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Test Paper

Time: 30 mins

Total points:

Task 1: Listening comprehension

Listen to the TED-Talk called “The Power of Advertisement” by Sofia Rodriguez-Dantzler and answer
the following multiple-choice questions.

1. What inspired Sofia Rodriguez-Dantzler to become interested in advertising?

A) Her father was a marketer

B) She worked at an advertising agency

C) She noticed how advertisements influenced her behavior

D) She studied advertising in college

2. According to the speaker, what is the goal of advertising?

A) To make people feel good about a product

B) To inform people about a product's features

C) To persuade people to buy a product

D) To compare a product with its competitors

3. What is the speaker's opinion about advertising?

A) She believes that advertising is harmful

B) She believes that advertising is necessary

C) She believes that advertising is unethical

D) She believes that advertising is ineffective

4. What is the "Call to Action" in an advertisement?

A) The phone number that customers can call to place an order

B) The message that encourages customers to take action

C) The product description that appears in the advertisement

D) The slogan that is used to promote the product

5. 1What is the speaker's advice for consumers when it comes to advertising?

A) Ignore advertisements altogether

B) Be skeptical of advertising claims

C) Trust advertising messages

D) Buy products based on brand recognition

Task 2: Listening comprehension

Listen to a radio advertisement and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the product being advertised?

2. What are some of the essential vitamins and minerals included in Vitality?

3. What do satisfied customers have to say about Vitality?

4. How has Vitality made a difference in Customer 2's life?

5. What is the special offer mentioned in the advertisement?

Task 3: Note-taking and Writing

Listen to a short audio and complete the following notes.

- The restaurant is called ____________ and is located at ____________.

- It's open from ____________ to ____________ on weekdays, and from ____________ to

____________ on weekends.

- The restaurant specializes in ____________, which is made with ____________and ____________.

- The ____________ is a must-try dish.

Based on the notes, write a script for a promotional advertisement for the restaurant. Based on these
notes, write a script for a promotional advertisement for the restaurant that includes these details and
any additional information that you think will convince potential customers to visit. Your script should be
at least 150 words.

Good luck!
Marking scheme

I. For listening tasks:

- 1 correct answer is equivalent to 0.6 point

- If the question has 2 possible answers, then each answer is worth 0.3 point.
- The total Listening tasks are worth 6 points

II. For writing task:

Score Descriptors
4.0 - Full realization of the task
- All content points included
- Wide range of grammar structure and vocabulary
- No errors in spelling, punctuation, word choice.
- Reach or exceed word limit
3.5 - Good realization of the task
- All content points included
- Good range of grammar structure and
- Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, word
- Reach at least 90 words
3.0 - Reasonable achievement of the task
- All major content points included, possibly minor
- Adequate range of structure and vocabulary
- Errors in spelling, punctuation, or word choice
which may
cause misunderstanding
- Reach at least 70 words
2.0 – 2.5 - Inadequate attempt at the task
- Some major content points omitted or
inadequately dealt
with, possibly some irrelevance
- Limited range of structure and vocabulary
- Major errors in spelling, punctuation, or word
choice which may cause misunderstanding
- Reach at least 50 words
1.0 – 1.5 - Poor attempt at the task
- Notable content omissions and/or considerable
- Narrow range of structure and vocabulary
- Major errors in spelling, punctuation, or word
choice which may cause misunderstanding
- Reach at least 40 words
0 – 0.5 • No attempt at the task
• Illegible or irrelevant content
• Less than 40 words
Test specification

I. Test context and purpose

1. Students information

The class in which this test is to be used consists of 20 students who are at the B1 level in English
proficiency, and they are all freshmen and sophomores from various universities in Hanoi. These
students have studied English during their school time from primary school to high school, and their
command of English is relatively good. They are able to understand and use a range of everyday English
phrases and expressions related to a variety of topics. They are also capable of using more complex
sentence structures, such as conditionals and reported speech, and can communicate effectively in
English in different situations, although they may still make occasional errors. However, they may still
face some difficulties with more complex vocabulary and grammar structures and may need further
development in their listening and writing skills.

Overall, their English proficiency level is equivalent to level B1 in the Common European Framework of
Reference (CEFR), and their desired outcome would be to improve their overall communicative ability in
English, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. They aim to become more confident and
effective communicators in a variety of real-life situations, both personal and professional, where English
is used as a means of communication.

2. Teaching context

The class takes place in a private language institute called A&U Language Institute based in
Hanoi, Vietnam. In this course there are 24 lessons, each one lasts for 90 minutes. The
students learn 2 lessons each week, which means that the course will occur in approximately
3 months.

The topics covered in this course revolves around basic communication topics, represented in
the form of situations, such as Greetings, Small talks, Shopping, Eating out, etc. The material used in the
course is the global coursebook Language Leader for Intermediate level, however, this coursebook is
slightly changed and adapted in order to better suit the students’ needs and the center’s fixed course

3. Test purpose

This is a progress test, which is designed to assess the listening and writing skills of students after they
have completed the unit on "Advertising" from the coursebook. It has the following aims:

- Measuring students' progress and achievement in the unit.

- Providing feedback for students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and adjust their learning
strategies accordingly.

- Giving teachers insight into areas where students may need additional support or where teaching
techniques may need to be adapted.

- Acting as evidence for the effectiveness of the learning program and identifying areas for improvement.

4. Principles
- Principle 1: Validity - The validity of a test refers to its ability to measure what it is intended to measure.
The use of authentic materials in listening tests, such as the use of a real-world radio advertisement in
Task 3, has been shown to increase the validity of the test (Bachman & Palmer, 2010).

- Principle 2: Reliability - Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of a test's results. One-way to
increase the reliability of a listening test is to use pre-recorded materials, such as the radio
advertisement in Task 3, which ensures that all students hear the same content and reduces the
potential for variability in test administration (Bachman & Palmer, 2010).

- The third principle is practicality, which considers the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the test. This
test is designed to be administered in a classroom setting and is easily scored by the teacher (Brown,
2018). Additionally, the use of a short-answer task type and multiple-choice task type allows for efficient
and timely scoring (Luoma, 2004).

- Finally, the principle of authenticity is also important in this test, as it seeks to assess the students'
ability to use English in real-life situations. The tasks and audio source used in this test are intended to
reflect real-world situations that students may encounter, such as listening to a promotional
advertisement and writing a script for a similar advertisement. Authenticity in language testing has been
widely discussed in the literature (Bachman & Palmer, 2010; Brown, 2018), emphasizing the importance
of using tasks and materials that reflect the language use in the target context.

4. Test constructs and definition

Listening  Understanding spoken English in various accents, speeds, and contexts.

 Comprehending the main ideas, details, and implications of spoken passages.
 Identifying specific information, such as names, places, times, and numbers.
Writing  Writing clear, coherent, and organized sentences and paragraphs.
 Using appropriate grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics.
 Demonstrating an understanding of various text types, such as emails, letters,
and advertisements.

5. Resource plan

Time  Time for planning the test: 1 weeks

 Time for writing the test: 5 days
 Time for reviewing the test: 1 day
 Time for administering the test: 30 minutes.
 Time for scoring the test: 1 day
 Time for organizing and reporting results: 1 day
Space  A classroom in A&U institute to administer the test
 A secure location to store completed tests and answer keys
Materials Paper, pencils, copy machine, laptop, speaker
Personnel - R&D executives to develop the test
- A QC to review the test
- A class manager to administer the test
- Teachers to score the test
- Data analyst to organize and report the results
II. Overall test structure

Skill Task Method Content Number of Time

Listening 1. Listening Multiple- Listening to a 5 Approximately
comprehension choice TED-Talk called 10 mins
"The Power of
Listening 2. Listening Limited Listening to a 5 Approximately
comprehension production radio 5 minutes
task advertisement
Listening + 3. Notetaking Extended Listening to a 1 question Approximately
Writing and Writing production short audio, (150 words) 15 mins
task and then
writing a script
for a

III. Individual test tasks

1. Task 1: Listening comprehension

- Method: Multiple choice (Selected response task type).

- Number of questions: 5

- Time: App 10 mins

- Source: TED-Talk called "The Power of Advertisement" by Sofia Rodriguez-Dantzler, which is a video
lecture that provides insights into the world of advertising.

- Instructions: Listen to the talk and select the best answer to each question.

- Skills to be tested: Listening and comprehension of key points and details from an oral presentation,
ability to identify and analyze implicit and explicit information, ability to make inferences and draw
conclusions from the speaker's statements, and ability to apply critical thinking skills to answer multiple-
choice questions.

2. Task 2: Listening comprehension

- Method: Short-answer questions

- Number of questions: 5

- Time: 5 mins

- Source: A pre-recorded radio advertisement in English about a product called “Vitality”, with clear and
natural pronunciation, and suitable speed and tone for B1 level students.
- Instructions: Students will listen to the advertisement and write their answers in complete sentences
on the answer sheet provided.

- Skills to be tested: identifying specific information, understanding details, and interpreting meaning.

3. Task 3: Note-taking + Writing

- Method: Note-taking + Writing an extended answer

- Number of words: Around 150 words

- Time: 15 mins

- Source: An audio recording of a short promotional message about a restaurant. The audio will be
designed specifically for this test and will not require any specialized knowledge or vocabulary.

- Instructions: Students will listen to the audio recording and use the information provided to write a
script for a promotional advertisement for a restaurant

- Skills to be tested: Ability to listen and take notes effectively; ability to use notes to generate a coherent
and informative piece of writing; ability to organize and structure information in a clear and logical way;
ability to demonstrate creativity and imagination in promotional writing.

I. Choice of language areas and test structure

The choice of listening and writing skills in the test is also based on the background information of the
students and the teaching context. Given that the students are in a language learning context, it is
important to assess their ability to comprehend spoken language as well as to produce written language.
Integrating these two skills in the test provides a more comprehensive picture of the students' language
proficiency. Moreover, by combining listening and writing, students are given a clear purpose for
listening, which can alleviate anxiety during listening tests.

Furthermore, the writing component allows students to express their understanding of the spoken text
in a written format, which is a useful skill for academic and professional purposes. By testing both
listening and writing skills, the test can provide a more accurate representation of the students' language
abilities and better prepare them for real-world language use.

There is evidence to support the integration of listening and writing skills in language tests. For example,
a study by Kim and Elder (2008) found that integrating listening and writing tasks in a language test
produced more valid and reliable results compared to separate tests. Additionally, a study by Buck (2001)
found that combining listening and writing tasks in a language test improved the test-takers' ability to
recall information from the listening component.

II. Choice and design of individual test tasks

1. Task 1: Listen comprehension with multiple-choice questions

Regarding the evidence for the choice of the multiple-choice task type, research suggests that multiple-
choice questions are effective in measuring listening comprehension skills as they require test-takers to
listen carefully to spoken information and make decisions based on the information presented (Wen,
2016). Multiple-choice tasks can also be more efficient and less time-consuming than other task types,
making them more suitable for large-scale language proficiency testing (Alderson et al., 1995). Moreover,
according to the research by Ravi, H. S., & Gunasekaran, S. (2013), multiple-choice questions can reduce
the test anxiety and stress levels among students. The researchers attributed this to the fact that
multiple-choice questions provide a clear structure and limit the number of possible answers, reducing
uncertainty and stress for students.

Furthermore, regarding the choice of the audio source, TED-Talks are an excellent resource for language
learners as they provide authentic, engaging, and challenging listening material that can help students
develop their listening skills (Godwin-Jones, 2014). In addition, TED-Talks cover a range of topics and
speakers, providing students with exposure to different accents, registers, and genres. This can help
students become more comfortable with a variety of listening situations and better prepare them for
real-life communication.

2. Task 2: Listen comprehension with short-answer questions

The reason for choosing the short answer (constructed response) task type is to provide students with an
opportunity to demonstrate their ability to listen for specific information and produce accurate and
grammatically correct responses in writing. According to research by Alderson and Banerjee (2001),
short answer tasks provide a more authentic measure of language ability as they require the integration
of both comprehension and production skills. This task type also allows for greater flexibility and variety
in the types of questions that can be asked, compared to the multiple-choice task type. Furthermore,
this task type allows students to demonstrate their ability to produce language, which is essential in real-
life situations where language production is often required.

The use of a radio advertisement as the audio source for this task is appropriate for several reasons.
Research has shown that radio advertisements are a common form of media in many English-speaking
countries and are likely to be encountered by students in real-life situations (Broughton, Brumfit, Flavell,
Hill, & Pincas, 1978). Furthermore, the language used in advertisements is often clear and concise,
making it easier for students to understand and follow along (Harwood, 2011). The use of a pre-recorded
audio source allows for greater control over the audio quality and ensures that all students are hearing
the same content, which is important for fairness and consistency (Alderson, 2005). Moreover, this audio
will provide students with an example of a promotional advertisement, which will give them clues for the
next writing task.

3. Task 3: Note-taking + Writing

This task is designed to test the students' ability to listen and take notes effectively, as well as their
writing skills and creativity. By providing them with an audio recording and asking them to use the
information to write a script for a promotional advertisement, they are required to apply their listening
and note-taking skills in a practical way. The task also requires them to be creative in order to convince
potential customers to visit the restaurant.

Studies have shown that notetaking can be an effective way to improve listening comprehension and
retention of information (Boyle & Weishaar, 2001). Additionally, writing tasks have been shown to be
effective in promoting language learning and development (Ellis, 2005). Therefore, this task is likely to be
an effective way to assess the students' language skills and provide insight into their ability to apply what
they have learned in a practical context.
Skill by section Time in Weight Number of Item/ Task Resource
order minutes items/ tasks type
Listening 10 30% 5 items Multiple TED-Talk called
comprehension choice "The Power of
by Sofia
Listening 5 30% 5 items Limited A radio
comprehension production advertisement
task about a specific
Note-taking + 15 40% 2 tasks Extended A short
Writing production promotional
task message about
a restaurant

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