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Conditionals Betting

Sentence or Bet
(Max €20)
1. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a new
2. Should you have any questions please got in
touch with me.
3. Were I richer I would invest in the stock market.
4. If I were smarter I would have passed that
5. Had I spoken to her I would have informed you.
6. You will go to the beach if it is sunny tomorrow?
7. Had I woke up earlier I would have attended the
8. If I was you I wouldn’t say that to her.
9. If you should see her, please tell her to come to
the office this afternoon.
10. Was he taller, he would be better at basketball.
11. If he had not broken that vase he wouldn’t have
to pay for it now.
12. If I had superpowers I’d rule the world!
13. If you lived in France you could learn French
very easily.
14. Should you have any questions further please
do not hesitate to contact me.
15. Had I studied more in school, would I have a
better job now.

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