A Note For Grown-Ups: What Are Social Stories?

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A Note for Grown-Ups

We at Pyramid Hill want everyone to be able to enjoy the park in a comfortable, fun, and safe
way. In an effort to make the park more accessible for our young visitors on the autism
spectrum, or who otherwise experience anxiety surrounding new situations, we have developed
this series of social stories to help you to plan and navigate your visit.

What Are Social Stories?

Social stories are accessibility tools developed to help children who are on the autism spectrum
or have similar special needs when navigating new experiences. They can cover topics as
simple as brushing your teeth or as complex as visiting a park for the first time. Social stories
use a first-person narrative to walk a child through an experience step-by-step to help prepare
them for that experience by informing them of, among other things:

● social/behavioral expectations,
● potential sensory experiences,
● activities they will do, and
● people they will meet.

Above all, social stories reinforce to a child that they will be safe throughout an experience and
that they have the tools to work through any discomfort they might feel along the way.

How Can I Use Social Stories With My

Social stories are a flexible tool that can be adapted to each individual’s needs, but they are
traditionally read aloud with a child like a storybook.

If your child needs a high level of support, we recommend that you pick out the stories that align
with your planned itinerary, and read them with your child before coming to the park or at the
beginning of your visit.

As you read, have the child repeat back items of importance and ask them questions about the
story. You can then reference back to the stories with your child throughout your visit.

If your child is more independent, you can also give the stories to them to read through by
themselves. Your strategy might also fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes.
Ultimately, we want you to be able to use the social stories in whatever way works best for you
and your child.

Please enjoy your visit!

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