, I should be-

'Did you have dinner?' He asked.

'No, I'm going-

'Come with me' he said, catching me offguard.

'Huh?' I blinked at him.

'I wanna take you out for dinner, now' he spoke slowly.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. My breathing was shallow and I just looked

everywhere but him.

'Can we go, Leia?' He asked again, his face calm as the ocean that's at peace.

'Huh? Yeah, why not. I'll just...inform my friend' I said and quickly walked
towards Liam.

'Who is he?' Was the first question Liam asked when I approached him.

'Huh...he's a friend of mine' I said nervously.

Liam raised his eyebrow at me like get didn't believe.

'Alright then, hop in' he said.

'Well, Liam he wants to take me to dinner now' I said.

Disappointment masked his features.

'Leia but you promised you will come with me' he spoke like a child.

'I know. It's all of a sudden, you know. I didn't even expect this. It'll be rude
to say no. I promise I'll make it up to you, pumpkin' I said in a sweet way, giving
him a sweet smile.

Liam mimicked like crying before nodding his head.

'Oh, you're such a good boy' I teased him before kissing him on the cheek and
walking towards Nicholas who was watching the entire scene.

With a final glance at Liam's car leaving the gate, I walked with Nicholas.

Once we got into his car and left the place, I wanted to ask him so badly that why
he asked me out. The butterflies are still in my stomach and blaming my hunger was
useless when Nicholas was right next to me.

'Nicholas?' I turned to him.

'Hm?' He hummed questionably, his eyes never leaving the road.

'Where are you taking me?' I asked.

'One of the best restaurants' he replied. It was totally an expected answer.

'I was wondering if you could take me to a simple one instead? I mean, I'm in a
mood to have cheeseburger and I definitely don't to want to enter a fancy
restaurant' I said nervously looking at him.

He didn't reply, so I gave a small smile before turning to the window with

Great way to spoil my mood, Nicholas.

The rest of the ride was completely silent and I contemplated whether the decision
to accept his proposal was right or wrong.

When the car came to a stop, I walked out like a robot and looked around. The area
is crowded with people with shops around brightly lit. When he came out, I saw he
had removed his blazer and tie and also unbuttoned few of the buttons of his t-

Without a warning, he grasp my hand firmly and made way through the crowded area.
My hand automatically held his arm as we walked together with our sides touching.

I smiled when I saw where he was taking us.

The small hotel is crowded and simply the signature perfect of what I asked for.

I can't believe he actually listened to me.

He stood in a queue to order and when our turn came he looked at me to see I was
already watching him.

'How many cheeseburger?' He asked.

'One cheeseburger and french fries' I replied.

'Two cheeseburgers, one French fries and one chicken sandwich' he said.

The guy behind the counter asked us to wait for ten minutes and Nicholas nodded and
we made our way outside the restaurant, taking one of the seats that's allotted
here as it was filled inside.

'Thank you' I said once we sat.

'You should stop jumping into conclusion' he said, giving a small smile.

I smiled nervously but nevertheless didn't reply.

'You are a great pianist' he said 'You were fabulous up there'

I couldn't help the heat that started to creep to my cheeks.

'Thank you' I said politely.

He took my left hand and I just looked at him. He started to draw circles with his

'Who was he, Leia? The boy back there at the party' he asked softly, his eyes
burning into my hand.

I narrowed my eyes but answered anyway.


'His name?' He asked, looking at me.

'Liam' I replied observing him closely.

He retreated his hand and I instantly missed his touch. I took my hand away.

'The Cops came to me' I started.

'I know' he replied casually.

'Well, I didn't tell them anything' I said.

Nicholas stared at me.

'I mean, I didn't tell that he bought me and I didn't know about that and also, you
weren't in that video they showed and I don't need to learn calculus to know that
you deleted some parts before it came to the cops' I blabbered out.

'Leia' he called out 'I know everything. I also know that the Sheriff will keep you
out of the case as you're dear to him'

' do you come to know everything?' I asked baffled.

He just shrugged 'I'll go get the dinner' he said and left.

I watched him walk stiffly towards the counter, not even noticing the women
population inside ogling at him like he's the last piece of pizza.

Thanking the man, he took the tray and walked towards me. He saw me watching him
and yet I didn't turn away till he placed two cheeseburgers and french fries in
front of me and took his seat with the sandwich.

'I won't be able to eat two' I said.

'I highly doubt that' was his reply.

And he easy right. He finished his sandwich with just minutes and watched me eat.
It was really uneasy to open my mouth and take a bite of the burger while he was
watching me.

'Stop staring' I said.

'What's your favorite color, Leia?' He asked.

I munched on my food before replying 'Red'

He chuckled 'Is that why you lied in the beginning that your name is Rose?' He

'Well, roses come in different colors' I said.

'But you only see red' he replied.

I gave a small smile, he's right.

'You're favorite food?' He asked.

'Anything that's edible and tasty' I chuckled.

The rest of the time went in silence with me munching on my burger and he typing in
his phone.

This night is going to be a good memory to me.

'Done?' He asked as I finished the last fry and piped my hand with a tissue.

I nodded my head and we stood up to leave.

'And you said you won't be able to eat two burgers' he said. I didn't reply to his

Once we buckled up, Nicholas took off. The roads are almost empty and I checked my
watch to see it's pretty late. I opened the window, feeling the cool air on my
face. The silence between us was comfortable enough but I wanted to talk, get to
know him for I do not know whether I'll be seeing him again.

'Can I ask you something?' I said. He glanced my side before nodding.

'Why is Aron called the milk lover?' I asked, recalling Sophia telling this when I
first met Aron officially.

Nicholas chuckled.

'Sophia didn't tell you the whole story, huh?' He asked, a lazy smile playing on
his lips.

'No. Aron was embarrassed when she told this, so I stopped her from the details' I

'Okay. We were young that time. My father took us to one of his clients home. The
house was fabulous, we were having a tour of our own and landed in the kitchen. The
old lady in there gave us some snacks to eat and Aron noticed a glass of milk and
without thinking he drank it. The client had a baby boy and it was for him' he

'That's not bad...?' I kinda asked.

'Not at all until the old lady told us that it's his mother's milk'

Okay. I'm not going to laugh.

'That's...impressive' I said letting out a chuckle. Nicholas was smiling ear to


I looked in front to see we're almost close to my house. The roads were empty and
the shops were closed.

'Leia' he called.


He looked at me.


'NICHOLAS!' I screamed when I saw, a truck approaching us, from his side mirror.

Nicholas quickly noticed and sped up.

I didn't get time to process any of it. One moment I was looking at Nicholas and
the next I know is a hard force slammed my side with a earth crashing sound of
metals and tires. I felt a hard pain on side my head and instantly my eyes blurred,
enveloping me into complete darkness.

BOOM! And there ends the story our Leia and Nicholas.
Just kidding.

Penny for your thoughts?

Chapter 17 - Chapter-16

I opened my eyes slowly.

At first it was all blurry and when I tried to take my hand up to rub them, I just
couldn't. Everything was numb at first and then I felt the pain, soaring pain

I looked around to see I was in hospital room with trips going through my veins and
the monitor's beep noise filling the room.

My mind started working as it showed bits of incident that took place before I
passed out.


I got up instantly and regretted. My whole body hurts and the syringe just pierced
deep into my flesh. I laid down slowly, my hand finding the button at side and
pleased it. After few seconds, a nurse entered, her eyes immediately going to my

'What happened?' She rushed to my side and inspected. She spoke nothing while she
cleared the little blood on my wrist and patched it back.

'Water, please' I asked.

She raised the bed up and made me sip from the glass.

'Thank you' I murmured. She nodded.

'I'll get the doctor and inform your friend' she said.

'Wait. Can you tell me what happened to that man who was also injured?' I asked.

'He's totally fine. You were the one who was injured badly' she replied.

I recalled the incident again. Nicholas sped up and even then the truck crashed us
successfully, how did he escape?

'How long was I passed out?' I asked.

'Fifteen hours. I'll be back' she said and left.

I looked up to wall clock. It's noon. I looked down at me, no fractures, thank God.
My head is heavily banded and my right arm.

Just when I thought I was going to have a good evening.

Random thoughts were occupying my mind. Sure enough the truck was going to hit
Nicholas, or at least that must've been the plan. Afterall, he's mafia and more
than friends, he would've acquired enemies. I really don't regret accepting to go
with him out for dinner, I just feel disappointed for our evening being ruined.

With already a lot of things on my plate, I need to add these hospital bills. I
don't know how I'm going to make up everything this month. I saw the door opening
and instead of expecting a doctor, I saw a worried Marie approaching.

'Oh, Leia! I was so worried, honey' she said and wrapped her arms around me

'I'm okay' I patted her back.

'I didn't know what to do when I got a call from a man who said you met with an
accident' she said, sitting on a stool beside 'Adam got on the spot later, you were
already admitted in the hospital by then'

'Who brought me here?' I asked.

'Nicholas. He too was injured but not badly. He was the one who called me' she

'Where is he?' I asked quickly.

'He mended his wounds last night and went away. He took care of all the hospital
bills too' she smiled.

Just then the door opened, the nurse who went to call the doctor came in with him.

'Miss. Ferrari' he addressed.

'Leia. Call me Leia' I replied.

With his head bent down to some reports in his hand, he nodded.

'Is everything alright, doctor?' Asked Marie.

'Yeah. Totally alright' he closed the reports and gave it to the nurse before
giving Marie a smile and turning to me.

'How are you feeling, Leia?' He asked.

'My body hurts' I simply replied.

'With the accident you met, it's a surprise there wasn't any serious damage. You
had an internal bleeding and since the truck hit the car at the side, you were
pretty hit on your right side. The arm will be alright in few days time and so will
be your head' he said.

'So no major problem?' I asked.

'Not at all. You'll be discharged tomorrow' he replied and went away with the

'You must be hungry, I'll get you something' said Marie and left me alone in my

Living in Dad's confine protection, the only major illness I got was fever or cold.
Never had any viral or bacterial diseases or anything that made me halt in a
hospital for than an hour. It's too new to be here.
Once Marie came she stayed till I finished food and left biding goodbye.

The rest of the time I spent in watching tv and reading magazines the nurse
provided when I asked for. I should really thank Nicholas for such a comfy stay.

Around evening Liam arrived with a very much worried Aunt May and Charlotte.

'Darling, I was so much worried when I got the news' Aunt May wrapped her arms
around me.

'I'm alright, Aunt May' I patted her back.

'Adam is seeing to it. I'm going to smash the truck driver with my frying pan' she
said seriously but I couldn't help but laugh.

'It was an accident, Aunt May' I tried saying.

'Accident or not that man is going to jail' she said adamantly 'By the way, where's
that gentle man who saved you? I heard he's injured too. Is he fine, darling?'

'Mom, let her breath. You're questioning too much' Charlotte said.

'Sit, Aunt May' Liam motioned to the stool beside.

'Marie told you'll be discharged tomorrow' said Liam 'Adam will be seeing tomorrow'

'Alright' I replied.

Liam looks troubled and it's quiet evident that he wants to talk to me.

'I've prepared your favorite pancakes, honey' said Aunt May and placed a stiffen
box on the table beside me.

'Thank you, Aunt May' I smiled.

'So, what did the doctor say?' Charlotte asked.

'He said I had an internal bleeding and due to the force my right side was
squashed. Not much of an injury' I replied

'Me and Adam rushed as soon as we got the call from Marie. You had us so much
worried, Leia. When Marie told us that everything we went to meet the guy who
helped you, but he was gone already. Adam then left to the accident site' she said.

'Who was he, Leia?' Asked Aunt May.

'He's a friend of mine' I said. Liam looked forward to hear me out while I thought
hard on what to say next 'I met him Texas. Remember I was gone with Dad? I played
in a concert and that's where we became friends' I lied easily through my teeth.

Liam gave me a confused look while Charlotte and Aunt May were pretty convinced.

'I, then met him last night in the party. It was a total coincidence and he wanted
to take me out for dinner. We met with an accident on our way back' I said.

'Bless that boy for bringing you to the hospital when he himself was in a critical
condition' said Aunt May.

'Yeah, he's a...good man' I said.

Charlotte's phone rung and she excused herself out while Aunt May asked where's the
wash room and excused herself, leaving Liam and me alone.

'Alright, tell me what's bothering you' I said.

'Tell me what happened' he said seriously.

'We went to eat and then while returning a truck just crashed us' I said.

'And when did you go to Texas?' He asked.

I fed him the same lie my father creates and he looked even more confused than

'Liam it was just an accident. I'm fine, calm down' I said softly.

'Stay away from that man, Leia. I don't know who he is or what he is but he doesn't
look like a man you should be around' Liam said, concerned.

I wouldn't say it's wrong because Nicholas is not good for me. He's like a fire and
I'm a like a moth which ain't a good combination. I should soon get used to his
attractive character and stay out of trouble.

Liam, Aunt May and Charlotte stayed for a while till the nurse came and informed
that meeting time is over. I finished Aunt May's pancakes and drifted off to sleep.

Early in the morning I was woken up by Adam. He took care of all the discharge
papers and soon I left the hospital. Adam said he's still searching for the
criminal eventhough I told him several times it was an accident. I answered his Cop
questions and once he dropped me at my place, he left for work.

My body felt sore and heavy so I hit the bed and didn't wake up till lunch time.

Marie kept calling at times, asking whether I ate and took the pills properly and
whether I'm feeling dizzy or my arm hurts or I'm dying.

At dawn when I was wrapped in a warm blanket and busy with ice cream and Me Before
You on tv, there was a knock on my door.

I opened the door to be greeted by Nicholas.

'Can I come in?' He asked.

'Yeah, sure' I opened the door wide enough for him to enter and closed it behind.

I saw him having a tour of my place with his eyes and suddenly felt embarrassed. My
home ain't a mansion like his and due to lack things, they look almost barren.

When he walked towards the old sofa, I quickly removed the blanket and put them at
the corner while he took a seat on the other corner of the sofa.

I was standing in nothing but my shorts and a t-shirt, waiting for him to talk,
while he sat there with his head hung low. I quickly put the tv on mute and the
room went pitch silent.

'Would you have to like something?' I asked. He Nicholas looked up at me.

'Sorry, would you like to have something? Like coffee, milk-

'How are you, Leia?' He cut me off.

'Fine. There's no major damage, just an internal bleeding and a banded right arm' I
pointed to my right arm. He just stared into my eyes.

'How are you?' I asked.

'I wasn't the one hurt badly, Leia'

'Right. And thank you for paying all the hospital bills, you didn't have to do
that. I'll pay back the money' I spoke hastily.

'If I wouldn't have sped up the truck would've successfully hit my side, causing me
enough injury to stay in bed for months and the possibilities of you dying would've
been too high' he said, ignoring what I told earlier.

I took a deep breath. He's right.

'But it didn't happen. You're fine, I'm fine too' I said.

'You don't understand, do you?' He stood and took a step towards me 'It wasn't an
accident, Leia' he said.

I didn't blink, didn't even flinch, just stared at him blankly.

'My world is different than yours. I shouldn't have let my guard down. And because
of me you're in trouble' he said.

I don't know what to reply him. We both are from different worlds, yes, and I'm
sure I won't like him anymore if I see the real Nicholas.

He's a demon inside a suit.

'I won't know what you're thinking if you don't speak, Leia'

'I'm not scared of the trouble, Nicholas' I said, watching him close 'And I totally
understand you. You helped me and took me to a dinner, that's all. I know beneath
that suit and mask you're someone else and I'm scared of that' I said.

A kind of emotion swirled in his orbs and before I could catch it, it was gone.

He walked slowly, covering the distance between us. When he was just an inch apart,
I looked up to his towering frame. His hand came up, tucking a strand of hair
behind my ear before bending down to my ear.

'I want you to stand still' he whispered and placed a soft kiss on my lobe.

I felt myself leaning to him as he brushed his nose on mine, his eyes taking into
my soul. Without a warning his lips captured mine, his eyes still open. He kissed
me softly while I tried hard not to close my eyes and give into him.

Finally placing a kiss at the corner of mouth, he spoke.

'Goodbye, Leia'

He turned around and walked out, shutting the door behind with a bang.

Chapter 18 - Chapter-17

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months but I never saw Nicholas again.

In these three months my injuries where all healed, leaving fading scars behind. My
house looks more like a home now with a new set of couches, curtains, tv and
paintings on the walls. I decorated my home just the way I always wanted. The house
I lived in with father was sober, he liked everything grey, neat and dull.

Life became normal once again with no extraordinary action and I lived with it
peacefully. Marie, Aunt May, Adam, Charlotte and Liam were there for me always and
I found myself accepting the loneliness at nights. I never saw my father again and
though I want to lodge a complain, it'll make things complicated as Adam will
surely come to know of it.

The truck driver was never found. Adam found himself reaching a dead end everytime
he got a clue on him and with much dissatisfaction, he closed the case. Something
made me think that Nicholas found the driver, afterall, he did mention it wasn't an
accident and the curiosity to know who wanted him dead would've crossed his mind.

At nights when sleep was last thing on my head, I would stare at his phone number
in my phone. A part me always hopes he texts or calls. My eyes always goes to the
window whenever I wake up in the middle of the night to fetch water. I can't lie to
myself that he does have an affect on me. Everything about him is intriguing and I
find myself developing a huge liking towards him.

Right now I'm drinking wine at the club while Liam and his friends are busy in the
dance floor. The club is just like the way you watch in movies. Dim lights, people
dancing to their hearts content, drinking, losing their minds, you name it.

When Liam asked me to go with him to club, I quickly said no. I never went and
never wanted to. But after a lot of pestering, I couldn't say no to my friend.

It was weird and uncomfortable in the beginning but later I found myself getting
use to it. I didn't dance, just sat in this stool drinking wine and watching
around. Liam let me be as this is the first time I'm coming to a club.

Just when I was about to order for another fill up, a guy occupied the seat next to
me and spoke.

'Sex on the beach for me and this lovely lady' he said mentioning me.

'Sorry, I prefer wine' I said.

'Then we'll cancel it and order what you want, eh?' He came closer. He has a
handsome face and yet looked ugly from inside.

The way his eyes shamelessly drifted to my bosom, didn't go unnoticed by me. How I
wish Nicholas was here. Now, why would I want him here? So, he can kick this guy's
butt! Will he even do it?

Damn, I'm blaming the wine for making me think like this.

I stood up staring at his smirk face and before he could think of anything, I
turned around and walked towards the dance floor. My eyes were searching everywhere
for Liam or his friends but I didn't find them. I turned around to see the man's
eyes still on me as he sipped his drink. Panic settled in my feature.

I kept walking among dancing people and searching my friend.

A hand clutched my wrist, making me turn around immediately.

'Nicholas!' I screamed in the noisy crowd but no one seem to be hearing.

'What? Leia, it's me' Liam shook me by my shoulder and I stared at me.

'Oh, Liam...where did you go living me alone!' I screamed.

'Sorry, c'mon' he took me with him and we came back to the same spot I was before,
the man was gone and in his place stood Liam's friends- Alan, Will and Li Wei.

'Come on, Leia have some' Alan gave a shot.

'No no alcohol' I said.

'Come on, Leia, loosen up' I heard Liam say.

'That's right' said Will 'Li is driving, so other than him all of us should be
drunk. That's the rule'

Liam urged me close and Will ordered a tray full of shots.

'We'll give you two a moment' said Will and all three left.

'Lets see who drinks the maximum, shall we?' Liam rubbed his hands.

'After I'm drunk, you better drop me at my place safely else you're dead' I said.
Liam chuckled.

You learn new stuff only when you try new stuff.

Closing my nose, I took one shot and gulped it up.

Liam looked at me as I tried to get rid of the taste.

'It's bad' I said.

'No' Liam said and drank one 'Oh! It's great' he said and took another and another.

I took one for myself, my eyes not leaving him as he tried to drink all of them
quickly. Not your night, Liam.

I drank faster than him and heard him laugh beside me. Soon all the glasses in the
tray were empty.

'Hey, we need another tray full of these' I shouted out through the loud music to
the bartender.

'Slow down, Leia' he said.

When the next set of tray came, I grinned at Liam.

'Lets erase the last match score and start again, shall we? Lets see who finishes
more' I grinned widely and took a shot.
Liam started taking two in his hand and drinking them quickly while I quickened my
phase. I was laughing all the while and so was Liam.

'This was so much fun!' I screamed.

'I'm gonna count' Liam said when they were over.

'No, I will. You'll cheat' I said leaning on Liam and started to count the empty
ones Liam finished and them mine.

'And that's...15, 16! I won! You drank only 14!' I laughed.

'Oh, come on. This is your first time, I wanted to go slow' he said.


My legs felt like jelly and soon lost my balance. Liam caught my by waist and
steadied me.

'Careful there, bunny' he said. I just laughed. Getting out of his grip, I turned
around to see him leaning on the table with his right arm on it.

'Liam' I said in a professional tone 'Liam Smith, would you give me the opportunity
to have this dance with you' I stretched my hand, smouldering at him

He raised an eyebrow and mustered up to give me a weird look.

'Isn't that suppose to be my dialogue?' He asked 'And also the smouldering part,
like Flynn Ryder?' He asked.

'Eugene. Call me Eugene, my love' I moved closer to him and took his hand.

'Oh my hair is glowing, Eugene' he said in a least lady voice as possible and
pulled me to the dance floor.

I don't know what I was doing- dancing or jumping or running. The alcohol in my
system made me confident enough to dance for the music like crazy. Liam was dancing
in front me and moving around. We both were laughing and having so much fun.

I felt Liam placing his hands on my waist from behind and crushing his front on my
back. When he hands came upper and upper, close to my breasts, I moved his hands
back to my waist. I felt him holding me tight and he started to grind himself on

I quickly took his hands off me and turned around.

The alcohol might've made me think it was his touch but not his face.

Under the dim light as I focused hard on the shadow in front of my, I saw it wasn't
Liam but the man who ordered a drink for me earlier. His eyes were full of lust and
I moved back. I caught Liam dancing with a random girl who was trying to kiss me.
He held her face far from him.

I quickly walked towards him but a hard pull made me face the man in front of me.

'Come on, lady. Lets get a room' he said and started pulling me.

I started wiggling in his hold but he was strong. I was screaming for Liam but he
didn't hear me.

'Bastard!' I slapped him across the face and he immediately let me go. I rubbed my
arm and saw him staring me with so much rage.

'Bad move, bitch' he grabbed my arm again and pulled me to him 'I'm going to fuck
your cunt till it bleeds, you hear me?' he said on my face.

Before he could pull me, my knee came up, hitting his precious little thing.

He released me to clutch his tiny and I found the courage to punch him in the face,

'Bloody bastard!' I screamed loudly and kicked his side, making him fall on the
others which caught everyone's attention.

The music is still going on but everyone seem to stop dancing and watched us.

'I'm going to stuff your head into a pot and make you dance ballet!' I was about to
throw another punch but I was lifted up by my waist.

'Leia, Leia' I heard Liam.

'Let me go! I'm gonna kill the bastard! Let. Me. Go. Liam!' I screamed.

Will and Alan were threatening him while I was thrashing in Liam's arms. Li quietly
came to my side and without Liam noticing, gave me a beer bottle.

I quickly threw it. I swear my aim was correct because it went right where the
target was standing but the only problem was, the target was pushed aside and a
huge buffy man took his place. The bottle broke on his chest and suddenly the music

'Oh oh' I heard the panic voice of Li.

'What have you done, Leia?' Liam whisper yelled in my ear.

Everyone were silent and the Buffy man wearing all black was staring at me I think.
I couldn't tell because he was wearing black glasses.

'Who wears glasses at night?' I found myself saying.

I don't know what happened next. It all happened in a such a hurry. The buffy man
and his buffy friends lifted us as if we weigh nothing and threw us out of the
club. I lost my balance and my butt kissed the hard ground.

'Idiot!' I got up quickly and banged on the door 'You buffy glass wearing gorilla,
come out and fight!' I screamed and kept banging at the door.

'Leia I thought you were fighting with him inside' I heard Alan. I turned around
and saw the ugly man trashing in Alan's and Will's arms.

'Oh, yes. I totally forgot' I made my way towards him but there was some noise. I
turned to see Liam busy peeing in the garbage with his back facing us.

'Arg, can you not pee without making such noise?' I asked.

He turned his head back 'Sorry, too much plastic in here' he said and went on.
'Arg!' I turned towards the man who was still trying to get away from my friend's

'Use this, Leia' Li who's thoroughly enjoying this, gave me a huge plate like tin.

I took it from from him and aimed it to the man's head before throwing it. And this
time my aim was wrong. It hit Alan. He screamed pain and let of the man, making him
a lot easier to get out of Will's hands. He made a run and I started chasing him.

My legs didn't take me far and I fell down.

'Wait! You idiot come back!' I screamed.

I saw something hitting his head. It happened again, and again.

I turned back to see my friend's throwing small stones on him till he got out of
the gate, out of our site.

'I could've handled it!' I screamed at them.

'Yeah, sure, bunny' said Liam and made his way to me. He and Li gave me their hands
and I cleverly clutched on Li's hand and got up.

'Don't touch me. You haven't washed your hand with sanitary' I said to Liam.

'I think the word is sanitizer' Li said.

'Yeah, yeah. I know. Same thing' I said mock glaring at Liam.

'Never ever in the history of clubbing, I was thrown out by the guards!' Alan said
stretching arms wide open. We turned to him.

'Ever' said Will, copying his actions, spreading his hands wide and looking at the

'Ever' said Alan.

'Ever' both the idiots said in unison.

'Come on guys, we need to go' Liam said and made his way to his car.

Alan and Will were busy with their ever while Li led me to the car.

When we got in, I quickly wrapped my arms around Liam's neck and snuggled closer
before closing me eyes.

'Tired?' He asked pushing a strand of hair from the side of my face.

'Did you wash your hands?' My voice was soft and eyes were remained shut. My energy
is drained completely. I heard Liam chuckled above me.

'Yeah, I did. Will had a sanitary' he said.

'Sanitizer' I mumbled before drifting off to deep slumber.

When I woke up, my head felt like it was banged at least ten times on a wall. I
hurt too much and with the bright sunlight blinding my eyes from the window weren't
helping. After a quiet few minutes, I opened my eyes to see I was totally in a
different room.
Last night's events were invading my mind and I quickly got up to leave the room.
In the pretty big hall I found Liam lying flat on his stomach with his legs on
Will's stomach and Alan sleeping with his head on Liam's butt. Li is no where to be

I opened the curtains of the hall, letting the sunlight come in.

Within seconds, I saw Alan groaning and sinking his face deep into Liam's butt.

Men are horrible.

'Rise and shine. Rise and shine' I chipped happily and made my way to the kitchen.

I heard them rumble and groan behind. I made myself busy searching for milk.

Just then the door opened and I turned around to see Li in his shorts and hoodie,
milk can and newspaper in his hand.

'Hey guys, hey Leia' he greeted.

'Just what I was searching' I mumbled took the milk can from him.

'Get up idiots!' He shot at his friends. I heard all them say that's it's Sunday.

'I'm never drinking again, ever' I heard Alan say.

'Me too, ever' said Will.

'My head's spinning' Liam said.

I saw them getting up and walking like zombies to their respective rooms.

'Need some help?' Asked Li.

'No, it's fine' I smiled back.

'I'll prepare pancakes while you do coffee, kay?' He said and I nodded.

'Li?' I called.


'You tucked me in, is it?' I asked.

'No, it was Liam. Mind you, I really thought he's going to drop you. He just didn't
let me help though I was sober. He tucked you in his bed and slept here' he said.

'Why didn't you drink anyways?' I asked.

'Well, we take turns. Don't wanna drink and drive but I did have a glass or two' he
said and went on with his work.

'By the way' he turned to me with a smirk 'Nice show you put up last night, made us
all been thrown out'

I chuckled awkwardly.

'I'm sorry, I don't really remember everything. It's just snippets of scenes...I-I
swear it wasn't me' I tried defending myself.

That wasn't me at all

I heard Li chuckle 'It's alright, alcohol does bring out the other side of you. You
were a badass. It was cool'

'I blame the alcohol' I murmured, ignoring whatever he said.

'Me too'

After a hot coffee and breakfast with a hearty chat, Liam dropped me off to my

I was at home till evening and then got ready and walked to the cafe.

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Chapter 19 - Chapter-18

When I was little, I had a nanny behind me everywhere. Dad was too busy with work,
so my nanny was like a mother. She use to take me to parks, buy me ice creams, take
me to school and bring me back. She even use to attend parent teacher meetings. I'm
maybe devoid of mother's love but nanny's love was always there, Agatha's love was
always there. But I don't know what went wrong, when I turned ten, she just
disappeared even without saying goodbye. When I asked Dad, he told that she left.

After that we shifted our home and I got to meet Aunt May and her wonderful family.
Aunt May wasn't always with me like Agatha but she did love and care for me.

As I grew up I couldn't help but always wonder how it would've been if my mother
did everything thay Agatha did to me. Taking me to parks, buying me ice cream,
petting me, feeding me, taking care of me when I fall sick. I use to see my
classmates receiving that love from their mothers and I couldn't help but feel sad.

But as I grew up, the pain seems to fade away until it was nothing but a scar. A
scar that would hurt if touched and I always find a way not to touch it and not let
anyone touch it.

Now as I'm watching children playing in the park with their mother right by their
side, I feel no pain. I'm just seeing a mother with her child.

I took a deep breathe and turned away my sight from the children and their parents.

I saw Lily busy playing with some of her park friends.

Working at two places has tired me so much that I had to take a break. I took off
today and remained at home when Charlotte called to ask whether I'm free. I told
her how I'm at home and she requested me to take care of Lily for a while till she
and Aunt May finish their shopping and return back.

We spent a little time at my place and soon Lily asked me to take her to park. And
here she is playing for almost one hour.

A smile comes to face when I saw her fighting with a little boy like she's some
kind of a great fighter. With her small hands on her hips, she glared at the boy
who is a feet taller than her. She has her father's guts.
Before she would smack that boy, I got up from the seat and walked towards her.

She saw me and went back to her staring business.

'Lily' I called out. She pretended as if she didn't hear me. Her friends behind her
were watching the whole scene quietly.

'Give away her ball!' She said in her angry tone. The boy just looked at her with
utmost disinterest.

'Lily, it's time to go' I said a little harder this time.

'Leia, he took Jessica's ball' she complained.

'Hey, kid. Give back the ball' I told kindly.

He gave me a look before looking back at Lily.

'Give me a kiss and I'll give back her ball, Lily' he said and I just looked at him

Lilly's friends gasped in horror and ran away screeching at the top of their lungs,
making their parents look at them.

I looked back at the boy and a flustered Lily.

Damn this generation.

'Lily, come on lets go' I clutched her hand and pulled her along with me out of the

Once we were out of the park, she wiggled her hand from my grip and crossed it in
front of her. She looks angry.

'I was thinking about buying us ice cream but since someone's in a bad mood, I
think I'll just drop them at their home, eh?' I say in an amused tone.

I look at down to see Lily stop dead on her track and lift her head up to me. Her
eyebrows are still scrunched and not to forget her pout.

'I want ice cream' she said in a grumpy way and started walking.

When we reached the ice cream shop, I made her sit in her seat and went to order.
Her eyes lit up when I came up her favorite Choco dip vanilla flavoured ice cream

I sat down and handed her cone, she happily started devouring her ice, all her
anger now out of the window. I brought myself the same and finished it before she
could. She pulled the cone towards herself fearing when I tried to eat hers.

I made a mock attempt to reach for her ice which made her laugh and move back in
her chair. It happened few times and finally, I spoke.

'Who was that boy you were fighting with?' I asked politely.

Lily shrugged, clearly busy with her cone.

'We are in same class' she told.

'And why did he talk to you that way?' I asked.

'He's always like that, Leia. He pulls my pony tails, takes my bag and runs away in
the corridor, he even steals my home works!' She squealed.

'That's bad, baby. Didn't you tell the teacher?' I asked.

'He's teachers favorite!' She pouted.

'Does he do this to everyone?' I ask.

'No' she shakes her head 'he does it only to me. But he's little good. He gives me
his lunch and they are so delicious' she beams.

'And what about your lunch?' I ask.

'He makes me eat both. He tells I look pretty when I'm chubby' she blushed.

That's it! Kindergarten romance!

I couldn't help but smile even though it's all little too much at this age. I can't
help but think how it's going to be once they grow up.

'Does he always ask you to kiss?' I ask.

'Hmm?' He keeps her finger under chin and thinks 'Sometimes'

I look at her wide eye before asking her one last question.

'Where does he ask you to kiss?'

'His right cheek'

And I released a sigh I never knew I kept in.

After dropping off Lily at her place to Charlotte, I stayed ther for a while before
catching a taxi and making my way home.

I took a quick shower and dressed up. I wore a black top with long sleeves that hug
my frame, making my breasts look bigger. Matching it with a black jean and black
flats, I was ready within forty five minutes.

Exactly at seven, the doorbell ran and I opened to reveal Liam.

'Ready?' He asked flashing a smile as he gazed at me.

'Totally' I said and locked my door behind before following him.

I hoped on his bike and soon took off.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we took a seat near the corner.

Apparently, Liam asked me out for dinner as he's leaving for London tomorrow
morning. He's missing his parents deeply and since his semester got over, he
planned on a four days trip. He asked me come along but I denied saying that
there's lot of work. I didn't want him to know how I went all along to Texas with
my father with a passport that was never made.
'You know London is beautiful' he says munching on his food.

'Are you saying Moscow ain't a good place?' I raised my eyes at him.

'No, what I'm saying is getting drunk and fighting a guy is way more fun in London'
he smirks at me.

I try to glare but fail badly.

'That wasn't me' my voice pleading as I felt my cheeks warming up.

Liam chuckled at my uneasiness 'You're great to watch when you're drunk. Is that
why you never drank before?' He asks curiously.

'I never knew. I'm sorry' I almost stated firmly.

'You were cute, specially the part when you hit the guard while trashing in my
arms' he smiled.

'Shut up, Liam. I'm never drinking again' I murmured softly, Liam just laughed.

We continued eating, talking when necessary.

I will miss Liam but it's matter for four days, so I should't fuss so much about

'I really want you to come' he gave me a pout 'I would've shown you around. You
would've loved it'

I smiled. I do wish I was able to go and the more he speaks about his precious
England, the more tempting it feels.

'I know, I know. It's just that-

'There's lot of work. I understand' he groans.

'Don't be such a whiny. I'll make it up to you when you return, okay?' I say.

He looks surprised but replies anyway.


'Promise' I say.

'That's better. By the way, do you need me to get anything from there for you?' He

'Well, let me think, how about you buy-' I stopper abruptly when my eyes fell upon
a familiar person.

Oscar Crawford.

'Liam, I'll be back. Gotta use the washroom' I said and got up when I saw him
approaching close with a man.

'Ideas from washroom?'

'Idiot' I murmured to him and left.

I closed the door and took a room, closing the lid and sitting on it. If he sees
me, he'll definitely come to talk and I'm not ready to answer his questions because
everything that'll come of out of my mouth will be a lie.

The restaurant is not a five star one and definitely not his. Then what is he even
doing here?

I stayed in the toilet till a woman started to bang on the door. Ignoring her
glare, I took my sweet time in adjusting my adjusted dress and looking at my face
incredibly for a longer time. Not to forget washing my hands thoroughly and
spending good in drying them clean.

When I stepped out and walked towards our table, I scanned the receptionist area
where I saw him before. When there ws no sign of him, I walked towards Liam.

'Miss. Rose, is that you?'

I stopped dead on my tracks but didn't turn around.

When he came forward, he smiled widely before taking my hand and kissing it.

'Mr. Crawford' I tried to smile.

'Oscar, please' he said 'I assume you've come here with Nicholas'

'I...No, actually I'm with a friend' I said.

'I see. It's been a long time, isn't it?' He said 'I didn't even get a chance to
see you when I came home'

I smiled awkwardly, waiting for him to go away.

'Anyways, has Lantsov returned from Brazil?' He asked. I tried hard not to look
like I don't know anything.

'No. He said he wants to stay a while, explore the country' I said casually.

Oscar chuckled 'Playing coy, aren't we?'

He was smiling but I could see he's dead serious.

'Well, Oscar you know Lantsov' I played along but I wasn't bold enough.

'Right. I'm hoping to see you at the function. Good day' he said.

'Good day' I replied and he walked away.

Good lord knows what function it is.

When I turned towards liam, I saw him watching me already. He looked serious and I
know he's going to question.

'Who's he?' He asked as soon as I reached him.

'My father's friend' I replied, surprising myself for getting a quick efficient

Liam nodded, believing my lie.

When we were done with dinner, Liam dropped me.

'Flight's at 7 a.m. Don't dose off. You told me you'll bid me goodbye at the
airport' he reminded me.

'Yes I remember, Liam. You can count on me. Goodnight' I smiled. He started the
engine and left.

I opened my door, and locked it behind. My hand went to the switch and switched it
on. Instead of greeting with bright light, I was greeted with total darkness.

I quickly opened the door to see all other houses had their lights on. As much as I
remember not all houses have generators here. I was about to get out to check
what's the problem at the main, when my hair was pulled back.

I screamed loudly. I was slammed on the wall with a hand muffling all my screams
and the door shut swiftly beside me. My reflex was all over as I started to wiggle
and thrash but the person pushed me further to the wall and slammed his body on

I felt pure raw fear surge through my veins as I realised its a man through the
hairy hands and roughness.

Everything is dark and I can't even see the outlining of the man so close to me. I
could hear his harsh breathing ad he moved close my ear.

'I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth. Make a noise and I'll kill you right
here, right now' his voice was very hoarse.

I felt myself nodding and as if he got it, he removed his hands from my hair and
mouth before stepping back. I stayed still, breathing very slowly through my mouth
as I stared at total darkness in front of me. The man was quiet and all my thoughts
were on running away but I stood rooted, not taking any decision hastily.

'Stay right here' he said. I heard the footsteps walking away towards the kitchen
and he got out through the back door.

My hand quickly went to the door beside. I turned the knob, only to find it locked.
I tried harder and but all was vain. When I saw that the man hasn't come back, I
made a dash towards my room but even that was locked. I found myself trapped in my
own house.

Quickly opening my phone, I called Adam. The moment it started to ring, the room
was illuminated with light. I quickly ran towards the kitchen to lock the door,
only to find the it broken.

I took the knife from the kitchen and turned around to find a man standing in my
kitchen. His eyes were bloodshot as he stared into mine with no remorse. He was
huge and looked too scary.

'Cut the call and drop the knife' he said in his same hoarse voice.

I pressed the home button and kept it on the slide beside. Luckily the ringing
sound isn't loud enough. I glanced slightly to see the seconds running, indicating
that Adam has picked up the call.


I was cut off as the man covered the distance between us and shut my mouth. I
started fighting and tried to pierce the knife on his shoulder but his other hand
pulled the knife out of my hand and kept it on the slide beside. I tried pushing
him but he efficiently took the phone and ended the call.

He took a huge breathe and loosened his grip before stepping back.

I took back the knife that has his blood now. My eyes went to his bloody hand
that's holding my phone and I felt anger rising.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you' he said.

Just then my phone started to ring again. I know its Adam even without seeing the
caller ID.

'You won't get away with whatever you're planning to do to me. My friend will find
you' I said sternly.

A smirk came his way.

'Your cop friend? Sure, but I'm not here for you, I'm here for your boyfriend' he
said. Confusion settled my features.


That one word sent chill down my spine. His smirk grew wider as he saw my courage

'Talk to him but don't utter a word of what's happening here' he said, giving the
phone to me.

I should tell Adam but since it involves Nicholas, I just can't.

I picked up the call and kept it to my ear, my face going pale as I stared at the
man in front of me.

'Leia, what took you so long to attend and why didn't you talk before?' He sounded

'I...I'm sorry, I was was a mistake. I called you by mistake' I said.

'You sure? Why do you sound so low?' He asked.

'Yeah, I was actually sleeping. With the phone on bed, I rolled over I guess, and
accidentally called you' I said.

I heard Adam chuckled on the other side.

'And here I was thinking the worst possibilities. Damn, Leia you scared me' he

'I'm sorry, Adam. I truly need to go to back to sleep. Goodnight'

'Night' with that he cut the call.

'What do you want from Nicholas?' I asked the man in front of me.

'Call your boyfriend. Ask him to come here now' he said.

I certainly know for sure that this man is nothing but a foe to Nicholas and I
can't have a crime scene in my house, but at the same time the fear inside is
convincing me to follow this man's order.

My hands trembled as I went through my contact list and stopped at the number I've
been looking every night for the past three months, that is from the time he bid

I pressed the dial button and kept it to my ear. Once it started to ring, my heart
started to beat faster that I could actually hear it in my ear. He picked up sooner
than I expected.

'Leia' he sounded surprised.

'Nicholas' I breathe out.

I head him taking a harsh breathe.

'Tell me Leia, I'm listening' he almost cooed, I think.

'Nicholas...there's a man here wanting to see you. Please, just please come to my
place right away' I tried hard not to tremble against the man's hard features.

'I'm on my way, don't cut the call' his voice no more held the merry, just

The man in front of me stretched is hand out for me to give the phone.

'Nicholas, he's asking for the phone' I said but clutched the phone tighter to my

'Don't. Just keep talking to me, Leia' he said urgently. I heard shuffling and then
a loud noise on the other side.

Before I could reply, the man approached me and tried to take the phone from my

'No, please! Let go!' I screamed.

I could hear Nicholas screaming but can't hear what it is. The man took the phone
from my hand that was in the air and cut the call, Nicholas screams ending. The
phone rung again but the man after seeing the contact name, threw the phone away,
making it break into pieces.

Penny for your thoughts?

Chapter 20 - Chapter-19

Without any warning he clutched my upper arm in his tight grip and dragged me to
hall and threw me on the couch. Pain surged through my back as I tried not to
scream and get up to sit. The man sat adjacent to my couch and I struck myself to
the extreme corner.

There was complete silence for what seemed like hours. I didn't look away from him,
fearing he might do something but all he did was hung his head low and sat still.
Thoughts of taking up something and hitting it on his head were constantly killing
me, but I know I can't handle his man. I thought of running through the back door
but I'm sure, he'll catch me before I even start to run. I'm not taking any chance
but at the time if he tries anything, I'll throw all my morals out of the window
and attack him with everything I've got.

I have so many thoughts running in my mind because men like him don't visit me
often. I truly believe he must've seen me in the Crawford's party and came up with
a misconception that Nicholas and I are couple.

The doorbell interrupted both of us. I felt relief wash through me. I got up only
to be pushed back. He gave me a threatening stare and made his way towards the
door. I saw him keeping the screw driver near the keyhole and pushing it in. The
door snapped open.

The man tried to tackle Nicholas but Nicholas was fast. He threw a punch on his
face and slammed him on the wall, holding his hands in his tight grip.

Nicholas eyes scanned the area, searching for me and when he finally caught the
sight of me, his eyes softened.

'Alright?' He asked me, not affected by the man who's trashing his hold.

I nodded weakly and that was enough for him.

'Who are you?' Nicholas voice was as cold as ice.

'Your...your death' the man hissed.

'My death arrives only when I want it to come' Nicholas replied 'Who are you?'

'You're dead Nicholas!' The man said finally releasing himself from Nicholas hold.

He punched Nicholas in the face and Nicholas did the same. Soon the got into a
serious fight and I was awestruck by the way Nicholas fought. His each move was
clean and clear, causing damage to the man. Holding the man by his throat, he
lifted him up and threw him. He landed in my kitchen, breaking my glass vessels,
shattering the kitchen.

He came running towards Nicholas like a madman but Nicholas dodged him easily by
landing a hard punch to his stomach. The man's scream was strangled as his leg
moved on its own chord before he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

Nicholas quickly started checking him and took out his purse. The man who
momentarily came out of the pain, snatched Nicholas by the shoulder before going
for his throat. Nicholas easily took the hand from his throat and stood up, turning
away from him. He started seeing his purse before taking his phone out and keeping
it in his ear.

The man is struggling on the floor and slowly came to a sitting position, coughing
out blood. His trembling hand raised up slowly and my eyes widened when I saw him
holding a gun.

'NICHOLAS!' I screamed. He quickly turned around but too late. A loud bang
resonated in my silent home and I saw the bullet hit Nicholas on his chest.
Nicholas stumbled on his feet but stood on his guard. By this time the man was on
his feet, the gun now turned towards me.

He looked murderous but his eyes told me another story as he gazed into my fearful
ones. I stood rooted, my legs didn't move and he pulled the trigger.
I bent down, letting the bullet hit the wall. I stayed down, hidden by the couch.
My hands are trembling and my adrenaline is rushing up. Another bullet came hitting
the couch, making me scream. I heard something break so I cautiously peeked up from
the couch to see that Nicholas had thrown a vase on his head.

Before he could come back from the soaring pain and aim his gun at Nicholas,
Nicholas had already taken out his own gun. Both the men stood at the mercy of the

He slowly walked backwards, his hold on gun not flattering and his eyes not even
blinking. Nicholas stood still like a statue with his gun aimed at the mam who
slowly made his way out through the back door.

Nicholas stood on his guard for few seconds, thinking he might come back but when
he didn't, he slipped his gun back to his pocket. I let out a sigh and grunted
before leaning back on the wall.

I quickly ran to him. He was breathing faster and slipped down to the floor. The
first thing that caught my eyes were his white shirt that's red on his left side.

'Nicholas're shot' it was more like I said to myself.

Nicholas was grunting and breathing hard, trying to control the pain but failed

'You''re hurt, Leia' he said, pointing towards my ear. I quickly touched the spot
and saw blood in my hand.

'No, it's not mine. That man had my phone in his bloody hand' I said. As if not
believing me, he reached for my ear and checked for himself. When he was satisfied,
he removed his hand and concentrated on his pain.

I can't take him to a hospital and have the cops involved. I don't even know what
to do!

Sliding one of my arms under his armpit, I held his side.

'Nicholas, please help me help you. Hold onto me and get up' I said.

He put his arm around my shoulder and got up. I almost lost balance when he put his
whole weight on me but he quickly stood on his legs and we made our way towards the
washroom. There is only one bathroom in my house and that's in my bedroom which is

I kept tugging on the knob furiously but it didn't open.

'God!' I screamed in frustration.

Nicholas pulled out his gun and shot the knob. It immediately broke open. Pushing
the door open, I made it to the bathroom with Nicholas. Making him sit down with
his back resting in the bath rub, I rushed to the shelves, getting whatever first
aid I had.

Nicholas removed his coat and his tie while I rummaged through all the items I got.

Quickly removing his shirt, I tried hard to slide the shirt from his hand. My eyes
widened when I saw a hole punctured on his left pectoral above.
'Nicholas' I started to cry.

'I'm fine. You need to remove the bullet, Leia' he said.

'I-I can't' I looked shocked at him.

'Give me the forceps' he said.

I quickly gave it to him. I saw him as he tried to pierce the forcep inside his
flesh. He gave a controlled scream and stopped his action. I took the forcep from
his hand and detol and cotton. Taking enough cotton in my hand and putting enough
detol, I started to clear the blood around the bullet hole. Soon, there was bloody
cottons thrown on the floor and his body looked clean except the hole.

Taking the forcep, my hand trembled as I went closer to him. I looked at him to see
him already watching me.

'Tell me if it hurts, Nicholas' I pleaded. He remained quiet and stared at me.

I took a deep breath and slowly inserted the forcep. Nicholas tried not to scream
and held onto the tub. It was so tougher than I thought and it felt weird. My tears
didn't stop but my hands were steady. I felt the forcep going in little by little
and I was able to the feel hard metal bullet.
'A little more, Leia' he said.

When I pushed further, Nicholas hand wrapped my waist tightly and he shut his eyes
due to the pain. I stopped and waited for him to catch his breath. When his hold
loosened, I pushed in making him grip me worst than before.

'Pull it. Pull it out!' He hissed. Clutching the bullet tightly, I pulled it out.
The bloody bullet came out. Quickly dropping it down, I took the cotton and cleared
the blood that started to leak.

'Take the needle. Stitch it up' he said, eyeing the first aid that's spread out of

My hands started to tremble again when I took the needle and hooked it with thread.
When the needle pierced his flesh and came out, the thread pulled his flesh close
without a gap. Nicholas calmed down this time as I stitched him up. His eyes are
tired and his hold on waist is tender. When the stitching was done, I kept enough
cotton and wrapped the bandage around.

'You'll be infected, Nicholas' I said looking at the bandage.

'We have a family doctor. I'll consult him tomorrow' his voice was tried and his
eyes are dropping with sleep.

'You'll be fine' I wrapped my arm around him carefully 'Come on, get up'

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and got up with the support. When we were out
the washroom, he took his arm off me and stood still, his eyes looking in the
mirror. His hand went to the bandage and he looked at me.

'Do you have a shirt or something?' He asked.

'No' I replied.

'Okay, I need to get going' he said and made his way towards the hall.
'No, you can't drive in his condition' I said.

He turned to look at me 'I'm perfectly fine, Leia' he replied back.

'No, you aren't. You're tried and driving at this condition is not safe. Please,
stay here tonight. You can leave tomorrow' I requested. He stood silent for few
seconds before nodding.

When he walked out, I followed him. He pushed the side couch to the back door,
making it shut before walking to the main door. He inspected the key hole and asked
for the key. When I gave the key, he worked for a minute and then the key turned,
locking the door.

'I'll take the couch, go sleep' he said.

'No, you need proper rest. You take the bed, I'll take the couch' I argued.

'I can't leave you alone here with broken doors. Let's share the bed' he said and
walked to my room while I stood rooted to my spot.

This is going to be difficult. I've never shared a bed with anyone. And not to
forget, I sleep horrible. My face looks horrible whole sleeping, I'm sure, and I
don't even know whether I snore or talk during sleep.

When I made my way to my bedroom, I saw Nicholas lying on the bed with his eyes
closed. Closing the door, I contemplated whether to sleep next to him as he took
almost all the place for himself. I wouldn't blame him for his huge body.

Lying down on the bed, I pulled the blanket up and covered him before covering
myself and switching off the light. The lamp beside him is glowing and I didn't ask
him to off it.



'What were you doing when he tried to get in?' He asked.

'I don't know how and when he broke in. I was out with my friend. When I returned
back, he attacked me as soon as I opened' I said.

He opened his eyes and turned to me.

'Are you okay?' He asked.

'I don't experience this often, so I won't lie to you that I'm okay' I replied.

He chuckled for my response.

'I didn't mean any of this to happen' he said.

'It's alright. I'm fine' I said.

'You said you didn't' he gave me a tiring smile.

'It came out of habit' I shrugged.

'Sleep, Leia. There's lot to talk to you tomorrow' he said, closing his eyes.
I watched him for a while, for a long while till all I was able to hear was his
rhythmic breathing. I don't remember when I fell asleep while watching him.

* * *

When I woke up, the other side of the bed was cold. Last night's events came
rushing up but I pushed them aside.

Listening to the voices outside the bedroom, I quickly got up and went out

I breath a sigh of relief when I saw Nicholas. He's talking to Boris, his driver.
The last time I saw Boris was when he dropped me off to my place.

I looked at my messy home. The blood that hit the floor when Nicholas was shot is
now dried. The shattered pieces of vase is all over and my kitchen looks like it
was struck by a whirlpool.

When both the men caught my sight, they spoke hastily before Boris bid goodbye and
walked out.

'We need to talk' Said Nicholas straight away. He placed himself on the couch and
motioned for me to take a seat. Rubbing my sleepy eyes and putting my hair on a
messy bun I made my way and sat in the adjacent couch, the other one is still near
the back door.

'How's your wound?' I asked, looking at his clothed chest. He's no longer half
clad, instead, wearing an ironed blue tux, mostly probably Boris brought them for

'Doesn't hurt' was all he replied.

'Alright, there's so much and I...I need to get ready for work, so I'll-

'You can't go to work. Not today, not until Michael Kutcher is caught' he said. I
was about to ask what it's all about but looking at my confusion, he continued
'He's the man who invited himself last night'

'I'm not even connected to all this' I mumbled.

'Michael thinks otherwise' he replied.

It's clear that the situation is grave, and after witnessing such a horrible
incident, I'm not going to convince myself that everything is okay. But at the same
time, I don't want to be involved in this.

'Nicholas' I sighed heavily 'This is all too much. Look, look at my home. It took
me months to overcome what my father did to me and I struggled to find a house and
make it home. Working at places, going on with my life without any goals and
dreams, I'm truly lost. Now, you can't ask me to do this'

All the while he stared at me with those fathomable eyes.

'Do you have a better option?' He asked.

I didn't reply.

Every morning when I wake up I desperately crave for a coffee, not a headache. I
ran my hand through my face. I don't want to listen to him but I don't have a
better option.

What have I gotten myself into?

Everything is so unreal yet not. The most important and wanted criminal's son is
right in front of me and I'm in a mood for coffee. My home was broken down by one
of his enemies and there were bullets flying in the air. (I just wonder how the
neighbours didn't hear it) I witnessed a damn murder and not to forget that I
stayed in a criminal's house for five days.

'Leia' Nicholas caught my attention.

'He was the same man who tried to kill us that night. He was the truck driver' he's
words left me flabbergasted.

'I wanted to believe that it was an accident' my voice came out desperate.

'There's no such thing as accidents in my world, Leia. Everything happens for a

reason' he said.

'Let me guess, most of the times the reason is you, right?' I stared at him.

A kind of irritation crossed his face.

'Let me put this straight to you. That man is dangerous. I don't even know from
which part of my mistake he has merged out. Unfortunately, you're in this too. I
didn't help you from Stark only to put you in more danger, do you understand me?'
He's voice was stern.

'Yes' I replied.

'Good. As far as I can say he's been watching me closely and yet again he'll target
you to get me. And you saw how he didn't think twice before pulling the trigger on
you' I involuntarily shuddered at that.

'But...not going to work and staying at home is not going to help either' I said
softly. My eyebrows are furrowed with tension and I can already feel a headache
making its way to me.

'Yes, I know. That's why you're staying with me'


'No!' I snapped back before I could think.

Nicholas kept his face passive as if he already knew how I'll react.

'It's just a matter of few weeks or a month, really' he argued.

'No, no, I can't stay at your place. I did get enough hospitality before I was
thrown out, so no thanks' I hissed out.

'You weren't thrown out' he emphasised the syllables.

'Your mother hates me' I said.

'Who said anything about staying at my place?' He huffed out 'You are staying with
me, Leia'
'Nicholas but...why? How's it going to help me, anyways? It's not like you're going
to stay with me 24/7 making it easier for Michael to get you' I reasoned out.

'You will stay in my penthouse with guards around' he said.

I had to control the urge to roll my eyes. In his penthouse, he says. I get
mistress vibes.

'This is ridiculous' I stood up 'I think you saved me to put me in a bigger mess' I
was pacing with my hands all over the air 'I did nothing for God sake! I can't just
listen to whatever the hell you say, Nicholas. I can't leave my home, my work, my
friends and stay with you in your damn penthouse till some moron is caught'

Nicholas stood up too. The anger controlled for so long is evident through his
blazing eyes and clenched fists.

'Shut up, Leia. I didn't put you in a bigger mess. Don't you dare say that again-

'Else what?' I cut him off, glaring up at his cold fury eyes.

'Don't test me, Angel' his voice was gruff and controlled. For a second I let my
guard down when he called me an angel.

I remained silent, afraid he might find how his words affect me.

'Are you coming with me or not?' He almost barked the words at me.

I pulled up my guard and stepped back. When I spoke, my voice was slow and steady.

'I'm going to Adam and tell him everything. Right from the beginning. I don't care
anymore to say out about my father, I don't care anymore to say out about you too.
I'm done lying and hiding to the most important people of my life'

For my surprise, instead of getting a death glaring, I got a sexy smirk from him.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked at him.

'So clever, I'm impressed' his voice was soft 'Is there a better idea than this? Of
course, not. You've thought it all so clever. And here I thought that if Afam gets
involved, his family gets involved, than Marie and then our beloved Liam. Too
unfortunate for Lily to witness another incident, right? And I'm sure it won't be
her father shooting at a man, instead another man shooting her father. How good it
will be to destroy a whole family for your selfishness' he mocked.

My shoulder slumped in defeat. How didn't I think about that? I can't cause them
harm. I've known them for years now and all they've done to me is help me in all
ways while I haven't returned that kind gesture. I put my head down when I felt my
eyes water. I don't have a choice.

'Get ready and pack your bags. I'll leave Boris here, he'll take you to my
penthouse' with that said, he turned around and walked out of my house.

I let down my guard down and slumped on my couch, crying.

So, what you guys think is going to happen? I'll just give you'll one clue - sparks
Chapter 21 - Chapter-20
The most dangerous woman of all is the one who refuses to rely on your sword to
save her because she carries her own.

r.h. Sin



Read the note after the chapter, I mean it.


After spending a good time alone with my thoughts and a cup of coffee, I had a
quick shower and started packing. Boris by the time, called a mechanic to fix the
door knobs.

I took all my clothes which were hardly any and some of my books. I looked at my
home one last time before locking it behind and following Boris to the car. I was
occupied with so many thoughts and didn't see where we were going.

When the car stopped, I got out to face a beautiful house in front of me. With an
amazing fountain in front and trees and bougainvillea around. Something else that
caught my eyes were men wearing all black and a bluetooth connected to their
respective ears.

'This way, ma'am' Boris led me to the house. He typed a password and the door flung

I was awestruck with the beauty inside. White flooring, white couches, white walls,
bright lights. A glorious mosaic wall of a lion is towards the left, it's almost
touching the roof. I could see maids working in the hugely lit kitchen who did
notice me but ignored. I walked towards the huge glass doors that led me out to the
swimming pool. Four sunbathing beds are placed in the front of the pool. Towards
the other side of the pool I saw a huge building connected. They must probably be

'Boss will meet you in a moment. Please, make yourself home' Boris said and left me
alone in the veranda.

I walked inside and placed my bag on the couch before settling beside. The soft
couch almost took me inside as I struggled to come up with a comfortable position
due to it's fluffy nature. I sat quietly in my seat for a while before getting real

I don't even have a phone as that man broken it into pieces last night. I promised
Liam to come to airport to bid goodbye. He would've called me several times and
left for the flight in utter disappointment. Marie will come searching for me, only
to find the house locked. They will keep quiet for a while before Adam starts
digging in.

* * *

Boris's definition of moment is totally different. It's infinity of guesses. As I

sat here watching the clock for a long time, I couldn't help but guess when the
moment will arrive. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. now, the moment still hasn't arrived.

One of the maids requested me for breakfast and then lunch, after that they didn't
disturb me in any way and neither did I. To ask where Nicholas is, when he will
come and other questions were in the tip of tongue but I refrained from loading
them with my silly questions. I spent the rest of the time in reading one of the
books I brought with me and I finally got up from this couch when I was done with
the book.

At night the house looks even more beautiful. At the pool side, the only light is
from the pool and the from the building. Outside there were dim lights in the
garden and the fountain was all in its pure glory.

The guards patrol often around the estate before settling in their chamber, keeping
a close watch in the cctv, probably. Around 7 p.m. the maids were out of the estate
after informing one of the guards. I locked the doors and sat on one of the tanning
beds, watching the dark sky without any stars. When everything was quiet and calm,
I heard beep noise from inside. I quickly ran in to see the door opening.

I relaxed when I saw it was none other than Nicholas.

The moment has arrived, finally.

He closed the door behind and walked towards me.

'How was your day?' He's voice is full of humor even though his eyes are

'Boring, like your penthouse' I replied, folding my arms in front.

He took a step forward, he's eyes landing on my bag that's still lying on the

'They are three rooms in this penthouse and the one that is unlocked is yours.
There's already some new clothes in there, if this is not enough' he said pointing
to my bag 'The maids will be here in the morning, around seven and leave in the
evening at seven. The maids and the guards are the only ones to know the password,
so don't panic if the doors open automatically. The guards won't let anyone in
without consultation but if it's not okay with you, just put a latch at the top and
bottom of the door and open when they ring the bell, clear?'

I nodded my head in understanding.

'You're not a prisoner here, so feel free to roam around. The whole estate belongs
to me so you can take a walk, or a swim, do anything you wish for. If you ever
wanna get out for a while, inform one of the guards, Boris will take you. There's a
hall with a piano, in case you wanna play' he said. I internally smiled when he
mentioned the word piano.

'How long is it gong to take to catch Michael?' I asked.

'I don't know. I'm working on it' he said stiffly.

'My friends will soon start worrying about me' I said.

He gave me a knowing nod.

'True. What lie did you feed them when you returned back from my place?' He asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him 'Well, my father did the work for me already' I said.

'Tell them you went to meet him' he said and took out a phone from his pocket,
giving it to me.

I took from him and saw its a new phone.

'I've inserted your SIM in that. That's the only thing that remained in those
pieces' he said.

'Thank you'

'Alright then, I'll take a leave now'

With that he walked out while I stared at his back. He just left me abandoned in
his own penthouse without even a company.

* * *

Nicholas was true to his words. I'm afterall, not a prisoner here. I roamed freely
in the estate without anyone questioning me. The maids prepared me delicious food
and when I tried to conversate with them, they were quiet formal, clearly stating
me that they can't be friendly. I called Marie and informed how I'm with father,
going on road to St. Petersburg and then taking a flight to Dallas. She questioned
much at the beginning how it's all sudden and I didn't inform them before leaving.
It was hard talking to her but she understood at the end.

Boris is here all the day long with the other guards and I kind of felt bad for
them. It was even annoying to me to have guards around and stay in a house all day
but I couldn't do anything for the solution lies only when Michael is no longer
moving free. Nicholas didn't visit me for a three days and I was fine with it.

I played piano and read books all the day by the pool side. At nights when sleep
was the last thing on my head, I'd take a swim in the cold pool. Life in the
penthouse is good, really and I didn't mind having a little fun here for I know it
won't last longer and also, it's not entirely my fault that I'm in this situation.
At times my mind would wonder to my father and our old times. Even after what he
did, I couldn't help but worry about him, afterall I've still got strings attached
to him. He's still my father, my only family, no matter how bad he is, which I did
not notice before.

On my fourth night at the penthouse, when I was busy playing piano, I heard the
doorbell. I ran down knowing it must be Boris but I was surprised to see Nicholas
when i opened the door.

'I thought you totally forgot about the princess being held captive in the castle'
I teased him.

His lips lift up to a wide smile.

'Not at all, Princess' he replied and made himself home 'I got some news for you'
he said and sat on the couch. I took a place beside him as he placed some photos on
the table.

'This is something much bigger than I thought, Leia' his voice turned serious.

'This is the man, Michael Kutcher and his family' he pointed towards a family
picture of a man, his beautiful wife and a daughter who must probably be in her
high school.

'And this is Benjamin Dell' he pointed to the image of Benjamin.

'What does it got to with him?' I asked, staring at the image of the dead old man.

'Unfortunately, lot. This man is the one who killed Benjamin and then came for me'
Nicholas said.

I looked aghast at him.

'It's true. The forensic reports of this crime scene' he pointed towards the
murdered image of Benjamin with a bullet in his head 'and with the fingerprints I
got at your place, match perfectly. It was just a guess, so I just tried both the
reports and they came out correct. Even the bullets at your place and the bullet in
his head seem to be same, he's used the same pistol' he explained.

'My...he's the murderer you were searching for and so was Adam!' I exclaimed.

He ignored me and went on.

'If my guess is right, he must have followed me and came across you during the
birthday party. He took a move when I took you out for dinner' he said, pointing
towards the accident image of Nicholas crushed car and a truck.

'But why? You surely have not met him before, right?' I asked.

'Yes. He's someone new and I think he's working under someone' he looked thoughtful
'I ran the plate of this truck and bingo, that's how I came to know of him.
Apparently he was a truck driver. His wife was a housewife and his daughter was in
high school. One month ago, this girl disappeared on her way back home from her
school, so he lodged a complain. The cops found the girl's body in a garbage bin
after two days. She was raped and assaulted before being killed' Nicholas said all
this so casually while I was trembling beside him, looking at the beautiful
brunette smiling at the camera in the picture.

I felt a stab of pain surge through me as I picked up the picture and looked at the
girl. Such a young girl. My eyes swelled up as I thought about the horrible torture
she went through.

'Why are you even telling me all this?!' I snapped at Nicholas, holding the picture
in a tight grip.

Nicholas stared me before taking the picture from my tight grip and placing it back
in its place on the table.

'Leia, I can't understand how it feels to be a woman and go through this, but I do
know this is worst than death itself. As a woman, you can understand the pain this
girl went through but I can't, I'm sorry. I can only sympathize and try to
understand you, but I really can't understand that feeling' he said.

When I said nothing, he continued.

'You see, the assault on this girl were similar to Benjamin's way of pleasure. When
I saw this girl's death picture, I immediately knew it was him. He was a hardcore
BDSM and his ways were torturous. I would've brought some pictures of those to tell
you how I'm so sure of this but that'll give you nightmares, so I refrained from
bringing them. The case was closed by setting up some common rapist as the
criminal' he pointed to a bald man in his jail uniform.

'Women do survive Benjamin but since this girl was not a call girl and was
deliberately kidnapped, he had no choice but to kill her when he was done, to keep
up his reputation' he said.
'But why come for you?' I asked, pretty much confused.

'Firstly, it's still mystery how he came to know it was Benjamin. He's a common
man, Leia. His background too ain't a bigger catch. And secondly, I honestly, don't
know why he's after me' Nicholas said sincerely.

I looked at him doubtful. When Nicholas caught me staring, I quickly turned away,
but he already saw it in my eyes and his eyes turned cold.

Before I know, a strong hand gripped the back of my neck and pulled me roughly
towards Nicholas. He stared deep into my guilty eyes.

'Don't you ever think of me that way' his voice was so cold 'I'm not a fucking
rapist, and I'm not worst like Benjamin. The only business we had in common were
drugs, not women and definitely not their sanity. I never ever accompanied him for
such a thing' he said.

His grip was tight on my neck as I stared into a different Nicholas.

'You're hurting me' I struggled under his hold, but he stayed unfazed by it.

'Don't you ever think like that ever again, Rose' he warned before removing me from
his death grip. I rubbed my back furiously and stared at him for his violent

'Don't you dare touch me again, Nicholas Vladimir Antonovich' I hissed at him.

'Then don't you dare think so low of me. I never enjoyed such a thing and was
definitely not a part of Benjamin's inhuman ways' he grit back.

'What else do you want me to think? You're no saint and so is he' I said pointing
towards Benjamin's picture 'If he's a damn criminal for spoiling so many women's
lives, then so are you for standing aside and watching him do it' I spit back and
stood up. I turned around and started walking towards my room but an abrupt pull
made me release a grasp and stop in front of his fury face.

'Are you telling me that I'm responsible for this girl's death?' He seethed with

'Yes. You, his family, his friends, everyone who knew about this and remained
silent without taking a step against it' I snapped back.

'What are you trying to say, Leia? That I should've complained to cops? How amazing
will that be, for they will arrest me for my crimes and put me behind the bars
instead of listening to me' he chuckled dryly 'Or you wanted someone else to inform
his cruel actions? Perhaps, his maids, his loyal guards who eagerly wait like dogs
for their chance to get a piece of the girls?'

I wiggled in his hold, trying to get out of it.

'Listen, Leia, you're right that staying silent towards a crime is also a crime but
you know what's even worse? When no one listens to you. When no one dares to step
forward to help you. The cops who worked on that case knew it was Benjamin. The
semen traces in her womb, the fingerprints on her body, everything in the forensic
report clearly stated it's Benjamin but yet it was someone else put behind the
bars. Benjamin wasn't even in the picture' he released my arm from his hold and
took a step back 'Michael and his wife were given a totally wrong reports and the
poor man and woman believed it!' He shouted.
I immediately wiped the tear that slipped out of my eye and put my head down.

'He destroyed a family, Nicholas' my voice was a mere whisper.

'Not just one, Leia' he said. I looked up to see his eyes are soft and filled with
a kind of emotion that I can't decipher 'He has destroyed many. That's why I always
told you that he deserved to die' he said.

I said nothing.

'Come here, Leia' he motioned me closer. I took a step forward while he quickly
closed the remaining gap and pulled me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him
and placed my head on his chest.

'It's not your fault. It wasn't mine either' he rubbed my back in a soothing way
'Michael took his revenge but I don't know why he's after me. With his daughter
dead and wife gone mental due to such a traumatic death of her daughter, he's not
in his right mind, Leia. So, he wouldn't think twice before hurting anyone in his
path. Give me some time, I'll catch him soon enough and all this will over'

I looked up from his chest to see him. His hand cupped my cheek and he rubbed my
chin with his thumb.

'I'm glad you saved me from that monster. I can't imagine if I was given to
Benjamin' I said.

He gave a small smile before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

'I'm glad I found you' he said.

Alright people, I love this couple so much for now and forever.

Okay, let me get something right. As you read in the chapter about Michael's family
and his daughter, well, it's something that's happening in the society. I didn't
just write this for the sake of my plot, but also to put it out that this happens.

They are varies molestation happening to girls in varies places - schools,

colleges, buses, metros, trains, work places, you name it, the list goes on and on.
It's truly hard to find a girl who hasn't undergone such unacceptable incident. For
those who have gone through such and are reading this, I just wanna say that you're
stronger than you think. Trust me, I understand you for smacked a man in his face
who tried to grope me on road.

So, don't go around commenting that I don't understand this, because dude, please,
I do, and that I should think hard before writing such a thing and all kind of
nonsense from your negative mind. I've heard enough already in HP, I don't want to
hear even in Lost, specially not the same people who commented bullshit in HP and
then come here. It's truly confusing to me, because some comment that HP is bad,
Kat is bad but I find them finishing that book and coming to Lost. I couldn't help
but look at those comments and say out loud that 'Bitch, you're my fan'

Anyways, don't comment negative and what you guys think is going happen next?

Also, if you'll are truly in love with Lost, please share the story.

Chapter 22 - Chapter-21

I tear down yet another page of my music book.

I started writing my own music from the time I started to learn piano. At first
they were simple notes, barely lasting for a minute or two but as I grew up I
started writing till they lasted for a whole twenty to thirty minutes. Most of the
times I end up playing my music for many functions and find myself among mass of
people shooting varies questions about it - How I made it? Can I get your
autograph? Can you please send me a copy of it? Who's my coach? Am I publishing any
music of mine? Endless questions for which the answer is surprising one - No.

Last year I started to write a very melodic music and I dare say I haven't even
covered it much. It's just so difficult when you want it to be very melodic. It's
starts off with a tint of loneliness and then like pitter pat of raindrops before
the chorus starts off peacefully.

I actually got the idea from the pleasant weather. I was standing in the balcony
for two hours straight with a coffee in my hand that turned cold. It was November
and the snow was all over, leaving behind heavy rain fall. The sky was grey all the
day with cool breeze, something I love the most. Soon the remaining white clouds
too changed grey and slowly and slowly the atmosphere became a little darker with
the orange dust of dawn still lingering behind before a drop of rain hit the
ground, soon followed by others. The rain was heavy but it wasn't like a
thunderstorm. I remember placing the cold mug down and walking towards the rain,
standing with my head held high and eyes closed as I felt the the cold pleasant
rain drenching me. I wanted that peaceful to last whenever I desired, so I started
writing a music based on it, my mind completely dipped in the memory of that

It's been an hour now and I can't find myself concentrating on the music note in
front of me as I sat on the window cill, under the cloudy sky. It's late October
and the climate is already changing for the harsh winter.

I sigh and close my book, leaning back on the window reveal. Last night's
conversation with Nicholas has kept me disturbed throughout that I see Michael in a
different prospective view. I see a loving father, a loving husband who lost his
family due to a monster.

It's truly amazing how love changes a person entirely. It makes him do things which
he once thought were impossible. He goes on a whole new different journey of life,
holding hands with the woman he dearly loves to infinity and above. When that
journey is threatened or destroyed by someone else, the love that the man had
inside erupts like a volcano in a calm ocean, destroying everything on its way.

Michael had so much of love in him. So much of love for his wife and daughter until
they were taken away from him. I can't imagine the pain he's in, with his daughter
died in a brutal way and his wife affected mentally. It was too much to take in
when Nicholas was explaining all this to me. I can't really put myself in Michael's

How could a man like Benjamin Dell do such a thing? I've seen his pictures in
magazines and also some of his interviews while I go through the channels. He
speaks so highly of women empowerment and womens safety. The only disgusting matter
I use to find in him was he was always surrounded by young girls. For a man who is
in late 60s, it was too much. The girls around are always smiling and giggling in
his arms like it totally doesn't matter to them, but still it use disturb me.

I will never understand why some of the men stoop so low just for sexual pleasure
that'll last hardly for few minutes. Forcing a women against her will is not power,
is not bravery or strength. Is it so difficult to understand a simple 'no' from a
woman? In any language the woman says, no means the same.

A mistake, a grave mistake that they make kills the girl from within. She changes
completely, isolating herself and going through constant nightmares. Nothing in the
world can bring back the girl she was before, everything just changes in her life.

The ringing of my phone interrupted me from my thoughts. I quickly walked to the

bed only to see the picture of me and Liam that we took in the birthday party,
flashing on my screen.

I felt my mood drop into anxiety.

'Hey, Liam!' I said cheerfully.

'Don't you 'hey' me-

'Alright, I'll not. How are you dear Liam?' I ask.

'You promised to send me off at the airport! Don't you dare act cute to me and try
to manipulate me, I'm still mad at you!' He literally screamed.

'I'll make it up to you, Liam' I sighed heavily.

'You always say that'

'And I do make it up to you, don't I?' I raised an eyebrow before realising that he
can't see me.


'I'm sorry, Liam'

I heard him sigh on the other side before speaking.

'You know the worst part was talking to Marie about it. The woman attended my sixth
call, only to call me a dickface before asking what's the matter'

I let out a chuckle.

'She truly dislikes me, Leia but she was worried when I told that I couldn't reach
your phone'

'Yeah the battery was dead' I said.

'It's alright. How's...Texas?' He asked.

'I...It's amazing. I'm loving it' I said.

'Is that why you declined to come with me?'

'No, Liam. It was a sudden plan by Dad' I spoke as convincingly as possible.

'Well, you better come along with me next time, okay? And also, make it up to me
for this time'

'I will. So when are you coming back?' I ask.

'It was supposed to be four nights here but Mama dear wanted me to stay another
day. I'll leave tomorrow morning'

'That's great' I said and just then there was a knock on the open door. I turned
around to see Boris 'Alright, then I'll catch you later?'

When I didn't get a reply, I looked at my phone to check whether he's cut the call
or not but it was still on call.


'You know, it's really surprising how you're in Texas with a Russian number. As far
I know you don't a have an international SIM and also, the number is definitely
enough to convey me that you're not in Texas but in Moscow'

I mentally smack my head.

'I'm not going to judge you. At the same time I'm not going to keep quiet once I
return back. Bye, bunny'

The call ended leaving me speechless and totally, totally stupid. I look over Boris
who's still at the door with his arms folded in front. If he saw my sudden change
in mood, well, I'm just going to say that he's good in masking it up.

'You sent Stacey home?' Boris asks.

'She was sick, Boris' I replied.

Stacey is the cook here. She looked too ill in the afternoon, so I had to send her

'Tell me what you need for dinner, I'll get you' he said.

I look out of the open window to the cloudy sky. I really need some air.

'I wanna eat out' I say.

'Alright, get ready. I'll take you out' he said and left.

I quickly change my clothes into a maroon full sleeve floral dress that ends right
below my knees. I don't know how Nicholas knows my size but all the dresses that he
has bought for me are perfect.

Putting my long hair into a ponytail, I wrap a fluffy shawl around my neck. Winter
has started and I'm sure its going to turn worse once the snow starts, so the last
thing I want is to fall sick. I grab my purse and mobile before heading down.

Boris was on phone when I arrived, probably informing Nicholas about my sudden
interest to get out of his beautiful penthouse. I got inside the car while Boris
continued talking in hushed tone for few seconds before slipping into the car and
starting the engine.

I looked out of the window, my thoughts occupied with the conversation I had with
Liam. What am I going to tell him? Will he even believe if I tell him the truth? I
trust Liam, he's truly my best friend but will it be worth it to tell him the truth
only to get his life risked? If he believes everything I say, he'll try his best to
keep me safe. He doesn't like Nicholas, I figured that out on the day he first saw
him, and I'm pretty sure he'll blame him for the bigger trouble I'm facing right
Lifeless bodies of Aunt May and her family and Marie and Liam is what comes to my
mind when I think about telling any of them the truth. Nicholas has indeed thought
through the matter before coming to a decision. I don't judge him because he saved
my life before, even without me knowing about it and due to that I have respect for
this man. He may be the son of a mobster but he to me he's like a hero who saved my
life. I mean which girl would like to end up in brothel against her will? And after
knowing it was Benjamin who bought me, I'm really grateful to Nicholas for saving
my life else I would have ended up like Michael's daughter or even worst.

Nicholas is after Michael and I'm sure he will catch him soon and then I can go
back to my normal life with no more life threatening problems. Only then I will
tell Liam everything.

When the car came to a stop, I came out of my reverie and looked around. I didn't
tell Boris where to take me and I'm pretty sure he's brought me to some five star
hotel which I'm not too fond off because all I need now is chicken wings and potato

I followed Boris to the high class restaurant and took a corner seat by the window.

'I'll be out. If you need me, just tell my name to the waiter or any of the people
who work here. They'll inform me' Boris said.

'Sure. I know you're pretty famous, Boris' I gave him a teasing smile.

'The hotel belongs to Boss, ma'am' he said, making my smile drop. He gave a curt
nod before getting out of the hotel.

No wonder he made Crawford as his business partner. I don't know the legal as well
as illegal business Nicholas has and I'm not even interested to find out even out
of curiosity.

I ordered chicken wings and potato fries even though the waiter told it comes with
a combination or something like that. I made sure to clearly say just chicken wings
and potato fries.

I looked out of the window to see Boris talking to a guard.

I wonder if he's just a driver and a guard to Nicholas.

He's always stiff and stern. He never lets his guard down and always ready for
anything unusual that might throw itself on his way. With his height and body
screaming he's a boxer, his actions and behavior proves he's ever more than that.

'If it isn't the Rose I'm looking at now'

I abruptly turned to the man who's smiling down at me. He's ocean blue eyes are
sparkling with merry and his lips are turned into a crooked smirk. His dark hair,
sort of messy in its own style and his royal blue tux made him look even more
dashing. His eyebrows scrunched and his smirk turned to a frown. I quickly realised
that I didn't reply.

'Sorry, I was-

'Staring at me, I know' he said in a teasing tone and the disappeared smirk came
back to his lips 'Turner Crawford, remember?'

'Yeah, yeah I do. Please sit' I said.

What's with me and meeting the Crawford's in restaurants?

'Thank you. So, came to see Nicholas?' He asked, looking out at Boris.

'Is he here?' I asked.

He looked at me seriously, his playfulness gone. He studied me for a while and I

started to wonder what crime did I do by asking him that question.

'Yeah, apparently he is' he replied.

'Okay, so what brought you here?' I ask.

'My Dad asked me to check into this month's account' he said.

I looked at him confused. Why would he check the account when the restaurant belong
to Nicholas?

'Anyways what did you order?'

'Chicken wings and potato fries' I said.

'You should try steak. It's what special in our restaurants' he replied.

'Your restaurant?' I ask immediately before I can neven think.

'Well, I know it still belongs to Nicholas' he chuckled nervously 'but it's in our
name, isn't it?' He made a point which I didn't understand.

He watched me for a long moment, before speaking.

'Nicholas doesn't speak much about business to you, yeah?' He was smiling but his
eyes were serious, waiting for my reply.

'Yeah, I'm not so interested in his business' I said.

I tried not to keep up with the conversation with him so that he will leave but
Turner was far from leaving.

'So how's everyone at home? Dad's eagerly waiting for Mr. Lanstov to return back'
he said.

I nod and smile at him without replying. I don't live in Nicholas home, Turner.

'Also, how's Sophie? I heard she's gone back to London?'

'It's Sophia' I couldn't help but correct him 'Yeah, she needs to finish her
studies' I said.

'Nice girl she is. I mean, I've met her only once in the party but she really
seemed to be a good person'

I ignored his sly smile and his real definition of nice. Now that I think of
Sophia, she was always so kind and sweet to me. In a little span of time we became
good friends. I truly miss her.

'Yes she is' I heard myself say.

'Do you mind giving her number to me?' Turner placed his elbows on the table and
leaned forward with his exciting eyes on me.

I scoffed at me. Is he even serious? I'm not going to tell him that I don't have
her number but I can surely answer his question.

'No, I won't. You are supposed to ask her and not me'

'I knew you'd say something like that' he murmured under his breath.

'I heard that'

'Of course, you did. How about I take you to an amazing place and to return the
favor, you give me her number?' He said.

'I'm not coming you with you anywhere-

'It's right here'

'-and I am not giving her number'

'Oh, c'mon on, Rose. It's just a number' he shrugged.

'Then why don't you ask her for yourself?'

'Well, because his brother, Aron will have my neck' he replied as a matter of fact.
I quickly remembered the night at Crawford's party when Sophia told me that they
don't trust them and that Aron will not agree.

'Of course he will' I said.

'Is there anything I can do to change your mind?' He asks. I can clearly see the
desperation in his eyes but I'm pretty sure he's goofing around. He's playboy and
once a playboy always remains a playboy.

'There's nothing you can do' I reply back.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

'Alright, I'll leave you with your dinner. I need to meet Nicholas' he says and
stands up.

'Where is he anyway?' I ask casually, making my curiosity.

'He's in the Brawls' he says.


'I can understand if he doesn't talk business to you but he never spoke about
Backyard Brawls? That's unbelievable' he said.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, thinking what to reply.

'Alright, c'mon' he held my arm and made me stand up.

'Turner, what are you doing?' I said while he gently pulls me from my place.

'I'm taking you to Nicholas'

'Woah, no. I can't meet him now' I said while he kept walking in front with his
hand holding mine behind, pulling me along.

'C'mon I know he'll be shocked to see you but he can't stay mad at you for a long
tell now, can he?'

I'm not his girlfriend, you garbage!

'Turner, wait' I stop walking and he turns around 'I can't see him now. We...we
fought in the' I lie.

Turner's really frustrating me and I'm trying too hard not to show him any signs of
my frustration.

'Oh, that tells me why he's been kicking everyone's ass since evening. Should've
thought about trouble in paradise' he says 'it's going to be even more fun now' he
continues to pull me with him, towards the elevator.

I try searching for Boris but he's no where.

When we get into the elevator, I see the waiter standing at my place with chicken
wings and potato fries before the elevator door closes.

My chicken wings used its wings for a useful purpose and flew away from my reach.

My chicken wings.

'Turner' I turn to him 'this is bad idea. Nicholas will not like this' I say

'Relax. He's been letting out his frustration for a long time now and no ones been
able to stop him. I'm sure he'll calm down once he sees you' he said.

I highly doubt that. If any, he'll become even more furious once he sees me. I
don't know what made him so mad but I definitely don't want to face his wrath.

The elevator stopped and I looked at the floor number with surprise, -2.

We stepped out into a parking lot. A lot of crazy bikes than rich cars around.

'This Backyard Brawls is under the restaurant in a parking lot?' I ask.

'Not exactly under the restaurant, if it was, the sounds and noise would've been
audible up there. Also, this parking lot is for Brawls' he said.

'And what's in -1 floor?' I ask.

'It's the parking lot for the restaurant'

I follow him and reach at a black door with two guards at the sides. Turner opens
the door and gets in, followed by me.

First I was met with dark blue, almost black environment with dark silhouettes
leaning on sides of the walls. Then came the noise, mixture of laughter, shouts,
talks and music. The silhouettes at the sides turned to us and I find myself edging
closer to Tunner.

'Where have you brought me? Is this a club?' I almost bark at him.

I've never been into a club, I never even wanted to visit in the the first place.
Turner ignored me and went further in, the room widening and the light is a little
brighter now. Girls wearing hardly anything to cover them are wrapped around
muscular arms and slammed on the walls. Men with tattoos all over their body are
eyeing me like I'm a piece of steak from Crawford's restaurant. Almost everyone's
eyes are set on us and I don't know whether its because of Turner or because of me
who clearly looks out of place.

Some of the men smirked in an evil way and ranked their eyes down my body and some
of the girls looked at me with an eyebrow raised, leaving a puff of smoke from
their cigarettes.

Turner opened a door and let me inside a very crowded and noisy place. I took a
deep breath, the place is too huge and I saw a mass of people gathered around
screaming at something in the middle. This place is much better. My eyes fell upon
a huge circular mesh that's almost touching the roof. There's bright orange light
focused inside the mesh and people are standing around the mesh, screaming.

Turner took my hand and walked away from the crowd. I couldn't exactly see what's
going there due to six feet people practically trashing around the mesh.

Turner climbed up the wooden stairs, onto a stage where people are sitting and
watching the crowd. VIP section, maybe. As soon we reached a bald man made his way
towards us and hugged Turner, slapping his back in a friendly way. He's bulky and
his bald head and arms are covered in tattoos.

Some of them are sitting on couches with women in their arms indulged in their own
word while of some of them watching whatever's happening inside in the mesh.

'He's still in the ring?' Asked Turner.

'Yeah, didn't get out still' the bald man answered. His eyes fell on me and I
pulled my shawl down and clutched my purse tightly, covering myself in his lustful

'Is she your gyal?' He asked Turner.


'That's enough to know' he quickly made his way towards me, I felt a sudden fear
seep through me, but Turner placed a firm hand on his chest, stopping him.

'She belong to Nicholas, Chet' Turner snarled at him.

I looked at Turner before looking at the guy Chet. His eyes turned fearful for a
second but then he masked it up with nothing but a blank stare. He roamed his eyes
all over my body for one last time before looking at Turner.

He whispered something in Turner's ear. I tried to listen but the noise was too
dominating and his whisper disappeared in air. He turned away and went to the
corner and stood with his eyes looking in the front and his hands gripping the

'Get me out of here' I grit out at Turner, who just gave me a sly smile.

'You out of everyone shouldn't be scared of this place because after tonight,
everyone's going to be scared of you' he said.

'I don't what you're saying and I don't even to understand. Just take
Me.Out.Of.Here' I say flatly.

'Sh, it's going to turn interesting, c'mon' he pulled me towards the railing, some
of them moved aside giving us space.

My eyes widened when I saw what it is. The circular mesh is just a covering, for
inside is a boxing ring. I looked at Turner who's smirking at me.

'Backyard Brawls is a fighting club' he said with amusement.

My head started to spin when a bulky boxer threw a punch on his opponent's head.

He's wearing only khaki trousers. His chest is glistening with sweat and his nose
and the side of his jaw is bleeding. He looks so intimidating and strong due to his
huge frame and thick muscles. His head is bald and he's looking at his opponent
with so much rage. Anyone under that look will cower in fear.

His opponent has his back to us. He's not so huge as his opponent and definitely
not bulky with blocks of muscles. He's wearing only black joggers and his bare back
looks smooth due to sweat. With his clenched fists that's just wrapped with a piece
of white cloth which is bleedy at the knuckles, he stiffly stood with parted legs.
The more I see him, the more familiar I feel.

'Bald's stage name is Ripper' said Turner but I was far from listening to him.

My eyes are zoomed to the ring watching the man punching the Ripper with so much
power. His back is still facing me while he held his opponent's arm and threw
continuous punch right to his waist. The crowd is screaming the word Beast with
vigorous passion and raw excitement.

'It's Nicholas...' I said.

'He's much preferred name is Beast' says Turner proudly.

I watched speechless as Nicholas kept punching and punching Ripper. Finally when he
turned to me, my breathe hitched in my throat.

He's totally not the Nicholas I know. He's eyes are ice cold and there's a purple
bruised at his cheek bone. His jaw is bleeding, some of the blood dripping to his
glistening chest. The crowd started to cheer more and more and I saw Nicholas
screaming before jumping in the air and throwing a final punch on Ripper,
delivering a mega knock out. The crowd became more wild at the victory.

'That's the third fight and third knock out' said Turner.

Nicholas is breathing slowly, his each breath making his chest heave as he looked
down at Ripper with his sweaty messed up hair dashing its way in front. He slowly
lifted his eyes to the audience, watching them call Beast like it's their anthem.

He slowed looked up and my hands automatically clenched the railing in front. His
eyes met Chet, then Turner and quickly at me. Shock was evident on his face before
it turned to realisation as he narrowed his eyes at Turner who's just having an
amuse look on his face.

I felt a string of shock vibrate through my body when Nicholas left the ring and
made his way towards us. He ignored the people around and walked towards the stage
with his dark eyes solely resting on me. My hands gripped my purse like my life
depends on it as I saw his head appearing from the staircase. I involuntarily moved
back and my back hit someone. I turned around see it was Turner. When I turned
back, my breathe hitched in my throat and my fingers gripped my purse impossibly
tighter as I stood face to face with Nicholas.

His breathing is loud and the hot breathe is fanning my face as he looked down at
me with those unfathomable eyes. I nervously stood caged between two men and leaned
back on Turner due to fear. Nicholas noticed the small action and his eyebrows

His eyes flickered above me to Turner.

'What is she doing here?' His voice was hoarse and rude.

'She wanted to meet you' said Turner, making my head rotate to 180 degree 'And me
being such a good friend of yours thought it's appropriate to bring her here,
afterall you were releasing all that anger due to her and the fight you had with
her this morning' said Turner.

I want to smack this man on his face.

'I did not-'

'Is she your gyal?' I was interrupted by Chet. I'm really get annoyed with those

His question was directed to Nicholas but my his eyes are on me. I quickly looked
down at the floor.

I am not anyone's, I am my own!

I want to scream those words till they get tattooed inside Chet's skull and not
above, considering the fact that he already has so many there.

I didn't face so much of fuss for the lies I fed but due to a small lie that
Nicholas said in the party is giving me so much trouble. He said I'm his date, not
girlfriend. Also, don't people take different people to different parties? Surely
it's not necessary for a date to be a girlfriend or 'your gyal'

I felt a arm wrap around my waist and I quickly looked up to Nicholas. For a man
who was fighting so ruthlessly in the ring just few minutes ago, his arm is
surprisingly gentle as he pulled me close to his sweaty body. My nose scrunched and
I saw his lips lift up slightly before they went back to form thin lines as they
were before.

'We'll talk about the accounts tomorrow' he said Turner.

'Nicholas-' Chet started.

'What happened to the information I asked you?' Nicholas cut him off with his own
question as if he knew he'll pester on hi.

'I got it, Boss' he replied curtly.

'Good. Get down to work. If there's any problem, talk to Jax' with that said, he
dismissed Chet.

I didn't dare to look back at the men behind and I lifted my hand to trace my
finger on the reddish bruise on his right lower quadrant with a feather touch.
Nicholas stiffened above me and I stopped my movement.
'But Nicholas my father-

'Do as your told, Turner' Nicholas spoke firmly.

Before Turner can reply, Nicholas started walking towards the stair with his arm
safely wrapped around my waist.

I saw the men eyeing us and moving away. Some of them looked shocked while some
suspicious while others out of curiosity. They found watching us more interesting
than the next boxing that started in the ring.

Nicholas slowed down, matching my phase. When he opened the door to the blue dark
room, my eyes took some time to adjust. This time all the people who were making
out, talking, drinking and smoking turned their heads to us and the noise stopped
abruptly making the rap music to be heard clearly. Their eyes showed surprise and
fear, opposite to what I saw when I entered with Turner.

When we were out of the club, Nicholas made his way past the elevator. I didn't
question and kept walking with him. We reached the end of the parking lot only to
be greeting by the first rainfall of the month.

Nicholas stopped and removed his arm from my waist before walking to the edge of
the lot.

Within seconds a car stopped in front of us with its headlights flashing brightly
in darkness of night and rain. Nicholas looked at me and I quickly walked to the
car. He opened the door and I slipped in before moving in for Nicholas to get in.
However, he closed the door and slipped into passenger seat, next to Boris.

I watched him for a second as Boris handed him a shirt and water bottle.

I brushed off the silly disappointment and edged closer to the seat, smiling at the

I hate summer and love rainy seasons. I can adjust if the cold become harsh by
wrapping myself with blankets after blankets and sitting at the fireplace, but
summers are truly horrible for me.

I was busy watching the rain and hardly listened to the men talking in the front.
Also, it's not like I can hear them with the rainfall and their hushed voice.

When the car came to a stop at the penthouse, I deliberately got down slowly,
letting the cold rain drench me. I slowly walked towards the door. I'm anyways
going to get to the veranda and dance in the rain, so no offense.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist and pushed me urgently towards the home.

Nicholas typed the password and got us inside. I watched him surprisingly. What's
he doing? Isn't he going home?

All of a sudden the lights were turned off leaving us in complete darkness. It felt
like déjà vu.

'Nicholas' my voice sounded alarm and full of panic.

'I'm here' he said and I saw him switching on the flashlight in his mobile.

I moved closer to him.

'I'll go ask Boris what's the problem' he said.

'No, don't leave me. I-It was just like this when...Michael broke in' I said.

'Leia' his voice was stern 'he's not here' it was a mere whisper.

He got out to see Boris while I switched on the flash in my mobile, looking

When I heard footsteps behind, I turned around flashing the light right on Nicholas
face. He closed his eyes and raised his hand to his face.

'Sorry' I said sheepishly.

'Problem with the generator. Boris is working on it, the light will back soon' he
answered curtly as he made way to the room.

I saw him opening one of the doors that were locked and quickly shutting it behind.
I made my way to my room. The rain has increased with heavy thunder and lightning.
I opened the balcony door wide letting in a gush of cold wind. The balcony is quite
big and the roof about I even bigger, preventing the rain from coming any further
from the railing.

I searched the drawers for candles before lighting them up and placing in my room.

Big candles, heavy rain, cold weather, I might as well as prepare myself a candle
light dinner.

Unwrapping the shawl around my neck and removing my hair from pony, I started
drying my wet hair in a towel.

I turned around only to let out a scream when I saw a silhouette at the door.

It moved inside and due to the candle light I saw its none other than Nicholas.
He's wearing a white shirt and shorts. This is the first time I'm seeing him in
something else other than suits. His hair is dripping with water and his face is
clean with just wounds and no blood.

'I didn't mean to scare you' he said. I quickly looked away from his body, tucking
a strand of hair behind my ear.

'It''s okay' I replied.

He looks so intimidating with his muscles ripped out of his tight shirt. The veins
on his bare arms are quite visible and the candle light made no justice by showing
him so sexy while I look a scarecrow for sure.

'Your wounds must be tended. Sit on the bed, I'll go get the first aid' I said and
walked to get the first aid even without waiting for his reply.

When I came back with my requirement, one hand holding a candle while another the
first aid kit, I was a little surprised to see Nicholas sitting on the bed. I
didn't really expect he'll listen to me.

When he saw me, he quickly sat still with his eyes watching my every move as I
placed the candle on the side table and the kit on bed, beside him. I was taking
out cotton, some antiseptic and bandages when Nicholas gently pulled me between his
parted legs. I looked down at him with an unreadable expression while he just
stared at me blankly. In this position, my chin is close to his forehead and his
face right between my neck and breasts.

I quickly took the cotton and antiseptic and started working on the wound that's
close to his left eye. It was difficult to concentrate while his eyes are straight
to straight in contact with mine. He didn't flinch when the alcohol touched his
bare wound. I'm pretty sure it must be burning.

I blew on the wound and applied some antiseptic cream before placing placing cotton
and sticking a bandage. I went the purple bruise on his cheek bone, his dark eyes
still staring at me. I put another bandage before going to his knuckles. He waved
it off.

'My knuckles aren't that worst' he said. I quickly remembered about the wound on
his lower quadrant but that would require him to remove his shirt and with the
position we are in, it's better to brush it away. I was about to move of his parted
legs but he placed both his arms on my back, preventing me from moving.

I looked into his warm eyes that are twinkling with some kind of emotion I can't

I remained silent, letting him make a move.

He pulled me closer and closer until his face was incredibly closer to my breasts
as he looked up at me.

'What were you doing down there, Leia?' His voice soft as feather.

'I don't know. Turner forced me to go with him' I replied.

'Hmm' he hummed softly.

A loud thunder stuck, making me shiver. Nicholas hold tightened on my back. I

looked out at the balcony's open widow, the curtains dancing to their own song due
to the wind.

'Eyes on my, Rose' Nicholas's request made me look back at him.

'Why do you call me rose even after knowing my real name?' I ask softly looking
into his twinkling dark eyes.

He shrugged.

'I don't know. I like calling you that. Do you want me to stop it?' He asked,
pushing my hair back and placing his cold hand on my neck.

His eyes are hypnotic. I felt myself indulging into them. I've never met man like
him before. A man so powerful and fearless.

'Leia' he called me.


'You were scared of me back there' he stated.

'You were ruthless in the ring' I said softly.

'You felt leaning back on Turner much safer than facing me' his soft voice had a
malice hardness at the end and I wonder how to answer that.
'I'm not a really violent person' I chuckled awkwardly.

Without replying to me, he pulled me down to his face. I felt him rubbing my neck.
His wet hair is tempting me to run my hands through it.

'Then I'm pretty sure you won't slap me when I do this'

'Do wh-'

He cut me by slamming his lips on mine. I grasped due to his sudden action and
stayed still while his lips moved against mine. Nicholas kept rubbing my neck
softly and his lips were smooth on mine.

I started to move my lips, my hands on his shoulder as I leaned further down and
kissed him with equal passion. Nicholas's other hand slipped down my waist and
gripped my bottom. I grasped with surprise and he took the opportunity to slip his
warm tongue into mine. I felt myself moaning due to his amazing kiss.

This is my second kiss and second time kissing him.

Before I can process, Nicholas pulled me down with him and turned us around, with
him on me as his kiss became more demanding. One of his hand is clutching my wet
hair while the other is pulling my skirt up and pushing my legs apart to settle
himself in between.

When we were out breathe, he unlatched his mouth from mine. I took gulps of air
through my mouth. I looked up at him, my hands are in tight fists around his shirt
and he's gazing down at me with so much passion I've never seen before.

My face is probably flushed and I'm glad he can't see the blush due to the dim
candle light.

He ran his hand through my hair and rubbed my cheeks with his bruised knuckles. We
are staring deep into each other's for so long and it's hard to look away from
those eyes. His head ame down slowly and he pecked my lips again, and again.

'Nicholas' I laid my hands flat on his chest and tried to push him but he didn't
even budge.

He started to kiss at the corner of my mouth and came down to my jaw, peppering me
with kisses. I tried hard to listen to my mind but my body is just not in my
control. When his face disappeared in my neck, my hand came to his wet silky hair.
He started kissing my soft flesh and I shivered when his tongue darted out and
licked me.

When he kissed my soft spot, my mind shut itself and my hand on his hair tightened.
He took that as a cue and started to suck that region softly, making my eyes roll
back in my skull.

He started to suck harder and I felt myself shivering underneath him as a shock
vibrated right between my legs. My legs automatically came to clench together but
Nicholas body in between prevented them from doing so.

'Nicholas' it was supposed to be a protest but it came out as a moan, intensifying


He intertwined our hands and placed them up at either side of my head, caging my
body to his sinful fantasy.
He moved up and kissed my cheeks and the corner of my lips.

'Look at me' his voice was husky. I turned head to him only to his eyes filled with
lust and something else.

He leaned down and placed his forehead on mine, looking straight into eyes.

'It's becoming harder than I thought, Leia' he spoke softly.

'Nicholas this is wr-'

'Sh, Leia. I know it's wrong but please don't tell it out loud, I don't have the
strength to hear it from you'


'Please. Let me just hold you tonight. Just tonight' his voice sounded desperate. I
kicked my swollen lips.

'Okay' was I whispered.

He rolled away from me and removed his shirt and threw it on the floor before
placing his head on the pillow. He nodded me to come closer and I moved up to him
before he wrapped a blanket on us and pulled me in his arms. I took the liberty to
lay my head on his shoulder and place my hand on his warm chest. I mind started to
run miles over what took place just now but a smile came to my lips, the negative
truth sitting at the corner of my mind, waiting to come out once I come out of this
blissful feeling.

I felt him kiss my forehead before whispering in my ear 'Goodnight'

I closed my eyes and listened to the rain and thunder before drifting off to sleep.

Oh. Oh. Oh. What just happened? It's so hot in here.

Sooooooooooo, what do you think of this chapter?

Chapter 23 - Chapter-22

I look down at the grave that was done yesterday. Last night's rain has messed up
the surface mud and the flowers are all over, randomly fallen and dirty with mud.
They aren't much anyways. One was placed by Aron, another by me.

I've already made arrangement for the headstone and it will be fixed in another six
months with a short inscription on it- Michael Kutcher. 17-02-1975 to 28-10-2019. A
lovely husband, friend and father.

Me and Aron found his home that was situated at the rural side of Moscow. We were
taken aback when we found him dead in his house with a syringe in his hand and
drugs fallen all over the place. The autopsy didn't really clear my suspicious when
it stated he died only due to drug overdose. I didn't really wanted to kill him in
the first place, at least not after knowing everything about him. My main motive
was to know how he managed get into Benjamin's top secured hotel and kill him and
why come after me.

I would've caught him on the night of the accident because I was hardly injured,
fully capable of getting out of my car and chasing after the man who purposely
tried to kill me, but looking at the unconscious woman beside me, I felt my guard
go down and for the first time I felt fear. Fear for the woman who's been getting
into my mind lately.

My hands were trembling when I unopened the seatbelt and lifted her up from my
crashed car. I didn't calm down even after knowing she didn't have any deadly
injuries. I held her in my arms for what seemed like hours, sitting on the platform
as I waited for Aron. I don't really know what happened to me that night. My heart
was beating so fast and I was scared shit for the first time in my life.

Aron was surprised when he saw me. He clearly saw how much affect Leia has on me.
We took her to the hospital and I informed her friend, Marie. I didn't go to meet
her after that night but I knew about the injuries she had and all the bills were
taken care of by me.

After saying my goodbye to her, I tried to stay away from her but it was difficult
because she occupied my mind most of the time. I had Boris watch her for a while,
to know whether there's any harm coming to her due to me but after a month, being
completely sure that she's back in her normal with none of my enemies following
her, I called back Boris. At least for a month I heard news about her from Boris,
where she goes, what she does, with whom she is, everything about her whole day but
after the month it was like she doesn't exist no where else but in my dreams.

However, the fear I felt on the night of the accident came back when she called me
after three months. Her voice trembling in fear as she informed me about Michael.

I didn't take it as an advantage and ask her to be in my penthouse. I really

thought through the situation and made the decision. Leia wants a normal life like
any other; a small home, good wages and a happy life. My world is totally screams
opposite of hers and having to protect her in her world is quiet difficult for it
interrupts her living.

But as I see that Michael died yesterday and I haven't yet told her about it, it
does look like an advantage.

I don't know what's about this woman that's keeping me craving for more. No women
has ever had this kind of effect on me. Even after her father selling her to
brothel, she managed to escape from that place and is now independent, living her
life all alone with few true friends for support. She says and believes that she
managed to escape Stark's place because of me but I'm pretty sure she would've done
it even without me and I was nothing a but a lucky bastard who happened to find her
at that moment.

The times she spent in my house are still alive in my mind. I remember each day. I
use to come home early just to know the feeling of being under the same roof as

She's slowly and deeply managing to get inside my skin and the more I let her in,
the more I feel alive.

A tiny flower made its way through the wind and I watched it settle down softly on
the wet mud.

I've been standing here for so long that I don't have count. I woke up with Leia's
arms wrapped around me and her head on my bare chest. If was difficult to move her
off me without disturbing her sleep. To say she looks like a mess during sleep is
an understatement. Her hair was tangled and spread all over her pillow. Her midi
had managed to come up and rest at mid thigh, giving me a view. Placing a kiss on
her forehead, I took a quick bath in my room and drove here.

Giving last look at the grave, I turn around and walk towards me car.

I remember the night Michael attacked me at Leia's house. His eyes were filled with
so much rage but it wasn't directed towards me. I still don't know what made him
come after me. I didn't even know this man existed until the accident night. I went
through his whole history and I have no where effected his peaceful life, so it's
much clear that he was being used by one of my enemies, I just need to find who it

I don't feel bad for Michael. I feel nothing actually, but I do know that the pain
he went through was horrible. I'm glad he killed Benjamin with his own hands,
though the bastard deserved more than that because he not only destroyed his
family. The report says drug overdose and I checked for anyone else but there were
none. Only fingerprints, his items. There was no sign for any other person, but
there is no way he consumed so much of drug willingly when he knew his wife needs
him. Something has happened and I really need to hats off to whoever did it so

The weather is better now, with the sun mild peeping from the clouds. Due to last
night's heavy rain, the day looks beautiful.

I drove towards my Casino, Blue Gold, that's situated at the heart of Moscow, few
blocks away from Beetle Bee Cafe, where Leia works. It's the main office of our

Aron's continuous calls have been annoying me from morning and I didn't mind to
pick it up, knowing very well what he wants to say. Once reaching the Casino, I was
met with the familiar environment of smoke and games.

Blue Gold is one of the largest and equipped complex in the world. The casino
consists of five game halls, nightclub, four restaurant and bars. Roulette, Black
Jack, Baccarat, Poker, Craps, Bingo and other games. The visitor have their choice
to choose general, VIP, or private halls. The casino was built by my great
grandfather and over the years it's been developed and modified to become one of
the best in the world. Everyone sees it as a gambling house but no one, not even
the cops know about what's really going deep into the casino.

I walk further into the casino, out of the gambling hall and into the hotel. The
guards acknowledge me with a nod and I reply them with a nod of my mine before
entering the office.

Constantine, who was buried deep into bundle of papers on the desk, snapped his
head up when he saw the door open. His lips lifted into a smirk with his twinkling
knowing eyes strained on me. He tool his hands from the mess on his table and
leaned back into his leather chair, his dark silky hair settling on one side of his

'About time' came his deep voice.

I ignored him and walked behind him, towards the bookshelf.

First book, first row on the left rack, second book, second row on the left rack,
fourth book, second row on right rack and third book, third row on right rack were
titled accordingly. The upper part of books remained tilted as both the racks which
were attached together started moving apart each other, showing us an elevator. I
walked in with Constantine following behind. The door closed softly behind us when
I pressed the negative floor number.
The books aren't exactly fixed to the rows. It's all the device behind it that acts
as a password. The books can be easily removed from the row and the device behind
it shuts itself inside, giving us a clear wooden surface of the shelf. It all
depends on how you remove the book mad title the book accordingly to make it serve
as a password.

'Old Pakhan is in a good mood. I think it's because of the rain last night' said

'I did inform that I had elsewhere to be last night' I grit my teeth.

Constantine snickered for my reply and I tried to ignore the bastard. My mood is
anyway going to turn worst, I don't want a starter from him.

When the elevator hit the ground, the door opened to reveal a huge office. All the
heads turned to us when we entered but my eyes remained on the man in the head of
the seat, the Pakhan who got down from the throne two years ago. His calculating
dark brown orbs are strained on me as I made my way towards him and stood in front.
He studied me under those dark orbs before the hand under his chin came forward to
the desk and he pushed a black file towards me.

Without any question, I took the file and opened it. My eyes went through the whole
content before settling back on the Pakhan. His eyes are blank as ever when he sits
on the throne, even though the throne is already familiarized with me. Even though
his are eyes blank, I could easily read him.

I threw the file back on the table 'The case is over. He's dead' I lied.

'He's dead, right. But the case is not over' his was calm and collective.

My eyes went to Aron, who stood towards my left, before coming back to the man in
front of me.

'I'll see to it' I reply.

There was a moment of silence before he got up from my seat and moved forward.

'Four months ago, Zoran, one of our trustworthy men betrayed us. But you saved the
fighting club by putting Stark's business at risk. It was a clever move, the risk
paid off and the fighting club was saved by making the Crawfords as the owner
that's only acceptable on papers, just for others to believe. Stark sold another
ton of drugs on the following month to profit the business and the rest of the
money was paid by you. Then three months later, sudden murder of one of our
partners, Benjamin Dell and then a week later the murderer comes behind my son to
finish him off. Why does all this seems so...connected?' He walked around the
office slowly as he made his point.

It's not connected, not even a single fucking bit.

I thought of that way before him and ran a thorough check on both of them. Not even
a hair similar in any shit.

'But Pakhan we did a check up on both of the men. They don't belong to each other
in any way' said Aron.

He let out a dry chuckle before replying 'You don't know in what form your enemy
'There was no one but the cops who persuaded Zoran to go against us but there was
an unknown enemy who helped Michael to have his revenge and in return asked him to
kill Nicholas' said Boris in a gruff tone.

'There is no doubt in that' replied Constantine.

'Enemies are never unknown, Boris. They are right in front of us, it's we who
should analyse ourselves in looking right through them' replied Pakhan.

I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't turn around to see who it is.

'When you took the throne two years ago, I was so proud of you. I knew you were
ready to rule and you didn't disappoint me till now' his voice held a strange kind
of softness 'I may have got down the throne but I do know what's going on. I have
complete hope that you'll solve this soon but in the business of blood and war, a
flower in between is always a failure. Hope you understand that' his voice turned
hard at the end and the grip on my shoulder tightened as the warning rung clearly
in the air.

I took a deep breath, calming myself from saying something I shouldn't.

'We don't save people, my son. We save family' he said.

'Father, she has nothing to do with this. Nothing' I emphasized my words clear
enough for him to understand.

'You'd be surprised' with that said, he turned around and walked out of the office
with the guards following him.

When the elevator moved up, I released a breath and turned around to my men.

'Constantine get me all the list of partners we ever had and Boris arrange a
meeting with all our spies tomorrow morning' both the men left the room together,
leaving behind me and Aron alone.

'And Aron any improvement in Michael's wife?' I ask.

'None. She's still roaming in the hospital, screaming for her dead daughter and
biting everyone who dares to touch her daughter's items' he replied nonchalantly.

'Did you talk to Robert?'

'Yes, he has arranged for the best psychiatrist' he replied.

'How's her report's?' I ask and go to take my seat where the old Pakhan was seated

Aron took a seat opposite to me while I started to go through the accounts of my


'Positive. Robert said that if treatment is effective and accurate, shell be fine
in no time'

'Good. You can catch up on the diamond shipment now' I dismissed him.

There was long unbroken silence for few seconds which I would've preferred for even
longer, but who are we kidding, it's Aron Alberto we're talking about.

'So, did you tell her last night?'

'Tell her what?' I asked unfazed, without lifting my head from the file in front of

'That Michael is dead and that she is free to go and live her boring,
unenthusiastic life?'

'I'll tell her today' I reply in a monotone.

'Har har, I believe you' he replied sarcastically. I put down the file and look up
to him, my expression pretty bored.

'What do you want, Aron?'

'Nothing. I'm just wondering whether that beautiful you've captured in your
penthouse is leaving anytime soon or not' he shrugged.

'I don't see how that's any of your concern. So if you can please leave-

'Ah, that's where you're wrong. It's totally my conern, brother'

I leaned back on my chair and closed my eyes, messaging my temple.

'Listen' I said 'I know what am doing, Aron. I'll let her go soon'

'Listen man' Aron urged close, his expression no more humorous 'it's been four
months since you saved her, four months it is. And I've been witnessing a lot of
changes in you. It's pretty clear that she's getting into your skin. Just get her
laid with you for a night and get her over with. Did you understand me?' His brown
orbs stared into me seriously.

I sigh heavily and run my hand through my hair.

'It's not that easy' I said 'I don't know what's about her...she's...just...I don't
know, man. If it was just sex, I would've known'

'Then what is it?' Aron's voice turned incredible soft as he searched my eyes for

'It's something more. Her...eyes...her touch...her smiles...her...everything' I


'Do you love her?' His question took my off guard.

'What? No, I don't' I say quickly 'I'm a grown up man, Aron and I will know if I've
fallen for a woman or not. It's not love, it's a kind of attraction.
A very deep attraction. I'm very fond of her, yes, and I want to peel every layer
of her to look into her scars and insecurities and her secrets. There's something
about her that draws me to her and I'm very determined to know this woman'

Aron remained quiet as he took in very I told. It's pretty sure that these words
are difficult to understand for us. Well, it's more difficult to say even, and I
know he'll understand me even at my worst.

'Attraction. Fond. Layers. Scars. Insecurities, damn, I don't know what the hell
you're telling me. All I understood is that you are no way going to slip her out of
your hand anytime soon' he said. I want to tell him that he's wrong, that I will
let her go but I can't. I don't even want to lie on that.
Everything goes back to the way it was if I let her go and something about that
doesn't sit well to me. I let her go three months ago, after the accident and I
dare say that in these months there didn't go a day I didn't think about her.

She's been falling right into track too many times to count and the more I let her
go, the more difficult it becomes to me when she comes back, only to go away again.
She can never survive in my world and the more she's with me, the more trouble
comes finding her. But I seem to be a selfish bastard to let her go.

'I don't know man' Aron said 'This...this is bad. You took her out one night and
look what happened to her. Lantsov specifically came here to warn you and I think
that's something you should think about'

'But father doesn't need to know, Aron. When it's really going way to far, I will
send her away. Just inform him in the evening that she'll be leaving tonight'

Aron stayed silent, thinking about this. He looks torn apart with worry and
irritation. Before he could make up his mind and reply to me, the sound of elevator
alerted us both and we looked at Tunner getting out.

I quickly close the accounts file of my hotel and slip it in my drawer before
folding my hands on the table. Tunner turned nervous when Aron's eyes remained on
him like a predator as he took a seat next to Aron and gave me the file he was

I took it from him and started going through it.

'How's Oscar?' Asked Aron coolly.

'He's doing just as he can be' Tunner replied in a nervous voice.

Aron hates the Crawfords, just like me but his hate intensified when he saw Tunner
ogling over his sister. I was furious at first when I too noticed this at the party
and other times when he came to home but I totally trust Sophia that she will not
give into his fake charms. Also, with her staying here only during holidays was
another lifeline to Tunner, else Aron and I would've taught him a lesson.

'And how about your...big sister. Still having the time of her life in Australia?'
Aron is getting on his nerves.

I peeped up from the file to see Tunner glaring at Aron who remained unfazed by his

'She works there' Tunner replied curtly.

'Yeah, sure. The lady works' he stood up and turned around 'for money' I heard him
murmur before going to the lift. I saw Tunner relaxing in his seat, mainly because
he didn't his last words and because he left.

I went back to the file. I checked the tally and everything and saw it was as
perfect as the one I have. Can't really trust these Crawford's, so I did have my
man to continue with his accounts work but without the Crawford's knowledge.

'Perfect. As per the deal, 60% of the profit is yours' I say and close the file on
the table.

* * *

The sky has turned gray, clouds thicker and looking closer to earth.
I kill the engine of my car and get down, making my way towards the door. The
guards were called off last night as there is no more danger for Leia. One of the
maids opened the door when I knocked.

She told me where Leia is and I sent all of them off for today.

I started walking towards the north wing of my penthouse where rooms are situated.
As I made my way through the stairs I started to hear noises. My eyebrows furrowed
in confusion and my steps became cautious. As I made myself up the stairs, the
noise came out to be a melodic music of piano, relaxing my nerves.

A ghost of smile made its way to my lips as I recalled the first ever time I heard
Leia play at the birthday function. She is absolutely best in that, no doubt. I
could go on for dollars and bet on that.

As I entered the wide Hallway, I walked away from the bed rooms, towards the other
corner of the floor which had only one room and I arranged for a piano in there,
especially for Leia.

The piano music became louder and clearer as I walked towards the room. When I
finally reached the room —

I took a sharp breath through my mouth and my feet were rooted to the floor as I
unfolded the scene in front of me.

The room is illuminated with orange light from the source of chandelier above, the
long red curtains of the windows made the huge empty hall with nothing but a piano
and few couches look like a party hall. The music is coming from the piano but Leia
is not sitting in front the instrument.

She is wearing a white sleeveless midi that stops right below her knees. With a
long red satin scarf in her hands, she swirled around. Her body is on fire as it
moved along with the music, every sway of her hip making her floral midi hitch up.
Her long black hair is loose and wild in the air and she seemed not to notice me as
the scarf covers me every time she sways around with it.

I folded my arms in front of my chest and leaned aside at the door.

With her beautiful sways and graceful attitude, it's clear she caught some of the
ballet moves from her working place. My eyes didn't move from her even for second
as I stared at the beautiful woman, unblinking. She is smiling, too happy to dance.

But the heavenly moment didn't last for long. She stopped midway, jumping from her
bones as she caught me standing at the door. Her mouth is hung open in shock and
her wild hair is everywhere. The satin scarf slipped out of her hand and settled
calmly on the white marble floor.

I watched her calmly with an amused look and it only increased when I saw a blush
creeping up to her neck and cheeks. Her eyes moved to the wide open door,
realisation filling her features and obviously cursing herself in her pretty head
for not closing the door.

Without another look at me, she picked up the cloth from the floor and walked
towards the piano. She quickly switched off the music, but took her sweet time in
closing the instrument, surely wishing for me to go away but I remained rooted to
my spot. I've got all the time in the world.

When she was done, she hugged her petite frame and lips her dry lips before making
her way towards me, towards door.

With the uncalled events that took place last night and now, me finding her dancing
is probably embarrassing to her. And I'm a jerk for not giving her space to breathe
embarrass free air.

She didn't even look up as she came closer to me and right when she was about to
slip pass me, my arm came forward and pulled her to me by her waist. She grasped
loudly at the sudden impact but didn't complain when I leaned back comfortable on
the side jamb and pulled her closer to my body.

I gazed down at her rosy lips and flushed cheeks. Her arms are on my chest with
clenched fists as she looked up with those dark brown orbs that intoxicated me at
first place. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

'Those were some moves you got there' I spoke softly.

If any possible, her face flushed a darker shade of red and I couldn't help but let
out a throaty chuckle.

She's so innocent.

And her innocence is so attractive that I want to corrupt her. Corrupt her so bad.

'Cat caught your tongue darling?' I tease.

Damn, I have no fucking idea why I am behaving this way.

'Nicholas' she called out and started wiggling in my arms, so I let her go. She
stepped back, creating enough space between us.

Yeah, just two strides for me cover them up and pull her back to me.

She took a deep, determined breathe with her eyes closed. When she opened them and
looked at me straight into my eyes, I almost lost my balance though both my feet
are grounded to the floor.

'We need to talk' she said as a matter of fact.

I nod my head 'Yes, ma'am'

She glared at me for the reply before heading past me. I took to the liberty to
stare at her sexy ass as I followed her behind.

She walked right down to the living room and took a seat on the couch. She put up
on a brave face as she motioned to take a seat opposite to her. I watched with
confusion, her odd behaviour is making me curious.

She took a paper weight from few papers that were kept on the table, something I
didn't notice when I came.

She kept glancing at me as she took the papers in her hand, leaned back and cleared
her throat for my attention.

Well, she caught my attention the first time I saw her.

She scanned the paper till the end before lifting up her head to me.

'It's been five days since I came here and you haven't yet caught Michael' she said

My posture hardened. The words are on tip of my tongue yet I couldn't find a way to
open my damn mouth and spit out that I found Michael dead in his home 20 hours ago
and he's resting peacefully in his grave.

'I'm not a Spiderman or Batman' my voice came out as a gruff.

She noticed my sudden change and I saw her brave mask slip at the edge but she wore
it back.

'Yeah, right. I...I understand' she licked her dry lips before continuing 'It's
just that...last night was w-wrong'

And that's what this is all about.

I leaned forward with my elbows resting on my thigh, pinning her under my stare.

'You might want to elaborate that for me, Leia' I spoke softly.

She struggled to find words, her fingers fiddling the edge of her midi as she
looked at the paper on her lap and then back at me.

'Last night' her voice a mere whisper 'you kissed me'

'And?' I urged.

'Touched me'


'And...and you were looking at me with those dark eyes, I couldn't read the emotion
it had' her eyebrows scrunched in discomfort.

I observed her fighting with her inner dilemma, her physical self present in front
of me but her thoughts running wild elsewhere. Elsewhere as in last night.

I watched her calmly giving her the time she needs. For a girl who lived under her
stupid father's rules and regulation for years, surely this is all new to her. My
eyes went to her hair that's a little fizzy and then to her scrunched eyebrows. Her
juicy lips in thin line and her ample breasts heaving every time she inhales. She's
a sight for sore eyes.

'Leia' I called, pulling her out of her reverie.

Her head snapped to me and I observed that her eyes dilated due to desire.


'You were saying-

'I want to put forward some conditions if you need me to live here' she said it in
one breath.

'Well, no ones forcing you to live her. You can leave any time you wish for' I
explained her. She looked at me with utter disbelief.

'But...but Michael? What if he comes back to my place again?' She looked frightened
at the thought.
'He'll definitely make you call for me and I will definitely come' I said coolly.

'But I don't want such things to happen again' she said.

'Then stay' my voice was soft and I totally meant it when I said stay.

'Of course, I am. I don't want a mad criminal running after me to reach you! This
is really absurd, I'm not even connecting to any of this in any way but I'm in
trouble. I just want to go back to my norm-

'Leia, Leia, look at me. What's wrong with you today?' I ask.

She stared at me blankly.

'Look, Nicholas, last night was wrong'

'You already said that'

'And I fear it might continue' she said.

When I said nothing, she continued.

'Nicholas I do not know about you but I don't belong to the category of girls who
party, have fun with guys like it doesn't really matter. Intimacy Ian new to me and
I don't like it when you take advantage of my vulnerability-

'You were saying something about conditions' I cut her off curtly.

One look at me and she knew not to continue further.

She gave the papers to me hesitantly.

Taking it from her, I take double look at the papers that's even stapled at the


1. No entering my room unanswered.

2. No sleeping with me on my bed.

3. No intimacy of any sorts through seduction or hypnosis.

4. No dominating nature.

5. No using explicit words with me.

6. No sorts of personal questions to be asked or offend me in any manner.

7. No threatening or using any kinds of weapons on me (I still remember the night

you kept a knife to my throat)

8. No over analysing or collecting details about my life without my knowledge.

9. No killing Michael.

10. No staring. (Staring is rude)

If there is any objection with the above conditions, well, NONE CAN BE CHANGED.

I read all the conditions once, only once because I can't look at this paper again.
I'm glad she used the pc and the printer that's in the in drawing room. I placed
the paper on the table and looked at the source that's responsible for it.

She had a nervous look and I tried hard too kept my face straight but I know I'm
failing miserably.

I let out a grunt of laugh but quickly coughed too cover it up. When my eyes fell
on the paper again, I felt myself losing control. Usually, I don't have any problem
in keeping a straight face even at the most funniest moment but right now I don't
know what's happening to me.

I let out an involuntary chuckle which turned to laughs and then later I was in
fits of laughter. I looked at Leia who has turned into deep shade of pink due to

I understand this woman and I don't really want to embarrass her more but I just
can't stop laughing. I got from the couch and started pacing around.

Fuck, I don't know when was the last time I laughed this much.

I turned to a nervous Leia 'I'm...sorry...honey but I can't...stop laughing!'

I laughed till my stomach was in pain and I had tears at the corner of my eyes.

I quickly took put a pen from my pocket and the papers in my hands. My laughs
turning chuckle when I read the 'conditions' before signing it.

'I totally agree to yours conditions, Leia' I said and gave her the papers.

She is pink in shade, literally and took the papers from my hand with a pout on her
rosy lips.

I was breathing heavily while she sat quietly with her head cast down to the papers
on her lap.

'I'm sorry-

'Don't bother' she said curtly and stood up, making her way to her bedroom.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Its not totally my fault. The woman must
have simply told me instead of making a document on it. I took a deep breath,
pinching my nose. The silly smile still on my lips.

Damn, she's so stupid in a cute way.

I quickly walked towards her. She was so close to her room when I reached her. I
followed her and entered her room before she turned around and let out a surprise

She stepped back creating distance between us. She looked at me in disbelieve and
frown masked her features when she saw me standing inside her room.

'You told you agree to the conditions' she frowned deeper.

'Oh yeah, condition number one, 'No entering my room unanswered'' I mocked.
She just stared at me with disappointment. I sighed and took a step forward.

'Leia, you are in my penthouse' I reminded her.

'Yes, of course, it is. But that doesn't mean you barge in like this, Nicholas' she
answered firmly.

I stepped back until I was out of her room and knocked on the open door.

'Can I come in, Miss. Leia Ferrari?' I ask sweetly.

When I got death glare as an answered, I smirked and walked towards her. She
stepped back until her back touched the wall and I stopped two feet from her.

Slipping my hands in the front pockets, I looked at her seriously.

A loud uncalled thunder shook her.

'Listen Leia, I understand that you need privacy and I did tell you in the
beginning that you are not a prisoner here. Nothing's going to be forced upon
you. But saying that last night was wrong, now that's something I will not accept'
I said firmly.

Her hands curled into fists at the sides.

'It was wrong' she stressed 'I didn't want you to kiss me or touch me. Also you did
agree to me last night and it was wrong' she grit her teeth in anger.

'I remember very well you giving me permission to kiss you at the Crawford's party.
And I agreed to you because I knew you'll argue like this and I was really not in a
mood for that' I said.

'I'm talking about last night and you either way agreed'

'Don't act coy with me, Rose'

'Don't call me that!' She snapped back.

I ignored the discomfort her words caused me and stared back at her. My anger is
rising and the more she behaves this way, the more self control I will be losing

'Last night was not wrong' I say, my voice low and slow 'it is never wrong when
both the partners want it equally'

She put her head down and her shoulders slumped in defeat.

'I didn't' she said without lifting her head.

'Liar!' I spit back 'I saw it in your eyes, which were filled with desires for me
and don't you dare deny it, Leia'

'I didn't w-want it.

'Me what? Hypnotized you? Nonsense!' I seethe.

She didn't reply, instead wrapped her arms around her self.

'Look at me' it was an order but she refused to lift her head up and face me.
I want to close the gap between us and make her obey me but I don't want to hurt

'Leia, look at me. Please' it was request.

She quickly looked up.

I was taken aback when I saw her eyes filled with tears. I felt my anger replacing
with concern.

'Why the tears, beautiful?' I quick marched towards her and pulled her in my arms.

She didn't protest instead wrapped her arms around me and placed her head on my
chest. I kept rubbing her hair as she soaked my shirt with her tears. I so badly
want to tell her that there's nothing to cry. She's so sensitive.

She lifts her head from my chest and looks up to me with those red eyes.

'Isn't this...intimate to you?' I ask with a humour, cocking an eyebrow.

'No' she shakes her head, with that cute pout 'this is hug. Hugging is comfort' she

I want to kiss her. Right fucking now! She's so going to be the death of me.

I place my forehead on hers.

'You don't mean those conditions' I say softly.

'I do' she says in a determined tone before burying her head in my chest.

I look down at the condition papers which have somehow managed to slip out of her
hold and now lying on the floor.

'We'll soon see that too, Leia' I say it more to myself.

I was laughing when I wrote those conditions.

Quick question:

Describe your first ever date in just one word.

Chapter 24 - Chapter-23
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question
he wanted spend his whole life answering.

-Nicole Krauss


Nicholas left after my little break down.

Having the home all to myself, I spent the rest of the time in watching Vampire
Diaries with a ice cream bucket that I found in the refrigerator. Later around two
in the morning, I fell asleep on the comfy couch with blankets around me as I was
too lazy to go to my room.
I was woken up by one of the maids after sunrise and another boring day went along.

There's a warm chocolate cup in one hand and in other is the 'conditions' form as I
sat by the swimming pool with my legs dipped in.

I've reading and reading this form for a long time now, wondering what made
Nicholas act that way last night. I expected him to stare at me, shout at me or
even...kinda threaten me physically but he did the most unnatural thing ever
possible for him, he laughed. He laughed till his stomach tightened and his eyes
watered. To say I was shocked with that reaction would be an understatement.

After the little intimacy we shared that night, I woke up the next day to find the
other side of the bed cold. He was long gone, just like that. Something didn't fit
well when I thought about that night, maybe because my mind was crystal clear to
tell me that it was wrong or maybe because I liked it too much than I should have?
He's anything but a stranger to me and I'm not a type of girl who thinks it's cool
to get laid with any hot man you find on road or clubs.

I'm not going to blame Nicholas. He's a man, a criminal, to be exact and a man like
him will always look at a woman as a desire material. That's the only reason why he
can't keep his hands to himself but I don't know why but it's just not's
something more than my eyes meet.

His touch is like a soothing fire and I know if it intensifies, it'll burn me

His touches are not in a way to fulfil his needs, it's more like he touches to get
into my skin, deep into my soul and maybe that's the reason why I become a puppet
every time he touches me and that shakes the bloody foundation of my fear.

It scary how my body reacts to his touches and how it takes me to a whole new
level. I've never experienced something like this ever before in my life. I didn't
have any male friend who was interested me or something but I do know that it can't
just feel this way.

I don't want to find myself in a situation where my sanity is under stake and
that's definitely possible only if I stay away from Nicholas. He's a criminal and
talking to him might lead to some arguments which might not end up well to me and
that's why I came up with the conditions. He has helped me throughout and I believe
no one have ever been this helpful to me ever before. And the fact that he's a
criminal and he's doing this is a little difficult believe but he does it like it's
not a great deal at all. I'm forever thankful to everything he did to me - saving
me from Stark, keeping me safe at his own place from Benjamin, taking me to dinner
and creating a memory with me to last forever, then rescuing me from that accident
and taking care of the bills, leaving me, for its the best and then coming back
when I needed his help and now keeping me safe in his penthouse - I swear thank you
will not suffice but at the same time giving myself isn't the right thing too.

He saved me so I let him kiss me, touch me? That's stupid.

I respect Nicholas even for who he is. In future if there's anything that's against
him, I will never open my mouth against him and that's it. Once Michael is caught,
all this will be over and I am never ever meeting this man ever again. He will
always be in my heart as one of the most special people in my life but he can't be
anything more.


I turned aside to see one of the maids towering above me with my phone in her hand.
'It's been ringing for a while now' she said. Thanking her, I placed the chocolate
cup down, took vibrating phone from her and checked the caller ID to see the
picture of me and Liam smiling at the camera.

The call got cut and I felt grateful. 8 missed call from Liam. The phone started to
vibrate, same caller ID popped up. I clicked the answer button, hesitantly.


A FUCKING SCARED SHIT OVER HERE!' Liam's voice bellowed in my ears.


'GOD, LEIA! You scared me so much!'

'Liam, I'm fine' I replied loud and clear.

'Where are you now?' His voice turned soft.

'Somewhere' I replied nonchalantly.

'Where?' Liam stressed.

'When did you return from London?' I asked.

'Don't change-

'Liam, please' I plead, literally.

I heard him take a deep breath and when he spoke, his voice was filled with worry.

'Leia, I know there's something going on and you can't tell me but please, don't
lie to me. I care about you, please know that. Whatever you're into now, we can go
through it together. Please let me help you' he didn't beat around the bush, he
just spoke bluntly what he felt.

'I...I'll tell you everything, Liam. Just give me some time' I reply.

'Are you safe?'

I almost chuckled at his question. Maybe it's Nicholas fault that I'm in this mess
but the truth is being around him is the safest place.

'More than you can imagine' I said.

I heard him sigh at the other end. I smile at his affection. Liam, though he's come
back after years, it feels like he was never gone. He's still the same. With Marie,
Aunt May and her family, Liam too has became very important to me.

'Can we meet? Tonight?' He asked.

'I do want to yes but I can't' I reply.

I hear another sigh.

'Then when can we meet?'

'When I come back' I said.

'And when is that?'

'I don't know, Liam' my voice was a mere whisper 'I miss going to work and coming
back tired as I hit my bed. I miss Marie, Aunt May, Adam and you. I can't wait for
all this to be over so I can come back'

'I miss you too, Leia. If there is anything at all I can help, please don't
hesitate to ask'

'Yeah, I know'

'Does Marie and the others know about it?' He asked.

'Nope. They think I'm with Dad, in Texas'

'I don't know what to imagine your current situation. You were doing absolutely
good without any problems' he spoke more to himself.

'Well, I'm still good' I said.

'No. I...just...I'm thinking so hard what's wrong and what's exactly happening but
I can't find anything'

'Liam, I'm totally fine. Trust me' I moved my legs that's in the swimming pool,
feeling the cool water on my skin.

I heard him sigh on the other side.

'I want to at least see you once. To be sure you are fine' he said.

'Well, face time?' I suggest.

'Bloody better' and in next moment, I was looking at a handsome Liam smiling at me
in the camera.

'I thought of it before but I didn't know you will allow' he said.

'Is that so? Well, I did now' I took the cup from aside and took a sip of the

'So, were are you? You look beautiful as ever and I see no worry on your face,
which is a good sign'

'Well, thank you for the compliment. And I did promise to tell you everything when
the time comes' I said.

Liam rolled his eyes at me. I saw that he's wearing a black jacket and leaning on
something. There are trees behind him and that's pretty much I see now.

'And where are you?' I ask.

'College. I skipped this hour though' he shrugged.

'And why is that?' I narrowed my eyes.

'I can't be stick in that class for every freaking hour, Leia. I need a damn break'
'Of course' I scoffed 'What about Will, Li and Alan?' I asked.

'They're gone to the cafeteria to get something to eat and I'm here in the hallway
on the top floor'


'Okay, so at least will you show me around where you are?' He asked 'Currently'

I turned the camera rare to give him view of the swimming pool with my legs dipped

'That's some sexy legs' I heard him say.

'Oh, shut up' I got up and took the paper and the mug in one hand as I made way
inside with the phone held to my level in the other hand.

'Wow, that's a cool living room. Other screams some rich hotel to me' Liam said and
I just chuckled.

I walked straight to the stairs, all through the hallway and then to my room, Liam
constantly commenting on Hilton hotel.

'And this is my room' I said, moving the camera around after placing the mug and
the paper on the table beside bed. When I was done and I no longer heard Liam, I
clicked the button of the camera to flip back to front camera and I saw Liam with a
concern and confused look on his face.

'What's wrong?' I asked softly.

He gave me a small smile 'Nothing'

'I know when you lie' I said curtly.

'Well, not to be rude but you can't afford such a kind of luxury so it's pretty
clear to me that you are there with someone' he said.

'I am giving you a lot more information with just my actions' I said.

'And I try to get more out of you' he shrugged.

I smiled at him 'Of course you will'

'My friends are back. They'll ask me a lot of questions if they see you. They've
apparently grown fond of you. So, I'll catch you later?'

'Yeah sure, bye' and the line went dead.

I threw the phone on my head and massaged my temple.

'It's not safe to contact anyone when you are here'

I jumped out of my bones and immediately turned around to the source of the voice.

Shock filled my features as I saw who it is.


'The one and only' she said with a dry chuckle.

Her brunette hair is left loose and she's wearing a simple white gown.

'I...' I don't know what to say. I'm happy to see her but at the same time I know
she's angry at me.

'Leia' she covered the distance between us and wrapped her arms around me. It was
uncalled that I wasn't ready.

I slowly hugged her back and placed my chin on her shoulder. I didn't realise how
missed her until now.

'Oh, look at you' she stood arms length and her eyes scanned my whole body 'You
look so different than I last saw you three months ago' she said.

I chuckled.

'Really. You were little weak and you were scared when Nicholas brought you home.
Now, your face is glowing and you even look healthy' she continued.

'Oh, shut it' I slapped her arm playfully, making her smile wide.

'It's so good to see you again, Leia. I really thought I'll never meet you' she

'It's good to see you too. But wait, aren't you supposed to be in London, studying
law?' I asked.

Her face dropped for a second but she covered it up with a smile.

'It always happens. Something comes up and...I'll be frequently shifted from place
to place, university to university. I'm glad they asked me to come here instead of
sending me somewhere else' she said.

'Is everything alright?' I asked, concerned.

'Yeah, pretty much' she murmured and my thoughts automatically went to Michael. Is
he the reason she's back?

'Is it Michael?' I asked 'He came after you too?'

She gave me a confused look before replying. If she knew where to find me, it's
obvious she knows the reason behind it.

'No, it's not Michael. Michael was just one of the pawns' she had a forlorn look on
her face which she brushed off quickly as I noticed 'Anyways, I'll be here for a
while now'

'That's great' I said.

'Aron told me everything that happened and I quickly came over'

'Aron?' I asked confused. I thought it was Nicholas who told her.

'My brother, Aron? Forgot so soon?' She cocked an eyebrow.

'No, I didn't. It's just...I thought Nicholas told you'

'Doesn't matter because both of them keep no secret between them' she shrugged and
walked towards the balcony.

'I pretty much figured that' I replied.

'Anyways' she sat on the couch and motioned me take a seat 'How are liking here so
far?' She asked.

'Honestly?' I furrowed my eyebrows at her question 'A killer is hot on his tails on
me to kill Nicholas, I've been literally stuck in here for days now and you ask me
how I'm liking it here?'

She let out a chuckle 'I know, I know...but it's not that serious anymore' she

'Anymore?' I asked.

'Yeah, anymore, since you've got Nicholas in front you. Michael or anyone must
cross him to reach you' her voice was firm and her eyes looked determined.

The atmosphere seemed be changing, so I quickly dropped the topic.

'So, pancakes?' I asked.

'Yeah, sure'


'I was 19 when I lost my virginity' said Sophia and took a sip of her juice 'I tell
ya, it wasn't great down there'

'Well, I can't relate' I said with mouth full of pancake.

'I know and that's why I'm giving you a heads up' she said before taking a bite of
her pancake.

'I don't think I'll be needing that heads up any time soon' I just shrugged and
continued eating.

'Well, you can't be sure of that' she lifted her legs up and stretched it on the
table in front 'You don't know when it might happen'

'Pretty sure when I find a boyfriend' I replied.

'It's not necessary to lose you v-card only with your boyfriend' she scrunched her
noise 'I don't even know the guy's name I had sex with for the first time'

I stopped eating and looked at her in utter shock.


'Yeah, I remember his face though' she replied casually and finished eating with
the last piece left behind.

'How could you do it with a random stranger?' I asked.

'Trust me, it's much better that way. Because if it was with my boyfriend, it
would've been pretty awkward. Mainly because boys want to get laid before the
second date or third and they some how make their way to your pants and the next
day after you start imagining that they're going to leave or that's the end of it'
'But if a man truly loves you, he wouldn't leave you' I said.

'Too bad, Mark left. And I'm pretty much happy that he wasn't my first' she said
with a sheepish smile, referring to her ex-boyfriend.

'Whatever, I still find it awkward that you had sex with a total stranger' I said.

'C'mon! He was hotter than summer and he was a total gentleman'

'How can you say that?' I folded my arms in front and looked straight at her.

'Because his sweet talks were genuine and I was the one who made a first move' she
smiled sweetly, her eyes going to the floor as she thought about it 'It was
supposed to be a club night with friends. I honestly didn't decide to loose my v-
card that night. It was so uncalled' she said.

'That smile on your face is creepy' as soon those words left my mouth, I slapped my
hand on my mouth.

Sophia who looked offended gave a surprise grasp and threw the cushion she had in
her hand. I caught it in air and laughed at her silly self.

'You're being rude' she kind of whined.

'I'm sorry, but you were sweet talking' I said.

'Because it was sweet! He was sweet. That night was a memory. The next day he
placed breakfast at the side table and left a message saying he's gone to the
pharmacy to get me some pain relief pills'

'That's really sweet of him' I replied, my lips curving into a smile.

'I told you so' her smile widened 'I finished the breakfast, took that note with me
and kept a note of my own that said thanks and rushed out of the hotel'

'Why? Didn't he come back?' I frowned.

'Oh, he did. He did come back, alright. I watched him from a far carrying a
pharmacy bag and walking straight to the hotel. That was the final time I wanted to
see him before disappearing on him forever' she said.

'Now, that's rude! The poor boy would've been heart broken!' My voice came out
louder and in a accusing way but I didn't mind, the boy sounds like a keeper.

'He was too good for me' she said.

'You can't say that' I scoffed 'you just met him one night'

'And I got laid. I'm not really a fool here, his eyes were an open door to me. And
being...what I am I can't bring a normal man into my world, Leia' she gave a sad

I sighed and looked away from her.

'It was an amazing night though' she said.

'Yeah, of course. The guy really seems good to me'

'Too good'

'Yeah, right' I said.

Rest of the time went by with Sophia. Thoughts on Michael and Nicholas are pushed
at the back of my head. It is a relief to have thoughts free mind, something I
don't get often.

'So I was wondering...'

I watched Sophia looking at her phone and then back to the clock on the wall. She
had a nervous look on her face and I wonder what happened.

'Yes?' I asked.

'Nicholas, he was wondering. Actually Nicholas...asked me to help you get

ready for...tonight' she gave a sheepish look, fiddling with her tendrils at the

'Tonight what?' I asked, skeptically.

'Well, there's a party' she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear 'You and stuff. Nicholas wants you to accompany him'

'He didn't tell me about it' my eyebrows scrunched in discomfort.

'Yeah, he told me that too. Anyways, I bought you some dresses and everything
that's needed. I'll go get it' she hurried away.

'What if I don't want to go?' I asked. She stopped walking and turned around to
face me.

'Well, aren't you bored staying in this penthouse all day?' She asked.

'No' I lied.

'Huh, well...then you can...Oh! Nicholas thought it'll be a great opportunity to

catch Michael if you are with him. The last time he attacked was when you both were
together, isn't it?'

And the woman came up with her own lie.

'Yeah, that's logical' I said in a monotone, looking right into her eyes.

'Alright. Alright, Nicholas wants you to come, that's it. I know he should've asked
you before but none can be done, he's a bastard that way. I'll just inform him that
you are not willing to come' she said.

She turned into a bundle of nerves within seconds and made it a little complicated.
She should've simply said that Nicholas wants me go with him. Why the discomfort?
And she lied through her teeth.

She was about to leave but I stopped her.

'I'll go, it's alright'


After intense work on my face and hair for more than two hours, Sophia finally let
me get up from the seat.

'All done, you look beautiful' She commented as she inspected her work on me with a
satisfactory smile.

'I feel so numb due to sitting still for so long. I'm never accepting your offer to
do makeup and hair every again, Sophia' I groaned as I rotated my neck, feeling the
tense muscles loosen up.

'Don't be a spoiler' she replied and fixed my sleeves.

I'm wearing a purple shiny gown that hugs my petite frame. It's full sleeves with a
little cleavage in front. There is no slit at the thigh, which I'm grateful for.
It's simple and beautiful.

'Whatever. You should get ready now' I said as I looked at my appearance in the

She's given me total new look. My hair is in a bun with few tendrils at side, my
eyes look bigger due to the the mascara and my skin is glowing during to the
perfect makeup. My lips are painted red and I really like that.

'I'm not going'

I turned around to her 'Why?'

'It's a charity ball, totally business involved though'

So, it's just me and Nicholas. Before I could reply, the doorbell rang.

'That must be Nicholas' Sophia said and jogged out of my room to get the door while
I stood rooted to my spot.

The sudden nervousness made my stomach churn in discomfort. I made my way to the
hall and when I reached them, I saw Sophia and Nicholas talking in hushed tone. His
back is facing me and when Sophia's eyes fell upon me, he turned around swiftly.

I stopped walking and watched him scan me with those mesmerising eyes. His eyes
holds a kind of emotion that I quiet can't understand and his lips are curved into
a small smile.

'Bye, Leia. Have a good evening' Sophia waved at me and took her belonging before
leaving me and Nicholas alone.

'Hi' I said breaking the comfortable silence.

He walked towards me and slowly wrapped his arm around my waist. I leaned forward
and looked up to his towering frame. He smells like nutmeg, saffron and cinnamon
and I found myself breathing into his rich cologne. He's wearing a black suit and
the white shirt seems to be clutching his masculinity in a perfect fashion. His jet
black hair is tempting me to run my hand through them.

Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I shivered involuntarily and his
grip on my back tightened. He slowly moved his head up, his nose and lips leaving a
trail until it stopped near my ear.

'You look gorgeous' his voice was husky and my heart warned at his compliment.

'Shall we?' He asked with that sally smile still on his face.
'Yes' my voice came out as grasp which he found amusing.

With hand on my back, we left the house. Being a gentleman, he opened the door for
me before getting behind the wheel and taking off.

The silence is comfortable but I feel a overwhelming urge to talk to him, listen to
him. He looks so dashing tonight, well he always is, but tonight my mind is racing
to all the possible thoughts of him and I. The man is dangerous but I feel myself
finding closer in his abyss.

'You didn't tell me about the party' I said.

'I came last night to talk about it' he gave me a crooked smile 'but you got me
tied up with some 'conditions''

I narrowed my eyes at him.

'Still, you should've finished what you came for last night' I replied.

'Oh, well, I should've' he mumbled under his breath.

The atmosphere turned silent again. Leaning my head at the side, I watched out of
the window at dark night and city lights.

Maybe like Sophia told, Michael might turn up and this time I'm pretty sure
Nicholas will catch hold of him and then I can just go away from him.

My thoughts are all concentrated on getting away from this man, and it's not just
because he's a criminal, also because he's so manipulating. One look, one kiss, and
I fall right into his arms.

It's not because he's the first man to kiss me or touch me. I did have some
encounters with guys at school and even at the place of work. The own students who
were a little older than me use to throw cheesy pick up lines. Marie ended up
throwing them out because it was a trouble for others and me. So, I don't
understand what's with this man who I hardly know, who's real identity under those
layers of suit he wears everyday is still yet to come out to me.

He's attractive, at times charming and most of the times dominating. I seem to like
him at all times. It's not like he puts a spell on me. It's more like he is the

Men like him are not like this just because they are indulged in some specific
cruelty, men like him are born this way.

When the car came to a stop, I found myself surrounded with lights. The majestic
wide hotel is adorned professionally with bright lights and there are plants all
around. Cars and guards scattered everywhere and the place looks crowded, pretty
much for the party. The door opened and I turned to see Nicholas waiting for me to
get down.

'You okay?' He asked concerned and held out his hand.

'Yeah' I replied in a monotone and slipped my hand in his large warm one which
instantly sent tingles all way down to my spine.

'We can go back if you are uncomfortable inside' he said and released my hand, only
to place it on my back.
I looked back at his sleek black car, moving away from us due to a valet.

'I'm fine' I said, giving him a firm nod.

Without further ado we walked towards the main entrance, big enough to accommodate
ten people at once in a horizontal sequence. The white marble floor and chandeliers
above is the main beauty of the hall as we passed them all and walked straight. As
we went in further, I saw people gathered outside a huge door, talking in groups
and a lot of people inside the hall.

Some men stepped forward with warm smiles on their faces at the sight of Nicholas,
but it dropped when Nicholas paid no attention and walked straight to the hall.
When we entered the huge hall, I found myself shrinking in Nicholas' arms. The ball
looks just like the one I attended at the Crawford's, a small difference is this
one is bigger with a lot more rich people.

I was so busy looking around that I didn't notice Nicholas taking me along with him
to corner table where some one was already seated with some people.

'I thought you won't be coming' Aron spoke.

'I'm here now, aren't I?' Said Nicholas.

They are three other men seated and they soon indulged themselves in talking to

'Long time no see, Leia' said Aron.

'Yeah, long time' I replied.

'My sister has dressed you up like a beautiful doll' he said.

I smiled at him.

Men started approaching when they see Nicholas and I found myself caught up in the
moment. He didn't introduce me to anyone and no one asked about me to him, for
which I was grateful. What I found amazing was not a single man gave me a second
glance and stiffly sat in their seats, watching only Nicholas.

It's pretty clear Nicholas has the power here.

Soon it felt like the whole people in hall came to talk to him. Aron excused
himself from the mass to get himself a drink and said I can come along.

'You need a drink?' He asked.

'No, thanks' I said and looked over to where Nicholas is seated with people around.

'He's not going to run anywhere' said Aron.

'He seems a very important man. Important than those business magnets I often see
in news and magazines' I replied.

'That's true. So, how's the hospitality in the penthouse?' He asked.

'I don't seem to like it much nowadays. I miss my home, my work' I reply.

'You're jobs are anyway boring' he gave me a perfect sexy eye roll 'It's better to
stay at his penthouse'

'I'm sorry but I prefer my jobs over staying imprisoned' I shot back.

He scoffed 'Is that so? Then you better start praying that Michael gets caught

'I've been doing it everyday' he sighed.

'Good evening everyone!'

The sudden loud voice silenced the entire hall and everyone's eyes went to the
direction of the source on the stage.

A woman dressed in a black gown is smiling at us as she continued addressing the

gathering. Everyone started settling down in their respective seats as the charity

'Nicholas is calling you' said Aron and right when I looked at Nicholas he motioned
me to come over.

I stood up from the stool and went towards Nicholas while Aron remained drinking.
As soon as I reached the table, all the men who were seated with Nicholas got up
and went away, leaving us alone. I sat next to Nicholas. As the funds were being
announced by every rich men, Nicholas spoke about the men and what business they
are doing.

All the charity is going to Focus Ireland, an organisation that's helping people
from going homeless and people who are already homeless. The issue has been
increasing since 2016 and grown up to be the most important problem of Ireland.

It's really a good cause but seeing Nicholas doing charity is just laughable as
well as surprising. When Nicholas fund was called out, Aron to the stage.

It went on for an hour and at the end when the whole list of money donated by each
men were put up on the presentation, I noticed Nicholas name at the second.

Champagne were served as the entertainment started. Comic mimes, music and singing
were done by Irish people as a thank you for the charity. Nicholas explained to me
when they spoke in Irish, unaware that I do know Irish. I pretended to be immensely
interested in everything he explains and looked satisfied by it.

I was really enjoying the party and Nicholas told its just the beginning.

When dinner time came, we were asked to leave the hall and go the veranda. The
veranda was also decorated. The trees adorned with lights, round tables all over
and there was dancing and music been played by Irish people. I was lit up when I
saw the dance moves and the energetic music. Most of the people were glued watching
them while others started eating their dinner. We took a seat pretty close to them
and Nicholas ordered drinks. I watched some women joining the dance and Aron joined

I was surprised to watch Aron dance so skillfully, his legs moving to his own chord
according to the music. He has removed his blazer and has folded his white shirt,
exposing his veins on his wrist.

'God, he's amazing!' I exclaimed. The girls and the women were giggling and
flirting with Aron shamelessly, and I don't blame them, he looks handsome.
'He's always been a fan of Ireland's dance and music' Nicholas replied.

I looked at him with a smile. He's drinking. An idea popped up. He doesn't know
that I speak Irish, he doesn't even know what I'm going to do now is something I
know. The party has kept me on my toes throughout and it keeps getting better with
passing time. For even more courage, I took the champagne bottle and a glass and
filled it.

Nicholas watched me amazed as I gulped it up in one go and went for another round.
Two rounds definitely gave me some courage. I don't know whether it was whiskey or
what the yellowish alcohol was, my throat is burning and the taste is bitter. I
quickly stood up and instantly felt my head spin fast, I laughed placing my hands
on the table.

Two rounds are not much, I say to myself and took a stable step forward. Yup,
definitely not much.

I walked towards Nicholas who is seated on the opposite side of the table. His
confused eyes didn't leave me at all. When I was in front of him, I lifted up my
gown at the hip region and tied a knot at the side, which made the gown rise up,
till they were not touching the ground.

'Leia, what are you doing?' He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I just laughed and stepped forward, till his knees are touching me. Placing my hand
on the table beside, I leaned closer to him. When my lips were touching his ear, I

'Watch me'

I watched his eyes turning into a puddle of desire, I laughed and took few steps
backward with my eyes strained on him before turning around and making my way
towards the dance group.

The music ended and a new one started. I smiled when I recognized the music they
are playing- The Flags Of Dublin by FourWinds.

Aron who saw me approach, gave me a surprised look before holding outta his hand
for me. I held onto him and he immediately pulled me close.

'You can dance?' He asked.

'Be my partner' I said it in his ear so that he could hear over the music.

Turning towards Nicholas, who's eyes are strained on me, I gave him a wicked smile
before I swirled with the dance group and let my body move according to the music.
My legs moved on its chord rapidly to the music and Aron gave me wide eyes before
smiling and dancing with me.

I was soon laughing and giggling, not bothered about so many people watching me. I
was just in my own world, having a best time. I looked at Nicholas who is watching
mw with pure amusement and surprise. At times he'd control his overwhelming feeling
to smile since we are in a party full of ugly people.

Hooking by our elbows, I dance with the dancers who seemed pretty much enjoying it
as much as me and Aron. When the song was midway, me and Aron seemed to come with a
challenge of who's best among each other. The dancers moved aside, and with each
tone they played, Aron and I seemed to get lost with dancing. I saw Nicholas
smiling, no longer bothered to have a deadly look and I watched all the people
looking at Nicholas shocked. When the music was almost close to ending, everyone
were clapping according to the beat and it ended with Aron wrapping his arm around
my waist and lifting me from the ground with hips attached, as we made way towards
smiling Nicholas.

As soon as Aron released me, Nicholas pulled me by my arm, which made me lose
balance and land up straight on his lap. I squeaked at the sudden impact.
Nicholas adjusted me his lap, and wrapped his around my shoulder and hip, like
that's what he intended to do. I started to giggle profusely and I blame the
alcohol, though my mind is quite in its stable sense. Wrapping my arms around his
neck, I buried my face in his neck, breathing into his rich cologne.

'You were graceful' he whispered in my ear.

'Go raibh maith agat' I replied.

'And you acted as if you don't know Irish' he said.

'Well, you were pretty much interested in explaining to me' I said.

'I'm just glad to have a good partner to dance traditional Irish dance' Aron said
'you were pretty

'You weren't bad either' I said in a mock judgmental tone.

'Oh, yeah?' Aron raised a perfect eyebrow 'Is that a challenge?'

'Pretty much' I replied.

'Oh let go, Leia. It's pretty sure I'll win you' he said confidently.

'I doubt that' Came Nicholas voice which made Aron look baffled.

'You're only supporting her so that she won't feel bad' Aron argued.

'That's not true, isn't it Nick?' I said. The arm on my hip tightened as Nicholas
stared into my eyes.

'No' he replied firmly.

We were interrupted before me or Aron could reply.

'Nicholas. Aron'

'Oscar' Aron acknowledged only him, ignoring his son, Turner

'And we meet again, Rose' said Oscar, giving me a kind smile.

'Again?' Questioned Aron.

'I met her in a hotel, a week ago' replied Oscar.

'When did you arrive? Didn't see you inside' said Nicholas.

'Had some errands to run' he said, taking a seat next to us.

I ever so swiftly got up from Nicholas lap before he could tighten his hold on me
and walked towards Turner who stood awkwardly alone.
'Hey' my voice came out louder than I expected.

'Hey' he replied.

'Not a party person, huh?' I asked watching his brooding self.

'No, not like that. It's just that Aron's looking at me like he's ready to murder
me' he chuckled dryly.

I quickly turned around to see Aron glaring at Turner and I couldn't help but

'What's so funny?' Asked Turner.

'Nothing, I just thought what will he do now if I tell him that you asked for his
sister's number' I replied.

'Rose will you reduce your volume' Turner hissed 'They can hear you. What's up with
you? You seem to be in a pretty good mood'

'Well, I just had fun in the party'

'And you're drunk'

'Not much. Just two glass of champagne' I replied.

'Whiskey, you mean. Two is enough though' he gave a fake wide smile before turning
all serious.

'Stop being so moody' I said, slapping his arm.

'Ouch, that hurts' he said, rubbing his arm.

'Shall I tell you a good news that'll lighten up your mood?' I asked, in a cheesy

'I doubt anything's gonna lighten up my mood' he murmured under his breath.

'Sophia is here' I sang the words and Turner chuckled, his mood brightening

'Alright, I'll give you for that. It did lighten up my mood'

'I told ya!' I giggled.

'Here' he said, taking a champagne from the waiter and giving one to me before
taking another for himself.

'Rose' I heard Nicholas from behind.

I turned around to him, he saw the champagne in my hand and shook his head a no. I
gave him a wide smile and winked at his direction before gulping up the content in
one go.

'Woah, easy there, Lioness' Turner chuckled.

'I love doing the exact opposite of what he says' I said 'it drives him crazy'

'Of course' Turner replied, taking a sip of his drink 'And you were good there,
dancing and smiling'

'Thank you' I said.

Time went by with Turner as we talked and laughed about silly things. I don't
really look like a drunk person that's ready to collapse or anything. I've drunk
nothing as close to as I was in the club with Liam and his friends. So, I'm pretty
much half sober enough to dance another time and remember all of it the next day.

People looked at us when we laughed or spoke loudly but then, who bothers?

I never knew Turner could be this fun because last time we met, I labelled him as
'Annoying kid' in my head. Nicholas, Aron, Oscar and few other men who joined them
are in serious conversation about earth bouncing all its way out to the other
galaxy or something like that, because they are dead serious in the matter.

At times Nicholas would look at me, just to make sure I'm there and turns back to
their conversation. At times I'll be watching him, ignoring Aron talking about some
rich lady's wig that looks like bug, and he would catch me off guard staring at his
handsome self and I'll quickly turn away. No women can help if there's a handsome
gentleman who is so not gentle to be right in front of you and not look at him. And
Nicholas is kind of man you just can't take your eyes off. I don't know whether
it's my drunk state or what but I feel like I'm attracted to this man in more than
any other way possible. The way he looks at me with those dark orbs which contains
so many secrets, the way he holds me in his protective embrace, the way he shows me
his other side which hardly anyone sees other than his family, everything,
everything he does is just so attractive.

'Rose, I'm pretty much still alive here' Turner's voice made me look away from
Nicholas and to him.

'Sorry, you were saying?' I asked. Turner stared at me before brushing off the

'Doesn't matter'

When the men were done with their talking, Nicholas got up and came to me. Turner
gave him tight smile and a nod before bidding me goodbye.

Nicholas wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked out of the veranda. I wanted
to scream that "Hey, rich morons, party is over. Pack up, pack up" but I didn't
because by then we were out and also it's not like I would have done it. I'd
probably need another two rounds of confident champagne to do that.

I slipped out of Nicholas arms and walked towards a fountain as he waited for the
valet to get his car. I dipped my hand in the cold water and it immediately felt
good. I was moving my hand gently, feeling the cold water on my skin when Nicholas
called me.

I quickly got in and we took off to the penthouse. Throughout the ride, I remained
silent and watched the streets and night sky with the cool breeze messing up my
hair. When the car stopped, I got down and quietly walked to the penthouse. Right
when I opened the door, I heard the car door slam shut. I smiled and left the door
open for him as I made my way to my room.

I left my room door open too because he'll anyway barge in but I turned around
confused when I heard a knock on the door.

'Can I come in?' He asked.

'Sure' I said, chuckling at him.

'Did you have fun today?' He asked as he placed himself on the couch.

'Yeah, a lot' I replied as I removed my makeup using a cleanser.

When I didn't hear him talk again I looked away from the mirror, to Nicholas. He's
watching me.

'What?' I asked and went back to my work.

'Michael didn't come tonight' he said hesitantly.

'His good luck because if he did, I would've punched him on his face for sure' I

'Drinking does boosts your confidence, yeah?' He asked.

'Oh, you have no idea, Nicholas! The first I drank, I literally went go Bruce Lee
in a club, I still can't believe that was me' I said.

'When did this happen?' He asked amused.

'Remember my friend you saw at that birthday function?'


'Yes. I went to a club with Liam and his friends and they made me drink. I was so
consumed with all the drinking, I ended up creating a big chaos when a guy tried to
take me forcibly' I said.

'Who was he?' Nicholas asked 'The guy who tried to-

'No idea. Didn't give him time for self introduction. I directly went to kick him
in his place. Then I threw bottle that ended up hitting a guard, so they threw all
of us out and then Liam and his friends chased that guy till he ran away' I said,
laughing at the memory.

'Pretty much badasss when you're drunk, huh?' He asked.

I just giggled as started removing all the clips from my hair. I saw Nicholas,
walking closer to me, from the mirror and I smiled at him. When his front touched
my back, I leaned back to him. He ran his hand in my hair, and I saw the clips
falling off on the ground with a soft click. Our eyes never left each other in the
mirror. He wrapped his other arms around my waist and placed both my hands on his.
His hand ran smoothly into my locks and it felt so good.

'What if Michael never comes back, Leia?' He asked softly.

'Isn't that a relief? For both of us?' I asked, smiling at him but he didn't.

'I will not know whether he has stopped or not, Leia' he said.

'Well, there is only one way to find out then' I said 'We go back to our normal
lives and see whether he comes back'

'And what if he doesn't?' He asked. All along his seriousness watched away my
'Then we just...go on our ways' my voice was a mere whisper.

His hold on my stomach tightened. I stared into his eyes without even blinking. He
slowly dipped his head into my bare neck and placed a wet kiss. I shivered in his
hold and my eyes closed immediately as the feeling went right into the pit of my

His hand moved my dress down from my shoulder and he started kiss my neck and
shoulder and I felt myself leaning more into him. Placing both his hands on my hip,
he leaned forward and started leaving a trail of kisses.

'Nicholas' I moaned his name.

He swiftly turned me around and smashed his lips on mine. I was caught off guard
with the sudden impact. My hands went to his neck and his locks as I kissed him
back with feverish hunger. He kissed me passionately and I felt giving everything I
have into his kiss. His hands roamed all over my body, making me grasp at the
feeling, giving him the chance to slip his warm tongue into my mouth. I moaned as
his tongue caressed me. His hand pulled my gown up ever so slowly, and the feeling
was so much arousing.

My hand tightened in his locks as I kissed him harder. His hands are now at my hip
with my gown hitched up. I felt him grip my butt and lift me. I screamed into his
mouth and I heard him chuckle. I pulled his hair in return and he groaned sexy
before kissing me harder.

With my butt on the cool dressing table, Nicholas closed the gap between us. His
lips left mine, letting me take a huge breath, as he kissed my collar bone and went
down to my cleavage.

'Nicholas' I moaned when he pushed my dress aside and licked the mould.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, he lifted me up and laid my on the bed where his
lips found mine again.

My hands roamed on his hard back and it felt so irritated to touch him over his
blazer. I quickly removed his blazer, Nicholas was more obliged to take away, and I
ran my hand on his shirt.

He moved away from me, sitting on his knees as he removed his tie and shirt. His
eyes are dilated and filled with desire, desire for me. When his bare chest came
into view, I got up and placed my hands on his hard pacs, before lifting my head up
and placing my lips on his. His hand gripped my hair as he kissed me, softly. My
hand roamed over his hard abs, before gripping his neck and pulling him down on the
bed with me.

His other hand wrapped my legs on him and he rubbed the side of my thigh. His lips
left a wet trial all way down. His hand left my hair and went back. I lifted myself
up so that he could pull the zip down. When he was done, I was to happy to remove
my gown by pushing them down my arm with his help until they came down my breasts,
and stayed on my stomach. His head dipped between my moulds and he kissed the
valley. My back arched and I moaned loudly in the empty house.

Nicholas licked the bare flesh above my bra and pushed myself further into his

I'm not conpletely drunk, not at all. My sober mind Is pretty much telling me stop
as usual but my heart won this time.
Yes, I want him to touch me, kiss me. I want Nicholas.

He flipped us so I'm on top of him. I grasp and my hair fell in front. He pushed
away my locks and looked deep into my eyes.

'I know you're sober and I know you will remember every detail in the morning' his
voice was husky and soft 'I'm going to unhook your bra and if you want me to stop,
you say the words, because if you don't before I unhook them, there is no stopping
until I say so, Leia' his eyes and voice became hard and for some reason I didn't
feel any fear.

His hand slowly came to my hooks. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

Stop! Stop! I wanted to say but I couldn't...I just couldn't.

When the first hook was undone, my breath hitched in my throat. My eyes didn't
leave his and so did his.

I felt his fingers trace over the second, giving me time to change my mind but I

When the second one too was removed and I felt the tightness of bra lossen, I took
a sharp breath. Nicholas released a breath through his mouth as he gazed into my
eyes for confirmation, yet again. I bit my lower lip and moved closer to him. He
watched me with his eyes open as I placed a soft kiss on his lips before

Within a swift move, I was flipped over and the gown hitched up on my waist was
pulled down to my legs and thrown on floor. He opened my legs wide to accommodate
himself between and slammed his lips on mine. The kiss was rough and fast and I
tried to kiss him with the same passion.

He left my lips with a sound and sat on his knees. I watched his desire filled eyes
through his thick locks covering in the front. His knuckles traced my arm and went
up to one of the straps before hooking his fingers with it and pulling down. My
breathing became shallow when my left breast became fully exposed to him. He
stopped and his other hand did the same thing before the other strap came down,
revealing my right breast too.

I laid vulnerable to his dominance while he removed the piece of cloth and threw
them, leaving me only with my underwear.

No one, no one has ever seen me like this.

I felt the strong urge to cover my breasts, and close my eyes or look away from his
gaze but I couldn't do either. His eyes has still not left mine and not once, they
flickered over my breasts.

When his eyes slowly left mine and came down to my nose, lips, jaw, neck and then
breasts, I thought I'll faint due to embarrassment, shyness, and vulnerability. His
eyes took in everything I had to show and my eyes didn't leave his as he saw them
with pure desire.

'Beautiful' he whispered and looked up to me through his locks 'Its beautiful'

I felt the heat crawling from my neck to my cheeks and I saw Nicholas noticing the
blush. He gave me a beautiful smile and leaned down to kiss both my cheeks.
I couldn't help but look at him in amazement.

His hand traced my bare stomach and came up slowly to my breast. I released a grasp
when his fingers brushed my erect nipple.

He gazed his fibgers over my breast and I closed my eyes in content. It felt too
good. All of a sudden my nipple was pinched soft. My eyes snapped open as the
impact sent jolts of shock right in between my legs and my tights clenched
automatically but due to Nicholas in between, it couldn't. I looked at Nicholas,
who had a smirk on his face.

He slowly came down, his eyes still on me, and licked my nipple. The pleasure made
me arch my back and Nicholas pulled his back.

He chuckled at me.

'Do you want me to do that again, Rose?' He asked.

I quickly nod my head. He chuckled again before dipping his head down and give
another long lick to me nipple.

'Yes!' I moaned and clenched the sheets in my tight fist.

'Is that enough?' He asked.

'No!' I screamed out in pleasure.

He chuckled and shook his head.

'Tell me you want me' He said.

His words alone aroused me so much. I started trashed on the bed while he just
folded his arms and looked at me with full of amuse.

'Nicholas, please' I begged him.

'Your words, Leia. Tell me and I will abide' he replied.

I looked the man and said.

'I want you, Nick'

'Fuck!' He cursed and ran his hand over his face.

I let out a throaty laugh.

He soon dipped his head down and licked my nipple, over, and over again. My hands
left the sheets beside and held his head as he kissed and licked my areola and the
region around. His other hand gropped my right breast and I swear I'm in pure

I moaned in pleasure he's giving me and I felt the strong urge to urge the area
between my legs.

'Nicholas, oh, Nicholas don't stop' I moaned his name and pulled his hair, making
him groan in my breast.

His warm tongue is taking me to heights I knew never I can reach. He bit my nipple
at the same time hiatus finger pinched my other nipple, and my head arched back. He
left my left breast, the cool air touching the wet area as he went to my other one.

He nipped, licked and bit my nipple, his other hand toying with the other, giving
the same treatment. I was a mess, a total mess in his arms. When he was done, he
went back to his knees and licked his lower lip. He smirked and I blushed.

His hand came down and traced the lining of my panty. I immediately went rigid. My
uneasiness was clear on my face and Nicholas turned serious.

'I told you, no turning back until I say so' he reminded.

I felt his dominance in the air and knew I can't do anything even I want to. I
watched his index trailing down and down till it came to the centre. My breath
hitched and he pushed his finger in.

'Ah, Nicholas!'

'Your wet, baby' he said.

His started to circle and legs came top so my feet is resting on the bed with my
toes clenching.

'So wet. Wet for me' he said with full of desire.

His fingers gripped the either side of my panty and he started to pull them down my
legs. I raised myself on my elbows and watched him as he threw them on the floor
and opened my legs wide. He took in a sharp breath as he watched me there.

My toes are sinking into the bed and my arousal reached its peak when his eyes
never left from there.

God, I'm naked in front of a man! And it's damn arousing!

I wanted to push him away and ran away from him or close my legs from his
penetrating gaze or do anything to shield myself butt I did nothing of those sorts.
I took deep breaths through mouth and watched him.

'Such a good pussy' he said.

'Huh?' I asked.

'I said such a good vagina' he said, chuckling and looking me in the eye.

His eyes moved from my eyes and to everywhere till my vagina.

'You're beautiful, Leia' he said truthfully as he looked me in the eye 'So


He leaned forward and cupped my neck, gazing into my eyes.

He kissed my forehead and his thumb rubbed my neck.

'Leia, I...I'm sorry' he said.

'For what?' My voice was a mere whisper.

'For everything. For being harsh on you, for putting in so much trouble, for
keeping you here for days and for...for not...catching Michael Kutcher...yet' he
He looks so troubled and it's pretty clear he's fighting with his inner dilemma. I
don't know why but it hurts...hurts to see him this way. I've seen an angry
Nicholas, serious Nicholas, commanding and dominating Nicholas, but never a
troubled Nicholas.

I placed my hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes as I said spoke.

'It's okay. I forgive you for all. And I know you will catch him very soon' His
eyes quickly left mine when I said that 'look at me, it's okay' I said softly.

I closed my eyes and kissed him. His hands wrapped around my shoulder and held my
head as he kissed me back.

He left my lips and went down. I saw him kiss my stomach before going and placing a
kiss on my vagina.

'I want you to give into me, Leia' he said and licked me.

I took in a sharp breath and clutched his hair. The feeling is as new as he licked
my breasts. His warn tongue moved up and down my region, arousing me more and more.
His lips sucked my flesh and the grip on his hair tightened.

'Oh Nicholas!' I moaned loudly as he sucked and licked me to the fullest.

When he bit on my clitoris, I screamed in pleasure.

The pleasure too much that it started to ache. Nicholas as if knowing my inner
thoughts did something which blew my mind- he slipped his finger into me. I grasp
and looked down to him. His finger started to move in and out slowly and I felt the
ache increasing, not only due to pleasure.

'You're tight, Leia' he said and looked up at me. His mouth and jaw is glistening
with my essence and I felt shy all of a sudden.

'Tell me if it hurts' he said.


He replied me by slipping another finger and it hurts!

'Nicholas it hurts' I blurt out quickly.

He looked concerned at me and moved his fingers slowly. The feeling was so new and
different. It hurts as he moves in and out but at the same time I didn't want him
to stop. His thumb started to rub my clitoris, making me divert from the pain and
concentrate on the pleasure.

The squishy squish noise made me look down and I stared back at Nicholas who is
smirking at me.

'Not my fault, you're just so wet' he said sexily.

Soon the pleasure built up and I seem to forget the pain. I was moaning Nicholas
name often and my walls clenched around his fingers as I felt myself reaching some

'Oh, Nicholas I...I...-

'Going to come, I know' he said and I increased his movements. His fingers started
to move a little faster and with each thrust, I seem climb up.

He started sucking my clitoris as his fingers moving in and out of me.

'Nicholas! Oh, Nicholas!' I moaned his name over and over.

'Come for me, Leia. Come for me' he said and within seconds I screamed loudly as I

Nicholas removed his fingers mad started sucking me. I felt myself relaxing and I
closed my eyes till Nicholas ate me up clean.
When his mouth left me, I watched him hover over me and brought his two glistening
fingers to my mouth.

'Suck' he ordered.

I watched him as I opened my mouth and wrapped them around his index and middle
fingers. I sucked it slowly, my wetness before letting it go. Nicholas kissed my
lips, licking my lower lip.

'Tell me, Leia, isn't this your first time?' He asked looking into my eyes.

I nodded.

'I need your words' he spoke urgently.

'Yes' I replied softly.

'Am I not the first man to see you naked?' He asked.


'Am I not the first man to taste you? Give your first orgasm?' He asked.


'Good' he said and kissed me again and again before moving from me and laying
beside me.

He removed his suit pants, leaving his boxer behind before pulling up the sheets
and lying down.

'Come here' he called and I inched closer to him. He pulled me close to his warm
body and wrapped my ked body with the sheets.

My leg came on top and I quickly pushed it back. I heard him chuckle above. His
hand gripped my thigh firmly and placed it on hip and pulled me close. I smiled in
his chest and inched even closer, wrapped my arm around neck and closed my eyes.

Omg! I'm so happy!

They are moving on, stepping into world of love and it's crazy if they think they
can back down!
And I'm really very sorry for the late update, guys. Two reasons for the late

1. The chapter is suppose to be long. And yes, it is! I'm Pretty sure I never wrote
such a long chapter till now, even in HP.

2. I was met with a road accident with not so serious injuries but serious enough
to put me in bed for few days. So, it was hectic for me when I was back on my feet
and a lot of errands were to be met which didn't give me much time to write. So,
forgive me.♥

Chapter 25 - Chapter-24

I woke up with a mild headache. The room is lit with bright rays of sun when it's
suppose to be moody for the coming winter.

Messaging my forehead, I let out a yawn and all of a sudden I looked at my empty

Everything came like a flash, last night's party, laughter, drinks, dance and late

I peeked inside the bedsheet to find me laying all naked. Well, what did I expect?
I actually thought for a second that it might all been a dream and I'm dressed in
the gown, but no. A big fat no. I got up in a sitting position and moved my hand
down there, between my legs. I put some pressure and felt the pain. Moderate pain.
I can't even imagine my condition when I lose my virginity.

I let Nicholas touch me, kiss me, strip me, lick me, suck me and...and ARGH!

I'm suppose to cry right now because that's what I want to do. I want to blame
myself for giving him the permission and curse myself for what happened last night.
I want to blame him for doing what he did and fight and quarrel with him. I want to
convince myself that what happened last night was wrong, totally wrong but I...I

I'm feeling this immense happiness, a different kind of happiness and I'm blushing
right now thinking about everything he did to me last night. The way he sucked and
nibbled on my nipples and the way he sucked me down there and made me have my first

God, this is so wrong but right!

Quickly getting of the sheets, I sprinted my naked self to the washroom. My eyes
found the mirror and I gasped at my reflection.

My breasts are covered with hickeys. And not only my breasts, but my neck too! I
touched the skin close to my nipple, the bruised skin is rough and there's mild
pain when I pressed on it. My face is glowing for a person who just got up from
sleep and my cheeks and neck are in a pink shade. My hair is a total mess due to
his work and overall I look...different.

I let a man see me naked and let him to touch me.

How am I going to face him?

I took deep breaths, controlling my urge to scream like I found a cockroach in my

bath tab.
I had a cold shower with my mind wondering to last night events which is so
difficult to push aside. Nicholas eyes, his touch, his smile and everything he did
to me is pretty much stuck in my mind.

When I came out with nothing but a towel wrapped around my head and body, my eyes
fell on a white shirt that's laying on the floor. I remember Nicholas removing his
pants and shirt.

I bit my lip, contemplating whether to do it or not. I don't even know why the
thought came up in the first place. I bent down and took the shirt. It still smells
like him and his cologne. Removing the towel around my body, I wore his shirt and
buttoned it up, leaving few at the top and had a look in the mirror. His huge shirt
reaches my mid thigh, sure enough to give a view at the back when I bend down and
my hands are swollen inside. Unwrapping the towel from my head, I let out a huge
sigh at my reflection.

'There is no way things are going to be the same between us' I murmured.

Us. Bloody goodness!

I need someone to talk to about this. Before, I use to fear about Nicholas actions
towards me but now I fear my own. I don't seem to be in control around him anymore.
I'm walls are cracked already, and I can't take the liberty of feeling things for a

I don't feel guilty or sad or even numb. Instead I feel shy and happy. This man has
started to get under my skin and started crawling towards my heart and mind and the
worst part is I like it, I like it all. There's no use of blaming or defending.

I like Nicholas and I like him very much.

I would've carried on, probably, with him but since he's a criminal, everything
comes down and there is nothing to think about, there cannot be anything between

I don't care whether Michael is going to get caught or not. I don't care whether
he'll come for me or not. All I know is I can't be here and let myself ruined. I
quickly got out of the room and walked through the long hallway to reach the
staircase. I'll ask the maids to go away for today. I've dismissed them many times
giving reasons which I'm sure Nicholas believed, if they ever informed him and if
at all Nicholas comes, he comes only at night which gives me enough time to pack my
bag, visit Liam and spill everything and then get out of city for good, so that
Adam and his family and Marie and Liam are safe while Nicholas searches me here in
Moscow like a mad criminal.

I'm more worried about what'll he do if I tell him never to touch me again. What if
he shows his criminal side to me and cages me here? What if he beats me or abuses
me sexually? Surely the man isn't what he is. A criminal cannot be a gentleman from
within and I was a fool to think so for long. When I made me way down, I heard the
cooking and utensils cluttering. I quickly made my way towards the kitchen, towards
the maids.

With a determined face and quick steps I reached the kitchen only froze halt and
stare at Nicholas shirtless back. My eyes quickly went to the clock and saw its 9
a.m. He leaves by 6 in the morning, what is he still doing here?!

I slowly took steps back, to get away from him but he turned aside from the burner
and caught me off guard. I froze on spot and so did he. I watched him perplexed at
his sudden change of casual to surprised mood and then I realised that's he's
checking me out.

I pulled his shirt down which refused to help me out from his heated gaze on my
legs and when he finally came out from his trance, I looked away from him.

There goes my plan! And what a way to make a fool out of myself by coming down with
nothing but his shirt. Now he probably thinks that I totally want him and gives him
a whole lot of negative ideas.

I heard him clear his throat but I didn't look at him.

'I made breakfast. I was going to come up with it and wake you up' he said and went
back with the cooking.

I saw pancakes and apple pieces on a plat and a orange juice on side. They were
both placed on a tray. I looked back at Nicholas, he's frying eggs.

He was bringing breakfast for me at bed? Wow, okay. No one ever did something like
that and that's why I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach.

'You don't need to' my voice was suppose to be rude, but it came out as soft as a


'Well, I wanted to' he said, more to himself than me.

'No, I just hate pancakes' I blurted out a lie.

Nicholas looked at me quickly a guilty look and damn, I feel wore for lying now!

'I'm sorry, I didn't know' he replied 'it's okay, I'll eat them. Eggs and toast? Do
you like them for breakfast?' He asked, pointing to the pan with a slice of bread
placed and egg.

'Is that how you do a toast? Without a toaster?' I asked.

'This is how I like. Bread, eggs with salt and pepper fried on pan' he replied.

'Yeah, sure' I said.

'Get the milk from the fridge' he said.

He made pancakes and cut apples for me with orange juice at the side and made
himself egg toast and due to my lie we'll be exchanging our breakfast. Now I feel
so guilty for assuming him to be abusive or violent with me.

I took the milk and poured a glass for him as he asked for. He prepared three egg
toast for me when I asked for two, just like how he ordered two cheeseburger when I
asked for one.

'Didn't go to work today?' I asked as he started to slice another apple.

'I will, after breakfast. How are feeling, Le-

'I don't the maids to come today, I need a lone time' I cut him off.

'Okay' he said and looked at me with concern 'Was I hard on you last night?'
I quickly looked away even before he finished that sentence.

'Leia?' Came his soothing voice.

'I...I don't want to talk about it' I said quickly with a stern look.

He frowned and went back to slice the apples.

'But we need to talk it' I heard him.

'No, we don't. Last night whatever happened because I was drunk' I

The knife left his hand with a clank and I watched him clench his hands into a
tight fists.


He slowly lifted his head up to me and I know I am in trouble.

'What did you say?' His voice was soft and yet the upcoming fury rung loudly in my

I swallowed a lump in my throat and tried to be strong but I know I'm filling
miserably. My hands are gripping the black marble slab tightly and my eyes are
clear windows to my fear.

'Ni...Nicholas last night was wro-

'Think again before you utter that word, Leia' his voice sent a shiver down my
spine 'think a hundred times before you say it. I've heard that false word a number
of times from you and all those times I kept quiet. Last night was something
precious to you, something special and I know deep down you are happy. I don't want
you to taint that precious memory of us with that one fucking word'

And that was enough to know to lie through my teeth and cause a havoc.

'Precious? That was not precious to me, Nicholas. I was drunk and you took
advantage of the situa — AH!' I screamed my lungs out when I was lifted in the air
and made me slam sit on the kitchen slab.

Before I can comprehend my legs were spread apart, Nicholas clutched my neck in a
tight grip and pulled me right to his fury face.

'Drunk, huh?' He spat the words like they were venom 'do you think I'm a fool? I'm
a fucking gangster, Leia, and I think you keep forgetting that shit. I could've let
you get sold to Benjamin or I could've fucking put a bullet in your forehead
instead of putting effort to keep you safe in here but I didn't. And I see how
you're paying me for that' He let out dry chuckle.

I tried to release my neck from his firm grip, but he put gentle pressure on it,
warning me that he's in control.

'Let me get this straight, Leia' he said, looking dead in my eye 'I'm a man and a
true man never raises a hand on a woman or takes a woman for his own advantage. I
tried to get away from you but the more I tried, the more harder you fell in my
path. I've wanted you from the every first time my eyes caught you and last night
confirmed to me that you want me as much as I want you. So, why deny? I'm not going
to force myself on you, Leia. But at the same time I won't promise you that even a
light permission from you will go unnoticed by me. I can't stay from you. I want
you. I need you'

I looked at him shocked at his open acceptance and...proposal. I felt a arousal hit
me right at the core for his desire for me and I had tough time not to show any
kind of emotion. His hand released my neck and moved back to my wet long hair
that's dampened his shirt. When eyes flickered to my lips and he moved closer to
kiss me, I looked away.

'Don't resist, Leia' he hissed.

'I...I don't want you' I said, taking a deep breath and looking at him 'I don't
desire for you. I'm not giving my body to you'

'You do want me' he said 'I saw it before, I saw it last night, I see it now. Your
minds says something, your heart says something and I see it in your eyes, Leia' he
said softly.

'No' I replied softly.

He closed the distance between us and I felt his warm bare chest hit my clothed
one. Another hand gripped my hip and I have this intense urge to remove his shirt
and wrap myself around him.

'Give into me, Rose' he said and licked my wet neck. My grip on the slides
tightened and my eyes closed and he started to suck the flesh.

'Nick...Nicholas' I moaned when he sucked harder, surely leaving a new mark.

My hand moved up to his chest and I put light pressure on his bullet wound which is
now all healed, leaving behind a scar. He stopped his movement instantly and looked
at me.

'I don't want you' I said sternly.

His eyes turned hard and his hand on my hair tightened. His other hand gripped my
bare thigh and lifted me up leg up before pushing me further and leaning forward to

'Is that so?' He seethed, placing my left leg on the edge of the slab. I felt a
shiver run down my spine. In this position, with no panty on I'm completely bare
for him.

Without any warning, he released my leg and moved it between my legs. A gasp left
my lips when he touched my lips and my eyes didn't leave his as he stared into
mine. His fingers moved up and down my slits and I bit bottom lip from moaning out
in pleasure.

'Then what does this mean, Leia? For whom are you wet down here?' He asked and
slipped a hand into me.

My hands went to his shoulder, my nails digging in as I tried hard not to moan.

'I...I just' I wanted to say that I just had a bath and that's why I'm wet but it
became impossible to speak the words when all I want to do this moan his name.

'You just what? Cat caught your tongue, Leia? Or you were going tell that you just
had a bath and that's why your wet?' He cocked an eyebrow and watched me trembling
underneath him 'As far as I know the water in taps are not this sticky. So, honor
me if you have a different theory for this wetness' he said softly.

I licked my dry lips and felt his finger moving in and out slowly. It doesn't hurt
now and I felt my pleasure building up. Nicholas dipped his head into my neck and
took in a long breath. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. He added
another finger and moved a little faster, I bit on his shoulder to keep quiet. He
quickly moved his body away from him and gripped my wet hair, looking directly into
my eyes.

'Scream for me' he ordered. He started moving faster and I moved my legs father
apart, willingly.

'Are you drunk now? Is this an advantage? You are feeling this right? Look, Leia,
my fingers are deep inside you. I feel your walls tightening around them and I see
you trembling in pleasure underneath me' he moved my head forward, harshly and
stared into me 'I am the first man finger fucking your pussy, Leia. So, I dare you,
go on tell me all this is wrong'

And he pinched my clitoris.

'NICHOLAS!' My head wemt back and I screamed in pleasure and came all over his

I closed my eyes and stayed like this till I relaxed. His fingers left me and I
felt him placing a kiss on my exposed neck before wrapping both his hands around my
back and pulling me to his hard chest. I opened my eyes in his shoulder and wrapped
my arms and legs around him.

'You' he moved from my shoulder and looked at me 'You make me feel things, I never
knew I can' he whispered, his warm breath fanning my cheeks.

'I'm scared, Nicholas' I spoke 'I'm scared because you're a gangster' My eyes
started to water and kept my head up, looking into his mesmerising black orbs.

As if something snapped into his mind, his eyes turned empty and he entangled
himself from me and took steps back. I adjusted his shirt on me and pulled them
down to my thigh, all the while looking at his sudden change. He stood there, at
arms length and watched me without even blinking.

Next thing I know is he walked away from me. I sat still on the kitchen slab
wondering what I told wrong. He himself accepted he's a gangster so what's wrong
with me telling out loud? Within few minutes, he walked down the stairs without
even glancing at me, all dressed up in his black suit and black shoes with lose tie
and the door closed softly behind him. A lone tear slipped out of my eye and I
wiped it quickly.

I'm not going to cry for him. There's nothing to cry about anyways! I don't want to
spoil my whole day by thinking about the matter this early. For now, I'm going to
enjoy his toasts, pancakes, milk and juice.

* * *

I spent the rest of the time playing piano till my fingers started to hurt, but it
wasn't enough. The only distraction from my own thoughts is the melody music of the
keys and I don't want to think about him, about us.

My plan to get out this penthouse, out of the city went in vain when I sat down and
thought through it with a clear mind. I can't forget the greater good he did to me
for the smaller mistake. There has to be a better solution for this.

It's been a week been here and the first time I feel like I shouldn't be here.

I stopped playing and hung my head low. There's a pin drop silence in the home,
which unfortunately didn't calm me. I got out of the room and quickly changed.
Taking my phone and purse, I slipped them in the long coat jacket and walked out of
the room.

Remembering about Boris telling me to use any of the cars if I need to get out, I
quickly made it through the garage. My eyes widened when I saw two black cars, one
Audi and the other a BMW. The last time I drove a car was two years ago, and that
was definitely not a Audi or a BMW. I shook my head and closed the garage.
Walking's always been my first priority in the means of transportation, so be it.

I walked out to a breezy evening, the clouds grey and heavy with water. It's
probably best if I return back before it starts to rain. Even with a long coat on,
a scarf around my neck and a beanie cap, I feel chilly. It's not like I hate this
weather, it's my favorite actually but with my current mood I don't really seem to
be enjoying it like I always do.

I walked till the park and stayed in there till the dusk fell upon. When I somehow
reached my evening work place The Beetle Cafe, I stood on the opposite side of the
road and watched Isabella rushing through table by table to get the orders. I can't
see the other girls from here and after a while, I walked away.

I bought a burger in McD since I didn't eat lunch and my stomach started to
grumble. When the night fell upon, the city lights were on and the night looked
young. I slowly walked on the footpath, watching the busy streets and huge shops
with pretty dolls up to the mirror.

I was walking like I have no burden on my head and just then something touched my
shoulder, making me turn around quickly.

'Li Wei?'

'Hey Leia, long time no see' he said.

I looked at him and beside him and behind him.

'If you're searching for Liam, I'm sorry to say he's not here'

I released a breathe when I heard that. The last thing I want is to see Liam.

'Actually he's suppose to come with me, but then he remembered that he's got an
assignment that's due on this Wednesday so he stayed back, leaving me all alone to
shop for groceries' he explained.

'Oh, that's...bad' I replied.

'I believe you're returning from your shift?' He asked and it took me a minute to
understand that Liam hasn't told his friends about me not in the country, which
makes it pretty much easier.

'Well, yeah. I'm just...having a night, all by myself' I smiled stupidly but Li
gave me a warm smile.

'You wanna accompany me?' He asked 'Or are you tired and need to go home?'
With that boyish smile and happy look, I couldn't say no.

'I'd love to'

He gave me a warm smile and I followed him to the supermarket.

I helped him all along and learnt few things about him. He's from Korea. He has a
younger brother who's in high school and a mother who owns a local cafe at the
town. His father died four years ago and since then, he has taken as much
responsibility he can on his shoulder. Studied at town school, he came here through
scholarship. He and Liam became friends from Liam visited Korea and ended up in
their cafe one fine day. Since then, they both have stuck with each through network
and together ended up here with Will and Alan.

He seems to he a kind of boy who gets straight A's, enjoys life with friends and
returns home on time for dinner before kissing his mama goodnight.

'Doritos or pringles?' He asked.

'Both' I grinned. He grinned back and put few in the cart before we moved to the
fruits section.

Time went by with Li and I found myself getting along with him. We were almost done
when my phone began to vibrate in my coat pocket. I took it out to see it's
Nicholas and suddenly every thing that happened in the morning surfaced and my mood
went down. I ignored the call and kept the phone back in my pocket.

It rang again, again and again till and each time I ignored when I saw the caller
ID. At some point when I was out of count, I stopped checking and let it vibrate in
my coat pocket.

'You know, if I call Liam and tell him that you're with me, he'll immediately throw
away his assignment and come here right away' Li said, chuckling.

I gave him a sheepish smile. I'll be dead if he meets me.

When we were done, it was already 8 pm and we stayed in the supermarket eating
Doritos and Pringles because of the heavy rain outside.

'I hate winter, I just hate it and rain too' said Li.

'Then you and I can never be friends' I replied.

'Why?' He asked.

'I love rain and winter' I said.

'Summer's my favorite' Li said.

'I hate summer' I said.

'Now I can't be friends with you' he said, making me chuckle.

As we waited for the taxi, who is pretty much stuck in the traffic according to Li
when he called him up to ask where is he, Li is becoming impatient and started
shivering even though he's wearing more warm clothes than me.

The phone in my picket stopped ringing from past few minutes and I finally pickled
it up to see 20 missed called from Nicholas and four messages.
'Pick up the call'

'Pick up the damn call, Leia!'

'Where the hell are you?'


It's pretty much clear he lost his the patience and by the time I reach his
penthouse, he'll be a raging bull ready to pounce on me. But do I care? Hmm...nah.

'It's been 30 minutes and he hasn't showed up!' Li's voice made me put back the
phone and look at him.

'Gotta blame the traffic' I shrugged.

'Gotta blame the rain!' He said.

'Is it?' I stretched my hand out and splashed some water on him. Li stumbled and
moved back, making me laugh at his reaction.

'Leia! Stop that!'

'It's chilly isn't it?' I smiled and went back in stretching my arm out to play
with the rain.

Li's phone rung and I heard him tell the other person about the rain and how
miserable his life is. I chuckled at him and as if someone splashed water on me, my
face turned pale when he said Liam's. I turned around to Li, who gave me a smile
and went on talking.

'Yeah, man. Leia's with me too. I kinda stumbled upon her today and she helped me
with the shopping, which you didn't!' He told Liam.

Just when I thought it's getting better! Great Li!

'What? Yeah, Leia. Yes man-...woah, you had assignment and I didn't want to's raining, you'll be stuck in traffic! Fine! Alright, don't
trouble trouble me when you catch a cold!' With that, he disconnected the call.

'Liam's coming. He's shouting at me for not informing that you're with me. I'll
just call cancel the taxi' Li said to me.

'Uh..Li?' I called him out 'I...I should get going. Its half past eight, I really
get going' I said and stepped out to the cold rain.

'Hey wait! Liam's coming and please don't go out in the rain, come back' he tried
to stretch his arm out but retrieved it quickly when the rain touched his skin.

'I'll be fine. Bye' I said and started walking away quickly, ignoring his calls.

I was completely drenched by the time I reached the other street, far away from Li
and took shelter in a restaurant. I was cold but that I didn't stop me from
stretching my hand out in the rain. The street is almost empty and restaurant I'm
standing in also has two tables occupied while the rest all empty.

One of the waitress asked me politely whether I'd like to sit down and have a cup
of coffee. I smiled and told her off kindly, her smile dropped and she gave me a
nasty look before walking away. I watched her with a strange smile on my face.

A sudden flashlight blinded me for a second and when it was gone, I saw a black car
turned aside with its headlight now blaring away from me. The back door opened and
a bulky man dressed up in black shirt and black pant with a black jacket, got down
into the rain and started walking towards me.

I looked away from him. He's probably getting into the restaurant-

'Leia?' The man's deep voice made me look at him 'Hi. Nicholas sent me to bring
you' he quickly added with a smile on his face.

'Oh and you are?' I asked.

His smile widened and he stretched out his hand for me.

'Kevin' he said. I took his hand reluctantly and he gripped it in his firm hand. I
felt his thumb rubbing my skin as his eyes stared into mine and all of a sudden
that smile on his face looked creepy.

I gave a soft smile and retreated my hand from his. I looked behind him, the black
car parked silently on the road with its engine killed. He got down from the back
seat, so there is a driver in the front and maybe another person in the passenger

As far as I know Nicholas, Boris is the one who was in charge as a bodyguard or
driver or whatever he was to me. Even when there were guards around the penthouse,
Boris was the only one who use to knock on the door or even talk to me. And as far
as I remember he addresses me as Ma'am, though I've told him several times to call
me by name. This man doesn't look like Nicholas man.

'Can we leave, Leia?' He asked.

'Uh...where is Nicholas anyways?' I asked in a eager manner.

The smile on his face is still intact but his eyes failed to act along.

'He's at home, waiting for you' he said.

'Waiting for me?' I asked quickly and scanned the restaurant.

8 customers, in that it's four men and a family and two kids, girl and boy. 3
waitress, including the fake blonde who asked me in fake manner.

'Yeah. Well, his whole family is waiting for you' he said. I quickly looked back at
him 'Irina, Aron and Nicholas dad. Family dinner, you see' he barked a out laugh.

So according to him I live at Nicholas home.

'Oh yeah, what's the time now?' I quickly looked at my watch 'It's going to be 9.
Damn, I didn't how went by' I laughed out.

'It's okay, can we leave now?' He asked.

'Oh no, Irina will be angry at me for coming home so late. This place does an
amazing latte, I'll just get her one. I'm sure that'll convince her' I smiled
sweetly at Kevin.

His smile dropped and I saw the seriousness.


'Please, Kevin. It'll just take few minutes and also I need to use the washroom' I
said and turned away from mad walked towards the counter.

My heart is pounding crazily and each step was so difficult to take.

Irina and family dinner! What a story! I would've much believed him if he said that
Irina is on her death bed and needs to see me to blame me for kissing his son and
manipulating him, which is why she got a heart attack and is in the verge of dying.

I smiled at the woman behind the counter and she asked me what I'd like to order.

'One latte. Take away' I said.

I looked around to see Kevin sitting in one of the stools and watching me. His look
sent chills down my spine. I smiled at him and turned away.

'Is there any other exit for your restaurant?' I asked the lady.

She looked at me perplexed.

'Yeah. There's a fire exit...'

'Where?' I asked quickly.

'It's next to the washroom. Just go here' she showed me the way.

'Thank you' I said and quickly went through the way without turning around to check
on Kevin.

I felt a relief when I saw the fire exit sign next to the washroom. I quickly made
my way through it and opened the door.

I stepped out to the rain.

'Going somewhere, Leia?'

'Oh my God!' I turned to see Kevin leaning the wall with his hands dipped in his
pockets. He had a sinister look on his face and my fear increased.

'The washroom is not here' he said and walked forward to me.

I stepped back and my feet touched something at the back.

'C'mon Leia, the latte must be ready. Let's go' he said.

I turned to see that I was leaning on a dustbin.

Kevin kept coming forward, his eyes roaming all over my body.

'Nicholas didn't send you' I said 'You don't work for Nicholas' my voice was

He smirked in a evil way 'Not at all darling'

When he was just a foot away from me, I quickly took the dustbin lid and smacked it
on his head without even thinking.
He let out a groan and slumped on the wet ground.


I looked at three men standing at the end of the footpath and watching me and
Kevin. Through their dress code and look, it's pretty clear they are his men and
were in the car.

Mustering up all the strength I have, I lifted the lid and threw it right on them.
Without waiting to see how badly that injured them, I turned around and sprinted on
the empty road with them following behind.


But what to do? I simply love keeping you'll on your toes. Haha

Question: burger or pizza?

Chapter 26 - Chapter-25
Things you deserve

a good life. Good sleep. A good man.

- r.h. Sin


Running has never been my favorite sport and now running for my dear life has
demanded all the energy I have and it still seems so slow. They are close enough to
me and it's probably due the rain which is making them difficult to reach me
already. As I ran blindly through lonely roads, trying my best to see through the
thick rain, I looked for a place to hide without them tagging along.

My heart is beating wildly in my cage and my adrenaline is increasing with every

minute. I can hear them scream and call me out with foul words but I concentrated
only on running. Is this why Nicholas was calling me several times? Damn! I
shouldn't have let my foolishness come in the way. I regret forgetting the only
life threatening reason which put my life in jeopardy and imprisoned me in his
penthouse. If only I thought about that and gave more importance to it than the
sexual tension between Nicholas and I, I wouldn't have been running like this.

The phone in my pocket vibrated and this time I took it out. I didn't slow down my
pace and answered the call.


'Where the fuck are you? I've been calling-'

'Some mehn...are meh' I struggled to speak as every word came out
breathless and I wonder whether he understood a single word.

'Where are you now?' He asked urgently.

'I don't...know-

'I got it. I'm coming' he answered before I did.

I took a sharp turn and tried to keep my pace up but a stronger force grabbed my
arm, making me stumbled and scream out. Soon a hand covered my mouth and I was
pulled backwards into a dark corner.

'What happened? LEIA?!' Nicholas shouted when he heard e scream out.

The phone slipped and fell on the wet land.

I tried to remove the hand from my mouth and my stomach but stopped all my movement
when I saw the men running past us, without noticing me right here. The person
released his hold on me and I quickly turned around to face him.

'Li...Liam?' I looked at his disheveled hair and his confused face. He's breathing
hard, just like me, as if he too ran miles to reach me.

'Mind telling me who they are?' He asked in a heavy breathing voice.

'What are you doing here? How did you find me?' I asked. I took my phone from the
ground in which Nicholas is still screaming.

'I saw you when I was in the traffic and knew something was wrong when you were
running so wildly with some men hot behind your heels. Who are they?'

'I don't know. They...started chasing me' I said, excluding the minor details. I
wiped the phone as much as I can before replying Nicholas.

'I'm fine. It was Liam, he saved me' I said.

'Liam? That friend of yours?' Asked Nicholas.

'Yeah. I'm fine now-

'You're not. They are not fools. They will not leave until and unless they find
you, so you better keep moving. Keep your phone with you, I'll find you through

'Okay' I said and disconnected the call.

'A lonely girl in a lonely road is a bad combination, don't you know that?' Said
Liam, leaning coolly on the wall.

He pulled me into a dead end street which has nothing but trash bags.

'Yeah, right. I need to go' I said and made a move, but he got hold of my hand.

'I believe there's a lot of things we need to talk about'

'Yes, but not now, Liam. I'm in a real hurry' I replied.

'Where are you going? I'll drop you to your place. I've anyway asked Li to wait for
me' He said.

I pulled my hand out of his hold before giving him a stern look.

'You should leave now. I will tell you everything but not now. Those men might be
back, I need to go'

'But Leia-
'Don't follow me. I'm fine, just go home' I said and walked away from him, not
bothering to look back and let him see how desperately I need his help.

I walked back from the same way I ran, since the men ran the other way and wouldn't
think of turning back. I removed my coat and threw it in a garbage before making
way towards the main road.

I was looking every way, fearing the men might pop up at any moment or Liam might
be following me, but nothing happened.

I reached the supermarket, where I shopped with Li. An old man and two young men
were closing it. The other shops were closed and there were no one except them and

I could see the main road that's filled with cars standing in traffic and I
released a sigh when I realised that I'm almost close to the public and crowded

I walked past the men and the supermarket and when I was about to take another
step, Kevin walked out from a street. My feet stopped moving and I saw him smirking
at me as he took steady steps towards me and I quickly turned around to run, but
the remaining three men formed a mini circle, caging me.

The old man who saw this, gave me a concern look and spoke up.

'They're troubling you, sweetie?' he asked

I nodded my head. Then two young men who also heard me, stood dangerously facing
the three men.

'Leave the lady alone and no one will be harmed, boys' The old man said to Kevin
and his men.

'I'll tell the same to you, grandpa. Leave the girl, else all the three of you will
go down' Said Kevin.

'I'd love to see-

A loud noise stopped the old man's sentence in mid air and I quickly turned to see
him looking at Kevin with a shocked look. The noise shook me and the two young men
to the core and while I stared at the old man, he started spurting out blood from
his mouth. My eyes widened and I watched in horror as he fell forward on the

A loud scream erupted from my mouth when I saw a hole on his back. Everything
seemed to go slow as the two men rushed forward to the old man. They were screaming
and crying but I could hear nothing. My eyes are zoomed to the lifeless man who
just stood up for me.

Kevin placed a gun on one of the two guys.

'You don't come with us now, they die too' Kevin said me.

I looked the guys, their teary eyes begging me to leave with them.

'I'll go with you. Just leave them' My voice was full of fear and I didn't mind it
at all.
A short but bulky man gripped my arm in a tight grip. The same black car with its
bright flashlights, stood in front of us. One of the men got in and I was pushed

As I said clutching my coat in my hand and hiding the phone from them, I saw Kevin
through the window, leaning down to the two guys who were begging him.

Without any hesitation he pulled the trigger on both of them.

'No!' I screamed and tried to get out but the man sitting next me prevented me from
doing so and slapped me hard.

The force knocked the breathe out of me and I clutched my head in my hands. My head
started to spin and I felt the car moving.

'Bitch can't withstand a simple slap, I wonder how she's going to survive' The
short man who slapped me said. The others started to snicker at the comment.

When my vision cleared, I blinked several times to stay awake. My head is aching so
badly and the fear has overpowered me into not doing something reckless. The car
was in motion when it is supposed to be in traffic, so I saw straight to the
window. The car is moving in a very secluded area that's surrounded by trees at
sides. The white street lights are dim and there are no other vehicles on the road.

Sitting in between two bulky men isn't comfortable and I was sitting forward. Kevin
is sitting in the passenger seat talking to someone in his phone. It isn't English
or Russian but I bet it's Italian and I don't know a syllabus in Italian.

The driver is speeding up to 120 km/hr and my only possible escape from these
killers is to make them harmless by harming them.

My phone vibrated and I looked at the men sitting beside me. Both of them are
looking out of the window and I slowly peeked inside my coat, that's hiding my
phone from them and disconnected Nicholas's call before opening the Message. Making
sure that both the men are not watching me, I texted Nicholas.

'Trouble. I'm abducted in a black car. Only trees everywhere, dunno where I am'

My phone vibrated soon after the message reached him.

'I'm coming for you'

I tried to be calm and show no sign of any emotion to them. I sat straight and
looked forward. I don't know whether I've put on weight or the men beside me are
too bulky because with every brake or speed hump, I seem to slide forward and
finally sat at the edge of the seat in a pretty uncomfortable position. I tried to
squeeze in, but it was no difficult, their thighs were like rod, hurting me
whenever I made a move.

The silence in the car was so eerie and uncomfortable that even breathing was
difficult. I tried to see where we are going but they're only trees everywhere and
even with the rain coming to an end didn't help me see clearly.

Unpleasant thoughts are occupying my mind constantly and it's quiet obvious one of
them is going to come true because the man towards my left, the one who slapped me
is rubbing his thigh on me. I tried to ignore him but he inched closer and I felt
his hand my back. His hand started to rub my back and I tried to wiggle away from
his hold, but he pressed himself on me.
'C'mon bitch, it's going to be a long ride' He said, making a shiver run down my

The man towards my right heard him and took my shivering in a quiet opposite way.

'Someone's withering already' He rubbed his hands together in excitement and

started to his rub his knuckles on my thigh.

'Please, don't' I didn't mind that my voice soundless so fearful and desperate.

I didn't mind that I was begging.

'Wiper won't be happy to know his Dora being abused' Kevin snickered.

'She was anyway thrown to Stark' Said the man towards my right 'It's pretty obvious
that her virgin pussy was torn by many people, isn't it babe?' He started to rub
his knuckles on my bare arm, making me flinch.

Kevin snickered and the two men beside me started commenting dirty about me while I
bit my teeth and started to control my urge to do something stupid.

Their hands are roaming on me like they are supposed to. I closed my eyes and tried
to think of something, anything that'll keep me distracted but nothing at this
moment helped me.

Without any warning a hand slipped into my top and grabbed my breast. My eyes shot
opened and I looked at the man who slapped me, smiling wickedly at me and gave a
squeeze to my breast. I started to wiggle and move away from him, trying to remove
his hand from me but his grip only tightened.

The man towards my right pulled me and held my arms up, making it even more easier
for his friend to assault my body.

'Bitch is feisty' Said a new voice and I turned my head aside to see it's the
driver, who is adjusting the rare mirror to see the situation.

'Let go!' I shouted.

The man clutched my top and tried to lift it on top but I started to wiggle
vigorously making it hard for me.

'Stop moving!' He screamed at me.

Without thinking, I lifted my legs and kicked hard on his face. Since I'm wearing a
high heel boots, the thick heel caused him enough damage on his big nose. He
stopped his movements and his eyes rolled back to his head. His nose started to
bleed and he clutched his head, trying to be awake.

Taking this as an opportunity, I wiggled my hands free from the man holding my
upper body.

'Bloody bitch!' he screamed and tried to hold me back. His hands held either side
of my shoulder and I turned my head back to see him pulling me down to control me.
I willingly came down and with all energy my hand came, the elbow connecting right
on his crouch that was poking put from his pants.

He screamed in pain and let me go, Kevin and the driver laughed at their friends
who are groaning in pain which was an advantage for me, because they don't know
what else I'm going to do.
'Can't control a woman? It's a shame Shane and Stefan' Said the driver.

'Then why don't you do it!' Screamed the man towards my right.

'Oh shut up Stefan. Wiper was right. She does know to put up a fight' Said Kevin.

The man who slapped me, Shane came to his perfect conscious. His teary eyes were
full of anger that he didn't even mind wiping out the blood oozing from his nose.
Just when he tried to pounce on me, another kick landed on his crouch, making him
clutch himself in pain.

Without waiting anymore time, I rammed my heel on Kevin's laughing face and got up
from the sit. Just when I thought all the three men were distracted from pain,
Stefan clutched my wet hair and pulled me.

'Ah!' I screamed and punched his face but he remained unfazed.

'I'm going to teach you a fucking lesson!' Stefan shouted and I saw him unzipping
his pant and pulling my face closer to his crouch. It made me so damn mad that I
let out a frustrated scream and started hitting him everywhere, not bothering on
how badly that's going to hurt him.

Clutching his hair in my hand, I started to bang his head on the window
continuously. I was momentarily distracted when Shane pulled me arm and slapped me
again on y face.

'Strip her! Fuck her in front of me!' Kevin barked the order, clutching his nose
and watching me with hatred.

'Let go of me!' I screamed and without thinking of the consequences, I did what I
wanted to do right in the beginning when they threw me inside the car.

I went forward and pulled the handbrake.

'No!' Kevin screamed just then.

Everything happened too fast. It was like I was thrown into a whirlpool and then
into a roller coaster. The car did a mini circle which surely was uncontrollable to
the driver and flipped aside.

The men screamed and cursed.

My mind is spinning and there was a loud crash and the car halted with a loud
landing on the ground, which made me fall on Shane and Stefan on me.


It took me seconds, minutes, several minutes to think of the crash that took place
and calm my breathing. Stefan's complete weight is on me and I saw the driver, the
only one who was wearing a seat belt, struggling to release himself from it.

I tried to release myself by pushing an unconscious Stefan ever so softly so the

driver wouldn't catch me wide awake, but it was impossible because Stefan fell
beside me with a loud thud which made the driver look at me instantly.

'You!' His voice was hoarse and I think it's due to the crash that left him with
minor injuries 'This happened because of you!'
He started to work on the lock of his seat belt, which is apparently struck, faster
and I opened the door that's above me.

' just wait' I didn't pay him much attention because the sudden fire in
the front of car took all my attention.

My eyes widened in fear and for an instant I thought of helping the guy, hell
everyone in the car but I recalled the past events that forced me to pull the
handbrake and cause such an havoc.

'Hey, wait. No no no no, don't go, help me out' the driver's voice became fearful.

His cries and pleas went out of the window as I climbed out of the door, into the
darkness of thick forest that's adorned only by moonlight and the fire that helped
me to see. My adrenaline seem to wash away, since I felt terrible pain all over my
body that rendered me to hit the wet ground. I touched my forehead which is
throbbing and brought my hand in front to see blood coating my fingers.

The fire became more and I got up on my feet with much difficulty. The car is
crashed on the side and the front is burning into flames. The driver's fearful
cries are making it difficult to stand still because all I want to for this help
him and the others whom I think are just unconscious.

The thought that they will die in a matter of time and that I will be the only one
responsible for their deaths is scary. I do want them to die because after what
they tried to do to me, it's quiet evident they would've done it to many girls and
would've probably even killed them when they were done.

I bit my teeth and tried to control my anger and made my way towards the car. I saw
the driver still stuck with that seat belt and Kent aside laying lifeless. I looked
everywhere to find anything that might be helpful but nothing whatsoever and even
the rain has stopped, even the nature against from helping these cruel men.

I walked towards his side and opened his door.

'This is the least I can and will do. Help yourself out' I said and started walking
away from the place which might explode any time.

His screams were loud in the forest but I cared less and kept walking without
turning back. After few minutes when I was far in a safer distance from the burning
car, a loud explosion was heard. I tried my best to recall how they tried to force
me and killed three innocent people in front of me.

After walking slowly for a long time even with my body aching like a thousand
knives piercing everywhere on my body, I felt a relief when I saw the road shinning
under the white street light.

When I reached the road, I saw a never ending path on either side which left me
confused from which side we came since both the sides looked similar. I tried to
see at the sides and on the trees to find any indication or sign that might help me
but everything went in vain and a sudden thought came to my mind- I left my phone
back in the car but the car just exploded.

I groaned in frustration for not thinking of this earlier. The impact of the
accident clearly pushed that thought at the back side of my head. I stood for a
quiet long time on the lonely road waiting for anyone to show up. My prayers were
answered when a sleek black car started approaching, but I stopped ten foot away
from me. I hid myself and watched Nicholas got down. Relief washed over me and I
quickly started approaching him. He hasn't yet seen me, his complete concentration
in his phone as he started making way towards me.

'Ni-' I was cuff off by a hand that covered my mouth. Another hand wrapped around
my waist and started to pull me away from Nicholas.

I'm in so much pain and tiredness that I couldn't even put up a fight.

'Thought you can escape so easily, huh?' I heard a familiar voice and it took me
few seconds to realise it's the driver.

I watched Nicholas walking right past in front of us and didn't even look at us,
we're perfectly hidden in the darkness.

'There...he's gone. Now let us also leave, okay? It's the good thing that he might
think that you died in the crash but the bad thing is you killed my friends, and
you will pay for that' he spoke in my ears and started pulling me away.

Soon we were walking in the opposite direction to Nicholas and I felt so horrible.
Even after everything I just did I got caught. I tried to muster up all my strength
to put up a last fight to finally get to Nicholas but just then a bright light
flashed over us and we heard an engine for a car go off.

'Yeah, that's my friends' I heard the driver sigh and he started walking faster
towards the car.

But when we reached, my fear seems to wash away because it was not his friends.

He stopped walking but I wanted to continue.

The man who got out of the car and made a swift move towards the forest but stopped
right when he saw us appearing out of nowhere was none other than Aron.

I don't know whether I found the remaining strength and pushed the driver's hand
away from my mouth and ran towards Aron or he simply stood shook to the core for
handing over himself to Aron that rendered him helpless, making him release me.

The moment Aron took me in his arms, I felt guard going down and started to cry in
his chest.

'Sh, it's okay. It's alright' Said Aron, rubbing his hand on my back.

I was so much engrossed in crying and finally relieving in my freedom that a sudden
gunshot made me jump from my bones. The sound hit all the trees in the forest and
reflected back as a huge echo.

I quickly turned around to see the driver hit the ground. My eyes went wide as I
saw an outstretched arm of Aron with a gun pointing towards the driver while the
other arm is still securely wrapped around my waist.

'I shot his leg, he'll soon be dead once we get all the information we need from
him' said Aron to me.

Soon another pair of footsteps alerted us and we saw Nicholas looking at the man
laying on the ground, groaning in pain before he made way towards us.

'Leia was with our dear friend there, where the hell did you go?' Asked Aron to

Nicholas didn't even look at his friend, or even acknowledged him. His eyes were
solely on me as they took thorough check up of me, staying on my wounds for a
longer time before meeting my eyes.

'I'm fine' I said before he could even ask me anything.

'I hope you learnt your lesson' He said harshly and started walking towards to his

I literally saved myself from these dreadful people before they could do something
that'll leave a permanent scar on my virtue and this is what I get to hear at the

'No, wait' I gripped Nicholas's shoulder and made him turn around.

'Lesson? What lesson?' I asked.

'That you shouldn't get out of that damn penthouse without telling me or pick up
your cell phone when it rings' he stressed each and every word with his teeth
gritting together, making it as controlled as possible.

It's pretty obvious that's trying so hard to control his rage and not to let his
anger get the best of him, but I can't just let go of it now.

'Oh, is that now the problem? It's all me?' I asked in an accusation tone.

'Don't be ridiculous, Leia' He scoffed.

'Then do you have a better explanation as to why all this happened?' I stared at
his dark orbs that are shining under the moonlight.

'Because you are stubborn and reckless! That's why all this happened!' He screamed
at me.

We stood head to head, not backing off from our respective point of views. Nicholas
stared down at me with so much anger I've never seen it directed towards me ever
before but even in that fiery eyes I saw concern for me.

'I can't stay in that penthouse like a prisoner-

'You are not a prisoner-

'till you catch Michael and you were such a bastard to leave me in the morning like
that!' I finished my sentence anyway.

His emotion changed slowly when he took in whatever I said. His furrowed eyebrows
came back to normal and he saw me with a blank expression.

We were locked in our eyes for what seemed like forever. I saw a number of emotion
swirling in those dazy eyes.

'Can we go?' Came Aron's voice, breaking us from our intense staring.

I turned around to see him carrying the driver on his shoulder with his hands, legs
and mouth tied in duct tape.

'Check her wounds and take her to the doctor' Said Nicholas and before I could
respond, I saw him getting into his car and speeding off on the lonely road.

'C'mon baby girl, it's just you and me now. Don't include him, he'll be in the
truck' Said Aron and went to throw the man in his truck while I got in the
passenger seat.

I took deep breaths and felt muscles relax. When Aron got in and took off, I leaned
on the window, too tired to talk or even keep my eyes open.

As I looked at the dark forest with droopy eyes, I saw a car parked at the road
which looked quiet familiar to me. Out of interest I looked close at the car and my
breath hitched in my throat when I saw Li in the passenger seat eating something
with headphones on as he nodded to the song he was listening.

However, the person in the driver seat was missing and I have a pretty good guess
whom that might be.


Aron took me to the hospital to get my wounds treated. Under bright lights, my
wounds looked pretty bad and it surprised myself on how I managed to even bare them
on me for so long.

My left arm was bleeding and my forehead had a massive cut that'll eventually leave
a scar. My right knee is swollen just like my cheek that got two massive slaps. The
wounds from the previous accident with Nicholas weren't that serious and they all
faded away just in a month of time but these gives me no hope that go away soon

Even all my wounds were banded and the doctor let us go, Aron helped me up to drop
me off. On the drive back to penthouse I told Aron everything that happened, not
leaving a single detail and he listened to me patiently without interrupting. He
was amazed how I had the guts to pull a handbrake when the car was speeding in a
super mileage and it's truly a miracle that I got out of it alive.

I'd really had to agree with him on that, because at that moment pulling the
handbrake felt more safer than letting those men have their way with me.

When we reached the penthouse my eyes quickly scanned the area, in high hopes to
find Nicholas's car parked in already but it wasn't.

'Hey Leia' Aron called out, leaning towards the passenger seat as he looked out of
the open window to me.


'Good night' He said giving me a cocky smile.

'Night, Aron' I replied back with a chuckle.

I hit the bed and drifted off to sleep too quickly.


'Leia. Leia?'

I heard someone call me out. I tried to ignore the voice and go to sleep but my
eyes shot open and I saw a woman looking down at me with her face so close to me
that I let out a loud scream.

'Leia, it's me!'

I got up like someone lit fire to my bed and I saw Sophia standing at a safer
distance, trying to calm me down.

'It's just me, okay?' She said.

' did you enter inside?' I asked in a heavy breath.

'Well, I know the password to the door? And I heard what happened, so I came to
meet you' She said quickly.

I took deep breaths, calming myself. The room is lit by bright rays of sunlight
that's invading through the open windows.

'What time is it?' I asked.

'Lunch time and I've brought you lunch' She said, pointing to the tray on the
bedside table that's filled with so much food that I can barely eat.

'You didn't even eat your breakfast and I didn't bother to wake you up since you
needed the rest' She said when I was looking at the food and her.

'I'll just freshen up' I said, my voice sounding so heavy.

'Yeah, sure. I've filled the tub for you too' She said.

True to her words, I saw the bath tub filled with foam and fragrance and when I
entered in and laid myself, I felt the warm water helping me relax and close my
eyes in content.

Last night's events were surfacing and I was thinking of it before washing myself
up and wrapping a towel around y body before getting out. Sophia was sitting on the
bed and smiled at me when I came out.

I quickly got dressed in the walk in closet of the bedroom and settled myself on
the bed, next to Sophia and placed the food tray on my lap.

'Thank you for all this, Sophia' I said.

'It's alright' She brushed away 'I just wanted to help'

I told her everything when she asked for as I ate the delicious food. She sat in
front of me and listened, her eyes sometimes going wide with shock or surprise, her
eyebrows furrowing in tension and her nose scrunching like she smelled a dead rat
and all those expression fit perfectly to whatever I said.

'They are Michael's men' She said with a forlorn expression.

'Is it? Did Nicholas find something?' I asked.

'I think you shouldn't worry your head about that. I mean, you've just met with a
drastic accident and all you need now is rest. Nicholas will take of everything,
just leave this to him' She said.

'I trust Nicholas on this, but I want to know more. It doesn't make sense why
Michael is doing all this, right? I mean, he wanted to kill Benjamin to avenge his
family and I get that but coming after Nicholas? That doesn't seem logical since
Nicholas told me that he hasn't even seen him ever before - wait, Nicholas also
told that he's a truck driver and he killed Benjamin totally for a personal
cause...and those men from last night didn't seem like they were...I don't
know...they were different. It looked like they were working for someone more
superior than them and it was their leader's order to get me' I looked at Sophia
who's mind was also running as same as mine 'They were not Michael's men-

'Nicholas will take care of it, Leia' Sophia said convincingly.

Chapter 27 - Chapter-26
Katherina Blackwood

(I end up writing that name every time! And this time I didn't realize till some of
them pointed out)


Sophia insisted on staying with me even though I told her that I'm perfectly fine.
Apparently, she took off from her university when she heard what happened and I was
a little surprised to know that she did it for me. Not even my father did something
like that for me.

She handed me the same phone Nicholas gave me before and the only difference was
that that one was a little old new, while this one is a brand new one of the same
model. I felt guilty for leaving the phone behind in the car and let it burn to
ashes, because I had a Beeline Alcatel, nothing to compare with this iPhone but
definitely meant a lot to me, as I bought it with my own wages. I still cringe when
I think of the memory when Michael shattered it into pieces.

Sophia and I spent the day productively and the productiveness were - teaching her
to do pancakes in which she really skyrocketed and I literally mean it, because I
was surprised to see how almost seven to eight pancakes managed to stick themselves
on the ceiling, when she tried to flip them in the stylish way possible. We watched
movies, ordered pizzas more than three times and laughed on silly jokes and real
life comics we experienced.

I spoke to her about Aunt May, Marie and even Liam and saw myself opening up to
her. I had a peaceful day with No Nicholas Drama.

The next two days were no different. Sophia would come to visit me right after her
classes to spend the rest of the day. Her soft character and her slow approach to
get close to me is pretty fascinating. Beside being a good company in this sober
home, she's also a great help. My left arm is swollen and my forehead has a huge
cut. Sophia helps me to change the bandage daily so there won't be any sign of

She would talk about her classes and law while all I wanted to know was only about
Nicholas. He didn't come to see me at all, and neither did he call me. Things ended
pretty much awkward between us, and I wouldn't deny that. Firstly he left me in the
morning with sexual tension high in the air and in the evening after all the drama,
he had the nerve to make me feel like it was all my fault.

I feel so bad to rub things right on his face. After all, he's been a gentleman to
me from the beginning.

He saved me from Benjamin, spoke to Stark so that he wouldn't try to sell me again,
kept me in his home so I would be safe from the evil hands of Benjamin. Later kept
a guard watching me without my notice just to make sure that no harm is coming my
way. Then saved me from Michael, let me stay at his penthouse and now saved me from
these new men who tried to kidnap me.

And not to forget the tasty breakfast he did for me, so that I wouldn't feel
embarrassed or awkward about our intimacy.

All along he did all this to me, something no men do nowadays, specially not a
gangster and all I did was complain and treat him bad.

His open proposal for sex stunned me to the core, but that didn't scare me much.
What scared me was the emotion that swirled in those eyes as he made the proposal.
It clearly didn't mean a one thing night, it was much more than that. And not to
meet for two days after the accident clarifies it properly.

I can't fall for his charm and be deceived by his handsome self. We are from two
different worlds, worlds that cannot become one at all cost and if I give myself to
him, I will be shattered. At the same time, I can't control my emotions whenever
he's near me.

He's a gentleman with a devilish smirk and mesmerizing eyes that's capable of
captivating me in his spell.

Sighing heavily, I look around the room as I waited for the doctor. Alyona asked me
to come for a check up and a nurse made me sit here in her room while Sophia is
waiting out for me.

The accident was not so crucial. The car did a flip, of course but I guess I
escaped with nothing but some few injuries because of the strong men who were
seated beside me. I'm sure Kevin was dead and the others were just conscious
probably and the driver had the nerve to let them die in the blast and blamed me
for killing them. I don't know what Nicholas and Aron are up to but the fact that
Aron told me that he will die when they are done with him made me feel pathetic.

When Stefan and Shane started to molest me, I had this intense urge to hit them
pretty bad that they won't be able to recognize their own faces in the mirror. I
never felt so scared and angry in my entire life and I'm not a violent person
either. But when they tried to take advantage of me, all I could see was red.

The thought of killing them or want them to be dead never came to my mind, because
the last thing that I thought was them to be castrated and beaten pretty bad.
Death, murder is something I can't take in. Even now when I think of the memory
when Kent pulled the trigger on those poor people who stood up on me, a shiver runs
down my spine.

The door opened and walked in the same doctor who first treated me when Aron
brought me after the accident, Alyona. She gave me a warm smile and took a seat.

'Hello Leia, how you are now?' She asked.

'I'm fine, doctor' I replied with a smile.

Doctor Alyona checked my woulds and opened the file on the table which the nurse
kept and went through it quickly.

'Everything seems okay, Leia, considering the fact that all your reports are
stable. Your wounds are healing so take the medicine on proper time. Chances of
infection is purely high, so if you feel any itching sensation or burning
sensation, apply the ointment I gave you and come over as quickly as possible.
Infection can become fatal' She said.

'Yes, doctor' I replied.

'Call me Alyona. And I need to ask you a question, if you don't mind' She became
nervous all of a suddenand came forward.

'Yeah, sure Alyona' I said and looked at her skeptically.

'You said they were four men in that car and one came after you, which means the
other three died in the explosion'

'Yes' I said firmly.

'Well, we got only two burnt bodies and according to the forensic reports, they
were dead even before the explosion of the car' She said nervously 'So two men
escaped successfully, not one'

I stayed quiet and thought who would've escaped. It must be either Stefan or Shane
for sure, because Kevin looked lifeless with his eyes closed and blood all over his
forehead as he laid in an uncomfortable position.

'The bodies are still in the mortuary and I was wondering if you could identify and
tell us who might've escaped' She said. I watched in horror as I took in the
information. Identifying a burnt body? 'I know it's difficult to identify them, but
their burns are second degree only...'

'I...I don't know, Alyona. Burnt bodies can give me nightmares' I said.

'I understand. In case you change your mind, let me know before tomorrow' She said.

I highly doubt that.

Once I got out of the room, Sophia got up from her seat and took the reports from
my hand. My head is throbbing in pain and I want to do is go to bed.

'How was it? What did she say?' She asked.

'She asked me to be careful of the infection and identify the burnt bodies'

'Nicholas told Aron not to make Alyona to ask you that!' She snapped annoyingly.

'Guess he should change the way of telling people to not to do something' I mumbled
and clicked on the elevator button.

When the elevator door opened, I was about to take a step but halted when the only
person inside locked his eyes in mine.

'Maybe you should tell that to him directly' Sophia said and entered in 'Hey, Nick!
Alyona asked Leia to identify the bodies' She said, too amused to tell Nicholas so
that he could screw his brother. I heard Nicholas mumble obnoxious words under his

I nervously got in and Nicholas clicked the ground floor button. I stuck myself to
the wall while Sophia and Nicholas spoke with each other. I looked at the
reflecting surface in front me, Nicholas's rugged reflection pretty much clear.

I lasted for two days without him and never missed him as much as I miss him now,
even though he's standing right next to me.

His masculine scent drifting to my nostrils, tempting me to inch closer to him. His
closure effected me so much that I couldn't even concentrate on what he was talking
to Sophia.
When the elevator stopped and the door opened, I released a breath I never knew I
kept in. I saw Nicholas taking my report from Sophia as we made way towards our
respective vehicle.

'Sophia, Irina was asking for you. So, head home, I'll drop Leia' Nicholas said,
which made me look at him instantly but his eyes were solely on Sophia.

'Yeah, sure. I'm sorry Leia, I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!' Sophia bid
me goodbye quickly and got in her car before I could say anything.

Nicholas turned around and looked at me. My breath hitched in my throat as he

started walking towards me. It somehow felt good to know that his concentration is
on me now.

'Shall we leave?' He asked when he stopped up close to me.

'I...n-no' I cleared my throat, hating for stammering like a fool 'No, it's okay,
I'll take an Uber'

'And I joined Uber last night. So, be a cooperative customer and make my day by
going on a lunch with me?'

Heat spread to my cheeks and neck as I stared at him, trying hard not to smile at
his sweetness.

'I have a headache, I don't think I can go anywhere with you now' I said.

'Okay' He replied and placed his arm my waist as we walked towards his car.

The whole ride back to his penthouse was silent. He didn't ask me about the check
up or about accident night. He solely concentrated on driving with his eyes not
once glancing my way. I leaned on the side and closed my eyes. It's due to the
wound on my forehead that's giving me this constant headache, sometimes it becomes
worst at night preventing me from having any sleep.

Once we reached his penthouse, I was about to go straight to my room but Nicholas
stopped me.

'I'll make a quick lunch, just wait, okay?' He said.

'You don't have to. I'm not that hungry' I said.

'Just wait, Leia' He replied softly and went to the kitchen while I ended up on the

The kitchen is clear to my sight and having no better work, I ended up watching
Nicholas. He has removed his blazer and tie, leaving some of his buttons free on
top with his sleeves up to his elbow as he chopped vegetables. He's pretty much
close to the place where he made me sit on the slab and knocked some sense in me.

I blushed at the memory of his hands all over me, specially at the places where no
one ever touched me before.

'Staring is rude' He said in a cocky tone.

'I'm just watching you cook. It's not something I get to see everyday' I replied
back with the same cockiness as his.

'Oh, is it? Do you want me to cook for you everyday?' He chuckled.

'No, I didn't mean that way. I just haven't seen a man cooking' I said quickly.

'Your father never cooked for you?' He asked casually.

My smile dropped at that question. Nicholas sensing of not getting a immediate

reply, made him look at me.

'I'd take that as a no and I'm sorry if that question hurt you' He said softly.

I sighed and made my way towards him.

'It didn't hurt me. It just...reminded me of him' I said and peeked over in the
bowl that's containing boiling spaghetti.

'Spaghetti' I mumbled and went to him 'Need some help?'

'No. I want you to go back to your staring business and wait for lunch' He said.

I smiled at him before jumping up and placing myself on the kitchen slab.

'Okay then' I chuckled and just looked at him.

Nicholas continued with his work and knowing the ingredients required to make the
dish, I would keep them all near the stove and go back to sit on the slab. Nicholas
would just raise an eyebrow at me and let go.

'Let me do that' I said and was about to take the mushroom from him to cut them,
but Nicholas took them far from my reach.

'I think you should go back to the couch and continue staring at me from there,
because I think it was just an excuse to help me out' He said with a mock stare.

I smiled sheepishly.

'Ever made spaghetti? I'm kinda afraid of your cooking'

'Really? So, you threw away the pancakes and toast I made that day?' He cocked an
eyebrow at me.

'They were delicious' I said lowly, but he heard me anyways.

'And you say you're afraid of my cooking' He smirked.

'Well, at least it's new to cook for someone' I argued.

'I will agree on that' He pointed the knife at me before continuing to cut the
mushrooms 'You are in this situation because of me, Leia and someone told me that a
way to a woman's heart is food. So, here I am, cooking for you, so you wouldn't be
angry at me for putting you in this situation'

He should be angry at me, because all I've ever done is blame him for everything
when I should be grateful.

'Let me guess, that someone was Sophia' I said and Nicholas nodded with a smile but
I couldn't because all I felt was guilt 'You don't have to, Nicholas. All you've
done till now is something no would do for anybody and I've only complained for the
silliest things. If anything, I should be the one making it up to you' I said.
Nicholas said nothing, he didn't even look up to me. He turned his back on me and
went on.

I got down and stared at his back.

'I...I didn't mean to blame it on you but you have to know that I have no choice-

'I always gave you choice, Leia. Choices, to be exact' He said softly.

I closed the gap between us, just a step away from him.

'I know but...everything that has happened is so-

'Leia' He turned around and faced me with a stern look 'You don't need to explain
yourself. I understand everything that has happened to you and I understand that
it's not easy for you to trust me completely. I just want you to try'

I licked my dry lips and looked away from him.

'You might...want to put a lid on that' I pointed to the dish on stove.

I left the kitchen, no longer wanting to continue the conversation when he's
keeping things light between us.

Try what? To understand him? Understanding him is like understanding why

doppelgangers are even necessary.

Why can't he be like some typical gangster with stained teeth due to smoking, a
belly with hairy chest, dirty tattoos all over his body and an ugly personality?
Why does he have to be so understanding instead of kicking me out of his penthouse
for being so ungrateful?

Is it because of sex that he proposed two days back? Or does he feel pity?

The former is better than the latter. I don't want him to pity me or even look at
me in that way. The fact that he understands my situation even if I haven't told
him is a relief as well as a frustration. I've fought with him, blamed him,
disobeyed him and he still keeps saving me from trouble.

'Deep in thoughts? Am I in it?' Nicholas said as he placed his delicious dish on

the table.

You're always in it, I want to say.

'No' I said instead. He cocked an amusing eyebrow at me but let it go.

I served for him and for myself. Nicholas sat on the couch adjacent to mine when
the whole space beside me is empty.

'You should really give me the recipe for this spaghetti' I moaned.

'Well, what can I say? I'm a great cook' He said 'Me, Aron and Sophia learnt to
cook from my mother'

'Oh' was all I said. Irina is the least favorite person to me at the moment and the
last thing I want is to talk or hear anything about her.

I heard Nicholas snicker and I looked at him to find an amusement look on his face.
'What's so funny?' I asked.

'You don't like my mother, don't you?' He said.

'It's not like...-

'I know you don't. But she likes you. A lot' He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him.

'Your mother hates me' I stressed on the word hate, just to put up my point. There
is no way in hell that woman can even stand me, let alone like me, a lot.

'No, she doesn't' His voice came out low.

When we were done with lunch, Nicholas put back his tie and blazer, a clear sign to
me that he's leaving.

'Take care, Leia' He said and walked out of the door, leaving me alone in his sober

The upcoming chapters are going have some Nicleia moments, it's finally time for
them to open up with each other and know their good and worst.

Chapter 28 - Chapter-27

lightdxlan made these absolutely beautiful covers, oh, I'm so in love with them
all! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! (That was me screaming)

Thank you very much, love. I truly appreciate the effort and love for my works. <3

If anyone's willing to do fan posters, send me in the email

I would love receiving them all.


That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt.

-The Fault In Our Stars


The first snow of the month has started settling around the city with the gradual
decrease in rain. The weather forecast in all news keeps reminding of the upcoming
harsh winter, the temperature threatening to go lower than last year.

Sophia texted me that she can't come to visit me this week, her important
assignment demanding time which is due this weak. I kept myself preoccupied
throughout the day by reading books with a hot coffee by the balcony, playing
keyboard (with my unwounded arm) and constantly checking my phone to get a message
or a phone call from Liam.

I made up my mind to tell Liam everything that's going on, because I trust him
truly, but after seeing his car parked near the woods when I was abducted, I'm
totally waffled about it. It's pretty sure he must have seen something or even
everything that happened there. There must be a number of questions swirling in his
mind and his lack of phone calls gives me a negative thought of maybe he doesn't
want to get involved and wants to get rid of me.

It's okay if he no longer wants to have any sort of friendship with me, though
it'll hurt me, but if the boy wants to dig deep and try to go all heroic to help
me, then I'd rather have him befriend me. The only reason I've been hiding
everything from Aunt May, her family and Liam is because I care for them and don't
want them to be harmed in any way. Adam can be a great support to me, but as
Nicholas told, Lily will become a victim to experience yet another incident due to
her father's duty, all because of my selfishness.

All this wouldn't happened if I didn't stumble upon Nicholas at Stark's place,
because his help gave a wrong thought to his enemies, but the more I stay under his
roof, the more trouble finds me. It was Michael first, and now these men whom
Nicholas' yet to find. My thoughts are all over the place and I can't seem time
find a better solution rather than keeping quiet and staying in this penthouse.

It's like there are no other options available and Nicholas is the only way out.
It's hardly been ten days being here and so much has happened in such a short
period of time that I can't find myself wrapping my head around everything.

A loud doorbell travelled all the way to my room, making me quickly get up from my
seat and walk down to the hall.

It rang again and again and by the time I reached, the door opened automatically,
making me froze on my spot.

Nicholas came into view and let out a huge sigh.

'You said you wouldn't use the password to get in' I said as he got in, along with
some men.

I smiled when I saw Aron and he winked my way. Boris stood like a guard, his usual
expressionless face on and when my eyes fell on another familiar man, surprise and
hate filled my features.

'You' I pointed at Rob sternly, the same man who threw me to some bimbo to dress me
up like a sex trafficker and made me stand in an auction, in front of so many men
who eyed me with lust.

Rob didn't reply, he just looked away with complete disinterest. The last man whom
I didn't look at before chuckled. His black silky hair is styled perfectly, he has
a signature smile playing on his lips and he's wearing tux, just like the others.
I've never seen this handsome man before and my eyes flickered to Nicholas before
returning back to the stranger.

'Leia Ferrari, right?' The man asked and made his way towards me 'We haven't met
before. I'm Constantine' he took my hand and placed a chased kiss, just like a

I tried hard not flinch at his sudden gesture and put up an uneasy smile.

'Good to meet you' I mutter and he chuckled again.

'I will meet you all in my office, off you'll' Said Nicholas curtly.

Everyone obeyed and made their way towards his office which I never knew existed
and I stared at Rob, who remained undisturbed to my eyes burning holes at his back
as he walked with the other men.

'What is he doing here?' I ask as soon as they were out of our sight.

'You didn't really think I use my penthouse only to keep women in, right?' He
amused and walked towards me 'You look hot when you're angry'

I looked away and tried hard not to blush at the uncalled compliment. I heard him

'Look at me' he said when he was just few inches away from me and I obeyed.

'There's some problem,' he started and I felt the tension rising in me 'with my
business' he added quickly.

'Then why are they here?' I asked.

'They are my best men. We're trying to figure it out. It's just a small meting' he
said and touched my wounded arm. His touch like a feather, barely causing me any

'Well, I won't disturb you people in any way' I said. Nicholas smiled, something
he's trying to do often and walked through the same direction his men just did.

I flopped on the couch and flipped through the channels aimlessly.

An hour passed and there was a loud bang that made me jump out of my bones. The
next minute, all the four men walked passed me with a smug look on their face.
Inception the door closed behind, I turned to Nicholas.

'Looks like the meeting didn't go well' I said.

He glanced my way.

'Just forget it' he said and made back to the stairs when I thought he'll be
leaving too.

I heard another bang and sure it was his bedroom door. I sighed and walked to the
piano room quietly.

He's upset and I know it. When I'm upset, angry or sad, I play till I no longer
feel worst and that's exactly what I'm going to do now. Maybe it'll only irritate
him more if I start to play, but I think I can worry about it later. I left the
door open for the music to travel till the end of the hallway to his room and
opened the keyboard.

I took a deep breath and let my fingers flow on the keys.

At the beginning I kept glancing at the room, awaiting for his presence but none
came by. Soon I seem to forget the whole cause for playing and immersed myself in
deep peace of the music tune relaxing my mind and body.

I'm completely calm with no thoughts of anything but only the melodious music
drifting in the air. I opened my eyes as my fingers started to move faster and as
my lips formed a dizzy smile.

I didn't really think of what to play before I started but now I see I'm playing
one of the musics I made, something no one heard except my father but I don't think
he can even recognize or remember the music I play. I created it two years ago on
the day of my mother's 19th death anniversary. It wasn't written down or anything,
I guess I was too emotional on that day than I ever was because my father surprised
me by coming along to the cemetery. He never comes to the cemetery on her death
day, as far as I know. I've always summed up that he doesn't want me to catch a
glimpse of his weakness and maybe visits her without my knowledge, I would never
know. He said and did nothing but stand in front of the tomb stone while I sat down
and cried silently. His face looked like a stone, hard and indescribable to me
while he laid a conforming hand on my shoulder and took me home. We never spoke
that night and I ended up playing my keyboard, the only sound echoing in our sober

I played to forget the sorrow and to stop my cries and surprisingly I ended up
creating a whole new music notes. It wasn't a sad one, it wasn't happy one either.
It's got a glint of something that you're trying to figure it out but end up
reviving in it.

I named it as Frozen Tale.

I smiled and looked at the door again, only to drop my smile and stop moving my
fingers on the key.

Nicholas stood there, leaning on the wall wearing a black pant, his bare chest full
display as he held a glass of liquor in one of his hands. He looked loud of any
emotion, the main reason that stopped me from playing. His hair is uneven, as if he
ran through it several times.

'Please don't stop on my accord' he said lowly and walked slowly to the couch
that's a few feet away from me and sat. He ran his hand through his hair, took a
sip of his liquor and looked at me.

I quickly looked away from him to the keyboard. Having him in such close proximity,
right in front of me to watch me play is not a good idea, but I didn't have a
choice, it was my idea to play in the first place so that it might calm him down
but I expected a different reaction from him.

I continued from where I left, my eyes often glancing at Nicholas who has his head
leaned back, resting on the couch. He looks relaxed but I'm sure is mind's not. As
I approached the end, he slowly got on his feet and walked towards the open window
and turned around, making his way to me. At this moment I dropped my head down and
felt him come towards me. He silently stood next to me and I didn't dare lift my
head up to see him. He silently moved behind me and came on the other side before
leaning at the edge of the keyboard and looked directly at me. I couldn't avoid his
look and finally the music came to an end.

There was no sound after the eco as we stared into each other's eyes without a
word. I need to look away but those seem to lock me in place, daring me to do so.

'Every time I see you play this instrument, I feel the strong urge to pull you to
my chest and kiss you hard' he said in a husky tone, which took me by shock.

I bit my lower lip and looked down, my hair covering my side instantly. I felt him
move and his hand moved my hair from my side and tucked it behind my ear.

'Don't hide yourself from me, Leia' he whispered.

' was the meeting?' I asked softly, gazing into his dark orbs.

He let out a sigh 'Expectedly worst'

'What's the problem?' I asked.

'Something you don't want to know' he replied back.


He stood up turned around without any further conversation and tried to leave the
room but I didn't want him to.

'You okay then?' I asked quickly.

He stopped walking and looked over his shoulder 'Why would you ask that?'

'Because you seem upset'

'And you just figured it out it's because of the meeting which I'm not willing to
talk to you' he chuckled dryly at my feeble attempt to not to let him leave and I
felt my confidence dip lower.

'Well, I was just...'

He around with a lazy smirk playing on his lips.

'What is it, Leia?' He asked.

'Nothing. Nothing at all'

He walked closer until he was just an inch away from me. His cold hand brushed my
cheek and I felt myself leaning closer to his touch.

'Your music made me feel much better than before' he said softly.

A whiff of alcohol fanned my cheeks and I scrunched my nose in discomfort.

'You reek of liquor' I said.

'I hardly drank half of what you consumed in the charity event' He smirked widely
at me.

'I needed some confidence to dance in front of so many, you know. You don't blame
the woman like that' I spoke in an accusing tone which made him laugh.

'Yeah, right. Men are suppose to take all the blame, right?' He asked.

I looked at him for second and folded my arms in front of my chest. The small
gesture made my breasts to bust up a little, which didn't go unnoticed by this
hulk. Surprising, I found confidence when his attention flickered and I couldn't
help by smirk back.

'I'm going to think that your intoxicated self is talking this way' I said.

'And I'm going to think that you like to challenge my intoxicated self' he retorted
calmly and took another sip of his liquor.
I furrowed my eyes and smiled at him.

'Don't flatter yourself, Mr. Antonovich. I was just trying to lift up your mood' I
rolled my eyes playfully and walked past him. He seem to follow me automatically.

'Ah, sure enough you did a great work, Ms. Ferrari' he replied in a playful tone
and without any warning his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back to his
bare chest.

I let out a giggle but didn't try to pull away from his hold. I felt him dip his
head into my neck region and placed a soft, feather like kiss. In spit of pulling
away and putting up my hard facade, I leaned back and closed my eyes, letting him
hold me in his warm protective embrace.

His touch was comfortable and I find myself seeking more of it than I should.

'No threats, no arguing about 'conditions' and no lies today?' I heard him murmur
in my skin, his nose gazing my flesh as per his desire.

I didn't reply to him. I relaxed and stayed quiet with my eyes shut.

'Remember at the Crawford's party I showed a load full of truck filled with rotten
hotdogs with gold bars stuffed in them?' He asked.

I nodded, muttering a small 'Yes'

'This time the Cops somehow seized them. My father's is mad and doubts my ability,
there are no loopholes to take advantage of and I find myself in a tough situation'
He stated.

I remained quiet, he continued.

'Crawford is going crazy, fearing he will lose his percentage of money as well as
get caught. That prick's a coward' he grunted and tightened his hold on my waist.

His smuggling business doesn't sit well with me, it never did but I am no one to
tell him what to do and what not to do. His illegal business is not my problem to

I turned around and looked up to his face. He pulled him closer until there was no
more gap between us and stared down at me. His eyes are reddish due to the
consumption of alcohol.

'Have Cops ever seized them before?' I ask softly.

'No. The best they were able to do is sniff about it. They never got full details
and never reached close, that's why it's so confusing' He shook his head in deep
thought 'It's pretty clear that someone has informed but these information doesn't
get out easily. So, I'm sure that someone on the inside is working for the Cops'

'Then you must check upon all your workers and guards' I reasoned out.

'I did. I got nothing' He shook his head.

'Is it a...big lose?' I asked.

Nicholas chuckled and leaned forward to me.

'No, Leia. It's not about money. I have money, and I multiple them in many ways.
It's about trouble that finds my way through my own men'

'You say that as if you've experienced it before' I said softly.

'I have' He replied roughly.

I saw a flicker of emotion for a second, just for second and then it was gone.
Whatever it was, pains him to think about it even now. Wanting to clear the serious
air around us, I took the empty glass from him and stepped away from his embrace.

'I think you need a refill and I think you wouldn't mind if I try too?' I raised an
eyebrow at him.

'No, I don't and I'm not in a mood to handle a drunken Leia' He warned but his eyes
were twinkling in excitement.

'It was just one time!' I argued and made way out of the room with Nicholas
following me behind.

Hours passed but I didn't see Nicholas trying to leave anytime soon, which caused
an immense happiness in me for some unknown reason. He helped me in dressing up my
wounded arm and forehead. He did it like an expert and his sheer concentration was
a sight to sore eyes. He's tall and built, above my dainty frame and he was so
gentle like a feather in handling me. I could tell he was worried that his huge
rough hands might be painful if it even tried to clutch me.

In the evening he lit up the fireplace when it became cold and sat next to me
talking about his business. It was nice to hear to talk about his work, it gave me
a feeling that he's starting to open up with me. I was surprised to know that he
owns Blue Gold, the most famous Casino in Moscow. The building is situated a few
blocks away from Beetle Bee Cafe, facing the main road. I've often walked through
the road and watched the tall edifice glowing beautifully in the night lights while
rich people in rich cars drove to the massive building.

Marie told me it's a beautiful Casino with gambling games, restaurants, bars and
clubs. She found it's exterior so fascinating that she always wanted to visit but
the cost was too high.

Nicholas told me that to the world, to the Cops, the Casino belongs to some money
hunger businessman, but it's been to the Antonovich's for years now. It's quiet
smart how most of the business which he does in legal ways belong to some
businessman, just so the Cops don't get a sniff about them while the illegal ones,
well...they are illegal. Surprisingly his illegal works didn't bother me much, it
didn't even change the prospective way of I look at him. If any he looks even more
powerful to me.

'When father ruled, there was a lot of chaos because of the Italian Mafia who
refused to cooperate. It created a lot of problems and he became one of the most
wanted criminals in the world. Cops were head on heels to catch him alive or dead
but he went into hiding, letting the Cops shut all our illegal activities. At that
moment family and their protection was much more important than anything. When he
came back, he came back with much power. The Cops couldn't stop him or catch him.
It hasn't changed till now' He said.

He sat turning his body towards me on the couch with one leg folded on top, as he
leaned his face on his palm supported by the elbow. He looks sober much though his
eyes reddish.

'I've read about your father in news and papers' I replied, hugging my body inside
the thick blankets that's covering my cold body.

I'm wrapped up like a cocoon while he sat there wearing only a pant.

'Yeah. Apparently, media loves writing about us, fueling the youths to join us as
they find us fascinating than to create awareness' He chuckled dryly.

'I find you fascinating' I said with a small smile. His eyes widened in surprise
and he smiled back.

The smile made my heart flutter.

'Everyone finds a Beast fascinating, Leia but no one wants to get closer and face
it' He said, though his voice was soft, I could hear the seriousness behind those

Not wanting to change our good atmosphere bad, I tried the other way around to
reply to him. I inched closer and closer until his bare chest is touching the
blanket of my side and leaned closer before looking right into his eyes.

'I'm facing you, closer' I said with a teasing smile.

Nicholas smiled wide, his teeth flashing and leaned down to my face.

'My my feisty little, Angel' He said softly rubbing his nose on mine.

I frowned at him 'Don't call me little' I snapped lowly.

'Sure thing, milady' He replied and rubbed his thumb on my chin.

The smell of liquor and his manly smell made me inch even more closer. I closed my
eyes and felt the moment. It's becoming so difficult to follow my mind and
conditions and stay away from him. Especially due to his sweet yet dominating
nature. I know he's this way only to me and that makes me feel special.

'Open your eyes' His voice was like a whisper to my ears. I slowly opened my eyes
only to stare into his dark ones. He released a deep sigh and put his hand, shaking
his head.

'You're an enchantress, Leia and your innocence and beauty lure me to do things I
shouldn't' His voice and those words sent a shock throughout my body.

'Things like what?' I asked, looking up at him.

Without any warning his lips came down mine, slowly. My eyes closed automatically
as I felt his soft lips move on mine. Clutching my hair in a tight grip, he pulled
me closer and kissed me soft. I kissed, loving the feeling of his lips on mine.
This is our fourth kiss? Or fifth or sixth? I've lost count. Placing both my hands
on his cold torso I moved more closer and kissed him with everything I had. When he
tried to slip his tongue inside, I backed away breathing heavily. I didn't looked
down at the couch, not daring to see disappointment in those eyes.

'Leia' He called out my name like a prayer. I closed my eyes tight, trying hard to
not give into my feelings, not give into him. Licking my wet lips, I shook my nod
and got up from the couch. Nicholas was up in an instant.


'No, no Nicholas. This...we...' I trailed off, not able to say that it's wrong.
Hugging myself, I stood with my back facing him. I can't give into my feelings for
him, I can't let him have me even though I want to.

'Turn around' He commanded. His voice no longer soft or melodic like it was just
few seconds ago. I shook my head and looked down on the floor 'Turn around, woman'
He said in a rude manner.

Tears spring to my eyes at his sudden change but I took a deep breath and started
walking away from him.

'How long are you going to defy me on this?' I heard him say. I just kept walking
without bothering.

'How long you think you're going to lie to yourself?' He asked louder as he
followed me behind.

'Stop resisting, Leia. Stop pushing me away from you!' He seethed.

I stopped walking when I heard the last sentence. Wiping the tears that threatened
to fall down, I turned around with a determined look on my face. He's angry. His
hands a balled into tight fists at the sides and his eyes are dilated with rage and
care. I took step closer and looked right into those mesmerizing eyes.

'You know what I thought about you when you saved me from Stark's place and took me
to your home?' I asked 'I thought you were some businessman'

He chuckled without any humor and stared back at me.

'When I saw your father and came to know who you are, my first instinct was to talk
to Adam' I went on, ignoring his attitude 'But then I decided that's not the way to
pay you back. When your mother kicked me out of your home without even
understanding me-

'She didn't kick you out'

'-I thought I've got rid of you. A part of me missed you so bad but when you came
back after that murder's incident, you kept a bloody knife on my throat and
threatened to slit it if I made any move. Do you remember that?'

He remained emotionless as he stared down at me.

'At that moment, that single second, I saw a totally different man, Nicholas' I
stepped even forward to him and whispered 'I saw why everyone calls you a Beast'

We stood staring each other for seconds. He didn't back down and neither did I. I
was so determined to open up.

'I know who you are under those layers of gentleman clothing and I also know that
I'm the only one who gets to see this side of you' I said, placing my index on his
chest 'I'm not a fool, Nicholas. I know how hard you try to keep your self at bay,
how hard you try not to scare me but the truth is...I'm scared. I'm scared that if
I see your deepest and darkest secrets I will run far away from you...but I don't
want to' My eyes filled with tears and my throat constricted.

His hands cupped my jaw and leaned lower.

'Then don't' he whispered.

'It''s not so easy, Nicholas. You are...I am, it's so compli-

'It is complicated' He whispered 'You are right, I try hard not to scare you. I try
so much to be a different man to you. Do you know why?' He asked. I shook my head
as tears rolled down my cheek silently. He brushed them away with the pad of his
thumb 'Because whenever you look into my eyes, I see you...looking right into my
soul, Rose'

That was...damn, one hell of a chapter.

Chapter 29 - Chapter-28
"Sex is an emotion in motion." – Mae West


(Did I just give a clue on what's going to happen in this chapter?)


'Because whenever you look into my eyes, I see you...looking right into my soul,
Rose' he said softly.

I stopped breathing.

His dark orbs are staring into my brown ones with such fierce emotions, I thought
for a fleeting moment it might blind me.

I never expected that reply. I never did imagine to get anything close to that
either. All along this notorious criminal did not just see me as a sexual

Like an angry wave surfacing to the sea shore, a wave of guilt found its way to
make me feel more miserable than I already am.

His eyes softened when he saw me struggling with my own feelings. Placing a soft
lingering kiss on my forehead, he called my name like it's a prayer to him.

'Leia, I only want you to stop lying to yourse-

'Take me' I said the words before I could even think.

'Wh...What?' His voice was a mere whisper.

He's saved me from so many unforeseen dangers, helped me in situations where I was
alone to deal with. All along with everything going on, we became incredibly closer
than we ever imagined to be. Though he is something on the inside and to the world,
he remained loyal to me with the mask on his face that hid his true identity. He
respected me, listened to me, understood me than anyone else. I never really spent
time thinking over on how and to what kind of a man I'll give myself to but just
like every other girl, I wanted my first time to be special and memorable,
irrelevant to the fact whether that man is the one to me or not.

I know Nicholas is not the one for me. He can never be. I don't even know whether
giving myself to this man is right or wrong, special or not. At this moment, after
hearing him saying those words I...I can't resist him anymore. Resist us.
'Take me, Nicholas. Let me forget myself in you and you only, tonight' I said,
placing my hand on his cheek.

His eyes dilated and I watched it in complete aww. Without further talk, his lips
descended down on mine for a sweet, sensual kiss. I wrapped my hands around his
neck, relaxing in his touch as I let him take over. His hands lifted me up by my
ass and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist. He started taking us to our
room and I was so immersed in kissing him, I didn't realize him ripping my top and
throwing it on the floor.

Soon he descended me down and I hit the bed softly. No words were spoken as we got
lost in each other's eyes and touch.

'I need you' I whimpered and hugged him closer to my body.

He left a trail of kisses down my jaw till my bare stomach. I sucked in a deep
breath when his fingers started to remove my pant. I remember the night after the
charity event, where I laid under his mercy while he explored and made me feel
things I never felt before. My toes curled as I imagined our last sexual activity.

My pant hit the floor and the cold air made me shiver in delight. Nicholas looked
at me before rubbing his thumb on my panty, making me gasp at the sensation.

'Nicholas, please' I moaned as he started working his finger faster, up and down
between my slits that's covered.

'I haven't even started, baby' He let out a throaty chuckle and withdrew his
finger, making me let out a frustrated sigh.

'Take off your bra' He ordered and I gladly obeyed.

The ache between my legs is terrible and I can't even rub myself because he's
kneeling in between them. My nipples immediately hardened when they were exposed
and Nicholas gave a gentle pinch to of them, which made me moan so loud.

'Do you know how fucking hard I am for you?' he asked harshly, making me arouse
than I already am 'So fucking hard'

Nuzzling his nose on my neck, he bit the spot which'll surely give me a hickey.
Coming lower and lower, his lips captured my nipple, as the other hand squeezed my
other breast. He sucked, bit and played like he owned it all. I was at the peak of
pleasure when it was only the beginning.

'Oh, Nick!' I clutched his hair in a tight grip, making him curse and suck me
harder. He switched to my other breast, giving the exact attention and I couldn't
help but rise above the bed, not able to get enough with his sweet torture.

With a gentle slap on my breast which made it jiggle, he went down, living a trail
of wet kisses.

'I'd prefer you without any panty, Leia. Trust me' He said in the most sexiest
voice ever and before I know what happened, shreds of my panty was in his hands.

Nicholas eyes took a complete and thorough look at my naked body, his lusty eyes
giving me confidence not to cover myself.

Getting up from my sleeping position, I moved closer to him. His eyes followed my
every move, the way my finger touched his left shoulder where Michael shot him, a
long scar at the side of his abdomen, and a small tattoo carved beautifully on his
chest at the center. When my fingers started to linger on the tattoo, he gripped my
waist and kissed my palm.

'Eyes on me, baby. Always on me' He said softly.

I closed our gap and kissed him sweetly. Nicholas seem to give the permission to
dominate over for a while, so I wrapped my legs around him and ran my hands over
his firm body. I kissed his chin, his jaw and neck, making him growl in pleasure
and grip my hair in a tight fist.

'I will forget it's your first time if you ever kiss my neck like that ever again'
He threatened gravely.

In spite of fearing his threat as always, I chuckled and kissed his neck again.

'I'm warning you, Angel' He growled louder, making me smile.

I started kissing his body, my eyes capturing all the scars and permanent marks of
wounds that's faded. I never really paid close attention to his body and now that I
see, I'm pretty sure each scar has it's own story and his struggle.

Nicholas' moans and growls made me wetter for each passing second and I started
rubbing my lower region on him. It helped me with the itch I was feeling but
Nicholas gripped my hips and stopped me doing it. I moaned it protest but froze
when I felt something poke me.

'I won't be able to control if you keep doing that' He said in a strained voice.

I could actually feel his hard membrane on my bare...pussy.

The feeling itself aroused me to great heights. I need him now!

I pulled him down lower and we both hit the bed hard. Nicholas lost himself by
pinning both my hands above my head and kissing me brutally. Gone was the slow and
steady phase.

He squeezed my breast harder before descending down between my legs. He gave a

tight slap between my legs, making me leave the bed and cry out his name.

'Oh, Nicholas!'

'Look at you all wet and glistening' He growled and captured me in his mouth. My
hands quickly went to his hair as he started licking furiously with his index
already stretching my tight hole.

I was so wet for him that with each lick, I could hear the noise in our silent
room. I was climbing the stairs of pleasure higher higher, moaning his name and
clenching around his finger but right when I was going to reach my climax, Nicholas
removed his face and finger away from me, leaving me hanging.

'No! Don't -' I started to scream in frustration but stopped when he quickly
unzipped his pants and boxer, revealing his hard membrane to me.

I gasped staring at the erect penis. Something I've never seen before, face to

'You might wanna close that pretty mouth of yours, if you don't want me to put this
inside' Said Nicholas, smirking widely at me. I instantly closed my mouth and
looked away from him.
All of a sudden a harsh slap was given between my legs, making me moan and look at
his lust filled eyes.

'What did I say about eyes being on me?' He questioned.

'I...I just don't think that'll cause me very little pain if you in' I
said, blushing profusely.

Nicholas leaned lower and cupped my jaw.

'I can't promise to take away the pain, since it's your first. It'll take time' He
said softly.

Gripping his hard and thick penis, he started to rub it up and down my slits. I
closed my eyes and lived in the feeling which was insanely hot and the ache became
too uch to bare.

'Just do it, I need you' I moaned.

Nicholas intertwined one of our hands together as the other guided his membrane
into me. I felt myself stretching as he went in incredibly slower for me to get
adjusted. My nails started to dig into his flesh as i felt the pain rising.

'Stop' I said.

'I'm not even half inside you' He said but remained still. I took a deep breath and
nodded my head for him to go on. He started to push inside, stretching me even more
as the pain started to increase ten times more for each second.

'Nicholas, it hurts' Tears welled up in my eyes and Nicholas stopped moving 'No,
don't stop. It's okay'

He started to push a little faster and tears starting to roll over my side and the
pillow. My breathing was heavy and fast when he stopped his movements completely
and looked down at me. It feel full and painful.

Nicholas started to kiss me, making me avert my concentration from the pain. I
kissed him back harder and wrapped my hands around him. I felt him move inside and
soon he was coming out before pushing back inside.

He started to move slowly in and out of me and all the while my eyes were shut
tight as he stretched my walls over and over again. The pain is terrible but I
could bare it.

'Can you handle? Is it fine now?' He asked in a strained voice. I opened my eyes
and looked at him, beads of perspiration glistening on his face.

'It's okay' I managed to say. Nicholas started to move a little more faster and the
unusual feeling of fullness kept me on my toes.

Nicholas face is strained with pleasure and he moaned at every thrust. I felt a bit
accustomed to the pain and felt pleasure building up.

'Faster' I said, making Nicholas look at with concern.

He obeyed and gripped my hips before started to thrust into me faster, making my
breasts jiggle and my eyes roll back in my head. His each thrust increased the
pleasure and though the pain is still there, it became unimportant due to the
overbuilding pleasure.

My eyes are looking right into his as he kept thrusting into me without decreasing
his speed.

'Fuck!' He cursed and started to thrust into me harder, forgetting that it's my
first time or I was crying due to the pain and pleasure.

Both of us got lost in our own pleasure and I was a moaning mess.

'Harder, please!' I begged him, and Nicholas obliged.

Spreading my legs wider, I placed both on feet on the bed, giving him more space,
not caring that I'm completely exposed to him. Nicholas gripped one of my breasts
while the other gripped my waist. He was literally fucking me so deep, it felt so

'Oh, yes! Don't stop, Nick!' I moaned over and over which only fueled him to go

He fucked me like it's not my first time anymore. His ever thrust hit my pleasure
spot repeatedly and I gripped the sheets in tight fist.

'I swear to God I won't stop until you're shaking' He growled 'Fuck, you clench me
so well, baby. I could fuck you all night!'

'I'm close, Nick!' I exclaimed, loving this new feeling, loving the sex. I started
to shake.

'Hang on, don't you dare come before I say!' He snapped.

I felt my walls squeezing his thick rod and tried to hard to obey his order but it
was difficult when he was fucking me so hard like this.

'Nick, so close I am' I literally begged when my orgasm came closer.

Nicholas leaned down on me and started fucking me even harder than I ever thought
he could.

'AH!' I screamed so loud at the sudden increase in his speed.

'Yeah, that's right. I fuck so hard and fast, baby' His dirty words only made it
harder to control my orgasm.

He kept thrusting harder and faster that my throat started to dry up with all the
screaming and moaning, but I couldn't stop. Our bodies are moving so vigorously
with every thrust and I loved the sensation.

'Oh, shit. Come, now!' he said and before I know his hot semen shot inside me.

'Nicholas!' I screamed his name as I came all over him, harder than the first time
he made me come with his fingers and mouth.

Nicholas fell limp on my body and I felt him relax with me.

I closed my eyes, feeling him still deep inside me and wrapped my arms around his
sweaty back.

As the pleasure started to subside I felt the soaring pain in between my legs.
Nicholas shifted and raised his body up to look down at me.

'You have no idea how beautiful you look right now' He said and pecked my lips
before getting off my body.

I watched him walk to the washroom in his naked glory. I tried to get up but only
to fall back when the pain increased. Hissing quietly, I slowly raised myself to a
sitting position and looked down at myself. Blood and his semen have leaked out,
damping the bed sheet and making a trail down my thighs. I touched myself where he
was inside, and felt pain when I put some pressure.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Three things are evident now.

I'm no longer a virgin.

I finally gave myself to Nicholas.

There's no turning back now.

As I sat thinking over everything that just happened in an hour, the washroom door
opened and Nicholas walked out carrying a cloth in his hand.

He slowly got on the bed and settled between my legs, all the while his eyes
looking at me with deep passion. He leaned down and wiped my sticky thigh.

'I-I'll do it myself' I said and tried to take the wet cloth from his hand.

'No. I want to do it' He said firmly and went back to clean me up.

He wiped my thighs before wiping between my slits. I hissed when the cloth touched
my raw skin and Nicholas stopped for moment before continuing. No words were spoken
as he cleaned me up and walked back to the washroom. My fingers touched the blood
patch on the bed sheet that's slightly wet.

'The sheets' I said when he came back.

'It's not much of a blood and I don't think you'll be able to move a muscle' He
replied and I hate to admit he's right.

I laid down slowly and Nicholas joined me.

'You'll feel better in the morning. I'm sorry I lost control' He said, kissing my

'I liked it' I said softly.

Nicholas craned his neck and gave me his signature smirk which made me blush
profusely. Slapping his chest, I moved his face away which made him laugh heartily.

His laugh was so peacefully that it made me smile.

'So, my little vixen likes it rough, eh?' He teasing, dipping his head in my neck.

I pulled him closer to my body.

'How are you feeling?' He asked and looked up to me.

'Weird,' I answered truthfully 'So, this is how it feels to lose virginity' I

muttered softly.
His fingers started tracing my side as he looked at me with a ghost smile.

'I first had sex when I was seventeen' He said 'I have no idea what her age was,
maybe sixteen or seventeen, just like me. I don't know'

I felt awful to hear that he'd done it many times while this is just my first time.
He doesn't even know the girl's age or probably anything about her. He told me as
if he's first time meant nothing at all. Due to this, a stupid question raised up
in my mind - Doing with me too didn't mean anything to him?

I showed no emotion and stayed silent. He seem to suspect something about my

silence but didn't question about it. He kissed my shoulder and I felt his even

'That tattoo on your chest, is it some kind of symbol?' I ask softly. He stopped
kissing and looked up at me.

'This one?' He pointed to his chest and I nodded.

It's three triangles interlocked with each other - two beside each other - the
second being a little down and third below between the two and its peaks are all
directing upward in the same direction. It kind of tells me it's about unity but I
couldn't be sure.

'Valknut, slain warriors,' He said, making me look at him from the tattoo 'It's
been passed on for generation in the mafia line. It use to be the same for the
Italians, when we were all together...' He trailed off, a forlorn expression
masking his face.

'It's beautiful' I said and touched the tattoo.

'It's actual reference is something else, we adopted it' He shrugged.

'So, all your people have this?' I asked, he nodded 'On the chest only?' He nodded

'I've always wanted to get a tattoo. A pretty small one, maybe in my wrist or near
my collar bone. But father never allowed' I said.

'You can have one if you want now' He replied softly.

'Maybe. I can imagine my father's horror if he finds out' I chuckled dryly.

'I don't want to spoil our night. Your father or anything that makes you sad are
off limits tonight. So, don't talk about it' He glared at me playfully. I smiled
and captured his lips for a sweet kiss.

* * *


I was shaking in fear as my hand clutched the door handle. Li removed his earphones
and his smile vanished when he looked me.

'Hey, you okay?' He asked.

I took a deep breath before replying 'I'm fine'

I started the engine and drove out of this dead road, feeling my anxiety dissipate
the soon I hit the main road.

'So, why did you take that road?' Asked Li. I glanced aside to see his earphones on
his lap as he concentrated hard on me. He knew something's wrong but I'm intending
to tell him.

'I thought I saw the girl I deflowered in the club' I muttered under my breath.

There was silence for a long second before Li erupted in fits of laugh. I released
a sigh.

'Damn, you scared me. I thought you witnessed a murder or something in that forest'
Li said and my fingers tightened on the steering.

When we reached our flat, I helped Li in carrying all the groceries and went back
to my car.

'Where're you going?' He shouted from the gate.

'I gotta see someone. I'll be back in few hours' I said and started the engine. Li
waved at me and I swiftly left the driveway.

Flashes of what I just witnessed are blinding my vision. I feel a pang of fear and
concern hits me every time I see Leia.

I did listen when she asked me to go back. Well, sort of.

I was stuck in traffic with Li and saw a car speeding through the empty road,
leading to forest. I didn't want to follow that car, really, but I had to when I
saw a fear-stricken Leia sitting in between the same men who were chasing her.

It took me a while to get cleared from the traffic and follow that car Leia was in.
I drove in a lonely road with barely any street light and trees standing
dangerously close to the road on either sides. Just when I thought I lost them, I
saw a car turned aside, and flames burning in the front angrily.

Li who sat busy munching on Doritos and earphones on didn't exact notice me taking
a different route. Making sure he didn't notice the crashed car, I parked it at the
side and got down, telling him I need to pee.

The rain has stopped and there was silence in the forest when I approached the car.
I quickly scanned the passenger seat when I realized it's the same car Leia was in.
The men who were sitting beside her and the one beside the driver seat was dead.
Leia and the driver were no where seen.

Panic settled deep in me when dangerous thought flooded my mind.

I looked everywhere and saw only darkness with trees around.

I checked at all places randomly as I can but I saw no one.

'Leia' I called her name, not so loud, not so soft either. I just don't want the
driver to hear me.

With my mobile flashlight on, I walked deep into the dark forest, looking for her.
There is no signal for me even call the Cops.

All of a sudden a loud sound made me stop. It was a gunshot.

Without thinking, I ran fast towards the source, my adrenaline rushing as I thought
about Leia being harmed in any sort of way. My legs stopped abruptly when I saw a
man pointing his gun to his arms length with a woman wrapped in his other arm,
close to his chest.

I couldn't see her face clearly at first but when an another man walked out of the
forest and told her something before walking way, the woman came out and I gasped
in horror.


She walked furiously to the man and started to shouting but I couldn't hear from
this distance. As I looked closely at the familiar man, I remembered seeing him for
the first time in the party where Leia played for. She cancelled our dinner for
this man and went away with him.

I eyed both them closely wandering what's happening and who is that guy who had
just fired a gun. When they were both done, the other man who had Leia close to him
walked out carrying a man on his shoulder, all tied up.

Leia's friend walked away from them, took his car and drove and the gun guy and
Leia got inside another car and took off.

Li was unaware of everything that happened and I was happy for that.

Leia's is becoming a great mystery to me day by day and I find myself keen on
knowing what's happening. She ain't the naive girl I use to trouble around when we
were young. She's changed and I saw it the first time I met coming back to Moscow.

My first suspicious was when she told that her dad let her live her life as she
wanted. Her dad was never a man I liked, he hated when I hung out with his daughter
and my parents were concerned he might even harm me sometime. So, it was confusing
when she me that her overprotective yet creepy father is miles away from her.

Then all of a sudden she leaves the city and lies to about it. I knew then that I
was not wrong in doubting her. And now everything seems to be clear. There's
something going on with her, something she's handling all by herself and I'm very
much determined on helping her whether she likes it or not.

By the time I reached my destination, the rain has started yet again. I walked out
into the pouring rain and walked to the main door, and rung the bell.

It's close to midnight but I can't wait till morning.

The door opened and I looked down at the lovely lady.

'Hey, Aunt May, sorry to bother you so late. Is Adam in?' I asked,

'Yes, yes, he came back from some nasty case an hour ago' She said and motioned me
to get in before closing the door behind 'You're wet, I'll get you a towel, Adam's
in his study'

I quickly made my way towards his study, no longer listening to Aunt May.

I opened the door without even a knock and saw Adam sitting in his usual chair with
a file in his hand.

'What a pleasant surprise' He smiled at me.

'Adam' I got in his study and closed the door behind 'There's something I need to
tell you'


Chapter 30 - Chapter-29


We accept the love we think we deserve

-Stephen Chbosky


I woke up shivering due to cold.

The room is dark and the clock on the bedside reads 8:30 a.m.

I looked beside me to find Nicholas still sleeping but the place was empty and
cold. Wrapping the sheets around my naked body I got up from the bed and hissed
when the pain in between my legs surged through my body. It's better from last
night, but not that better. I slowly made my way to the washroom.

After a warm shower and looking at my body in the mirror which is adorned with his
marks, I quickly dressed up and made my way down.

Last night Nicholas didn't use any barrier and the aftermath thought scares the
hell out of me. Since my period hasn't shown up for the past two months due to
overwork and over stress, last night's unprotected sex is pretty futile, but I'm
not taking any chances and going to visit Alyona today for after pills.

Nicholas was not in the den nor in the kitchen. I saw some men clearing out the
snow near the pool area, so I quickly got out, hoping to find Nicholas.

When there was no sign of him, I stood there for a while, watching the men do their
work when Boris emerged out of nowhere.

I smiled at him but he gave me a stiff nod and walked curtly towards me.

'Hello' I said softly.

'Good morning, ma'am' He said curtly 'Boss had to leave early in the morning, he
conveys his apology. These men will be coming every morning to clear up the snow,
it's increased up to 20 centimeter today'

'Okay. Did he tell when he'll be back?' I asked. Boris opened his mouth to reply
but quickly shut it up. He stared down at me with those unfathomable eyes as I
waited for the reply.

'No' he murmured and felt my heart drop into my stomach. Swallowing up the
disappointment, I nodded at him.

He turned away and went to check whether the work is done, while I stood in the
cold thinking about last night and everything he said me.


I'm scared that if I see your deepest and darkest secrets I will run far away from
you...but I don't want to.


I'm scared. I'm scared because you are a gangster

The sound of glass shattering pulled me out of my reverie.

'Shit' I heard Aron curse and he quickly took my hand in his. I looked at what he's
doing and realized that the glass in my hand broke due to my frustration.

'What were you thinking, man?' Aron pushed the files away from the water and placed
his kerchief on my bloody hand that instantly got soaked with my blood.

'I'm fine' I said gruffly and tried to pull away from his hold but he pressed on my
wound, not letting it go. Boris came with some cotton and alcohol and Aron wrapped
my hand after cleaning.

'This got wet' Said Boris as he inspected one of the files on the table. He took
out the papers out and laid it on the table, letting it dry and I finally pulled
away my hand when Aron was all done.

The pain is like a sting of a needle, too easy to ignore. I looked at Boris, he
came way too quickly from my penthouse and I want to ask what was Leia's reply when
he told her that I just left. Did she put up a fit? Or she felt sad?

'Nicholas, I've been calling you for a while now' Said Aron.

I ran my other hand through my hair and faced him 'What happened to the shipments?
Was Turner successful?' I asked.

'No, but the good news is it's coming back to here for further investigation' Aron

'Who's in charge of the case?' I asked.

'Cheif Adam Wilson. The one and only your Leia knows about' He said 'I really think
you should let her do-

'I am not involving her in our business. Thought I made that clear in our meeting'
I said curtly.

'But no one can suspect her and the work will be done soon. Lantsov will not even
come to know about her still being with your penthouse and you can go on having her
till you finally get the balls to fuck her and-

'We had sex. Last night'

There was a moment of silence which was cut short by Boris getting out of the room
and closing the door behind. Aron cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows at me.

'Woah, so she's out of your system. You finally sent her back?' Aron asked eagerly.

Before I could answer his question, the door banged opened and walked in my father,
Lantsov. He was seething and it only increased when those dark pair of eyes fell on

He marched in like he owned the place even now and stood right next to Aron, the
table diving us. He looks so frightening that anyone in my place might dig up a
hole and bury himself 10 feet below the ground. Anyone, not me.

I faced him head to head, eye to eye, not cowering from his intimidating demeanor.
Though the throne is passed on to me, Lantsov seems to not back down from the post.
He gets every information on all the business and profit, which makes it easy for
me not to spend time in telling him all. But at times like these, when there's
matter of loss and pride, it's a problem. A great one.

'I believe you've gotten an explanation on everything that's happening?' His voice
was cold.

'It was unexpected. Turner made sure that there's no checking up on the government
package, it was all too sudden, they say' replied Aron.

'It can't be sudden. Getting authorization from many heads and powers, it's not
sudden. No, it's not' Said Lantsov, the old Pakhan.

'I told you last time that it's not connected, I was wrong. It's all one man, from
the beginning. Zoran, the murder, accident, and now the shipment, everything's kind
of connected as you told. I didn't believe you then but now it seems so obvious.
Someone's playing with us, someone who know us and the underground' I replied

'What are the details?' He asked, looking at me gravely.

'None' I said.

Lantsov glared at me.

'It won't end till you figure who's behind all this. And each time it keeps getting
worst. Michael was our starting but you failed in finding him-

'I didn't' I hissed, my hand forming into a tight fist.

'Yes, you did!' He snapped 'Accept it! How will you know success if you haven't
tasted failures?' He screamed in my empty office.

'The shipments are coming back here, that's our chance' Aron said softly.

'That's your only chance' Lantsov stressed 'It's the matter of pride more than
money. You get down to the ground, and get back the shipment, that's how you're
going to pay back to the Cops'

I remained silent and looked away from him, suddenly want to get away from all

'Do you understand me, son?' He asked.

'We have come up a plan and we'll be executing it-

'No' I cut Aron in between and looked at Lantsov with strong determination 'No,
there's no plan. I'm not wasting my time on gone goods'

Lantsov looked at Aron and then at me in disbelief. Surely it's clear on my face
that I'm not going to chase some bunch of cops and steal the gold, when I can earn
twice of it within no time.

'No?' The old Pakhan watched me curiously, his eyes trying to get deep into my
soul. If he was angry before, he's raging now.

'No' I stated.

He shook and started pacing, trying to get in everything that were told to him.

'I...don't get it. You're not going to take it back from them?' He asked again, his
eyes meeting mine.

'No. I can always earn more' I said in a rather dismissing tone.

'Two years back when you took the throne, I thought you understood how the Bratva
runs, the responsibility to be the Pakhan and the danger that comes along. I've
always helped you through and watched you do the work, you've never disappointed
me, son. Now, I don't know what's wrong' He asserted.

'Nothing's wrong, father. Everything's going fine. My main motive is to catch the
person behind all this. I'm giving him time to cause as damage as possible so it
leaves series trails for me to follow. I've checked all records and there are some
prime suspects, I've already sent men on checking upon them all. There's no much of
a progress' I emphasized.

Lantsov didn't reply and stared at the walls, deep in his thoughts. When he spoke,
his voice was calculated and remote.

'Zoran was my trusted man, working for me like a slave, a loyal slave. Someone
who'll give his life for me and the Bratva' He started to pace again, his footsteps
loud and clear as it clanked on the wooden floor 'If he was persuaded in going
against us, it's not something to slid over. A truck driver was sent to kill you
and he was informed about your every personal matter, including that girl'

My hand tightened on my chair when he mentioned Leia.

'It's someone whom we know. Someone they know us too. You need to dig up even
deeper, Nick. This ain't just about killing you' He said.

I wonder what he'll say if I tell him that Leia is still in my penthouse and she
was kidnapped to get me. According to him, Leia is out of my world and there's no
recent incident that took place. Aron lied to Lantsov about Leia.

'Everyone wants me dead, wants you dead. Enemies, the cops...' I trailed off.

'No one knows about the shipments' He stated 'How did he know? It's definitely
someone we all know'

'I'm working on it-

'It's not enough' He cut me off.

'It's just the beginning' I stated loudly, getting his attention 'He didn't leave a
single witness witness behind, there's absolutely nothing. He made me kill Zoran,
he killed Michael who was the only trail. I'm letting him do whatever he wants to
so that I might get even a glimpse of trail to find him. I know what I am doing,
father. I know this is something more than we thought it is. All I want you to do
is stay back and let me do-
'Nicholas!' Aron barked.

'-my work' I said.

Aron looks so pissed off and my dad just stared at me. I know I crossed the line
but there is no way I can concentrate when he barges into my office whenever he
likes and throws a huge fit about shit I already know.

He no longer in charge here and I'd like to be that way. If I need his help, I'll
come to him myself.

He walked forward towards me and stopped until he was an inch away from me. Since
we both height almost the same, we stood eye to eye.

'One month. One month is all I'm giving you. If you don't catch the man who's
behind all this, I'll throw you out and Aron will be sitting your position-

'I don't mind having my brother sit on the throne' I said.

Lantsov stopped and took a deep breath, trying to control himself.

'One month, Nicholas' With that said, he turned around and got out of the office.

'What the fuck was that?!' Aron shouted.

'Leave' I said calmly.

'No! Why did you behave like that? What's happening to you and when did you decide
to cancel the plan even without my notice? And how the fuck are you sure all these
are connected?' He shot the questions in one go.

'Leave, Aron' I said again and started to check about the last month's income from
the Casino.

A loud bang was heard when he slammed his palm on the desk in front of me. I looked
up at Aron who is seething at me.

'I need to know now' He said in a controlled tone.

Closing the file and throwing it on the desk, I looked back at him.

'Maybe you need to talk to Boris and ask him politely if he got anything in
Michael's truck'

* * *

After the work in the Casino, I drove straight to Backyard Brawls.

Today was hectic and I need time to relax before I meet Leia.

I got a message from Alyona that Leia visited her today and asked for after pills.
It irritated me, I don't really know why. I've always been careful while having
sex. I make sure the woman I fuck are either on pills or I'm just wearing a condom.
The latter is more precise.

I knew Leia is a virgin and I knew I didn't use a damn condom. I wanted her first
to be special and I wanted to feel every inch and corner of her body. She bliss, a
pure stunning bliss. I've had sex in the past, woman giving me amazing heads and
literally begging me to fuck them brutally which is a huge turn on for me, but Leia
did nothing.

She didn't even try to seduce me, she did the opposite of it and tried to run away
from my hold. I knew I had to have her and one day I will surely have her, not
caring that I'll be her first and she'll probably never forget me. But when she was
underneath me, her brown orbs staring deep into my dark soul as I thrust into her
sweet cunt, I knew I was going to have the best sex in my life. Somewhere down as I
went on, it more than sex to both of us.

I worshiped her body, I kissed every inch of her body and ate her sweet cunt,
something I've never done before to any woman. I didn't just fuck her and let go, I
took my time, my own sweet time in studying every minute detail. The way her eyes
would roll back whenever I hit her g-spot, the way she would shiver every time my
tongue licked her throbbing clit.

She was a fantasy in my dark life.

I thought I'd be over with her once I'm done, but the crave just increased a
hundred times more than it was before.

I can't let her go. I can't just...let her go.

A hard punch on my stomach pulled me out of my thoughts. I felt myself falling back
without any sort of control and hit the mesh that's surrounding the ring.

I took deep breaths and looked up to the man who just hit me.

The fight has begun and I'm in the ring.

Shaking my head furiously, I tried to get rid of my thoughts but Leia's face kept
flashing in front of me.

'No' I ran my hand on my face and jogged towards my fighter.

He threw another punch my way. I leaned my head back, letting his punch extend
behind before I clutched his arm and punched his nose.

I took up every fight in the ring, not caring about the aftermath.

I was tired and exhausted but I didn't care, I kept fighting.

Leia is just a distraction. Father was right, a flower among war and blood is never

Chapter 31 - Chapter-30
Early update just like I promised! <3


Two days. It's been two days since I've seen Nicholas, since we've had our first
sex, my first sex.

No phone calls, no messages

, nothing.

I remained in his sober penthouse all alone. It's been more than 14 days being here
and not once I felt this kind of loneliness punch me in the gut.
I tried to keep myself preoccupied by reading or watching tv, but nothing seemed to
be a good distraction, he's all I think about. Even when I tried to play keyboard,
the tunes would come out to be sad, making me cry.

It's just sex, I say to myself but I can't find myself accepting it. I tried the
hardest to keep him away from me by accusing him for everything, blaming him and
convincing myself that he's not a good man but now nothing seems to bother.

It's over. I tried not fall for his devilish charm but I did. I failed. I can't
deny that he's nothing to me. I like him with such fierce passion, I think I might
end up staying in this penthouse forever.

This is what I tried to avoid but I had to learn that some times, things don't
happen the way we desire.

I watched the snow settling on around, layer by layer and then I finally hit the
bed, falling asleep in just few seconds.

For the freezing climate outside, I was moderately warm and cozy wrapped around
with blankets as I slept like a baby but it didn't last long when I felt something
cold on my cheek. It was quiet uncomfortable since I liked the warmth, and tried to
go back to the sleep, but the coldness traveled down my chin and my neck, making me
jump up and sit straight on the cozy bed.

I gasped before releasing surprise sigh as I watched Nicholas laying on the bed,
resting his head on his bow which is supported by his elbow on the mattress. He's
fully clothed — blazer, trouser, shirt and tie, except the shoes — and the past two
days horror came back to my sense and I stared at him.

He smiled softly and rose himself, sitting up in front of me.

'Slept well?' He asked with his deep voice.

I didn't reply, I just continued to stare him.

It's been just two days and I feel like I've already missed him for a millennium.
He looked so perfect as always. His dark eyes staring deep into my brown ones, his
slender yet perfect nose, his thick lips that's pink due to the weather and his
dark hair that's falling on his face. His shirt under his blazer is fit, enabling
me to see his perfect chest curves. I want to close the distance between us and
kiss him hard but I remained immobile.

His smile vanished and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When his hand came up to
touch my cheek, I immediately moved away.

His stretched hand formed a tight fist before retreating. His confusion didn't seem
to settle but I saw his eyes searching for an answer when he already knew it.

I slowly hopped out of the bed and walked out of the room, not caring to look back
at him.

It's absurd, really, as to why I'm angry at him. Firstly, I felt sad when he didn't
show up for two days and now that he is here, I don't even look at him twice and
walk away from him rudely. It shouldn't really care that he didn't mind to come and
visit me, that he didn't care to even know how I'm doing as non-virgin woman.

It's pretty simple; both of us found each other attractive, wanted to satisfy our
deep sexual need and that's exactly what happened, but why the hell do I feel so
sad about him not...visiting me.

'Leia' I heard him call out behind me. I knew he's close to me and yet I didn't
turn around or reply to him.

I walked straight to the kitchen, took out some milk from the fridge.

'What's wrong?' He asked, standing so close to me that I could smell his rich

'Coffee?' I asked, still not looking at him. I can imagine him standing behind me
with his arms folded in front of his chest as he learned me with those curious

'Yes, please' He sighed and leaned on the slab in front of me. I could sense him
watching me but I didn't look at him as I prepared two cups.

He remained silent all the while I prepared us coffee and handed over his cup to
him and then I left the kitchen and flopped on the couch in the living room.

Nicholas followed me soon and sat next to me. We both stared at the black tv screen
and I knew I had time — till the coffee gets over — to come up with some lame
excuse as to why I'm mad at him. I don't want to look clingy by telling him the
truth that I missed him and I missed him too much. As far as I know most men when
they are done having sex with a woman, they just leave. And if they still hang on,
it's probably because they're waiting for a reason to let go and clinginess seems
to be the most satisfactory reason than any other.

'I know you're mad and maybe I know why too' He said, keeping his empty cup on the
table and turned his body facing my side 'It's been two days and...if you want, you
can shout at me. I can't bare the silence. I want to hear your voice, Leia' His
voice was soft as melody to my ears and it took everything in me not to wrap myself
around him and shout from the top of my lungs how much I missed him.

'I went to meet Alyona to get some after pills' I said the first thing that came to
my head. I heard him take a huge breath beside me but I refused to look at him.

'Alyona texted me' He replied gruffly.

Placing my empty cup on the table, I pulled my feet up on the couch and wrapped my
arms around it.

'Any information about Michael?' I asked.

There was silence for few painful seconds.

'None' He snapped 'I should get going' he said and stood up quickly.

I shook out of the trance and watched him with utter shock and hurt.

'No, wait' I stood up and almost ran into him when he stopped walking abruptly.

He turned around and folded his arms in front, his eyes staring dead at me. God, I
should've let him just go. Oh, God!

'You...where were you these two days?' I mustered up to ask in a grumpy way.

He just cocked one of his fine eyebrows in utter disinterest.

I didn't see a flicker of care or concern I usually see in those dark orbs. Instead
all I saw was emptiness and that brought tears to my eyes. He remained unfazed even
after looking at my hurt expression and I felt sadness wash over me. I someway
behaved clingy.

I don't know why I'm behaving this way or why I feel this way for this man. I
should've simply listened to Marie whenever she tried to get me laid, because if I
had done before, I wouldn't be having mixed feelings and maybe liking Nicholas just
made it even more dramatic than it already is.

I sighed and blinked my eyes, before looking at him firmly 'Yeah, you should
probably get going' I said softly and gave a small smile to him.

To my utter surprise he closes the gap between us with quick strides and before I
know, his arms are around me and his lips are down on mine for a hard kiss.

I stand stunned for a moment and then wrap my arms around him and kiss him back
with the same fever.

His hands traveled down and gripped butt before lifting me off the floor. I felt
myself going down and down but it was my least concern as I gripped his hair and
kissed him with everything I had.

My back touched something soft and soon he was on top of me. We were panting
heavily when we departed.

We're on the couch with him sitting light on my hip and staring down at me.

'I missed you, woman. I missed you so fucking much' He said a deep voice.

I felt desire pool between my legs and my face flushed. Pulling him down by his
tie, I kissed him again as his hands roamed all over my clothed body.

'Too many layers' I mumbled and removed his blazer before going for his tie.

He was soon half naked and my top was on the floor as he squeezed my breast, making
me moan.

'God, I want you, Nicholas. Please!' I moaned. He removed my pants and my underwear
and dipped a finger inside me.

I was so wet for him that his finger slipped in easily as he started to pump in and
out, making me scream in his sober penthouse. His other hand pulled one of my bra
cups down and gripped my breast in his large hand, his index and thumb pinching my

My hip raised, wanting him even deeper than he already.

'I had work and that's why I couldn't come to meet you. I'm sorry' He said. I
stared at him, contemplating whether it's telling me the truth or not.

He then leaned down and took my nipple in his mouth before biting hard on it. All
my thoughts were thrown out of the window.

'Oh, Nicholas!'

His fingers down there started to pump faster and faster, eliciting more moans from
me. I felt myself close to my orgasm. My walls clenched around his fingers and my
thighs tried to slap each other, but Nicholas's huge frame in between prevented it
from doing so.

'I'm close' I said.

'I know. Come for me, Leia' He cooed in my ear, his tongue tracing the soft flesh
there and just like that I came all over his fingers.

I closed my eyes and took short deeps before opening them. Nicholas was licking my
essence off his fingers and for some reason that looked so hot to me.

He struck his fingers again between my legs and brought them close to my lips.

'Suck' He ordered and I seem to oblige. I slowly took his two fingers, dripping
with my come and sucked it slowly, all the while our gaze never breaking from each
other. It was salty and slimy and found myself sucking his fingers even after it's

His eyes are dilated with pure desire. He removed his fingers out and both his
hands worked on his trouser. While he removed them and laid stark naked on me, I
removed the only cloth on body — my bra — and threw it on the floor.

He positioned himself to my entrance and since my head is on the arm of the couch,
I can see his long penis sliding inside me slowly. Nicholas lifted my left leg and
placed them on the backrest, making it more comfortable for both of us.

My walls are more welcoming than the first time, though I feel a bit of pain. When
he was fully in, his head snapped up to me with concern in his eyes.

'Does it hurt?' He asked, breathing heavily.

'Yep, like a needle' I said and smiled at him. His furrows eased and he leaned down
lazily, slipping his arms under my shoulder and holding me still as I wrapped mine
around his shoulder and back, hugging him close to my body.

I felt him move and push in with a little roughness, as if to test whether I'm okay
for a hardcore. I moaned in his shoulder as a reply. He started to thrust hard and
my eyes rolled back at the feeling.

'Ah, yes, harder!' I moaned over and over.

Nicholas started to thrust in and out faster and the couch was shaking. I felt him
kissing my shoulder before getting up and gripping my hips for an even faster
thrusts. He's never fucked him this hard the last time and I felt myself loving
each and every second of it.

His finger are digging in to my hip and the pain and pleasure seem to help me reach
my orgasm sooner. I was screaming his names as his thrusts became more and more
harder for me to get used to.

'Fuck! You feel so good around my cock, baby' He grunted in pleasure. My breasts
where moving vigorously due to force and my hands are back, holding on to the couch
for my dear life.

It feels so amazing than the last time, the first time. It was pain throughout and
pleasure over rode only when I was feeling my orgasm but now it's totally
different. The pain is like a sting of a needle and the pleasure is at sore
heights, I feared I might miss it once it's gone.

'Leia, I'm close. So fucking close' He grunted as his thrusts became harder.
'Oh, God!' I screamed when he hit my spot repeatedly.

'You love it rough, baby' He stated more like to himself 'I could fuck you like
this forever. Shit' His hot semen ejected out into me. He closed his eyes and kept
fucking me till I reached my climax, that came like a rushing water.

I reached up when we both came down from high and wrapped my arms around his sweaty

'I'm sorry for acting that way earlier. I just...I don't know. I missed you so
much, I feared you must have...left me' I said softly in his shoulder.

He pulled me back and looked me in the eye.

'Now why would I do that?' He questioned genuinely.

'I thought it was just a...fling' I replied truthfully, for once keeping my
insecurities at bay.

He let out a sweet chuckle 'God, you dumb, woman' He murmured and captured my lips
for a sweet kiss.

He leaned down with me and I hit back on the couch hard. His bit my lower lip and I
opened my mouth, letting his warm tongue explore me as he wants. His hand is
rubbing my butt softly, while the other is placed on my neck.

'I waited for so long to have you' He murmured as his nose traced my cheeks and
jawline 'Now that I have what I wanted, how will I let it go?' He said and kissed
me again. I found myself smiling in the kiss.

'Nicholas' I mumbled between the kiss and he went down kissing my jaw and chin
'What happened to your knuckles?'

I noticed the bruise on his knuckles the moment I opened my eyes and scanned him
thoroughly. The bruise was fresh and reddish.

He bit the flesh in my neck but nonetheless answered my question 'I was at the
fighting club'

I recalled the first time I entered into his fighting club, the Backyard Brawls and
see him put down a mountain of a man.

'I like to watch you fight' I said, my finger tracing over his knuckles before
kissing them.

He quickly moved up and raised an eyebrow at me 'Really?'

He looked genuinely curious but more excited.

'Yeah,' I smile shyly 'I'm not a fan of fighting but watching you fight that day
spiked the interest'

'Oh, really' He sang mockingly and kissed my neck.

'You looked hot' I blurt out before I could even think and my eyes widened.
Nicholas watched my stunned expression and started to laugh. I soon joined him,
giggling like a kid.
'So, my feisty kitten finds me hot. That's really hot to know' He commented in a

'Why do you use such words to address me?' I frowned at him 'Angel, enchantress and
now kitten. I'm kind of okay with Rose since you gave me an explanation, sort of' I
scoffed and rolled my eyes.

A hard squeeze was given to my butt and damn, that just made me horny all over

'Don't roll your eyes at me' He grunted, staring deep into my eyes.

''re eyes...have I ever told you how fascinating I find them?' I spoke out
all too sudden.

'Have you now?' He asked, a small smile playing on his lips.

'There's something about your eyes, Nicholas. I just...they're pitch black and they
dilate and shin whenever you're feeling any sort of emotion. I've never really
watched anyone's eyes so deeply as I've watched yours. I truly envy you for that' I
let out a shaky chuckle.

'This is the first time I'm hearing you complimenting rather than complaining and
blaming' he joked, earning a slap from me on his arm.

'I apologized for blaming' I mock glared.

'Too bad, I don't forget' He said.

'Tell me what can I do to make you forget' I ran a finger on his swollen lips,
seducing him, sort of.

He gave another squeeze to my butt and leaned down, his expression changing.

'Don't,' He whispered in my ear 'Don't promise something you can't keep'

'Try me, Nick' I whispered back, staring into his eyes.

He took a deep breath before replying.

'Be with me' He said 'I'll forgive you for blaming me, if you be with me'

I frowned in confusion. I expected something sexual or funny. Nothing but not this.

'I am with you, aren't I? I'm here with you' I said.

Nicholas chuckled dry and shook his head, mumbling under his breath.

'Yeah, you are. You are, Leia' He said and kissed my forehead. I looked at him
curiously but brushed it off for the next time.

'Alright, I can't take anymore of your weight, get up' I laughed and tried to push
him off me but he didn't move an inch.

'Nicholas' I laughed when his fingers started to trace my bare stomach so lightly
that I felt ticklish. When he realised that it's my tickling spot, he started to
gaze his fingers on the skin, making me laugh and squirm under him.

'Nicholas!' I screamed, trying to get away from his hold, and push his hands away
and push his body off me but nothing seemed to be working due to my interest in
doing everything at the same time.

He is smirking widely at me, clearly enjoying the moment while I squirmed and
laughed in his hold. My laughs were loud and breathless. I was so close to falling
of the couch, when he held the back of my head and made me settle back in my
previous position. His hands stopped ticking me and my laughs died as I breathed

I traced my finger on the tattoo on his chest absentmindedly, my chest heavily deep
and slow. Nicholas watched me with a blank emotion.

'You're getting obsessed with it' He said.

'I like it' I replied, still tracing it 'What do you work as in the Mafia?' I asked
a question I've been dreading to know for a while.

Nicholas expression turned hard, making me regret asking it.

'I'm the Pakhan' He said in a low voice and I immediately stopped my movement to
look at him with wide eyes 'Aren't your father-

'He retired' He said in a chipped tone.

'You're young' I whispered. Nicholas looked down at me with a blank stare.

'I was 28 when I took the thrown, that was 2 years ago, young for the Bratva but it
had to be done' He said stiffly.

Just few minutes ago this man was tickling and making me laugh, his eyes warm and
full of life and now he's so cold like an old wound had been ripped open. I should
probably change the topic, say something funny to bring back the light environment
back but I'm desperate to penetrate all his layers, no matter how dark and
dangerous it is.

'Why?' I asked softly.

Nicholas stared and I saw flicker of anger in his dark eyes. I waited either for
his outburst or the reply. He carefully leaned down burying his face in the crook
of my neck and inhaling deeply. His weight is totally on me again but this time I
didn't try to push him off. I shifted a little making myself comfortable and
starting rubbing his back affectionately.

'In Bratva the Pakhan should never put his family on top priority, Leia. The Bratva
is everything for the Pakhan, family comes after. My father seemed to care less and
that created a lot of chaos' He murmured in my neck.

I don't really know anything about the Bratva, so I listened everything he had to
say without judging.

'There were bad times, Leia' He raised his head and looked at me. I could see his
mask ripping off at the edges, revealing his true identity and I was scared as well
as excited 'Bad times. Which led him to chose family over Bratva. You'd never know
who'd turn their back on you when you are in a war of blood. My father had no

'I...I don't understand' I said.

Nicholas chuckled and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

'I didn't expect anything better' He said.

Chapter 32 - Chapter-31

I didn't feel any symptoms of pregnancy, thanks to the pills given my Alyona. I
decided to take them, because I don't think we're going to stop screwing each

Nicholas stayed with me the whole night and when I woke up around ten in the
morning, he was long gone, leaving a note behind.

Be ready by 7. Taking you on a dinner.


I smiled when I saw the note and slipped it into my bag so I would keep it has a

I was so much excited that I couldn't stop smiling and waited for the hours to pass
already but the time seems to ove slower than snail.

He's taking me on a dinner. Probably a dinner date. Last time he took me on a

dinner, it turned out to be a disaster as it ended up in an accident and I just
pray that nothing happens tonight.

I decided to wear multiple layers as the cold was much of a concern than my style.
He's seen me naked, so it wouldn't matter what I wear to impress him or not.

I didn't apply any makeup and left my hair loose and was pretty much ready an hour
early. When Nicholas arrived, he kissed my forehead and we took off in the snow.

'It's decreased. The snow, I mean' Nicholas said.

'Yeah. Figured when we didn't have problem in the driveway' I replied.

'Probably some bright sun for few days' He mumbled.

The rest of the ride was quiet until we reached a small restaurant with less people

'Dandelion. That's a nice name for a restaurant' I said, looking at the building in
front of us.

'It's a friend of mine. His wife loved dandelions. She wua a great woman' He said,
placing his hand on my back as we made our way.


'She died of cancer' He replied.

As soon as we entered, a huge picture of dandelion imprinted on the wall, caught my

eyes. At the centre of the hall, under a small chandelier is big vase filled with
dandelions, fresh yellow ones.

A man in in suit walked swiftly to us with a wide smile on his face. Nicholas shook
his hand and they spoke in Italian, which I didn't understand, before the man took
us to our seat. He smiled at me before leaving.
'Pretty' I said looking around.

The place is not almost empty, with four tables filled while the rest of six to
eight empty. There's soft melodic music playing in the background which hardly
anyone's listening to. The place is calm and kinda peaceful.

'Ever tried Italian?' Nicholas asked.

'No. I've always wanted to' I smiled excitedly.

'This is the best place for Italian cuisine' He said.

I took the menu and tried to get a proper dish but failed and asked Nicholas to
order for me. I was so fascinated by the restaurant that's got dandelion images on
walls, dandelion plastic flowers at shelf and even the table cloth has dandelion
and so are the staff with a dandelion pinned to their chest, I forgot to pay to
attention to the man in front of me.

'Leia?' He called softly.

'Hm?' I said, looking the waiter handing over the bill with a dandelion to the
customer. I smiled at that and looked back at Nicholas who's watching me with those
unfathomable eyes with his arms crossed over his chest.

I gave a sheepish smile to him 'I'm just fascinated with these dandelions' I said.

'I can see that. So fascinated that you forgot about me, Angel' He replied, still
with serious façade on.

'Right. You were saying?' I asked.

'I was asking' He corrected 'Have you talked to your friend, Liam, lately?'

'No, why?' I asked sceptically.

'You mean he hasn't contacted you since saving you that night?'

'No, he hasn't' I replied, frowning at the thought. I know he has questions and
though I'm willing to answer them, I just don't get the right moment.

'Did you slip out about me or my business or anything that involves me to him?' He
asked, genuinely curious.

'No, Nicholas' I answered truthfully 'I've never spoken about you to him at all'

'Okay' He said and sighed.

'Is there a problem?' I asked 'What happened to your shipment?'

'Nothing. I let it go' He said firmly.

When the dishes arrived I dug into my food. Nicholas named the dishes which weren't
so hard since I figured them out by tasting them- meatballs, lasagna, spaghetti and
a bowl full of salad. They were all equally delicious.

'Tell me about you, Leia' Nicholas all to sudden and I had to life my head up from
my spaghetti.
'Why the sudden interest?' I asked, picking out a salad from the bowl.

'Why didn't you discontinue your studies for instrument?' He asked.

I took few seconds to answer him.

'Dad wouldn't let me get an education loan. He couldn't pay. Poverty and stuff' I
exaggerated, rolling my eyes.

'You lived in a two-storey building' He snickered.

'That's exactly what pops up everything I imagine why he couldn't afford,' I said
'But then after the stunt he pulled up, of course, the man ain't doing any damn
thing for me'

'And he didn't even let you master in the instrument' He said, making a point there
for sure.

'Guess I never knew my father' I said.

'What about your mother?' He answered instantly but carefully, fearing it might be
some sensitive topic for me, well it is, but not at this moment.

'I don't remember her' I said and Nicholas gave me a judgemental look. I chuckled
'I was one year old when she died. Don't really remember her my times with her.
They are some videos which were taken by my nanny, Agatha. I see them whenever I'm
close to forget her voice or face. Agatha was there with me, but she left when I
turned 10. It's been my father and me since then'

I looked out watching the snow drizzle down quietly from the dark sky. It looks
beautiful. Wet roads, bright lights and snow. More like Christmas.

'She was beautiful,' I said, smiling 'I got most of my features from her'

'I bet you did' He replied softly.

We didn't speak anything later and ate our food. Nicholas would glance at me often
and I'd just give him a soft smile or pretend I didn't notice. When we were almost
done eating, a man came to us, probably in his late 50s.

'Nicholas' His voice was more like a grunt. He smiled gracefully at Nicholas, his
prominent stretch marks and wrinkles deeply visible under the lights.

'Kir' Nicholas addressed the man and got up to hug him.

'What a surprise, my boy. How's father?' He asked in his shoulder.

'All good' Replied Nicholas 'This is Leia, and Leia this is Kir, the owner of

'It's nice to meet you' I said politely.

'Pleasure's all mine' He bowed 'You'll continue, there's some issue in the kitchen
that needs my concern' He said and left with a pat on Nicholas's shoulder.

'He seems nice' I said once he was out of her sight.

'Thank his wife' He muttered. I smiled.

We left the restaurant and instantly felt the winter cold affecting me though I'm
wearing jeans, trench coat, scarf and mittens.

When we reached the penthouse we saw Boris sitting on the porch.

'You should've entered in, you know the password' I said when I reached him.

'I've not been sitting here for long, ma'am' He replied curtly and got up when
Nicholas approached.

'What is it?' Nicholas asked but Boris stared at Nicholas without replying' Leia,
how about you change for bed. I'll see you in a moment' Nicholas said to me.

'Alright' I replied and when in.

I changed into warm clothes for bed and Nicholas entered after a while, changed
into comfortable clothing. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration and I
immediately sensed the disturbance in his mood.

'Everything alright?' I asked.

He looked at me as if he didn't realise I'm here and gave a curt nod.

'Everything's fine' He said.

Though I didn't believe, I let it pass and hoped on my bed.

'Goodnight, Leia' He said and kissed my forehead before heading back to his room
when I expected him to join me.

* * *

Sometimes I wonder whether my father threw me out because he couldn't handle the

Agatha always use to tell me how much my mother's death affected him, that he's no
longer the same man.

It raised a lot of suspicious thoughts when I grew up and thought about it. In all
the pictures and videos taken, he was no where in it, it's just me, mom and Agatha.
It's clear my father is not a man of many words, that he's always to himself,
worked hard to make ends meet and yet couldn't educate me when he was able to able
buy a two-storey house.

He was someone I looked up on thought he wasn't there for me. He was accurate in
his work and also took care of all errands and everything. He never disturbed me,
and I never disturbed him. We hardly spoke to each other let alone open our hearts
to know each other well, but in spite of all the flaws and dysfunctionality, I
looked up to him with respect and love.

But the moment he literally sold me and spoke about how he feels about me, all my
thoughts and misjudgements backfired.

He wasn't there for me because he never loved me, didn't educate because he never
loved me, didn't let me live my life because he never loved me. I needed a boy, he
said but something tells me it was more than that, else why would I see him as a
different man walking in a five-star hotel?

Sometimes I even whether Nicholas was right about my father. I never really told
him that maybe, just maybe the footage got erased or skipped by him, because he's
no where seen later. He's not capable of killing anyone, no he ain't but maybe he's
somewhere involved in all this? The mere thought sends a shiver down my spine. He
turned out to be a different man at the end and I realised I don't even know my

My life wouldn't be so messed up if Mom was here. Or if Agatha was here.

The buzzing tone of my phone pulled my out of my thoughts.

I smiled when I saw the caller id and the picture of me and Liam.

'Hey, Liam!' I chirped happily.

'Hey' Came his low voice, making my smile quiver.

'Are you fine? Why do you sound so low?' I asked.

'Nothing, just got up,' He replied monotonously 'I was wondering if we could meet.

'Oh, well,' I couldn't decide, mainly because I need to inform Nicholas as the last
time I got out without his notice, things went bad and I know Liam must've
witnessed something in the woods, on the night when I was kidnapped 'I don't know,

'You promised to tell me everything' He said loudly.

'I know, Liam but things now are not exactly-

'Cut the bullshit, Leia. It's been more than two weeks!' He shouted 'Marie, Aunt
May and their family are asking me when you'll return, because I being a fool told
them that I'm in contact with you! I can't keep lying like you, Leia. Marie is
trying her best to hold your position in her store as well in you café but it's so
hard! No one's coming as a temporary keyboard player and your café manager is
aggravating the situation like her whole café is on fire! You won't be getting the
job if you don't hurry up and you know how hard you're trying to make ends meet' He
was heaving after shouting.

I just took a deep breath, running over my thoughts on everything he just said. I
did think about all this before I decided to agree to come here, didn't I? But
Nicholas called me selfish because I'll be putting my friends in danger if I don't
listen to him. I knew I'd have to face this when I return back when all the drama
is over but hearing it from Liam did make me feel vulnerable. I just want to get
out of this Michael drama. With my life at risk, I can't be thinking of anything
else but getting out of this situation.

'Leia?' Came Liam's voice softly.

'I'll meet you today and tell you everything' I said and cut the phone.

* * *

I got dressed up and took one of the cars in the garage to meet Liam. Nicholas
didn't pick up my calls which gave me no choice but to send a message, so he
wouldn't be angry.

As I drove towards the café where I asked Liam to meet me I couldn't help but think
over the decision again. Being with Nicholas is a problem enough but is it safe
spitting out about him to Liam even without his permission and face a even bigger
problem? He's trying to keep me safe and sound as well as cope up with his business
as the Pakhan of Bratva, but I always have the tendency to get myself into trouble
which makes him leave everything he's dealing with and come for my rescue. I sighed
and parked the car at the side of the road and fetched my phone from the purse. I
dialed Nicholas's number but he didn't pick up, again. I'm going to rub this on his
face if he ever blames me for not attending his calls.

I revived the engine and drove on the lonely road. It hasn't snowed today but the
clouds are dark and heavy, threatening to down as a torrential fall. Moscow's
weather is unpredictable. Maybe January and February will be filled with snow.

Out of nowhere a black car made it's way behind me. I curiously watched in the side
mirror as it sped up and turned sharply to halt right in front on my car. I slammed
the brakes forcefully and the seatbelt almost knocked the breath out of me when I
fell forward with force.

I didn't get time to breath as the door opened and walked out Adam. I looked at him
surprised. However, he looked passive. His lips are thin and his jaw is locked as
he stiffly walked towards me and opened the door.

'Adam-' I was cut-off when he removed the seatbelt and gripped my arm tightly
before making me get out forcefully.

'Adam what are you doing?' I asked but he just dragged me to his car and pushed me
in the passenger seat before getting behind the wheel.

I watched him in horror. He looks angry and his tension seems to envelop the air
around us.

'Adam' I called his out softly this time 'What are you doing? Where you taking me?
I need to be somewhere else now'

'Just shut up, Leia' He grunted in furry.


'Shut. up' He said in a controlled tone.

Never have I seen Adam this way. I had questions and I think he does too but I
don't understand at all.

We reached a place in just few minutes and I got down. Adam again pulled me with
him towards a house but this time the grip wasn't painful.

The door opened and a familiar man let us in. I looked at him keenly, trying to
remember when and where I've seen him before.

'Anything from the station, Rocco?' Adam asked as he walked up with stairs with me.

It instantly rung bells. He came to fetch me from my work place due to Benjamin's
murder issue.

Rocco opened a door and closed once behind once we entered. Adam let go my hands
and I looked around to see the room. It's a normal bedroom with closet, table, bed
and window. I looked back at Adam who stood staring at me blankly. He took a
cautious step forward and I felt myself taking a step back.

He kept walking forward until my calves touched the end of the bed.
'Sit' He ordered curtly and took a chair before settling on it in front of me.

He guarded me with his Cop eyes which frightened me. Does he know everything? He's
a Cop, he must have tracked the case. I took shaky breath under his unnerving his
eyes. He's known for more than ten years now. He is like a father to me. I remember
the times he use to play with me and Liam, take me to buy candies and ice creams
and be proactive towards me. He did everything my father failed to do so. All these
years he's never showed me cold shoulder and looked at me with anger but now even
though he's the same man I know, he's seems different.

'Why did you lie about leaving the states to meet your father, Leia?' He's voice
was clam but there was a hint sadness.

I looked down at my lap, ashamed of lying to the only people who were like family
to me. I want to lie even now but the mere thought of it brought tears to my eyes.
I can't handle this.

'Answer me Leia' He asked sternly and looked back at him with teary eyes.

His expression changed, showing me that he's vulnerable too but waited for my

'I didn't have a choice, Adam' I chocked on my tears and swiftly wiped them.

'Where did it all go wrong?' He asked.

'Months ago, before you even returned from America' I replied softly.

'Tell me what lead you to be in this situation, let me help you, Leia'

I shook my head, a bitter laugh escaping my throat 'This is why I didn't have a
choice, Adam. I couldn't risk yours or anyone's life'

'I'm a Cop, Leia. Risk are always there in my work but that doesn't mean you don't
even tell me about whatever happened' He reasoned, his eyes calculated.

'No,' I shook my head 'You don't understand. It's complicated, Adam. I tried to
come to you but I couldn't, it was too risky. I was scared'

'Just tell what happened, Leia. Tell me everything' Adam turned serious again.

I just shook my head as a no. I can't lie anymore but I can shut my mouth. Adam let
out a frustrated sigh and ran this hand through his hair.

'I can't help you if you don't-

'I don't need your help, Adam' I stated.

'What you're doing is a criminal offense, Leia' He gave me a dead look.

'I know but as I said, I don't have a choice' I frowned.

Adam grew irritated and slipped his hands into his pockets, fetching out some
photos and throwing it on the bed beside me.

'I need an explanation for that right now' He growled in anger but the photos on
the bed caught my attention.
I took them in my hands and went through them all. It's the night when I was
kidnapped by Kevin and his men. They are three photos — one is me fighting with
Nicholas when he accused me of not picking up his calls which eventually led me to
get kidnapped, the other is Aron carrying the driver guy on his shoulder, while the
last is me sitting in the passenger seat while Aron got it.

I kept looking at them repeatedly and a wave of disappointment and anger hit me
like a slap on my face. I know it's Liam who took them. He followed Kevin's car,
after all. Why did he had to tell this to Adam? So, that's why he was abundant on
getting me out of the penthouse today. It all made sense now. Adam must've placed
cops at all the direction that led to the café and waited for my arrival. On the
brighter side, he knows only what Liam as fed and shown him. He has no idea of
anything that happened before.

'Just when I thought I could trust Liam' I murmured and gave back the photos 'You
could've simply traced my number' I said to him.

'I did. I was impossible. Surely, Nicholas was keen before giving you a cell phone'
He said in a malicious voice.

'So, you want to know where Nicholas is and how I'm in contact with him, right?' I

'Yes and with the way you're looking at him in those photos, it clearly states that
you've known him for a long time, Leia. He's the leader of the Bratva. Catching him
ends everything. I've been on search after him for years but he just slips out of
my hand' He gritted his teeth, showing his distaste towards Nicholas. If these
photos go to the higher authorities, things will turn bad for you, Leia-

'You don't know what you're asking me, Adam. I don't know and don't care what he
is. All I know is that he's not a criminal to my eyes' I faced him with
determination and courage.

Adam grew more furious.

'The only thing that is restraining me from putting you behind bars is that I care
for you. My mom, my wife, we all care for you!' He shouted 'And you're supporting
this man, who is threat to the society? Do you know how many murders he's
committed? He's a Beast, Leia. A Beast with no heart or mercy for anyone!'

I stayed silent and looked down at my lap.

My chin was forced up and I looked into Adam's fury eyes.

'Tell me where he is before things get out of my hands and someone else deals with
you' He threatened 'I won't be able to save you once the higher officials come to
know about this'

'Do what you need to be done' Was I replied and moved my face from his tight grip.

Adam started to pace around, clearly new to a situation like this. If there was
someone else in my place, he would've already got what he needed but he can't do
none since it's me. He doesn't want to put me in any trouble because he knows that
I'm not at complete fault, but at the same time me not cooperating is taking him to
heights of frustration he's ever reached before.

'He saved my life countless of times, Adam' I said softly and he stopped pacing
around 'That's why I can't help you arrest him'
'Saved you?' He scoffed in annoyance.

'Yes, saved me' I replied monotonously 'Saved me when no one did. Listened and
understood me when no one did'

Adam muttered nothings under his breath which I ignored.

'He's the leader a crime organization, not some guy who does charity. If he has
you, it means he needs something from you' He said.

I smiled at him. What does Nicholas need from me? Money or gold? I've got nothing.
I'm not even worth fighting for and he says he needs something from me.

'Leia leia leia,' He scooped down and kneeled in front of him and took my hands in
his, sighing heavily 'Help me, please'

I shook my head and released his hands from mine and got up to leave. I expected
Adam to stop me from leaving or cage me here or threaten me, but he did none of
them as I made my way towards the door.

'Will you at least tell him from what great danger, rather than him, he saved you?'
He asked over his shoulder.

'He's saved me countless of times that I can never pay him back' I replied.

Adam turned around and looked at me with defeat in his eyes.

'Tell me the first time he saved you' He asked.

I stared at him, my eyes swelling up as I thought of it.

'My dad...he sold me to brothel, Adam' I said.

He looked at me confused and surprise.

'He was not a man I knew. Well, I didn't him at all, I guess' I stifled a cry 'He
said such awful things before selling me off...'

And I told him everything. Benjamin's murder. Michael's strike and then the kidnap.
I didn't tell him about me and Nicholas or about his family and business and the
others. I kept it short to only those three matters.

'This is why I'm still with him, Adam. Once Michael is caught, everything will be
over and I can go back to my own life' I said.

Adam still looked at me confused.

'No, wait. Michael? The truck driver who hit his car to kill him?' He asked.

'Yes' I replied.

'Michael Kutcher?' He asked again.


'But...he's dead, Leia. He's been dead for two weeks now' He said 'He died of

The color drained off my face and it was me who looked at him shocked this time.
Nicholas is still hunting for him, he told me...

''What if Michael never comes back, Leia?''

''Be with me. I'll forgive you for blaming me, if you be with me''

I wrapped my arms around my petite frame and tried to take in the newly heard
information. Michael is dead. All the while he was dead. Dead even before Kevin's
men kidnapped me. Nicholas lied to me.

'Leia' Adam called softly and I stared into his warm eyes 'He's not a man you
believe he is. He's manipulative, just like the devil. He does nothing without a
reason, Leia. He's using you'

The last three words hit me so hard that the pain rushed to my heart.

'I need to leave. I'm sorry I was of no help' I said and quickly left before Adam
could even reply.

I walked back to the same way we came from. Surprisingly the car was still there
when I thought it would've been robbed. I buckled up and revived the engine.

He was using me all along for sex? I couldn't help but feel so painful at the
truth. He's always showed interest towards me, never denied his sexual attraction
towards me and was very much determined to take any chance that'll might throw
itself on his way to get into my pants. Michael was his chance. He used a dead man
to keep me caged up in his penthouse till he could have his way with me. And
achieved it too.

I thought...he liked me. My swelled up and my vision turned blurry as the tears
forced down my cheeks. I knew things can't be serious between us because I believed
that one day I'll leave him forever after the problems are over.

I believed him blindly and gave myself to him. If it was just sex, why didn't he
tell me? Why did he had to act so sweet and charming like I actually mattered to
him? Why...why did he have to put such an impact on me when he knew all he wanted
to do was fuck me and throw me out once he was satisfied.

His fake charms, his fake interest to get to know me, his fake compliments,
everything was just to make me warm up his bed. I let out a bitter laugh. My father
did that tell that I deserved to warm up other men's beds.

What do you think? Will she leave him, will Nicholas let her to leave him?

Chapter 33 - Chapter-32
I play with this kitty like you play wit' your guitar

— Cardi B


When I reached his penthouse, I quickly made my way upstairs to my room and to the
walk in closet. I dumbed all my clothes into a duffle bad, ignoring the plenty ones
he already sacked up for me and zipped up the bag.

Angery tears streamed down my chin to neck and I refused to wipe them away.
Nicholas knew how hard it was for me to take the decision on coming here, leaving
everything behind even though my life's at stake.

With a father who didn't love me and with the little savings in my account that
helped me to rent a small house, I worked tirelessly, hustled between two jobs that
only managed to pay my bills. I started to live my life, finally. A life I wanted.
I was moving on from what my father did, adjusting myself to the loneliness and
finding happiness with few friends I have.

He knew it was a rough start to me. He knew that I'd soon be homeless if he didn't
find Michael. He knew it all and in spit of everything he hid the major fact that
held my whole life at stake. All along Michael has been dead and he lied to me for
his selfish reasons.

I need answers from him but at the same time I don't ever want to see his face ever
again. I stopped when I reached the main door. I cried silently and tried to open
the door but locked it back. I paced around in the living room, my mind and heart
battling for their own justice, making me tear apart.

He got deep into my skin and crawled his way towards my heart and refused to go

I shut my eyes tight but his smiles, smirks, those dark eyes that haunts my dreams,
his sweet talks, his gentle affection is all I can see.

I can't seem to find the courage to get out of the penthouse. I just can't.

Hours passed and my tears stopped. I stood in the veranda, watching the clear pool,
reflecting the dark starless sky.

My breaths are even and calm but the inner battle hasn't stopped. I waited and
waited for him to return.

I recalled all the memories I have of him. The times he saved me from Michael, the
times he would just listen to my random talks and the mind-blowing sex we had
together. I don't regret the sex and it pains to know that he compensated it for
saving me numerous times. I want to believe it isn't true but everything that he's
ever done doesn't exactly make me to believe him.

He is a gangster. He's the leader of the most powerful and dangerous mafia. His
sweet talks and gentle care doesn't seem to make sense.

I shouldn't feel bad to know the bitter truth for why he's still keeping me but it
somehow causes so much pain, it's like ripping my heart open.

When the car screeched to a stop in the driveway, my breath hitched in my throat.
My back stiffened when the door open and closed behind before his heavy footsteps
broke the dead silence.

I mustered up all the courage left and wiped my tears.

'Leia' His voice was tender and momentarily I relaxed. The footsteps came closer to
me and warm arms wrapped around my waist. I almost gave in. Forget that I saw Adam
today, forget that I know Michael is dead all the while and just lean back and
breath into his masculine scent. I almost gave in, almost.

His head dipped lower to the crook of my neck and he placed a soft kiss there. My
throat tightened and tears swelled in my eyes.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

I tried to find all my anger I felt when Adam told me that Michael is dead, but all
of it has come to disappear somehow. My palms curled into a tight fists at my sides
and I closed my eyes, the tears rolling down my cheek. Nicholas noticing my sudden
change, turned me around and brushed away the tears.

'What happened?' He asked in a tight voice.

I opened my eyes and looked up to him. His eyes are widened and I saw concern
flashing for me. I want to believe it's not true but I couldn't.

'I'm sorry I didn't attend your calls. I received your message and by the time
Boris reached, you have already returned back to the penthouse' He said.

I stared into his dark eyes, and then at his thick lips. Those lips and the things
it did to me. His dark hair is disheveled and I resisted the urge to rank my
fingers through it.

'Leia, I won't know what's bothering you if you don't tell me' He said softly,
placing his finger under my chin.

Is Michael dead? The question came up to my throat but somehow I couldn't find the
courage to spit it out. I stared at his awaiting eyes, as he tried his best to
understand what went wrong. His hand on my waist is warm and gentle. He almost
looks like my knight in shinning armor.

'Was it Liam?' His hand tightened on my waist 'Did he tell anything offensive?'

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. Taking a deep breathe, I swallowed the actual
words I'd want to say and mustered up a timid smile.

'Nothing' My voice was strained 'Why don't you freshen up? We'll talk' I said,
suddenly remembering the duffel bag resting on the couch which he has accidently
missed to notice. Else the question would've risen up long back.

His hand cupped my cheeks, the warmth soon seeping into my cold flesh, I relieved
in the feeling. He leaned lower and captured my lips. I kissed him back softly,
forgetting everything that has happened a while ago and engulfed his presence.

'No. Tell me now' He stated.

"He's using you" Adam told.

He's using me. He saved me from Stark in spite of knowing that I was nothing but a
price tag that was bought by Benjamin. He knew me all along. He knew everything
even before I decided to tell him. Now that I think of it all in a different
prospect view, it doesn't exactly feels like he saved me.

I have a life ahead of me. I need to work, earn and save money so that I can live
on my own, forgetting I ever had a dreadful father. Tangling myself in all this
mess and my feelings for him will not help me out. These feelings I have for him
will evaporate soon enough. Life has to move on and I don't think I'll cling myself
to his memories for long enough. We have time which works wonders in making us
forget things and lessen the pain.

'Is Michael dead?' I asked. My voice was like sandpaper.

His eyes darkened. His hands fell to his side as he watched me blankly. I waited.
He took a step back and my heart broke. There wasn't any emotion flashing in those
dark eyes that I could hang on. He took a deep breath and looked away from me. My
face has obviously given him a sign that I know the truth and lying to me isn't
going to help him nor me.

When I thought I'll not get a reply and need to take my bag and leave this place, a
soft reply came from him.

'Yes, he's dead'

He still didn't look me in the eye. I took in a sharp breath. What should I say
now? I stood quietly, waiting for him to tell me anything that might change my

'Pack your things. I'll drop you off' He said softly.

A tear slipped out of my eye and I tried to control my sob. He turned around and
started walking in. I sobbed quietly. Everything seems wrong at this moment, after
listening to him. It shouldn't hurt me. This is what I wanted, yet I don't find
myself being happy. He did use me after all. All those sweet nothings, passionate
nights, long conversation meant nothing to him? If all he ever wanted was to fuck
me, then why act like he cared? Why act like he has feelings for me? Why put up a
mask when I already know what he is and what he's capable of?

Anger flared in me. Just because my stupid father was a pig and sold me to a pimp,
doesn't mean he thinks of me that way and uses me for his own pleasure. He can't
objectify me and then let me go like I don't matter. I deserve some respect even
though I've messed up number of times with him.

I stormed towards him and jerked him by the shoulder. He usually stands like a rod,
but this time the he was caught off guard. He turned around and stared down at me
with surprise.

'I'm not your sex toy where you can use it and throw away when its of no use' I
hissed, facing him head on 'If you couldn't keep that thing in your pants when I'm
around, you should have told me. You should have took me instead of acting like
some perfect boyfriend and lure me to your bed!'

His eyes widened and I saw a flicker of amusement behind them.

I took ample of breaths when I was done but didn't let my guard down as I stood
head on, facing the monster in the front of me. For long seconds, there was
silence. For long seconds our eyes were connected.

Black to brown. Brown to black.

'You lied to me from the beginning' He spoke calmly 'You lied about your identity,
hid every thing from me and yet I saved you several times —

'You didn't!' I snapped 'You told me yourself that you first saw me in some
pathetic park and luck was on your side when you found me at Stark's place! You
grabbed the opportunity that was thrown at your feet. So —

'Of course, I grabbed the opportunity! Why wouldn't I?' He snapped back stepping so
close to me, that our noses were almost touching.

'You were lucky! Luck was on your side and as per your wish you took me! Though I
lied about some stupid non-existent boyfriend of mine leaving me in that whore
club, you knew that I was displayed on that damn stage with hardly any clothes on!
You used your damn resources and came to know every shit about me, so don't tell me
I was lying when you already knew it!'

'Yes, I knew you lied to from the beginning and yet I didn't try any nasty shit
with you!' He shouted 'Did I ever try anything with you when you were in my home?
Did I?'

'You did when you brought me here —

'Exactly! I was able to keep my thing, my dick inside my pants when you were at my
home. I only ever stopped pushing you away when I brought you here. What do you
expect from me, Leia? Life seems to throw you right into my bloody arms and you
fucking stay every time!'

'That doesn't mean you go around seducing me —

'Seducing you?' He snorted 'Was I wearing some damn lingerie and seducing you every
fucking night?'

'Shut up, Nicholas!'

'You shut the fuck up, Leia!'

I stopped and started heaving, so did Nicholas.

'You act like you care for me and my feelings only to get into my pants? Screw you,
Nicholas' I slammed my fist on his clothed chest 'I don't care that you're a
criminal. You don't scare me. Even if you remove that perfect mask off your damn
face, I wouldn't be scared of you. You know why? Because no matter what a kind of
monster you are, you were the only man who made me feel things I never knew I
could. It wasn't just sex for me. It was more. So much more. So, man up and you
tell me why you lied about Michael's death and why were you treating me so good
when you could just force me if it was just sex for you?' I said as softly as I

None of us made the move to stand down and slowly, very slowly I saw the side of
his lips twitch. He gave me a smirk and grabbed both my shoulder and pulled me to
his body aggressively. His smirk was wicked and his eyes were dark as the night
sky. It felt like I'm seeing a whole new different man. His mask was wearing off
and when he showed me his true self, I gasped in horror.

There was no emotions in those eyes. No warmth, just a horrific stare that sent
chills down my spine. It feels like someone, a monster, a Beast took his place.

'Yes' he hissed 'I wanted to fuck you, only fuck you. I did everything I can to get
into your pants! And I am not a fucking a rapist to force you!' He snapped.

His grip on my arms tightened but it was nothing compared to the tight knot in my
heart. Tears rolled down my cheeks quietly, as I stared at the beast in front of

'It was never my intention to save you. But when I got the chance to have you, I
grabbed every opportunity that was thrown my way,' He hissed 'But as the days
passed, I realised I don't just want your pussy, I want you. All of you. I tried to
keep you caged in this penthouse, caged to me. Throughout my life I've never had so
precious, so innocent as you, Leia, and the thought of having you was like fire on
my cold heart. I liked the warmth, I liked the way it thawed me. I liked the way
you got into my skin and wrapped me around your finger'

I whimpered and let out a sob. His words put me in a great dilemma. It confused me.
'I don't know, Nicholas' I cried 'I don't know what you want from me, why you want.
I don't...I don't understand you'

'I want you. Only you, Rose' His hands released my arms from his deathly grip and
cupped my cheeks 'Your father was an asshole and yet I need to give him the credit
for doing what he did. if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have got you. I don't know
why your father did that to you but I do know he wanted you to suffer. You're
trying so hard to make ends meet, you want to live your life, make it a best use of
it. All of that is possible if you're with me. I promise you, I'll not let anything
happen you, and I will help you with everything I have. I only want you to be mine.
Only mine'

His words, his feelings which he finally confessed terrified as well as charmed me.
Being with him, being his and in return get to live my life with his riches? That's
not what I want. I do like this man very much and would like to get to know him
more till there's nothing left, but I'd rather struggle and earn than live under
him, like a mistress. Maybe to him it sounds a perfect status, but I cant live like
that. A ray of hope that clung to me to not to let him go, vanished.

'You're crazy' My voice was a mere whisper 'You want me to be your mistress and in
return you pay me by letting me achieve my dreams? Nicholas what's wrong with you?
Are you even listening to yourself?'

'I don't care how you think about this, but I'm not letting you leave, not after
telling you what I feel about you' he said calmly.

I pushed him from me and took several steps back.

'You're crazy, Nicholas. And you're stupid to think that I'll be with you after
listening to what you said!'

'You're not leaving. That's my decision, whether you like it or not' He replied
firmly and walked away from me.

Wiping my tears away, I made my way to the couch and took my duffel bag. When I
made it to the main door, I saw Nicholas working with the door lock system. He
gladly stepped aside when I approached and when I typed the password, red letters
appeared on the screen stating the password is wrong. I turned to Nicholas with
disbelief clearly written on my face. He stared at me blankly and walked away.

'You're an idiot!' I screamed, staring at his back 'You're a selfish, manipulative,

devious, and...and a bloody bastard!' I threw the bag and it fell way too forward
from him. He didn't seem to care as he kicked the bag, letting it fall into the
pool with a splash. My anger fueled and I stormed towards him.

Clutching his damn blazer, I turned him around and went to smack his handsome face,
but he held my tiny fist in his large hand. My left leg came upwards but his other
hand held the calf skilfully and pulled him to his chest in an awkward position.

'I hate you! I hate you!' I screamed and trashed in his arms but he tried to get
hold of me every time I managed to skip from his hold.

We moved across the living room ridiculously — he trying to get me and me trying to
get away from him. I let out a whimper when he clutched my elbow. Wiggling away
from him, we led into a corner where he smashed his back on my front. I was slammed
to the wall and gripped his hair and tugged while my other tried to push him off
me, which was impossible. He finally got hold of both my hands in the front and
leaned back so his face is close to mine.
My hair is everywhere on my face, making it difficult to fight the hulk. He bit my
neck and my kneels gave up as we slowly slid down on the floor. He turned his body
to me, my hands still in his hold and placed a firm, possessive kiss on my neck.
All my energy has worn out and I finally accepted the defeat. Sensing my defeat, he
relaxed and brought of his hand to my face and pushed away the hair, while the
other still held my hands.

'Fighting is futile with me' he said softly 'If you ever try to run away from me, I
will find you and lock you up in your bedroom, kitten. Don't make it hard for you
as well as for me. The least thing I want to do is hurt you,' He took a deep
breathe 'Physically'

I looked at him, challenging him to lay a hand on me. He shook his head and sighed
before letting go off me and getting on his foot. He gave his hand for me to take,
but I slapped it away and got up from the floor on my own and walked away from him.

My heart aches for Leia. Both of them are right from their respective point of view
which puts me in a dilemma on what the hell to do. But I liked this side of
Nicholas *wink wink*

Chapter 34 - Chapter-33
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.

— Pablo Neruda


Kindly read the note after the chapter


'He won't talk' Said Boris in a gruff manner. I glanced at him, his usual demeanor
gone as frustration took its place.

Boris is the most skilful and loyal man I've ever had. Words like no, I can't,
impossible is never in his life. A man of words who's head on getting what he needs
and wants, this is the first time he couldn't get a man to talk.

Simon, one of the men who kidnapped Leia, the one Aron was successful in capturing
in the woods is been in the warehouse for a long time. Kevin escaped and the two
who tried to get their hands on Leia died in the crash.

I scrunched my nose in distaste when the smell of metal and foul hit me like wave.
Walking past the cells, with rats breaking the silence with their squeaks. My eyes
darted out to the cell where Zoran was kept months ago. Reluctantly, I forced my
eyes to look forward and when we finally reached Simon's cell, Boris opened the

Simon looks pathetic. Beaten up like a plump, his lips chapped and swollen, his
clothes dirty and bloody, his hand missing fingers and the others nails, he looks
like a man who was thoroughly tortured. He went through so much of pain and yet he
hasn't spoken, which concludes that whomever he's working for is more dangerous
than we thought.

He smirked when he looked at me and I had to control myself from cringing when my
eyes caught his bloody mouth with a broken tooth.
Boris placed a chair in front of me and I sat down.

'I thought you'll never come' He said in a gruff tone but he had that sadistic
smile on his face.

'This can end. All you have to do is talk' I said calmly.

'I'm talking, aren't I? He said.

'Why did you kidnap, Leia?' I asked.

He eyes his eyebrow in a mocking way and leaned back on the dirty wall. He guarded
me with his calm expression and i stayed monotonous under his gaze.

'She must either come with us or die' He spoke seriously, his humor washed out of
his face.

Boris stepped forward and stared down at Simon who ignored him completely. My chest
tightened but I controlled myself and waited for the bastard to continue.

'She doesn't belong to you. Fucking whore —

Boris marched forward and punched him in the face. He fell hard on the ground but
when he got up, he gave a throaty laugh at Boris.

'She wrapped her pussy around you, isn't it?' He asked through his laugh.

Boris punched him again making him cough blood.

'Shut your fucking mouth else I'll cut your dick and shove it right through your
fucking throat' Boris stated.

Simon didn't let his words affect him but he shut up anyways. Boris stepped back
and crossed his arms.

'She was suppose to be with Benjamin!' Simon shouted 'Letting his old dick fuck her
young cunt! Bitch created a lot of problems'

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. No one knows about what her father did to her.
No one.

'How do you know this?' I asked calmly, not letting my curiosity catch his

He looked up at me with a wicked smile.

'I ain't telling shit, Nicholas. She's either coming with us or she dies. She can't
be with you' He replied 'He wants her back, after the troubles she caused us'

'She knows nothing' I said.

'Yes, that's why she has a choice to get back to us. Else she'll be long dead' He

'Who's your leader?' I asked calmly.

'Brother from another mother' He said lowly.


Around six to seven guards patrolling the estate, just the way it was when I first
arrived here. Gate locked until and unless you type the correct password, else the
siren blazes out, immediately alerting Boris and Nicholas's cell phones. Permission
granted to roam about in the garden but Boris will be the one to type the password
and let me out of the house. If I need to step out of the gate, Boris or any other
guard will accompany me, to keep an eye on me. Phone is granted to me but Nicholas
dared me to try anything stupid and put others in great trouble.

I couldn't help but whether Nicholas will really cause any sort of harm to me. I
know he's not saint but a gangster but if he was able to keep his beast under
check, couldn't he keep his anger too at bay if I try to escape him?

It's still disturbing to think about last night's conversation. It wasn't the
Nicholas I knew, but I always imagined him to be something more horrific behind
that mask he wore around me but I was glad that last night he actually showed his
true self.

I don't know when he left this morning since we didn't share a same bed and I was
too tired of crying and fighting with him, I slept for hours as soon as I hit the
bed. The maids were accurate in their work and prepared me breakfast — which I
declined — and then lunch — which I also declined. I lost y appetite since I'm
filled with thoughts and thoughts.

When the maids left, giving me a disapproving look for not appreciating their
effort and making them throw the food in the bin, I ended up in the piano room. I
didn't play. I just stared at the instrument which is my escape from troubles. I
don't know how long I sat there staring at the keys in front when I heard someone
clearing their throat.

Not bothering to look up since it's Boris, I said 'What is it, Boris. Any command
from your boss that I need to follow?'

It was more like mocking him but i didn't care. Even the sight of Boris seems to
irritate me now.

'I heard you haven't ate anything from morning' Came a deep sensual voice.

'Oh, it's the Boss himself' I chuckled dryly and lifted my head up.

He stood with his arms folded in front. He's wearing a navy blue suit and trouser,
unlike his usual black and my eyes wandered in spite of my reluctance. He looks
sexy and handsome as always but I srunched my nose in distaste and looked away from

This made him laugh and take steps forward, towards me. His footsteps echoed in the
empty house and it trilled me know wonder what's he going to do.

He stood right beside me and leaned lower and placed a firm on the intrument. I
stared at his hand and felt him edging his face closer to my side. I took a deep
breath, inhaling his scent and tried to relax but I couldn't. I felt his warm
breath licking my soft flesh and soon he placed a soft feather like kiss on my
neck. I shut my eyes tight and my hands curled into a fist at my sides. His other
hand held my shoulder and he started to trace his nose on my exposed skin.

The feeling was too good that I had to stifle a moan. He continued his sinful
tactiss and kissed my neck and shoulder. I involuntarily gave him access by turning
my head to aside, exposing my neck. His warm soft tongue licked the area and I bit
my lip, controlling so hard from moaning.

His fingers pulled my sleeve down, revealing more of my skin. I tried to move away
from him but his hold on my shoulder tightened.

'I want you, Leia' He rasped.

I opened my eyes to stare at the instrument in front. His kisses went to neck and
to my shoulder. I want to give in but the same time I don't want to.

'I hate you' I stated and got up from the seat. Adjusting my dress, I turned to
walk away from him but he clutched my wrist making me look over my shoulder.

His pupils are dilated with lust and anger. His hold was warm yet threatening.

'Too bad I don't' He said calmly 'I've already told you, fighting is futile. Quite
the fighting and let me rip that clothes off your body and fuck you against your
beloved piano'

I gasped and felt the heat rush through my neck, to my cheeks. I know I'm wet down
there already and felt the urge to stick both thighs together. My face seems to
show what my body wants and Nicholas's lips lifted up, revealing that smirk that
always gets to me.

I tried to remove my hand from his hold but he put light pressure which was both a
pleasure as well as warning. I wouldn't lie that I hate his dominating side.

'Let me go' I said firmly.

'Never' He replied and pulled me to his chest. Flushed against his firm chest, I
tried to get away from his hold but he tightened around me 'You know I would never
do something that you hate. You want me and I want you, so stop denying'

'I hate you, Nicholas. I will ran away from this penthouse. I will go away from you
and from your golden cage!'

Within seconds, I was bent over the keyboard. I let out a shriek but Nicholas
didn't seem to bother. Excitement rushed through my body when he removed his tie
and wrapped both my wrists on my back. He bent lower and bit my lower lip, earning
a cry from me when he pulled the soft flesh.

I felt his hand rising up the maxi till it rested right above my ass. I flushed red
and sting of pleasure hit right between my legs. I squeezed my thighs together and
I tried hard not to squirm as it will give him the satisfaction, but it was hard
when he placed his palm on my right cheek. I bit my lip, trying to suppressed a

My mind shut down automatically and I let my heart take over.

His fingers started to trace the soft flesh and I closed my eyes, releasing a sigh
on content. His hand pushed my panty in my butt crack, making my cheeks visible to
his lusty eyes.

He gave a slight slap and I let out a moan. Grabbing my hair in his other hand, he
pulled up, leveling to his face.

'Wings' He said in a husky tone 'Your Safeword is Wings. All kinds of reluctant and
cries will be deaf to my ears. I want you to use the save word if you can't take it
I just moaned in reply. He pushed me hard on the black sleek lid of the instrument
and held me there. His other hand rubbed my soft globe and another slap came down,
a little harder than the first.

'One' He whispered.

Another slap came down on my right cheek, harder than the previous one.

'Two' He whispered again.

Waves and waves of pleasure hit my core like electric shock. I want to squirm, rub
my thighs together to create some friction but it was impossible due to his deathly
grip on me. Another hard slap came to my left cheek and I lost it. I screamed his

'Three' He rasped and slapped again and again.

I was at the sore heights of pleasure and the smacks made it harder to control the
urge to come. I was aroused, so fucking aroused. I want him so badly right now.

The slaps went on and on, the pain creating volumes of pleasure in me and Nicholas
didn't stop counting. What was the safe word, again? Damn, no idea.

I was moaning and screaming his name like it's my prayer. At times Nicholas would
grunt when I tried to push my ass to his crouch and that earned a even harder slap,
making my knees go weak. I loved that he knows my body too well. I love that he
knows how to control it but at the same time a nagging thought in my mind kept
screaming it's all wrong. The scream was in the depths of the loop, unable to reach
my ears.

'20!' Nicholas and I said it together.

His hand stopped its assault and he was rubbing the sore flesh. I moaned in pain,
pleasure and protest. I heard him chuckle above me and he leaned down. I sighed
when his body touched mine. He placed a soft kiss on my shoulder and freed my
wrists. I was about to get up but he held him still, clearly indicating that's he's
not yet done. I placed my hands on either side of y head, my palm feeling the cool
surface of the instrument.

His hand traced my panty and hooked his finger in them before pulling it down
sensually slow. I looked over my shoulder and his eyes caught mine.

His mask is off and I could clearly see his desire and the beast trying to lose
free and pounce on me. I couldn't stop staring, I just couldn't. Without averting
his eyes from mine, he moved his hand between my legs and just waited between my
thighs. I bit my lower lip and parted my legs. His hand slipped in and the moment
it touched my pussy, I released a unashamed moan.

His finger moved up and down my slits and he cursed under his breath. I saw his
eyes dilating which only added to the pleasure I was feeling.

'So wet' he rasped 'So wet for me. Hmm...' he kept moving his finger through my
wetness, coating his finger when I desperately wanted him just fuck me.

'Oh, Nicholas!' I closed my eyes and felt him.

'You've always liked it rough' He said 'And the spanking aroused you, baby'
'Nicholas, please' I moaned and moved back and this time he let me push my ass to
his crouch. I felt his hard member restrained with his clothing, jutting out and
caressing my skin as I moved.

'Please what, Nicholas?' He asked coolly, like he didn't just smack me and his
fingers are not in between my legs.

'I need you!' I shrieked in pleasure when he finger rubbed my entrance.

'What do you need?' He asked 'You need to be more specific'

'Oh my!' I want to come so badly but it seems like he's not letting me do it 'I
need all of you!'

'I know you do, Leia. What exactly you need inside that hot aching pussy of yours?
Do you want my fingers, my tongue or the thing as you mentioned yesterday when we
were fighting? He mocked.

'I want your...your...thing' I moaned.

An eye for an eye.

'And what is that thing, baby?' He cooed in my ears and started rubbing my clit
furiously, earning a loud cry from me.

'Your...dick. Oh, your thick long cock!' I screamed, no longer holding my


A tooth for a tooth.

Nicholas let out a growl and I heard the zipper. Before I could look over my
shoulder, he pushed his whole length in one hard thrust. I screamed his name loud
at the sudden fullness.

He pulled back and pushed in again with the same velocity, sending jolts of
pleasure in me. Holding my waist on either sides, he started to thrust into me,
hard and fast. His name fell upon my lips and even though my throat is dried I
can't stop moaning.

His finger nails were digging into my waist in a painful away as he kept thrusting
into me like there's no tomorrow. I felt my climax approaching and felt him
swelling inside me. My walls clenched him and I was rubbing the smooth surface
vigorously with his each hard thrust.

'I'm close, Rose' He moaned.

He started to swell more and my walls were clutching him so hard.

Soon I came all over his thick cock and within a minute he shot his load inside me.
I closed me eyes and felt my legs shaking. Nicholas snaked his arm around my
stomach, his length still inside me. I felt him softening and he released a deep
sigh. Pulling me up from my stomach, I adjusted myself and leaned back on his
shoulder. He was staring down at me and when he smiled, my breathe hitched in my
throat and my stomach churned in discomfort. He leaned lower and kissed my temple.

'You are mine, Leia' He said lowly.

I was too exhausted to argue with him, so closed my eyes and relaxed. His fingers
soon traced my cheek and ear, and I sighed.
It feels as though he claimed me long back. Longer before bringing me to his
penthouse, long before bringing me to his home.

Pushing my sleeve down, he nibbled and sucked my shoulder and neck, surely leaving
a mark. Our moment was interrupted by the ring tone of his phone. Nicholas
attended the call and I took the chance to detach myself from his hold. Adjusting
my clothes, I walked straight of the room without looking back.

Soon his footsteps followed me to my room.

'Be ready by 8, we're going out' He said. I turned around and narrowed my eyes at

'No' I replied firmly.

'I wasn't asking'

'I wasn't suggesting'

'Stop bickering, Leia!'

'Stop ordering around then!'

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, controlling his anger. When he opened,
he was under check and I had to resist smiling.

'Can you please grace me with your presence tonight? I'd love to take you on a
date' He said calmly.

Cage me up in his damn penthouse and now ask me on a date? How romantic.

I narrowed my eyes to slits, waiting for him to give but the bastard stood tall,

'I'll go but on one condition' I said sternly and he nodded 'I won't lie that sex
with you is incredible and I'll eventually give up when you touch me, but tonight
no such naughty business. You keep your damn hands to yourself'

'Deal' he said and walked out of the room.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the hour, because Nicholas didn't leave. I was
curious to what the hell's he doing all alone with any company but I locked my door
and resisted from doing so. When hours passed, I took a shower and got ready for
the date.

Wearing a jean and black a sleeveless top with my long hair tied up to a messy bun,
I was ready. When I finally left my room and walked down to the living room, I was
shocked to see Nicholas's attire.

He wore a black shirt that clung to his body like second skin, making his muscles
bulge and a dark blue jean and white sneakers. His hair is disheveled and he looks
much younger.

'Woah, you look...' I couldn't control my surprise and he smirked at me.

I've only seen him wear suits and blazers.

Placing his hand on my back, we left his penthouse like a damn real couple. I asked
him where we are headed to but he smiled tight and mumbled that it's a surprise. I
looked at him suspiciously but let it go. The ride was long and I opened my window,
looking out the busy city of Moscow.

'So, how long are you going to keep me cages in your penthouse?' I asked casually.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his jaw locked. I ignored and waited
for his reply.

'We're here' He replied instead.

I looked at the front, at the familiar gates opening slowly. I looked keenly,
rambling over my thoughts on where the hell I've seen this place before but when
realization hit me, my eyes widened and looked at Nicholas with anger.

'So, this is the surprise?' I hissed.

He stretched his hand to take mine but I slapped it away.

'I am not coming in there' I stated sternly.

'My mother invited you too' Was all he said and got down. When he opened my door, I
refused to come to out.

'Leia, my mother wants to apologize to you' He said softly.

'I don't want her sorry, Nicholas. I'm stepping inside your home, that's final' I
snapped. He ran his hand through his hair and clutched my upper arm in a tight
grip. He was about to pull me out but a voice stopped him.


I looked over Nicholas and have a hesitant smile at Sophia who walked towards us.

'I'll get her' She said to Nicholas and he quickly left my arm and walked towards
his home.

'Leia —

'I'm coming' I cut her off and got out the car. She hugged me and gave a guilty
smile. I know it's not her fault, so fighting or arguing with her is useless. I'd
rather get in and act like I don't really hate Irina.

She hooked her arm in mine and we walked towards her home.

'Studies been a pain in the ass. I'll be going back to London next month' She said
and I frowned.

'Why?' I asked.

'Nicholas's sending some of his best men there to keep an eye on me. Says I'll be
fine' She replied.

I said nothing. When we entered, I felt nostalgic. The place looks just like I

'Leia' Aron smiled and opened his arms for me. Before I could return his hug, he
lifted me up by waist, making me squeal 'Missed me, I know you did' He said and
winked at me after putting me on the floor.
'You wish, Aron' I said and quickly looked around for Irina but she wasn't there.

'You wound me, baby girl' He gave a fake hurt expression.

A hand wrapped around my waist and I didn't turn around to see who it was.

'Dinner's up. Come along' Nicholas said and we all followed to the dinner hall.

Irina was preparing everything on the table with the servants and I forced myself
to keep a decent face other than disgust. She said I was manipulating his son and
Stark faces millions of lose because of me.

When she saw us, her eyes soon found mine. She gave me a soft smile and walked
towards me. I have a strong feeling she's acting and I want to turn around and run
away from her.

'Hello, Leia' She said softly.

'Hello, Irina' I replied back stiffly.

She gave a guilty smile and went back. I resisted the urge to narrow my eyes at
her. I still don't believe her.

When we sat down to eat, I noticed that Nicholas's father, Lantsov didn't arrive. I
really felt better that he didn't join us. Things wouldv'e been awkward because
that man gives me chills. The dinner went on better than I expected. At time
Nicholas would look at me to make sure I'm eating and then turn back to Aron and
his mother to talk business. Sophia who sat on the other side of me, kept me

'Nicholas told us yesterday of what he did to you' She said softly 'Irina was
furious of what he has done. She knew from the beginning that Nicholas is
interested in you and she tried hard to keep you away from him but he just went
behind our backs and kept you either way'

I snorted and rolled my eyes. Of course, the woman wants someone rich or from their
Mafia blood as her daughter in law.


I should stopping drinking this wine. It's making me think stupid.

'Nicholas is authoritative beast' I said 'It's not a surprise that he didn't listen
to her'

Sophia chuckled and took a spoon of her potato in her mouth.

'Yeah, but you don't horrible that he's keeping you against your will' She said. My
mood changed dull at that and I avoided looking at her.

Now that she put it that way, I don't really look so horrible now, do I?

'He's an asshole' I whispered.

'That he is' She agreed 'Irina was worried about you all along'

'Stop talking sweet nothing about her, Sophia' I told her curtly 'I know she hates
me and I know that won't change too soon'
She gave me a confused look and frowned.

'She doesn't hate you' She said softly 'She liked you from the beginning, Leia. She
was just scared of her son's actions. She didn't want someone so innocent and
someone not from our world suffer with her son'

I looked at her aghast 'What?'

'She saw herself in you. She fell in love with Lantsov by choice and she couldn't
get adjusted in our world for a pretty long time. She was a normal girl like you.
Blood and war took a whole new toll on her but she couldn't leave Lantsov because
he was too stubborn not to leave the Bratva. Men in our world are born in blood and
die in blood, Leia. There is no fairy tale world like Irina expected. She was
caring for you, because Nicholas would've taken you whether you liked him or not'

'No...' My voice was a mere whisper. She shrugged and dug into her food. I
immediately lost my appetite and let my thoughts trouble me.

When the dinner peacefully ended, Sophia helped Irina with the dishes while I
stepped out into the cold winter with my thoughts haunting me from what Sophia said

Maybe I come to believe that Irina is truly looking for me but it's not necessary.
She and I are not in the same field. It was love that made her do all this, but our
case is different.

Nicholas is possessive of me. He wants to control me. He takes care of me like I'm
his trophy. While I'm drawn to him like moth towards the fire, because that man
crawls deep into my skin and finds his way to my heart. It's not going to take long
time before he gets bored of me and lets me go. It would break me when he does that
but I'd have to stay strong for that.

'Hey' Irina came forward, interrupting my thoughts.

'Hey' I replied with a smile on my face.

'Thank you, for coming. I was worried you might not' She said, her eyes shinning
with honesty.

'Thank you for inviting' Was all I said in a dismissive tone. Irina caught that but
she didn't go away.

'I'm sorry for last time' She spoke after several seconds 'I practically threw you
out of my home' She chuckled awkwardly and I turned my whole attention to her with
a blank look.

'It's fine' I said.

'No, you don't understand. My son, he wanted you from the beginning —

'Sophia told me. I understand that you were just looking out for me' I cut her off.

She gave a sad smile and looked up at the night sky.

'I now know why my son's interested in you' She said. I looked her but she was
looking up 'Every mother wants the best for her children and I wouldn't have
interfered in my son's decision if he wasn't what he is now. I've suffered in this
world and I know how hard this is and that's why I wanted you away from Nicholas,
She walked towards me and placed her hand on my cheek 'You're a lovely woman' She
said and walked in.

I wanna make some things clear here

I don't like BDSM. I actually hate it. I'm okay with slight spanking, handcuffs
sand blindfold for a while, just for a while but anything other than these is off

Just because I've included spanking and 'safeword' doesn't mean I will write
hardcore BDSM. I fucking hate that shit, no offense. It's more like pain over
pleasure for the sub (who's mostly a woman)

I'd love a woman as dom and the man as sub who cries and still loves what she's
doing but DEFINITELY not the other way around. So, if you've liked the sex scene in
this chapter, KINDLY don't ask me to write fucking BDSM. I mean it. I don't stand
for that, so i won't.

Spanking till there's only pleasure and blindfold and hands tie for a while just
spices up the sex between the couples. There are other things too, you might say
and i will agree, but I won't accept since it'll be BDSM. You might love the breast
torture, animal role play, CBT, golden shower (I FUCKING HATE THIS SO MUCH), wax
play, pussy torture and other types, you name it. These might spice up, you might
say because you are different. Everyone are. Each have their own ways of spicing up
sex and want to. So, I'm not against anyone who'd love these but I hate it. And
because I hate it, I will not write any shit like these. The men in my works will
be dominant but there's limit, they will order around during sex but there's limit,
they might give a safeword, spank, tie their lover down to the bed, blindfold them
but there's limit. There's always limit.

So, please don't get a wrong idea out of this chapter. I hate BDSM and if anyone's
with me and would go on a protest, I'm up for it.

Chapter 35 - Chapter-34
There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart

— Jane Austen


Liam's been calling me for days now and I've been ignoring him through and through.
After playing a such a nasty trick with Adam and not even trusting me, I'm beyond
furious at him. I blocked all his messages because it might stir my emotions and
just let the phone ring and ring almost every hour. I know it's troubling him and
at point it'll annoy the hell out of him and that's what I want, because it's the
least way I'll be able to punish him.

After the 'date' Nicholas has been avoiding me like I'm plague. At first I was
furious but now I've just worn my "I don't care" mask and it's just been two days.
He comes on time like a dutiful husband, watches news, eats dinner by sitting on
the other of the table and goes to sleep in his room.

I don't even know why the hell he comes when he's not going to screw me whole
night. I miss the sex, yes. I've typically become a sex crave demon and ends up
using my fingers in the shower only to regret later, because it's not enough. This
man has literally made such a huge impact on me that I don't know what I'm going to
do when this is all over. A part of me feels that it's already coming down and the
door for my freedom is opening slowly but another great part of me frowns and looks
all of it in utter disappointment.

The snow has stopped but the clouds are grey and heavy all times with breezy
weather. I go on walks at the evening with Boris trailing along, keeping an eye on
me. Some people got the wrong idea that he's following me and I had to order him to
walk along with me. I've been pretty much rude with Boris from the time Nicholas
decided to keep me here as a prison and he didn't mind my sudden change, mainly
because he knew I've got no one to even throw all the anger at.

Irina's concern and her talks still baffles me. I know she loves her family,
regardless of what they are. I can't imagine her being a normal lady like me in her
years but I can definitely imagine her adjusting herself to a new life. If she was
so concerned about me, why does she have to point out about her son being a
gangster and that's why she wanted to away from him? She could've been a mean lady
to me and have me get out.

It's not necessary that concern should be shown in form of love and care. It can
also be showed through anger and hate, even when you're not.

And they all knew that Nicholas wanted me from the beginning. From the time he saw
me and saved me from Stark. They all knew it and couldn't do anything?

It feels like I'm in a possessive lion's trap and there is no escaping.

A knock on the door cleared my thoughts. I turned around to see Boris standing at
the entrance of my door and looking at me with his blank look as always.

'What?' I asked, raising a perfect eyebrow at him.

'You are to be in the penthouse and not get out for any purpose. I'm leaving now
but the guards will stay' He said and was about to leave when I stopped him.

'I want to go shopping today' I lied. A muscle in his jaw twitched and I watched in
surprise that he actually got angry at me but no, worry flashed in his eyes for a
second and then it was gone.

'What happened, Boris?' I asked softly.

'You can go shopping tomorrow' He said 'Please stay in'

'I asked what happened?' I repeated and waited for him. He scratched his neck and I
saw his ear turning into a shade of pink. When he faced me, I was taken aback to
see an emotion in them, but it wasn't for me. I know it. 'Is everything fine?' My
voice betrayed as I took steps forward and stood in front of him.

He said nothing and a sudden chill ran down my spine.

'I need to go' He said.

I quickly held his wrist in a firm grip.

'Is he fine?' I asked, fear gripping me and my eyes swelled, I don't know why.

'Yes' He whispered and quickly released his hand from my grip and walked away.
My legs became numb and a tear tickled down to my cheek. Touching it, I inspected
in front of me. When Boris didn't answer, the fear I felt was so much than the
kidnapping. I couldn't help but imagine the worst of the scenario and my heart
ached for him.

I don't know what's he doing to me.

I stayed awake the whole night. Sleep was the last thing in my head. I called
Nicholas but he didn't pick up and then called Boris who also didn't pick up. I
called Sophia and she told me there was an attack on one of their joints. She
couldn't talk more and had to cut the call to take care of other necessities.

Boris did say that he's fine but there was a fine line in his voice. I know deep
down he's not fine. Something has happened and my fear was acknowledged when I
stumbled upon the news the next day morning.

'— Terror fills in people as the notorious mass murderer, Lantsov Antonovich was
seen in the Moscow city last night. Night Bells club, which belongs to one of the
finest business men Barney Arcchibald Beckett, was in havoc when a fierce gun
shooting broke out.

Police were successful in capturing some of the men who belonged to the Italian
Mafia. The cause of the fight is still unknown and Lantsov killed three Italian men
and injured one cop who tried to catch him.

Reports also claim to have seen the only son of Lantsov, Nicholas, but the evidence
are nil. The Sheriff, Adam Wilson spoke to the media about taking advances on the
situation and soon to capture the criminals. His determination and skillful tactics
shown at the night of havoc gave an intense courage to people. He also added that
Moscow is safe and sound and there is no need to cower in fear.

Mary from BBC.' [A/N : HP lovers will remember this, I believe. I purposely put
this, lol]

I sat still, watching at the screen. Adam's face was focused as he ignored the
medias multiple questions made his way to his cop car. He looks older than he is.
Stress and tension taking a whole new toll on him. The club is crowded with higher
officials, cops, medias, forensic docs. Barricade tapes are all over at the
entrance and flashes of the camera went on and off often. The liquor bottles are
shattered on the floor, the ceiling facing a collateral damage, and bar stools
everywhere on floor. I could see no more as the media is off limits to enter in.

I tried to take deep breaths and calm my nerves but I can't. I. Fucking. Can't.

My hands trembled when I held the remote and switched off the t.v.

'Catalina!' I called out one of the maids.

She immediately came to me. There was surprise masking her features, surprised
because I've never called or ordered or even acknowledged them much.

'Yes, gospozha' She addressed.

'Call Caesar' I said and she immediately went of to call the guard.

Caesar arrived with a tight look on his face. Surely last night's havoc putting him
on the edge.

'Give me your phone' I asked politely.

He gave me a confused look before taking out his phone and opening it before
handing over to me.

As I went through the contacts, Caesar looked baffled and tried to peep over but my
death glare stopped him from doing so. He ran his hand over his brown locks and
stayed rooted to his spot while I dialed Boris and kept it in my ear.

'Caesar, Boss is in a critical condition' Boris's rough voice came as soon as he

picked up the call. His words sent me over the edge.

'Ma'am —

I motioned Caesar to be quite.

'Where is he now, Boris' I asked softly.

He took in a sharp breath and grunted.

'You didn't answer my calls last night. If you cut the call now, I'm hunting where
the hell Nicholas is and coming right away. So, tell me what's happening' My voice
quivered at the end.

'He was shot' Boris said 'But he's fine' He lied.

'Where's he now? Which hospital?' I asked.

After he told me the details, he told me to stay in. I cut the call and gave the
back to Caesar.

'Get a car from garage, we're going to the hospital' I said to Caesar.

'But Boris —

'You're coming or not, I am going. You either waste your time to stop me or just
get behind the wheel and come with me' I stated sternly and went off to change my
pj's while Caesar cursed under his breath and went to get the car.

I remember the time Michael shot him, I was shocked and scared but now I feel pain.
My eyes swell up with tears and I had to resist the urge to stifle a sob. I don't
understand what's this sudden emotion that's swelling up in my chest. I don't
understand why I can't stand the chance of him being in pain.

When we reached the hospital, Boris was already there. He looks pissed off and I
immediately knew that Caesar must've informed him. Boris opened the door for me and
got down.

'Where is he?' I asked.

'You can't meet him now. He's in the ICU' He replied tightly and walked swiftly up
the stairs while I had to run to catch up with him.

'That's okay, let me just see him' I said softly, trying so hard to push away the
hard feelings. I'm literally in the same building as he is and the closeness only
fueled my emotions.

'No' Boris almost snapped back.

Not wanting to argue with him at this time, I walked towards the receptionist area
but Boris was quicker and stepped in my way.

'Don't you understand?' He spoke harshly 'You can't meet now. His father and his
family are with him, what will you do going there?'

'I just want to see him' My voice was mere whisper and my vision turned glassy 'I
don't just...I need to make sure he's fine. You said he's in a critical

Boris looked taken aback for second but composed himself quickly. His shoulder
slumped and he looked back at Caesar and then at me.

'Fine but don't complain if Lantsov says something offensive' He replied curtly and
took us in the elevator to fourth floor.

The floor was empty, unlike the others which were piled up with busy patients,
doctors and nurses. At the end of the long hallway I saw Lantsov talking to Rob.
Irina was sitting on the chair with her face hung down and her hands joined in

Rob and Lantsov saw us first. Rob made way towards us, not hiding his loathe
towards me.

'What is she doing here?' he growled at Boris, ignoring that I'm standing right

'She's come to see the Boss, isn't it obvious?' Boris shot back calmly.

'Lantsov wants her —'

Boris gripped Rob by his upper arm and pulled him to the corner. At that moment Rob
looked like he shrunk in Boris's presence.

The men spoke in hushed tone and Rob glared at me before leaving without another
glance. Boris walked to Lantsov and they spoke while I made my way to Irina and sat
next to her. She quickly looked at me. Her eyes were bloodshot but it clearly
looked like she's composed herself.

'Hey' I said softly.

She hugged me. I rubbed her back, telling its fine. She didn't cry, she didn't
talk, she just relaxed and took deep breaths. Lantsov walked away with Caesar,
leaving Irina, Boris and me behind.

I released a sigh when Lantsov didn't talk anything to me. The man killed three men
last night and he just stood here like nothing's happened.

'He's been in there from last night, after the surgery' Said Irina and looked at me
with a sad smile on her face.

'He's strong' I said, more like to myself and got up and walked to the ward. I
looked into the small circular reflecting mirror. My chest tightened when my eyes
fell upon Nicholas who just laid there lifeless. There's an oxygen mask on his
face, electrical leads on his wrist and ankle that's connected to the ECG. His
chest is bare and heavily bandaged towards his right side, probably where the
bullet hit him. There's another bandage on his forehead and near his ankle. His
eyes are closed and his chest rose up slowly for every breath he took.

I want to get in and hold his hand till he wakes up.

'He's fine' Boris said 'You should get back —

'What happened last night' I asked him softly.

'We were attacked' He said in a low voice.

'Who was it?' I asked.

'The Italians' He growled lowly 'Attacked one of our joints. They are our sworn
enemies. There was an important meeting last night, they took the chance and came
to finish of Boss and Lantsov'

'How did they come to know?'

'Aron's working on it. Seems like there's a traitor among us'

I convinced Irina to go home and freshen and that I'll be here. After much
hesitation she agreed. Boris kept pacing around and talking to the doctor
frequently, going crazy as to when the hell he's Boss will open his eyes while I
sat on the chair patiently. Nurses came at times to check for any problem and
change the trips. Hours passed and I didn't realise it's too late until Boris said
me to go back to the penthouse.

When I refused, he didn't argue and brought me a hot coffee.

'I'll be here. I will not leave his side' Boris said.

'I know you will' I said.

'Those people who kidnapped you' He spoke softly 'Do you have any idea who they
were. Did they talk anything unusual, any code, anything at all?'

'No, I...I don't remember'

'Think hard. Something. Anything' He requested.

I recollected all the remaining bits of the kidnap night but all that's clear is
the way they tried to rape me and I kicked their faces.

'Wiper' I said after a long time 'They were taking to a guy named Wiper. It seemed
like he wanted me there. Guess he was the leader'

'Wiper's a name given. Then it's connected'

He said the last line to himself.

'What's connected?' I asked.

'Every thing' he replied 'Simon needs a visit from me'

'Who's Simon?'

'The driver. One of the kidnappers Aron caught'

'Every thing will be fine' I said not really sure, just to make him stop thinking
over it.

He didn't reply and we drank our coffee. The visiting hours were over but no one
dared to tell us to leave. The doctor, Robert came one last time to check and went
away, disappointed.

'Everything happened so quickly. They were Italians and then the cops too. Bullets
in the air, from the cops as well as the Italians' Boris spoke after a long time 'I
was there. I was there when he was shot, right in front of me. I was out of
bullets. I saw him aiming the gun at Boss, I ran so I could take the bullet but I
was late. I didn't know what happened that moment. I was blank and then I twisted
the man's neck. He fell on the floor. I then realised I killed the wrong man. The
one who shot was covered up, saved. Aron ran to us by the time and took him to
hospital' Boris said.

This is the longest he's ever spoken to me. He's so concerned about Nicholas. I
wonder why's that. What great deed Nicholas did to him that he's paying off

'He'll be fine' I said and tapped his shoulder before dropping the paper cup in

I stayed awake for a while. Boris no longer spoke to me and kept himself busy while
I curled up in my chair. My eyes started to burn and soon I passed out in the

Around two in the morning, Boris woke me up. I rubbed my eyes, embarrassed that I
slept while Boris still looks active enough to go on a jog. His eyes twinkled when
he said that Nicholas is shifted to the ward. I felt relief wash over me and we
made our way to the ward.

The nurses were fixing up the trips and the ECG when we entered. The oxygen mask is
taken off and he's yet to open his eyes. The ward is private and there's a t.v and
a couch and a small table at the corner.

'Are you done?' I asked one of the nurses when her fingers started to trace over
the Bratva symbol on his chest.

Nicholas said I'm pretty obsessed with that tattoo and didn't know it until now,
when I stared at the nurse finger on them. I love tracing it, touching and
something snapped in me and bile rose when I saw the nurse doing the same.

I felt possessive.

The nurse flushed and immediately retreated her hand. She gave me a shy smile but I
stared at her. Both the nurses fled away soon after.

'You can sleep on the couch. I'll be right outside the door' Boris said.

'No' I replied quickly 'I've slept enough. You should rest, let me take over'

Boris shook his head as a no and went out. I let him go and took the stool and
placed near Nicholas side and sat on it. His hand was pale and cold when I wrapped
around mine. Placing a soft kiss on his knuckles, I looked at the Beast who seem to
capture my heart. I smiled as I thought about our silly fights and arguments and
passionate nights.

Around 3, one hour later, I saw a light movement. His hand that's wrapped in mine
clutched mine softly. I was immediately woken from my day dream and watched as his
fingers moved and touched mine. I got up and looked down at him. He moaned softly
in pain and his body shook before his eyes opened very slowly. I smiled and cupped
his face as he opened his eyes and pitch black ones zoomed into mine.
'Leia' His voice was hoarse and a tear slipped from my eye and fell down on his
forehead. His eyebrows furrowed and I quickly wiped my eyes, giving him a full
blown smile.

'Hi' I said.

'Hey' he replied and lifted his other hand and held my face.

'You scared me, devil' I said and he let out a low chuckle before letting his hand
fall back to his side.

'I'll call the doctor' I said and was about to leave but his hand squeezed mine in
a soft grip.

'No, be with me' He said.

My shoulder slumped and I sat down. He turned his face to my side and gave me a
cocky grin.

'You look horrible' He said.

'So do you' I said, playing at the sides of his dark hair.

'I'll look handsome as fuck even in my death bed, baby' He smirked 'And you'd want
to fuck me even then'

'Nicholas!' I whisper screamed but my face flushed red and Nicholas laughed.

'When did you come' He said, his voice turning back to normal.

'A while ago. How do you feel?'

'I feel nothing. Not pain, definitely no'

'Boris was worried. Let me call him at least'

Releasing my hand from his, I went to call Boris who stood leaning on the wall when
I opened the door.

'Anything?' He asked and I nodded.

'He's awake'

Boris quickly moved past me. I closed the door behind and stood leaning back on the
door, giving them some space as they spoke with each other in hushed tone.

When they were done, I walked to Nicholas while Boris walked out of the room.

'On the scale of ten — 9 being the least — how much were you worried when you came
to know I was shot?' He asked once I sat on the chair 'I don't mind you lying just
to make me feel better' He added.

'Well,' I acted to think deep before replying 'If I must lie, it's 5'

'And if you must tell the truth?'

Nicholas stared at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher. I took his hand back in
mine. There was several seconds of silence and it was a comfortable one, until
Nicholas decided to break it.

'Adam shot me' He said.

I looked at him, neither shocked nor calm but worried. My eyes went to his right
side, where its banded but I refused to ask any details.

'It was all sudden, but we were prepared' He said 'We are always prepared. Italians
never got the liberty though they got a chance'

'You should sleep. It's only 3:30' I said and just then the door opened and the
doctor, Robert walked in with Boris and two nurses.

Robert is one of their family doctors and this is his hospital. The man is old and
grey and got nothing to do with the mob, but help them in need.

He quickly checked Nicholas and the nurses started to remove the wires and
everything else from Nicholas.

'What are they doing?' I asked.

'He's fit enough' Was all Robert replied. He doesn't look fit at all to me.

'No, he's not' I argued and the nurses stopped their work, their eyes wandering
towards me and to their doctor.

'Leia, I'm fine —

'No, you're not. You see there's a minor fracture in your ankle and I don't think
you'll be able to lift your right arm' I cut him off with a stern look.

'I'm fine' Nicholas grunted 'Boris!' He snapped loudly.

Boris was quickly on his side to help him get up. Nicholas took high dose of pain
killers and ignored me, much to my dismay, as if we weren't just talking like real
couples and I pushed away the hard feelings. Now's not the time to dwell in them.

I got up and held onto him other side but he motioned me to stand back. Everyone in
the room noticed and this time I couldn't hide the disappointment quicker like

'Don't take anymore pain killers and take the pills' Robert said. Nicholas listened
to him and walked out. I followed the men quietly to the lift and I stood at the
other corner. When the lift stood at the parking lot, Boris went to take the car
and Nicholas looked at me.

'I don't mind you being all bossy when we are alone but outside, remember that I'm
the one in control, Leia' He said in a low hard voice and I had to hide my surprise
'Never go against me' He added and then looked away from him.

I wanted to argue but let it go. Boris helped Nicholas to get in and then we were
off. Both of us sat at both corners and it didn't feel right. I want to sit so
close to him, hold him in my arms. The whole ride was awkward and silent and my
thoughts were running wild on the way he behaved. When we reached the penthouse, no
one spoke a word and that was my cue. I got down and walked back to the penthouse
without looking back.
The car was gone from the driveway as soon as I reached the door. I locked it and
walked straight to my room.

I was disappointed and embarrassed. Maybe I was the one who crossed the line and
acted out?

Who all think that Aron's behind every thing that's happening?

Chapter 36 - Chapter-35

One week later

The news no longer spoke about the havoc caused by the mobs in Night Bells.

Nicholas never visited in these past days and so did Boris.

Caesar was here if I needed anything. I was still not allowed to escape or leave
this place and he hasn't visited for a whole week. I know he's fine, he will be
since he's got a family who loves and takes care of him, unlike me.

I went on walks at the evening and the remaining time I spent in the piano room. I
tried to keep myself occupied to escape my own thoughts. It helped till an extent.

My emotions and feelings for Nicholas has amplified over the week and I don't know
why. It seems so unreal at the same time real. I couldn't stop thinking about the
times spent together. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

At times I would wonder if this love but since I've never been in love, I don't
exactly know this feeling. I don't even want to try and learn more about it since I
don't want to be in love with this man. There's no future if we were elope with
each other and Irina's voice is a constant reminder for that.

I finally decided to attend Liam's call. He apologized for what he did and said
that he thought I was in trouble. He seemed genuine and concerned for me and I
couldn't be mad at him for a long time. Since he know from Adam that Nicholas is a
gangster, he didn't question much about him and I had to wonder whether this is
another trick or what. But it did feel better to be in good terms with Liam again.

He promised not to pester me with questions and will wait for me to meet him. He
also said me that my job is the café is taken over by someone else and the landlord
took her house. I asked Liam whether there was anything peculiar in home — my mind
drifting to the bullet holes on the wall and broken door — but he said everything
was intact and Marie and he took the items and kept it in their home so they can
return when I'm back.

Marie and Aunt May are troubling Liam to make them talk to me and every time Liam
has to come up with excuses. It made me believe that Adam didn't tell about the
situation to anyone and that only Liam and him are aware of it. Adam hasn't
contacted Liam again or asked for any help. He's been very busy with work that he
hardly got any time even for his family.

It was at night, almost midnight when the main door opened and walked in Nicholas.
He was surprised. I was surprised.
He was surprised to see me up so late while I was surprised that he came, finally.
He doesn't look like the man who was shot and was in a critical condition just a
week ago in the ICU. He looks capable enough to fight at least two Boris together
and still win and look like he's not even out of breath.

I was immensely happy to see him but I hid it too well. It's something I've learnt
from him, hiding.

'Hi' He said.

'Hi' I replied back.

'It's late. You should be in bed' He said in a monotonous voice.

I placed the book on the table and got up, folding my arms in front.

'How are you?' I asked softly.

'Fine' He nodded and slipped in his hands in his trouser pockets.

There was an awkward silence in the room and Nicholas wouldn't meet my eyes while I
couldn't take my eyes off him. I'm fascinated by him. He looks too hot tonight and
my mind and body is screaming to kiss him so hard.

'How's your joint?' I asked.

'Better. Improving' He replied.

'Oh, that's good' I bit my lower lip.

'I'll go to bed then. Good night' I said and walked away from him.

I heard his footsteps following and soon an arm wrapped around my waist and
together we made our way to my bedroom.

'I want you' He whispered in my ear, causing jolts of excitement and pleasure hit
my core.

'You didn't come to meet me for a week' I said softly.

'Did you miss me, Leia?' His voice was mocking 'I had work' He added.

Pushing me on the bed, he soon came above me and his lips found mine for a soft
sweet kiss. My hands wrapped around his clothed body, pulling him closer to me. He
moaned in between the kiss and looked at me.

'Kiss me, Leia' He demanded.

I craned my neck and raised my head above and captured his lips. He kissed me
softly, not taking any control. So I took control and kissed him with everything
I've got. He moaned and grunted when I thrusted my tongue inside. I was hesitant at
first when my tongue touched his, and then I our tongue danced together in rhythm.

He broke the kiss and sat on his knees.

'Strip' He said to me and started to remove his clothes. I removed everything and I
laid naked under him. My eyes went to his penis as soon as he removed his briefs.
It sprung out to life and stood erect. My cheeks flushed at that sight and I lips
my lower lip.
'I've always imagined how well my cock would fit in that pretty mouth of yours'
Nicholas whispered and started to rub his hard length.

His eyes were filled with desire for me and I got the urge to touch his length.

'I've never seen a penis before' I said, earning a chuckle from him.

'Of course, I'm your first, how can I forget that?' He said it with a hint of
pride. He stopped rubbing and his eyes turned hard, the smile disappearing from his
lips and he leaned lower to my face 'Do you have any idea how privileged I feel to
know that I am your first? Do you know how good it feels to know that I'm the only
one who stuck his dick into your pussy? The first one to finger you, touch you, eat
you? Do you know how much it means to me, Rose?' He cupped my cheek in his warm

I shook my head slowly.

'It makes me to want to keep you with me, always. Right beside me. Corrupt your
innocent mind only for me, and have you all to myself' He whispered lowly.

I felt my stomach flutter and my heart rate increase.

'Then keep me. Corrupt me' The words were out even before I could reciprocate.

Nicholas took in a sharp breath and kissed me roughly. My hands traced his chest,
his back, pulling him closer to me. When my hands went lower and brushed his
member, both of us gasped softly.

Nicholas stared at me, asking me whether I'm sure. My eyes drifted to his thick
cock and I rubbed my index on the tip. It was soft, so soft. Nicholas closed his
eyes and sat on his knees in an upright position. His cock just inches away from
me. My finger traced his whole length, from the bottom to the soft tip. The nerves
were prominent and it somehow looked good.

'Wrap your hand around it, Leia' Nicholas rasped, looking down at me. I followed
his instruction and wrapped my hand around him. The tip of my thumb and middle
finger didn't touch at the middle or the base when I moved my hand up and down his

'Faster, Leia'

I did. My hand started to pump him as fast as I can and he stared down at me with
pure ecstasy. The tip spurted out pre-cum and I bent down and licked it. Nicholas
moaned above me. Wanting to give him the pleasure, I took his tip into my mouth and
swirled my tongue around it while my hand kept pumping the remaining length.
Nicholas's breathing became harsher and I kept sucking his tip.

'Don't abandon my balls, baby' Nicholas teased.

My hands cupped his balls and I slid his whole length slowly into my mouth.
Nicholas's hand quickly held the back of my head and guided me slowly until his tip
touched my throat. He pulled out and pushed in slowly, all the while my hands kept
rubbing and massaging his balls. He increased his phase slowly, giving me time to
adjust and soon my head was bobbing with his length going in and out.

'Fuck!' Nicholas cursed and I gave a soft squeeze to his balls. I felt my own
arousal dripping on the mattress and I clenched my thighs together. I don't know
how blowing him off is turning me on so badly. I felt him thickening in my mouth
and I know he's close.

'I'm close, baby' He moaned my name over and over.

Soon I was pushed down on the mattress and in a spilt second, Nicholas thrust
himself inside me, making me cry out. His hot semen ejected out in me and his sweat
body slumped on mine. I wrapped my arms around his back and listened to his
breathing coming back normal.

'You were amazing' He said and pinched my nipple before taking both my arms and
intertwining them at the sides. He eyes stared into mine while he started to thrust
in me slowly. I raised my legs and placed my feet firmly on the bed. I felt
hardening inside me.

Our eyes were interlocked as he made sweet love to me.

His name fell upon my lips and my body erupted like little fire crackers of
pleasure. His thrusts were slow and deep, like marking every inch of my within and
I didn't complain.

He dipped his head in my neck and placed a kiss.

'Faster, Nicholas' I moaned. His fingers tightened in between mine and he started
to thrust fast and then hard. I was screaming by the time he his thrusts became
harder and faster like I asked for.

Our hands never untwined. I felt my orgasm approaching and wrapped my legs around
him. He sucked, and nibbled the soft flesh in my neck, making my eyes roll back in
my head. My walls clenched around his cock and he thrusted even harder, making me
scream his name so loud.

My hips buckled and both of us came together. He swallowed my moans by kissing my

lips and our hands loosened from our tight grips.

He got up from me, making me pout. I let out a shriek when he held my hips and
turned me around. It was so uncalled. I laughed and Nicholas gave a tight slap to
my ass before leaning down and biting my earlobe.

'Do you remember the safe word?' He asked, licking my lobe.

'Yes' I moaned.

'What is it?' He asked.

'Shouldn't I use it when really required?' I teased and he gave another slap to my
ass cheek, making me giggle.

'What. Is. It?' He repeated each word like it's an own sentence.

'Wings' I whispered and captured his lips over my shoulder. He gave a chaste kiss
before narrowing his eyes at me.

'Are you okay?' He asked.

'I'm fine' I replied, frowning.

'You seem different tonight. Too happy...giggling and kissing' He said and my frown
deepened. He's right, now that I think of it.
I'm just happy you are here with me.

He stared at me, waiting for a reply but will I say when I don't know the answer.
He sighed and shook his before getting up from my back. His hands gripped my hips
and pulled me back harshly to his crotch. I let out a loud moan when my ass cheeks
touched him.

Two fingers were inserted roughly inside my wet opening and pumped in and out.

'So fucking wet' He rasped and pulled his fingers 'I want you use the word when you
can't take it, Leia' He said softly. I nodded, with excitement and a little fear.

Without any warning he plunged himself deep, earning a loud cry from me. My back
bent and my head fell back. His hand held my shoulder in his firm grip and pulled
out, only to dive in with same force as before.

The thrusts were nothing like before. He was never so harsh and so rough before.
And I liked it.

He started thrusting into me like an animal. My screams and were moans were never
ending and it only fueled him to go faster. When I think he could no longer go
faster or harder than this, he would prove me wrong, and his every thrust would
touch my cervix.

The pleasure was too much to take in. He grunted and growled as he fucked me hard
and rough. His pelvic would slash onto mine creating noise and his heavy balls
brushed my wet slits. The bed rocked with us and my hands gave out eventually,
making me fall down.

Nicholas was quick and snaked his arms around my waist, keeping me up. I cried in
my pillow and in this position my ass was up and his thrusts were even deeper. It
was too much to take in. Too much. I want to scream the safe word at the same time
I don't want to. I want this. I need this. I want Nicholas and every thing he has
to give me.

My pleasure over rode my body and soon I was reaching my peak. I moaned his name
over and over and felt him swelling inside me. His thrusts became even harder and
his nails sunk into flesh.

'Fuck!' He cursed and came inside me. He kept thrusting until I came so harder than
ever before. My body started to shake vigorously after I came and I slumped on the
soft mattress. Nicholas leaned lower slowly, and kissed my shoulder. My sex was
throbbing in pain but it was a good kind.

'You didn't use the safe word' Nicholas complained.

'I liked it' Was all I replied. He rolled over and came beside me. His hands
brushed away the hair from my face and his fingers started to massage my scalp. I
closed my eyes and released a soft moan.

His fingers were no longer massaging me and I heard the bed shift. I opened my eyes
to see him making his way to the washroom. He came out with some tissue and I
rolled over to my back, hissing in pain my thighs brushed together. I looked down
at me and a saw a tiny trail of blood on my thigh. My eyes went to Nicholas, he had
a guilty look on his face. I gave a small smile and tried to take the tissue from
his but he didn't let me.

'No, let me' He said. He wiped the blood from my inner thigh and went to my slits.
He was gentle and slow. I hissed however, went the tissue touched my entrance. It

It was not much of blood, at least not like the one I witnessed on my first night.

'I'm sorry' He said so softly that almost didn't hear. A smile made its way to my
lips. A man like him apologizing? Of course it's new to him.

'Guess you were finally able to break the remnants of my hymen' I said.

He looked up at me without any humor.

'It's not funny, Leia' He said 'You should've used the damn word'

My smile slipped and I watched him through my eyelashes.

'I'm sorry but it wasn't necessary for me' I replied curtly.

'But —

'Nothing' I cut him off. He sighed and threw the tissue in the small at the foot of
the night stand and slipped next me. He pulled the sheets over us and pulled me to
his chest, his arm draped around my shoulder.

I placed my ear on his chest, and listened to his heart beats. They were not fast
nor too slow. And somehow, it felt good to near it. My hand tightened on his hip
and I edged closer, not wanting any space between us.

Being in his arms not only felt safe, it felt pleasant. My heart fluttered and this
time my mind didn't protest, instead it said it's right. It's all right. Being with
this man, letting him rule me, take care of me, every thing is right.

Though they shouldn't.

My fingers graced the bandage where he were shot and he stiffened above me.

'Nicholas' I called softly.

'Hm?' He kissed my head.

'Will you ever let me go?' I blurted out.

I heard him take a sharp breath. I didn't want to look into his eyes and see any
sort of emotion that would hurt me. Lately I've been feeling these intense emotions
for him, one I can't put my finger on.

'I will, once you give back my wings' He replied softly.

I looked up at him, confused. He chuckled down at me and his dark orbs were
twinkling magnificently. I moved up, until were head to head, facing each other.

His eyes were filled with emotions for me. So much emotions, that I've never seen
before. My heart warmed as I stared at him, showing him how much this means to me,
how much he means to me. He cupped my cheeks, his thumb rubbing softly.

'What wings?' I asked softly.

There was a moment of silence and I thought he won't talk anymore.

'My heart's got wings and it's attached to you, kitten' He said softly 'How can I
let go of you?'

My heart tightened as i looked deep into his dark eyes. I was shocked and
surprised. Did I expect such a reply from him? Or I did expect a possessive reply
from him? A thought surfaced my mind.

Do I want him to let go of me?

He doesn't scare me like he use to. My feelings for him have changed over the
months and I seem to aceept him for what he is every damn day. It's like I've grown
use to this man and I can't seem to find myself thinking of a future without him. I
know it can't happen and this man and I belong to a different world but I can't
seem to find a way out of this.

I don't want a way out of this.

I like the thought of having him for myself. I'm done refusing my feelings for him.
He came right down on his knees for me. He could've acted like a criminal to me,
but he didn't. Something held him back, something always holds him back.

I'm letting go of my insecurities and my thoughts about a perfect future. I want

him. I need him. Life always seems to throw me at his open arms and he always
catches him. I don't want to leave him. How can I leave the person I've fallen in
love with?

* * *


I slammed my door shut, swiftly walking to the warehouse with Aron right behind me.
The bullet hole and the ankle twist didn't hurt me, not one fucking bit. What hurt
me most is I must've lost my father and many of my men that night in my joint.

We arranged for a meeting with a real estate businessman in our joint. It was
crucially necessary and that's the reason my father too had to come, else I
would've done it all by myself. The attack was all too sudden but we were prepared.
We are always prepared.

I lost five of men on the shoot out and seven injured, with one still struggling
for life. Things are getting out of control quicker than I thought. Nothing's
seemed to be working according to me. Things are just slipping off my hands and I
don't seem to find my concentration as the distraction is bigger than a mountain.

Quickly running down to the basement, I passed all the empty cells and landed in
the Simon's cell. He was already looking at the entrance, wondering to whom the
footsteps belonged to. He smiled wickedly when his eyes fell on Aron and then on

Aron unlocked the gate and we stepped in. I had to force Boris to stay at the
penthouse, keep an eye on Leia when it wasn't at all necessary. I know bringing him
here would cause a lot of problem as his one and only intension would be to kill
the bastard that's in front of me.

Simon laughed but the it wasn't really a laugh. His throat gave out long back due
to all the screams. The laugh was more like grunts.

'Nine lives, yeah? Still on the game' He looked at Aron and then back at me 'Still
'So, you're an Italian' I said amused.

'Took you long to figure out, yeah?' He mocked.

'Who's behind all this, Simon?' I asked softly, ignoring his mock remark.

'Another big shoot will occur and I'm pretty sure you'll come to know by yourself'
He said casually.

I tried to keep my anger at bay but it's becoming so difficult. He's already dead.
It would hardly a second to place a bullet in his head but the only I'm holding
back is I need the damn information. There is just no way the Italians can come out
after 22 long years. Not at least without a plan and a proper leader. But there
wasn't anything left when we finished them last time. This came out as a surprise
for all of us and then father knew he forgot to destroy a seed which was burning
with all the huge trees and it must be that seed that has grown so big with
revenge. I need to know that seed.

I walked closer and sat down on my toes before removing my gun from the holster. He
stared at me and then the gun and I saw a flicker of fear cross his eyes before it
was gone.

'Valentino died 22 years ago' I said. Simon's eyes widened and I knew I got it

It sounded foreign to tell that name again, after so many years. No one spoke of
him or anything that revolved around him after he died. His name only brought back
the memories of an eight year old me. No child of that year would remember shit but
I and Aron remember every detail like the scars on our bodies. I let out a shaky
breath and ran my fingers through my locks. We lost dear ones that night. I can't
let the history repeat.

I looked back at Simon and I let the anger, the rage take over my body. He shifted,
his brave façade slipping away and I saw who he really is — a stupid pathetic
Italian lap dog.

'I will find who's behind all this and I will kill him just like my father killed
Valentino' I said softly 'You Italians can suck my balls for all I care and I will
get every information even without you, Simon'

'No, listen —

'I gave you time. A lot of time, Simon. You talk when I want you to talk, because
that's the time I'll be willing to listen. You don't talk when I don't want to
listen, Simon. I thought the Italians knew that' I said.

I loaded my gun and Simon's eyes widened. He looked back at Aron as if he could be
his saviour tonight and then back to me.

'Nicho —

A loud bang resonated and I scrunched my brows as my eyes fell on the bullet hole
on Simon's forehead. His eyes are wide open and his lips apart, silencing the words
he was about to tell me. I slipped my gun back to my holster and turned to Aron who
stood with his gun held out to Simon. He was looking at Simon without any emotions
in his brown orbs.

'He was going to talk' I argued.

'Doesn't matter now. He's dead' He replied solemnly.

'I wasn't going to shoot to him, Aron. At least not before listening to him talk' I
grunted and stood up on my feet.

'You were going to. I did the honors' He said monotonously and walked out of the
cell. I looked back at Simon's lifeless face, wondering what and why he decided to
talk now after so many days of torture. Death was easy for him, so why did he have
to decide to talk now?

I turned around and walked out the cell. Aron was behind the wheel. He looked aloof
and I know what's he thinking. I slipped into the passenger seat and Aron took off.

After a long moment of silence, he spoke.

'We'll find out every thing' He said in a tight voice 'We now know it's the
Italians. It's not going to be harder from here'

'We can't tell' I said '2 decades of planning won't be easy'

'We'll figure it out. I'm looking forward to it'

'Me too'

The car came to a stop at the Casino and we got down. Aron walked out swiftly to
another direction when we entered in and I walked down to the basement, to my
office. It's still noon and the Casino is quiet.

Constantine was sitting in my place, going through so many papers and documents,
immersed in it.

'Tin' I called out and he quickly looked up.

His eyes were filled with determination and eagerness to tell me something he's
been waiting for long. He quickly got up from my seat and stood aside, shuffling
through the papers as I sat down.

'Look here, Nicholas' He said and pushed the papers to my side to see.

I looked down. They were pictures of Michael's murder, and Benjamin's murder.

'Both are connecting. Look at it'

'It's already known that it's all connected, Tin' I reply lazily and run my fingers
on my face.

'You don't get it' He said, shaking his head 'Look at the posture. Both of them' He
said, pointing at Benjamin laying on his bed with a bullet hole in his head and
Michael laying on the floor.

'They are in the same position, like they were made up to be in that position after
killing them' He explained 'Michael was definitely not alone when he killed
Benjamin, Nick. And if I'm not mistaken it couldn't have been Michael who killed
Benjamin at all'

I looked at the pictures and then back at Constantine. It makes sense. It doesn't
make sense too. But we need to know all the possibilities to get to the root cause.

'Doesn't matter though' I said.

'It does, Nick. You killed Zoran before Michael coming into the picture. Maybe the
person we are searching for is the same one who turned Zoran against us, made it
look like Michael killed Benjamin and then killed him by overdosing him. It covers
up clean, don't you think?'

'It's the Italians' I reply.

'We came to know that after the shoot out in the joint' He reasoned 'Maybe this man
just fueled the Italians to go against us or may be he was working out alone,
starting the fiction and then let the rest of them burn it all'

Brother from another mother.

'I believe the latter' I say, staring straight at the lift in front 'If he was
first working out all alone, with no one to help, surely he lived close to us.
Watching us'

'Exactly. Or may be he was one among us' Constantine said softly.

I didn't reply him.

'I'll tighen the security. We should be expecting another attack, probably.' He

said and walked to the elevator and left my office.

I'll ask again: Who all think that Aron's behind every thing that's happening?

Chapter 37 - Chapter-36

The street is wet due to the rain that stopped few hours ago. The crowded area with
busy people that helped me blend along as I walked with my head cast down, with my
hoody above my cap. I've been walking for a while, parked my car at Stark's place
that's just few blocks away from the Lowland Street.

Lowland Street is the most dangerous street of Moscow. The Cops fear to enter and
every single illegal activity starts and ends here. The streets are divided with
their respective branches and ruled by the local gang members. Half of them work
for us, while the other half do it individually with our permission. The streets
are narrow and dirty. I could hear the oil boiling in the chat corner and a vender
calling for customers. A bunch of women are hitting a man at the corner but no one
seem to be watching. It happens often, after all.

I crossed the road when I saw the electric wire fallen on the pavement and moved
along with the crowded mass. Young boys, not older than 15 were inhaling drugs and
a couple were making out next to the garbage, against a dirty wall. I took a sharp
left that led to the local market. As I crossed the all the stores and went deeper
into the market, I took out my phone and checked for the address again. The address
given by one of my men working in the police department.

After Michael's death, when I thought I lost all the trail of evidence, Boris found
a pistol and pictures in Michael's truck. The pictures were of Zoran, my shipments
and Benjamin. I immediately came to know every thing that happened is due to one
man and Michael knew that man. Though it helped me very little, the pistol came out
be helpful and I guess even more helpful tonight.

The bullets of the Beretta M9 matched the one that was stuck deep into Benjamin's
skull and the ones Michael wasted at Leia's home. I asked my man to check for the
owner of the pistol and he sent me license that was in Michael's name. Surely a
truck driver can't buy a legal pistol that easily. The documents were too true, so
when I asked him to cross check, it came to light that the pistol was in fact not
bought through legal terms. It took him weeks to crack it open and finally got the
address from where the pistol came from. I immediately recognized the place,
Black's Beer and Whiskey.

The Black's have been manufacturing guns and pistols from the '90s. The store has
been raided and seized a number of times but not anymore, at least not in Lowland
Street. He offers guns in cheap rate to the local gang members and people who live
here and in turn they save him when the Cops try to reach him. Black's were our
partners in the '90, but father broke the agreement when his arms backfired our own
men due to its poor manufacturing defects and high power. They don't cause threat
to us, but it's been years since I've paid a visit.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Butch, local rowdy of the street, and his men
sitting on a jeep, smoking and playing cards. One of his men saw me and immediately
told his Boss and soon everyone stopped playing and stared at me. I ignored the men
and passed them coolly. Butch hoped off the jeep and followed me, probably thinking
I'm an outsider, probably a Cop. I was successful in taking two feet forward and
soon a pair of booted feet stopped right in front of me.

A heavy hand clutched my shoulder and a gun clicked right at my temple.

'And who d'you think ya are to enter our main?' Said Butch.

'I think you already know the answer, Butch?' I looked over my shoulder but my head
was cast down. The hand swiftly moved away from my shoulder and he quickly came in
front of me.

'I...I didn't know it was you, Pakhan,' His voice wavered, the authority it held is
long gone 'I'm sorry. What brought ya 'ere? Someone to kill? You would've
commanded, I ‒

'It's alright, Butch,' I looked up to meet his eyes 'Just a walk and a beer at the

'Alright, I'll be call away from ya' He said, gave me a bow and went back to his

I resumed walking. When my eyes fell on the alley that's few feet away from me, I
knew I'm close to my destination. Before I could even enter the dark alley I heard
screaming of a woman and laughter of men. People carrying bags from the market
didn't even glance at the woman who was trying to reach out for help and the five
men who had cornered her didn't give a shit to her screams and futile kicks and
punches. I walked away from the scene, ignoring just the way I usually do but her
screams were annoying. It reminded me of Leia. She's never screamed this way but I
remember how Kent and his friends tried to have her and I can't imagine the fight
she put up and at the end pull the damn hand break when she knew she can't handle
the bastards.

Her self esteem, her purity seemed more important than her life.

I would never understand how a woman who earns by sleeping with men can call it
rape when the same men try to force on her. I would never understand that but if a
woman doesn't want it, it's as simple as that.

I remember the way Leia cried when I showed her pictures of Michael's daughter and
told her how she was killed after Benjamin was done with her. She was angry and sad
and blamed me for the girl's death.

'Yes. You, his family, his friends, everyone who knew about this and remained
silent without taking a step against it'

Remained silent without taking a step against it.

Who does that? Why would they? People who do fall into shit hole.

I heard shatter of clothes and the women's screams even louder while the men joked
and laughed. I passed them and I heard the woman screaming for me 'Help me,

A man who was walking beside me just stood and watched the scene for few seconds,
probably looking at the now naked woman and then swiftly walked passed me, rubbing
his dick through his pants.

The woman sobbed loudly but no one were seemed to be listening though they are
people walking past her, just like me.

'Yes. You, his family, his friends, everyone who knew about this and remained
silent without taking a step against it'

'Yes. You'



'Fuck it!' I cursed under my breath, turned around and took quick steps towards the
men. Clutching the neck of the one in front of me, I threw him aside which caught
everyone's attention.

Before anyone could make a move, I removed my hood and took off my cap. Their eyes
widened and they took a step back. I took a step forward. They took another step
back. I took another step forward. The next thing I know is they turned around and
ran away, forgetting the one whom I threw, who hit his leg on the block of stone
that had fallen from the wall of the alley and limped faster to get away.

My eyes fell upon the woman who had slid down and hugged her hands around her
knees, covering her naked body as she sobbed quietly. Her clothes are ruined on the
dirty ground. Removing my jacket, I placed it near her feet and without a second
glance picked up the apples that spilled everywhere from her bag that she had.
Without the jacket, the gun in my holster is clear but it didn't matter. This is
Lowland Street. I placed her purse and the bag of apples next to the jacket. She
looked up to me with her mascara running down her chin.

'T...Thank you' Her voice was barely heard. The pungent smell of urine from the
alley walls were too much and I just want to get out of here.

She took the jacket and wrapped it around her body. I quickly turned away when her
nipples came into view and looked back at her when she zipped the jacket. I gave
her my hand and she got up to her feet. The jacket came till her mid thigh and
covered her arms and the upper body. I quickly took out my phone and texted Butch
to come to the alley.

By the time the tiny woman picked up her bag and purse, Butch was jogging towards
us, his eyes glancing at the woman and then at me.
'Where do you live?' I asked her.

'8...street' She replied softly. Her eyes held innocence and I had hard time not to
picture Leia in her shoes. They are close enough.

'She must reach safe' Was all I said to Butch. He nodded and the lady went on with
him while I turned away and walked faster than before to reach the Black's.

Black's Beer and Whiskey stood like a dirt ugly gargoyle in the Witchmen street
that intersects the Lowland. The paint is chipped off everywhere and the yellow is
turned up greyish. Men stood leaning on the dirty wall, smoking and talking. With
no jacket and just cap on, the night air was chilly on my bare arms. I moved passed
the men and walked inside, the warmth instantly feeling pleasant but the smell of
alcohol and smoke was thick.

Chatters and bangs on the tables as the men laughed and drank. I walked straight to
the bar place. The bartender, caked with makeup licked his lips when he saw me
approaching him.

'Hey sweetie, whatcha ya want from the menu? It got me too' His voice was bold at
the same time kinda feminine. I had a clear guess it's a trans. He...She leaned
lower, showing me her cleavage that had her boobs literally busting out from her
red bra, on the table in front of me.

'Is Black here?' I asked and took the seat.

'He's not in a menu for men, darling'

'And I'm not in the menu for you, baby,' I said sweetly, throwing a wink at her 'I
prefer pussy'

'I had my pussy-plasty two months ago and so my boobies. I've had more than 20
dicks inside by now but don't worry I'm clean' She said, batting her fake eyelashes
at me. For some reason I found her amusing and I couldn't help but smile at her

'I think I'll pass' I said carefully. Her smile dropped instantly, frown taking its

'Another bully,' She murmured under her breath 'Fucking discrimination. Fucking
bully men' She seethed loud enough for me to hear.

I shook my head, took her hand and placed her kiss on her knuckles.

'I've got my woman waiting for me at home,' I said, staring into her blue eyes 'I'm
a loyal man'

She narrowed her eyes but I could see she isn't pissed off. She took her hand from
my hold and gave a gentle push to my chest, her bangles on her wrist making its own

'Lexi forgives you,' She said with a crooked smile 'I'll inform Black that he's got
a loyal pussy whipped man visitor'

I laughed as she walked into a room.

I looked around, finding for any possible danger and then slumped back into my
chair, leting my thoughts wonder off to Leia.
Lexi came back after few seconds and told me to go to first floor, third door. I
thanked her and quickly walked up the stairs. They were two guards at the door. I
told the gun in my holster is to be returned and they checked me for other weapons,
even though I saw the fear in their eyes, and then opened the door for me. My
shoulder brushed the guard's chest, my finger glazing over his holster.

Black sat in his old seat, two guards standing right behind him. For a man in his
late 60s he looked pretty shitty. With no successor I wonder to whom his business
will go to. He gave a surprised look and stood up to shake my hand.

'What a pleasant surprise. Did your father finally agree on partnering up with me
again?' He asked with a boring tone but I didn't miss his hopeful eyes. Everyone
knows business with Bratva doesn't come so easily.

'No, I came here for other reason' I said.

His smile dropped and he took his seat while I took mine.

'What do you need if it isn't for arms?' He asked and took a cigar from his pack of
Santa Clara 1830.

'I need an information,' I said as he lit the cigar 'You are aware of the recent
attack on my hotel' I got straight to the point.

'Yes. I'm also aware of the shipments you lost before the attack,' He said 'The
Italians never stood back, did they now?'

'They never stood a chance with us' I said and took the from my holster and kept in
on the table before him.

His black orbs flickered to the gun and then to me, uneasily. I kept quiet and
waited for him to talk. He rubbed the stubble on his cheeks and for a second, with
his greasy face and prominent winkles, he looked like a damn old hotdog.

'Kutcher. Michael Kutcher his name was. Said he wanted a gun to kill the man who
fucked his daughter. I didn't know at that time it was your business partner,
Benjamin Dell, I only needed the money like I always do. The truck driver had hard
time to pay the money, gave his truck to me and I had it with me for a year till he
paid all the installments. If the gun is with you, I take it he's dead' He drew the
smoke from his punch and released it through his nose.

'From when did you start taking money through instalments?' I asked. He shrugged in
response 'There's someone behind every thing that has happened, Black. Michael was
the trail but he died, leaving me in an endless road. I found this gun in his
trunk. The gun and some pictures that told me he's the reason behind them, but you
know I've got men working in the department. His license were too true to believe.
I got to know you supplied, alright. I just need you to tell me the truth. There's
nothing to lie to me, you know that old man' I spoke as calm as possible.

Nervousness and discomfort passed his features.

'I don't know what you're talking about, Nicholas. I told you what I know, what the
truth is. The papers were made legal by me and given to him. It's been two years
since I sold it to him and you're coming here after two years, after he was killed.
I don't know what's going on in your underground but I don't need a space to fit
in. I am sorry that I could be of no help to you.'

He clearly stated me to get out but I will one I get what I want. He's lying.
I stood up, turned around and started to walk towards the door. It's been two years
since he sold it. Two years.

With my hand on the door handle, I turned around partially to look at his relieved

'How do you know Michael was killed?' I asked softly.

His face turned pale. The relief washed over and got replaced by fear.

'I...I just figured it ‒

'How do you remember him so well even after two years?' I asked.

His furrowed eyebrows released free. There was silence in the room but the loud
echo's from the ground stairs was reflecting enough to mask it up. For a second,
then a while.

The guards behind him took the gun from their holster. Before they could pull the
trigger, I shot both of them in their heads from the gun I surreptitiously picked
it from the guard's holster. I leaned my head to the door, the gun aiming at Black
as he sat astonished and panicked in his seat, and listened for any disturbance,
wondering whether the guards were able to hear the shot in spite of the noise but
there was none.

I latched the door and walked cautiously towards Black. I saw the knowing fear in
his eyes as soon as I walked in. He thought he could ask it up with surprise. It is
like he was expecting me one or the other day but not so soon.

'Stand up and walk back to the wall with your hands above your head' I said calmly.

Black hesitated but did as he was told. Once I knew he's under my cautious eyes,
that he could do nothing at the moment, I placed my gun next to Michael's and took
my seat.

'Tell me every thing you know' I said.

He stood there silently for a while, contemplating whether to talk or not when I've
already placed the cards on table with no choice but for him to pick it up. Black
is not a man anyone could call loyal but he wasn't untrustworthy either. The man's
life revolved around guns and pistols and rifles his whole life. Lived a life of a
king at his times, fucked as many whores as he can and had contacts all over the
world. He did live a life of king at his times but time changed now he's a king
only in bed. Better offers, better service and better loyal men took over even
though he had the name. After the guns, his life pinned him up with fear and money.
You could buy him with money. You could him with fear. At this case it's definitely
the money.

'I don't know who he was. He came in here with Michael. Two years ago. Paid the
money and took the gun and the guy with him. Next day he came back alone and gave
me extra money and an offer I couldn't refuse. Said I got to be expecting you
sooner or later and that I must make a license on Michael guy and tell you that
he's solely responsible,' He licked his dry lips and took in few short breaths
'After Benjamin's death, Michael tried to kill you with his truck. I then knew
something was clearly wrong and confronted him. He didn't tell me his main
intention, instead paid me more'

'What was the offer?' I asked.

'Deal with the Americans. Double of what I usually get paid for my guns. I couldn't
say no. Then when your shipments were ceased and Michael died, I decided to cancel
off the deal and break all contacts with him but he blackmailed me. Said he would
blame it all on me and I know I wouldn't stand a chance with you when you were
completely out of the loop and out of evidences' He said.

Money as well as fear.

'What's his name?' I asked.

'Gabriele Ferrari' He replied and my eyes widened.

'What did you say?' I asked again.

'Gabriele Ferrari. That's his name' He said and gave me his address that he hunted
down. The same house address Leia lived in with her father Gabriele. Gabriele


'Are you telling me that Leia is behind every thing? That she's the traitor and her
father is the mastermind?' Aron asked once I told him every thing that I found

I shook my head. After collecting the information I needed, I shot Black and walked
out of the room. The lazy guards realised that their Boss is dead after I stepped
of the bar. I had plenty of time to have a drink with Lexi and bid her goodbye. The
commotion that followed, woke up the dead. It was mid night and there were gunshots
echoing in the silent night till I walked all my way, out of the Lowland Street and
to my car. I didn't once turn around to look at who's following me or not, who
killed whom or not.

My mind was filled with the information Black gave me. Every thing seemed to be
clicking in its place and the damn answer was right in front of our fucking eyes
from the begining. Leia told me she saw her father in Dell hotel, that he went
after him. Michael came after me because Gabriele helped him kill the man who took
his happiness, his every thing in life. But why he had to kill Michael and trade
Zoran is still unclear. Why he had to even do it?

Because he's working for the Italians.

I ran a check on him on the day Leia told me about him being in the Dell hotel. His
wife died in a car accident and it's been Leia and him till he decided to throw her
off to Stark's place. He worked as an event coordinator for more than 20 years and
had no close relatives or any additional jobs. His boss and co-workers spoke good
stuff about him and I got nothing from it. I've got no pictures of him with me. I
haven't seen the man at all.

'Leia knows nothing, Aron. She was thrown to a whore club by him. I think he wanted
to get rid of her so he could do whatever he's planned' I said 'Unfortunately Leia
got saved by me. It was a coincidence. Zoran went against us even before I knew
Leia existed. She couldn't be involved in any of this.'

I trust Leia but since the matter getting out of my hands, I couldn't risk
anything. I don't understand why a common like Gabriele would join hands with the
Italians when he lived his whole damn life in Moscow and plan to get me in all ways
possible. He knew about my shipments, something not everyone would know. Is there
any old score pending?
A man capable of throwing his daughter to manwhore rather than the streets and ever
slowly trying to destroy me before killing is not a man to be underestimated.
Surely there has to be something, in some way we would've caused him horror that
has him taking revenge on me. Revenge, that's what it must be.

Or plain simple, he's working for Italians. Doing it for them.

'Maybe you should talk to her? Threaten her. Beat her even, damn it! She must know
something! She lived her damn life in his golden cage for 22 years, surely she
ain't fucking dumb enough not to find out that he's father is a killer!' Aron
shouted in the soundproof office, else mother would've gotten up from her deep
sleep and came right down to confront us.

'Maybe she's dumb. Maybe she's not,' I said calmly 'Or maybe her father is too

'Is he even her father?' Aron snorted arrogantly 'Who the fuck is he? I really
think you need to talk to her. I don't trust her now'

I do.

'Aron, listen to me,' I leaned forward and placed my hands on the table as I looked
into his eyes 'I will talk to Leia but sure she knows nothing. If she did, I
would've known. If her motive was to expose me and kill me she would've done it by
now. Also, I never spoke much about business to her. She knows nothing' I

Aron didn't talk immediately. He thought about it, thought hard and I know he too
believes it. Leia has no part in the game.

'Then let her go to he father. Let her help us' he said.

I nodded.

'Just find out whether Gabriele is in Dallas or here. I surely believe the latter.
I'll have a chat with Leia tomorrow'

I dismissed him but he didn't get up from the seat.

'What if we find out Leia was indeed a part of all this, Nicholas?' He asked

I knew the question will come out. I did think about it.

'Then I will kill her' I replied.

'Will you?' Aron cocked a perfect eyebrow at me 'She's got under your skin, man. I
think you will keep her even if she turns out to be the traitor' He mocked.

I stayed silent.

'Damn! What the fuck has she done to you?' Aron exasperated 'Are you even in your
right sense? Oh, no, you aren't. Not from the time you found that woman!'

I stayed silent.

'I'm telling everyone to your father' He said sternly and that caught me off guard.
'You wouldn't' I hissed.

'Dare me' He stood on his guard and stared into my eyes.

I sighed and slumped back in my seat. Aron's my best friend, my brother. There's
nothing to hide from him. Yes, Leia could be the traitor. She could also be working
for the Italians and father and daughter was nothing but an act. But I don't seem
to be worried about her being anything she shouldn't be. I've grown to accept the
Leia I've seen for months. The one who would shiver in delight when my fingers
touched her bare skin. The one who has screamed only my name as I was the only one
who made sweet fuck to her.

It doesn't matter if she is the traitor. She must be one of them and not the one
who's behind all this. I've accepted the Leia I've seen, I'm ready to accept the
Leia actually is. Aron's right, she's got under my skin and I'm planning on leaving
that woman, traitor or not. In fact, this only makes me to keep her all to myself
for the rest for the life.

Oh, how wonderful would that be! I'll give her freedom, I will not cage her and
talents like Gabriele did. I would send her to the finest piano institute to pursue
her career, do what she love, be the way she want but at the end of day...she's

'I want to marry her' I said, shocking not only Aron but myself.

'What?' Aron looked at me like I've suddenly grown two horns right in front of him
'What did you say?'

What did I say? Damn, do I mean it? I got up from my seat and walked to the liquor
cabin. There was pregnant silence in the room. Pouring a glass of whiskey for
myself, I took the whole content in one sip before going for another and coming
back turning back to Aron. He stared at me in disbelief. Hell, he's furious.

I looked away and walked to my seat.

God, what the fuck is wrong with me?!

'What did you say?' Aron's voice was barely a whisper.

'I...I just...' I struggled to find the correct words and looked at Aron. Leia
doesn't belong with me. I know, but the thought of another male in her life makes
me want to kill 'I don't know, Aron. She's...she seems perfect to me. Like...likes
she's...just for me. Look me in the eye and you tell me what you see, Aron? Tell
me. Tell me, please'

Aron looked conflicted. He knows, he knows what I feel, what I want, he just can't
seem to accept it. He looked me in the eye for a long time, his eyes showing me his
inner battles he's dealing with. He's furious, worried, agitated, confused and most
of all scared. It fucking hates to put him in the dilemma but he's my best bud.
When he finally spoke, his voice was calm and collected, no room for argument.

'Irina has already fixed Crawford's daughter for you. You know that, I know that,
we all know that. It isn't confirmed but it's fixed. Due to all the recent attack
and other crisis's, the families couldn't sit down and talk about it, but it is
fucking fixed, Nicholas,' He took in a sharp breath and continued 'Elena Crawford
will be a dutiful wife. She'll do all her duties as a wife perfectly and will not
be a distraction to your work. She's bare your future heir and then you could grow
him up and make him sit on the throne once you're grey and old. That's how it's
going to be. It always comes down to that, Nicholas, you know it. Don't do the
mistake your father did. It caused us so much when he put the family before the
Underground. We lost the most important ‒

'Father loved mother' I grunted out.

'He did. He did once ago, Nicholas. Before marrying her, before having you. Now he
doesn't while your mother just cries and waits for her old Lantsov to come to her
and love her like he used to. Leia is no exception and will end just like your
mother ‒

'I'm not like my father!' I replied harshly.

'That's how the saying goes, brother, but we know it's not true. You either learn
now before it's too late or you suffer like your father did and then learn from
it,' He seethed out, stressing each and every word, so it word engrave itself in my
skull 'I see you love in your eyes, love for the woman you have caged up in your
penthouse. You already took the first step from your father's. She's be broken if
you bind her to this world.'s too pure for us. Men in our world can't
even think about it but your father used it and suffered. Now you're doing the same
mistake. Love caused a lot 22 years ago, when we were barely kids. We lost the
light of our home, the most valuable treasure and my father is paying the price
till now ‒

'It wasn't just your loss'

'My father forgot that he has a son, a daughter when the war was over. He's fucking
drunk everyday and waiting for his goddamn death to arrive. It was love that broke
our family, took away everything beyond repair. Please, let her go, Nicholas. She's
not the one for you. She deserves someone much better than you, you know it. Once
you find out whether she's the traitor or not, you're going to fucking let her go,
and that's tomorrow. Else, I got no choice but to tell Lantsov every thing that has
happened' Aron said in a final voice, got up and left the room without a second

So, Aron's behind every thing that's happening?

The upcoming chapters are going to spin your head, I swear. Get ready!

Chapter 38 - Chapter-37
"He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he
saw her, like the sun, even without looking."

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy


The last chapter left most of them hell shocked. Let me know about this.


I woke up in pure bliss this morning. The other side of the bed was empty and cold
but I sunk my face in his pillows that still had his scent.

After a warm shower and I went through the closet to chose an outfit for today. I
never took a double look before at the closet he stacked up for me, alright. I was
humming I Will Always Love You as I swayed my hip and exited my room.

'Hey Catalina. Hey Rosia. Hey Vanessa.' I greeted the maids in the kitchen while
they all just stared at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

I walked out of the home to the garden and Boris was talking to the gardener,

'Hey Jeffery, Hey Boris. What a warm sunny day for November' I said, smiling at
both of them.

Jeffery, a 50 year old Armenian working for Nicholas for the past 4 years. He gave
me a soft smile and went on pruning the bougainvillea.

'Hello, ma'am' Said Boris.

'It's Leia and I've already told you that a several times' I rolled my eyes at him
'What are you doing here anyways?' I asked curiously.

'I came here to inform you that you are to be ready by 7 in the evening.' He

'Okay. You could've simply texted or called me instead.' I said.

He went from being his usual — stern and bank — to nervous within a few seconds. I
scrunched my eyebrows and I narrowed my eyes at him. He rubbed the back of his neck
and stared me in the eye, his eyes begging me to understand and not make him talk

I thought hard on what could probably make the big and scary so nervous but my
thoughts didn't go that far and I gave him a blank look.

'Forget it. You probably wouldn't have noticed it. I'm just that good at keeping
things under the bed' He said softly, staring at the ground.

'Hmm...okay' I said, clearly out of the loop. My mind and heart is still fluttering
and dancing with Nicholas's thoughts, so I can't think any.

'You wanna grab breakfast before you leave?' I asked.

'Hm? Yeah, sure' He said and walked with me to the home.

He probably wouldn't have even accepted the offer in the first place. No idea
what's gotten into him today. Well, even I don't look so normal either.

I love Nicholas.

The thought just sprang out to life last night. But it wasn't just a thought. More
like awakening something from its sleep. Awakening from inside me. The thought
didn't surprise nor shock me. A smile made its way to my lips and I stayed awake
looking down at Nicholas sleep peacefully next to me. I remember the first time he
slept with me, he didn't fall asleep till I did and when I woke up in the middle of
the night to use to the washroom, I saw a gun right under his pillow. I knew then
that he didn't trust me and I was fine by that, because I didn't trust him either.
He still keeps a gun with him but it's in the drawer at the night stand, not under
the pillow and I know it's just for safety and no longer due to me.

He looks peaceful and more handsome when he's sleeping. His breathing was slow and
even, his naked chest rising slowly for every breath. He has a small scar right
above his left eye, at the junction where the lacrimal gland is situated. I never
noticed it before. It was so faint and tiny. I hesitantly brought my finger — last
time I touched him in sleep, he immediately grabbed my hand and opened his eyes in
alert but then he let it go after knowing it's just me — and ran my finger on the
faint scar. He stirred and stiffened for a second but then he smiled softly and
went back to sleep. When I was quiet sure he's fast asleep, I went closer to his
ear and whispered "I love you, my gangster." He doesn't know, of course but it felt
better to let it out of my chest. I know it'll take a lot of time for me to confess
my love to him and the bitter part is he will never feel that way towards me. As a
Bratva leader, I know men like him can't have weaknesses but who am I kidding? I'm
not even worth a weakness for him. He just wants to have me for a...while. I
drifted away from my thoughts and smiled at Catalina when she filled my glass with

Vanessa placed a Tupperware tiffin box in front of Boris with a thud and walked
away rudely. I looked at her strangely. Doesn't she like Boris or something? But
Boris remained oblivious to her, his eyes searching for something else in the
kitchen. I stared at the place he was staring, trying to figure what's he searching
for but found nothing.

Catalina gave me a plate of toast and walked back to the kitchen. Vanessa was off
to the laundry section and Boris sat down instead of taking the tiffin and leaving.
His lips are thinned, nervousness was no longer in his feature, instead he looked
irritated. I wouldn't have known it in beginning since all his expression and
emotions are close to blank and grunt but I know him a little better now. He poured
himself a glass of water a drank it calmly, in no hurry to catch a plane for

It took me 30 long seconds to realise that he wasn't looking for something but for
someone. My eyes widened and my mouth hung apart as I stared at Boris. He looked at
me in confusion at first than realised that I caught it and chuckled softly.


How did I never notice it before? Oh, well because I never really bothered the
maids and just kept to myself and never paid attention to all the times Rosia would
scurry off when Boris arrives or look at him from the corner of her eyes whenever
he's talking to me or turn into deep shade of red when he steps a foot into the
kitchen to talk to Catalina.

It's cute, now that I think of it. Rosia is young and beautiful and as far as I
know she's studying nursing and paying off her bills with the hefty salary paid by
Nicholas. She's quiet and never even talks much to Catalina and Vanessa. She leaves
right when her shift gets over and arrives on time each day. She never approached
me before for anything and neither did I.

'She's cute' I said to Boris 'How long it's been going on?'

Boris ears turned red at the question and he didn't meet my eyes.

'She the only woman I see' Was all Boris replied and took the tiffin and stood up
from his seat 'I'll pick you up, be ready. Boss is a little busy' He said and
looked in the kitchen one last time before leaving.

Rosia came in through the back door situated in the kitchen just in time and went
on to wash the dishes.

I finished my breakfast, smiling at them both and went off to my room.

Boris and Rosia. She's fragile. He's strong. She's soft and invisible to everyone.
He envelops the surrounding with his presence once he enters. Opposites. Total
opposites. I can't wait to see the two in love.

I fell on the bed and spread my long hair back, staring up at the white ceiling,
letting my thoughts drift to Nicholas and us.

Us. It sounds good in my mind.

'Us' It sounds even better to tell it out loud.

My heart's got wings and it's attached to you, kitten.

He had said that last night. What does he mean by that? Does he too have some
feelings for me? I don't want to overthink and come a conclusion which might turn
out to be false later on. I can't have high hopes on us, at least not knowing
what's on his mind.

I don't remember when I fell in love with this bad boy. Was it when he saved me
from Stark's place? Or when he brought me here to his penthouse? I was so cooked up
with my father disappearing on me and worried about my future that I pushed away of
the sweet thoughts that would invade my mind and not let me sleep at nights.

I should be worried for falling in love a man like him. I still remember Sophia
saying how Irina too was in my place once a upon a time and Lantsov put the Mafia
before her. I don't want that for me but I don't see getting myself close to at
least what she got.

It feels like I'm floating, not in air. Floating in something in something much
more better than air, like in fresh scent of flowers. And the euphoria is even
better. Like lanterns in purple orange sky, the grass on the earth gold in color
and shinning magnificently and there's roses. Just roses everywhere. But they all
are red, just like I love, just like Nicholas said I see them red whenever he calls
me Rose. There's no one around and till your eyes reach, all you see is acres of
golden land with red roses. I love it so much and the loneliness doesn't creep me
because all of it was done just for me and me only.

Is this how everyone feels when they're in love?

I never really thought about having a boyfriend or getting into a relationship. I

was too keen on making a life for myself, releasing myself from all the ropes I was
bound to due to my father.

I know Nicholas is tying me but it's not like my father did. His ropes are loose
but there's a limit. I don't like it but I'm pretty sure he will untie me once he
comes to know that I no longer intend to leave him. Well, at least if he shares
half of what I feel.

* * *

Boris picked me up exactly at 7 in the evening.

'So, where exactly are you taking me?' I asked Boris.

'Blue Gold' He replied.

Excitement bubbled inside me and I couldn't help but think of Marie all of a sudden
She always wanted to visit Blue Gold, the biggest and costliest Casino in Moscow. I
remember Nicholas talking about it and how I was surprised to know it belongs to
the Antonovich's when in reality and in papers it belongs to some businessman.

'He wanted me there? Why?' I asked curiously, doing nothing to supress y

excitement. I quickly glanced at my attire. Thankfully, just for the sake to
impress Nicholas I wore a royal blue midi skirt that reached just below my knees
and my hair is tied into a messy bun. I don't usually apply any makeup and almost
all the times Nicholas has seen the makeup free me, so I applied a bit of makeup

'I don't know' He replied.

'Any guesses?' I ask.

'May be he wants you to give a tour of his Casino? Impress you?' He said. I looked
aside at Boris to see his lips lifted up to a small smirk. It wasn't mocking but he
found it amusing for whatever reason that is I do not know.

'Impress me? 'I asked with amusement 'What for?'

He smiled and I had to get a grip on myself from being surprised as it may offend
him or make him smile more. It's really relieving to know he's getting use to me,
not the same Boris I knew months ago who would just stare and grunt at me.

I looked out of the window when we entered the gate of the Blue Gold. Bathed in
bright warm lights, the tall and large edifice stood magnificently proud and high.
They were guards and securities everywhere, patrolling and checking the cars.
There's a huge line of cars waiting in a queue to get past the security system but
Boris drove the other empty side of it and passed the security system and went
right to the underground parking lot.

'Be right by my side. Don't leave or talk to anyone until I introduce you to them,
alright?' Boris asked softly and I nodded.

I quickly got down and walked beside Boris. When we reached the ground floor, I
steps slowed down as I looked around at the beautiful spacious hall. The floor is
pure white and shinning like diamonds under the chandleries. The walls are white
and there are collections of prizes in a huge shelf and pictures of men and woman,
and landscapes hung. The three men sitting at the receptionist nodded their heads
at Boris and quickly went back to their computers. Women with long gowns had a
champagne in their hands and were talking and laughing with men. It looked so fake
yet rich and I had to look away but they didn't do the same.

The all looked at us when we passed and I had to inch closer to Boris. It took me a
while to realise that they weren't looking at me as I'm new, instead they were
looking at Boris. Some had ugly scowl on their faces while the others held deep
fear in their eyes. They all gaped at him opening, clearly wishing he would just
walk out from wherever he came from. Well, I felt the urge to walk away though. It
was uncomfortable and the whole room went dead silent, apparently watching Boris
became an unwanted interest to stare at.

I know Boris is intimidating and might look scary. I've seen people looking at him
with uneasiness in public but it's nothing worst like now and I know from their
looks that all them know Boris well enough. I looked up to Boris, the words on tip
of my tongue but I quickly swallowed them when I saw a blank yet a frightening look
on his face. He remained unfazed by everyone and walking confidently through a huge
door that led to smaller one.

This room is much crowded than the previous, it's loaded. Thick smell of liquor and
smoke suffocated me but the air was crisp and clean. The walls are painted orange
and the men are busy gabling and playing, with a hearty laugh and talk. Women with
sexy clothes were serving them drinks and other beverages. I'm not really good at
identifying and naming the gambling games in the room but I've seen them t.v.
Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Black Jack and the pin ball type and so many others I
couldn't name.

Many were indulged in the tension of the game and money that they didn't notice us
entering while the other who did, stood back or turned away from Boris. No one
approached him, the men were quiet good in ignoring him like a plague but Boris
didn't seem to mind. He started to walk through the room, people seem to move aside
when he arrived and I was right behind him.

I wanted to ask Boris why everyone's acting rude and dumb but I kept my mouth shut.
After all, he didn't seem to mind, more like he has gotten use to it.

We entered a double door and immediately the environment changed. The laughs and
talks faded behind us, behind the glass door and the room we entered looked much
welcoming with some rap song running at low sound. They were kind couches and round
tables and men were seated, talking in hushed tones and drinking liquor.

'Hey, Boris' A man called out from a table. He was greying pretty much and his eyes
were forest green. His pals were smiling at him and Boris gave curt nod and walked
towards them.

'Hey, man I don't see much here. Women and drinks that's keeping you occupied?' He
asked in an amused tone and his friends chuckled.

'Work' Was all Boris replied.

'Ah, right. Who might this beautiful lady be. Might coming up here darling?' The
man called me and I didn't miss the way he rubbed his lap, as if to ask me sit

I remained standing behind Boris, half body visible to him and his mates and stared
at him.

'Madam Elma asked you. Said you never came with the sausages he asked for' One of
the men said and the rest started to chuckle.

'I don't take orders from her, Jay. Thought you knew that' Boris replied casually
and the blue eye man nodded.

'Anyways, get a drink for me, will ya?' The man old said and gave him the empty
glass. It instantly made me angry but Boris seemed cooled 'Bitches are worst in
service here. Should talk to Nicholas about it'

Boris took the glass and turned his head to me, to indicate me to follow and I did.

'Hey baby girl there's a nasty hole in that skirt of yours, didn't you notice?' The
old man said softly and I stopped, looking at my skirt.

'Where?' I asked, embarrassed about the whole thing. Next thing I know the men
started to laugh and I flushed red as I looked at him in anger.

I quickly tried to walk away from them, towards Boris but a hand clutched my wrist
and I looked at the forest green eyes staring up at me with an evil smirk.

'Let go' I said sternly and wiggled my hand from his deathly grip. He held it more

'How about you show us what's inside that skirt? Then I might consider letting go
of you so you can go fuck your Boris baby, isn't that why he brought you here?' He
asked and his mates looked eagerly towards us.

I was shivering due to anger and I bit my teeth as hard as possible from doing
something irrational or stupid.

'How about you chop your wrinkled dick off right here, right now and I might
consider showing what's inside my skirt?' I said and raised my right and slapped
hard across his face. His grip on my wrist loosened and I wiggled free from his
hold, stepping aside.

His mates narrowed their eyes at me but spoke nothing. Before I could walk away
Boris came with the glass filled with red wine.

The old hag looked at me and then Boris with blazing eyes. I don't know whether
Boris saw what happened or not.

'You bitch —

His words were cut off as he was caught off guard when I took the drink from Boris
and threw it on his face before keeping the glass down on the table with a loud
thud. His white shirt quickly strained red and the black suit shinned under the

Hooking my arm with Boris, I walked swiftly away from them and Boris led the way.

So much for not doing something stupid or irrational. He deserved it.

We got into an elevator and my breathing was still quick and fast. My temper lower
and Boris unhooked his arm from mine.

'That was badass' He said.

'Why didn't you come soon?' I asked, more in an accusation way.

'I wanted to know what you'd do' He simply stated.

'What if they got me?' I asked, folding my arms in front.

'They didn't. You didn't let that happen' He replied and leaned back on the wall,
staring at the celing.

'What if I wasn't able to? What if his friends stood up and approached me? I'm
pretty sure they would've outnumbered me'

'Then he muster up all your strength and run or fight back.' He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes to slits and huffed in annoyance. I watched the scene and didn't
try to help me out?

'You choose whether you want to be the victim or fighter. Expecting a saviour to
drop from the sky to rescue you isn't a choice but a stupid lame imagination. You
fight for yourself if you want to thrive in our world' He added.

'I don't expect saviours to drop from the sky and I definitely don't want to thrive
in your world. I'll be leaving this world very soon' I said.
Boris looked at me with a blank look.

'You're here now and the choices are up your sleeve,' He said and went back staring
at the top 'Victim or fighter'

The door opened and I spoke no further and stepped out. My eyes fell on Nicholas
who was already looking at me, sitting behind his chair. I couldn't help the smile
that came by way and I looked over my shoulder to see Boris closing behind the
elevator door.

I turned around to the large room. It looks like an office. Huge shelves stood at
the sides with newspapers and files and books sacked up neatly in them. A mini bar
at the corner with colorful liquor bottles at display from the wooden racks that's
behind the glass door. Black and white photos and color photos on the white walls,
a huge symbol of Valknut engraved on the wall. It's red in color and they are angry
flames around it.

I walked over to Nicholas who sat silently in his chair, his eyes not once leaving
mine. He had a hard look but his eyes were soft.

'You asked for me?' I asked once I covered the distance with just a table between

'Yes' His voice was deep and it sent a shiver down my spine 'Come here, Rose' He
motioned me with his index and I walked over to him. He tapped his lap and without
any hesitation I placed myself on his lap.

'What is it?' I asked.

'You look pretty' He said seriously and i pouted 'Did you dress up for me?'

I fumbled with the hem of my skirt and licked my lower lip. I slowly shook my head
a no, embarassed of what'll he think if I tell the truth.

He shook his head too with me, his lips turning to a soft smile, the act was cute
to look before I started giggling.

'I know when you lie to me, Leia' He said.

I gave a sheepish smile and let it go. He placed a lingering kiss on my cheek.

'There's something I want to talk to you, Leia. Do you remember seeing Michael in
the Dell hotel before seeing Benjamin's dead body?' He asked. The question seemed
to be have rehearsed perfectly yet it wouldn't have sounded do guarded and slow and

I tried to answer his question. I truly tried. On the day I saw my father, or I
thought I saw my father was the day I saw Benjamin shot in his head as he laid dead
the bed in one of the rooms. At first I thought it was Nicholas since I saw him
walking out of the room but after he confronted and showed me the footage, there
was a different story. It's a bad nightmare that I want to forget and no matter how
hard I tried, it never really left me. I remember following my father who didn't
really look like my father and missing him as he entered the elevator. I ran
through the pile of stairs but didn't really find him. I was all too cooked up in
finding him, I never really glanced at anybody.

'No, I didn't see anyone' I said.

Nicholas took a deep breathe.

'It seems to us that it was done by a single man. Right from the begining' He said.

'From the beginning?' I asked, not able to hid my shock and surprise, altogether
'You mean, Benjamin's murder, the kidnap, the shipments —

'Before that a man, a loyal man of mine joined hands with the cops, going against
me' His hand around me tightened and a foggy sadness passed over his features 'I
had to kill him, Leia. I had to. Then came Benjamin's murder, and the rest as you

Nicholas doesn't speak much about his business and let alone sit and talk to me
about it. Is this why he had called me here? He could've just came to the penthouse
and talked over.

'You found out they were the Italians' I said. He nodded.

'The shoot out in my joint was the work of the Italians, yes. But all these connect
too much to guess and I don't exactly know where to start from. Whoever he is, he's
every keen on not leaving anything that will make us follow him. Definitely he
ain't a common or a newbie in our world. Simon also mentioned he's...someone we
know' He said 'I want —

A loud BANG! interuptted us. It was so loud and came from above, from the Casino.
The noise wasn't shaded and low as it hit the thick walls to get past them before
reflecting here. They were loud enough as if it happened in the elevator which is
just few foots away from us.

It shook me to the core and I felt my heartbeats in my ears.

'What was that?' I asked, horrified.

The elevator door opened and walked in Constantine. He's looks much rugged and
handsome than the first time I saw him. He had a tensed look but he managed to give
me a soft smile before talking to Nicholas.

'It's Chet' Was all Constantine said but that word had so much of anger,
disappointment and exhaustion.

'Not again' Replied Nicholas in a tired voice and releasing a long sigh.

The name seems to be familiar but I can't remember where exactly I've heard.

'I'll be back, Leia' Said Nicholas to me and I got down from his lap, suddenly
feeling shy that Constantine saw us like this.

Nicholas swiftly walked to the elevator, leaving Constantine alone with me.

'Hi' Constantine said, his face breaking into a wide smile.

'Hi' I replied back.

'Nicholas will be late. How about I show you around?' He asked politely 'I'm sure
you'll love it'

I looked at him doubtfully, not uttering a word. I don't know Constantine but I
know he's a trusted men of Nicholas. The Casino is filled with bastards and I
already met one when I came in. I don't want to throw drinks on everyone here.
'I'll take that as no' Constantine said 'We can stay here then' He shrugged and
removed his black blazer and put in around the chair before walking to one shelves.
I sat back in Nicholas seat and watched him for a while. He went through files in
deep concentration. When I finally got bored of watching him, I went through the
drawers in Nicholas's table. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't. They were pictures,
files and more files but one thing that caught my attention was a dagger.

It just laid there, in the second drawer towards my left. It shined silver under
the lights and has a long clip point, the end too sharp enough to penetrate into
flesh. There were designs carved on the blade and the handle, right where the blade
meets is antique and the edges are drawn out like dragon nails in golden, that are
sharp and pointy. The rest of the handle is leather coated and the end has another
sharp point nail in golden color.

I looked at Constantine who's staring down at a file and then reached for the
dagger. It was heavy when I tried to lift it, lot heavier than it looks.

'I won't touch it if I were you' My hand shrunk back from the drawer and I looked
up to Constantine but he still has his head bent down to a pink file, his fingers
flipping the pages 'Clovis, is its name. Nicholas named it Clovis' He closed the
file and turned to me 'It's very dear to him. Doesn't let anyone touch it'

'I'm sorry. It's a beautiful dagger' I said and quickly shut the drawer.

'It is, indeed. The steel itself weighs 533g. It was made specially for Nicholas'
He said.

'Nicholas likes daggers?' I asked and got up from my seat.

'It's his first one. His father had it made' He said casually.

I scrutinized my eyes and stared at him for few seconds. I've heard fathers having
it made a lot of other things for their children but daggers are definitely not one
of them.

'Has he...has he ever used for —

'Cutting vegetables? No. Cutting other people's throats? Definitely yes' He gave me
a flat look and went back to the shelves.

I walked towards him and stayed few foot away from him. Nicholas doesn't talk about
his 'friends' and I know people who are his friends are not really friends. I trust
Aron, I even like Turner and Boris but the rest all, including his parents are off
limits to me.

'What are doing?'

'Searching.' Was all he replied.

'Need any help?'

'No, thank you' He said and went on with his work.

I stood looking at his handsome face. I should probably go back and do whatever the
hell was doing but he seems to be more a interesting matter at the moment, I don't
even know why.

'Why did Lantsov had that dagger made for Nicholas?' I asked out of blue and he
quickly narrowed his eyes at me.

'No one calls him by name. He was the Pakhan, keep that in your mind' He stated
gruffly before placing the file, he had in his hand, in the rack and going for

'I'm sorry' I said quickly 'Why did he had it made specially for him?'

'Nicholas never told you?' He cocked an eyebrow at me 'He became the Made Men in
the age of 14'

'What's that?' I asked.

Constantine chuckled at me and shook his head in a rather amusement way 'Where did
Nicholas find you again? The Vertex Bar, right'

'What does that got to do with that?' I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

'Nothing. Made Men are is a way to join to the Bratva. He need to kill in order to
become the Made Men' He explained.

Breath knocked out of my chest but I didn't react the way I was feeling inside.
Kill. Three letter word that just sent a shiver down my spine but Constantine said
it in a way too casual way. Whom did he kill? Was it even necessary?

'He was 14 that time' He added and this time I couldn't control my expression.

'14?!' I said aloud abruptly 'That's not possible! He was...he was just a child'

'Oh, yeah. The youngest Made Men. His father was so proud, everyone were' He
smiled, not bothered about my accusation as he went through the content in the file
he has in his hand. I suddenly felt the urge to snatch the file from his hand and
throw it on a wall.

''There's nothing to be proud of! He killed someone for no reason just to join the
Bratva? He could've done it two years ago, when he took the Pakhan post, why does
he have to...' I couldn't say more because it's plain useless. It's shocking,
traumatizing for me but not for him or anyone in the Mafia. I need to learn that.

If I need to stick around with Nicholas till...death.

'How many did he kill after that?' I asked, and this time he looked at e in a
peculiar way. Maybe because I asked it softly or maybe he heard the desperation in

'Plenty. Men. Women who were badass. Just plenty. Hardly anyone keeps a count here,
Leia. You kill and eat the predator before it kills and eats you. There are no
rules, no conditions, no limits because both of them are predators.'

'How many have you killed?' I asked.

He took a deep breath and when he answered his voice was stern.


I sucked in a deep breath. Then how much did Nicholas kill? It's difficult to
imagine him killing someone, it's even difficult not to imagine.

'Here. Look here,' He pointed to the file and I moved closer to get a look inside
'This is the fierce gun fight that went on between the Bratva and the Dixie gang,
in '76. This man here with the mustache is none other than Nicholas's grandfather,
Kirill Vladimir Antonovich'

I saw the old sandy colored newspaper page that contained a man with a thick cigar
in between his lips and a death look in his eyes. His mustache was lifted up at the
edges and he looked just like a killer on sight. There was another picture right
below it, it was a picture of a street and few men shot dead on ground and some
hiding behind whatever that'll protect them from their enemies.

Whoever the news reporter was wrote in a such a crucial way that it'll inflict fear
in anyone who reads it. It was horrendous.

I quickly looked away from it. Constantine chuckled.

'You are literally with the Pakhan and you don't fear him as much as you fear the
way things go around here' He said.

'That's because Nicholas never showed me any of this and he's nothing but a
gentleman to me' I said, more to myself. Like I want to believe them all even
though I know the actual truth.

'Gentleman with blood in his hand. I like that' He teased.

'I better wait for Nicholas while you do your work' I said.

'File 45. Project Kill,' Constantine said 'I'm searching for it. Check the last two
columns while I check here'

I nodded my head and walked to the last.

I started checking from the beginning. Each drawer contained at least ten to twelve
files and all of them were named and numbered. The numbers were all triple digits
here and Constantine told me that Jack, who cleaned the drawers two days ago
must've kept it carelessly somewhere.

We didn't speak much and the silence was comfortable. I became so engrossed in
searching the file that I forgot about Nicholas and waiting for him to return.

Accounts (Copy), Hellmenn Diamonds, Gold, Project Honor, Project Weber, '90 Account
Details, List of Made Men (Copy), Project Zimbabwe, Arnold Shipments, Crawford
Hotels and Accounts, List of Made Men New (Copy) and the names of the files went on
and on.

I finished the last two columns and didn't find them. I went for the others as
Constantine told me. The files here looked old, which made it easier to check since
the file we're searching for is pretty new. The numbers are still triple digits, in
500s. The smell of wood and age old paper was too much to bare. I coughed and went
on pushing each file forward in the drawer, my eyes quickly glancing at the number
and reading the name. Some of the drawers had albums and my hands itched to pick it
up and look into it in high hoped to find Nicholas's pictures but Constantine gave
me an advise which made me shut the drawers reluctantly, as the advise was more
like a sweet warning that the pictures ain't for kids to look at. Definitely not
the pictures of Nicholas.

They were newspapers, and all the headlines had the bold line that quoted or stated
about the Bratva in '90. It became pretty clear that they were high up on the
ladder. Curiosity is rising in me and I want to ask Constantine about the Bratva,
about the familia but I didn't find the courage to deal with the aftermath. Looking
at the newspapers and the headlines, it clearly told me that they Bratva has stood
up for years and is still unshaken. Nicholas never speaks about his work, about the
Mafia. I remember the times his eyes lit up when I asked for his symbol on the
chest and I also remember the time he told me how his father broke rules.

He wants to open up with me but he's scared that it might scare me. I know it will,
whatever it might be but I want to hear him. His deepest and darkest secrets. His
every flaw and scar so I might group it together as clusters of stars and wear it
on my sleeve like an honour.

As the drawers went by, the newspapers headlines changed just a name, Kirill to
Lantsov Vladimir Antonovich. I know soon I will get to see Nicholas's too.

The last drawer of the fourth column surprised me. They contained files with the
word Italian in it. '90 Accounts Italian (Copy), Project Lee (Copy), Italian and
Russian Shipment Details (Copy), Italian Gold, Italian Diamond Import, Italian Gold
Import (Copy), Sex Trafficking Details, Joints and Clubs, Hotels (Bratva &
Italian), Bratva and Italian Made Men '90 (Copy), Valentino and Lantsov Business
Details, Italian Partnership Details, and the files went on and on, probably the
whole column, more than a hundred files. They were all old and the paper stink was

As far I'm aware, Italians are sworn enemies. There was an attack a week ago and
here there a file about partnership. I want to ask Constantine what these mean but
I have a strong feeling that he might ask me to back to what I was doing before
helping me out and curiosity is killing me from within. I slowly took the Italian
Partnership Details out and Constantine's eyes immediately flickered towards me.

'You better be careful of what you will witness' He said and went on searching.

I released a huge breath and looked down at the yellow file that heavily rested on
my hand. The edges were curled in and there are stains all over. It's dusty on my
hands even though Constantine told me that Jack cleaned them all two days ago. I
opened the file and my eyes instantly fell on the document. It was a bond paper and
as I read I realised it's an agreement between the two familia ‒ Bratva and Italian
Mafia about the gold shipment with 50 percent share. There's a sign of Lantsov and
a man named Valentino at the end of paper.

The rest of the documents contained agreements on gold, trafficking, hotels,

joints, pubs, drugs, every crime that Mafia does which left me utterly confused.
These files tell a lot of story. It looks like they Russians and the Italians were
together but I can be wrong. The gangs have alliances and alliances sometimes go
against one another for some reasons so even this must've broken due to some
reason. Definitely they couldn't be together if they were to become sworn enemies

I kept back the file and went through the other, pushing away the thoughts and
finding file that has the number 45 on it. But as I went deeper and deeper, the
word Italian got stuck like a gum that at a point it annoyed me. The next drawer
contained newspaper and the headlines contained Italian and Russian Mafia cruelty.
My eyes drifted past Lantsov's faces and but stopped when I a saw a new face. I
took out the newspaper and looked at the familiar face.

I don't remember where I've seen this man but I have seen him. He has a long nose
and his eyes forest green but there a kind of darkness that I've seen in Lantsov.
He looks young and below his photo is his name ‒ Valentino 'Carl' Leggio. I read
the article which said he raped the Cheif's wife before cutting her breasts and
sending it to the station. The body was found in his home, in his bedroom. It was a
warning to the Chief who had encountered one of his Made Men. The Chief retired and
left the country with his 3 year old daughter.

I put back the newspaper from where I found it and went back to what I was asked to
do. The news left a bitter taste in my mind and heavy stone in my heart. Mafia and
cruelty seems no different. What else have these people done? What has Nicholas

When I opened the next drawer, it came out of its place, weighted heavy on my one
hand and fell hard on the ground as my adrenaline rushed to my veins and I quickly
moved away, else the heavy steel box of drawer would've fallen right on my feet.
The albums splattered everywhere and I heard Constantine curse.

'You okay?' He quickly made its way to me, his eyes traveling all over my body,
searching for any damage 'Were you hurt?'

I shook my head and held my left wrist in my hand. I don't know why I thought I
could hold the damn heavy steel with just one hand. The handle slipped passed my
fingers and my hand bent as before the box hit the floor. Constantine took my hand
and inspected it.

'Nothing happened' I said.

'Enough of helping. I'll do it on my own. Go sit' He said.

I nodded. Constantine kneeled down and picked up the albums and I helped him, even
though he said not to.

As I was picking up, I saw the albums contained Lantsov's pictures and even

'Are these family albums?' I asked.

'Yeah, all of them. This and the drawer that's above it. You can see these, you'll
find Nicholas in diapers' He said.

I giggled and quickly took five albums, got up. I sat in Nicholas's seat, as
Constantine picked the rest of the albums and arranged them in the drawer.

I opened the first one.

There were pictures of young Lantsov in the begining and then it was a man I wasn't
aware of. Then Irina and Nicholas and Sophia and Aron. Little Nicholas didn't look
little from his expression he had on every photographs. He was dead serious and i
couldn't help but smile. In one of the pictures there was a woman next to Irina
with a baby in her arms and little Nicholas and little Aron standing in front of

I took a wild guess that the woman must be Aron and Sophia's mother and the baby in
her ars was Sophia indeed. The woman looked beautiful with a warm smile on her face
as she looked at the camera.

I flipped the page and went on hunting for Nicholas pictures. He didn't smile in
most of the pictures but the one he did, it was hardly recognisable. He looks cute
and innocent but with Aron I could see the mischevioucness in his eyes.

'Finally!' Constantine's voice made me look at him. He held the file with the
number 45 and title Project Kill written in a black marker. I gave him a thumbs up.

He walked to me and joined me. We looked at the photographs together and

Constantine told me some of the stories behind the photos. Some were funny, some
were joyful and some were beautiful memories. I see a normal happy family, not a
gangster family.

'Nicholas was angry when his father made him wear this. He didn't like it at all,
it seems. Said it chokes him and burned him within. I was literally roaing about
with nothing but underwear in that age, surely i feel his pain' Constantine said,
pointing out to Nicholas who had a grumpy look in one of pictures, wearing a black
suit. He looks cute and handsome. An handsome young little boy.

Before we know it, I was opening the fifth album.

My smile vanished as soon as I saw the first picture.

'This man...?' I pointed out at the man who stood with his arm around Lantsov's
shoulder, smiling. For an instance the position he was in seemed even more familiar
to me.

'Valentino' Constantine's voice became rigid, dark 'Valentino 'Carl' Leggio. Was
known by Carl in his days'

'He...he seems familiar ‒

'Of course. He was along side Lantsov in every '90s newspaper. Dark days' He said

'No...' I rubbed my temple as I tried hard to think where I've seen this face.
Definitely not the newspaper 'He seems familiar to me, Constantine'

Constantine looked down at me curiously and I noticed how close he is, his suit
almost touching my arm. Whatever he seemed to thinking, he brushed them away and
flipped the page.

Another picture of Valentino with another man, whom I don't know.

'Who is this?' I asked, pointing to the man next to Valentino.

'Aron's father, Ambrosii' He replied. I looked in surprise at the man in the

picture. Surely Aron's got his looks from his father. With the image I'm looking
at, I can't imagine this man drunk in sorrow as he waited for his death.

'Sophie said he left ‒

'The Italians and the Russians worked together' Said Constantine, staring down at
Valentino 'We were strong, ruthless, best. No one could shake us' He said in a soft
tone that scared me 'Valentino wasn't happy with what we had, what we earned. The
world spoke of Italians and Bratva, together. We were a team, a family. Valentino
broke that all. Ambrosii lost his sister...Number of lives...' He closed his eyes
and took in deep breaths.

Reluctantly I placed my hand on his clenched fist on the table. He immediately

opened his eyes and stared at me. I gave a soft squeeze and smiled at him. If it
isn't easy to tell, I won't force him to. I flipped the page of the album and asked
him for the background story for a picture that had Aron staring at the camera with
a grumpy look and Nicholas holding Sophia in his arms, cooing her.

The tension in the air passed and we normally went through the pictures as before.
When I thought the album is done, there was final page remaining and flipped the
I instantly realised where I saw Valentino when my eyes landed on the same picture
I saw long before, but my eyes widened when I connected two and two.


'Who...who is this?' I asked, pointing at the man next to Valentino. The same man
I've known for 22 years. My damn whole life.

'Gabriele Bernadi. Valentino's right hand'

No... It can't be.

It was like a lightening struck my mind and everything, everything became suddenly

It's the same picture I saw at my home, in attic when I was cleaning. The same
picture where my father had his arm wrapped around Valentino and Valentino's arm
wrapped around my father. There wasn't any difference in both the picture so I
can't seem to convince my heart or mind that it can't be my father.

I wanted to scream that he's Gabriele Ferrari not Gabriele Bernadi and he's an even
coordinator who worked and worked his whole life. Oh, yes he is a fucking bastard
who sold his own damn daughter to a pimp but...but...he couldn't be Valentino's
right hand...he couldn't.


All of it.

The elevator door opened and I felt the fear breaking all my bones as fast as
Nicholas walked towards me.

The thoughts about my father being in Mafia, about his life being a lie, my life
being lie, subsided as a bigger thought settled deep in my mind.

What would Nicholas do if he comes to know about this?

'Leia are you okay?' His hand came forward and cupped my cheek, his eyes glancing
at the album, at the picture of my father and Valentino before looking at me.

The look was so sharp and filled with doubts, I know he will smell it if I don't
act well.

'Y-Yeah, I need a drink' I said. He scrunched his eyebrows but let his hand fall
back down, and walked to the bar section while Constantine took all the albums and
walked to the shelf. My eyes never leaved the fifth album till it went to its place
and Constantine closed it shut.

Nicholas handed me a drink and I took it without hesitation. Constantine left the
office without adieu and I quickly got up from Nicholas's seat. He sat down and
pulled me on his lap.

'Do you remember Chet? The bald one you saw when you first came to my fighting
club?' Nicholas asked, but I wasn't thinking of what he asked me to and he didn't
seem to wait for me 'Asshole is bad in gambling. Loses all his damn money and turns
the Casino upside down and then goes for the throat who won his money. The only
reason I handle his bullshit and keep him is because I need him. And he's loyal'
Nicholas said and placed a lingering kiss on my ear.

Whole life he lied to me, to my mother, his wife. Kept his dark secrets. It makes
sense why he was never the normal father every kid had. The one who played with his
daughter, helped her when she first drove her bicycle, held her hand and walked her
to the kinder garden. It was always my mother or Agathe, never my father. It makes
sense. It all makes sense.


I hummed in response and I took a sip of my drink.

'As I was saying before, it's one man who did it from the beginning ‒

My father.

'I know you will be furious but I...I think I should check your home' Nicholas
said, making me turn my head to him 'The one you lived with your father' He added.

I felt a tight knot in my stomach. The bone crushing fear was too much but it
wasn't because he'll find out about my father, it was because of what he'll think
of me when after he comes to know everything. I'm not scared of what he'll do to
me, I'm scared of losing him.

I don't know when and how I fell in love with this gangster so much that the mere
thought of him misunderstanding me, thinking I'm the traitor and I am an enemy's
daughter and throwing me out of his life, brought tears to my eyes.

I quickly looked away and drank the rest of my drink in one go and placed the empty
glass on the table.

No, no. I can't let my guard down. None of the things is because of me. I'm not at
fault. There's nothing to be afraid of.

'Do what you think is the best, Nicholas' I replied firmly and got up from his lap
'When are you going to check the home?'

'Tomorrow, first thing in the morning. I wanted to inform you before I do it' He
said, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his chin on my shoulder 'I'm
not blaming your father. I'm not saying he's involved in any of this. It's just
that...I got some serious information ‒

'I understand' I said softly and turned 'I trust you'

I love you.

I kissed him, hard, and he let me. I'm not losing you, Nicholas. I know tomorrow
when you check my home, you will definitely feel that I betrayed you. I won't let
that happen.

My father's dead. He was long dead, gangster or not.

You're my everything, love.

I slipped my tongue inside his mouth and kissed him hard. Nicholas pushed me down
on the table and his hands pulled my skirt up.

'You're going to scream my name on top of your lungs, alerting everyone in the
Casino as I thrust into your sweet cunt' he rasped.

I kissed him again, and again and pushed him back when his fingers tried to pull my
panty down, and then got up. Nicholas came back at me like a hungry lion but I
hopped down the table and adjusted my skirt and hair before looking up at him with
a smile as I hid back my tears.

'I'm tired, Nicholas' I said softly and I saw the huge disappointment in his eyes
'We can continue this tomorrow, I promise' I said and kissed his check, biding him
goodbye and walked to the elevator.

Who want a book on Boris and Rosia?

Do you think Leia's acting? Or is she involved in every thing that's going? Do you
still think Aron's the traitor?

Please join the fb group and insta page I created for wattpad. Also leave a review
on my works in inkitt. (Links on my profile)

Chapter 39 - Chapter-38
Baby, let the games begin
Let the games begin
Let the games begin
Are you ready for it?

-Taylor Swift

The song however doesn't relate to the chapter. It's just the music and the power
of it which is amazing to put up during a fight.


This chapter...Are you ready for it?


I literally ran out of the Casino, once I was out of the elevator. I need to set it
right. Nicholas will not believe me once he checks my home tomorrow. He'll think
I'm a liar, a cheat, that I betrayed him. If there is any way I can make him
believe is through evidence. I've got one night. 5 hours before the sunrise at 4
a.m. Before this I need to know every thing I can know about my father and know his
next move.

I had hard time searching for Boris in the crowded Casino and when I finally saw
him hiding himself in the dark corner, near the bar section, I quickly ran to him
and asked him to take me the penthouse. He saw the panic and sudden change in my
mood even though I tried so hard to mask it up.

We quickly buckled up and Boris took off. Even though it's half past eleven and the
roads are half full and Boris drove in maximum speed, it didn't seem enough for me.
I wanted to go even more quicker, time seems to be faster and one wrong move in my
forming plan or tardiness will cause me to get far away from Nicholas.

'Quicker Boris' I said. He glanced at me, the words at the tip of his tongue but he
never asked me anything. I bit my nail and looked at the road in front of us,
calculating for every passing minute how much time would be left at last. When the
gates of the penthouse finally came into view, I sat up straight in my seat and
literally jumped out when the car came to a stop and had to control myself from
running instead of walking.

Biding Boris goodbye, I locked the door and sprinted to my room.

I quickly dialed the number I memorized since I had a phone in which pictures and
contacts gets deleted automatically. The dialing went on forever and I waited

'Hello, Wilson resident' Came in Charlotte's voice from the landline telephone.

'Charlotte, Charlotte it's me Leia. Is Aunt –'

'Oh my God, Leia!' She squealed in happiness 'How are you? Oh, it's been months
since you left to Texas! Did you plan on staying there with your father?'

'Charlotte I'm in real hurry, could I please talk to Aunt May?' I asked.

'Leia is there any problem?' Asked Adam's wife in a sudden low voice.

'No, Not at all' I chuckled 'I will come back to you once I'm done to talking to
her. It's really urgent' I said.

'Oh, alright' She said. There was a long pause.

I walked to my bedside and switched on the laptop Sophia gave me in one of her
visits. I only ever used them to play games.

'Hello?' Came in an old voice that I instantly realised and a wave of nostalgic hit
me 'Leia, honey?'

'Oh, Aunt May. How are you?' I asked.

'Darling, how have you been? It's been months since you went to see your father and
no word about you. Piggy Liam won't even let us talk to you.'

'I'm fine, Aunt May and I am still in Dallas. I'm so sorry for not calling you for
so many months. Dad and me were in a vacation and I don't know how time flew' I

'Oh, it's alright, honey. When are you coming back?' She asked curiously 'I miss
you a lot. Lily too'

'I miss all of you so much. I can't wait to come back' I said, my tears flowing
down my cheeks and I wiped them from the back of my hand 'Aunt May, remember you
told me that father sold the house? Can you tell me to whom it's sold? Are they at

'Oh, no no, honey. The Anderson's cancelled off at the end moment, so the home is
not sold yet. The real estate agent, Kimberly has put it back on market and there
isn't anyone come till now'

Of course. Of course, he wouldn't sell it with his secrets inside.

'Has Dad given you the...keys?' I asked.

'No, darling. Kimberly must be having one. Is there something you left back?' She
asked kindly.

'Oh, yeah. Some of my music books' I said.

'I'll contact Kimberly and keep it with me once you come here'

'That would be great. Thank you, Aunt May. I'll call you in the morning'

'Okay, Leia' She said reluctantly 'Good night'


The house is empty which is a relief. I never listened when Aunt May spoke about
the people coming to buy the house, I was so angry at my father and keen on just
starting a life.

Throwing the phone on the bed beside me, I opened the web and typed Valentino's
name. Instantly the page flooded with from Wikipedia to every thing I need to know.
Time going back to the 90s. Valentino and Lantsov were spoken together and as
Constantine said the Italians and the Russians were united in those days. They were
indestructible and the most powerful gang in the whole world.

According to the given sources they were four main heads – Lantsov and Ambrosii of
the Russian, where Lantsov was the Pakhan and Ambrosii his right hand and then
Valentino and Gabriele of Italian, where Valentino was the Capo and Gabriele his
right hand. The united gang did all the illegal businesses; drugs, smuggling,
brothel, arms. The four best friends were family, united and strong.

Until 1996, that is 22 years ago, there was a gang war between the two gangs that
broke them apart. And now, in 2018, the Bratva is the strongest mafia in the world

They were many stories based on the gang war. But all of them had one thing in
common; Lantsov killed Valentino.

I typed my own father's name in the search column and his picture appeared
immediately. He doesn't look anything like I've known him for years. His hair in a
funky style and he's eyes...they were soulless. Tears strung in my eyes and I
blinked them away.

There ain't many pictures of Gabriele or Ambrosii nor much information as the
murder of Valentino by Lantsov seemed to take the cover image. I tried getting into
the matter but the web could give me least information. I can only know what
happened by one of the people here, that's next to impossible at the moment.

I did find satisfactory for at least getting these information about my father.
Closing the laptop, I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

If my father was behind every thing that has happened, it makes sense why he sold
me. He didn't need a damn distraction when he's doing his filthy work.

He's doing it for revenge. For what happened to his dear friend Valentino but...but
why now? After 22 years? When he's an Italian why risk coming to the enemy country
and live here for 22 long years with his family? And how did Nicholas or Lantsov
didn't find out? There is no way change of name could alter every thing. Didn't
they ever cross their paths?

Something's missing. Something every important that'll join all the missing pieces.
My head's aching, it feels like someone's hitting me with a hammer repeatedly. What
would Nicholas do once he finds out that Gabriele is alive? And most importantly
would he believe any thing that I would say to him?

I recalled all our moments together. The first time I met him at Stark's place. He
knew then that I was escaping the place and lied to him about it. I didn't know
what I was doing by getting into a car with a stranger but I was desperate to get
out of that place for good.

Our first dance which was my first dance too. And my first kiss.

I didn't know what I was doing by agreeing on staying at his place, even after he
confessing that he knows the truth about me. Nicholas has made his way to my heart
without even trying and I didn't know that I was falling for him.

Though he's gangster of the most powerful gang in the world, he came in without any
noise and destruction and captured my heart.

I know it won't end well, and after knowing my father is somehow connected in these
chaos, I'm definitely sure I need to work hard if I need to stay with Nicholas for
ever long. Tomorrow is going to define my fate. I let out a dry chuckle and stared
up at the ceiling. Images of Nicholas and I seem to play like some sort of a movie
on the white wall. A lonely tear made a trail as it settled in my ear without any
noise. He's my first man whom I gave myself to and deep down, I know I want him to
be the last.

In spite of my conscious being awake, my body felt tired and my eyes felt heavy
with sleep. I quickly got up from the bed and walked to the washroom. After a ice
cold shower which'll help me be awake tonight for what I'm going to do, I wore a
sweatshirt, a sleeveless jacket with a hoody and black jeans. Putting my hair up in
a tight bun, I glanced at the clock at the bed stand which read 12:52.

Picking up my phone, I ran down the stairs and to the garage. Taking a steel ladder
stand and two spanners, not quite sure which'll help me unscrew the window, I took
a random car key from the key board, kept the items in before slipped into the Benz
and took off from the penthouse.

Theirs a tight knot in my stomach and my heart's fluttering like a bird locked up
in a cage that's trying to get out, but it's for the good, i kept saying myself.
The roads were empty, facilitating me to accelerate. The first time I had an
adventure was on my 19th birthday. Marie insisted, literally begged me to do
something what a normal 19 year would. I didn't have the courage to ask my father
that I want to go out for dinner with Marie and her friend, Ruby. I know he
wouldn't let me since it's after 6 p.m. He kept a rule that I must stay 'indoors
after 6' and I obliged without putting up a fight.

So, when Marie begged me to come out, have dinner and then spent girls night at her
place, I know I couldn't say no. I had no other option but to unscrew the glass
window of my room and jump out of the two-storey building at 8 p.m. I had dinner
with my father and told him I'm too tired and not to be disturbed. I was scared
that he would have found out the truth but he never called while I was away and
that was a relief. That night, I had the best night as well the best birthday.
Cakes, Mexican food, and gifts from my two beloved friends. But the part that made
it the best night was not the cake or the gifts. It was the prank we put up as Zach
was being an arse to Marie.

After several meeting in the metro, Zach found the courage to ask her out and they
were dating good for six months when Zach's ex-girlfriend showed up at his place
and Marie found them both kissing. Zach bet on his grave that he didn't initiate
the kiss, it was the girl, but Marie didn't buy it. It was a week and still Marie
didn't attend his calls, messages and threw him out of her piano institute when he
came to visit.

Around 2 dozen eggs for his old 1969 Chevy Camaro and a flower pot that Ruby so
perfectly managed to break it on the hood. Spray paint on the door by Marie which
read "Kiss me ass, fuckface. WE ARE DONE. I BREAK UP WITH YA"

I was angry at Zach but I wasn't so courageous to do any collateral damage but I
did break eggs on his car and spray pained cute little flowers on the walls. We did
this all in perfect silence. The Chevy's buzzer was removed by Zach which he
regretted deeply the next day morning. In spite of all this, Zach didn't give up.
He really loved Marie and proved her that he's a loyal man.

I chuckle at the memories, instantly feeling light.

I reached my father's place at 1:10. Parking the car near the gate, I pulled up my
hoody before getting out with the heavy ladder under my right arm and spanners in
my pocket. I looked at the large sign board 'FOR SALE' and opened the gate slowly
without a noise before getting in and closing it behind. I walked behind the house
and opened the ladder before placing it right near my bedroom window. It reached
just few inches below the window. I quickly climbed up, my hands and legs shaking
as tears of perspiration rolled down my temple.

I'm not scared. It's just that I'm wearing a sweat shirt and a jacket.

One of the spanners perfectly fixed around the screws and I quickly went to work.
My hands were trembling so badly that the spanner slipped out of my fingers and hit
the ground with a thud. I had to walk down, pick it up and climb back. After
dreadful minutes, the screws were undone of the single hung window. Switching the
flash light on, I pushed the window panel up and jumped in. I walked directly to
the switch and released a sigh when the room brightened up.

My room looks just the way I've left it. The bed neatly done, pictures of
butterflies and stars that I stuck on the wall as decoration and the pot which I
painted and kept on the bed stand. I use to change the flowers everyday and it was
only red roses. My smile however turned into a deep fearful slow pants when I saw a
red rose in it.

The house is locked for months but the flower looks vivid. My legs seemed to be
heavy as I took cautious steps towards the flower and picked it up from the pot.
The edges of the petals are blackened, just the way I find them when I return back
home from work.

Suddenly the idea to come here seemed terribly wrong.

I looked around and saw that everything was in its place. The dresses in my closet,
the used soap in the bathroom, my music books, every damn thing.

I kept it back and quickly opened the door cautiously. The hallway was pitch dark
and I sprinted to my father's room when a image of a girl with hair as long as mine
flying everywhere and it's makeup as a devil settled in my mind as it ran towards
me with an incredible speed. I switched on the light and locked the door behind.

The room looks just like I remember. White walls, wardrobe and a couch and bed.
Stark clean, just like my room. I never entered his room until it was really
necessary. I walked to his closet and saw that one side contained his normal
clothes, the clothes I've seen him wear and the other side had suits and coats.
I've kept his folded clothes in his closet and never seen so many costly suits.
I tried to open the drawers but they were closed.

He kept his boxers there but since it's not opening, surely there ain't jockey or
nothing inside. Not wasting my time for open the damned, I checked under the bed,
the washroom and left the room only when I was sure the important stuff is in those
drawers and no where else.

I switched on the lights in the hallway, in the living hall, hell even in the
kitchen. I don't care who might be awake at this time and see the lights on in the
home that's been closed for months with a sale board near the gate. Ghosts are real
and you most probably feel scary when the lights are out. With other important
matter at hand, I prefer the ghosts to stay out and my mind to stop creating scary

The cleanliness all around and not a thing out of its place didn't go unnoticed.
The house doesn't look like it's opened for sale. It looks like someone's living
here for Christ's sake! And never in a my whole life time I would've thought I'll
be getting into my own house like a thief!

Revealing the pull-down ladder of the attic, I climbed up with the flash light on
in my phone. Once I climbed up into the vast attic that's as big as my bedroom but
if Boris or Nicholas come in their head would touch the roof, I switched on the
lights and what I witnessed, shocked the hell out of me.

The walls had pictures stuck to them and they were all interconnected like a huge
web. The more forward I walked with my eyes strained on the walls, the more I felt
my heart dip into my stomach. The wall had the map of the world in detail and
places circled and marked, mainly in Italy and Russia. There was a bulletin board
with images of Nicholas, me, Aron, Lantsov, Boris, Irina, Sophia, the Crawford's,
Benjamin, and other unknown faces. They were all connected with a thin red thread
and pinned at their respective places.

Pictures of me and Nicholas at the Crawford party. We both interlocked with each
other in the middle of the dance floor, the dinner date Nicholas took me at the
night when Michael hit us with his truck. Picture of me and Turner at one of the
hotels, when he took me down the Backyard Brawls. Pictures of Lantsov, lots of
them. Benjamin's lifeless body with the bullet hole in his forehead, picture of
Stark right at the top and Rob aside.

'Oh God...'

I feared to even touch them with bare hands. I saw the tables that are cleared from
all the old unused items I piled up, containing knifes, papers, laptop and files. I
didn't understand the connections that were made on the world map but I did
understand some here on the bulletin board. Benjamin's picture is connected to
Stark's, so he clearly didn't just sell me to Stark, he wanted Benjamin to buy me
through Stark. I might be wrong too but I can't help but guess. Michael's picture
is connected to Nicholas and I. I don't need to guess that he targeted us to kill,
I'm bloody sure of it.

I tried to stay focus and find for evidences against my father so I could prove it
to Nicholas that I'm not the traitor and wasn't faking it, but I can't just stop
trying to connect the dots and come to a damn conclusion. The answer is right here
on these walls but I can't seem to find it. What's the root cause behind all this?
Why is he doing all this after so many years? I took the picture me and Nicholas
hooked with each other on the dance floor, folded and slipped it into my jean
The boxes that contain pictures are laid under the cot that's situated at the
corner of the attic. The cot looks new and if my father stayed in his room, who
stayed here?

I bent down and pulled the two heavy boxes outside. I opened them and saw what I
saw months ago when I cleaned the attic. Heavy files and folders and same photos of
me and mother but the photos were all limited. I remember seeing the pictures of us
till I turned one, till she passed away but now all I could see are my baby
pictures, probably till the age of 5 not more. I opened another box and saw the
pictures of my father and Valentino. They pictures of cargo, shipment, money and
then there was one picture of four men ‒ my father, Lantsov, Ambrosii and
Valentino ‒ standing together, smiling at the camera. I also found the same picture
of Valentino and my father, their arms wrapped around their shoulders. The bloody
same one I found in the Casino.

Damn, they were all here! This is why he didn't let me in the attic, he didn't
bother the dust and dirt, he was bothered about me finding the truth. I put them
back in the box and went to the table.

I switched on the laptop and went to open the drawers under the table while the
system took its time. One of the drawers had papers and when I read the content,
they were all about cocaine and heroine. Another drawer had number of pen drives. I
picked some of them and went to the laptop that opened without asking for a
password. Inserting the pen drive, I checked the file that contained Nicholas's
shipment. Relief washed through me. They were images of those rotten hotdogs with
golden bars in between. The ones Nicholas showed me at the Crawford's party. Since
the computer had nothing, I quickly realised the pen drives have all the
information. I took all the pen drives and filled them in the jacket's pockets and
zipped it up. I went to the file section and saw that they all contain about drugs
smuggling and human organs smuggling. The victims were tranquilized and their
organs like kidney, liver and even eyes are traded in the black market. The more I
read and saw the horrible pictures, the more scared I became of my father.

I took the files, switched off the laptop. It's 2:04 now and I don't know whether
my father's going to be back or not. There was a gun in the drawer which ignored
and took out the files. Taking my phone and the files, I gave one last glance at
the walls and then decided to leave. These will help me, I'll give all these
information to Nicholas, first thing in the morning and tell him I got no hand in
all of these.

I turned around and jumped in fear when I saw a shadow behind the attic light.

When it stepped forward, my eyes widened.


He stoos there with his arms crossed over his chest. I relaxed a little and took
short quick breaths, my eyes staring into his black orbs. For a man who never loses
control and shows no what his minds thinks and heart feels, for the first time I
was able to see right through him. He stood there like an open book for me to read.
Anger, sorrow, betrayal written all over his face. I shook my head and opened my
mouth to say something, anything but nothing came out. He doesn't look like the
Boris I knew.

He's eyes are deadly, cold and sharp while his whole demeanour said that he's been
here for a while and thinlks I'm the one behind all of it. I don't seem to
recognise this man.

'Boris ‒
'Why?' He cut me off with his grunt question. I shook my head furiously, tension
piling up in me 'Why, Leia?' He asked when I didn't answer.

'Boris it's not what you think' I said and took quick steps towards him 'I was ‒

'Take another step and I'll kill you' He said in a malicious tone that made me halt
instantly 'Why did you do this, Leia?' He again and took a step forward.

'I didn't do anything' Tears stung my eyes as I stiffled a sob.

'Liar' He seethed and stopped just a foot away from me 'You've always lied. Lied
about your identity, lied about being kidnapped. Hid everything from Boss.'

'No, I didn't! I lied because I didn't know Nicholas ‒

'You knew. You knew everything from the very beginning. The walls behind you
explain everything I need to know and since Boss decided to check this home, you
came in here in the middle of the night to take everything that's need and leave
the rest for us to see' He said, eyeing the files in my hands.

He said exactly what I thought he would believe.


A small word but means so much for me at this moment.

'Boris, trust me. I came here to collect the evidences against my father so that I
can give them to Nicholas and prove that I am not the traitor. I knew Nicholas
would ‒

'Your father was the one behind all this,' He said and even though I already knew
it, bit hearing it from him, knowing every well that they have figured it out
somehow didn't settle well with me. It was going to happen sooner or later, I
should've known. 'He hired Michael because he was pathetic. He lost his family and
Gabriele found that as a perfect reason to use him as a ploy. When he realised he
couldn't do it, he fucking overdosed him and made it look like suicide'

My throat felt like there's a huge rock settled in, that's making it difficult to
talk but if I finally able to say something, it would be nothing but a cry of

'Are you even Gabriele's daughter?' He asked, his tone still as cold as ice,
lashing me without any physical wounds 'As far as I know family ties are never put
together on a mission by the Italians'

'Boris, please believe me, please' I begged him but he wasn't forgiving, I know.

'Why should I?' He growled and closed the distance between us. 'You fucking
betrayed us all! You were the fucking traitor. You gave all the information to your
father, about the shipments, the hotel, Zoran, Michael, every fucking thing that
has happened is yours and your father's plan. Don't lie to me' He looked so scary
up front that I had no choice but to take steps back until I hit the table and he
caged me.

'Tell me who's your working for? After Valentino, no one stepped on the throne, the
Italians were wiped out completely after the gang war. So, tell me who's under all
this? Who's your boss?' He shot the questions right on my face and I understood
'I don't know what you're talking about' I replied and it is the truth.

He let out a furious sigh and clutched my upper arm in his tight grip 'Tell me' He
growled and tightened his hold on my arm. The files in my arm hit the floor and my
scream came out as slowly as he tightened his hold and when he finally reached the
height where the circulation of blood stopped at that area and he could no more
tighten, I screamed in agony. Tears pooled in my tears and flowed like river. It
hurt, it hurt too much.

'Please, let me go.' I cried and tried to free my arm but his hold is unbelievingly
deadly that my arm fell limp and I could feel nothing but the horrible pain. I
started punching his chest with my left hand, as hard as I possibly could but it
had no effect on him 'Please. It hurts, Boris'

'Don't lie,' He snapped 'You Italians are trained worst way possible. Don't act,
Leia. Fucking tell me who's your boss'

My hand frantically went behind on the table and searched for anything that could
some in handy but they were all papers and files and fell down under my struggle.
When I finally caught the handle of a knife, I took it and went to stuck it in his
chest but he held my wrist with his other hand. I quickly acted out by ramming my
leg between his thighs which eventually freed both my arms from his grip. He
kneeled down and I took that as a cue to run for my life but I hardly made it when
a hand gripped my feet and I fell forward, hitting the wooden floor hard with a

Before I could get up, Boris was damn faster. He flipped me on my back and held
both my hands above my head as he kneeled with his legs on either side of my waist.
He lowered, his eyes red with fury and his jaw locked in his place.

His other hand clutched my throat and my cries and struggled turned futile under
his strength.

'Bitch. Doesn't matter whether you tell the truth or not. Your father's anyway
alive, we'll get everything from him' He said and tightened his hold on my throat.
I struggled for breath and wiggled my body to the fullest. My eyes rolled back and
my throat felt like a huge hammer is being pressed.

Dizziness washed over my features and my struggles stopped which made him release
my hands. My hands quickly searched above for anything that could help me and
connected with the two boxes I took out of the cot and didn't push them back in. I
pulled in closer and felt them fall on, the papers and files immediately spreading
up that I could see it from the corner of my eye.

Boris's cold eyes went to those paper and came back to me but something flashed in
those eyes and he looked back at those files. His eyes widened and his hold on my
throat went loose. I took ample of breaths, coughing fits and wheezing as I sat on
my butt when he moved from me and went to those papers and files that fell from the

He was looking at all the papers and pictures and that gave me some time to get
catch my breath and come back to my conscious.

'These pictures...where did you get them?' He asked in shock. I looked at the
pictures of my mother and me in her arms and Agatha too in some of them. I tried to
speak but ended up coughing. Boris took pictures of my father and Lantsov and the
others and asked the same question 'Why do you have them here?' He asked in a tight
'That's...that's my father' I said, pointing at him in the photograph. Boris eyes
turned from shock, surprise and then anger as he narrowed his eyes at me.

'You're lying!' He screamed making me jump out of my bones 'You're fucking lying!'

I got up on my feet while he stared up at me.

'I'm not lying. He's my father and she's mother, Rhea' I said.

Boris drew them back and got up on his feet. He looked at me in a calm expression
but I know he's trying hard to keep his anger under control, because beneath those
anger and determination to know the truth, he's confused.

'Don't you dare take her name. You fucking Italians don't deserve to even call her
name!' He barked.

That pissed me off.

'She's my mother,' I snapped back 'And I am a Russian!'

'No you're not!' He said and launched for me. I know he's strong and I can't defeat
him. I need to act smart. I took quick steps aside and backwards towards the table
and pulled the table with all my might, letting him hit hard. I know how much the
table weighs, I've seen it lying here for years.

I ran and jumped from the attic, not even bothering the ladder that hit me at
sides. I ran back to my bedroom but it was locked.


Of course he found out how I entered the house and somehow locked the door. I
turned around to ran but halted when I saw Boris already down from the attic,
running for me. I took the picture of Beethoven and threw it using all my energy.
Then came Yiruma, then Louis Lortie, Marc-André Hamelin, Lang Lang, and
lastly Frederic Chopin. All the pictures of my favorites pianists that were hung on
the walls shattered on Boris and fell on the floor, the pieces of glass from the
frame flying everywhere.

I ducked him and ran to the stairs, not caring that the broken glass pierced his
flesh and his arm which shielded him were bleeding. Once I stepped down, I ran to
the kitchen instead of the main door. I could hear his hard boots on the floor as
he followed me close. I was almost to the back door, almost close in opening and
running for my life in the night but a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me
back into the kitchen.

Without letting the hostage affect me, I reached for the plates and slammed my hand
above me, the plate making a huge shattering noise as it broke on his head. He let
out a growl of pain and I freed myself from his hold and took one of the knives
from the stand.

I turned around with my hand up, the knife raised and Boris stopped his struggle
and stared at me. Both of us were breathing heavily and I know Boris could take the
damn knife from me without any effort.

'Listen to me,' I growled and a careful step forward 'I'm not the traitor. I did
nothing. I came here to collect evidences on my father so I could prove it to
Nicholas that I have no hand in this'
'Boss knew your father was behind all this! Even then he believed you know
nothing ‒

'YES I KNOW NOTHING!' I screamed 'Nicholas didn't tell me anything. He said he

doubted my father, he didn't tell me he's the behind all this and he's in
the...mafia! I don't know what's happening, Boris,' I let out a sob and cried 'I
really don't know what's happening'

The knife dropped from my hand and I fell down on the ground, crying. It's not my
fault. I just love Nicholas so much. I didn't know about my father until now, I
didn't know what he was. I was never a part of all this.

Boris sat down on his toes and looked at me with a hard expression. A trail of
blood was making its way from his temple and to his ear before hitting the white
floor. His arms were bleeding too but he didn't seem to mind any of these. He just
stared at me.

'If you weren't a part of all this, then why did you come here in the middle of the
night?' He asked sternly.

I wiped my tears and controlled my sob before replying him 'I saw pictures of my
father in the Casino and everything clicked. I thought Nicholas would misunderstand
me when he comes here and finds what he needs. So, I came here to collect
everything I can, in order to prove that I have no hand in all these, that it was
none other than my father behind everything'

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking at me.

'What are the evidences you got?' He asked.

I unzipped the pocket of the jacket on either side and took out all the pen drives
in my hands.

'All these are have information about their works. I even saw Nicholas's shipments
and other things,' I said desperately 'And, and those files contain all the shitty
work they do and...'

He sighed and rubbed his face and I closed my mouth, trying to stifle my sob.

'Leia, leia all this is not evidence that's going to make Nicholas believe you.' He
said softly 'What do they contain? Drugs, smuggling, prostitution, organ smuggling,

I nodded furiously.

'They all are bullshit. Even we do all those businesses. Those evidences are
supposed to go to the Cops. Maybe you can give this to your dear Adam Wilson. What
evidence have you got to prove that you are no way connected to all these?'

'I...' I couldn't say anything. He's right. What do I have to prove that I am not a
part of all this?

Oh, God. What have I done? I shouldn't even come here!

But I also wanted to know my damn father and what he's up to! I thought I could get
anything out of all this mess and know what's going on.

'Okay, okay. Look at me,' He lifted my head and looked at me with hopeful eyes 'If
your really not a part of all this, tell me who's your father. Show me his picture'
He asked.

I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at him. He saw the pictures in the attic, I told
him, he saw the pictures of my father.

'Gabriele Ferrari ‒

'Yes, exactly. Who is Gabriele Ferrari? Do you have a picture of him?' He asked.

'Boris the one you saw above ‒

'He's not Gabriele Ferrari' He grinded his teeth, controlling his anger.

I recalled what Constantine said. That his name his Gabriele Bernardi.

'Gabriele Bernardi. My father's real name is Gabriele Bernardi, the same man you
saw in that picture. Yes, that's him. I swear I'm not lying to you, Boris. He is my
fath ‒

A hard blow came to my left cheek and everything went blank for a second. My head
started to spin and my cheek started to sting like it's on fire. Boris clutched my
arm and dragged me along with him.

'I'm done listening to your fucking lies. Do I look like a fool to you? Fucking
liar!' He shouted.

I pulled his hand down and he stumbled on his feet. I got up and clutched his hair
in a tight grip, blinking my tears away and kicked him hard in the stomach.

'And I'm fucking done trying to explain to you' I deadpanned.

I punched his face as hard as I can but it hurt me more than it hurt his stone
face. His fist came in no time, I douched and ran towards the back door in the
kitchen. I know he doesn't believe me and if he talks to Nicholas, everything would
be doomed. I ran like I'm reaching for the door but then skid down my knees,
grabbed the knife I dropped and then turned around, raising myself on my right feet
as I balanced myself on the left and stuck the knife right his side, near his hip.
The knife pierced his flesh and a gush of blood flew out, wetting his black shirt
and dripping on the white floor.

Quickly pulling out the knife and dropping it on the floor, I raised myself on my
feet as Boris bent down, holding his wound, and slammed my elbow on his back.
Quickly reaching for the frying pan, I smacked it hard on his side and he fell down
on the floor. I caught my breath, my eyes never leaving his. I know I didn't pierce
him deep, he'll survive for sure. The smack from the frying pan has knocked him out
but I could see his shoulders heaving for every breath he took with his eyes

I kneeled down and turned his heavy body on his back and checked for his pocket. I
took the phone and ran out of the kitchen through the back door, into the cold
night. I walked to the car, my hands trembling on the steering wheel as I took off
to Nicholas's home. There was a recent message from Nicholas;

"One of the Benz is being taken. The buzzer went off. Check whether Leia is safe or

No wonder Boris followed me till here. I knew there is a tracking device in all the
cars but I never knew that a buzzer goes off in his phone, indicating when the car
is gone. Damn.
Fortunately there was no recent calls. Boris had not called Nicholas and told him
anything. I drove fast on the lonely road. It's 2:28 now.

Boris may not believe me but Nicholas will. I know. Boris is blinded from the time
Nicholas was shot by the Italians at the gun fire at one of his hotels. He became
more protective and wants to kill them all. He's love and loyalty has blinded him
and once he comes to know that I know nothing, he will understand it all.

I just need to get to Nicholas.

Everything will be fine. Everythin ‒



I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I didn't notice a car speeding towards me
from another road towards my right. It hit the back of my car and I lost control as
the car swirled when I slammed on the brakes. I panicked as the car circled,
screeching loudly in the eerie road and finally stopping. I fell forward and the
seat belt tightened, knocking the breath out of me. My knuckles were white and my
heart's beating frantically in my rib cage as I tried to take deep breaths and
think what just happened. My time was far limited when the door opened and Boris
released the seat belt and grabbed my upper arm in a tight grip.

The side where I cut him is bleeding, a dark red patch on the black shirt. I tried
to wiggle my arm free but he was strong. I held the door and cried in pain when he
pulled me harder. I had no other choice but to let go and I fell down on the road.
Boris, unaffected, dragged me on the road to his car and threw me inside. He was
quick in removing his shirt, tearing it apart and tying my hands and legs, all the
while I was screaming and trashing.

Getting behind the wheel, he took off on the lonely road.

I'm outta here.

Chapter 40 - Chapter-39
Warning: This chapter is sensitive and might be disturbing to some of them. I hope
I could say you'll to skip this chapter but I can't. Just prepare yourself before


Boris remained unfazed by all my struggles and constant try to make him understand.
He drove shirtless, his concentration keen on the lonely road. I finally gave up
shouting and crying and remained silent as we drove to Nicholas' estate.

The villa looks just the way I remember. Boris removed my ties on hands and legs
before gripping my upper arm and forcing me to go with him. The home was eerie
quiet, not a soul out of its bed. I thought about Irina and Lantsov who would
sleeping in their rooms peacefully, not knowing anything of what happened and going
to happen. Boris walked us to the room that's situated at the corner of the den,
the same room Sophia told me never to get in again.

Each step seemed to be heavy and I tried to get free from Boris but he was stronger
in spite of badly wounded. I know Nicholas will be behind that door and I am not
prepared to look him in the eye. There's nothing I can do that'll make him believe

When Boris opened the door, I almost hid myself behind Boris but for my utter
surprise the room was empty. I released a sigh. Boris scrunched his eyebrows and
immediately walked to the table, his boots making the wooden floor sound loudly
than it usually does. He called through the land line and waited.

'Si' Was all he replied curtly and hung the phone. There was a sudden change in his
emotions and he took deep breaths, controlling himself. The words were in tip of my
tongue to ask what happened but I didn't. He pulled me with him and we walked out
of the room and the home. Throwing me inside the car, he took off.

This time his silence didn't just speak about me. Something's wrong. He drove for a
long time and I saw the car moving into the woods. I was trembling inside. A number
unhealthy and dangerous thoughts ran wild in my mind. The woods was pitch dark and
the trees and bushes were whispering due to the wind under the moonlight. Since he
didn't tie me up this time, I tried to open the door but it was locked. I started
banging on it, and then kicking, hoping for it to bust open or anyone could see me
in deep woods at 3 a.m. in the morning, but luck wasn't on my side. Boris didn't
talk, didn't shout or yell at me for my futile tries. He just drove deep inside the
woods. A sob left past my lips as Boris seemed to be untrusted at the moment. When
the car stopped, he got down and opened my door. His face was void of emotion, I
scooted back in my seat but he pulled my leg, gripped my arm and pulled me outside
into the dark woods.

'Boris where are you taking me?' I asked in a panic-stricken voice. He didn't
answer. 'Boris, please, this is scary' I chocked on my sob.

He pulled me into a huge building that was old and rotten, almost haunted. There
wasn't any lights and the rays of the moonlight seemed to make it appear

'No, I' not coming in there,' I screamed and started to trash in his arms. My hands
tried to grab hold of anything but Boris me pulled along. 'Let me go!'

Throwing me on his shoulder, he walked inside the dark building. I started to hit
his back and kicking my legs at the front, but he held my legs in tact and didn't
speak anything. The area was in complete darkness and I couldn't identify anything
that's around. Boris' footsteps were loud and clear. I cried silently and looked
around in fear.

When he finally he put me down, he pushed, making me stumbled and fall on the
ground as he stood towering over me. I quickly wrapped my hands around my knees and
looked up to his silhouette.

'What is this place?' I asked desperately.

'A warehouse' He replied softly.

I can't see his face clearly but his voice sounded so defeated. The sudden change
after the call at home, didn't go unnoticed by me. He kneeled down, leveling his
face to me.

'Boss is on his way,' He said in a dreadfully soft voice 'We stay here until then'

He stared at me for a long time like I'm a puzzle he can't figure out and then
stood and started pacing in the room. I looked around and with the help of little
light I saw the dirty floor filled with broken glasses, wooden planks and dust and
stones. The ceiling is broken at places, enabling the moonlight to shutter through
them. Outside the woods is dark. I can't see anything.

Boris kept kicking stones and pacing in the room. He looks tensed than he was
before and this time he masked up his emotions perfectly. I don't know what
happened, whom he called and what they said to him. His silence is killing me.


He immediately stopped pacing and turned to look at me. I'm glad I can't see his
face and not his dark figure.

'You should do something about your wounds'

He stared at before walking forward. The moonlight that came through the broken
slits made me see his dead serious face.

'Are you acting or are you really concerned?' He asked softly.

I am concerned but I'm not going to say that.

He let out a dry chuckle and I looked at him.

'Italians have always been manipulative. How have I forgotten that?'

I frowned at him. I don't like that he calls me an Italian.

'I'm telling you, I don't know anything' I said.

He shook his head and went back to kicking stones pacing around.

'It's the truth,' I continued. 'How can I be the traitor when Nicholas was the one
who found me and kept me? And Irina kicked me out after the Crawford's party, I was
gone for weeks until Michael showed up. And Nicholas never spoke much about his
business, so how am I the traitor?'

'Be quiet, Leia.' he commanded in that strange soft tone again. 'It's demanding
everything in me to not to kill you now.'

'Then you should've have done it at my house!' I snapped.

'I wanted to give a chance then. I wanted to believe but now...I'm sure...'

'Sure what, Boris?'

He stopped pacing and looked at me.

'What's your plan? Why did you send Gabriele to Nicholas' place and you went to
your home?' He asked, confused. 'Why did he...why did he ki -

'I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know why my father sneaked -

'He's not your father!' He roared, his voice echoing back in the empty warehouse.

'Yes, he is even though I hate to admit!' I yelled back at him.

He let out an agitated sigh and made way towards me swiftly. Sitting down on his
toes, he grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
'He's not your father. Stop lying and tell me the truth and I'll make sure boss
will spare your life' he threatened. 'I only want to know who he is and the boss
who's sitting in Italy and making you both do his damn work'

I stared at him. I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over. He's hell bound
to not to trust me and I'm sleepy.

'Talk!' He barked. 'Leia, please.' His voice trembled and I looked closely at him.
His eyes were teary.

'Boris...' I cupped his cheek, hesitantly and a tear rolled down his left eye
silently. I wiped it with the pad of my thumb. 'Boris, I'm not lying -

He chuckled softly and shook his head.

'You know, we all have grown use to you so much that it's difficult to see the real
you' he scoffed. 'You became like family. And to became everything. I
must kill you but here I am crying like a pussy in front of you and your acting
like you're concerned'

'I'm not acting' I said desperately.

'Damn, you're a touch bitch. I mist give you for that,' he continued as if he
didn't hear me. 'You people gave come up much better after so many years. Surely
you won't open your mouth even if you kill you both, right?'

'Boris -

'Gabriele Ferrari might be your father or one the head of the mission you've been
assigned to, right? I might not know that for sure but I do know that Gabriele
Bernardo is not the man you're talking about. You're just trying to confuse us,
divert us from your real plan'

'No, Boris. He's my father. I've known him for my whole life.' I said.

He looked at me and composed himself. Releasing my shoulders, he gave me a deadly


'Gabriele Bernardo is dead. He and his family is dead, Leia. We're not fools. We
did that out'

I stared at him and repeated his words over and over again in my mind. Boris
laughed maliciously, his eyes twinkling under the moonlight.

'Cat caught your tongue, Leia? You think we didn't find that out? Lantsov kept an
eye on Gabriele and Rhea the moment they stepped into Moscow after the gang war.
The only reason Ambrosii and Lantsov didn't confront them and bring back Rhea was
because she was happy. Gabriele was a fucking pussy who joined hands with Valentino
and then ran away after Lantsov killed him but in spite of that, the bustard took
away Rhea and he left everything behind. They spared Gabriele for Rhea. She was
happy. She and her baby until a fatal car accident killed them all. Rhea's baby was
five months. All the three died in that accident' he said.


No. No...I'm not...dead, my father's not dead. Father told me that mother died in
the car accident. She was the one behind the wheel. She died soon after my first
year birthday. It was only her...

God, in what kind of a chaos am I in? I don't know what to believe anymore.
* * *

One and a half an hour ago.


Lantsov had to leave for Armenia due to a short notice regarding a meeting that
Nicholas refused to attend as they insisted 50 percent of the total profit in the
drugs. Lantsov is hell-bound to have trade with them as they are growing in power
and in future it'll be beneficial for us. He insisted for me to come along but I
got an urgent call from one of my men that there's a raid coming to my hotel, The
Big City, this morning. I had to reluctantly leave Lantsov even though he said
we'll let Nicholas handle it.

I thought everyone in the restaurant might have got the news and started clearing
every illegal shit that the officers might come in search for but to my surprise
the restaurant was closed and the manager, Mike, said he wasn't inform and he would
find out soon and call me back. I called Nicholas but his phone went to voicemail
and Aron was busy at the port, checking all the shipments that's off to US. I drove
home and saw that Nicholas's room was empty. I called back Lantsov to inform about
the situation, when Mike called me and confirmed that there is no raid. The news
was fake. I couldn't help but feel suspicious so I immediately rung my husband but
the phone was switched off. His private jet would've taken off.

I freshened up and went for the bed, my eyes feeling heavy with sleep and my body
aching with tiredness. Today's going to be a long day and I need to wake up early.
It's already 1:40 a.m.

Oscar Crawford's daughter has come back yesterday and I need to meet her, to talk
about her and my son's marriage.

Nicholas doesn't want it. He doesn't want her, he wants Leia, for some unknown
reason. I think he's falling in love with that beautiful young lady and as much as
I want to see him happy with her, I know their journey will come to an end very
soon. It happened with me and Lantsov. He was head over heels for me during my
college days. He unfortunately found me in a bus stand while he was passing by
after committing a murder that was the headline the next day. I didn't see him in
his black Mercedes with windows that contained black tint, so dark that it's
against law. It was attraction which late became obsession. He started seeing me
everyday and I still remember the first time approached to finally make a move and
ask me on a date. With his huge form, French beard and tats, I didn't mind that
I'll be missing my class, my attendance, I just ran like hell from the bus stand,
completely aware that everyone thought he threatened to kill me or something. Of
course, that didn't stop him, in fact it amazed him he said. He tried the second
time in his utmost civil manner and instead of running, I walked away faster. The
third time, he bought me flowers and smiled, something he didn't do the other two
times and I agreed. Dates became never ending and so did nights with him.

My parents eventually came to know about us and confront me. Back in those days,
news travelled fast and Lantsov being the headline in newspapers and t.v news
didn't go unnoticed by my parents. They were scared of him and worried about me bit
I was in love with Lantsov. After college, he asked me to marry him and I said yes
without batting my eyes. On the day of our marriage I came to know two most
important life turning thing - my parents abandoned me and Lantsov's life, which he
secretly avoided showing me before is nothing like I imagined it to be.

They were horrible things that I had to witness and I think I would've ran away in
just six months of our married life if he wasn't by my side at every step. He loved
me and that's mattered. I was able to accept him for everything he had done and
will continue to do. Some nights he would come home drenched with blood that
belonged to someone else and the guilt and the skin was too much to take in. I
stopped going to church, I stopped praying. I felt too ashamed to ask for
forgiveness, the sin committed by my husband is too much.

I couldn't change him but I changed myself for him. I thought passed all these
illegal activities he loves and that's I need, for our love to last but a day came
when it away the little happiness we had. The gang war that broke between him and
his friends shook him to the core. So much of blood, so much of loss. He changed.
Never the same now. He no longer loves me, because he put me and his son up in
front, deceiving his oath for the Bratva. He broke a law and he paid for it.
Instead of sweet and dirty words I started to listen him curse and say that it was
a mistake falling in love with, marrying me and bringing me into his world. Thus,
created a rule that the men and women are suppose to marry in the outfit, no matter

At first I tried get away from as he longer needed me, I even succeeded and he
didn't come for me like I thought he would. I went back to him. I went back because
I loved him, I always have. I adjusted to his newly found hatred. Nicholas took all
the void spaces in my heart. He became the reason for me to stay alive in this
world. I watched him grow as an innocent baby and then into a powerful ruthless man
like his father. I couldn't do anything. Lantsov would kill me if I took his son
away from him. I was weak and pathetic that I hated myself but I know I can't do
anything. I was utterly helpless. My love was not enough to change the man I
loved. It was enough to win over the pledge and respect he had over his

Nicholas is not like his father in so many ways but I know this world will change
him. He thinks he's lot better, that he won't push his family away and keep the
Bratva in tact but I know better, because I've seen it all before. Leia is just a
distraction like I was to Lantsov. Nicholas won't and can't give the life she
wants. He can't love her forever, he can't give her the little moments, time,
attention and all the happiness in this world. She'll end up just like me and curse
every day of this life. I don't want another girl to go through the same hell I
went through, not Leia, specially. Nicholas is a man and he will forget her soon
enough. Crawford's daughter is a bitch and as a dutiful wife she will give him an
heir to his throne and Nicholas will spend all his time in training him. He won't
fall in a situation where he'd to chose between family and Bratva. I learned the
hard way that the Bratva comes first.

The doorbell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly wore a robe and walked
down to the living room. Caesar stood out holding a bunch of keys in his hand.

'Boss asked me to give this to you. He also said he'll be coming home in the
morning and would like you to have breakfast with him' He said. I took the keys,
the keys of the Casino and said a goodnight before locking the door.

Breakfast as in a talk with me. Whenever Nicholas is struck in between something or

he needs a clear mind to make a decision, he talks during lunch, breakfast or
dinner time. I sighed, knowing what he wants to talk about.

I don't know how I'm going to explain him the matter but I must try.

The lights went off as soon as I reached my room. I stopped walking any further and
turned around to walk back to the living room when someone clutched my hair and
pulled me back. It was uncalled and I was unprepared. A short scream left pass my
lips and I stumbled back, my head hitting the floor with a loud bang and the pain
suddenly shooting through my veins. I let out a cry and clutched my hip, trying to
get up. The room is pitch dark and nothing is visible but darkness.

My heart started to race and suddenly the door banged shut, the latch locking in
its place. I took silent breaths and moved back slowly, looking in front, trying to
figure out who it is. Even though I didn't make any noise as I moved back, and even
the person didn't dare to utter a sound, I was worried that my frantic heartbeat
would be loud.

I tried to calm down and not fear and think rational. My gun is in the drawer at
the bedside stand, I just need to get to my bed.

I pushed myself up and slowly made towards the bed. Whoever is in my room didn't
make a move and kept quiet in the darkness. Once my back touched the edge of the
bed, I quickly walked to the bedside stand and pulled the drawer open.

The lights came back and my eyes took few seconds to adjust but my hands were
already searching for the gun and it wasn't there.

'Looking for this?'

I gasped.

Shiver went down my spine and I could hear my own heart beats, beating wildly in my
ribcage. It wasn't because he's having the gun, it was because of the familiar
voice. The voice I haven't heard for 22 long years but know it too well as it has
been engraved in my mind. All the memories that were hidden deep inside, came up
like an erupting volcano. My hands started to tremble and a single drop of sweat
glided down my temple.

No, he's dead.

I heard a deep chuckle behind me and I clenched my hands into a tight fist and
closed me eyes, taking quick breaths. Opening my eyes, I turned around slowly,
facing the nightmare.

'Gabriele' My voice sounded foreign saying that name after so many years. I
couldn't hide my shock. He doesn't look the same. His hair is greying, his eyes are
sunken and there are prominent wrinkles on his tan face. He's aged but the fire in
his eyes are not. I see the same hatred, vengeance I saw in them years ago.

He stood leaning on the door with his hands folded at back and my gun peeking out
from his hold. He gave me a wide evil smile that made me shudder. Even after so
many years, the terror he and Valentino caused seems so much worse than anything
we've ever witnessed.

'Hello, Irina,' He said a gentle voice and took two steps towards me. I didn't
reply, and he stared at me for a long time 'Sorry I had to bring you here from your
beloved husband. You look beautiful as ever. Haven't aged a day' He commented.

'Gabriele are you alive?' I asked the question which seemed so impossible
to get it out.

He chuckled dryly and the smile on his face vanished. I saw the true evil in him.

'And here I thought, my beloved bestfriend, his wife and his son would've missed
me' He said in an amused tone.

My hand clutched the edge of the wooden side stand in a tight grip. Fear is eating
me alive and one wrong move, I'll be dead.
Gabriele averted his eyes from me to look around. He looked around with deep
satisfaction and gave me a proud look.

'I see you and Lantsov are living a life of king and queen. Always have, ain't it?'
His eyes fell on the pictures that adorned the wall. Pictures of baby Nicholas,
Aron and me and Lantsov. He walked camly towards the wall, his hands still at the
back with the gun held in them. I looked at the balcony, the glass doors closed.
Just few steps away from me. I would open the doors and scream for Caesar or any of
the guards who are patrolling. I took a daring step forward.

Breath knocked me off as I let out a strangled cry when my arm soared in tremendous
pain. I looked at Gabriele who has turned around with the gun aiming at me. My arm
is bleeding profusely, the bullet has hit my upper arm. I looked back at my gun in
his hand. Motherfucker has fixed a silencer in front.

I sat on the bed and clutched my arm, trying to stop the bleeding but it wouldn't.

'Why...why now, after all these years?' I asked.

Gabriele put the gun down and turned back to the wall, inspecting the pictures. The
white sheets of the bed is smudged with my blood and the pain was becoming

'Vengeance never dies, Irina.' he mumbled. 'Hey, is this little Sophia?' He asked,
smirking wickedly and pointing at a picture of Sophia standing in between Nicholas
and Aron.

I nodded gravely. He let out a short laugh and rubbed his hands together.

'All grown now, isn't she? Almost my daughter's age'

That's when realisation dawned upon me.

'Rhea...Rhea -

'Dead. Alive. Doesn't matter' he said.

'No, tell me. Gabriele please' I pleaded, tears threatening to fall as my mind
raced back to the past.

'What are you talking about? A fatal car accident killed Gabriele, his wife and his
five month old baby girl' he cooed and walked towards me with a smile.

After the gang war, Gabriele took Rhea and the new born baby away from Italy.
Lantsov found them hiding here but didn't confront them because Rhea was happy with
him. Now it makes sense why he came here. It was to set up that he and the family
is dead, so that he could live here and plot right under our nose. But can he do
alone? Even after years of plotting for revenge, he doesn't have the sources or any
help. He'll die the moment Lantsov finds about him. I laughed, in spite of the
spitting pain. I laughed at his foolishness, at him.

'You're stupid,' I put my head back and laughed hard. 'You're stupid, Gabriele!
You're fucking stupid!' I screamed. 'You're weak and pathetic and alone! The
Italians are washed out and no one, no one's brave enough take the throne and go
against us. What did you think, that you would blackmail our men to go against us,
complain about our shipments to the cops, send some bunch of bastards to kill my
husband and son? The Italians died when Lantsov killed Valentino. Everything was
wiped out. The Brava is stronger now and you won't stand a chance!' I spat.
He listened to me with a deadly calm expression before his lips turned into a
malicious smile. I stared at him.

'Is that what you think, Irina? The Italians are wiped out? You have no idea of
what's yet to come. We've been growing, creating an army for all these years.
Hidden away from the world. Our only aim is to destroy the Bratva, kill Lantsov and
his family. Everything's going on as we planned. You'll are nothing but puppets
with you're strings in my hands. There's a storm coming, Irina, don't you feel it?
This time, like Valentino wanted, you all will be dead.'

'You bring thousands of your men and Nicholas, Lantsov and Aron are enough to take
you all down,' I seethed. 'You being the Capo is not going to save you all'

'I'm not the Capo,' he said immediately. 'I'm still the right hand of the Capo'

'Who's the Capo?' I asked, confused.

'You really think I'm going to answer that question, Irina, but I dare say it was
our Capo who created the Italians again and made us wait for long, plotting and
growing in power. He's stronger than Valentino. This time revenge will be paid of
with Lantsov's blood'

'So you're just a pussy who was sent to keep an eye on us?' I huffed.

He shook his head in a rather amusing way but didn't reply to my question.

'I've got every less time, Irina' He said, nodding at the watch on his wrist 'I
need to finish what I came here for'

I let out a shaky breath and clutched my arm. My adrenaline seems to be rushing all
the way to my veins and brain that the deadly pain in my arm was no longer deadly.
All I could think of is why he's here and for what.

If he thinks killing me is the solution or even a step to make a move in their

pathetic plan, he's wrong. Lantsov will not stop there. Neither will Nicholas.
Killing me will only make them more accurate and sharp.

'I don't want to do this. Your fate was destined in the whoredom. After the Bratva
is doomed and your husband, Ambrosii and your son are dead, I was told to bring you
alive and throw you in the whoredom where you will live the rest of your life,
being a constant reminder of what happens if messed with the Italians. But
unfortunately, circumstances have led me take this abrupt decision and I must kill
you else the plan will be totally backfired' He explain, rubbing the barrel of the

In spite of being threatened to be killed now, knowing that I won't be able to

escape death this time and I won't see my lover's face the next day, I remained
calm. After Lantsov came into my life, I've knocked my death door several times and
come back. I'm just tired. Tired of living this way. With a lover who no longer
loves me and a son who kills for living, I don't know what to expect from life. I
stopped expecting, I stopped trying. The gang war changed us all and nothing seems
to be the same. Everyday is a normal, yet a sorrow day. Over the past years the
pain has lessened but didn't leave our minds. It's haunting us till now and it will
forever haunt us.

And for the fact that the past has come back, it's no better. If another war breaks
out, I don't think any of us can take it. It'll be our victory but the Underground
will eventually wipe out silently. I can't see that. I've already witnessed it
before, I don't want to witness it again.

Shattering what's already been broken will only create inevitable loss.

Gabriele walked towards me slowly and looked down at me with a calm expression. I
could man-handle him, grab the damn gun that's situated within few inches from me
in his hands, but I made no move. I've had enough.

'What...what happened?' I asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows but waited for me to continue.

'What happened that's making you do this?'

He relaxed but the recognition didn't go unnoticed by me. I'm to die and anyway
know what the horror they are planning to do but at the same time I don't want to.
I didn't expect him to answer, I don't want him to. He raised the gun and pointed
right on my head. I didn't flinch. I just looked at him, really look at him. The
man who we all believed is dead. Though he's aged, the vengeance and hatred in his
eyes are still fresh and young. How could someone hold onto grudge for so long?

'My daughter' Came his small voice and I had to take few seconds to understand what
he's saying and my eyes widened.


'My daughter,' His hand dropped and he walked backwards, eyes still strained on me.
'She's nothing like me, she's Rhea. All Rhea. Her looks, her character, behaviour,
attitude. I thought of making her strong, make her take the oath and join us but
she is a fucking bitch, just like her fucking mother'

'Is?' I questioned. My breathing became rapid and I tried to control my emotions.

'She isn't fucking dead, Irina. She's alive.'

Something snapped in me and I stopped breathing for few seconds. The revelation was
too strong, too powerful. I tried to blink my tears away but I couldn't. I cried
silently before a heavy sob wreaked through me.

' thought ‒

'You and Lantsov believed what I showed.' He said calmly. 'She's alive and you know

I wiped my tears and hissed when my arm wrecked with a new pain. The bleeding has
stopped a little but the bullet was uncomfortable and making it worse.

'She was a part of the plan, Irina. But she kept failing and failing, until I
decided to kill her but your son was a constant distraction' He continued.

'Where is she? Who is she?!' I screamed at him, all of a sudden. 'TELL ME!'

He let out a dry laugh and walked towards me before slapping me across my cheek.
The impact made me fall on the bed, my wound rubbing against the mattress as I let
out a loud cry of pain. He didn't let me get up, instead pushed me further down so
my arm was pressing into the mattress, the pain causing a havoc in my body.

'You all are fucking bitches, I should've known that long ago. First it was her
mother who failed us and now her fucking useless daughter. It's a real shame that
she turned out like her mother, warming beds. Warming your son's bed!'

I stopped crying as realisation dawned upon me like a heavy weight of chain. I

mustered up all the energy that's left and kicked him. He immediately let me go and
I tried to run but he held my ankle, throwing me off my feet as I landed hard on
the floor. He was on my back within no time.

'Yes, Leia is my daughter, Irina' He hissed in my ear and I cried harder. 'I was
the one who threw her to Stark. She was suppose to be Benjamin's toy, that was the

He got off me and yanked my hair. He started to pull me through my hair and banged
my head on the wall. Before I could adjust to the newly found pain, he kicked me in
the stomach and raised me up by throat. My feet was barely touching the floor as he
kept squeezing the life out of throat and pulling higher. My nails were scratching
his hands, trying to pull away from deadly grip but he's stronger. His another hand
came up and he pushed his thumb inside the bullet hole. I could feel the bullet
seeping inside me, the pain becoming unbearable and I was not even able to cry out
as the oxygen kept depleting from my lungs.

I was hanging on thin thread, going in and out of conscious when he dropped. I hit
the floor, coughing hard and taking in air, simultaneously.

'I wanted to get close to your son, know everything about his business and Zoran
was my way in. Zoran failed in his mission because Aron found him, else everything
would've been done. It was hard to turn him against you'll but not impossible. He
was suppose to involve the Cops in all your business and then we were suppose to
take it from there, clean and simple. But he fucking failed,. Your son was clever
to name the hotel on Crawford and thus, the Cops could do nothing about the Brawls
that's situated right under it,' He said, lifting my chin by his feet. I'm still
breathing, trying to gain back my conscious completely. I looked at him wide eyes
as he started his side of story. He turned Zoran against us? Oh lord. 'Then
Benjamin Dell was my way in but you know the sadistic bastard won't talk if he
doesn't get his payment. It was good deal to get rid of my filthy daughter and get
what I wanted but the bitch ran off and stumbled right into your son's arms. I
don't know why he kept her but she was out of my way for good. Benjamin threatened
to kill me if he didn't get his whore back and I had to choice but use an emotional
fool, Michael as a bait to confuse your son so I won't be caught with Benjamin's
death and that's exactly what happened. Michael had his revenge and in return, I
set him up to finish your son and my daughter. It was all well when his conscious
hit his fucking ass and he didn't want to do the job. I knew Nicholas would find
him and I had to kill him. Another failure. My Capo wasn't happy and I was angry.
My daughter fucked up all my plans and I wanted to kill her with my own hands, but
Nicholas saved her yet again and one of my men was caught. I directly hit you'll
but everything kept spinning because of my fucking daughter!' He screamed as he
came to an end.

It was all him. From the beginning. Right from the beginning. There isn't a traitor
among us. There isn't a traitor like Nicholas thought. Gabriele knows in and out of
the organization but what he doesn't know is the change that took place after 22
long years and that's what wanted. Everything was accurate because he's just like
us and knows how to cover the place once done using it. Nicholas was wrong. Lantsov
was wrong. I heard him chuckle above me and I looked up at him. He was staring down
with lust in his eyes and an evil smile on his face.

'The position is so arousing. I haven't had sex for a long time, Irina and you are
fucking arousing me.' He said.

Terror filled my features and death and beating seemed much much better than this.
I moved back but there was no way out, my back hit the wall and he inched closer,
towering above me.

'Please' I begged for mercy and saw his pupils dilate. There were so many emotions
in his eye, hatred, lust, and satisfaction. Satisfaction of the wrath I'd have to
face before I die, so he would watch my family crumble down.

'Suck my dick, Mrs. Antonovich' He stated and placed both his hands on his hips.

I held his eyes for a second longer before I got up and made a run for the door. He
caught me, obviously but I didn't back down. I kicked him in the stomach and
punched his face. His hold loosened and I dragged myself to the door. His hand
tightened around my throat and yanked me back. I started to struggle in his hold
but he kept pulling me back and threw me on the bed. My hands found the bunch of
keys in threw on the bed and held it tight. Gabriele ripped my pants and turned me
around. I quickly got up and poked one of the keys right into his left eye, making
him cry in pain.

I thought it'll be a moment to escape but I was so fucking wrong. He held his
bleeding eye in one hand and my in the other, hissing in pain as his finger dipped
into my skin as he let out his frustration. I cried and struggled in his hold but
he was so strong. Grabbing my shoulders, he put me on my back and faced me. I
cried, looking at his eyes that's bleeding. I can clearly see a damage done by the
key, a scar already forming in his Iris and only tissue and hollowness staring back
at me.

'Fucking bitch, look what you did!' He slapped me hard across my face and grabbed
the lamp from the night stand and hit my head twice. I started seeing stars and my
conscious started to slip away, making all my struggles futile. I felt the blood
trailing down my temple, and forming a pool around my ear.

Gabriele yanked the remaining clothes off me and before I couldn't comprehend he
thrust himself in me. My mind is drowning and I'm flipping in and out of
consciousness. He kept fucking me and made sure that with every thrust, my head
banged the headboard behind. He was brutal and I could do nothing but whimper in

'Fucking bitch. You're so fucking good' He kept ramming into me and I could hear
his moans of pleasure above me.

Then he flipped me to my back and assaulted my asshole. I tried to reach for

anything around but he held both my hands on my back.

When I thought it was all over, he flipped again and slapped my face.

'I knew one or the other day my daughter will come to know about it and will come
back to my hiding place. I was clever to wipe out everything that's necessary and
she's at the place now and she brought her friend along, without her realisation. I
must kill you so your son won't believe anything she has to say to him and I will
still remain in the dark. Your own son will kill her after he sees your dead body,
Irina. My daughter who kept ruining everything for me, became the best plan at the
end. Your son will be broken once she's dead and so will Lanstov and it'll be more
easier for us. My Capo will be here and he will kill your husband, your son and
your fucking family.' He said right on my face.

'Please...Gabriele, don't ‒

He got off me and yanked me up to a sitting position. I couldn't stand and cried
when the ache between legs was horrible. He pulled out a cutter from his hand and
my eyes widened as I realised he's holding my hand in his.

'No, no no no. NO!'

Within a swift moment, he cut my little finger and pushed my face down to the
mattress, letting me cry out. I could feel the blood oozing out of the cut finger
and he continued his assaults.

I was screaming, thrashing and crying while he kept removing all the nails from my
right hand. He was chuckling, keeping his feet firmly on the back of my head. When
he released my hands and took his feet off my head, I jumped up and sat on the bed,
inspecting my bloody hand with lost nails and a finger.

'Hurts, isn't it?' He asked softly but I wasn't listening. My whole body hurts and
I'm trembling with fear. The cutter fell from his hand, landing with a thud on the
floor. He lifted my chin up and wiped the tears before placing a finger on my lips.

'Shh, dear. I love you. I've always loved you and our family. Lantsov will receive
the worse since I love him more'

I tried to pry away from his hold and get up, but the pain he inflected was death
itself and he stood calmly with a bleeding eye.

'I'll be back' He said and turned back, walking to the closet. Once he was out of
the sight, I didn't care about the pain, I got up and made my way to the door. Hope
was clinging to me and when I reached the door, I almost felt relief but it turned
to horrible realisation when the door knob wouldn't budge. I started to bang

'HELP ME! CEASER! MAC! JIM! ANYONE, PLEASE HELP ME!' I started to scream as loudly
as I could but it was all in vain. 22 guards patrolling the estate and not a single
soul heard me. I ran towards the balcony, but Gabriele was back with Lantsov's belt
in his hand. I limped faster and was almost close to the glass doors and a whip
came right my back. I screamed.

He whipped me again and pulled me back, making me hit the floor. I didn't a second
to adjust, he started to whip me, the buckle of the belt landed harsh on my skin
and one it got stuck and he swung it with no care. My throat dried and the screams
muffled when my body became dumb.

He stopped after a long time and yanked me off my hair. I saw him climbing on the
bed and tying the belt to the fan. I crawled towards the balcony, the pain though
making it hard.

I was carried by my stomach and pulled to the bed. Making me stand up with him, he
tied the belt around my neck and tightened. My feeble hands tried to remove it but
I couldn't. He got down and pushed the bed aside, my feet finding no source to hold
my weight and my husband's belt holding all the weight of the body by my neck and
squeezing, and squeezing...

I can't believe I wrote this chapter.

Aron's the traitor, huh?

We're coming to an end. Few more chapters to go.

Chapter 41 - Chapter-40
"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Warning: Sensitive chapter.


It's been an hour or so and Boris hasn't spoken a word. When the moonlight couldn't
penetrate enough and everything went dark, Boris switched on a light that was
hanging in with a help of wire. The light was not bright enough but better than the

I didn't move from my place. I'm too scared of Boris now than I ever was. He kept
pacing around, deep in thoughts with a forlorn expression on his face. I knew
something is terribly wrong since his 'Boss' hasn't come yet but I can't find the
courage to ask him and I'm not sure he'll answer me anyways.

I stopped sobbing and crying but didn't stop thinking. Everything happened so fast
that I can barely comprehend any of them in a proper way. I did a grave mistake by
going back to the place I once called home but I don't see how I'm going to rectify
my mistake.

It's still ridiculous to know that my father works in one of the crime
organizations that once had a strong bond with the Russians. And with his Boss
murdered by Lantsov had made it worst that even after 22 years, the vengeance seems
still fresh. I didn't believe when Nicholas suspected my father for Benjamin's
death, but now, everything seems possible. I kept thinking of the conversation I
had with my father about my mother's death. I was hardly one year old when she died
and it took me few years to actually understand what happened to her. It was my
nanny, Agatha who told me about her death. I asked my father and he simply stated
that she died in a car accident. I didn't believe at first and spent the whole day
in my room, crying. He then showed me a newspaper which had accident scene; the car
burning in flames. I never thought about it ever again. Now, Boris tells me that
none of us made it out alive. Which is the truth? It leaves me questioning whether
the man I've lived with for so many years is my father or not.

He's distant behaviour and not acknowledging my presence, never letting me out of
his sight, coming home late and sometimes not, not letting me peruse my career;
surely an event coordinator doesn't need to work so hard like a personal security
of the President of the nation. I did notice the odd behavior because I've seen
other father's of my friends. I kept convincing myself that he's this way since
mother died. I kept lying to myself my whole life. Nicholas was right about me in
the beginning, I'm a liar. And it's because this lie that I've ended up in this
situation. The proof was right above my head in the attic the whole time and I was
so stupid and naïve to not notice and trust my father wholeheartedly.

I don't want to lose my hope but I'm hanging on a very thin thread. If Nicholas
turns his back on me, I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't take his
rejection, I can't take it if he doesn't trust me. My life's taken a difficult kind
of twist and I don't know what else is going to unfold. Whatever it is, I'm not

'Leia.' Boris grunted, as if my name is acid. I looked at him. He stood few feet
away from me with clenched fists at his sides. 'Boss is here'

My eyes quickly went to the entrance we came in from. The headlights were on and
felt my heart raising in my ribcage. When the engine was turned off, I saw two
silhouettes walking right towards us, while another was being dragged on the floor.
The anticipation and fear seems to be radiating off me, because for a second I saw
Boris flashing me a concern look before walking towards Nicholas who stopped right
near the entrance and I can't see nothing but his outline.

Aron walked into light, kicked the man he was dragging and walked towards me. He
was raging when he approached me. His eyes were bloodshot and there were tears of
perspiration all over his face, but what scared me the most was the blood on his
white shirt. I scooted back, sliding aside as he came in furiously at me. The next
thing I know is a hard blow came right across my left cheek.

I gasped in shock and felt the surrounding spinning and everything went numb. I
stayed in trance for a long second before my cheek started to burn. My eyes swelled
and before I could look up, my hair was yanked, making me look up to Aron's furious

'How dare you' His voice was full of malice.

I blinded my eyes and tried to talk but my mind seems to be shutting off. One hard
slap was enough to make the world spin for me. Tears flowed down my cheeks silently
as Aron spat all kinds of obscene words at me but I was far from listening. I
looked over his shoulder.

Nicholas was now in the light and I could see him clearly.

He looks heartbroken. He has no blazer on and his shirt is smudged with blood. I've
never seen him like this ever before. With sadness, I also saw his eyes shinning
with an evil glint. He didn't speak, didn't ask Aron to stop assaulting me. He just
stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at me with those pitch
dark orbs.

I could clearly see the hurt and hopelessness. I wanted to ask what happened but
the words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

'...Working for the Italians and sleeping with my brother'

'I didn't do anything' I pleaded, looking back at Aron. His jaw is set and he was
looking at me with so much hatred. His hold in my locks tightened and I cried out
in pain.

'Don't fucking lie. Boris saw you' He grunted.

'Trust me, please'

He let go off me roughly and went to Nicholas.

'You were the one who brought this whore home. You need to finish it' He said to
him and walked back to Boris and stood beside him.

I looked back at Nicholas. He stood there, staring at me with no kind of emotions

in his features. He's not looking at me with warmth, with affection like he usually
does. He seems to look like a total new person to me.

'Boris get the instrument' Nicholas commanded softly, his eyes never leaving me.

Boris walked out of the warehouse, his shoes clicking heavily on the floor before
it was silent again.

'Nicho ‒
'Not a word, Leia. Not a word' Nicholas cut me off with a soft yet calm command
which only scared me more.

Aron stood behind him, watching me with disgust and anguish. We heard low groans
and my eyes went to the man Aron dragged in with him. For the first time I saw who
the man is.


The same man who kidnapped me with his fellows.

His nose is bleeding, I'm pretty sure it's broken. I stared at Nicholas' bloody
shirt and at him. Sure enough it's not his blood, until he bled litres of it
through his nose.

I looked down at the floor, not able to look at Nicholas' scrutinizing gaze. I hate
that look. It's nothing but emptiness and it's not Nicholas that's standing in
front of me, it's the Pakhan of the Bratva.

Footsteps approached us again and I lifted my head to see Boris carrying a heavy
and long instrument in one arm and a stand in another arm. One look at it and I
know what's inside those black cover.

Confusion washed over my features as Boris placed it in between me and Nicholas and
opened the cover. No one uttered a word, not even Kevin seemed to understand what's

When the piano came into view and stood there elegantly on the stand, I felt a kind
of relief wash over me. My tension seems to lessen a fraction and I felt myself
relaxing, my mind clearing so I can think. Nicholas seemed to look at the sensation
I was feeling right through my eyes, after all I'm an open book to him.

He smiled. A wide wicked smile with an evil glint in those dark eyes.

A shiver ran down my spine and I wrapped my arms around my knees. My fear only
fueled his emotions. He took three steps forward, his shoes clicking on the dirty
wall, creating an eerie yet deadly soft clicks as he approached the instrument. His
long slender finger touched the top black surface of the piano and I couldn't help
but imagine the times I played for him and he would just sit and listen.

He walked forward, away from the instrument, towards me. His tall and strong frame
made me scoot away from him but he sat on his toes and grabbed my shoulders, making
me look right into his soul piercing gaze.


His voice was so broken and he let his down façade. His eyes were filled with
unshed tears and he was sad, so sad, like he lost everything in his life.

'Nicholas,' I inched closer, in spite of the blood on his shirt. His little closure
was enough to boost my confidence. 'Nicholas I don't know what's happening. Boris
misunderstood everything. I didn't do anything' I broke down and sobbed.

'I was just shocked when I saw my f-father's pictures in those albums a-and I
needed to confirm it. I love my father, Nicholas. He was the one who was there for
me. Even though he was never the father I expected, he was at least there. I needed
to confirm and if it was not right, I wanted to prove you that I have no hand in
this. I-I knew you would not I was so desperately wishing that he
doesn't turn out to be what I saw bu ‒
'Shut your pretty little mouth, else I'll cut your tongue out' Nicholas cut me off

In that instant I knew, I just knew that I lost it. I lost it all.

One of his hand moved to cup my cheek while the other moved to my neck, the thumb
tracing my collar bone. His touch was like feather, soft and delicate. I evened my
breathing and staring into his emptiness. Suddenly he dropped his hands.

'I believed you, Rose.' He said lowly. 'I believed you so much, but what have you

'I did nothing' I managed to say but he wasn't listening.

'You've always lied from the beginning. Always. I tried so hard to trust you and
when I finally did, you pay me off by betraying? You could've fucking stabbed me

He stood up abruptly and walked towards Kevin who was still on the floor. Aron and
Boris stood impassive but I know that they know what's going to happened and I was
clueless. Whatever Nicholas is up to, is no good but I'm yet to see that.

He grabbed Kevin by his collar and pulled him up to his feet effortlessly. He then
looked at me and motioned me to get up. I looked at Kevin who first looked at me
with fearful eyes but then...he smiled. He smiled maliciously. I slowly got up to
my feet, my hands in tight fist on either sides of my jeans.

'Boris, where are your manners? Where's the chair for our pianist?' Nicholas

Boris without replying, went away and came back with a rusty stool. He dusted it
and placed it in front of the piano and went back to his place. Nicholas cocked an
eyebrow at the piano and then at me. I hesitated but then he glared, leaving me no
choice. I sat timidly on the rusty stool and looked at Nicholas who still looked

'Now, what was the music that was played at the Crawford's, Rose?' He asked. 'You
even played that at the birthday party of your client's'

'You must be knowing, right, Aron? Your father is also a pianist. What's the name
of the music?' He asked Aron when I didn't reply.

Aron stared at me hard with all hatred and disgusting.

'River flows in you' He grunted in response.

'Ah, right. River flows in you. I want you to play that now, Leia and never take
your eyes off me' He said.

'Nic ‒

He punched Kevin in his stomach, making me scrunch down to the floor. He looked
back at me murderously.

'Fucking. Play' He growled.

I immediately started playing.

Nicholas removed his cuff buttons before rolling his sleeves. He kept throwing
punches at Kevin and Kevin took it all, screaming and howling in pain. He slammed
his head on the floor, the impact making me jump and my fingers going out of
control, interrupting the flow of the song. Nicholas stopped beating Kevin and
looked at with irritation.

'What's gotten into you today? Play correctly, no mistakes' He said and I furiously
nodded. 'Play from the beginning, again'

I did as I was told. My eyes were brimming with tears. Kevin's energy is drained
out. Boris gave his boss a rusty iron rod he found and Nicholas started to use it
on Kevin as a cricket bat. Blood was oozing out of his mouth, nose, arms and back.
Nicholas looked like a sadist. He kept hitting him madly.

I put down my head, not able to see anymore.

'No! Look at me! Fucking look at me, Rose!' He barked. I quickly looked back at
him. 'Don't you dare take your eyes off me!'

He went back in hitting Kevin. The rod bounced on Kevin and fell hard on the wall.
Nicholas started kicking and punching him. Kevin's screams and cries were enough to
wake the dead. His blue shirt is wet with his own blood and the black jean left a
trail as Nicholas dragged him towards the wall and banged his head.

He turned him towards me, forcing him to stay on his knees and took the rusty iron
rod in his hand again.

'Eyes on me, Rose. Remember the time you came to know about Michael's death? I
confessed my feelings to you on that day,' He held the weak and bloody Kevin who
was kneeling in front of him. 'I told you how much I want you all to myself but
there is something I didn't tell you that night...I love you. I love you, baby,'
His eyes were filled with tears 'Remember the charity event for Ireland? I fell in
love with you on that day. You were drunk and crazy that night. You were graceful
on that dance floor. Aron was happy dancing with you and as you commanded, I
watched you. I couldn't take my eyes off you, such a beautiful Angel. All I could
heard was your laughter, all I could see was you dancing your heart out to the
music, not caring that you're suppose to act professional in that gown, not caring
who's looking at you or not. You were in your own world. I saw a different Leia
that day, an independent woman who has fought her father and moved on from the
sufferings he put you through, finally doing what you love. I saw you. I saw right
through your soul, Rosy Leia.'

I cried and I didn't even know when my fingers stopped playing the keys.

He loves me. He loves me, oh Lord.

'Nicholas...I love you too. I do' I cried.

Nicholas let out a dry laugh.

Never would I expected us in this situation and confessing about each others
feelings. It hurts more now.

'Don't look away from me. You've always wondered, your curiosity getting the best
of you to know what I am outside to the world. You always wanted to see the Beast
in me, know why they call me Beast. This is why'

He moved beside Kevin and looked at me dead in the eye. No remorse, no feeling.
'Keep playing' He said a deadly soft voice.

I quickly went back to play. Our eyes were locked with each other while my fingers
went gliding over the ivory white and charcoal black keys effortlessly.

He then turned to Kevin who was barely alive and raised the rod in the air and
swung down right to his temple with an enormous force. Kevin fell aside limp and a
loud scream pierced through my throat. I stood up, almost stumbled to my feet and
stepped back till my back hit the wall. Kevin's left eyeball rolled down on the
floor, his optic nerve and the blood leaking out of his vacant hole. His temple is
burst open and the flesh just hung there. His other eye is open and his body laid
lifeless on the floor.

I screamed and screamed before making a run away from the horror. I was not even
able to take 5 feet from my place when Aron caught me by my waist and pulled me
back to the rusty stool. I slapped him, punched his chest and bite his arm. All he
did was bang my head on the wooden surface of the instrument and I lost all my

'Please...' I sobbed quietly.

He left me and I stayed with my head down on the surface, the pain surging to my
mind and causing an immense headache.

'Now it's your turn, Rose' I heard Nicholas say.

Heavy footsteps came towards me and I was only able to manage myself and lift my
head up, only to see Nicholas still holding the rod that's coated with Kevin's
blood. I flinched and got up from the stool but Nicholas grabbed my arm, smashed my
back to his front, keeping me intact by wrapping his arm around my waist.

'Shh, calm down. I'm not going to pop your eyeball too' He cooed in my ear and
placing a wet kiss on my earlobe.

'Let me go, please' I sobbed in his arm.

'I promised that I will never let you go, Rose' He replied. 'Now, tell me why did
you do this to me when all I have done is look to your needs and keep you safe'

'Nicholas I did nothing'

'Liea!' He seethed. 'You've always lied to me'

The rod fell from his with a metallic bell noise. I released a sigh but I was still
hyperventilating and trying to get out of his hold. His other hand clutched my
throat and raised my head up and aside so he could stare down at me. It's
terrifying to be this close to him. He doesn't look like the man I've known. I see
hunger for blood in those vacant eyes.

'I trusted you regardless of what happened to you and now I see it was nothing but
a lie, all a lie. You manipulated me, used me, used us.' He accused.

'Nicholas, no. Boris misunderstood me. I did nothing. I don't even know what's
happening around me. Who I am, who my father is and what connection he's got with
you. I don't know anything, please trust me. I am telling you the truth' I begged

'Then why didn't you tell me that he's your father? I was there when you were
looking at the albums. Why didn't you tell me?'
'I...because, I was...I was not sure. I couldn't believe it myself. I loved my
father and I couldn't believe that he would be a part of something like ‒

'He threw his own flesh and blood to a whoredom and you're saying me that he
couldn't be what you saw?' He interjected me. He inched closer, his hold tightening
on my throat. 'I'm not a fool, woman. I'm the Pakhan of the biggest and deadliest
crime organization in the world.'

'Nich ‒

'I will spare your life if you tell me who's that bastard and take me to him. I
want to slice open his flesh and rip out his beating heart. You know why? Because
he killed my mother'

It took me a long second to process what he said and I stopped trashing and crying
in his arms.

'Wha...what?' My voice was a mere whisper.

'Don't act like you don't know!' He snapped and bent me roughly on the piano's
table, pain sinking into my back. 'Don't act like you don't know! It's all a part
of your plan, isn't it? You went to take everything from your place because I told
you I will be checking it in the morning. Meanwhile, your partner made my mother
come back to home and he killed her. This, you see this?' He got up from me and
indicated his bloody shirt 'This is her blood, all her blood,' Tears were gliding
down his cheeks 'He raped her, beat her, whipped her, cut her nails and fingers,
and then hung her naked body to the ceiling fan. Kevin was outside the estate and
the alarm went off when your partner fucked up while getting out and my guards were
able to catch only Kevin. Your partner ran off with a mask on his face'

'I had to witness such a horrible scene when I came back to home. I didn't know
what to do, Leia' His voice cracked and buried his face in the crook of my neck. 'I
didn't know what to do. I was stunned, too stunned to do anything. She was dead and
hung by her throat. I died when I saw her. I removed my blazer, wrapped her body
and Aron and Caesar helped me to take her off. I held her in my arms, baby. She was
dead' Nicholas sobbed, his hot tears seeping into my sweatshirt. I cried with him.

My father did this. My father...

Just when I thought he could no longer be worst than I already witnessed, he proves
me wrong like every time. He raped her, whipped her, oh God! He's a sadist.

'Her wounds were open, the buckle of the belt sunk deep into her flush. Her whole
body was whipped and bloody. I have never tortured a woman like that, no woman
deserves to go through that hell. No woman' He hugged me tight and cried in my
neck. I rubbed his back, not caring that his bloody shirt is rubbing against me or
that he doesn't believe.

I've never seen Nicholas cry for anything and seeing him broken, broke me. I don't
want to let him go and hug him and take all his pain away but how I can when he
thinks I'm the source of the pain?

He doesn't believe anything I'm trying to explain. Back in those months when I
lied, he believed and accepted me and now even though I'm spitting the truth, he's
blinded with his mother's and doesn't believe.

He stiffened on top of me and got up with teary cheeks and bloodshot eyes. He's
back in control and I only stared up at him. Wiping his cheeks with his sleeves, he
clenched his fists at the sides.

'Shouldn't have killed my mother. Wrong move' He seethed and took out the pistol
from his holster, making my eyes go wide.

He checked the magazine before loading it and pulling the slide back, making a
bullet pop out and hit the floor.

I got up from the surface but Nicholas pushed me, not caring that my back slammed
hard. I cried out in pain. He kept me still and moved the pistol to me. I can feel
my heart beating in my ribcage loud and clear. He placed the gun on my cheek, the
chill metal making me dizzy with fear.

'Talk now else I'll fucking put a bullet into your skull' Nicholas threatened.

'I don't know ‒

He slapped my across my face. I stared at him with utter despair. Before I could
catch my breath, he kept his pistol beside me and pulled me up roughly by my arm.
He slapped me again and this time I lost my balance, the slap knocking me off my
feet and I landed hard on the floor.

Nicholas grabbed my hair in his tight fist, making me scream in pain in the
abandoned warehouse and started to pull.

'Let go!' I screamed at him but he only pulled me harder and slammed my head to the
nearby wall, making me see stars.

'Boss' I heard Boris call out softly.

'No, no. Don't look at her with pity, Boris,' Nicholas replied and lifted me up.
'She's one of them and she killed my mother'

I saw Boris in my blurry vision. He was stared at me and then turned around and
walked out of the warehouse. I heard Nicholas chuckle in my ear.

'You wrapped all of us in our finger, baby,' He turned me around and pulled me
close to his chest. He looked at the forming bruise on my forehead and then at me
'It hurts. It hurts so fucking much to hurt you, Rose. I love you, I loved you and
you ruined everything for us. Everything pain that I give to you is making way to
my heart and slicing it open. I can't take the pain I'm giving you, I can't stop
hurting myself by hurting but I also can't take the image of my mother I found
today. You would've rather killed me than giving my mother such a horrible death.
Throughout her life, all she ever wanted was her husband to love her back, and
she's been trying all her life. I gave her all the worldly pleasure but she wanted
nothing but love. Love from me, Aron and my men were not enough for her. It was her
true love in this fucked up world of ours but she wanted it to last and not end in
a tragedy. It shouldn't have been her. Not...her'

He held me in his arms gently and I couldn't get away even if I wanted to. My
head's throbbing and I feel dizzy altogether. His twisted sense the words mean
nothing to me now.

'I thought you're the one for me. I thought I will marry you, live a life with you
in this bloody world but clearly you had other intentions. Why, Rose? After
everything I did to you? Why?'

'Please, believe me' I pleaded for the last time.

'Okay, let's say I believe you. Just answer me why you didn't tell me he's your
father when you saw the photos?' He asked sternly.

'Because I couldn't believe it! I wanted to be sure and that's why I went back to
my house' I sobbed in his chest but he didn't buy it. He only clutched my hair and
made me look in his eyes.

'The man you're lying about being your father is dead,' I said in a deadly calm
tone. 'That man has been dead for 20 years now. He and his family ‒

'No!' I snapped back. 'He said only my mother died in the accident ‒

'We even checked the damn DNA reports. I can prove it if you want'

'Oh, Lord., it's a lie, Nicholas. Everything's a lie. I'm not dead and so
is my father ‒

'Shut up! Shut up, Rose. I've heard enough,' He barked at me and threw me. I
stumbled and fell down.

'I'll give you three minutes. Three fucking minutes to run away from me. If I catch
you, I'll kill you. Now, leave' He ordered.

I looked at Boris and at Aron who said nothing but stared at me with hurtful eyes.
I know I don't stand a chance anymore so I got up on my feet and ran out of the

When I was in the woods, almost ten feet away from the warehouse, I looked back to
see if Nicholas behind and I heard his voice.

'Where are you, baby. I'm going to catch you now' He said in a playful voice that
sent hot and cold chills down my spine.

I looked at the woods that looked wild in front and dark as well. Without no help
of the moonlight, I ran.

Spikes, thorns and bushes cut my bare arms and face but I didn't stop running. My
breathing was fast and I had to control the urge to turn around and look back. The
air was cool and the trees were swaying to the breeze. With every step I took, my
shoes crunched the dead leaves and twigs. I have no idea where I was nothing or
into what, I just kept running from him.

When I landed in a small area with only trees around and the ground clear of bushes
and grass, I stopped running and took deep breaths.

'Baby!' I heard Nicholas scream towards my right but I saw no one. 'Where are you?
Come to daddy, honey!'

The voice was getting near so I ran behind a huge tree and hid myself. I prayed
that he will be able to identify me in the dark and just pass over. I saw the
bushes rumbling and he stepped out. I could see nothing but his silhouette and the
gun clutched in his hand.

'If I catch you, I will fucking rip your skin off your body and make my dogs eat
them!' He screamed in a malicious voice.

I placed my hand tightly on my mouth and closed my eyes. I kept praying and
praying. When I opened them, everything around seemed calm and quite. I looked
around in the dark and saw no sign of Nicholas. I stayed under the tree for another
few minutes, thinking he might pop out any moment but there was eerie silence in
the woods.

I started to ran again and ran till my legs gave out, finding for the road. The
twig cut my jean and sunk deep into my leg that made me limp. I didn't stop rest
and kept walking though every inch of my body hurts. I kept looking over my
shoulder to see Nicholas or his men coming after me but there was no one but the
dark woods.

When the clouds turned purple, I knew it's going to be sunrise.

I walked for another hour or so when I found the road. I felt relief wash over me
and followed the directions and marking on the tree and reached the city when the
sun rose up. I walked for another mile, least worried about the joggers that gave
me weird and worried looks. When I reached my destination, I rung the doorbell four
to five times.

'Who is it?' I heard an irritated voice and felt relief wash over me. I slapped my
palm hardly on the wooden door.

'I'm coming, man. What's the urgent so ‒ Leia. Leia!' Liam's voice changed from
irritation to shock and then worried when he saw me.

I fell on him limply and he caught me in his arms.

'Shit, what the fuck happened to you?'

I'm outta here.

Chapter 42 - Chapter-41

I use to cry myself to sleep when I was little. I use to watch other kids being
dropped and picked up by their parents who would kiss them and smile at them while
I had a nanny. When the nanny left, the school van use to drop me off at my place
and I use to stay at Aunt May's place until father came late night. As I grew up,
he gave me the house keys and I use to lock myself in after coming home.

The crying's stopped as I grew up and it's because I sopped expecting attention and
love from my father. I simply got use to it. I missed mom so much even though I was
not blessed enough to spend more time with her. They were videos that were shot and
I use to watch them whenever I remembered her. I know nothing about her, absolutely
nothing but I love her. I love her so much, more than I loved my father.

I thought the pain lessened as I grew up but now I see it was the same, it's always
the same. The pain just closes into nothing inside us and waits for a right time to
come out again. After last night, I felt all the pain rushing through my body and I
screamed all the frustration, all the anger and all the love I had for my mother,
father and Nicholas.

Liam held me to his chest and encouraged me to let it out and even it was not over,
it felt much better when my lungs gave out. If I hadn't loved my father, I wouldn't
have trusted him and what he did to me all these years wouldn't have hurt me. If
hadn't loved him, I would have never gone back to my house that night and Boris
would have never found me in that situation.
If I hadn't loved Nicholas, I would have never bothered about anything. Even after
everything he did to me last night, I miss him. I miss everything about him.

I thought I knew Nicholas until last night. Beast defines him. It has carved him,
each word beautifully ruthless, deadly, and fearful. I thought I knew him enough
under those gentleman clothing but thoughts were just thoughts. I learnt that the
hard way.

He was blinded by love for his mother and he did the same mistake I did. Thought I
didn't like Irina much, I know what happened to her was terrible and to know that
my father did that to her is even more worst. He's totally a different man, not the
one I knew.

'Leia?' Liam's soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He stood near the door with
a tray in his hand and a small smile on his face.

I turned away to the open window. I heard his footsteps coming in, instead of going
out. I felt the bed dip beside me and his rhythmic breathing filled the silence in
the room.

'You haven't had anything from morning' He said.

Liam didn't ask me anything and let me stay in Li's room. I noticed that his
friends are not here and like usual he didn't get ready for his college. I guess
it's because he's worried about me and doesn't want to leave me alone.

'Leia?' He held my arm.

'I'm not hungry' I replied.


'I'm not hungry, Liam' I repeated in the same soft tone.

He got up and came on the other side, blocking my view from the clear sky from the
window. I looked down to my lap. He sat close, our knees touching.

'I...I don't know what happened last night,' he spoke softly. 'I will wait till you
open up. You can stay here until then ‒

'I will leave in the evening' I cut him off.

'Then why did you come here in the first place?' He asked.

I don't have an answer for that. Why did I? I could've gone to Mary or Aunt May,
why did I knock his door?

Liam took my warm hand in his cold one and I finally looked up to him. His eyes
were filled with worry. He placed our joined hands on his chest, looking right into
my eyes.

'Remember the first time we met? It wasn't when we moved across your home, it was
in school. I was this new fat kid with double chins who rode a bicycle to school,
believed my terrible plumber of a father when he said I'll lose weight if I ran
around in my underwear in the cold evening every day' He chuckled and I smiled at
him, nodding my head. I remember. 'The day I saw you was the day I slipped from the
bicycle, fell down hard on my butt and everyone laughed at me. I didn't hear their
laughs because I didn't see them. All I saw was you. A beautiful girl with her head
down, nervous every time and lonely. I loved you then, it was love at first sight.
Then when I found out that you live right across my home, I did everything to
become your friend and trust me, Leia, you were my best back then. I never got a
chance to tell you how much you meant that time to me. You helped me with my home
works, diverted my attention from those who bullied me, said that you are always
there for me. You promised that you will not leave me alone and I don't need to be
the victim of bully. As our friendship thickened, you never left me in any
hardships and we faced it together. I never forgot you when I left. You were there,
you were always there in my mind and in my heart' Liam's eyes watered and his hold
tightened around my hand. 'We lost contact but we never lost the friendship we had.
Even after years, when I saw you in that café, I saw you looking at me with the
same promise and love you always looked back then. I knew then that nothing has
changed. Now, it's my time to pay you back. My time to be there for you, then why
don't you let me?'

A single lonely tear slipped out of his left eye, left a trail on his cheek before
falling on our hands.

'I love you, Leia. I've always loved you. I know your father is an asshole who
doesn't give you the love you deserve and I know you miss your mom. Your hurt now
and that's okay, just know that I'm here for you'

I got up and wrapped my hands around him, crying on his shoulder. Why is it so easy
to love but so hard to let it hurt you?

'It's okay. It's okay' Liam rubbed my back.

'I'm sorry, Liam. I am so sorry' I kept for apologizing and I don't know for what.

He made me sit on his lap and I laid my head on his chest, listening to his
rhythmic heartbeats. For some reason it soothed me and I had to push the hard
thought of me doing this to Nicholas.

'I messed it up, Liam. I messed it badly' I said.

I felt him kiss my head and rub my hand.

'You did, maybe but it's not too late to correct it. Now tell me about this luck
guy you fell in love with,' he said. I instantly looked up to me. He chuckled. 'You
can't expect to fall in love and not have your heartbroken at least once'

I took deep breaths and opened up to him. I said him everything from the beginning.
My father selling me to Stark and Nicholas taking me in, till what happened last
night. He listened to me quietly. I sobbed, cried all the while and he listened to
me patiently.

'I never liked your father,' He said, once I was done. 'And I am so sorry for
informing Adams on Nicholas. I didn't know what was going on but I was worried for

'I probably wouldn't have come to know about Michael's death then' I murmured.

'This all...This all seems to be from some movie. Don't get me wrong. It's new and
lot to take in for me'

'I know...'

'But...but it still doesn't make sense why your dad's doing all this now' He asked
the same thing I had in my mind. 'And I really think you should tell all this to
Adam. I mean, this is all too much, Leia and this is some serious shit'

'No, Liam,' I replied flatly. 'Things will turn out worst if the cops get involved.
Adam can't help me through, I'm sure. He's got to answer his higher authorities.
I'll be struck in between my dad, Nicholas and the cops. I'll be the hunted then. I
got to set it all right'

'How?' He asked. 'How will you? You don't shit about these organizations, Leia.
This man literally confessed his love to you but also confessed on shooting your
fucking brains off. You can't believe anyone here and one wrong move again and you
won't be getting another lifeline'

He's right but there's got to be something. I can't sit here idle and do nothing. I
messed it up and I need to get my shit up and make it right.

It feels like the whole world is closing in on me. I can't think straight at this
moment and I can't stop thinking of Nicholas. One wrong move out of love for my
father caused me my life, I can't do the same mistake again. Liam's totally right,
I don't know shit.


The rest of the day passed by in haze. Liam didn't leave the apartment and I
didn't leave Li's room. I took a hot shower and slept till the evening until Liam
woke me up for dinner.

It was drizzling outside and the view looked beautiful up from the balcony. I can't
help but wonder that Nicholas is out there somewhere, preparing for his mother's
funeral. Sophia must've been called back from London to attend the funeral and even
her father, Ambrosii should be attending.

I've never seen or heard much Ambrosii from Nicholas or Sophia. It's more like he
doesn't exist though he's been a huge part of their lives. The gang over that took
place ages ago caused him to drift apart from them all and create a deep vacant
hole in them. Nicholas hardly spoke much of it but when he did, I always saw a kind
of lost shadow cover his features and to know my father is also the cause of it,
simply makes it worst.


I can't even come in terms to accept that anymore.

Who exactly is he? Is he even my father?

Boris stated very clearly that the whole family died in the accident, not just my
mother, then who is this man who bought me up? All my life I've wanted nothing but
my father to be a father, did I expect it from a totally wrong person? And if the
whole family died in the accident, who the fuck am I?

There's so many confusions that's keeping me and all of us away from the actual
truth. Even though I don't know the game, I feel like I'm losing it. It feels like
the world is closing in on me and I don't know what to do.

There was a knock on the door before it was opened to reveal Liam and a fearful
Marie who was gasping for air and looking at me with those wide fearful eyes. It
didn't take me long to realize that something else piled up to the already
situation I am in.

One more chapter to go. And you guys are going to hate me for the end.

Chapter 43 - Chapter-42: the end.

Humble request: Don't hate me after this chapter (even though I know it'll be hard
not to).


None of us cried while my dead mother's coffin was lowered six feet under by ropes
at sides which were handled by Aron, Boris, Caesar and Rob.

There was silence once the priest finished the prayer. I could hear nothing, not
the breathing of the members present around or the trees rustling or the faint
wind. There was silence and the silence was so deadly and hollow.

I expected Sophia to break down again or Stark to take out his cigar and flick his
lightener, the faint sound interupting the silence, or Ambrosii, Aron's father to
start shouting at my father that it's all his fault or Aron to storm away, not able
to take it anymore but nothing happened for several long seconds. All of us stared
down at the woman who's wrapped up after the autopsy. Her face is pale white and
they are scars which were caused by Leia's father.

I clenched my hands into tight fists and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I
had cried enough for her, now my beast in me needs revenge and blood.

It's a cowardice to cry, or that's what my father drilled into my head. But I was
torn apart. I was in a situation where the reason for my mother's death was the
person I deeply fell in love with. Hurting her, hurt me. Her sobs, her cries where
like swords tearing my flesh and poking my heart, but not slashing it out. It was
pure torture to not to hurt her and to look at her without thinking of the brutal
state I found my mother in. I cried while I was hurting her, I cried for her, for
my mother and for me. I realized last night that crying was not an act of
cowardice, my father was wrong. I felt fear, pure, unfiltered fear when I laid my
hands on her in true intention to hurt her and not to make her feel protected and
loved. That fear was coward.

And I was a coward last night.

I had hard time to control myself. A simple snap of her neck would've ended her
life. Or a single bullet in her head or where her heart resides would've ended her
life but I didn't want it to be easy for her. I wanted to lose control, unleash my
inner beast and kill her slow and horrifyingly that she would beg me for mercy and
kill her already.

You were wrong father, you were wrong.

I felt a squeeze on my shoulder, and I looked over to see Ambrosii staring at me

with his unfathomable eyes. I felt comfort and leaned on to him, another quality my
father lacked.

My father still had his shock expression from the first time he heard from us and
immediately asked his pilot to turn around and bring him back.

For the first time after the gang war, I saw his real emotions. Shock. Regret.
Pain. Fear...Love.
He looked so young with those emotions and for a second I thought he became the
same young man who fell in love with his woman and brought her in his fucked up

We stepped forward with a handful of sand and threw it on the coffin. Everyone
followed and there was silence again as the men started to cover up. I stared down
hard at the coffin, my mother's inside and I want to lay down beside her and rest
my head on her chest. I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't get to talk to her one
last time and that created a deep void in me.

* * *

I should've let her go. Leia wasn't meant to be mine.

The first time I saw her in a park, and never thought I'll see her again at Stark's
place. Keeping at my house was a hard time, nights were horrible that a beautiful
angel is right few doors away from mine. Though my mother found out about my
feelings for her and sent her out, I knew it was not over. I was already planning
on meeting her but destiny bought us together in the form of Michael. She would've
gone to Sheriff Adam and told him everything. He would've paid extra attention
since he knows her personally and things would've been a lot different now.

I took it for granted, brought her where I wanted to her be. To me, at my
penthouse, where my mother can watch over, my father can't threaten me, and Aron
can't keep reminding me of how wrong it is. It was different with Leia. I seemed to
be different, life seemed to be different.

I would've killed someone in cold blood and come to her and made sweet love to her
on her bed. It was sadistic, she didn't know what I did before coming to her, she
didn't know that my beast was having hard time in controlling himself from pouncing
on her and taking her brutally.

Somehow she seemed to look at my Beast in the eye and smile at him.

She tamed me, brought out a different person I never knew existed in me. I liked
the difference, I liked the different me though I shouldn't. At times I would think
of treating her like a slave and keep her on a leash, but her happiness, her wishes
seemed to be a priority and I don't seem be a person who would do such a thing to
woman, even if she doesn't want me as much as I want her.

She's fire. She slowly thawed the ice cold heart of mine and made her way towards
my soul. I loved the fire, I loved her. I still do.

She changed my whole world upside down and I prepared myself to place the world at
her feet, only to come to know that she's the traitor. She was the enemy. She's no
innocent, she's not pure. Her blood is as corrupted as mine. I didn't believe Boris
at first but after he explained me what he witnessed, there was no other possible
outcome from the situation. There were plenty of time for her to tell me the truth
even it was a lie, even it was not going to be useful, but she didn't.

Gabrielle and his family died and that's the truth. Whoever she's trying to protect
won't last long. After the gang war, my father made sure that there isn't any seed
left that'll grow infectious to us. There got to be something else. It can't be the
Italians, they were wiped out completely. It should be some other unfinished
business of my father, but the clues lead us to a confused path.

I even sent Leia away due to my overwhelming emotions and we are at a dead end.

Heavy footsteps coming towards my office, interrupted me. The door banged open to
relieve a shocked Aron.


He was breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

'What happened?' I stood up from my seat and went to him.

'Leia. It's Leia'

[A/N: Play the song NOW]

We quickly exited our home and got into my car.

Aron filled me up with all the details he received and my heart was beating
frantically in my chest.

'She's stupid, Aron. She's fucking stupid!' I screamed in frustration.

Apparently, she was on the high-way driving over a speed limit and another vehicle
dashed her car.

I shouldn't have let her go. I shouldn't have!

Aron took a u-turn at every jammed road and drove as fast as he can but it wasn't
enough. Every memory I made with Leia was rushing at the surface of my mind and
they were all tangled up, making it impossible for me to think clearly.

Her laughs, her cries, her anger. Her beautiful body set on fire as she trembles
beneath me. She shyness, her beauty...such an explicit beauty.

'She'll be fine. She was maybe upset with everything that happened last night,'
Said Aron 'I've called Boris and an ambulance. She'll be fine'

When we reached the high-way that was dead silent with hardly any lights on and the
dark sky illuminating its dark shadow over, I frantically searched for any sign of
the accident. Aron slowed down as we made our way on the lonely road.


At Aron's words I looked straight ahead and saw black smoke evaporating in the air,
Aron quickly drove towards the smoke.

'Shit!' He cursed when we came to the landing. I lept out of the car and hurtled
towards the burning car.

'No, no no no no!' I ran towards the car. It was burning furiously in flames and
everything was almost charred 'No! Leia!'

I halted suddenly when my eyes fell upon the person burning up in the driving seat.
The whole body was high up in flames that I could hardly recognize anything.

'It's not Leia,' I heard myself say and felt Aron's hand on my shoulder 'No, it's
not her'


'It's not her,' I was making my way towards the burning car 'It's not her, it's not
her, LEIA!'
I ran towards the woman that was burning black. Aron held me by my waist and I was
trying so hard to reach her.


I was screaming on the lonely road, screaming for my woman who is burning right in
front of my eyes. We were late already, she was burned to an extent that I couldn't
identify that it's her but we all knew it's her.

My cries were pathetic, all my sorrows and emotions flung out like the burning
flames in front of me. The ache in my chest is nothing like I ever felt before. I
thought the pain was worst when I witnessed my mother's brutal death this morning
but no, this even more horrifying. I was trying so hard to release myself from Aron
and towards the woman I fell in love with but Aron's hold was stronger and I was

So weak.

I fell hard on the tough patched road, crying my heart out.

'No, Leia. No'

They were sirens approaching us and doors opening and shutting.

'Oh my God, Leia!' Sheriff Adam and his fellows ran towards the car. They were
screams and shouts but everything seemed noiseless. Everything seemed numb. I
couldn't hear anything, couldn't feel or understand what's happening around. I was
sucked deep into a nub void with eyes wide open but everything else closing up
within. The pain my chest increased and tears flowed down my cheeks in a continuous




My heart's got wings and it's attached to you, kitten.

'Nick! Nick!'

It was almost like Leia calling out to me and I saw her behind her piano, playing a
soft melody. Her head was cast down and I slowly approached her, slowly...

'Nicholas!' An abrupt tug on my shoulder pulled me out of my reverie and I saw a

gun placed right above me. Sheriff Adam's eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were
strained with tears.

'You did this. You fucking did this!' He screamed at me.

'No, we came here before you. We don't know who did this. I got a call that a truck
hit her -

'Bullshit!' Adam cursed 'She was burned alive, burned alive by you people! That's
the call I got! You killed her!'

Adam loaded his gun and Aron was talking law and threatening him, but I was least
bothered. For the first time in my whole life, I didn't want to fight back. It
didn't matter what's right or wrong. Nothing matters. She's dead and the whole
world is doomed to me. I don't wanna live in a world without her around.

I'm ready.

I closed my eyes and leaned forward, y forehead touching the gun. I waited calmly,
thinking of Leia, only Leia and all the memories I created with her. It doesn't
matter that she was the traitor, it doesn't matter whether she loved me or not. I
believed the woman she was with me and I fell in love with her. I love her, truly,
deeply and I'd die rather than live a shell of a life.

Then the gun blew off, the sound banging my head off.

But I opened my eyes. The gun was away from me, targeted on the darkness that's
covered with thick trees. Another loud gunshot resonated from the woods and the Cop
fell down, screaming in agony.

'No! Shoot out' Adam ordered and his men started firing at the woods.

'C'mon, they are not our men,' Said Aron and clutched my upper arm, trying to life
me off but I won't budge 'C'mon, brother. We gotta go. She's dead, we gotta leave'

'Let me go, Aron. Just leave' I said calmly, staring into the flames that were
exhausting faster than it burned. A chunk of burned flesh fell on the ground and
broke into ashes. My heart clenched and another scream clutched my throat.

'No fucking way!' Aron barked when the firing became furious and the chaos
interrupted the eerie nature 'You come with me right now!'

He pulled me off the ground and I tried to take a step towards the car but he
pulled me away. My body was tired and I couldn't fight him as he pulled me away
from Leia.

'Don't let them get away!' Sheriff Adam ordered his men. Aron quickly threw me in
the car and took his seat behind the wheel, speeding off on the high-way, away from
Leia, away from the chaos.

the end.

Come on, come on, put your hands into the fire. Come on, come on...

So, who was talking about a squeal with a dead main character? *smirks evilly*

That's what I thought. I'm so cruel. Next is the epilogue.

Chapter 44 - Epilogue
Play the song

Opps, sorry.


6 months later

My father started training me at the age of 10 and I made my kill at the age of 14.
The man was 32 year old. He rules Texas and declined to join hands with Italian and
Bratva. He joined with Mexico to go against us. Father had no choice but to
eliminate him. I didn't know what I was doing. My father drilled in my head that
the Bratva is family and family comes first. You die to save family.

I was naïve, like any other 14 year old child. I had interest in mechanics. Engine
and their sound seems to soothe me somehow. Sons were homeschooled but it's mostly
not necessary since they'll be taking up a position in the clan.

I still remember my first kill. I had a hammer and one hard knock on his head,
squashed his head on one side in a horrible angle and he fell hard on the ground.
My father gave the loaded pistol and I shot the back of his head without any
hesitation. Surprisingly there wasn't a single drop of his blood on my body and I
went home as clean as I dressed up in the morning and had dinner which my mother
prepared. She already knew what I had done, news travel fast and it was a record
since no one became the Made Men at the tender age of 14.

I could clearly see my mother's pain in her glassy eyes and she felt withdrawn from
me since then. I knew I killed a part of mother that night and she was fine with
that. She tolerated. She was the strongest among us all.

For days I had nightmares of the man I first killed. My father would slap me, beat
me to wake me up from my nightmare and screamed at me for crying like a baby when
he was so proud of what I had done. Even though he trained me hard, the humanity
side, 14 year old side of mine constantly bickered on what I had done and it's not
right. The weight of guilt was heavy to carry but eventually as I started killing
more, it stopped altogether.

I kept committing sin after sin to cover the previous ones.

I didn't completely destroy my humanity but always made sure to keep it low, too
low that I can't reach up no matter what. I won't deny that it somehow popped up
with extremely great velocity when Leia thunder stormed into my life. The guilt
however, stayed put.

Now, with Leia gone the guilt has taken over a amplitude that nothing can help me
keep in control.

I can't come up to look at myself in the mirror. I'm ashamed of who I am and I'm so
furious at my father that I would kill him if given a chance. Aron and Ambrosii
have been a great support for these past six months. I stopped grieving for my
mother as well as my lover.

Aron personally checked the DNA of whatever remained of Leia and it was confirmed
it was her. I don't know what made her drive on that high-way that leads to the
woods and other state. Right beside the high-way is a river flowing. I made sure to
check the river for anything suspicious but found none. The driver of the truck was
found by Sheriff Adam and he's rotting in prison. He told the court that the car
drove right towards him and since he was at the edge of the road, close to the
river, coming off in high speed he couldn't help but save his own life.
I ran a background check on him and nothing seemed out of place. He's drunkard who
lives his life exporting goods from places to places. The only family Leia had
other than her so-called father was Marie, Liam and the Sheriff and his family.
Liam left to his own city London with his friends after two of Leia's death.

I was suspicious at first and asked my men to keep an eye on Liam as something
seemed out of place but it seemed that he couldn't handle what happened Leia and
had to get away. We didn't find much information on Marie as her hometown is a
village but the flight records had hers and her husband's name on it.

Sheriff Adam was broken at what happened to Leia and so was his family. Aunt May
got an heart attack and was under observation for 20 days before returning back
home better. Sheriff Adam didn't stop the investigation, he doubted that I had
something to do with her death. He tried a lot to catch me but all the attempts
failed. Both of us were contacted and given wrong information, the main motive to
bring us at the accident spot. The Italians made themselves officially known by
sending me Leia's picture in a parcel. It was not just Leia in the picture. I was
there too. It was a picture of me and her at the charity event. She was drunk that
night and I had pulled her on my lap. She was so happy in the picture, smiling at
me and I was surprised see myself looking like a loving man who had her lady on his
lap, smiling lovingly back at her.

I took the photo from the frame and kept in another one before placing it on my bed
side table. Though it's been six months since her death, it seems like I had her in
arms just few days ago. My heart can't take it. It can't believe and come in terms
with her death. I'm unable to move on from her and the only escape is work. I
stopped showing the little curtsey I usually do while dealing with business. My
humanity is almost vanished and I let my beast take full control.

Guilt keeps on rising while I keep committing sin after sin.

It's the only way I seem to keep myself preoccupied from my haunting memories. I
can't move on, so I try my very best to keep me distracted but most of the times I
turn into a pussy I cry in the shower. It feels like karma is finally biting my ass
for every horrible thing I've done in the past.

Father went off to Spain for a two months and when he returned he stayed in his
bungalow that's situated far from home. I see him at the Casino or at Backyard
Brawls. He doesn't come to any meetings and doesn't really acknowledge my presence.

Death of his wife has traveled oceans, alerting a lot of crime organizations world
wide. The Chicago outfit and the Mexico outfit sees it as an advantage and are
sending their men to Italy to find out if Italians are rising back in power.
Everyone of the crime organisations feared us when after the gang war that
eliminated the Italians and no one dared to venture into our territory for anything
but treaty.

Ambrosii and Aron are being a great support. They are constantly bickering about
how I'm walking in my father's footsteps and will become like him if I don't take a
step. Everyone's joining the Italians and were left alone. The Albanian and the
Armenians are with us, thanks to my beloved father, but they are troubled that with
the other big organisations with Italians we might be at loss.

I can already see another gang war approaching in a low tide before blowing us off
like tsunami. I should take a step, I know but I can't seem to work on it. All I've
been doing is blowing off my stream at the fighting club, drinking till I pass out
and eating like a hog after the hangover has passed. Drug and smuggling business
are handled by Aron and so is all my clubs and hotels. Father is being the same
ever since he returned. Different women every day to his bungalow, spending all the
money I make each day and going to parties and bars.

I get up and walk to the bar section to get another bottle of scotch. I go back to
the balcony and refill my glass.

'Nicky?' I heard the lady's voice.

There was shuffling behind my back and soon she was in my view wrapped in sheets.
She took a seat next to me and wrapped her arms around my naked torso.

She first called me Nick and before I could think, my hand automatically raised and
slapped her hard enough to knock her off her feet. The moment of anger was shaken
when I heard her crying and I took her in my arms and brought her to my place. It's
been a month now and she hasn't left me ever since. And she hasn't called me Nick

No one calls me better than Leia and I love to hear it only from her, no one else.

She kissed my arm and raised her head up to me. I remained staring at the night sky
that's glittering with stars. She's better only during sex and when she's asleep. I
don't like the emotional connection she always tries to make. It doesn't work out
and even though I've told her very clearly, she refuses to let go off me.

'Thinking about your mother?' She asked softly.

'No' I replied back.

'Then why don't we go back to bed?' She let out yawn and tightened her arms around
me, snuggling closer to me. I wrapped my free arm around her waist and pulled her
close to me. Their was silence and I was happy for that.

It was only a matter of few minutes until Lamonica dozed off in deep slumber,
letting me drift back to my thoughts on Leia.


I purposely made the epilogue short.

Lost is finally over...

Chapter 45 - I know you'll read this

Lost has come to an end.

But all of us know it's not really the end for our epic couple. Well, single lonely
Nicholas couple. What am I saying?

Anyways, without any further ado

LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO THE GRAND...SEQUEL! *mimics an Irish host* (some host)

(Alright, I'm being too dramatic after killing Leia)





Found (Beautiful Beast #2)

Sequel to Lost (Beautiful Beast #1)

"Secrets have their way to come out; slowly, quietly, yet with a thunderous

The woman Nicholas found and fell in love is long dead.

But do death arise?

With chaos and an uprising war between the two most powerful crime organization,
Nicholas must take a step, leaving behind the sweet memories of her lady love and
put the underground at priority but what happens when those memories are the only
way out of the chaos?


Hey, hey, oh, oh I'm so happy, I'm so happy.

When I started Lost, I knew Leia will die, I knew I'll be writing a sequel. I had
the plot all planned up.

Find Found on my profile!

Haha, that's nice to say 'find found'

BUT! I know most of you'll need a...well, something to make it better, specially
after how the book just ended. As a reader I know some of you'll were in tears and
the comments really tugged my heart. So, all I'm going to say to you'll is don't
lose hope. You won't know what'll turn up in Found. Just don't give up on me,
Nicholas and Leia already and read the sequel. I need your support.

Having said that, I'll take a leav-


And one more thing!

I'm outta here *stinks out tongue and runs away from here*



Everybody's aware of the massive protest held against racism and justice for George
Floyd and other black men, women and kids killed by people with 'privilege'

I saw the real footage of George Floyd being murdered by a cop while the other
three officers prevented the onlookers from doing anything but capture the videos.
I had tears watching the video, I couldn't sleep and I can't explain how deeply it
has affected me. I could clearly hear him beg "I can't breathe" he said, he begged
for his life, her begged for mercy from a monster who didn't stop till he died.
Past week has been horrible to me and I have seen how quickly things have escalated
and led to a massive protest all over America. I've seen and read how black people
and their communities are deprived from all the privileges that white people hold.
"It's not my fault" you might think but the roots go deeper and we are standing on
it. We have come to hate them because of their colour, which is the most obnoxious
and stupidest thing we as humans have ever done. We are all created by God, and we
are all beautiful! We are all born on this earth and while we live on this earth,
we need to spread positivity, love and knowledge, not hate, violence and

I'm not an American, I'm not there, witnessing the horrors people who are
protesting are going through right now, but I see and read the terrors innocents
are going through at the hands of these ruthless monsters! I have black friends and
family and I know racism is not just the American's problem, it's a global problem,
it's the whole world's ruthless weapon turned against the entire human race! The
country I live too, deals with racism, as I said it's a global problem! This is the
fucking pandemic! We all need to fight in every way possible! We all bleed the same
colour, and what colour we are born from shouldn't ever discriminate or deprive us
from the world we all are destined to live in. Black men, black women, black
children, their pain, their tears, their pride, their lives, their deaths,
everything fucking MATTERS!

We all should be one, united as one! Not divided like fucking monsters who kill
each other due to their selfish small minds and poor education. I don't have to say
much here, y'all know how this racism is effecting the black people from the roots
of their lives, their livelihood, their fundamental and equality rights and till
their deaths! In spit of the growth in civilisation and development as communities
even in this century, with racism still prevailing is just UNACCEPTABLE!

I stand by all of you that's supporting this mass movement and I'm praying,
supporting through social media's and signing petitions, and I would really really
appreciate if you guys could do it too with me for the well being of our
generation. Click on the link or just copy paste it on
your website, or visit my insta profile, you'll find the link their. Sign the
petition, donate if you can, and spread the words so the whole world listens and
raises their voice! Keep in mind to educate the future generation, our families,
relatives and friends. We need to educate ourselves, apart fro fighting for this
great cause. Please pray, and support, we all are humans, and we all should stand

I have so many amazing readers and followers on this amazing platform and I'm just
supporting and not being quiet about this whole situation. I'm hurt, I'm sad but
I'm also so fucking furious! I know many of you'll are also furious, and don't that
go in vain! Just don't! Let us support this great movement!


Thank you, thank you very much.

The End

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