GW Level B (Intro Par Parag ST Titles)

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Introductory paragraphs

Introductory paragraphs


Introductory paragraphs

Introductory paragraphs-skip


Paragraph 글
∙ Title
∙ Topic S
∙ Supporting Ss
∙ Concluding S

What is a Paragraph? Activity 4. p. 30

paragraph 단락의 특징
• A paragraph is a group • 1. Indent
of sentences about one • 2. One main idea(주제)
specific topic. • 3. Topic Sentence(화제문
• A paragraph has three /주제문)
main parts: • 4. Body: 내용
• the topic sentence, • Supporting sentences
• the body, (지지문)
• the concluding sentence. • 5. Concluding sentence
• (결론문)


What is a Paragraph? p. 223

Textbook Act. 6-8.

What is a Paragraph? Activity1. p. 30

A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic or idea. It has four
main parts: -an indented (moved in) first line
-A topic sentence that gives the main idea,
-a body of (supporting) ss all about the main idea,
-a concluding sentence.

Q1. Find key words. What words are used Q1. 9.

repeatedly? What is the topic? Q2. best place, relax, back
Q2. Find the topic sentence and concluding porch,
Q3. 1st and last S
Q3. Does the title include keywords? Is it short? Q4. Yes (T, B, P, R-첫글자,
Capital letters? content words) Next slide.
교재문제 답하기: no 2, 3


Activity2. Editing titles p. 33

The Title of a Paragraph p. 42

Rules to Write a Good Title

Info. in the Title • Rule #1: A good title is usually short.
Sometimes one word. ex.Titanic, Help
A title gives • Rule #2: not a complete sentence.
the reader • ex. Staying Healthy, A World Traveler, a
nd An Old Family Photo.
information about
• Rule #3: catches a reader’s interest.
what is in a book, • about the main topic, but not about
magazine, song, everything in the paragraph. ex. A Lon
movie, or paragra g Flight, An Important Invention, My Fi
ph. rst Car
• Rule #4: Always capitalize the first lett
er of the first word and of the importa
nt words in the title. (content words)
• Rule #5: No period at the end.


Activity2. Editing titles p. 33

An Influential Inventor

A Handbook for International Students in Canada

Three Types of Transportation

A New Technology

How to Become an Engineer at NASA

The Ten Best Movies of All Time
The Best Day of My Life

My First Car

An Unusual Animal

The First Female Astronaut

Go to textbook Act 4-6

Activity 5. The Title of a Paragraph p. 43

A c t i v i t y Working with titles
5 of these titles breaks at least one of the rules listed on page 42. Rewrite each
one correctly. Be prepared to share your answers with your classmates and
explain which rule (or rules) the incorrect title breaks.
Rap Music around the World 4. Capitalization error
2. A Handbook For International Students In Canada
A Handbook for International Students 1. long, 4. Capitalization error
3. Great Jobs for Teenagers.
Great Jobs for Teenagers 5. No period

4. My Paragraph 3. No Interest for readers, vague

5. How to Upload Your Family Vacation Photos to the Internet
How to Upload Your Photos 1 Not short, 3. not everything
6. Buying A New Car Is Easy 2. No complete S, 4. cap error
Buying a New Car 2. 4. Capitalization error
7. The ten Best Movies of All Time
The Ten Best Movies of All Time 4. Capitalization error
8. Today Was the Best day of My Life 2. No complete S 4. Cap error
The Best Day of My Life


Parts of a Paragraph: The Topic Sentence p.45

Topic Sentence
Every good paragraph has a topic sentence.
The topic sentence is one sentence that tells the main idea
of the whole paragraph.
The topic sentence:
▪ is usually the first sentence in the paragraph
▪ should not be too specific or too general
▪ must describe the information in all the sentences
of the paragraph
If a paragraph does not have a topic sentence, the reader may be
confused because the ideas will not be organized clearly.
Make sure every paragraph has a topic sentence!

Parts of a Paragraph: The Topic Sentence p.45

Topic Sentence
Every good paragraph has a topic sentence.
The topic sentence is one sentence that tells the main idea
of the whole paragraph.
The Parts of a Topic Sentence –skip!
The topic sentence:
usually the first
sentence sentence
has two parts: in the paragraph
▪-a should not the
topic-what be paragraph
too specific or tooand
is about, general
▪-a must describe
controlling the information
idea-what ingoing
the writer is all the
to sentences
focus on in the paragraph.
of the paragraph
If a paragraph/ Controlling
Topic idea a topic sentence, the reader may be
does not have
David Freeman
confused is a good
because father.will not be organized clearly.
the ideas
Scuba diving requires careful preparation.
Make sure every paragraph has a topic sentence!
You must prepare carefully before going scuba diving.


Parts of a Paragraph: The Body:

Supporting Sentences p.37 (v1.53)

• Every good paragraph must have sentences that support the

topic sentence. These supporting sentences are called the body
of a paragraph.

• The supporting sentences:

• give more information about the topic, such as details, examples,
or reasons (support)
• must be related to the topic sentence
• should not include ideas that are unrelated or unconnected to
• the topic

• A good body can make your paragraph stronger, so make sure

EVERY sentence in your body is related to the topic sentence.
• One mistake that many writers make is writing sentences
that are not related to the topic sentence. Be sure to cut out
any unrelated or unconnected ideas.

Parts of a Paragraph: The Concluding S. p.48

In addition to a topic sentence and body, a good paragraph has

a concluding sentence. The concluding sentence:
•ends the paragraph with a final thought.
•often expresses the same idea as the topic sentence using
different words (or a summary of the information)
•can be a suggestion, opinion, or prediction
•does not give any new information about the topic
Look at the topic sentences and concluding sentences from a
few paragraphs in this unit.


Sample 1
What is a Paragraph? Activity1. p. 30
A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic or idea. It has four
main parts: -an indented (moved in) first line
-A topic sentence that gives the main idea,
-a body of (supporting) ss all about the main idea,
-a concluding sentence.

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