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Created by Kamil Zwolski, PhD.


Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679):

English philosopher, scientist,
Best known for his political
philosophy as expressed in his
famous book Leviathan from 1651

British Library on Book cover:

• A crowned giant emerges from
the landscape, clutching a sword
(a symbol of earthly power) and a
crosier (a symbol of Church
• The torso and arms of this
colossus are composed of over
300 humans, showing how the
people are represented by their
contracted leader, who draws his
strength from their collective
• Underneath is a quote from the
Bible: 'Non est potestas Super
Terram quae Comparetur ei'
('There is no power on earth to
be compared with him’);
• This links the figure to the biblical
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
monster, mentioned in Book of
Job, that Hobbes’ book is named

Created by Kamil Zwolski, PhD.

Leviathan: “In such condition [state of nature],

State of there is no place for Industry; (…) no
nature Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor
use of the commodities that may be
imported by Sea; no commodious
Building; no Instruments of moving, and
removing such things as require much
force; no Knowledge of the face of the
Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no
Letters; no Society; and which is worst
of all, continuall feare, and danger of
violent death; And the life of man,
solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and

Leviathan: “[E]very man, ought to endeavour

The Peace, as farre as he has hope of
Fundamen obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain
tal Law of it, that he may seek, and use, all helps,
Nature and advantages of Warre. “
In other words: “"To seek Peace, and
follow it."

Leviathan: “That a man be willing, when others are

The so too, (…) to (…) be contented with
Second so much liberty against other men, as he
Law Of would allow other men against himselfe.
Most basically: I promise not to kill you
if you promise not to kill me.

Created by Kamil Zwolski, PhD.

Leviathan: “The finall Cause (…) of men (…) in

Role of the introduction of that restraint upon
the themselves (…) is the foresight (…) of
Sovereign getting themselves out from that
miserable condition of Warre,
which is necessarily consequent (…) to
the naturall Passions of men, when there
is no visible Power to keep them in
awe, and tye them by feare of
punishment to the performance of
their Covenants, and observation of
these Lawes of Nature”

What does it all mean?

Humans, when In state of The only way
The Hobbes’
they are nature, the to overcome
imagined ‘state
completely only way to this misery is
of nature’ is a
free, prefer to feel secure is for people to
state of
pursue their to accumulate make contract
anarchy, where
passions enough power and vest all
everyone is
without that no other power in a
out for
regard for power can sovereign to
others pose danger control it

Hobbes and Realism

Hobbes’ was mainly concerned with the state of nature
within states, between citizens.

However, he did likened the state of nature between

citizens to the situation between states. And this
comparison is his main contribution to Realism.

“Cities and Kingdomes which are but greater Families (for their own
security) enlarge their Dominions, upon all pretences of danger, and fear
of Invasion (…) endeavour as much as they can, to subdue, or weaken
their neighbours, by open force, and secret arts”

Created by Kamil Zwolski, PhD.

Hobbes “But though there had never been any time,

and wherein particular men were in a condition of
Realism warre one against another; yet in all times,
Kings, and persons of Soveraigne authority,
because of their Independency, are in
continuall jealousies, and in the state and
posture of Gladiators; having their weapons
pointing, and their eyes fixed on one
another; that is, their Forts, Garrisons, and
Guns upon the Frontiers of their Kingdomes;
and continuall Spyes upon their neighbours;
which is a posture of War.”


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