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THE DAVENPORT FIRM A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION ‘THOMAS D. DAVENPORT, JR. ‘TELEPHONE: (318) 445-9696 602 MURRAY STREET April 18, 2024 FACSIMILE: (318) 445-3031 ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA 71301 POE MMLOIATE Bee ‘ Town Talk P.O. Box 7558 Alexandria, LA 71306 Via Facsimile (318) 487-6488 RE: Press Release on Behalf of Jay Scott, Police Jury Member Dear Town Talk: 1 represent Mr. Jay Scott, who was the subject of your article, Threats, Harassment Alleged: Rapides parish heads seeks injunction against Juror Jay Scott. This is our response to your article: Ahalf-truth is the most cowardly of lies and Joe Bishop's lawsuit contains even less. In the lawsuit, Bishop claims he is shocked by Mr. Jay Scott's colorful words even though Bishop uses far worse language when addressing Mr. Scott and others. Bishop is applying a double standard because he and many members of the Police Jury commonly use such language (Exhibit “A"), but Bishop is not suing them. Beyond Bishop's hypocritical stance on profanity, he and his lawyer suggest Mr. Scott's arrest record from over 25 years ago causes Bishop and other unidentified people to experience feelings of fright and anxiety. Bishop's claim completely ignores. his own past of violence and a criminal charge by the Louisiana Attorney General's Office for Cruelty to Juveniles (Exhibit “B"). In times much more, it was reported that Bishop violently attacked his own daughter while in a “rage.” (Exhibit “C"). Bishop pulled his underaged daughter's hair, kicked and slapped her, and dragged her by the hair out of a house. (Exhibit "C"). Bishop's violence caused the filing and granting of a Petition for Protection From Abuse (Exhibit “C’). Before his violence toward his own daughter, it was reported that Bishop “threated to cut {former wife’s] body into pieces and dump it in Gorum,” that he “beat [her} with a golf club” and “punched [her] in the face.” (Exhibit “C."). While Bishop portends to be morally wounded upon hearing profanity, others may find it impossible that such morals exist in a man with Bishop's history of reported domestic abuse and child abuse. The true purposes of Bishop's taxpayer funded lawsuit are to intimidate and silence Mr. Scott. Without any authority or vote by the Rapides Parish Police Jury, Bishop has the Gold Firm file this bogus lawsuit and Bishop's lawyer, Steven Oxenhandler, instructs Mr. Scott to “not appear in person at the Police Jury Administrative Offices...for the duration of the ..litigation.” (Exhibit “D.") Neither Bishop nor Oxenhandler has any authority to prevent Mr. Scott from representing his constituents and performing his duties as a Police Juror. aveerol Fam, APLE April 18, 2024 Page 2 of 2 This all began with Bishop's frustration with Mr. Scott that occurred during a “wine and dine” event at hosted by Paul Fuselier, Community and Governmental Relations of Acadian Ambulance. During this event, Mr. Fuselier spoke to the members of the Police Jury about the upcoming renewal of the contract. This contract will keep Acadian Ambulance as the sole ambulance provider in Rapides Parish and prevent any competition. Bishop announced that the Police Jury would guarantee that Acadian Ambulance’s contract would be approved in November 2024 and no other ambulance providers will be allowed in Rapides Parish. When asked for his thoughts, Mr. Scott tearfully explained he does not support Acadian Ambulance as the sole provider because it took Acadian Ambulance approximately 46 minutes to arrive and provide medical care after his lower leg was severed from his body in a wreck. Mr. Scott bled in the street for about 46 minutes even though Acadian Ambulance was located about 6 minutes away. A week after Mr. Scott made this statement, Bishop filed this lawsuit to prevent Mr. Scott from representing his district and doing his job. Mr. Scott was lawfully elected to the Police Jury and has the same privileges as Joe Bishop. Bishop's lawsuit is under the guise of stopping profanity but it is a veiled effort to prevent Mr. Scott from being an effective Police Juror and representing his district. We are looking forward to addressing this matter without further secrecy and backroom meetings. As a career politician, Bishop has much more to be concerned about than hearing profane language. As an attorney with deep respect and admiration for the United States Constitution, I believe all Americans enjoy the Tight to Free Speech. Yes, at times I hear things I do not like, When I do, I respect that everyone has the right to say what he wants to say. As Justice Harlan of the U.S Supreme Court famously noted, “[O]ne man’s vulgarity is another's lyric.” If Bishop does not wish to hear what another has to say, he is free to leave or ignore that person. However, he is not free to control what is said, especially on the tax payer’s dime. Should you have any questions, comments or need of additional information, please feel free to call upon me without hesitation. Thank you. With high esteem, best wishes and personal regards, 1 am, Respectfully yours, Enclosures REGULAR MEETING MARCH 11, 2024 ‘exceed $25,000 in the aggregate, together with reimbursement of out-of-pocket ‘expenses, and the Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to pay such invoices as and when presented ‘The foregoing having been submitted to vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: Oliver “Ollie” Overton Jr, Craig Smith, Danny Bordelon, Parrish Giles, Emest Nelson, Jay Scott, Davron “Bubba” Moreau, Sean MeGlothlin and Joe Bishop NAYS: none ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none ‘And this resolution was declared adopted on this 11 day of March, 2024. Before the mecting was adjourned President Bishop stated he wanted to address all Jurors on an issue: ‘As your President this year! want to take a moment to speak to each of you about something that affects all of us. This is directed to all of us ~not to anyone in particular. Our constituents elected us to come here and represent ther, they expect us to represent them in a professional and courteous manner. At our meetings we can certainly disagree with each other on issues and each of you vote your own conscience, But let's do that in a professionel & respectful & polite ‘manner — we don't need any disrespectful conduct or hard language or curse words wards each other. Also, when you contact a fellow juror either by telephone or email or text message ~ please be professional & respectful to each other and don't use disrespectful or harsh language or curse words with each other. Let's all work together ~ even when we disagree ~ and serve the citizens of Rapides Parish in a manner that they expect fiom us. We are God’s people and le’s conduct ourselves, Tike that There being no further business, motion by Mr, Sean McGlathlin, seconded by Mr. Craig Smith the meeting was adjoumed at 3:41 p.m. ‘Theresa Pacholik, Secretan/Treasurer_ Joseph “Joe” Bishop, President Rapides Parish Police Jury Rapides Parish Police Jury 4 eaaes GOLD WEEMS Ss cannes" Sacre en: cate aga Saas fA Frttiona Lew Corporation Soha 2001 Hasse Dive Sener eet oe Bx er i8 Be See: esr Loisene 2073118 Fee an enna To IO) MESGT Poe (G18) HERAT See ae Tol ee (0) m2 8269 Bare cc enusee FUME Ue US Bat este) Wirvran's Halts i March 27, 2024 Me, be peott sai debcinn Drive, Algggadria, LA 71303 RE: Rapides Raish Police Jury Braiden! and Chiet Executive fhe Jur Scott, Civil Suit No. 279492-C, ‘a JDC, Rapides Parish, oe of ee Via Email: Dear Mr. Scott: Please be advised this law firm represents Joseph "Jos" Bishop in the above captioned litigation matter. We are submitting herewith a daie-stemped copy of the Petition for Permanent Injunction filed today with the Clerk of Court for Rapides Parish, Civil Suit Department ‘Dn behalf of Mr. Bishop, we wish to make clear that you, a3 an elected member of the Rapides Parish Police jury (the “Police Jury”), may continue working on any official Police Jury business undertaken on behalf 4 gonstituents. Police Jury employees and staff stand ready assist you in the performance of your official duis) * However, considering all circumstances of the pending litigation matter, and in order to protect you, as well as Police Jury employees from possible aggravation of the situation, it is formally requested by Mr. Bishop in his capacity as Police Jury President and Chief Executive Officer, that you nol appeer in-person at the Police Jury Administration Offices or the Workforce Development Offices for the duration of the above captioned litigation Itis further requested thet you instead conduct official Polive Jury business with the referenced offices via email and/or by telephone, being vertain to address Parish employees in a polite and professional manner. The ‘i I Seot Page 2 Further, do not have any contact whatsoever with the Director of the Rapides Parish Workforce Operations Department. n, please be assured Polige Jury employees and staff will continue to assist you in performing your utles as a Police Juror. Very truly yours, GOLD, WEEMS, BRUSER, SUES & RUNDELL By: Steven M, Oxenhandler Michael J. O'Shee Joshua J. Dara, Jr. ce: Mr. Joseph Bishop

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