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1. What are some of the biggest challenges Vietnam faces in preserving its
cultural heritage? (This question asks about the difficulties Vietnam encounters in
protecting its heritage)
The difficulties that Vietnam has encountered in preserving its cultural heritage
are: our people do not have the awareness to protect their heritage or national cultural
identity. And young people also do not have the integration to raise awareness of
heritage protection, do not have the self-awareness to stand up and bring a good image
of their country's cultural heritage to introduce and promote it to many people.
Knowing that is one of the challenges that Vietnam faces
2. What role can tourism play in promoting and potentially endangering
Vietnamese heritage sites? (This question explores the double-edged sword of tourism
on heritage preservation)
Tourism plays an important role in promoting Vietnam's outstanding economic
development, on the other hand, tourism is an important thing that contributes to
increasing the spread of our country's cultural heritage. And it is also divided into two
different ways, if we entertain someone well, it is also a part of helping Vietnamese
people's culture to be enhanced along with that they can bring images of themselves.
Cultural heritage that they know is added to those who do not know and if someone is
not treated well or is racist, it has worsened the national identity.
3. How can younger generations in Vietnam be encouraged to connect with and
appreciate their cultural heritage? (This question delves into strategies for engaging
youth in heritage preservation)
The younger generation needs to be aware of the role and meaning of national
identity. They can start by researching and learning about the history, traditions, and
cultural values of their people.
They also need to practice lifestyle and positive actions such as participating in
cultural and community activities, to preserve and promote the values of national
Finally, it is necessary to criticize actions that erode national identity and condemn
the lack of sensitivity to love for the homeland.
4. What factors should a school leaver consider when choosing between academic
study (university) and vocational training? (This question asks students to think
critically about their options based on their goals and interests)
Choosing to study a profession or go to university should be based on 4 basic
factors including personal capacity, including cultural learning capacity and high-level
brain thinking capacity. The second is hobbies and passions; Third, based on actual
social needs; Fourth is economic and family conditions, and above all, rely on the
knowledge you have acquired to determine your best direction and choose the right
career for yourself.
5. What are the different types of vocational training programs available, and how
do they prepare students for careers? (This question explores the variety of vocational
paths and their benefits)
Two types of vocational training (short-term and long-term) are transformed into
vocational training according to 3 levels of qualifications: vocational college,
vocational secondary school, primary vocational training and regular vocational
One of the advantages of studying a career is that students can choose many different
careers to suit their interests and abilities.
- In addition, vocational school programs also provide students with the necessary
knowledge and skills to be able to work. This gives students the opportunity to learn,
cultivate and apply this knowledge in practice.
-Students graduating from junior high school are exempted from 100% of vocational
training tuition for 2 years. This helps students from disadvantaged backgrounds have
easier access to vocational training
6. How can a school leaver with non-traditional interests or skills find an
educational pathway that suits them? (This question acknowledges that not everyone
follows a conventional path and explores alternative options)
If a new graduate has interests and skills, they will find a suitable educational path.
If they themselves have solid sustainable knowledge along with their abilities in
accordance with the criteria of the profession they have chosen, they themselves must
determine their success goal to move towards For example, if a person has a hobby of
working outside and has good communication skills, they can use their
communication skills to achieve the industry they are aiming for. Along with that, we
ourselves must research and learn to gain more knowledge that we do not yet have or
are not sure of.
7. What are the essential life skills a young person needs to develop to become
independent? (This question focuses on the practical skills needed for living on your
Managing Time, Managing Money, Getting From Here to There, Communicating
With Others, Maintaining Their Environment, Healthcare and Self-Care, Stress
Management, Building Personal Relationships, Setting Healthy Boundaries,
8. What healthy habits and routines young adults can establish to become more
self- sufficient and manage their time effectively? (This question explores the
importance of organization and personal responsibility)
Healthy habits help young people set themselves up to become more self-reliant
and manage their time better. First, you must practice your health in the best way, eat
well, determine your work goals, control your emotions, and have high self-awareness.
Helps you become more in control and clearly divide working time in a day, manage
the set time frame to help yourself be able to manage time more effectively, especially
for individuals. organization
9. (This question acknowledges the importance of maintaining connections even
while striving for independence)

10. How can social media platforms be used to raise awareness about important
social issues, but also be addressed for their potential to spread misinformation and
negativity? (This question explores the double-edged sword of social media in social
The positive side of the media is providing people with timely information about
policies, laws, human rights, civil rights and practices of implementing human rights
and civil rights in economic fields - society.
Negative information diversity sharing news that is not true makes a person
We see that as society changes, everything will change, even the media, whether the
information is true or false, they still post it to get likes or views. Posting bad
information is harmful. to everyone around and harms human psychology
11. What role can education play in promoting social justice and understanding
between different cultures and backgrounds? (This question highlights the power of
education in addressing social issues)
Education plays a vital role in promoting diversity and social justice. It provides
individuals with the knowledge and skills to appreciate differences and work
towards a more inclusive and just society. Education helps to break down barriers
and promotes mutual respect and understanding.

12. What are some of the biggest threats facing ecosystems today, such as climate
change, pollution, and habitat loss? (This question focuses on the challenges
ecosystems face due to human activity)
Some challengs that the ecosystem must endure hunty of rare animals such as
tigers, rhinus elephants,… can lead to the extinetion of many rare animal. Cuttiry
down natural forests for wood, causing loss of habitat for plants and animal, littering
on land and water, polluting the environment, generation of toxic gases from
factories, dirty winter from daily activities every day, breeding rew speacs of
organisms changes the natural ecological balance.
13. What role do humans play within ecosystems, and how can we modify our
behavior to live more sustainably in harmony with nature? (This question emphasizes
human responsibility and potential solutions for a sustainable future)
14. Can technological advancements help us monitor and manage ecosystems more
effectively, and if so, how? (This question explores the potential of technology to aid
in understanding and protecting ecosystems)
The emergence of satellite technology has revolutionized environmental
monitoring, providing an unprecedented panoramic view of our planet's ecosystems.
Applications of this technology in the field Carbon credit verification is especially
Forest carbon credits are an urgent measure to encourage forest protection and
ecosystem balance, and provide opportunities for combining environmental
protection measures with ensuring a balance between development and growth.
economic development and environmental protection. Forests play an important
role in absorbing and storing carbon, maintaining the balance of the ecosys

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