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Extend the Lifecycle Innovation Camp

Dear Students,

Welcome to the International "Extend the Lifecycle Innovation Camp" supported by Bernhard Schulte
Shipmanagement (BSM). We are extremely happy to welcome you at our online event from November 16-23. To
help you prepare for the event, we have put together this very short information document. You will work together
in teams of 6 members, 3 students from Europe and 3 students from the Asia-Pacific region, to come up with an
innovative solution to a given challenge. When working together in a team, it is very important that everybody finds
their place and knows what their role is, so that the team can function perfectly. We would therefore like to give you
some guidance on how to distribute the roles within your team. Just read your way through the next pages to get
an idea and when you meet your teammates for the first time, discuss who would want to take which role. If you
have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
And last, but not least, here are also some more general tips on how to work in an international team with students
from another continent:
1. We highly encourage you to get in touch with your teammates before the Innovation Camp (we will introduce you to
each other via email) to get to know each other. Set up a WhatsApp group, group chat on Facebook or similar if you like
2. Be aware of the different time zones you are in. When it's morning in Europe, it's afternoon in Asia-Pacific, so be patient
with your team mates when you don't receive an answer immediately

We hope you are already looking forward to the Innovation Camp as much as we do.
See you soon,
The JA Europe Organising Team

Team Building
Extend the Lifecycle Innovation Camp
HR Manager Finance Manager Technology Manager
1 Keep the track of tasks and goals
1 Responsible for financial 1 Research on tools available and
of the team.
resources needed. on competitors in the market.
2 Promote inclusion in the
workplace. 2 Share knowledge with the other
2 Market research
3 Create a good team experience team members
by motivating team members and
3 Estimate income and cost 3 Validate the technology aspect
ensuring the workload remains
structure of the solution of the solution

Marketing Manager Sustainability Manager Project Manager

1 Responsible for all market 1 Be aware of the impact of the 1 Manage the team and the
assets, from brand to the final maritime industry and how to overall work
version of the solution mitigate it
2 Inspire the team and support its
2 Stakeholder management 2 Share findings with the team
members where needed

3 Business specialist who ensures 3 Make sure the solution really is 3 Officially represent the team
the solution meets consumer sustainable and creates value for
needs the customer

Roles within the Team

Extend the Lifecycle Innovation Camp

Empathy HR
Team Work Manager
Technology Criativity
Manager Adaptability

Marketing TEAM Leader

Negotiator Manager Project
Critical Thinking Cross-Functional
Problem-Solving Manager Multy-tasking
Focus on the Team

Proactivity Financial
Planning Skills
Objectivity Sustainability Resilience
Manager Thematic expert knowledge

The above listed qualities linked to specific roles apply for all the roles within the team, but are most important for the ones mentioned

Team Building

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