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Dear Parents,

Kindly get the printout of the given holiday home fun and let your ward to do
home fun in these given sheet only.

Dear Children,

Try to do your home fun with neat and tidy handwriting.

Bring your home fun on 22.11.2023(Wednesday)

Class: IV Subject: English

Name: _____________________ Date: ____________________

Q.1. Read the given passage and answer the following questions:

Once upon a time, there lived a woman and her son, Jack, on their small farm in
the country Nepal. Every day, Jack would help his mother with the chores like
chopping wood, weeding the garden and milking the cow. Despite all their hard
work, Jack and his mother were very poor.

‘What shall we do, what shall we do??? Said the woman, one spring day. ‘We do
not have enough money to buy seeds for the farm this year! We must sell our cow,
and with the money we will buy enough seeds to plant a good crop.’

“All right, mother,” said Jack, “It is market day today- Wednesday. I will go into
town and sell the cow.

So Jack walked through the garden gate and headed off towards town. He had not
gone far, when he met a funny looking, old man who said to him ,” Good morning
, Jack.” Jack replied “Good Morning Sir” with surprise wondering how the little
old man knew his name.

Q.1. Who were living in the farm? The farm was in which country?



Q.2. In what way Jack had to help his mother on the farm?

Q.3. What had they decided to sell in order to purchase the seeds?


Q.4. Which day Jack decided to go to the town?


Q.5. Whom did Jack meet on the way to town?


Q.6. Give an appropriate title to the passage given above.


Q.2. Write a paragraph (Any One) on the topics given in 100 words:

1. My favorite fantasy story OR My Proposed Trip OR MY best friend who

makes me happy and feel protected.


Q.3. Fill in the blanks with suitable ‘Relative Pronouns’ (who/whose/that):

1. The musician __________________ performed in last month’s festival visited

our school today.

2. The home fun had an exercise __________________ was very interesting.

3. That is the person ____________ car was stolen yesterday.

4. Sheetal, ___________ lives next door, loves cats.

5. The purse ________________ my mother bought for me is very beautiful.

6. The bike ________________ is park outside the gate is mine.

7. I have a friend ____________________ speaks fluent French.

8. The tiger _________________ was shown in the news yesterday is very famous.

9. Raashi, ____________________ is the Head Girl, has been to Canada.

10. The parcel __________ arrived yesterday was for Sonia.

Q.4. Fill in the blanks using suitable ‘Adjectives of Comparison’:

1. The ___________________ audience, the better. (least/lesser)

2. My friend’s handwriting is _______________ than mine. (worst/worse)

3. The Sun is _________________ from Mars than it is from Earth.


4. Last year was the ____________ time of my life. (best/better)

5. I am __________________ in English than in French. (most interested/ more

interested )

6. Shivani is __________________ beautiful among the three sisters. (most/more)

7. This is the ___________________ cake I have ever baked. (worst/worse)

8. Which is the ______________ dangerous ride in this amusement park. (less /


9. He is the _____________ chef in the town. (best/ better)

10. A holiday by the sea is _______________ the one in the mountains.

(best/better than)

Q.5. Answer the following questions:

Q.1. Where did Hachiko wait for his master? Why did his master not return one
day ?

Q.2. Hachiko became a national figure for what ?

Q.3. A smile is infectious because_____________________


Q.4. According to the poem how far a smile can travel?


Q.5. How did Hachiko became popular?

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Class: V Subject:
I. Fill in the blanks:
1._______________ is an authority or power ruling on behalf of the people of an
2. The fundamental rights and duties of a citizen are explained in the
3. __________ is the large-scale cutting down or destruction of trees.
4. The establishment of __________ is another way to fight against deforestation.
5. Carbon dioxide and ___________ are two of the most important greenhouse
6. ___________ are the group of animals with the highest number of species.
7. The process of moving people, animals and other essential things to safer ground
is known as _______________.
8. A severe storm caused by winds travelling at high speed is known as a
9. Events caused by force of nature that cause destruction of life and property are
10. The environment is made up of both ____________ and ________ factors.
11. The real power in a _______ ultimately lie with the people.
12. Elections in India are conducted by a body called the ___________.
13. India is the ___________ largest country in the world.
14. To the south of India lie the __________ Ocean.
15. The representatives of a democratic government are chosen through a process

II. Write true or false:

1. Laws are framed by the Judiciary.
2. Members of Parliament are part of the executive branch of government.
3. India became a republic on January 26,1950.
4. An evergreen forest stays green throughout the year.
5. Geographical features affect the climate of a region.
6. Climate does not affect the types of food we eat.
7. Sunlight is an example of biotic factor.
8. A food web shows the relationships and the flow of energy between
different species in an environment.
9. All natural disasters can be predicted.
10.The seawater recedes before a tsunami.
III. Choose the correct answer:
1. If a country is ruled by a King or Queen that means it is ___________.
a. Not secular b. not sovereign c. not a
2. If a country is colonized and ruled by leaders in a different country, that
means the first is
a. Not secular b. not sovereign c. not
3. Small trees and shrubs with spines
a. Deciduous forest b. Mangrove forest c. Thorn
4. Trees shed their leaves in some seasons.
a. Deciduous forest b. Thorn forest c. Evergreen
5. Abiotic factor
a. Mushroom b. algae c. soil
6. Biotic factor
a. Sunlight b. mushroom c. air
7. A continuous downpour of rain begins
a. Cyclone b. tsunami c. volcanic
8. Scientists that study the earth and its rocks can say where they are likely to
happen, but not exactly when.
a. Archaeologist b. paleontologist c.
IV. Match the following:
1. Lava use LED bulbs instead of
incandescent bulbs.
2. Tectonic plate
3. Save electricity hot liquid rock that spills out from a
4. Biotic factors all citizens should be treated equally.
5. Winter we are not ruled by any other country.
6. Leeward side one of the gigantic plates of the
Earth’s crust.
7. Sovereign the season that runs from around
December to February.
8. Socialist the side of a mountain that does not
face approaching winds.
V. Write one-word answer:
1. A power or the right to think and act freely.
2. A rule or set of rules of a particular country.
3. The action of planting trees on an area of land to make a forest.
4. The side of the mountain that faces approaching winds.
5. A gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.
6. The living or once-living organisms of the natural environment.
7. Hot liquid rock below the Earth’s surface.
8. A tool for measuring earthquakes.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the signs of a landslide? (Mention at least two signs)
2. How does a drought occur?
3. What is global warming? Write any 3 causes of global warming.
4. List the seasons experienced in India.
5. How do mountains affect the climate of a place?
6. What is a constitution? What are the guiding principles of the Indian
7. What is a preamble?
8. Write any 3 fundamental rights and 3 fundamental duties of an Indian
9. List any three ways in which forests help us.
10.List any three effects of global warming.
11.List one difference between the tasks of the central and State
12.Who are India’s neighbors?
13.Explain the election process in India.
14.Why do you think voting rights are not given to children? Do you think
this is fair? Why or why not?
15.Write at least three activities the government does to maintain good
relations with other countries.
VII. Draw an outline map of Nepal with seven province.
(Please do your home-fun in A-4 sheet paper or
assignment paper)
Class – IV Subject: GK
Name: ………………………………… Roll no……..
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. …………… was the first European to travel to china
2. A …………….. Attracts iron pieces.
3. ……………. pumps blood to different parts of the body.
4. In Nepal, we use …………….. To buy things.
5. ………………… is the largest island.
B. Write True or False
1. A desert is full of sand. ……………………
2. An instrument used to view objects in the sky is called microscope
3Liver takes part in the digestion of food ……………………
4. Greenland is the smallest island ………………………..
5. Nile is the longest river in the world…………………..
C. Answer the following.
1. Which country is known as the gift of river Nile?
2. What is the capital city of Canada?
3. What does a barometer measure?
4. Which important organ is protected by skull?
5. What does oxygen do in our body?
D. Choose the correct answer.
1. Cows are to shed as bees are to

(hive, stable, nest, none of them )

2. Malaria is to mosquito as rabies is to

(snake, dog, rat, none of them )

3. The young one of a bear is called a

(kid, cub, cult, none of them )

4. Frog is to amphibian as lizard is to

(mammal, insect, reptile, none of them )

5. Carnivore is to tiger as omnivore is to

(cow, bear, elephant, none of them )

E. Answer the following one words.

1. What is the process by which plants make their own food called?
2. Which snake has the deadliest poison among all snakes?

3. What is the young one of a bear called? …………………………..

4. Which is the only mammal that can fly? ……………………………..

5. What are plant eating animals called? …………………………………

F. Tick the correct answer.

1. An instrument used to view object in the sky.
(Stethoscopes / microscope / telescope)
2. Which of the following organ controls thought, memory, feelings and
(brain / liver / lungs )
3. In which organ is the food mixed and mashed up?
(kidney / stomach / spleen )
4. The smallest planet is ………………..
(Mars / Mercury / Earth)
5. The scientific study of plants is called ………………….
(geology / botany / zoology )
G. Match the following.
1. Sacred tree of the Hindus Rafflesia
2. Study of plant life Bonsai
3. Japanese art of growing dwarf trees Bamboo
4. The biggest flower Peepal
5. The tallest grass Botany
Class: IV Subject: Mathematics

1. Fill in the blanks .

a. 10 hundreds make one _______
b. In me, I have 5 Hundreds,4 Ones,6 Tens and 88 Thousands. Who am
c. 23,145+30,000= _______
d. 95,645-55,000= _______
e. 239X _______=31,900
f. Sharing a quantity equally among a number of group is _______
2. Write true or False .
a. The answer of division is called Remainder.
b. The place value chart shows two periods-Ones period and thousands period.
c. We use Addition to combine two or more quantities.
d. When all the sides of a polygon are not equal it is called Regular Polygon.
e. A Circle is a closed shape made of Straight lines.
f. Multiplication is just a repeated addition.
g. Division is just a inverse of multiplication.
3. Match the following.
a. 53208 999
b. Greatest 3 digit number 1000
c. Smallest 4 digit number 69329
d. 1000 more than 68329 50000+3000+200+8
e. 7 in hundreds place 80156
f. 80056+100 48723

I. Answer the following Questions

1. If the radius of a circle is 4cm.then write its diameter?
2. How many hours are there in 6 days?
3. What is the face value and place value of 7 in the number 97860.
4. Round off to nearest thousands of the number 63529 and 86749.
5. Add 1 to the number 999 and Write the new number.
6. Form greatest number using the given digits 6,0,3,9,4,0.
7. Subtract the year that you were born from current year.
8. How many lines of Symmetry a regular polygon with 6 sides and 4 sides

9. The height of a mountain is 1289 m, which is around _______ m.(Round

off to nearest hundred)
10.Subtract the sum of 10,560 and 24657 from 96345. The answer will be.
II. Solve the following using Quick tips.
1. 86898+1000=
2. 63308+100=
3. 98759-1000=
4. 73508-100
5. 65569-10
6. 200 × 40=
7. 400 × 8=
8. 99 ÷ 9=
9. 600 ÷ 200=
10.180 ÷ 90=
III. Round each number to get an estimation.

1. 3563+2263=
2. 4357-2253=
3. 289 X 18=
4. 578 ÷ 17=
5. 376 X 86=
IV. Find the product using lattice method.
1. 355 X56=
2. 786 X 48=
V. Write division and multiplication fact for the following
1. 100,25,4
Division fact:
Multiplication fact:
2. 9,63,7
Division fact:
Multiplication fact:
VI. Draw lines of symmetry for these designs

VII. Look at the numbers and identify the place where each number has
been rounded off to.
1. 5673056,700=__________________
2. 92,79993,000=__________________
3. 68,31070,000=__________________
4. 42,87942880=__________________
1) Solve the following.
a. 6363 ÷ 3=__________________
b. 4805 ÷ 31=__________________
c. 23,456 - 12,67=__________________
d. 89,326 - 32,109=__________________
2) Solve the following word problem.

a. A bicycle costs ₹3,536. How much will 28 such bicycles cost?

b. Pavitra bought 7 cartons of orange juice and 4 cartons of litchi juice. Each
carton contains 9 small bottles of juice in it. How many bottles of juice did
she buy in all?
c. A furnishings store has to supply 2,694 cushions to a hotel. If one box can
hold 6 cushions, how many boxes would the store require?
d. A textile shop has 1,347 frocks. They have arranged the frocks in piles of
6.How many piles of frocks will be there in the shop? How many frocks
will be left over?
Class: IV Subject: Computer

I. Choose the correct answer.

a. Which software helps you create and work with text document?

i.) Open Writer ii.) Open Office Writer iii.) Text Writer

b. …………… is a tool that helps you make titles and headings look attractive and

i.) Insert ii.) Font work iii.) Tool

c. Which sign makes the spreadsheet differentiate the formulae from the text?

i.) + ii.) = iii.) /

d. Which sign is used when you need to specify a cells in a function?

i.) ; ii.) = iii.) :

e. Which sign returns the Product after multiplying the values?

i.) - ii.) * iii.) /

II. Fill in the blanks

a. A group of ……… bits is called a byte.

b. Rows and columns meet to form ………..

c. The ………………………….. displays the title of the spreadsheet on which

you are currently working

d. The …………. Key is used to remove the contents of a cell.

e. By default, each OpenOfficeCalc files contains ……………… worksheets.

III. Write its Full form.

a. MB b. PT c. ROM d. CD e. CD RW

IV. Write True or False.

a. Format means to organize. ……….

b. Binary numbers 0’s to 1’s called bits. ……..

c. Rows and columns meet to form Cell. …….

d. A active cell is not identified by its background color…………

e. Function key f2 does not allows you to edit the data in a cell…………

V. Match the following.

B (It displays the shortcut icons used to easily

perform several function )
MB keyboard
Toolbar Monitor
Input device Bold
Output device Megabyte
I. Answer the following question.

a. What are functions of menu bar?

b. What is a bit?

c. What is a byte?

d. What is the function of tool bar?

e. What is machine language?

f. What is a merging of cell?

g. What is CD ROM?

h. What is DVD?

i. What are functions of Insert?

j. What are functions of Title bar?

I. Answer the following question.

a. How to enter data in spreadsheet? (Page 31)

b. How to align the contents of the cell? (Page 32)

1. Draw any two Output devices

दिल्ली पब्ललक स्कूल बी.पी.के.आई.एच.एस.धरान, नेपाल २०२३

कक्षा-४ िशहरे की छुट्दियों के गह

ृ कायय विषय:दहन्िी

नाम______________ दिनाांक _________

१. नीचे दिए गए ररक्त स्थानों को उचचत शलि भर कर पूरा कीब्िएः- १x२३ = २३

1. िचन ैंकार के होते हप्र-------------------------|

2. क्ष ैंयांिन कहते हप्र----------------- ो र र को,|
3. िर्य सबसे छोिी होती हह ---------------------|
4. समाचार ैंप हप्र--------------------- पो भाषा का– |
5. समान अथय बताने िाले शलि को कहते हप्र------------------------|
6. स्िर सांख्या में _____________ होते हह |
7. ैंयांिनों की सांख्या _____________ होती हह |
8. िर्यमाला में ____________ ैंकार के िर्य होते हप्र |
9. आग की गमी उसे | हो रही थी----------------------
10. योग हमारा | विकास करता हह -----------------
11. ैंयायाम | करना चादहए------------------
12. गाड़ियों का आगे | मुब् कल हो गया.--------------------
13. वपतािी के सम्मुख िाने का | न होता था---------------
14. गााँि के लोग मोर के बोलने को | मानते हह _____________
15. नरें द्र | की ग त में गूमें__________________
16. ैंयायाम | करना चादहए_________________
17. मोर हमारे िे श का सबसे | पक्षी हह _______________
18. मेरे वपता ने मुझे यहााँ ठहरने का |दिया हह ___________
19. उनसे सच्चे | से क्षमा याचना कैंांगा______________
20. उिय हुआ प --------------------ूूरब में |
21. डाल पक्षी प ------------------- डाल पर–
22. सारे उपिन रहे हप्र-------------------------|
23. सख
ु ि सह
ु ानी | गड़ियााँ --------------
२. नीचे दिए गए िाक्यों के सामने ( x ) र (  )का चचह्न लगाएाँ | १x१७ = १७

1. ैंयाकरर् भाषा का अशुद्ध ैंयोग ससखाता हह |( )

2. िर्य भाषा की सबसे छोिी ध्िनी हह |( )
3. कमीिें बहुिचन शलि हह |( )
4. भाषा में िर्ों के क्रमबद्ध समूह को िर्यमाला कहते हप्र |( )
5. स्िरों की माोाएाँ बनती हह |( )
6. सूरि पूरब दिशा में उिय होता हह | ( )
7. िहाि का नाम ओररएांि था | ( )
8. गााँधी िी से चोरी का अपराध हुआ | ( )
9. ैंयायाम से शरीर के सभी अांगों में गमी आ िाती हह | ( )
10. कासबबआांका ने अपने वपता की आरा का अनािर ककया | ( )
11. केिल ककसी ैंयब्क्त र िस्तु के ही नाम को सांरा कहते हप्र | ( )
12. भाि को भाििाचक सांरा कहते हप्र | ( )
13. सांरा के चार ैंकार होते हप्र | ( )
14. स्ोी िा त का बोध करने िाले शलि को स्ोीसलांग कहते हप्र | ( )
15. वििष
ु ी पुब्ल्लांग शलि हह | ( )
16. िचन तीन ैंकार के होते हप्र | ( )
17. रोदियााँ एकिचन हह | ( )

३.नीचे दिए गए सांरा शलि के नीचे लाल र सियनाम के नीचे नीला रां ग से रे खाांककत कीब्िए –
२.५ =१०

1.राम र याम िहााँ साथ िा रहे थे |

2.सीता ककससे बात कर रही हह |

3.राहुल उनिोनों के साथ खेल रहा हह |

4. तम
ु बाररश में मत िाओ |

5. मप्र तुम्हारे साथ बािार िा रहा हूाँ |

४. क. नीचे दिए गए िर्ों को समलाकर शलि बनाएाँ -२.५=१०

1.स ्+ऊ+र्+अ+ि ्+अ=_________________

2.क् +इ+त ्+आ+ब ्+अ =________________

3.द् +ई +प ्+अ+क् +अ _______________

4.क् + +न ्+अ = ______________

5.प ्+उ+त ्+र्+ई = _______________

ख. नम्नसलखखत स्िरों की माोाएाँ सलखखए ि एक शलि में ैंयोग कीब्िए –

1.ऐ =___________ ________________

2.ओ =____________ _______________

3.ई = ____________ _______________

4.ऊ =____________ ______________

5.अां =____________ ______________

५.नीचे दिए गए शलिों के िो-िो पयाययिाची ैंप सलखखए -२.५=१०

1.निी = -------------------- ---------------------

2.समुद्र = -------------------- ---------------------

3.मनुष्य = -------------------- ---------------------

ृ = ------------------ --------------------

5.फूल= ------------------ -------------------

६.नीचे दिए गए ैं नों के उत्तर सलखखए-२.१०=२०

क. ैंयाकरर् ककसे कहते हप्र ?

ख. सियनाम ककसे कहते हप्र ?
ग. िर्यमाला ककसे कहते हप्र ?
ग. पयाययिाची शलि र विलोम शलि में अांतर स्पष्ि कीब्िए ?
ङ. िा तिाचक र ैंयब्क्तिाचक में अांतर स्पष्ि कीब्िए ?
च. पक्षी सिेरे का स्िागत कहसे करते हप्र ?
छ. सिेरे की िायु कहसी होती हह ?
ि. बाबा िी स्िस्थ क्यों थे ?
झ. मोर का िीिन का सबसे बिा िःु ख क्या हह ?
ञ. ैंयायाम कब करना चादहए ?

ैं न ७. नीचे दिए गए ैं नों का उत्तर सलखखए - ३.१५ =४५

क. सांरा ककसे कहते हप्र ? यह ककतने ैंकार के होते हप्र?

ख. सलांग ककसे कहते हप्र ? यह ककतने ैंकार के होते हप्र ?
ग. िचन ककसे कहते हप्र ? यह ककतने ैंकार के होते हप्र?
ग. भाषा ककसे कहते हप्र ? यह ककतने ैंकार के होते हप्र?
ङ. िर्य ककसे कहते हप्र ? यह ककतने ैंकार के होते हप्र ?
च. माता िी नरें द्र को बचपन में ककस ैंकार बहलाती थी ?
छ. नरें द्र के वपता कौन थे ? उनका क्या ैंयिसाय था,
ि. माता– वपता से नरें द्र को क्या-क्या समला ?
झ. गााँधी िी से ककस आयु में क्या अपराध,हो गया था ?
ञ. ैंेम का ैंभाि रान से ज्यािा क्यों हह ?
ि. दिल्ली को िल्
ु हन क्यों कहा हह ?

ठ. िषाय आने से चारों ओर कहसा लगता हह ?

ड. मोर का भोिन क्या होता हह ?
ढ. गााँधी िी अपने मन में र पो में क्या ैंर् ककया ?
र्. मोर को सबसे सुांिर पक्षी क्यों कहते हप्र ?

ैं न ७.नीचे दिए गए िाक्यों में मोिे छपे शलिों के िचन बिल कर सलखखए – ४

क.बच्चा पस्
ु तक ले िा रहा हह |

ख.नेता भाषर् िे रहा हह |

ग.राधा के बाल चगर रहा हह |

ग.बुदिया रोिी खा रही हह |

ैं न ८.नीचे दिए गए शीषयकों पर अनुच्छे ि सलखखए -४.५ =२०

क.ईि ख. िशहरा ग.मेरा प्यारी नानी

ख. िािी िी को अपना परीक्षाफल बताते हुए पो सलखखए |

ग.नानी िी को अपनी नई सहे ली के बारे में बताते हुए पो सलखखए |

ैं न ९.नीचे दिए गए विलोम शलि सलखखए – ४.२=८

ु ख.यद्
ु ध ग.सग
ु ांध ग.सज्िन ङ.सेिक च.िभ
ु ायग्य छ.परािय ि.परतांो

ैं न १०.नीचे दिए अपदठत गद्याांश को पूर्य कीब्िए -४.२=८

क. बच्चों के सलए पिना बहुत महत्िपर्

ू य हह प पिाई हमारे िीिन का महत्िपर्
ू य दहस्सा हह प पिाई
के बबना हम आगे नहीां बि सकतेप िब हम पिते हप्र, हमें नई ि ु नयों का आलम खल ु ता हह प पिने
से हमारा दिमाग तेि होता हह र हम समय का सही तरीके से उपयोग करते हप्रप

1. पिने का क्या महत्ि हह ?

2. पिने से क्या होता हह ?

3. पिने के बबना क्या होता?

4. पिने के क्या फायिे होते हप्र?

ख. िब मप्र छोिा था, तो हमारे पास एक छोिी सी गााँि की बगीचा थीप िहााँ पर हमारे पररिार ने
कई ैंकार के पौधों को उगाने का ैंयास ककयाप मेरे िािी-नानी िहााँ के पौधों की िे खभाल करते
थे र हमको उनके साथ काम करना बहुत पसांि थाप हमने िहााँ पेि-पौधों के साथ बबताए गए
समय में बहुत सी यािें बनाईप

बचपन में बगीचे में खेलना अद्वितीय अनुभि थाप हम िहााँ फूलों के साथ खेलते र पक्षक्षयों के
गीत सुनते थेप िहााँ के पेिों पर फल उगाने का मेला हर साल आयोब्ित होता था र हम उसमें
भाग लेते थेप
बगीचे में बबताया गया िक्त मेरे िीिन का सबसे सुांिर समय थाप िहााँ की सुरमई शाां त र
ैंकृ त की सुांिरता ने मेरे दिल को छू सलयाप

1. ककसे बगीचा था?

2. बचपन में िहााँ पर क्या ककया िाता था?

3. क्या िहााँ पेिों पर क्या होता था?

4. उनके बगीचे में बबताए गए समय के बारे में सलखेंप

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