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# Universal Declaration for the Rights of Smokers

### Preamble
**Acknowledgment of Context**: Recognize the cultural, medicinal, and recreational
use of various plants and substances across societies, while noting the need for
balanced regulation that respects individual freedoms and promotes public health.

### Key Articles

1. **Right to Personal Autonomy**:

- Every individual has the right to make decisions regarding the personal
consumption of legal smoking materials without undue interference, provided these
actions do not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others.

2. **Right to Informed Choice**:

- Individuals have the right to access clear, accurate, and comprehensive
information about the substances they choose to consume, including potential health
risks and benefits.

3. **Right to Privacy**:
- The privacy of individuals who legally consume smoking materials shall be
respected and protected in both public and private spaces, within the bounds of
public health guidelines.

4. **Right to Health and Harm Reduction**:

- Smokers have the right to access health services that provide treatment and
prevention programs related to smoking-related ailments without facing
- Governments should promote harm reduction approaches, such as providing
safer alternatives and supporting cessation programs.

5. **Right to Protection from Discrimination**:

- No individual shall be discriminated against in employment, education, housing,
and healthcare solely on the basis of their legal use of smoking materials.

6. **Right to Public Spaces**:

- While respecting the right to public health, smokers have the right to designated
smoking areas that do not adversely affect non-smokers.

7. **Right to Cultural Practices**:

- Recognition of the cultural significance of various plants and substances used for
smoking, ensuring these practices can continue within legal and health guidelines.

8. **Right to Participate in Legislation**:

- Smokers have the right to representation in the legislative processes that affect
their rights and duties, including laws related to the cultivation, production, and
consumption of smoking materials.

9. **Duty to Comply with Public Health Regulations**:

- While recognizing individual rights, there is a duty to comply with regulations
designed to protect public health, including restrictions on smoking in public areas
and limits on sales and advertising.

### Conclusion
**Balancing Rights and Responsibilities**: This declaration aims to balance the rights
of individuals who smoke legal substances with the need to maintain public health
standards. It encourages respectful coexistence between smokers and non-smokers
and promotes informed, healthy choices through education and regulation.

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