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Mia Camarillo

Oscar Martinez

English 1302

25 March 2024

The Overlooked Bullying

Social media platforms have been the cause of significant deterioration in the mental

health of society members. Users on these popular platforms have been suffering from many

psychological issues and physical issues due to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a form of

bullying many people experience once in their lives and is a major problem that results in mental

issues, self-harm, drug use, and suicide. Cyberbullying is also a major reason for many suicides.

Rates of cyberbullying have remained frequent because there are little to no punishments or

restrictions towards the offenders. Cyberbullying lacks focus and awareness from others because

it is mainly seen as a simple joke to people until it begins to become severe with the factors it

presents. Cyberbullying is an issue that causes psychological issues like becoming dependent on

substances and influencing the behavior of suicide; therefore, the government should maintain a

greater focus on cyberbullying and introduce greater punishments for offenders.

Substance Abuse

Unfortunately, cyber-attacks are often overlooked by government officials until severe

consequences begin to arise. For example, in the article “Exposure to Social Media Racial

Discrimination and Mental Health Among Adolescents of Color” by Tao Xiangyu et. al,

mentions that people who have experienced racial discrimination through social media have a
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likely chance of developing mental issues (1). The result of developing mental issues for the

reason of cyberbullying is indulgence in drug use, “dealing with racism through social media

caused stress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse” (2). People lack that support system

when it comes to cyberbullying; therefore, makes the victims believe a better alternative to cope

is becoming dependent on substances. Similarly, the article “Social Media Psychology and

Mental Health- Middle East Current Psychiatry” by Jaafar Ahmed et. al states that experiencing

cyberbullying is a leading cause of the praise of substances for the feeling of escapism.

“Cyberbullying affects a person's mental health as it also affects their self-esteem and confidence

and can also be a factor in becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol” (21). Jaafar acknowledges

that experiencing cyberbullying affects a person mentally, and physically through the

consumption of drugs as a coping mechanism. Drug indulgence is commonly used for the sake of

coping, victims who become dependent on drugs due to cyberbullying cause a higher damage to

themselves along with the factor of cyberbullying. The studies can show how cyberbullying

deteriorates a person’s mental health and physical state. They also provide reasons why this

specific area of cyberbullying should stop being so overlooked. The dependency on drug use due

to cyberbullying adds a greater issue for attacked individuals. For this sole purpose, government

officials should maintain a focus on cyberbullying and introduce harsher punishments on


Cyberbullying can be dealt with in many different solutions, others are more effective

causing lower rates while others just provide a sense of awareness towards the issue. In the

article “Responding to Cyberbullying: The Case for Family Conferencing” by Colette Langos et.

al a harmless solution is determined that can serve both the victim and offender. Langos

describes that conferences between the offender and victim can be beneficial in receiving
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closure, laying out the reasoning for the behavior, apologies, and forgiveness (316). The author

states that these conferences can establish security within the relationship between victim and

offender and can provide a sense of security after closure is established. Langos greatly favors

less punishable solutions for offenders that provide communication. Relationship problem that

leads to crime is likely to require a relationship solution, rather than criminal punishment (328).

The solution presented may be effective to an extent if the victim and offender are willing to

participate and acknowledge both sides of the story. Not everyone has the best intentions at heart

to apologize and forgive for the serious harm caused. Moreover, in the article “Awareness,

Perception and Perpetration of Cyberbullying by High School Students and Undergraduates in

Thailand” by Salinee Thumronglaohapun indicates a proper solution for cyberbullying is to

spread awareness of the issue and teach children how to formally use the internet. Salinee

mentions that the spread of awareness of this social problem will provide people with a feeling of

empathy and sympathy which will prevent the actions of bullying on the internet (8). Spreading

awareness of cyberbullying can help young adults be more respectful of others on social media

leaving the chances of cyberbullying minimum. Maintaining a formal and respectful character in

social media can aid all users in the sense that attacks are not being presented, lessening

psychological issues and insecurities. This information is proven by a study conducted by

scholars measuring how being respectful on social media platforms creates a safe place for

everyone. The solution presented, although proven is too good to be true because as previously

stated not every person has righteous intentions when engaging in social media platforms. Many

people act and behave due to personal issues or mental battles being faced. It is never guaranteed

that a conference between perpetrator and victim, and the spread of awareness will decrease the
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issue of cyberbullying. Neither a lower rate of drug use nor suicide tendencies developed due to


Self-Harm and Suicide

Suicide rates have increased drastically over time due to the experience of cyberbullying

and the influence it has on the affected victims; nonetheless, increasing punishments for

offenders can aid in the decrease of these numbers. According to the article “Self-Harm, Suicidal

Behaviours, and Cyberbullying in Children and Young People: Systematic People” by John Ann,

adolescents who have experienced attacks on social media platforms are at a higher risk of

indulging in self-harm and developing suicidal thoughts. The claim made by John Ann is proven

by studied articles that present suicide ideation and self-harm behavior among cyber-attack

victims. Self-harm is a major issue that is seen among young adults who have experienced

cyberbullying, cyber victimization is a risk factor for SH and suicidal behaviors (62).

Cyberbullying victims turn to self-harm and even suicide for escapism or a sense of relief from

the trauma being experienced. Alike to the previous article, in the study “ Associations Between

Chinese Adolescents Subjected to Traditional and Cyberbullying and Suicidal Ideation, Self-

harm and Suicide Attempts” by author Zhekuan Peng mentions that victims of cyberbullying are

more prone to develop mental issues and suicidal thoughts or self-harm behavior. Studies prove

that self-harm behavior is a factor in cyberbullying and psychological problems (30). According

to Peng cyberbullying causes feelings of distress and depression within victims reason why most

have suicidal tendencies (32). These feelings of distress are a factor that leads to self-harm and

suicide tendencies as a way of coping for many victims. Cyber and combined bullying

victimization was associated with suicide ideation, self-harm, and suicide attempts (4). Although
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self-harm is seen as a coping mechanism for the victims, it is only causing more problems aside

from the bullying. Suicide tendencies are often developed by the lack of support or the lack of

acknowledgment regarding the issue. Since the issue of cyberbullying causes a high increase in

suicide rates and the behavior of self-harm, it is in favor of passing greater penalties for offenders

who attack individuals as well as for the government to stop overlooking the issue of

cyberbullying. The consideration of these solutions can benefit the victims by providing a

support system and establishing security within them.

In conclusion, cyberbullying is a social issue that must have its punishments increased

because it causes problems within victims such as suicidal tendencies and dependency on drug

use. Cyberbullying influences adolescents to engage in self-harm behavior eventually leading up

to suicide. Although, many solutions can be presented to help cyberbullying not all are effective

in lowering the rates. Solutions like conferencing and spreading awareness are effective to an

extent until a person is uncooperative. Therefore, government officials should maintain a greater

focus on the social problems that are cyberbullying and introduce higher punishments for those

who are considered offenders. The government’s priority must always be the health and safety of

the people, these solutions can have positive impacts on a person who has dealt with the

experience of cyberbullying.
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Works Cited

Ahmed, Jaafar Omer. “Social Media Psychology and Mental Health- Middle East Current

Psychiatry”. SpringerOpen, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 20 Nov. 2023.

John, Ann, et al. “Self-Harm, Suicidal Behaviours, and Cyberbullying in Children and Young

People: Systematic Review.” Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 20, no. 4, Apr.

2018, p. 1. EBSCOhost,

Langos, Colette, and Rick Sarre. “Responding to Cyberbullying: The Case for Family

Conferencing.” Deakin Law Review, vol. 20, no. 2, July 2015, pp. 299–319. EBSCOhost,

Peng, Zhekuan, et al. “Associations between Chinese Adolescents Subjected to Traditional and

Cyber Bullying and Suicidal Ideation, Self-Harm and Suicide Attempts.” BMC

Psychiatry, vol. 19, no. 1, Oct. 2019, pp. 1–8. EBSCOhost,

Xiangyu, T., & Fisher, C.B. (2020). “Exposure to Social Media Racial Discrimination and

Mental Health Among Adolescents of Color.” Journal of Youtth and Adolescence, 51(1),

30-44 doi:

Thumronglaohapun, Salinee, et al. “Awareness, Perception and Perpetration of Cyberbullying by

High School Students and Undergraduates in Thailand.” PLoS ONE, vol. 17, no. 4, Apr.

2022, pp. 1–20. EBSCOhost,

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