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Unit 4 Poziom podstawowy Test A

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Track 04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat programu szkoleń. Na podstawie informacji

zawartych w nagraniu, uzupełnij zdania 1–6 tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego
tekstu. Zdania należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
1 From what Mandy says, it seems that she was not ____________________ going to university.
2 The interviewer asks about the application process in order to ____________________ for other young
3 Mandy ____________________ what work to send with her application.
4 According to Mandy, the NCTJ ____________________ most of the programme and supervises
the participants’ progress.
5 Aside from working at the paper, Mandy also ____________________.
6 From the interview, we learn that young people can ____________________ without going to university.
___ / 6

2 Przeczytaj cztery teksty (A–D) związane z wyborem kierunku studiów. Dopasuj do każdego zdania 1–3
właściwy tekst. Uwaga: jeden tekst nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.

In which text does the writer

1 publicise an event which may be useful to school-leavers? ___
2 point out similar circumstances? ___
3 make an argument for not following a traditional career path? ___
– Having a hard time choosing a course of study at university?
– Afraid you won’t find a job linked to your degree?
Our speakers talk about the most practical degrees, and also share their experience about finding fulfilling
careers that they hadn’t imagined while studying medicine, law, computer science or psychology.
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Hi Delia,
You know I’m about to start my last year of school, and I’m really struggling to decide what to study
at university. My parents want me to choose a degree that will lead to a financially profitable career –
something like management or computer science – but you know I’d rather study something like history
or philosophy, even if it means I will then need a Master’s degree to find a good job.
Anyhow, I’ve recently seen an announcement for a seminar that talks about the most ‘employable’ degrees
and about the unusual career paths that some people have taken, and I thought it might help me decide
what to do. I know you’re struggling with the same issues, so maybe you’d like to go with me?
Let me know what you think.

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Studies show that the most popular Bachelor’s degree courses are healthcare, education and management.
However, a large number of students choose to get a Master’s degree to increase their employment prospects
and competitive edge, especially in business. Those with first degrees in computer science are much less likely
to enrol for a Master’s degree since they are readily employable upon graduation. Those with degrees
in education show the second-highest Master’s degree enrolment because of ongoing certification
requirements rather than personal choice. How many students continue to work in these fields after obtaining
Masters’ is a subject for further study.


This is an answer to Gina’s post about choosing a degree course. Many young people choose to go into
computer science because it will lead directly to a well-paid job. However, I did a Fine Arts degree because I am
passionate about painting and design. Of course, my degree didn’t lead directly to a job, but after considering a
Master’s in education, I realised I could use my talents in other ways. Now I work for a design magazine, and I
also freelance as an interior designer. This is a lot harder than going straight into a stable job, but it’s never
monotonous, and every day is a new adventure.
___ / 4

3 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

My mother, who is a (1) judge / surgeon in a hospital in a poor part of the city, performs operations on several
patients each day. One day, she came home with the (2) inspiring / creative story of a local (3) charity /
employee worker who had come in for a minor procedure. The man said, “I work with a family that is surviving
on extremely low (4) earnings / livings, so they won’t bring their son to hospital for treatment because they are
afraid of the cost. Can I donate my appointment to him?” This was a very unusual request, but my mother
consulted with her (5) colleague / assistant who was a paediatrician, and he agreed to see the boy. In the end,
both patients had their treatment paid for by donations from hospital staff.
___ / 5

4 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 Asking your employer for a pay …
2 Kelly has worked …
3 Being an investment banker is a well-paid job, but you are always under…
4 You need to include a covering …
5 There are far fewer travel …

A in the fashion industry for several years.

B letter with your application.
C rise is a difficult thing to do, but if you feel you deserve more money, you should definitely try.
D agencies ever since travel booking websites became so common.
E pressure to produce high profits for your clients.
___ / 5

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5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
1 He’s going to change his job because it’s b_________-p_________ and he needs to earn more.
2 He has to w_________ s_________ in the factory, which means he works at different times of the day
each week.
3 You have such great q_________ that you will have no trouble finding a good job.
4 Her interest in unusual clothes led her to a career as a f_________ d_________.
5 To be a supervisor, you have to be willing to t_________ r_________ for everyone’s mistakes.
___ / 5

6 Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi 1–5. Wybierz spośród podanych opcji brakującą wypowiedź.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
1 X: Why don’t you try for this position?
Y: But I don’t have the right degree.
X: I’m sure they’ll take your experience ___.
A into consideration
B as an application
C under pressure

2 X: Have you considered going into accounting?

Y: Not really. ___
A It isn’t cut out for me.
B I’m not cut out for it.
C It isn’t the right cut for me.

3 X: How do I decide what sort of qualification to get?

Y: ___ think about what you’re really interested in.
X: That sounds like good advice.
A The best option is
B If I were you, I
C I suggest you

4 X: Are you close to completing that report?

Y: ___ it this afternoon.
A I’ll be finishing
B I’m going finish
C I finish

5 X: There’s a great job available in the PR department.

Y: I’m not sure I’m properly qualified.
X: ___ for it anyway?
A Why not try
B Wouldn’t you try
C Don’t you try
___ / 5

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7 Uzupełnij zdania 1–5. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy
zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeśli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy,
tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery
wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
1 He’s such a good candidate, I think ____________________ (he / probably / get) the job.
2 The board members ____________________ (definitely / meet) in Stockholm next month.
3 I ____________________ (be) late to work tomorrow – I have a doctor’s appointment first thing in the
4 Hurry up! ____________________ (bus / leave) in half an hour, and it’s a long walk to the bus stop!
5 I ____________________ (work / hard) as usual while you are enjoying your holiday.
___ / 5

8 W zadaniach 1–5 spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego
w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę w zdaniu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
1 I’m sure we can do the job faster if we ___ (będziemy pracować w zespole).
A work for a team
B work in a team
C will work in a team

2 Tom and I ___ (weźmiemy odpowiedzialność za) the results of the project, but you will certainly get some
recognition for your help.
A will accept the blame for
B will get the credit for
C will take responsibility for

3 I enjoy ___ (wykonywać pracę fizyczną) like carpentry because it frees up my mind to think about other
A doing hard labour
B doing a handmade job
C doing a manual job

4 I don’t expect to ___ (dostać premii) at the end of the year because the company’s profits were quite low.
A get a bonus
B receive a pay check
C get a tip

5 If we work late this evening, I’m fairly sure we can ___ (dotrzymać terminu).
A reach the finish date
B keep time
C meet the deadline
___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 40

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