Name Alissa King Movement Lesson 317

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Name:Alissa King Lesson Title: Freeze dance

Date: 3/12 Grade Level: Toddler Circle one:

Domain- physical development and wellness

1.d. Uses senses to guide movement and interactions with objects and other people

Indicator- demonstrates spatial awareness that allows for coordinated movements, actions,
and interactions with others.


Domain- Social and emotional development

2.a. Begins to manage emotions and actions.

Indicator- uses senses to regulate reactions and focus.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge:

Observe students free play and how they interact with objects and each other responding to
verbal and auditory cues

Instructional Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Objectives (1-2)
One/Two Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you Academic Language:
Instructional collect or record as data to
Objective(s): The demonstrate students have met your
student will be able to... objective(s) and skill?) - Rhythm
- Freeze
- The - Observation checklist – - Beat
students will be how often are students able to - Intervals
able to move control their dance moves and
their body freeze responding to music,
responding to Are students bumping into
music. each other, are they staying in
- The their designated areas using
students will be safe movements. Procedural steps:
able to freeze
their body in - First I will explain to
response to students what the concept of
music stopping. freeze dance is
Program Monitoring: (How will you - I will tell students that they
aggregate or compile your evidence will be dancing with the music
into a class or group view?) until the music stops, that the
intervals of music and when it
One Assessed - Use checklist to observe stops is not going to be the
Developmental Skill: individual response and same amount of time started
growth. and stopped that students
- Use observation to see need to be listing and acting
- Spatial whole class participation as accordingly.
awareness and well as checklist to determine - Fist I will have students get
coordination group of students or out of their seat and find a spot
individuals who are having a in the room where they are
harder time by the end of our arm distance away (not
dancing. touching anyone if they spread
Safety their arm width out)
Considerations: - Then I will tell students to
- Students dance until I verbally say stop,
have enough this will act as a practice for
room to move Differentiation: when music is involved, that
and express me saying stop models what
themselves - Moving other parts of they should do when the music
- Students body, eyes, lips, tongue, stops
are in correct fingers, head, body - Starting off student will be
dress to move - Visual on screen saying played a normal speed song
around dance or stop (Happy by Pharrell Williams)
- Students the song will stop periodically
are aware of and students will be expected
surroundings to freeze, this will go on for the
and do not hit whole song
or kick others
- Next I will speed the song
up so it is faster, which will
change their reaction time
- Finally after our fast song
is played we will slow the
music calming them down,
they will be expected to base
their movements on speed of
the song. Fast dance
movements to fast music and
slower movements for slower

Authentic Materials: (Describe

authentic real-life, hands-on materials.)
- Source of music
- Space for them to move
- Just them!

Adult Roles:
- I will model what
expectations are during the
practice round, telling them
when to stop
- Facilitating the lesson by
providing instruction and
monitoring safe movements

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

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