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Name: Zapanta, Kurt Laurence A.

Year & Section: ARCH31SB3 - ARSC 313


"Transcending Limits: Embracing Limitless Perspective."

“Architectural Design 10 On-site Defense.”

My friends and I significantly engaged ourselves in the stimulating

environment of capstone defenses and award ceremonies in the previous
weeks, gaining great insights that are somehow relevant to our next projects
and theses. This personal experience has helped me gain an in-depth
understanding of exceptional project presentation and proposal tactics in front
of different panels.

As we moved on to the Design 10 Thesis exhibit, my friends and I went

on a thorough walk in on the venue, investing hours to absorb even more
information. Each featured project took a unique approach to building design
and functionality. We asked several questions about the projects of the
proponents, who were quite approachable and friendly. Their willingness to
share ideas, along with advice on panelists' question patterns and project
focal points, were extremely valuable, enhancing our preparation for future
capstone projects.

The awarding ceremony, which concluded the series of events, left an

everlasting impression. The very first speaker provided vital insights on
negotiating the complexities of the architecture experience, as well as
practical advice on overcoming the problems experienced over the years.
Afterwards, the start of the awarding ceremony, when graduating students led
the the stage with their families and friends, makes me to express my
warmest congratulations to each and every one of them. Their triumph over
the challenges of the architecture program's many year levels is very inspiring.
Although I can't guarantee myself that I'll be here eventually where they were,
I still hope I can fulfill most of these duties and graduate from this course
someday with my diploma—a dream and desire that leads my academic

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