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Camarillo 1

Mia Camarillo

Oscar Martinez

English 1302

25 March 2024

Social media platforms have become integrated into people’s lives without having an

awareness of the issues they bring into a person's life. Users on these popular platforms have

been the cause of many psychological issues others have experienced due to cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a common form of bullying many people experience once in their lives, and is a

major problem that causes mental issues, self-harm, and self-esteem issues. Cyberbullying is also

a significant reason for many suicides. Rates of cyberbullying have remained frequent because

there are little to no punishments or restrictions towards the offenders. The federal government

should maintain a greater focus on cyberbullying and the issues it causes in people by

implementing greater penalties. Cyberbullying is a serious problem that is constantly

experienced causing psychological issues and the development of trauma. For the greater

protection and safety of citizens, the federal government should crack down harder on

cyberbullying and increase the severity of the punishments given to offenders.

Unfortunately, cyberbullying is a grey area that is often forgotten about until the physical

problems it causes are shown. For example, author T Xiangyu mentions that people who have

experienced racial discrimination through social media have a likely chance of developing

mental issues. The result for the victims that experience this type of cyberbullying is indulging in

substance abuse, “dealing with racism through social media caused stress, anxiety, depression,

and substance abuse”. People lack that support system when it comes to cyberbullying which
Camarillo 2

makes them believe a better alternative to cope is becoming dependent on substances. Similarly,

author Omer Jaafar states that experiencing cyberbullying is a leading cause of the praise of

substances for the feeling of escapism. “Cyberbullying affects a person's mental health as it also

affects their self-esteem and confidence and can also be a factor in becoming dependent on drugs

or alcohol” (Jaafar). Jaafar can acknowledge that cyberbullying affects a person psychologically,

and physically through the consumption of drugs.

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